discover 7 list building strategies working right now

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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Discover 7 List Building Strategies Working Right Now

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Hey, It’s Maritza and I want to congratulation you for grabbing your copy of this valuable 6-Figure List Building Template!

What you’ll discover is how to build a substantial QUALITY list of subscribers who want what you uniquely have to offer.

Before we get into the content and the template. Let me tell you a little about how I got here and became a list building expert. It’s a zig-zag story of success, and you’ll just get a brushstroke of the highlights.

I’ve been absolutely crazy PASSIONATE about horses my entire life. Long story short, I figured out how to make money with my passion for horses and I created a “Dancing Stallion Horse Show”, recruiting my brothers to be in the show. And yes, people and organizations actually paid us to perform!

How cool is that? My show performing for the NY Racing Association

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During this time, I started a website for my horses so that people could keep up to date with what we were doing and where we were.

So, I was building a list of subscribers within the Iberian Horse (kind of horses I ride) niche AND, specifically people who loved classical dressage. A niche within a niche.

Here’s one thing I’ve learned about list building – it doesn’t matter if your niche is small – you can still profit big by building a database of subscribers.

List building is NOT a new concept. In fact, it’s been around since the 1800’s. What you do and how you do it has dramatically changed, but the principle has not. If you get on one of my complimentary online events, you’ll learn more about that.

I also self-published a weekly newsletter for those who wanted more. I was just really passionate about the subject and I couldn’t NOT share!

Is there anything you feel that passionate about?

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As years went by, my brothers started getting married and didn’t want to travel anymore, as they were starting their families. So, I began actively marketing my show to groups and organizations coming to the San Antonio area.

We had a ton of success with the show. I even added singing on horseback to make it more entertaining! Singing on horseback

I got married and decided to start a family of my own. To focus on growing my family, I stopped marketing my show for a year. Sadly, that didn’t work out exactly as I’d hoped. I found myself getting divorced. Financially and emotionally, it was devastating. I began having panic attacks and had to get a real job to support myself while trying to put my life back together.

Going to my physician for help with the panic attacks, he prescribed anti-anxiety medication.

I said “No Thanks!” and proceeded to figure out how to get over them naturally.

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Instead, I developed a process called “Cocooning” that helped me re-empower myself. Delving into all kinds of personal growth work, including the Law of Attraction, a few months later, I was a completely different person…

I truly felt like a butterfly who had come out of the cocoon.

While I was developing my “Cocooning” process, I also had a bright idea! I decided to try to sell something to my small list of horse subscribers. But I wasn’t sure what to sell them, so I decided to ask them what they wanted.

A survey went out and gave them several choices of things I could deliver for them.

One was training videos on how to do certain moves with your horse. The second option was from my personal video archive. I had tons of performance videos and videos of riding clinics I had participated in and organized with amazing riding trainers, who had since passed away. To my surprise, they chose option 2, a lot less work for me!

Bonus tip – Always ASK your subscribers what they really want from you!

How I Got Started in List Building…

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On a teleseminar to my subscribers, I offered a set of 6 DVDs of these performances and riding clinics, one would be delivered per month. And to my complete AMAZEMENT, I sold $29,746! I can’t emphasize how much that extra income helped me so much during those difficult financial days…

And that was when I really understood the Power of List Building…

A second experience that served to solidify the importance of list building for me was when I decide to share what I’d learned about the process of self empowerment and I started a tribe around that subject. My list of subscribers grew consistently and one day, I got a phone call… from Harpo Studios telling me that Oprah wanted to interview me!

When you build a list of subscribers who want what you uniquely offer, you can not only profit from it but you can get free media exposure from it.

My caller ID when Harpo called!

Set of DVDs that are still selling to my horse list – long after I created them!

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Your List is One of Your Best Business Assets…

You might be seeing why it’s important to build your list. It can give you serious leverage. It can help you stop trading time for money and begin to start selling one-to-many.

Before we get too far, though, I want to let you know about one of the most important things you should remember when you’re trying to start or grow your list.

Your list is a COMMUNITY of real people who have real pain you can solve, real dreams you can help them achieve. They are people with eyes and ears and hearts.

When you build a list community and you lead thatcommunity, you always want to keep this in mind so you can serve them at the very highest level.

