disaster management

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Disasters in India

Disasters in IndiaMade by -: Vivek Bhatt

What IS A Disaster ?Adisasteris a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society which exceeds the ability of the affected community or society involving widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts, w to cope using its own resources.

List of major disasters occurred in india

Tsunami affected Indian territory

Location of various natural hazards in india

Types of disastersTornadoFloodsEarthquakeTsunamiCycloneLandslidesDroughts

TornadoTornadoesare narrow aggressively rotating mixtures of air that come from the base of a thunderstorm, being the most violent of storms. Tornadoes are usually hard to see unless they form a condensation funnel made from dust, water droplets and debris . Tornadoes take place in several parts of the world, such as Australia, Europe, Africa but mostly occur in the United States, Argentina, and Bangladesh

FloodsFloodstake place when water overflows or submerges land that is usually parched.[4]The most common way is when rivers or streams overflow their banks. A floodplain is produced when water from a rivers spreads through the land from excessive rain, rapid ice melting, unfortunately placed beaver dam, and ruptured dam. There are two types of floods: general and flash floods.[5]General floods are predicted well in advance and usually cause the destruction of housing, people and crops. Flash floods come without warning and are sudden and extreme: A large volume of water flows rapidly and people have to make quick movements if they do not want to be caught in the flood. They have to find high safe ground where the water will not reach them.

EARTHQUAKEWhen two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past each other in the fault of the earth, it is called an earthquake. Energy released in many forms moves in all directions and causes the ground to shake.[6]Sometimes earthquakes may have foreshocks, which are smaller earthquakes that occur in the same region which is followed by a larger earthquake. The larger earthquake, called the main shock, always has aftershocks that follow it. Aftershocks can continue of hours, weeks, months and sometimes even years depending on how big the main shock was. Earthquakes usually occur on active faults which define major tectonic plates on the Earth. 90% of the worlds earthquakes occur along plate boundaries.[7]Earthquakes can cause much damage, mainly from the ground shaking and leaving cracks in the ground. Sometimes it can also cause buildings to collapse and cause deaths.

tSUNAMIAtsunami also known as aseismic sea waveor as atidal wave, is a series of waves in a body of water caused by the displacement of a large volume of water, generally in an ocean or alarge lake.Earthquakes,volcanic eruptionsand otherunderwater explosions(including detonations of underwaternuclear devices), landslides,glacier calvings,meteorite impactsand other disturbances above or below water all have the potential to generate a tsunami.[3]In being generated by the displacement of water, a tsunami contrasts both with a normalocean wave generated by windand withtides, which are generated by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun on bodies of water.

cyclonesInmeteorology, acycloneis an area of closed, circular fluid motion rotating in the same direction as theEarth.[1][2]This is usually characterized by inwardspiralingwindsthat rotatecounterclockwisein theNorthern Hemisphereandclockwisein the Southern Hemisphereof the Earth. Most large-scale cyclonic circulations are centered on areas oflow atmospheric pressure.[3][4]The largest low-pressure systems arecold-corepolar cyclones and extratropical cyclones which lie on thesynoptic scale. According to theNational Hurricane Centerglossary, warm-core cyclones such astropical cyclonesandsubtropical cyclonesalso lie within the synoptic scale.[5]Mesocyclones, tornadoes and dust devils lie within the smallermesoscale.[6]Upper level cyclones can exist without the presence of a surface low, and can pinch off from the base of theTropical Upper Tropospheric Troughduring the summer months in the Northern Hemisphere. Cyclones have also been seen on extraterrestrial planets, such asMarsandNeptune.[7][8]Cyclogenesisdescribes the process of cyclone formation and intensification.[9]Extratropical cyclonesform as waves in large regions of enhanced mid-latitude temperature contrasts calledbaroclinic zones. These zones contract to formweather frontsas the cyclonic circulation closes and intensifies. Later in their life cycle, cyclonesoccludeas cold core systems. A cyclone's track is guided over the course of its 2 to 6 day life cycle by the steering flow of the cancer or subtropicaljet stream.

landslidesAlandslide, also known as alandslip, is ageological phenomenonthat includes a wide range of ground movements, such asrockfalls, deep failure ofslopesand shallowdebrisflows. Landslides can occur in offshore, coastaland onshore environments. Although the action ofgravityis the primary driving force for a landslide to occur, there are other contributing factors affecting the originalslope stability. Typically, pre-conditional factors build up specific sub-surface conditions that make the area/slope prone to failure, whereas the actual landslide often requires a trigger before being released.

droughtsDroughtis an extended period when a region receives a deficiency in its water supply, whether atmospheric,surfaceorground water. A drought can last for months or years, or may be declared after as few as 15 days.[1]Generally, this occurs when a region receives consistently below averageprecipitation. It can have a substantial impact on theecosystemandagricultureof the affected region. Although droughts can persist for several years, even a short, intense drought can cause significant damage and harm to the localeconomy.Prolonged droughts have causedmass migrationsand humanitarian crises.Many plant species, such as those in the family Cactaceae orcacti, have adaptations such as reduced leaf area and waxy cuticles to enhance their ability to tolerate drought. Some others survive dry periods as buried seeds. Semi-permanent drought produces arid biomes such as deserts and grasslands.[4]Most arid ecosystems have inherently low productivity.

Disaster management cycle

Disaster management cycle includesResponse Recovery Mitigation or preventionPreparednessResponseResponse measures are usually those which are taken immediately prior to and following disaster impact.Typical measures include :Implementation of plansActivation of the counter-disaster systemSearch and RescueProvision of emergency food, shelter, medical assistance etc.Survey and assessmentEvacuation measures

recoveryRecovery is the process by which communities and the nation are assisted in returning to their proper level of functioning following a disaster.

Three main categories of activity are normally regarded as coming within the recovery segment:RestorationReconstructionRehabilitation

PREVENTION & MITIGATIONPrevention : Action within this segment is designed to impede the occurrence of a disaster event and/or prevent such an occurrence having harmful effects on communities or key installations.

Mitigation : Action within this segment usually takes the form of specific programs intended to reduce the effects of disaster on a nation or community. For instance, some countries regard the development and application of building codes (which can reduce damage and loss in the event of earthquakes and cyclones) as being in the category of mitigation.

PREPAREDNESSPreparedness is usually regarded as comprising measures which enable governments, organizations, communities and individuals to respond rapidly and effectively to disaster situations.

Examples of preparedness Examples of Preparedness measures are :The formulation & maintenance of valid, up-to-date counter-disaster plansSpecial provisions for emergency actionThe provisions of warning systemsEmergency communicationsPublic education and awarenessTraining programs, including exercises and tests.

Thank you

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