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  • 7/31/2019 Directed Study


    Directed StudiesMAC-me up A makeup application aimed at

    Professional makeup artists and users.4/19/2012

    TARA DONOGHUE 10131787


    Lecturer: Chris Exton
  • 7/31/2019 Directed Study


    CS4064 AssignmentThe Girls

    Section 1 Applicant Details

    1.1 Project Title & Acronym

    MAC- me up A new interactive application for the iPod/iPhone to practiceprofessional makeup artistry. AcronymMmu.

    1.2 Principal Investigators

    Name Tara Donoghue, Niamh Aine Begley, Caitriona Conefrey

    Student ID 10131787 10131256 10103791

    Section 2 Commercial Potential & Technology Development


    We have been given the opportunity to create a product related to a topic of our choice. Wechoose to concentrate on the beauty sector. As a group we will go through a number ofstages. These stages will include working as a team to create a work plan, carrying outrelevant research, product development, prototyping and presentation.

    We believe that a commercial opportunity does exist for this concept as there are millions ofmakeup artists who want to improve the quality of their work, shops and beauty centres thatwant to provide a professional makeup experience/service and it is a multi-billion industry,there are many potential openings.

    Almost every female, from their teenage years through to elder years, in Ireland and acrossthe World wear makeup and/or practice makeup techniques on others. Within the Last decadepeople have become more appearance conscious and like to take more pride in theirappearance. This may be a result of the multimedia explosion and the pressure in the mediato look good.

    MAC me uphas the potential to have a mass amount of consumers worldwide as it willprovide a service that has not been seen by the world to date. Although there are a numberof makeup apps for the mobile phone and other technological devices at this moment in timethere is no product on the mass market likeMAC me up

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    Mmu will provide a professional service to those who work within the industry. It willimprove the customers experience when buying makeup and making decisions but it will alsohugely improve the level of professionalism and allow for more experimentation. We believethat Mmu will have a sense of uniqueness in its great design and function that willrevolutionise Makeup apps to follow.

    Commercial possibilities include: The potential to collaborate with leading brands Advertise products mad and sold by the leading retailers and makeup brands Charge a reasonable but profitable price for the iPhone/Ipad application.

    Moving on with our project plan, we hope to investigate all of these potential possibilities forthe future. We will look into the profitability of the product and expenses involved the overalluser experience and the use and efficiency of our application.

    2.1 Project Objectives

    Our main aim in carrying out this project is to discover a gap in our chosen market ofinterest and develop and design an interesting and original product for this gap.Throughout the process we aim to:

    Develop our research skills as it will be important for this project and projects that fol-low.

    Work as a team to design and develop an innovative concept.

    Listen to each others ideas and opinions.

    Meet regularly and set aims for the week ahead.

    Do as much relevant research as possible.

    Use social networking sites to communicate regularly and inform team members ofprogress being made.

    Design a product unlike those that already exist.

    Get inspiration from existing products and find a way to improve technology in ourchosen area.

    To work to the best of our ability to develop a new concept displaying/showcasing ourskills, qualifications and experience.

    Use our social skills to get feedback and information on desired products wanted fromour target market.

    Identify any problems/inconveniences we come across and fix them effectively as a


    Research our chosen industry of beauty.

    Generate ideas of new products we can design for this chosen sector.

    Narrow down our target market e.g. People in beauty Professional Makeup artists.

    Design an innovative original product/application for professionals in the beauty indus-try.

    By following each of these aims and objectives which we have set ourselves we hope to havea smoothly running and successful project. As a group we will work to the best of our

    abilities, towards our goal of a product we are all satisfied with, by following these simpleaims and objectives.

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    2.2 Project Summary/Plan

    We formed our group based on common interests. Common interests included Sport, fashion,beauty and food. We each shared our own ideas on a new technological and digital concept.As a group we discussed and constructively all of our noted ideas after a brainstormingsession. After a detailed conversation we came to the agreement to research the beautyindustry.

    The goal of this proposed project aims to research, generate ideas and design a new andinnovative product for professionals in the beauty industry. To achieve this goal we will getfirst-hand information and inspiration from those in our target market. By questioningprofessional make-up artists and makeup users we will find out what is wanted and needed.By getting first-hand information we will be able to generate a number of concepts andcreations for this industry. The anticipated outcome of this project will be to create a productthat will be in high demand by professionals and improve the beauty industry and makepracticing makeup techniques easier and more creative.

