ding dong adult start - chapter 4

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Ding Dong Adult Start Apocalypse

Chapter 4

We’d left off last time with the kids moving onto a blank lot with inventory stuffed full of

things that they would need for the house. After building, I was left with $20.

Once built, Anita got to work calling the college to get to know the dormies. Granted they

were from Academie La Tour since my La Fiesta Tech is an empty template. But they’re

dormies. Short, seen in the mirror, was the first to get to work on his creativity skill.

Only trick I can give you is to NOT declare a major right away. Most of the time the kids

will roll wants for specific ones and you can get easy aspiration that way. Then change it

to what you really need right after that. It’s like the job wants of unemployed sims.

For the most part College was intensely boring. The kids skilled, went to class, made

friends, did homework, and were otherwise really boring.

In fact, they rarely cooked, instead energizing most of the time. Short went PermaPlat off

of LTA during his Sophomore year. So he was really, really boring.

The girls didn’t go PermaPlat in college, but I was able to keep them in the gold all the

time because they rolled the following wants EVERY DAY after class - Talk to Relative, Talk

about hobby, and go Jogging. Then most of the time they would give me other fulfillable

stuff like gain a skill or do assignment. I think that they saw green aspiration ONCE.

The bed got used more for Woohoo than for sleeping.

And Everyone loved the hot tub. Which I got more to socialize the dormies/townies with

each other than to have my kids in.

I did take the college reroll for Short and Tiny. Short became Popularity/Knowledge with

the lifetime want to be a Visionary. Tiny became Knowledge/Romance with the lifetime

want to become an Icon. I laughed. All of my kids want to top uni careers. Good to

know. And easy to do.

Which meant that all kids would give me skilling chains which kept them plat all of the

time (Short was already permaplat by this point).

Plus there was the writing novels boost that happened a lot. I’ll admit I suck at novel

naming, most of mine are A, B, C, or Bird, City, Cloud, Rocket, etc. Because seriously, I

have yet to see what giving a description or naming them actually does other than make

a longer pie string menu on the bookcase.

And for the most part, the house was almost always full of people because hey socializing

is a good break from studying.

I admit it, I am a slave driver in college. My kids did not like me very much.

But I made it up to them by letting them get Booty Calls. It was the least I could do.

And then it was over. Thank the gods. I HATE playing through college. Hate it! And

now I don’t have to do it again.

And then it was time for the kids to move back to Strangetown. Short went first and

channeled his inner goth.

Followed by Tiny who felt the need to try to out do Short in the Goth department.

Finally Anita grew up into a sensible shirt and skirt combo. She seems to like that kind of

skirt for some reason.

Welcome home graduates, the perpetually knocked over trash can greets you.

Then it was job checking time. Nothing useful here. All base game jobs and I am going

for the college ones. And even though, I only sent 3 kids to college, I have a plan for

getting the fourth lift.

Then it was time to get the babymaking underway. Anita called up Marion.

Who dropped everything and came over at a run to be greeted by Tiny.

Then she and Anita made a beeline for the photobooth.

Where Anita was promptly knocked up. Congrats. Not even 4 hours into her adult

lifespan and she is pregnant. That has to be some kind of record.

So Anita celebrated her dropping motives by making hamburgers. It was the best I could

do at the moment.

We also moved out Holly and Long. Anita has enough friends for the moment that the

extraneous elders are extraneous and it means they aren’t using up my energizers or

eating my food.

At midnight, I checked the jobs again. This time it was golden – Adventurer, Paranormal,

Show Business, Business, Slacker. Anita snatched up Paranormal and is an Exorcist.

While Tiny grabbed Show Business at Blockbuster Movie Director.

So both are one promotion away from lifting.

Which is of the good since Anita is showing signs of pregnancy.

“Mmmm Aspiration points taste like candy.”

Okay, here is another trick one to do with networking. Don’t start calling people/answering phone

calls until you have a job. This way you can trigger the higher wages and calling in a promotion

scenarios. Otherwise you’ll get lots of crap, lower household costs, and reputation going up.

