digital watermarking : a tutorial review

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Digital Watermarking : A Tutorial Review

Saraju P. Mohanty�

Dept of Comp Sc and Eng.Unversity of South Florida

Tampa, FL


The growth of high speed computer networks and that of In-ternet, in particular, has explored means of new business,scientific, entertainment, and social opportunities. Ironi-cally, the cause for the growth is also of the apprehension- use of digital formatted data. Digital media offer severaldistinct advantages over analog media, such as high quality,easy editing, high fidelity copying. The ease by which a dig-ital information can be duplicated and distributed has ledto the need for effective copyright protection tools. Varioussoftware products have been recently introduced in attemptto address these growing concerns. It is done by hiddingdata (information) within digital audio, images and videofiles. One way such data hidding is digital signature, copy-right label or digital watermark, that completely charac-terizes the person who applies it and, therefore, marks itas being his intellectual property. Digital Watermarkingis the process that embeds data called a watermark into amultimedia object such that watermark can be detected orextracted later to make an asertion about the object. Water-marking is either ”visible” or ”invisible”. Although visibleand invisible are visual terms watermarking is not limitedto images, it can also be used to protect other types of mul-timedia object. This work is a tutorial review of the digitalwatermarking techniques appreared in the literature.

1 Information Hiding Techniques

In this section, we briefly discuss the historical developmentof steganography / watermarking. We also introduce vari-ous data hiding terminologies used in current literature andattempt have clear distinction of them.

�This report was written in 1999 when the author was at the Indian

Institute of Science, Bangalore

1.1 History of Information Hiding

The idea of communicating secretely is as old as commu-nication itself. The earliest allusion to secret writing in theWest appears in Homer’s Ilaid [9]. Steganographic methodsmade their record debut a few centuries later in several talesby Herodotus, the father of history [10]. Some of them canalso be found in [7, 19, 23]. Kautilya’s Arthasa’stra and Lal-itaVista’ra, and Vatsa’yana’s Ka’masu’tra are few famousexamples of the Indian literature in which secret writting /steganography have been used.

Few other examples of steganography can be found in[7, 19, 23]. An important technique was the use of sym-pathetic inks. Ovid in his ”Art of Love” suggests usingmilk to write invisibly. Later, chemically affected sympa-thetic inks were developed. This was used in World Wars1 and 2. The origin of steganography is biological andphysiological. The term ”steganography” came into use in1500’s after the appearance of Trithemius’ book on the sub-ject ”Steganographia”. A whole other branch of steganog-raphy, ”linguistic steganography”, consists of linguistic orlanguage forms of hidden writing. These are the ”sema-grams” and the ”open code” [16, 19, 23]. A semagram is asecret message that is not in a written form. For example,a system can use long blades of grass in a picture as dashesin Morse code, with short blades for dots. People have alsoused musical notes for letters -but it doesn’t look anything atall like music and it doesn’t sound like music. Open codesuse illuions or code words. In World War 1, for example,German spies used fake orders for cigars to represent vari-ous types of British warships-cruisers and destroyers. Thus5000 cigars needed in Portsmouth meant that five cruiserswere in Portsmouth.

Watermarking technique has eveloved from steganogra-phy. The use of watermarks is almost as old as paper man-ufacturing [32]. Our ancients poured their half-stuff slurryof fiber and water on to mesh molds to collect the fiber,then dispersed the slurry within deckle frames to add shapeand uniformity, and finally applied great pressure to expel


Copyright Marking AnonymityCovert ChannelsSteganography


WatermarkingCopyright Marking RobustTechnical


Semagram Open Code Fingerprinting Watermarking



Information Hiding


Figure 1: Information Hiding Techniques

the water and cohere the fiber. This process hasn’t changedtoo much in 2000 years. One by-product of this process isthe watermark- the technique of impressing into the papera form of image, or text derived from the negative in themold, as the paper fibers are squeezed and dried. Paper Wa-termarks have been in wide use since the late Middle Ages.Their earliest use seems to have been to record the manu-facturer’s trademark on the product so that the authenticitycould be clearly established without degrading the aesthet-ics and utility of the stock. In more recent times, water-marks have been used to certify the composition of paper,including the nature of the fibers used. Today most devel-oped countries also watermark their paper, currencies andpostage stamps to make forgery more difficult.

The digitization of our world has expanded our conceptof watermarking to include immaterial digital impressionsfor use in authenticating ownership claims and protectingproprietary interests. However, in principle digital water-marks are like their paper ancestors. They signify some-thing about the token of a document or file in which they in-herit. Whether the product of paper press or discrete cosinetransformations, watermarks of varying degree of visibilityare added to presentation media as a guarantee of authentic-ity, quality ownership and source.

1.2 Information Hiding Terminology

In this section we will discuss diffrent information hidingterminology. The various information hiding techniques canbe classified as given in Fig. 1.

� Steganography Steganogrphy is the art / science /study / work of communicating in a way which hidesa secret message in the main information. Varioussteganography terminology is given in [16]. The modelof steganography is given in Fig. 2(a).

