discovering new product introduction using autodesk plm 360 – rodney coffey, razorleaf & scott...

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Discovering NPI using

Fusion Lifecycle

Rodney Coffey – Razorleaf Corporation

Scott Stortz – Synergis Technologies

Your Session Leader

Rodney Coffey

Manager – PLM, Razorleaf Corporation

• 10+ years Supporting the Autodesk Manufacturing Channel

• Extensive Experience with Autodesk PLM 360 Services including Enterprise

Implementation & Integration

• His team has been partnered with Autodesk Consulting and Partners alike to

provide customers with PLM and Integration services since 2011

Your Session Leader

Scott Stortz

PLM Application Consultant, Synergis

• 20+ years engineering experience in a variety of manufacturing companies

• Led successful PLM implementation prior to joining Synergis

• Discover how to use Autodesk Fusion Lifecycle to capture diverse

business processes

• Learn how to manage your product development processes among

all departments within your organization

• Learn how to implement Autodesk Fusion Lifecycle and how to

integrate with other business systems

Class Summary

Lessons Learned

Use ItBuild ItMap itFusion

Lifecycle & NPI

Session Agenda

Why Autodesk Fusion Lifecycle

• Limited IT Support

• Low Cost of Entry

• Easy to Administer, support

• Secure with Limited


• Cloud Based

• Administration & End User


• Configurability

• Broad Application to Business


• Ability to integrate to other

business systems

• Cost of Ownership

Common Customer Issues Fusion Lifecycle 360

Why Autodesk Fusion Lifecycle

• Improvement #1: Have key suppliers directly involved in Change Notice process.

• Roadblocks:

• Needed VPN access and active directory account

• Purchase additional licenses

• Impact:

• Continued to use email to loop in the suppliers

• Changes were not executed by supplier

• How Fusion Lifecycle provides this improvement

• All apps included

• Cloud based - no VPN required, no active directory account needed

• 3rd party licenses are free (for enterprise level customers)

Fusion Lifecycle Advantage

Why Autodesk Fusion Lifecycle

• Improvement #2: Small, incremental improvements to forms and fields

(changing fields, rearranging forms)

• Roadblocks:

• Complex administration and configuration

• Consulting fees

• Impact:

• Stifled user engagement

• How Fusion Lifecycle provides this improvement

• Administration and configuration functionality much more simple

Fusion Lifecycle Advantage

Why Autodesk Fusion Lifecycle

• Improvement #3: Equipment Calibration (or Field Service Report, or RMA)


• Roadblocks:

• No out of the box functionality

• Very complex to create workflows, forms, and fields

• Impact:

• Continued to use Excel, and paper based processes that were known

to be inefficient

• How Fusion Lifecycle provides this improvement

• Autodesk created an app just for this. Awesome.

• Fusion Lifecycle’s ease of use makes it realistic to implement.

Fusion Lifecycle Advantage

Why Autodesk Fusion Lifecycle

• Improvement #4: New Product Costing.

• Roadblocks:

• ERP remained master for financial information

• Integration was too complex

• Impact

• Continued process of a data dump into Excel spreadsheet

• BOM and costing information became less accurate as the project evolved

• How Fusion Lifecycle provides this improvement

• Fusion Lifecycle’s integration capabilities are much simpler – not only to setup, but also to maintain.

• Rodney has a presentation from 3-4 in the Berks room

Fusion Lifecycle Advantage

Companies have many different methods that are not scalable or

providing the desired results

• Email, Spreadsheets, Network Drives, SharePoint

With scattered information and a lack of control people are

uninformed of:

• Change - when, where, and why it took place

• Where to find documentation, reports, product information

Why PLM for NPI

Lessons Learned

Use ItBuild ItMap itFusion

Lifecycle & NPI

Session Agenda

Building the Right Team for the Job


Identifying a Process that will get results

People & Process

Build the Right Team for the Job

The Iterative Design Process

Map, Build It, Use It …. Build it, Use ….

• Conference Room Pilots (CRP)

• User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

Map It Build It Use It




Why Fusion Lifecycle works with the Iterative Design Process

• Quickly build and show the foundation of the processes

• Easily change and iterate the design and process

• Facilitate functional design meetings

• Helps capture many requirements in real time

Fusion LC & the Iterative Design Process

Identifying your NPI Needs

People & Process

Identifying the key business applications that apply to NPI

Identifying NPI Needs: Business Solutions

Product Management

• Items & BOMS

• Project Management

• Task Management & Validation

Change Management

• Change Requests

• Change Orders

Supplier Management

• Business Audit

Document Management

• Revision Controlled Documents

• Non-Revision Controlled Documents

Identifying the key business system integration that apply to NPI

Often times business systems already in place are part of the overall

NPI process and must be considered for integration to Fusion

Lifecycle in order to complete the NPI process

Common Use Cases: Items & BOMs, Suppliers, Customers, etc.

