disability studies a nordic perspective

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Disability Studies A Nordic Perspective. Disability Studies Conference Lancaster, July 2004 Rannveig Traustadóttir Faculty of Social Science University of Iceland rannvt@hi.is. Disability Studies A Nordic Perspective. Overview The Nordic context - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Disability StudiesA Nordic Perspective

Disability Studies ConferenceLancaster, July 2004

Rannveig TraustadóttirFaculty of Social Science

University of Iceland rannvt@hi.is

Disability StudiesA Nordic Perspective

Overview The Nordic context Nordic Disability Studies/Disability Research

Similarities and difference with UK Disability studies

Is there a Nordic model of disability? Understanding disability Theoretical approaches

The social model of disability from a Nordic perspective

Disability studies as a field Future of Nordic - UK connections

The Nordic Context Five Nordic countries

Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway & Sweden

Three self-governing regions Åland Islands, Faeroe Islands & Greenland

Lapland - Sami people in the North Crossing Norway, Sweden, Finland & North


Nordic Situatedness andPolitics of Location

How do we handle our located situatedness? Empirical research

located in own country lessons from others lessons for others

Domination of UK and USA important contributions dominating and generalized

Non–English/ Non–UK/USA must decide if we locate us or generalize problems of language and translations

Disability & Disability Studies in the Nordic Countries

Historical and political context 1960s/70s Citizenship and equality – basic principles and

values of the welfare state The principle of normalization was formulated in

the Nordic countries Disabled people’s movement Independent living movement Welfare provisions and human rights should be

extended to all, including disabled people

Disability & Disability Studies in the Nordic Countries?

Historical and political context 1960s/70s Critique of institutions – unacceptable living

conditions and human rights violations Critique of medical understanding of disability Society and the environment should be be

changed so disabled people could participate ‘Environmental turn’ - The focus shifted from the

individual as the sole problem to include the social context

Top down reforms

NNDRNordic Network on Disability Research

1992 FUN, Forskning om utveklingshemming I Norden (Nordic Intellectual Disability Research)

1997 NNDR, Nordic Network on Disability Research

1999 SJDR, Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research

Nordic Disability Research

From NNDR Statutes

NNDR is a multidisciplinary network of disability researchers interested in cultural, societal and environmental dimensions of disability and marginalization.

The purpose and intention of NNDR is to promote and advance research and development in the field of disability.

Nordic Disability Research cont…

From NNDR Statutes cont…

NNDR provides a forum for disability researchers, particularly from the Nordic countries, to meet, present, and discuss their research, as well as encouraging Nordic and international exchange and collaboration.

UK Disability Studies

From Lancaster 2004 conference

Disability Studies is concerned with the inter-disciplinary development of an increasing body of knowledge and practice, which has arisen from the activities of the disabled people’s movement, and which has come to be known as ‘the social model of disability.’

UK Disability Studies cont…

From Lancaster conference cont.

The social model of disability locates the changing character of disability, which is viewed as an important dimension of inequality, in the social and economic structure and culture of the society in which it is found, rather than in individual limitations.

Two Major Differences UK focus:

Disability Studies

The social model of disability

Nordic focus: Disability Research

No one single theory or model of disability

Is there a Nordic Model of Disability?

No one single way or approach but a ‘family of ideas’

The Nordic relational model/approach Three main characteristics

Disability is a person-environment mismatch (relationship/relational)

Disability is situational or contextual Disability is relative

(Tøssebro 2002, 2004)

Understanding of Disability in the Nordic Countries

Issues of Language ‘Disability’ is an umbrella term for groups of

people with different impairments No unity within the Nordic countries about

language use The distinction between ‘disability’ and

‘impairment’ does not translate well into Nordic languages

‘Disabled people’ or ‘People with disabilities’ The term ‘disability studies’ is also difficult to

translate into some Nordic languages

Nordic Disability Studies Many disability scholars Many disability focused courses

Single courses as part of other programs (social work, education, …)

Few disability studies programs - but are being developed – mostly MA programs

Doctoral students in many fields focus their work on disability

Not a clear definition of ‘disability studies’ DS and ‘traditional’ disability focused

programs (rehab., special ed., …)

Theoretical Development in Nordic Disability Research

Most Nordic Disability research has been practical empirical policy oriented research

------------------------------------------------ Main characteristics (Gustavsson 2004) Non-theoretical approaches