– Embedded- � datatype � Something to be hid-den in something else.

– Stego- � datatype � The output of hidding pro-cess; something that has the embedded messagehidden in it.

– Cover- � datatype � An inout which is an ”orig-inal” form of the stego- � datatype � .

– Stegokey Additional secret data that may beneeded in the hiding process. The standard casewhere the same key is used in embedding and ex-tracting is called symmetric.

– Embedding The process of hiding the embeddedmessage is called embedding.

– Extracting Getting the embedded message out ofthe stegomessage again is called extracting.

– Stegoanalyst The party from whom the embed-ded message is hidden is called the stegoanalyst.

– Embeddor/Extractor An entity or person thatembeds and extracts is called an embeddor or anextractor, respectively.

� Steganography Vs Cryptography To have a betterunderstanding of the terms we compare ”steganogra-phy” with ”cryptography” (Fig. 2). The term steganog-raphy means ”cover writing” whereas cryptographymeans ”secret writing”. Cryptography is the study ofmethods of sending messages in distinct form so thatonly the intended recipients can remove the disguiseand read the message. The message we want to sendis called plain text and disguised message is called ci-pher text. The process of converting a plain text toa cipher text is called enciphering or encryption, andthe reverse process is called deciphering or decryption.Encryption protects contents during the transmissionof the data from the sender to receiver. However, af-ter receipt and subsequent decryption, the data is nolonger protected and is the clear. Steganography hidesmessages in plain sight rather than encrypting tha mes-sage, it is embedded in the data (that has to be pro-tected) and doesn’t require secret transmission. Themessage is carried inside data. Steganography is there-fore broader than cryptography. The schematic repre-sentation of the cryptography is given in Fig. 2(b).� Digital Watermarking Watermarking is the processthat embeds data called a watermark, tag or label into a




Cover Stego<datatype>



Stego key








(a) Steganography


Enciphering Encryption/

Deciphering Decryption/

Plain Text Cipher Text

Plain TextCipher Text

(b) Cryptography

Figure 2: Steganography Vs Cryptography

multimedia object such that watermark can be detectedor extracted later to make an assertion about the object.The object may be an image or audio or video. It mayalso be text only� Steganography Vs Digital Watermarking They pri-marily differ by intent of use. A watermark can beperceived as an attribute of the carrier (cover). It maycontain information such as copright, license, trackn-ing and authorship etc. Whereas in case of steganog-raphy, the embedded message may have nothing to dowith the cover. In steganography an issue of concern isbandwidth for the hidden message whereas robustnessis of more concern with watermarking.� Fingerprinting and Labelling Fingerprints are alsocalled labels by some authors. Digital watermark-ing differs from ”digital fingerprinting” [176]. Fin-gerprinting are characteristics of an object that tendto distinguish it from other similar objects. Finger-prinitng is the process of adding fingerprints to an ob-ject and recording them, or identifying and recordingfingerprints that are already intrinsic to the object. Dig-ital fingerprinting produces a metafile that describe thecontents of the source file.� Digital Signature Vs Digital Watermark There areconflicting view points about the ”digital signature”.Some authors use digital signature and digital water-mark synonymously, whereas some authers distinguishbetween the digital signature and digital watermark. Adigital signature is based upon the idea of public keyencryption. A private key is used to encrypt a hashedversion of the image. This encrypted file then formsa unique ”signature” for the image since only the en-tity signing the image has knowledge of the private keyused. An assoiciated public key can be used to decrypt

the signature. The image under question can be hashedusing the same hashing function as used originally. Ifthese hashes matche then the image is authentic. Digi-tal signature can be used for more than just image au-thentication. In particular when combined with securetimestamp, a digital signature can be used as a proofof first authorship. A watermark, on the other hand, isa code secretly embedded into the image. The water-mark allows for verification of the origin of an image.However, a watermark alone is not enough to provefirst authorship, since an image could be marked withmultiple watermarks. It has also been pointed out in[18] that digital watermarks are not well suited to pro-tect the authenticity of an image. The term ”embeddedsignature” has been used instead of ”watermarking” inearly publications. Because it potentailly leads to con-fusion with cryptographic ”digital signatures”, it is notused anymore.� Electronic Stamp Vs Digital Watermark� Covert Channel / Subliminal Channel

Details can be found in [178, 179, 180, 181] and manymore works.� Anonymity

The readers are refferred to [177].

2 Introduction to Digital Water-marking

Digital watermarking technology is an emerging field incomputer science, cryptography, signal processing andcommunications. Digital Watermarking is intended by its


developers as the solution to the need to provide value addedprotection on top of data encryption and scrambling for con-tent protection. Like other technology under development,digital watermarking raises a number of essential questionsas follows.