    This concept will explore creative and original concepts. We plan to brainstorm a number ofideas and concepts. Decide which one is best suited and implement it. Once we have decide

    on the product/application best suited we will to the best of our ability design and create andoriginal item.

    We decided as a group that an application aimed at solving problems that makeup artistsmay face. Our idea is to solve this issue by designing a smart phone or iPad application forthe many makeup artists in Ireland and around the world.


    In a lifetime of makeup application (lets say 65 years) women spend approximately 585hours attempting to improve our appearance by applying makeup. And we do it using a total

    of about 15 litres of product

    (, July 7 2001)

    2.2.1 Current Approaches

    The products we found that are on the market right now are aimed to get beginners moreinterested and help you learn how to do different makeup techniques examples including

    GirlsGoGames an online site for girls to play with unrealistic makeup items and products.On the market at the moment for professionals are no technological products aimed to maketheir job easier and more creative. We want something that addresses the unrealistic natureof most games out there right now. Most applications include unrealistic cartoon faces. Wewant to create something that allows photos of customers faces to be taken and facialrecognition.

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    2.2.2 Existing products

    As part of our project plan we looked at the current apps on the market right now. There area number of apps in the genre of makeup and beauty. However, most of these are games andnot for professional use.

    These apps included: Tutorial apps-such as Celebrity Makeup Looks. Which is an app were the user picks

    a celebrity look they like and would then be shown a how to video on that look. Thesetypes of apps have little or no interaction with the user and are not helpful in terms ofwhat look or style would suit the user best.

    Virtual Makeover apps-like the makeup app by ModiFace. With this app the user totake a picture of themselves and then apply different makeup products to the picture.The quality in colour and accuracy in this app is questionable and as this app gives theuser points on how they did, this app is more of a game then for serious professionaluse.

    INCI- ingredients quality apps- Cosmetifique is an app that is less on the applica-

    tion and styles of makeup but more about the different ingredients which actuallymake up the products. Users of these types of apps would be more concerned on thedanger of ingredients than the beauty side of things.

    With taking each of these types of apps into account, we aim to use different aspects fromeach product and come up with a more realistic, higher end and professional product fortoday's modern makeup industry.

    3.1 Facial Recognition

    Please find attached documentation on facial recognition.

    3.1.1 The Technology

    Our app will use a combination of facial recognition and Photoshop software. Facialrecognition systems work by taking an image of the face, with the effect of estimating andnormalizing for translation, scale and in-plane rotation. When a normalized image is taken,the features are extracted and condensed in a compact face representation are then be

    stored in a database. These Images than can be edited using Photoshop software which willgive the user different options of tools and styles.

    3.1.2 User interaction

    As our application will be used on an iPhone/iPad everything will be done by touch screen.Users will use their fingers to pinpoint features when prompted to do so.

    Users will be able to use their finger to apply more products to customer images if they wishto do so after the sample is provided.

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    4.1 Project Development

    At our second brainstorming session of our new iPad/iPhone application we valuated our ideaand came up with a number of goals that we needed to achieve. Topics we need to discussare:

    the usability of the application Product aesthetics Technical issue Product Functionality

    Each of these topics are equally crucial to discuss. Each topic was important for the overallconcept and had to be dealt with during the development stage of the project. As a group wemade a number of prototypes. This was a crucial stage of the product development as itallowed us to choose the best layout for the interface required for the best possible userinteraction.

    4.1.1 Usability

    In order to make the interaction of the application as user-friendly as possible, The followingmust be done

    When buttons are used we must ensure that they look like buttons that need to be pressedby the user in order for an action to take place. We will ensure that they are clearly labelled.In some cases, the push buttons will need to be prioritized to facilitate their proper use.

    Where needed, check boxes will be used to make choices, e.g. yes or no.Drop-down menus will be used when selecting one item from among many. Entry fields will

    used when user input is needed when entering text into search boxes and automatic cursorswill appear. In order for the users experience to be as straightforward and easy to use aspossible, we will guarantee that the minimal amount of information will be required from userinput.

    - Text and appearanceThere are a number of issues we must address when designing the visual appearance of theapplication. Characteristics we will use to ensure the best visibility are to Use familiar easy toread fonts and use contrasting text and background colours. The greater contrast between

    the colours of text and background the easier it will be for users to read. We will use bold fontto highlight importance of text and familiar font to achieve the fastest possible reading speed.