Over the phone, you don’t get the Date, job transfer, and give a number options. Those are only

in person. So if you want the promotions from networking, do it over the phone.

BTW, Tiny got the promotion network along with two tvs, lower household goods, and higher


Dick’s already hard at work on his skills.

While Anita is hard at work on the next generation.

While Tiny just works the town. I swear, she is determined to get her LTW.

Seriously, I am/was bored like crazy at this point, I played this two months before I

updated it so I have no clue what some of the things I was thinking at the time were.

Anita went plat after writing a best selling novel.

Then promptly walked to work. Please note the faint form on Ding in the background. It’s

like he knows that Paranormal is getting lifted.

Ding took the time to say good bye to his bed.

And when midnight ticked around Short checked for jobs. Natural Science was there but I

didn’t want that one. Short is going to get Artist for me. I have a plan for Natural

Science, since unless you can set up for a snapdragon, Natural science is pretty useless

until you can get Music, Business, and Criminal.

Then Anita came home with her promotion to Cult Leader.

Meet project Natural Science, Aka Andrew Walderson Romance Sim Dormie. He’s going

to baby daddy with whatever Anita is carrying at this time. He might baby daddy with

Anita, I haven’t really thought about it.

One quick move in and he loses most of his hair. Well, I’ll fix that once Tiny comes home

from work. And hey, look, it’s her carpool right there!

So Tiny goes off to work with the hope of better clothes on the horizon.

While Andrew here takes the Natural Science job.

Then heads to work for hopefully a same day promotion.

Dick is still here. He’s still boring. That is all you need to know.

Since Andrew is a romance sim and Chloe is a romance sim, they should make good

aspiration fodder for each other. Especially once they can date.

And now they can date.

Please note the panicking townie back there. That is because it was one eventful hour.

Meet heiress Wanda Dong! She’s got the eyes and freckles. And now Marion’s Athletic

lift is well and truly good.

Tiny took advantage of her ability to change makeup and clothes. Then promptly moved

out. Which was fine with me.

With Tiny gone, it’s now time for Anita to get to work on the next baby. And the next baby

daddy. I think Pascal’s a little annoyed that she didn’t pick him, but Anita liked Vicund.

Really liked him. Like lullaby liked him.

And Chloe and Andrew also explored the photobooth options. For lots of aspiration.

Because balding is never sexy unless you are Sean Connery or Patrick Stewart, Andrew

invested in a William Shatner toupee.



Yay! And barring any promotion accidents, all of the college careers will be lifted.

With that done, it was time to concentrate on other things. Like Skilling.

And changing clothes. I plan on keeping Anita pregnant as much as possible to try to get

through as many lifts as quickly as I can.

And already we have a baby sign.

And there goes Short lifting Artist.

And before doing anything else, I bought these two things. The toddler table to get

Mechanical early with the Bird I can get Charisma later. Mechanical is harder with the fun

restriction still in effect. And I also got the electronic player thing – visitors won’t bogart

it for busking and it is something kids and teens can use and it won’t wake up sleeping

sims. I wouldn’t recommend the toddler table without having athletic lifted though. It

takes up a lot of space.

And with his lift completed we say good bye to Short.

Thank you, Chloe for giving us a gift we can use.

Anita is still working, the top of Paranormal is pretty compatible with Natural Science for

days off. And it feeds people.

Especially when said people’s ACR’s timers goes off.

Pascal Curious does not approve.

And if you’re anything like me, you’ve forgotten that Dick Dong still exists. He aged up

pretty happily and became a Popularity/Knowledge sim with a LTW of becoming a Rock

God. Sorry as a spare that isn’t happening.

Instead from here on out, I am going to be using a little trick I learned from the Bass-

ackwards apoc. Find the teen career of what you need and age up into that. It is a quick

jump when they become teens to level 6 of the career. Almost as much as you would get

from college.

