discover the beauty of gilau

Post on 18-May-2015






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Our Commune Gilău is a very beautiful commune situated in the north-

western part of Romania, in the heart of Transylvania, on the basin of Someşul Mic river, at 20 km away from the county residence, Cluj- Napoca city. It contains three more villages: Somesu-Rece, Somesu-Cald and Somesu-Rece-Uzina.

Dating back in time approximately 3000 years ago, its name is thought to have come from the name of an ancient ruler of these lands, Gelu, Romanian voivode of the 10th century.

The locality is characterized by hill and mountain relief, with vegetation made by leafy and resinous forests and has a high potential in tourism and amusement, sports practicing, especially the winter ones, but also the opportunity of business founding and developing in agriculture, zootechny, apiculture, pisciculture, forestry.

The inhabitants (over 7000) are some welcoming and hardworking people, who have developed in time a great respect for their traditions and values.

A Cross Dedicated to

Gelu the Voivode

The Death of Voivode Gelu

-detail from the Cross-

Touristic Attractions

Among the main touristic objectives are:Gilău Lake;the Wass Castle (15th- 16th centuries),

built in Renaissance style and temporarily used by the family of Michael the Brave;

within the castle area there can still be seen the ruins of an ancient Roman fort.

Gilău Lake

The Medieval Castle of Gilău

The Architecture of one of the Inner Pillars

The ruins of the ancient Roman fort (as they are supposed to have been some centuries ago)

The Ruins of the Roman Fort Today

Stone axes

Roman Coins

Some Samples of Broken Pottery

Bronze Pot

3rd Century

Greek God Apollo Represented as a Tracian Warrior

Funeral Roman Medalion

The Statue of “Venus of Gilău”

Nowadays Gilău

The Old School of Gilău

The Village Hall Building

The Cultural Community Centre

Private Houses near the Lake


The Trout Breeding Farm

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