directing and controlling - secab erp

Post on 01-Jun-2022






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Directing and Controlling

Suhaib Mohammed

Asst.Prof, Dept. of EEE

SECAB.I.E.T, Vijayapura

Directing and Controlling

1. Nature and purpose of directing

2. Leadership styles

3. Motivation Theories

4. Communication meaning and importance

5. Coordination meaning and importance

6. Techniques of coordination

7. Controlling Meaning

8. Steps in controlling




Urwick and Breach : “Directing is the guidance, the inspiration, the

leadership of those men and women that constitute the real core of the

responsibilities of management.”

Koontz and O’Donnel : “Directing is the interpersonal aspect of

managing by which subordinates are led to understand and contribute

effectively and efficiently to the attainment of enterprise’s objectives.”

Earnest Dale: “Telling people what to do and seeing that they do it to

the best of their ability. It includes making assignment, explaining

procedures, seeing that mistakes are corrected, providing on the job

instruction, and of course, issuing order.”


1. Nature and purpose of directing

Nature of directing

1. It is a Dynamic Function:

2. It Initiates Action

3. It Provides Necessary Link between Various Managerial


4. It is a Universal Function

5. It is Concerned with Human Relationships


1. Nature and purpose of directing

Purpose of directing

1. Initiates Action

2. Integrates Efforts

3. Motivates Employees

4. Provides Stability

5. Coping up with the Changes

6. Effective Utilization of Resources


Principles of Direction

1. Harmony of Objectives

2. Unity of Command

3. Efficiency

4. Direct Supervision

5. Effective communication

6. Effective control

7. Follow through


2. Leadership styles

• There are three leadership styles or leadership approaches

1. Trait approach

2. Behavioral Approach

3. Contingency approach


1. Trait Approach

This approach is based on the theory that people are born with leadership qualities.

The traits that are associated with leadership are natural and physical energy,

emotional stability, knowledge of human relations, empathy, objectivity, self

motivation, communication skills, teaching ability, intelligence etc


• There is not a definitive list of leadership qualities.

• Does not take situation in to account. A person who is a leader in one situation

may not be a leader in another.

• This approach is not useful for leadership training or development.

• Doesn’t work very well in our culture where we want adaptive leaders.


2. Behavioral Approach

• The traits approach emphasizes some particular trait to be possessed by leader

whereas this theory emphasized on particular behaviour by him.

• This approach determines how various kinds of specific behaviour affect the

performance and satisfaction of subordinates.

• There are four basic theories of behavioral approach ,

i. Leadership based on the use of authority

ii. Likert’s four systems of management

iii. The managerial grid

iv. Leaderships involving a variety of styles and level of use of power and



i. Leadership based on the use of authority

a. Autocratic Leadership: Who commands and gives rewards and punishment.

b. Democratic or Participative Leadership : Who consults and involves the

subordinates for decision making.

c. Free-Rein : Who uses his power little and gives freedom to subordinates to carry

their work.



ii. Likert’s four systems of management

Prof. Likert’s developed four systems of management to describe

the Leadership styles.

System I. Exploitative Authoritative : Here the leaders are more

autocratic and motivate subordinates by punishment. Limits the

decision making to the top.

System II. Benevolent Authoritative : This system motivates

employees through rewards and some punishment . Delegate decision

making to some subordinates with policy control.

System III. Consultative : This system motivates employees through

rewards and occasional punishment . Decisions are taken with


System IV. Participative: Here the management have full confidence

in employees. Motivates employees by monitory rewards. Encourage

decision making with subordinates.


iii. The managerial grid

The managerial grid model (1964) is a leadership style model

developed by Robert R Bake and Jane Mouton.

The model is represented as a grid with concern for production on

the x-axis and concern for people on the y-axis; each axis ranges

from 1 (Low) to 9. The resulting leadership styles are as follows.

a. Indifferent: Managers have low concern for both people and


b. Accommodating: This style has a high concern for people and a low

concern for production.


c. Dictatorial : High concern for production, and a low concern for


d. Status quo : Balance between company goals and workers' needs.

e. Sound : High concern is paid both to people and production.

f. Opportunistic : They adopt whichever behaviour offers the greatest

personal benefit.

g. Paternalistic : Praise and support, but discourage challenges to their



iv. Leadership involving a variety of styles

This concept is also called as leadership continuum. Here the

leadership involves verity of styles ranging from boss centered to

subordinate centered. Here the theory of leadership is adopted

depending on the leader, subordinates and situations.

3. Contingency approach

Here the best suited style of leadership is choosen depending on the

situation and it varies with situation.


3. Motivation

Internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to

be continually interested and committed to a job, role or subject, or to

make an effort to attain a goal.