The reformer’s perspective (‘does-it-work’ approach)

Personal experiences (‘Experience-near perspectives’)

Theoretical Development in Nordic Disability Research

Three main theoretical perspectives Essentialist perspectives

Individual essentialism – the clinical model Contextual essentialism – the social model

Constructionist perspectives Linguistic constructionism Cultural constructionism

Relative interactionist perspective The most Nordic – originates in 1960s/70s as

an alternative to the more individual, essential definitions of disability

Theoretical Development in Nordic Disability Research

Relative interactionist perspective Takes the relative definition of disability

seriously Emphasizes a multi level approach and

analysis Empirical sensitivity Different versions of the relative

interactionist perspective can be identified

Approaches to Disability in the Nordic Countries

Given the most common understanding of disability and the theoretical approaches in Nordic disability research there is a firm believe that no one theory,

approach, method or model can bring all the answers

instead we must employ multiple ways and approaches - and keep looking for new ones

the complexity of human existence calls for multiple and complex methods and approaches

UK Social Model of Disability and the Nordic Countries UK social model has received much attention

among Nordic scholars, disabled people and professionals

The social model is in line with dominant understanding of disability in the Nordic countries

Has worked to re-vitalize and radicalize discussions and debates

Liberating for disabled people Has directed Nordic attention to UK Disability


UK Social Model of Disability and the Nordic Countries

The ‘disability’ – ‘impairment’ debate is confusing and not easily understandable in the Nordic lands

Which social model? Is there one social model? Linking DS to one model is difficult for

Nordic scholars to relate to Has been criticized by Nordic scholars

UK and Nordic Disability StudiesSimilarities and Differences Social and environmental emphasis Commitment to disability rights political agenda - and

activism Disabled researchers Links to disabled people and

the disabled people’s movement Theoretical perspectives Issues of accessibility Two major contributions

Nordic: Normalization UK: Social model of disability

International influence

Disability Studies

Belongs to a group of ‘new’ multidisciplinary fields, e.g. Feminist/women’s/gender studies Lesbian and gay/queer studies Ethnic minority studies

Disability Studies and Other Multidisciplinary Fields of Study

Similarities Roots in social movements aimed to end

oppression and marginalization Scholarship and activism Opposition to hegemonic normalcy Critique of dominant theories Challenging key concepts Development of new methodologies The biological and the social Essentialism and constructivism And much more …

Disability Studies and Other Multidisciplinary Fields of Study

Differences At least one significant difference between DS

and the other fields: Society has put in place service industry to ‘deal with’ disabled people and devotes much resources to it

Other differences How big is the group in question The individual’s relationship to the group Historical, social and cultural context And more…

Disability Studies and Other Multidisciplinary Fields of Study

What can DS learn from the other fields? How did they start and develop? Why are some flourishing and others

experiencing backlash? Historical and cultural contexts Place in the academy (disciplinary affiliation,

independent programs or integrated courses) ‘Fragmentation’ of the fields Survival strategies

Nordic – UK Future Collaboration NNDR has made conscious efforts to

connect with UK disability scholars Exciting ideas, debates, sophisticated theorizing,

innovative methods, etc. Geographical neighbors Many similarities, social, cultural, political, etc.

From a Nordic perspective these connections have been wonderful;

challenging, expanding, fruitful and inspiring on a scholarly level - and

very rewarding on a personal level

Nordic - UK Future Collaboration

NNDR efforts Working language of NNDR is English NNDR conferences are in English SJDR is an English language journal English language series on Nordic

disability research is being published We invite, encourage, welcome and

respect multiple and various perspectives

Nordic - UK Future Collaboration and Contacts

Next NNDR conferenceOslo, Norway

April 14 – 16, 2005http://www.sell.hil.no.nndr2005


We welcome people from the UK and other countries


Gustavsson, A. (2004). The role of theory in disability research: Springboard or strait-jacket? Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, Special Issue: Understanding Disability. 6(1), 55-70.

Tøssebro, J. (2002). Leaving the individual out: Practical and logical problems. Paper presented at a Plenary Symposium “Understanding disability: The UK Social Model and the Nordic Relational Approach” at the 6th NNDR Conference, Disability Research, Theory and Practice, 22 – 24 August, Reykjavík, Iceland.

Tøssebro, J. (2004). Understanding disability: Introduction to the special issues of SJDR. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, Special Issue: Understanding Disability. 6(1), 3 – 7.

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