discontinuing treatment and not for resuscitation

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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Discontinuing Treatment and not for


What is treatment?

A treatment is a medical care given to a patient when they are in a bad condition such as illness or injury.

The common reason people discontinue treatment

•Stopping a Medication Due to Side Effects

•Stopping a Medication Because of Primary Effects

•Stopping a

medication due to

fanatical difficulties

Enlighten people about discontinuing treatment.

1.Giving hand outs.

2.Make sure whether the patient can

understand their disease.

3. encourage the patient.

Do Not Resuscitate Orders.

• A do not resuscitate order, or DNR, is a medical order written by a doctor. It instructs health care providers not to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if breathing stops or if the heart stops beating.

• when CPR is judged to be of no medical benefit.

• when the patient with intact decision making capacity (or when lacking such capacity, someone designated to make decisions for them) clearly indicates that he / she does not want CPR, should the need arise.

When can CPR be withheld?

DNR Protocols

• There are 2 types of protocols

1.Will suction the airway.

2. Will not suction the airway.

Types of DNR orders

1.DNR Comfort care.

2.DNA Comfort care- arrest.

3.DNA Specified.

Ethically acceptable of DNR Orders.

Slow codes.

Any questions ……?

Thank you………..

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