According to Edwin B Flippo, “Motivation is the process of attempting to

influence others to do their work through the possibility of gain or



Characteristics of Motivation

1. Motivation is a Psychological Concept: Motivation has to come from within each

individual. There are two desiring factors in motivation-(a) Fundamental needs.

(b) Ego-satisfaction.

2. Motivation affects the Whole Individual, not part of Him /Her

3. Motivation is continuous process

4. Non-fulfilment of Basic Needs Makes a Man Sick: If anybody fails in trying to

meet a need. He becomes mentally ill and such frustrated man cannot be motivated.

5. Goals are Motivators

6. The Self-concept as a Unifying Force : His own personality or image will motivate

him to a) Act like a person he thinks he is.

b) Get what he thinks he can.


Motivation theories

There are various theories of motivation, amongst which four are summarized here

i. Maslow’s theory of motivation

Maslow’s on his clinical experience, he classified all human needs into a hierarchical

manner from the lower to the higher order.

In essence, he believed that once a given level of need is satisfied, it no longer serves to

motivate man. Then, the next higher level of need has to be activated in order to

motivate the man. Maslow identified five levels in his need hierarchy as shown in




a. Physiological Needs : These needs are basic to human life and, hence,

include food, clothing, shelter, air, water and necessities of life.

b. Safety Needs: After satisfying the physiological needs, the next needs felt

are called safety and security needs. These needs find expression in such

desires as economic security and protection from physical dangers.

c. Social Needs: It is the need due to which individuals prefer to work in

groups and especially older people go to work.

d. Esteem Needs: These needs refer to self-esteem and self-respect.

e. Self Actualisation Needs: Self-actualization means to become actualized

in what one is potentially good at.


ii. Theory X and Theory Y

Theory X and Theory Y were first explained by McGregor and refer it to two

styles of management

a. Authoritarian (Theory X)

This style of management assumes that workers:

i. Dislike their work.

ii. Avoid responsibility and need constant direction.

iii. Have to be controlled, forced and threatened to deliver work.

iv. Need to be supervised at every step.

v. Have no incentive to work or ambition, and therefore need to be enticed by

rewards to achieve goals.


b. Participative (Theory Y)

Mc Gregor biasing his analysis on Maslow’s heierarchy of needs, he

conclude that the theory X is wrong and developed a Theory Y.

This style of management assumes that workers are:

i. Happy to work on their own initiative.

ii. More involved in decision making.

iii. Self-motivated to complete their tasks.

iv. Enjoy taking ownership of their work.

v. Seek and accept responsibility, and need little direction.

vi. View work as fulfilling and challenging.

vii. Solve problems creatively and imaginatively.


iii. Immaturity-maturity theory

Argyris has developed his motivation theory based on proposition how management

practices affect the individual behaviour and growth. According to him person develops

from immature to mature in seven stages.

Immaturity Maturity

Passive Active

Dependent Independent

Behave in few ways Behave in many ways

Shallow interests Deep, and strong interests

Short time perspective Long time perspective

Subordinate Super ordinate position

Lack of self control Control over self


iv. Motivation-Hygein Theory

The psychologist Frederick Herzberg extended the work of Maslow and propsed a new

motivation theory popularly known as Herzberg’s Motivation Hygiene (Two-Factor)

Theory. The two factors are,

1) Hygein factor

2) Motivating factor



It is the process of transmitting ideas or thoughts from one person to another.

Systems of Communication

There are three systems of communication

Based on organizational structure

a. Formal (Follows hierarchy) b. Informal (Moves freely)

Based on direction of expression

a. Downward b. Upward c. Horizontal

Based on way of expression

a. Oral or Verbal b. Written


Importance of Communication

a. Base for Action

b. Planning Becomes Easy

c. Means of Coordination

d. Aids in Decision-Making

e. Provides Effective Leadership

f. Boosts Morale and Motivation


Means/ techniques of coordination

1. Well defined goals: –The goals of the organization should be clear and well defined.

2. Sound organization structure: –The authority and responsibility for each and every

positions and employees should be clearly defined.

3. Effective communication: It is only through effective communication that even

individual understand his/her limitations, positions and responsibility in the


4. Proper leadership: – proper leadership leads the subordinates effectively and

efficiently. A good managerial leader uses the motivational tools to coordinate the

employees with effective communication system.

5. Proper supervision: – supervisors coordinate the subordinates and their activities.


6. Better plans and policies: –When the plans and policies are better coordination is

effective in the organization.

7. Cooperation: – Without cooperation, coordination may not succeed because

coordination is related to employees and their activities. So, cooperation is essential in

the organization.

8. Meeting and conference: – Coordination may be possible when there is

environment of constructive discussion and debate with meeting and conference

9. Group decision: – the group decision is a decision in which all members of the

organization are participated to make decisions. The ideas and feelings are mixed into

the decision and coordination may succeed.


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