� What is it?� How can a digital watermark be inserted or detected?� How robust does it need to be?� Why and when are digital watermarks necessary?� What can watermarks achieve or fail to achieve?� How should digital watermarks be used?� How might they be abused?� How can we evaluate the technology?� How useful are they, that is, what can they do for con-tent protection in addition to or in conjunction withcurrent copyright laws or the legal and judicial meansused to resolve copyright grievances?� What are the business opportunities?� What roles can digital watermarking play in the con-tent protection infrastructure ?� And many more ...

3 General Framework for Water-marking

Watermarking is the process that embeds data called a wa-termark or digital signature or tag or label into a multimediaobject such that watermark can be detected or extracted laterto make an assertion about the object. The object may bean image or audio or video. A simple example of a digitalwatermark would be a visible ”seal” placed over an imageto identify the copyright. However the watermark mightcontain additional information including the identity of thepurchaser of a particular copy of the material.

In general, any watermarking scheme (algorithm) con-sists of three parts.

� The watermark.� The encoder (insertion algorithm).� The decoder and comparator (verification or extractionor detection algorithm).

Each owner has a unique watermark or an owner can alsoput different watermarks in different objects the marking al-gorithm incorporates the watermark into the object. Theverification algorithm authenticates the object determiningboth the owner and the integrity of the object.

3.1 Encoding Process

Let us denote an image by � , a signature by ������ ���� ��������and the watermarked image by

�� . � is an encoder func-tion, it takes an image � and a signature � , and it generatesa new image which is called watermarked image

�� , mathe-matically, ������ ������ �� (1)

It should be noted that the signature � may be dependent onimage � . In such cases, the encoding process described byEqn. 1 still holds. Following figure illustrates the encodingprocess.






Figure 3: Encoder

3.2 Decoding Process

A decoder function � takes an image ( can be a water-marked or un-watermarked image, and possibly corrupted)whose ownership is to be determined and recovers a signa-ture �"! from the image. In this process an additional im-age � can also be included which is often the original andun-watermarked version of . This is due to the fact thatsome encoding schemes may make use of the original im-ages in the watermarking process to provide extra robust-ness against intentional and unintentional corruption of pix-els. Mathematically,

�#�$ % &�'���(� ! (2)

The extracted signature � ! will then be compared withthe owner signature sequence by a comparator function )+*


and a binary output decision generated. It is 1 if there ismatch and 0 otherwise, which can be represented as follows.

) * ��� ! ������ ,.- c /102 otherwise(3)

Where ) is the correlator, 34�5) * ���"!� 6�7� . 8 is the corre-lation of two signatures and 0 is certain thresold. Withoutloss of generality, watermarking scheme can be treated as athree-tupple �9�: 6�; 6) * � . Following figures demonstrate thedecoder and the comparator.

Decoder Comparator

Test Image(J) Extracted


xD Cδ

Original Image(I) Original Signature(S)

Figure 4: Decoder


(S’)SignatureExtracted C

OriginalSignature (S)

c xδ

Figure 5: Comparator

A watermark must be detectable or extractable to be use-ful. Depending on the way the watermark is inserted anddepending on the nature of the watermarking algorithm, themethod used can involve very distinct approaches. In somewatermarking schemes, a watermark can be extracted in itsexact form, a procedure we call watermark extraction. Inother cases, we can detect only whether a specific given wa-termarking signal is present in an image, a procedure we callwatermark detection. It should be noted that watermark ex-traction can prove ownership whereas watermark detectioncan only verify ownership.

4 Types of Digital Watermarks

Watermarks and watermarking techniques can be dividedinto various categories in various ways. The watermarkscan be applied in spatial domain. An alternative to spatialdomain watermarking is frequency domain watermarking.It has been pointed out that the frequency domain methodsare more robust than the spatial domain techniques. Differ-ent types of watermarks are shown in the figure below.

According toHuman


According toApplication

According toType of


According toWorkingDomain

Spatial FrequencyDomain Domain



Text Image Audio Video Invisible Visible


Private Public Invertible Non-invertible Quasi-invertible Nonquasi-invertible

Robust Fragile

Figure 6: Types of watermarking techniques

Watermarking techniques can be divided into four cate-gories according to the type of document to be watermarkedas follows.

� Image Watermarking� Video Watermarking� Audio Watermarking� Text Watermarking

According to the human perception, the digital water-marks can be divide into three different types as follows.

� Visible watermark� Invisible-Robust watermark� Invisible-Fragile watermark� Dual watermark


Visible watermark is a secondary translucent overlaidinto the primary image. The watermark appears visible to acasual viewer on a careful inspection. The invisible-robustwatermark is embed in such a way that alternations madeto the pixel value is perceptually not noticed and it can berecovered only with appropriate decoding mechanism. Theinvisible-fragile watermark is embedded in such a way thatany manipulation or modification of the image would alteror destroy the watermark. Dual watermark is a combinationof a visible and an invisible watermark [78]. In this type ofwatermark an invisible watermark is used as a back up forthe visible watermark as clear from the following diagram.