Online list building is very different now than when it began. You used to be able to simply say, “Sign up for my newsletter” or “Subscribe” - that no longer is enough. You must craft a hot, compelling, Irresistible Free Offer™ to get new subscribers.

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The 7 List Building Strategies Working Right Now

And it’s always best to have a dedicated Ultimate Optin Page™ to send the traffic to. Ideally, you don’t want to send all the traffic you’ll get from the following 7 list building tools to your main website homepage (unless it’s a dedicated Ultimate Optin Page ™) because they’ll be distracted by blog posts, articles, links, etc.

# 1 List Building Tool: Content Marketing

Your content is really at the heart of any list building stream. Because really, if you think about it - the internet is ALL about content. Who’s looking for what… you want to ensure you have as much great “content bait” out there as you can so your perfect prospects can find you.

This is a classic example of the tortoise and the hare. Many people overlook the critical importance of content marketing because they mistakenly believe it’s too

Here are 7 ways you can build your list of happy subscribers that can convert into happy customers. These aren’t ALL the ways working now, but it will give you a great start. Remember to ensure you have an Irresistible Free Offer ™ that will actually get all your new visitors to subscribe to your list community.

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much work, never giving it time to work it’s magic! The truth is, it does require some work up front and that’s why most of your competition probably won’t be taking advantage of it! And you can come in and clean up…

Once you have some articles, post them on as many sites as you can. is just one article directory and you can also submit each article to a content submission service like There are also sites like or in addition to tons more sites hungry for content.

When you post it there, just be sure your byline - or your resource box as it’s more appropriately called – points people directly to your Ultimate Optin Page™ to ensure you convert as many new prospects into new list community subscribers.

If you don’t like writing, you can outsource it to a professional. Or you can do what I do, I actually speak my content. I “write” 2 columns per week that get syndicated in most major US newspapers. My trick is to use a transcription line, or I grab some content from the transcription of my latest online event (teleseminar or webinar).

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# 2 List Building Tool: BlogsA blog is great for your business and if you do it right, it doesn’t have to be difficult to keep your business blog up to date. Your own blog can be an effective list building tool, as long as you infuse your content with good SEO strategies, like the right keywords.

But you don’t want to simply focus on your blog, you want to also focus on other blogs, as long as they have the attention of your target market. Other blogs are looking for hot content and if you can provide it to them – they will love you for it.

You’ll be happy to let them use your content, as long as they post your bio along with your content. Bonus Tip: Make this about how you can help your target market, not really just about you! AND it must have a link to your site. So you’re being promoted to your target market on their site and they’re sending you new prospects!

Another way to build your list of subscribers from blogs is to make comments on blogs where your target prospects are visiting and consuming content. And yes, add a link back to your Ultimate Optin Page ™. Just be sure these are useful comments and not just a link back to your website.

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# 3 List Building Tool: MeetUpUsing this amazing and often overlooked tool at is how I first started building my list of Self-Empowerment/Law of Attraction. This is a way for you to become a “Star in Your Backyard” and stake your claim in your particular area of expertise.

It’s also a great way of getting coaching clients and selling your products and resources. One of my coaching clients consistently converts his 80% MeetUp attendees into clients!

Here are a few tips to get started:

Name your MeetUp to attract your target market - Just like the title of a blog post, name your MeetUp with keywords that will attract your target market. If your MeetUp is about Gardening and you are in St. Louis, you could call it "Gardening St. Louis.“

This is NOT Social - YOU are the Expert – Most people who start a MeetUp set it up as a social event organized around a topic. Don't do it like everyone else. Set yourself up as THE leader and expert. Have time for networking at the beginning or end, but make the majority of the event focused on you presenting your expertise. Make it known you have products & services that can help them - I made the mistake of not doing this when I first started out! People kept asking me for resources and for coaching,

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and I simply said “I’m not a coach” and “I don’t have any products” Finally I wised up, created some, and I was stunned by the number of ready-made customers who scooped them up.

There is a nominal cost to starting your own meetup. If you don’t want to do that, approach other meetup organizers who have your ideal prospect in their group.

# 4 List Building Tool: Social MediaWhen you pause and think about it, each one of your social media platforms is a list.