Dick found a job in Adventurer (which I am really looking forward to) and then promptly

broke the computer. That’s okay. He needs a Mechanical point.

Wanda and Andrew meet and start the bonding process. She’s actually really cute as a

Cancer with stats of 10/6/4/3/10.

And the tradition of being potty trained by the prospective baby daddy continues.

Vicund, to show that he wasn’t like his brother dropped off an object of his affections – a

Vroom Master 500. It quickly got put into inventory.


“Yeah. Bills?”


Have I mentioned I love Walk to Work lately?

And it is time for baby!

Again a singleton, Peter Dong. I was hoping for blond or some other hair color. Oh well.

“You know this could be awkward later.”

“So? It’s an apocalypse. Awkward is par for the course.”

Still, sadly there was no lullaby.

Anita also fell in love but failed to get impregnated by this guy, Ford Dixon. She’s got

more lovers than most Romance sims and she’s Knowledge/Popularity. And I’m not even


Still, Anita is the most attracted to her apoc legal baby daddy, Marion – post makeover.

They beelined for the photobooth.

And got the expected result – baby chimes.

Wanda will be happy to have a full-blooded sibling. Or not. I’m just happy I can skill

mechanical now leaving cleaning the only non-fun skill to get.

Another promotion, but I need to get Andrew plat before the next carpool so I can

energize him and keep skilling him. And well there is one really fast way to do that.

“Oh yeah, I’m awesome! Look at those aspiration points.”

“I’m going to be sick. The things I do for my family.”

Still, the date was a dream one and it was time to do more skilling.

Teaching toddler skills.

“Arrr, I’m a pirate.”

Another promotion, come on Andrew!

“Come on, Wanda! You can grow more!”

“No, I think I’ll be a kid for a while.”


“But you still love me right?”

“Sure, kid.”

“So let’s get engaged right now!”

“I don’t think the game will let that happen.”

“Sure it will.”

“That’s called cheating.”

“So isn’t that what you’re doing with my mom and all of those women?”

“You might have a point. I am getting a little desperate. Still…”


“I’m not desperate enough to get hitched to a kid. What do you think this is? Medieval


Bigger baby bump!

Her plans for an early enagement quashed, Wanda consoled herself with wanding the


That night, Peter aged up and I see a lot of his father in him, but not too much. I have a

hunch he’ll be a handsome one barring any facial explosions later.

And seriously, No. What is it with my sims and their inappropriate thought bubbles?

Anita swooped in to save her little man from the creepy big one.

Peter is a Virgo. 10/3/10/4/8. The mutant continues.

The family finally got a genie lamp, so I need to talk about this. Or rather its power. Did you

know that Genie lamps are only restricted by one thing, Paranormal. Yet you can Resurrect sims,

get Money, extend life, become a teen again, and more. But the most important wish is for

Peace and permaplatness. One lift. Yet Fishing, Medicine Cabinet, Craft Benches, Gardening,

and WITCHCRAFT take 3 or more lifts to access. Genie Lamp. One. Granted it’s a college

career so it’s harder to get especially in an adult start, but it is something you could feasibly get

in college and bring back with you and then one lift later you can access. Combine that with

getting wishing well in college and watch a few restrictions become moot (like Gamer).

“Can someone get the tiptoeing gypsy out of the way? I need to go to work!”

Also amusingly, the lamp belongs to Peter. The youngest in the family. Strange how

Maxis has that since it takes some high LTA meters to trigger the gypsy.

But Peter isn’t going to be the youngest for any longer.

Meet Sookie Dong.

And what appears to be her identical twin, Tookie.

Womb once again unoccupied, It’s time for another occupant to take its place. I think

Anita wants this apoc done as fast as possible. And desperate times call for desperate


And this is a good stopping point. I am kind of burned out on the sims at the moment.

So who knows when I will publish next. It could be tomorrow, it could be next year.

But until then, Happy Simming!

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