Image(I ) Image(I )





Visible Watermarked Watermarked

Dual Invisible



Figure 7: Schematic representation of dual watermarking

An invisible robust private watermarking scheme re-quires the original or reference image for watermark detec-tion; whereas the public watermarks do not. The class ofinvisible robust watermarking schemes that can be attackedby creating a ”counterfeit original” (to be discussed in latersections) is called invertible watermarking scheme. Usingmathematical notations from Sec.3, an invisible robust wa-termarking scheme �9�: 6�; 6)<*=� is called invertible if, forany watermarked image

�� , there exits a function �:> � suchthat (1) �:> � � ��'�;�?�9�@!A 6�"!B� , (2) �C�9�@!A 6�"!B�;�?� ��@� and (3)) * ���D� ��'�E �� ! �F� -

, where � > � is a computationally feasi-ble function, ��! belongs to the set of allowable watermarks,and the images � and �@! are perceptually similar. Otherwise,the watermarking scheme is non-invertible.

A watermarking scheme ���: &�; �) * � is called quasi-invertible if, for any watermarked image

�� , there exitsa function �:> � such that (1) �:> � � ��G�H� �9�@!A 6�"!B� , (2))I*����D� ��'�E ��"!J�F� -

, where �K> � is a computationally feasi-ble function, � ! belongs to the set of allowable watermarks,and the images � and �@! are perceptually similar. Otherwise,the watermarking sheme is nonquasi-invertible.

From application point of view digital watermark couldbe as below.

� source based or� destination based.

Source-based watermark are desirable for ownership iden-tification or authentication where a unique watermark iden-tifying the owner is introduced to all the copies of a par-ticular image being distributed. A source-based watermarkcould be used for authentication and to determine whether

a received image or other electronic data has been tam-pered with. The watermark could also be destination-based where each distributed copy gets a unique watermarkidentifying the particular buyer. The destination -based wa-termark could be used to trace the buyer in the case of illegalreselling.

5 Application of Digital Watermarks

5.1 Visible Watermark

Visible watermarks can be used in following cases :

� Visible watermarking for enhanced copyright protec-tion. In such situations, where images are made avail-able through Internet and the content owner is con-cerned that the images will be used commercially (e.g.imprinting coffee mugs) without payment of royalties.Here the content owner desires an ownership mark,that is visually apparent, but which does not preventimage being used for other purposes (e.g. scholarlyresearch).

� Visible watermarking used to indicate ownership orig-inals. In this case images are made available throughthe Internet and the content owner desires to indi-cate the ownership of the underlying materials (librarymanuscript), so an observer might be encouraged topatronize the institutions that owns the material.

5.2 Invisible Robust Watermark

Invisible robust watermarks find application in followingcases.

� Invisible watermarking to detect misappropriated im-ages. In this scenario, the seller of digital images isconcerned, that his, fee-generating images may be pur-chased by an individual who will make them availablefor free, this would deprive the owner of licensing rev-enue.

� Invisible watermarking as evidence of ownership. Inthis scenario, the seller that of the digital images sus-pects one of his images has been edited and publishedwithout payment of royalties. Here, the detection ofthe seller’s watermark in the image is intended to serveas evidence that the published image is property ofseller.


5.3 Invisible Fragile Watermarks

Following are the applications of invisible fragile water-marks.

� Invisible watermarking for a trustworthy camera. Inthis scenario, images are captured with a digital cam-era for later inclusion in news articles. Here, it is thedesire of a news agency to verify that an image is trueto the original capture and has not been edited to fal-sify a scene. In this case, an invisible watermark isembedded at capture time; its presence at the time ofpublication is intended to indicate that the image hasnot been attended since it was captured.� Invisible watermarking to detect alternation of imagesstored in a digital library. In this case, images (e.g.human fingerprints) have been scanned and stored in adigital library; the content owner desires the ability todetect any alternation of the images, without the needto compare the images to the scanned materials.

6 Attacks on Watermarks

A watermarked image is likely to be subjected to certainmanipulations, some intentional such as compression andtransmission noise and some intentional such as cropping,filtering, etc. They are summarized in Fig.8.

� Lossy Compression: Many compression schemes likeJPEG and MPEG can potentially degrade the data’squality through irretrievable loss of data.� Geometric Distortions: Geometric distortions are spe-cific to images videos and include such operations asrotation, translation, scaling and cropping.� Common Signal Processing Operations: They includethe followings.

– D/A conversion

– A/D conversion

– Resampling

– Requantization

– Dithering distortion

– Recompression

– Linear filtering such as high pass and low passfiltering

– Non-linear filtering such as median filtering

– Color reduction

I Watermarked Object

I’ Corrupted Object



Typical Distortions and Intentional Tampering






CommonSignal Processing




D/A or A/D

ResamplingRequantizationDitheringRecompressionLinear FilteringNon-Linear



Color Reduction

Offset Value Noise

Addition of

Addition ofLocal Exchange

of Pixels

Printing andRescanning


ForgeryIBM AttackUnzign Attack

Stirmark Attack


Figure 8: Attacks on watermarks

– Addition of a constant offset to the pixel values

– Addition of Gaussian and Non Gaussian noise

– Local exchange of pixels� Other intentional attacks:

– Printing and Rescanning

– Watermarking of watermarked image (rewater-marking)

– Collusion: A number of authorized recipients ofthe image should not be able to come together(collude) and like the differently watermarkedcopies to generate an un-watermarked copy ofthe image (by averaging all the watermarked im-ages).