Your Facebook friends and fans are a list.Your YouTube subscribers are a list.Your Twitter followers are a list.Your LinkedIn connections are a list.

!WARNING!What most people never pause to consider is all of your social media lists are a list not owned or controlled by you. In other words, these social media lists can and may disappear at any time.

I could spend the next hour (or more) telling you stories of entrepreneurs who lost

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their social media list when their account was shut down for whatever reason. The Solution

Leverage social media to get people onto the only list YOU do own and control: your email list. Use your social media platforms to invite people to grab your hot, free gift directly from your Ultimate Optin Page ™.

Already think you waste a lot of time on social media? Then be sure to automate the process by pre-posting your social media updates, including lots of invitations to join your list!

# 5 List Building Tool: Affiliate EventsAffiliate marketing is a great way to double or triple your sales, and it’s a fantastic way to bring new subscribers to your list.

Make a list of your co-opetition. These are other entrepreneurs who work in niches similar to your own, but you do not directly compete, you complement each other. Let them know you have a great teleseminar or webinar presentation that their

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community would really enjoy. Offer to deliver it to their community. At the end of the presentation, you make an offer to their community, and split the proceeds 50/50 (or whatever you decide).

In this way, you are getting paid while building your list. Plus you are developing great affiliate and joint venture relationships for the future. Use this sparingly and only with affiliates whose products and services you know will help your community!

# 6 List Building Tool: Videos

Videos a great, fast and easy way to build your list community. And once you get used to creating them quickly, they actually can be fun. Even if you believe you have a "face made for radio" you can still create list building videos without ever appearing on screen.

Here's how it works:Take one simple idea that you want to share with your prospects. Create 3 - 5 Power Point slides. Make quick 2 - 3 minute videos out of your Power Point. Make sure not to give everything away, just one golden nugget they can use.

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Upload your video to YouTube and other video sharing sites. In the description of your videos, be sure to add a live link to your Ultimate Optin Page™ where they can sign up for your hot, free gift. With a little practice, you could make these types of list building videos in less than 30 minutes a month.

You can also easily do “talking head” videos.Just be sure to chunk recording them. I usually do 2 days of video shooting per year and I have more than enough videos to last all year long, releasing one video each week. And the same as with screen capture videos, just point video viewers to your Ultimate Optin Page ™ to ensure as many interested prospects become

# 7 List Building Tool: Guest Interviews on a Summit

A Summit is an online event (teleseminar or webinar) in which several experts in one area are featured and interviewed by the host. The host invites their subscribers to attend, as does each presenter.

A recent Summit I was invited to participate in!

your excited new subscribers.

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During your interview, be sure to give some golden nuggets without giving everything away. You don’t want to leave your prospects too full. And, talk about how you help people achieve whatever goal(s) they want to achieve with your work. During the interview, or at the end, you let attendees know how and exactly where to get your hot, free gift. (that would be your Ultimate Optin Page ™)

This builds a very highly qualified and responsive list community because they have now heard your expertise those who are your perfect prospect will want more.

Bonus Tip: Host a Summit. Each participant that you interview invites their list community, helping you grow your list community substantially.

So, there you have it, 7 Streams of List Building that are working right now. As I said, these aren’t the only the effective ways to build your list, there are many more - but they will give you a great start.

The beauty of list building is that when you set up a proven system that you follow, these streams will work overtime for you, bringing in a steady flow of new quality

The Smart & Profitable Way to Build Your List.

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prospects. There’s no shortcut to building a large, high-quality list community. No “magic pill”! That really is the best part of it, though – those who are consistent can PROFIT BIG by crossing into the 6 and 7 – figure earnings mark.

Just remember to always keep your eye on the list building opportunities all around – so you can share your unique work with the world. Look, the MOST successful people all agree “Your Wealth is in Your List” – because it is true!

Use the template on the following page to remind yourself of the list building streams that are working… and Build Your 6-Figure List!

And each month my team does a drawing to see who will win a List Building Breakthrough Session with me (value $1000). If you want to apply for one of these spots, be sure to fill out the qualification survey here.

To your success!

P.S. If we do get to speak, be prepared to explore EXACTLY what your biggest challenge is with building your own profitable List Community, so you can live your purpose, make consistent sales with a serious LIST BUILDING BREAKTHROUGH.

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