    - Graphics and ImagesWe feel that graphics and images are an important part of product design. We will useimages, animation, and video to design our product and make it as marketable as possible.As images require a large number of bytes they can often cause applications to be slowrunning. Our product will use a number of images therefore we as a team will ensure that allgraphics used in our design will not slow down the smooth running of the product. Users

    often get frustrated when a product runs slowly and stops working. In order to make sure ourproduct is liked by users we will use small image sizes and use the same image a number oftimes.

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    Our logo

    4.1.2 Product aesthetics

    Our product will be simple but effective. The appearance will be sleek and elegant. With abright, girly colouring and clear styling, our product will come across as both enjoyable andprofessional to the user. To achieve this standard we are looking for we will try out differentdesigns until we are happy with a final style which corresponds to our product.

    4.1.3 Technical issues

    Errors will be detected by the application when incorrect information is supplied by the user.Instructions to follow will be provided to guide the user on what should be entered. The appwill anticipate possible user errors, and allocate when possible, responsibility to the device toidentify these mistakes and suggest corrections e.g. Sorry but we did not recognise yourinput. Please try again!

    When using lists of options for the user to choose from, we will design the app so that asmany options as possible will show in the list. A blinking cursor will be automatically placed at

    the beginning of data entry fields.

    4.1.4 Product Functionality

    As this will be an interactive application for the iPad/iPhone to practice professional makeupartistry, its main function will be for professional makeup artistry. The "Mmu" app can beused by professional makeup artists as well as those in training. "Mmu" will be anothereveryday product at work for professionals as well as a product which can be used at home topractice and try out new styles.

    Bright colours to attract

    the eye. Symbolic logo

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    5.1 Commercial Opportunity

    We found when doing research that most applications/devices/games in this industry is forbeginners and for people to use in their spare time for fun. We feel that there is no producton the market for professionals. There is no item for professional makeup artists to buy andpractice their work on. We want to create something based on the concept that makeupartists will have a device they can bring to work and use at home to make their job easierand better quality. It will feature facial recognition of customers, touch screen features,guidelines and tips and more.

    The makeup and beauty industry is a huge worldwide. There are so many beauty productsavailable but as far as technology goes there is no technological makeup product apart fromapplications available. On the market at the moment are a lot of iPhone and gamingapplications however most of these applications are mainly targeted at amateurs andbeginners.

    We feel there is a gap in the market to create a device for those who work with makeup andhave a professional career in this industry. From doing research we have found that mostapplications/devices/games are for people to use in their spare time. At this moment in timethere is no item for professional makeup artists to buy and practice their work on. We want tocreate something based on the concept that makeup artists will have a device they can bringto work and use at home to make their job easier and better quality. It should feature facialrecognition of customers faces. It will also have touch screen features, guides and more.

    This product will solve all professional makeup artists problems. It will now be easier tocreate the best, most flattering makeovers. Facial recognition will allow professionals to

    demonstrate and identify the best looks on screen without wasting expensive products andbrands.

    The products/apps we found that are on the market at the moment are aimed to getbeginners more interested and play around with different looks, shades and colours.

    GirlGoGames is an online site for girls to play with unrealistic makeup items and products.The problems with this are that it doesnt give a realistic experience/approach to makeupapplication.

    On the market at the moment are no technological products aimed to make makeup artistsjobs easier but more creative. We want something that addresses the unrealistic nature ofmost games out there right now. Most games and applications include unrealistic cartoonfaces. We want to create something that allows photos of customers to be uploaded andfacial recognition to begin.

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    Our Product Whats out the right now

    A new, original, innovative product/application toimprove the makeup industry and make professionals

    jobs more creative & easier.

    Games -makeupApplications -CelebrityMakeup Looks

    Will feature realistic features. Most games available now areunrealistic.

    Will be easy and straight forward. Can sometimes becomplicated.

    Will be more interactive. Camera feature will allow use customers photo to work off. Ability to use ownmakeup brushes.

    Can upload brands etc. that artists use or products shopsells.

    Limited colours and products.