– Forgery: A number of authorized recipients ofthe image should not be able to collude to forma copy of watermarked image with the valid em-bedded watermark of a person not in the groupwith an intention of framing a 3rd party.

– IBM attack [155, 157] : It should not be possibleto produce a fake original that also performs as


well as the original and also results in the extrac-tion of the watermark as claimed by the holder ofthe fake original.

– The Unzign and Stirmark have shown remarkablesuccess in removing data embedded by commer-cially available programs.

7 Desired Characteristics of Water-marks

7.1 Desired Characteristics of Visible Water-marks

� A visible watermark should be obvious in both colorand monochrome images.� The watermark should spread in a large or importantarea of the image in order to prevent its deletion byclipping.� The watermark should be visible yet must not signifi-cantly obscure the image details beneath it.� The watermark must be difficult to remove. Rather,removing a watermark should be more costly and laborintensive than purchasing the image from the owner.� The watermark should be applied automatically withlittle human intervention and labor.

7.2 Desired Characteristics of Invisible Ro-bust Watermarks

� The invisible watermark should neither be noticeableto the viewer nor should degrade the quality of the con-tent.� An invisible robust watermark must be robust to com-mon signal distortions and must be resistant to variousintentional tamperings solely intended to remove thewatermark.� Retrieval of watermark should unambiguously identifythe owner.� It is desirable to design a watermark whose decoder isscalable with each generation of computer.� While watermarking high qulaity images and art worksthe amount of pixel modification should be minimum.� Insertion of watermark should require little human in-tervention or labor.

7.3 Desired Characteristics of Invisible Frag-iles Watermarks

� The invisible watermark should neither be noticeableto the viewer nor should degrade the quality of the con-tent.� An invisible fragile watermark should be readily mod-ified when the image pixel values have been altered.� The watermark should be secure. This means that itis impossible to recover the changes, or regenerate thewatermark after image alternations, even when the wa-termarking procedure, and/or the watermark itself isknown.� For high quality images, the amount of individual pixelmodification should be as small as possible.

7.4 Desired Characteristics of Video Water-marks

� The presence of watermark should not cause any visi-ble or audible effects on the playback of the video.� The watermark should not afftect the compressibilty ofthe digital content.� The watermark should be detected with high degree ofreliability. The probablity of false detection should beextremely small.� The watermark should be robust to various intentionaland unintenional attacks.� The detection algorithm should be implemented in cir-cuitry with small extra cost.

8 Image Watermarking

There are plenty of image watermarking techniques algo-rithms available in current literature. In this section we willdiscuss a few of them. We focuse on one visible water-marking scheme, few invisible watermarking scheme andthe dual watermarking scheme in [78].

M.Kankanhalli, et al. [77] have developed a visible wa-termarking technique. They divide the host image into dif-ferent blocks, find the DCT of each block. Then they clas-sify the blocks into six different classes in the increasingorder of noise sensitivity, such as edge block, uniform withmoderate intensity, uniform with high or low intensity, mod-erate busy, busy and very busy. Each block is then assigned


Original Image









Factorsαmaxα min ,

β min , β max

XResize andDivide into

Blocks Image


(W) each BlockDCT of


β Watermarked Image (I )’







Perceptual Analysis









ij IDCT and


Figure 9: Schematic representaion of visible watermarking algorithm of [77]

different L and M values. The host image blocks are thenmodifided as follow:�N:OQP �(L NKOQPIR MTS OQP (4)

where�N OUP

is the V� AW DCT co-efficient of the watermarkedimage,

N:OQPis the corresponding DCT co-efficient of the

original image and S OQP is the DCT co-efficient of the wa-termark image. Fig. 9 gives the schematic representation ofthe technique and Fig. 10 show various results.

I.J.Cox et al. [84, 85, 98] propose an invisible robust wa-termarking technique. They insert the watermark into thespectral components of the image using technique analo-gous to spread spectrum communication. The argument isthat the watermark must be inserted in the perceptually sig-nificant components of a signal if it os to be robust to com-mon signal distortions and malicious attacks. However, themodification of these components may lead to perceptualdegradation of the signal. The watermark insertion consistsof following steps:

� DCT of the entire original image is computed assum-ing as on block.

� The perceptually significant regions of the image arefound out. The authors have used 1000 largest coeffi-cients.� The watermark

N ��3X�� &3Y�Z ��������� &3Y[ is computed whereeach 3 O is chosen according to \1� 2 - � , where \1� 2 - �denotes a normal distribution with mean 0 and variance1.� The watermark is inserted in the DCT domain of theimage by setting the frequency components ] O in theoriginal image to ]G! O using the following eqn.

] ! O ��] O � - R L^3 O � (5)

where L is a scalar factor.

The author has chosen L_� 2 � - . A Gaussian type of wat-eramark is used because it is more robust to tampering thanuniform type. Extraction of watermark consists of follow-ing steps:

� DCT of the entire watermarked image is computed as-suming as one block.


(a) Original image (b) Watermark images

(c) Bigger watermark (d) Smaller watermark

Figure 10: Visible watermarked ”Lena” [77]




Original Image (V)


Determine perceptullysignificant regions

Inverse FFT/DCT




Watermarked Image (V’)

Watermark (X)Normally Distributed

(a) Insertion process




Original Spectrum

Original Image (V)

ExtractedWatermark(X )*

similar ?Original

Watermark (X)Normally Distributed





belongs toowner

does notbelong

to owner

(b) Extraction process

Figure 11: Schematic representaion of watermarking scheme of [84, 85, 98]

� DCT of the entire original image is computed assum-ing as one block.� The difference of the two is the watermark


The extracted watermarkN `

is compared with the originalwatermark X using similarity function given in eqn.6.

�Vcbd� N N ` ��� � NeNf` ��gih�jX� NDN ` � (6)

The watermark is robust to common signal and geometricdistortion such as A/D and D/A conversion, resampling,quantization, compression, rotation, translation, croppingand scaling. The watermark is universal in the sense thatit can be applied to all three media. Retrieval of the water-mark unambigously identifies the owner and the watermarkcan be constructed to make counterfeiting almost impossi-ble. The watermarking technique has the disadvantage thatit needs the original image for its exatraction. It is also notclear whether the watermark is robust to photocopying. Fig.11(a) and Fig. 11(b) give the schematic represenation of theinsertion and extraction process, respectively. The originalimage and the watermarked images are given in Fig. 12.

R.B.Wolfgang and E.J.Delp [101, 102] have developedone invisible watermarking technique that works in the spa-

tial domain. Fig.13 shows image watermarked using thisalgorithm. The watermark insertion proces has followingsteps:

� The watermark is created by arranging a longer m-sequence row by row into two dimenional blocks.� The watermark is then added to the image. The size ofthe watermark should be same as the size of the image.� The authers define the spatial cross-correlation func-tion of the images

Nand k as:lnm�o �9Lp qM^�7�_r O r P N ��V� AW'�'ks�tV^ufLp AWvufM^� (7)


be the original image block, S be the water-mark block, k be the watermarked image block and wbe the watermarked image that might be forged. Thetest statistics for a block is defined as:

0x� l ozy � 2 2 �Tu ln{ y � 2 2 � (8)

The mean 0 for all blocks is found as follows:

��|B} 0=~%} ��� -\ r O�� �=� 0�~ (9)


(a) Original (b) Watermarked

Figure 12: Original and watermarked ”shuttle” [84, 85, 98]

(a) Original (b) Watermarked

Figure 13: Original and watermarked ”bird” [101, 102]


where 0 ~ is the value of 0 for the �G�9� block and \ isthe number of �K��� blocks in the image.� A testing paradigm is found out with different rangesof ��|�} 0 ~ } � . The image is declared to be fully authentic,authentic but forged, possible authentic and completelyinauthentic using this testing paradigm.

W.Zhu, et al. [118, 119] propose an invisible water-amrking technique which is very much similar to that of[84, 85, 98], but the watermark is inserted to wavelet co-efficients. The diffrence between this algorithm and thatof [84, 85, 98] is that in later case the watermark (gussianrandom number) has been added to the small number ofpercetually significant co-efficients whereas in former casethe watermark is added to the every high-pass wavelet co-efficients.

I.Pitas, et al. [42, 103, 104, 105] use an approach thatallows slightly more information to be embedded. A bi-nary signature that consists of equal number of zeros andones is embedded in an image by assigning pixels into oneof the two sets. The intensity levels of pixels in one of thesets are altered. The intensity levels are not changed in theother set. Signature detection is done by comparing meanintensity value of the marked pixels againast that of the notmarked pixels. Statistical hypothesis testing is used for thispurpose. The signature can be designed in such a way that itis resistant to JPEG compression and low pass filtering. Ac-cording to the authers, the degree of certianty can be as lowas 84% and as high as 92%, which would likely not standup as evidence in a court of law for copyright protection.But, the algorithm has the advantage that it doesn’t need theoriginal image for wateramark detection.

S.P.Mohanty, et al. [78] propose a new watermarkingtechnique called dual watermarking. The dual watermark-ing is combination of a visible watermark and an invisiblewatermark. The invisible watermark is used as protectionor back up for the visible watermark. The dual watermarkinsertion process has the following steps:

i. Both host image (one to be watermarked) � and the wa-termark (image) S are divided into blocks of equalsizes (the two images may be of unequal size).

ii. Let V�[ denote the �X�9� block of the original image � and� [ denote the ���9� block of the watermark S . For eachblock ( V�[ ), the local statistics; mean �^[ and variance� [ are computed. The image mean gray value � isalso found out.

iii. The watermarked image block is obtained by modify-ing V [ as follows.