    The product will be universal. The market that will be using our new product will be makeupartists and users worldwide. Within Ireland professional makeup artists from leading brandsin high street stores such as Mac and Benefit in stores such as Brown Thomas. Theproduct will be available in many languages to suit international users. This product willinspire more beginners and intermediate users to take up a career in the art of makeup.

    There are thousands of makeup artists in Ireland at the moment. It is becoming A career thatis ever increasingly becoming more and more popular with women and now even men arebecoming more interested. Beauty schools are popping up in every town and city all over theworld. Therefore a product like ours will make a lot of money as it can be used in schools,stores and for personal use.

    Men and women worldwide use beauty products every day and spend thousands in theirlifetime perfecting the way they look. Having spoken to make-up artists from leading brandsthey found it very interesting that we wanted to come up with a product for them. They gaveus some ideas on what they would like a new product to feature and this helped us greatly atour brainstorming sessions. We will put the feedback we got into practice.

    6.1 Economic Impact

    We have developed a product which will enhance a market that already exists. Our productwill be licensing the technology to improve the competitiveness of industry.The make-up industry is huge all over the world. Any product that could boost the creativityand quality of make-up would be wanted by both professional make-up artists as well asthose still in training.

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    6.2 Technological Innovation

    All of the technology needed to produce our product is already out there. We will need to combine the-se different types of technology and software to produce an end product which will be more suitable toprofessional makeup artists than the unrealistic games and apps already on the market. With the tech-nology we are using we will be able to create an app which will change the way professional makeupartists work in today's industry.

    Facial Recognition- Using facial recognition software available we will be able to identify cus-tomer features, skin texture etc. Photoshop- Using photoshop and photo editing features such as layering and masking we will

    apply the looks stored in memory to all photos taken. app software- Objective C and the Cocoa Framework, GNUstep

    Section 3 Project Team Information


    This section examines the members our team involved in project.

    7.2 Team Members & Skills Set

    This section explores members of our teams skills, Qualifications and relevant experience. Thefollowing table consists of information on each member Qualifications, Skills & Experience. Eachmembers skills contributed to the projects concept, design, development etc.

    Following the signature page of the project is a Curriculum Vitae from each team member.



    Qualifications, Skills & Experience Role

    Niamh AineBegley

    Skills: - Blogging I maintain blogs for all college work and hobbiesincluding the official UL Photo Society website- Photography Proficient in Photo shop and other technicalphotography skills, committee member of UL Photo Society

    Qualifications:- Swimming- I have had formal training

    in life saving and first aid training.- Research I am currently tracing my family tree- Kayaking Skill level 2- Full clean driving Licence with own transport

    Experience:- Spar Kilmeaden 2007-2008 Closed Down- Ashbourne Continental Freights Summer 2009- Child Minder 2007 Present- Centra/Daybreak Sept 2011 Present- Photographic Society Web Admin Sept 2011 Present

    Team Member


    Student, Artistic, Creative, good at problem solving skills,Computer skills, Design and drawing skills, playing sport.

    Imaginative, enthusiastic, responsible, well organised,hardworking, independent, confident.

    Studied Product design, Interaction design and Human computerinteraction. Poster design for UL Tennis club.

    Team Member

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    Student, creative and motivated.

    Skills: Photoshop, blogging

    Qualifications: Full clean driving licence with own transport

    Team Member

    Section 4 Project Management Workplan and Costs

    8.1 Project Workplan

    Start date FebruaryFinish Date May

    Aim/ Objectives

    To create a product aimed at users of MAC makeup. This product will use some aspectsalready in place for the customers use. We aim to improve the service provided my MACmakeup artists and to allow their work to be more creative and available to the public.


    Niamh Aine Begley 3 monthsTara Donoghue 3 months

    Caitriona Conefrey 3 months


    Niamh Aine Begley (Manager) 3 monthsTara Donoghue (Manager) -3 monthsCaitriona Conefrey (Manager) 3 monthsJessica OMalley (MAC Makeup Artist) Interviewed & ShadowedSarah Sanders( MAC Makeup Artist) Interviewed & Shadowed


    - Discuss Aims & Objectives- Commercial Opportunitys- Economic Impacts


    - Brainstorming our initials topic ideas- Initial research

    - Choose our topic- Meeting with professionals- Creating presentation of work

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    - The app we have designed will allow professional makeup artist talent to beshared with the customer.

    - It will hugely improve the customers experience and confidence in the productsand company.