V ![ �sL [ V [ R M [ � [ �D� - ��G����� (10)

Original Image




Factorsα α,

β , β




Divide intoResize and


Watermark Image

(W) ωn

β n






Image (I )’


β nn ω





min max

min max

Figure 14: Schematic representation of visible watermarkinsertion process [78]

where LT[ and MY[ are scaling and embedding factorsrespectivley, depending on ��[ and � [ of each block.The LT[ and M�[ are obtained as follows:� The L [ and M [ for edge blocks are taken to beLT�<� m and M�� O [ respectively.� The L^[ and M�[ are found out using the following


L^[ � - �� [�� 3����qu�� ���[vu ���� �i� (11)

MY[ � �� [:� - u � 3����$u�� ���[�u ���� �i�=� (12)

where�� [ ,

�� are normalised values of � [ and � ,and

�� [ are normalised logarithm values of � [ .� The L [ and M [ are scaled to the ranges( L^� O [ , L^�+� m ) and ( M�� O [ , MY�+� m ) respectively,where LT� O [ and LT�+� m are minimum and max-imum values of scaling factor, and M�� O [ andM�b��@3 minimum and maximum values of embed-ding factor. These are the parameters determin-ing the extent of watermark insertion.

The image thus obatained is visible watermarked im-age �@! .

iv. Pseudo-random binary-sequence � 0,1 � of period N isgenerated using linear shift register [55, 56]. The pe-riod \ is equal to the number of pixels of the image.

v. The watermark is generated by arranging the binary se-quence into blocks of size 4 � 4 or 8 � 8. The size of thewatermark is same as the size of the image.





Image (I )"








k = k+1











Bit Plane[k]

Bit Planes[k]k = 0, .... ,7

k = 0

Figure 15: Schematic representation of Invisible watermarkinsertion process [78]

vi. We start with bit-plane �:� 2 (MSB) of the image �G! .vii. The watermark is EX-ORed with the �%�9� bit-plane of

the image.This gives the � �9� bit-plane for watermarkedimage.

viii. The above watermarked � �9� bit-plane and the remain-ing bit-planes of the image �'! are merged to find thefinal watermarked image �'! ! .

ix. The SNR is found out. If SNR � theshold, then westop; otherwise we go to (vii) with � incremented by 1(for next lower bit-plane). The dual watermarked im-age �Z� is finally obtained.

The shematic represenatation of the watermarking insertionsteps are given in Fig.14 and Fig.15. Fig.16 shows dualwatermarked ”Lena” and ”bird”. For watermark detection atesting paradigm similar to [101, 102] is used.

9 Video Watermarking

In this section we will discuss some of the video watermark-ing techniques available in current litearture. I.J.Cox et al.[84, 85, 98] algorithm also works for video if watermarkingis done framewise.

F.Hartung and B.Girod [136, 137, 138, 139, 140] presenta scheme for robust watermarking of MPEG-2 video. Thewatermark is either embedded into the encoded video or intothe MPEG-2 bit streams and can be retreived from the codecvideo. The basic idea of watermarking for raw video is ad-dition of pseudo-random signal to the video that is belowthe threshold of perception that can’t be identified and thusremoved without knowledge of the parameters of the water-marking algorithm. The approach to accomplish this is a di-rect extension from direct-sequence spread spectrum com-munications. The marking of raw video data ] O to producea modified signal ]'! O is described by eqn.13.

] ! O � ] O R L¢¡ O � O (13)

where � O is the pseudo-noise sequence, ¡ O is the embeddedbit and L is amplitude-scaling factor. The information bitrecovered by a matched filter. Given several sequences withdiffernent watermarks, it is easier to figure out the water-marked pixel values if the watermark consists only of the-1’s and 1’s. In the bit stream domain it is more difficult toembed a watermark into video, especially when the require-ment is imposed that the bit reat may not be incersed. Foreach signal block, the watermarking procedure consists ofthe folloing steps:

i. The DCT of the watermark data (of the spread informa-tion bits modulated by the pseudo-noise sequence) iscalculated for �£��� block. A zigzag scan is done to geta- � -=¤ vectro of rescanned DCT co-efficients. The

DCT co-efficients are denoted by Sf[ with Se¥ beingDC co-efficient and S§¦6¨ being the AC co-efficients.The DCT co-efficients of the unwatermarked signal aredenoted by © [ and that of the watermarked signal by©v! [ .

ii. For DC co-efficients, the mean value of the watermarkblock is added to the mean value of the signal block,i.e. © ! [C�s©�¥ R SD¥ (14)

iii. For the AC co-efficients, the bit stream of the codedsignal is searched for the next VLC codeward, the (run-level) pair �9h � 6ª � � belongs to that codeword is iden-tified and thus the position and amplitude of the ACDCT co-efficients represneted by the VLC codeword.


(a) Lena (b) Bird

Figure 16: Dual watermarked ”Lena” and ”bird” [78]

iv. ©�! � �.© � R S � is the candidate DCT co-efficientfor the watermarked signal. However, ©«!�� should notincrease the bit-rate.

v. Letl

be the number of bits used for transmitting thecodeword for �9h � &ª � � (i.e. for © � ) and

l ! be thenumber of bits used for transmitting the codeword for�9h � &ª ! � � (i.e. © ! � . If

l­¬®l ! the codeword for�9h=�� &ª�!¯�x� else the codeword for �9h��� &ªJ�°� transmitted.

vi. Steps (iii)-(v) are repeated until end of block (EOB)codeword is encountered.

Due to bit rate constraint, usually only few DCT co-efficients of the watermark can be incorprated per �§�4�block. As a result, the watermarking sheme in bit streamdomain is less robust than its counterpart in the pixeldomain. But the scheme working on encoded video is ofmush lower complexity than a complete decoding processfollowed by watermarking inn the pixel and recording. Al-though an existing MPEG-2 bitstream is partly altered thescheme avoids drift problems. The authors have suggestedschemes for drift compensation in [139]. The embeddedwatermark can be retreived from the watermarked videowithout knowledge of the original video. The watermarkis robust agianst the linear and non-linear operations likefurther transform coding, filtering, quantization, modest ro-tation etc.

M.D.Swanson, et al. [141] propose an object based wa-termarking technique for video, Individual watermarks arecreated for objects within the video. Each watermark is cre-ated by shaping an author and video dependent pseeudo-random sequence according to the perceptual masking char-acteristics of the video. The insertion procedure has follow-ing steps :

� The spatial ����� and frequency ��±#� masking values forthe current frames are computed. The frequency mask-ing values are obtained from DCT co-efficeints of �7�n�blocks in the frame.� The frame segmented to block ��²«� to ensure thatmasking estimates are localized.� Each block of frequency masking values is then multi-lpied by part of pseudo-random author representation.� The inverse DCT of the product �9³�� is computed.� The result is multiplied by the spatial masking valuesfor the frame, creating the perceptually shaped pseudo-noise �AS#� .� The pseudo-noise is added to the blocks of the frameto get watermarked block ²�! .� The watermark for a macroblock in the current frameis replaced for the watermark for the macroblock from


the previous frame if the distortion �e��©v� is less thanthreshold ´ .

Detection of watermark is accomplished via generalizedlikelihood ration test. The watermark is statistically unde-tectable. The watermark also resolves multiple ownershipclaims. The watermark algorithm may be easily incorpo-rated into the MPEG-4 object based coding framework. Thewatermarking procedure is robust to video degradations thatresult from noise, MPEG compression, cropping, printingand scanning.

C.T.Hsu and J.L.Wu [144] present a DCT based water-marking technique for video sequences. The steps for wa-termarking insertion are given below.

� The original image is divided into �°�K� blocks and the2-D DCT is applied independently to each block.� The middle frequency range co-efficients are pickedup.� A 2-D sub-block is used in order to compute theresidual pattern from the chosen middle frequency co-efficeints.� The watermark is a binary image. A fast 2-D pseudo-random number traversing method is used to permutethe watermark so as to disperse its spatial relationship.� Bith variances of image block and watermark blocksare sorted and mapped accordingly so that the inisiblityof the watermarked image will improve.� After binary residual patterns of the transoform in-traframe are obtained, for each marked pixel of the per-muted watermark, the DCT co-efficeints are modifiedaccording to the residual mask so that correspondingpolarity of the residual value is reversed.� Inverse DCT value of the associated result is calculatedto obtian the watermarked image. For P-frame, modi-fying the temporal relationship between the current P-frame and its reference frame embeds the watermark.� For B-frame, the residual mask is designed betweenthe current B-frame and its past and future referenceframe. The polarity of the residual frame is alsoreveersed to embed the watermark.

The extraction procedure is simply the reverse operation ofinsertion procesure. This requires the original frame, thenwatermarked frame and also the digital watermark, which isa disadvantage of this watermarking scheme. The schemeis robust to cropping operation and MPEG compression.

10 Audio Watermarking

The author didn’t work in this area, but will address theschemes whenever time permits.

11 Text/Document Watermarking

The author didn’t work in this area, but will address theschemes whenever time permits.

12 VLSI Implmentation of Water-marking Schemes

Hopefully some work will appear in future.

13 Limitation of Watermarks

There are plenty of works available in the reference.

14 Conclusions

The watermarking research is progressing very fast and nu-merous researcher from various fields are focussing to de-velop some workable scheme. Different companies alsoworking to get commercial products. We hope some com-mercial and effective schemes will be available in future.


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[187] µ fapp2/watermarking

















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