    - It will increase sales for MAC.- Will boost the companys public profile.- Will be originally aimed at MAC cosmetics as it will be taking systems they

    already have in place; we will be digitalizing and hugely improving their service.- Our product will revolutionize the makeup industry.

    Stage 1 work plan

    Stage 1 Technical Workplan-Workpackage #

    Start Date Feb 2012 Finish Date May 2012



    To enhance the still and enjoyment of makeup for interested


    Managers Niamh Aine Begley (4 months)Tara Donoghue (4 months)Caitriona Conefrey (4 months)

    Contributors Niamh Aine Begley (Manager) 4 monthsTara Donoghue (Manager) -4 months

    Caitriona Conefrey (Manager) 4 monthsJessica OMalley (MAC Makeup Artist) Interviewed & Shadowed,

    Sarah Sanders (MAC Makeup Artist) Interviewed & Shadowed

    Description /


    Task 1.1- Buy/Download AppTask 1.2- Add to personal deviceTask 1.3- Launch App, Sign up,Task 2 - Create profileTask 2.1 - Add portrait of face (bare skin, no makeup)

    Task 3 - Browse catalogue of face chartsTask 3.1 - Select desired Look

    Task 4 - Using your chosen portrait, highlight important section ofyour face, for guidelines) Jaw line, out eye corner etc...

    Task 5 - Select Apply NowTask 6 - View Look on you

    Task 7 - Share, Like, Comment...

    Milestones M1. After extensive research the group choose to work in thecosmetics industry.M2. Choose to work with the MAC cosmetics company.

    M3. To fuller our knowledge of the industry we met and interviewedprofessional makeup artist who work with the company of our choice

    MAC.M4. Choose the company we wish to work with on the technical end ofour product.M5. Brought the two sides of our product together.

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    M6. Created virtual prototypes of our product.

    M7. Present our product to and audience.

    Deliverables Examples of typical commercialization deliverable include: This product will change the makeup industry forever. It also

    moves the use of MACs famous face charts to digital meaningthey can reach their customers in a whole new way.

    Jessica OMalley (MAC Makeup Artist) Interviewed &

    Shadowed.Sarah Sanders (MAC Makeup Artist) Interviewed & Shadowed.

    The commercial intent of this product would be to work side-by-side MAC to develop this service on and international level. Weexpect this service would boost sales and subscriptions hugely.

    The product would be patented and would be licensed only toMAC as it is designed specifically around their whole new way.

    Jessica OMalley (MAC Makeup Artist) Interviewed &Shadowed.Sarah Sanders (MAC Makeup Artist) Interviewed & Shadowed.

    The commercial intent of this product would be to work side-by-

    side MAC to develop this service on and international level. Weexpect this service would boost sales and subscriptions hugely.

    The product would be patented and would be licensed only toMAC as it is designed specifically around their patented FaceCharts.

    Our team will work hand in hand with MAC only to make thisproduct a success, we will also work with MAC to train their staffon how best to use and market this service.

    The marketing plan for this product would be to launch thisservice within the stores allowing the customers to experiencethe benefits on the new service while also having the personal

    touch they are used to. At the launch there will be demonstrations on a continuous

    n=basis to give the customers a chance to become comfortablewith the service.

    We will hold all meetings with licensees/investors in the company

    of MAC officials.

    Stage 1 Risks and Go/No Go Deliverables

    Risks ForStage 1

    The main risk involved in our product would have tobe, another company develops a product similar to ourown. As we are designing a product solely for workingwith MAC cosmetics we feel that there would be norisk of them being approached by another companywith a product developed as well as our own.

    Go/No GoDeliverable/sfor Stage 1

    One of the No Go Deliverables we had wasdeveloping a product for all cosmetics companies.After some research we decided that a key component

    was the patented MAC face charts. We feel they arethe key to a very successful product and we are willingto work only with them.

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    9.1 Project Costs

    The only costs during the process included : Travel costs - Overall 15 -20Printing of prototypes 1.50-3

    Curriculum Vitaes

    Team member 1 - Tara Donoghue

    Curriculum VitaePersonal DetailsName: Tara DonoghueAddress: An seacht ri, Moyleen, Loughrea, Co. GalwayDOB: 21st February 1992Email

    EducationSt.Peter and Pauls, Ilford, Essex, England 1995-2002St. Itas, Loughrea, Co. Galway 2000-2004St. Raphaels College, Loughrea, Co. Galway 2004- 2010University of Limerick 2010-Present

    Skills and Training

    I am able to motivate others.

    I am able to deal with people, problems and situations with honesty and respect.

    Set goals and priorities balancing work and personal life.

    Understand and work within the dynamics of a group.

    I am able to design or carry out a project or task from start to finish

    I have studied HACCP in school.

    I am the class representative for my course


    Leaving Certificate2010First Aid course 2010

    I am very interested an art and design. I love to play Volleyball, tennis and soccer. I playedwith the schools volleyball team and I was the captain. I am a member of Dance UL atcollege. Outside of college I enjoy playing volleyball, listening to music and travelling whenpossible. I like working with IT.


    Cliona Barret, Galway Clinic, Doughiska, Co.Galway, 091 785000John McCormack, Emerald Filling station, Loughrea, Co. Galway, 086 8729810
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    Team member 2 - Caitriona Conefrey

    Curriculum Vitae

    Personal Details

    Name: Caitriona ConefreyAddress: Dooninerin Cregg, Rosses Point, Co. SligoDate of Birth: 21/ February/ 1992Telephone: 086-0784248E-mail:


    2010 Present: B.Sc. Digital Media Design - University of Limerick2004 2010: Sligo Grammar School;

    Art H B1Biology H B2Geography H B2Mathematics O A2English O A2Irish O C3


    Discover Sligo, July August 2010: Events Marshall/ Ticket SalesFairways Bistro, March 08 August 09: WaitressHappy Days Crche, Jan Feb 08: Helper/ Child Minder

    Skills and Achievements

    Full, clean, driving license with own transport. Certifications in First Aid and Fire Safety. Quicklearner and work well under pressure and have great experience providing customer servicein a fast-paced bar/ restaurant atmosphere including administrative responsibilities. As ahighly motivated person, I hope to find a career as part of a team, where I can gain

    Knowledge and experience.


    Fairways Bistro, Tommie Battle: 087-2851619Discover Sligo: 086-6787391

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    Team member 3 - Niamh Begley


    Name: Niamh Aine BegleyDOB: 21-08-1991

    Address: Rusheen, Smoor, Dunhill, Co. WaterfordEmail

    PERSONAL STATEMENTAs a young student I am willing to try many new activities and have an ambition to learn newskills. I am a fast learner and a people person. My work experiences are varied; I haveworked in a delicatessen, child minding and office administration. More recently I haveimproved my research skills. I am a hard worker and eager to take on any new opportunities.

    EDUCATIONPrimary:Slieverue National School , Slieverue,Co. Killkenny 1995- 1998St.Joesphs Primary School , Portrush Road, Adelaide , SA 1998- 2001Westwood Elementary, Rancho Bernardo, San Diego 2001-2003Bernardo Heights Middle School, Rancho Bernardo, San Diego 2003-2004

    Secondary:Our Lady of Mercy Secondary School, Oznam, Waterford 2004-2005De la Salle College , Newtown, Waterford 2009-2010University of Limerick - BS Digital Media Design 2010 - 2014

    JOB DESCRIPTIONFrom my experience working in Spar and Centra I learned how important customer service isand how to work with fellow employees in a harmonious environment. I also learned how towork with cash, using a cash register and basic bookwork. I had the opportunity to work inthe delicatessen area of the business improving my cooking skills, as this was my main job Ideveloped the skills necessary to communicate extremely well with the customer to deliverthe best service and product possible! . Also at this time I was trained in the necessary healthand safety standards.While working in Ashbourne Continental Freights I learned how to do basic administrationwork, customer enquiries, petty cash and filing. My duties gave me the opportunity to be

    involved in the day-to-day running of a business.I have always loved children and have been child minding from the age of 16. The skillsneeded to be a successfully child minder are plentiful and include patience and creativity, itis also important to be continuously safely conscience. My training in first aid made mecomfortable to mind children of all ages.I am currently on the photographic society committee and a very active member! I find thisto be one of the most enjoyable and educational parts of my college experience. I havelearned how much work really goes into social media managing and the power off onlinecommunication. I think that being part of a university society is a priceless experience andeveryone should take part.

    REFERENCESChild Minding - Teresa Coburn (087)9396150,Centra/ Daybreak Mary Francis (087) 7620068
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