Identifying NPI Needs: Integration

The number one goal:

• Bring data and processes together in a single, easily consumed process

Identifying NPI Needs: Data

Mapping out the Solution

Map It

Key to Mapping:

• Identify what “NPI” means to your business

• Identify the individual business applications

• Workspace Architecture

Mapping It: Business Apps

Change ManagementBOM Management

Document ManagementNPI / Product Management

Keys to building out a solid solution

• Each piece (Workspace) is part of a bigger solution

• Processes need to hold each department, party accountable

• Information will come from numerous systems

• Facilitate a long Product Lifecycle (12 months or more)

Mapping It: Workspaces

Change Orders

Items & BOMsDocumentsProducts

Documents - Rev

Doc Change Order

PD - Sales

PD - Engineering

PD - Manufacturing

Product Management I & B ManagementChange Management

Doc Management

Mapping It: Relationships

Change Orders

Items & BOMsDocuments


Documents - Rev

Doc Change Order

PD - Sales

PD - Engineering

PD - Manufacturing

PD – Name your Department

Lessons Learned

Use ItBuild ItMap itFusion

Lifecycle & NPI

Session Agenda

Build It: Workspace Architecture

Change Orders

Items & BOMsDocuments


Documents - Rev

Doc Change Order

PD - Sales

PD - Engineering

PD - Manufacturing

Begin by building the individual workspaces in Fusion Lifecycle

Then choose the functional areas of a Fusion Lifecycle workspace that

are applicable:

Build It: Workspace Functionality

Item Details AttachmentsWorkflow

Bill Of Materials

Change Log

MilestonesGrid Relationships

Building It: Document Management

Build It

Document management workspaces are used to capture important

revision controlled and non revision controlled data

• Documents Rev: Specifications, Data Sheets, Quality Procedures, Work


• Documents: Product Photos, Marketing, Scanned Communication

Document Management


Documents - Rev Doc Change Order

Supporting Workspaces

Document Type

Document Sequencers

Document Management: Documents

Item Details AttachmentsRelationships

Change Log

Document Management: Documents - Rev

AttachmentsRelationshipsItem Details

Change Log


• This workspace with setup with

the proper permissions allow the

administrators to show only the

pertinent information to end

users, vendors

Document Management: Document CO

AttachmentsRelationshipsItem Details

Change Log


Managed Items

• Only released data is available for consumption across vendors, and

end users

• Revision control allows companies to comply with important

industry standards like ISO,

• Pre-defined document types and numbering creates consistency

across documents

• Multiple document libraries allow better access control

Document Management: Business Benefits

Building It: Product Management / NPI

Build It

Product management workspaces are used to capture important

product data and drive the process of taking a product through its

complete lifecycle

• Documents Rev: Specifications, Data Sheets, Quality Procedures, Work


• Documents: Product Photos, Marketing, Scanned Communication

Product Management

Supporting Workspaces

NPI Templates


PD - Sales PD - Engineering PD - Manufacturing

Product Management

Item Details AttachmentsRelationships

Change Log Workflow Bill Of Materials Milestones


Pre-Created items

Clearly defined product leads


Product Management: Workflow

Product Setup

Phase 1: Concept

Phase 1: DRB

Phase 2: Design

Phase 3: Realize

Phase 4: Service


Phase 2: DRB

Phase 3: DRB

Obsolete: DRB

Product Management workflows vary from customer to customer but

most follow some sort of phase gate process

Product Management: Workflow

Approvals for design reviews, or even customer reviews ensure that the

process is followed and all parties involved in the process are held



Product Management: Task Management

During each phase there are tasks that need to be finished in order to

seek approval, and move on to the next phase. This allows product

owners to hold the team accountable, and insure deliverables are

complete, and on time.Grid

Product Management: Automation

P1: Concept P2: Design P3: Realize P4: Service Obsolete

Goals of automating the process with scripting

• User Experience

• Overall Product Management process, and tasks should be connected

• Full Proof the process to drive the right activity to occur at the right time

• Ensure that the correct people are notified at the right time

Process Automation – Scripting and Business Logic

Product Management: Task Management

During each phase there are tasks that need to be finished in order to

seek approval, and move on to the next phase. This allows product

owners to hold the team accountable, and insure deliverables are

complete, and on time.

• Ensure that all Product Management tasks are completed before

moving to the next phase in the process

• Notifications, emails, and reports ensure completion of tasks are

timely and that managers can easily hold their teams accountable

• Automation simplifies the user experience and creates a fuller proof


• Phase gate reporting allows managers to know where to focus

resources and improvement initiatives

Product Management: Business Benefits

Building It: Items & BOMs


Change Management

Build It

The Items & BOMs workspace is where the items, bill of materials and

all their relationship and pertinent data reside.

• Relationships are built between these items and BOMs to the Products

workspace to tie everything together

• Some supporting documentation, CAD drawings, pdfs may be added to the

attachments tab of the item itself

Items BOMs & Change Management

Change OrdersItems & BOMs

Supporting Workspaces

I & B Classification

I & B Sequencers

Items BOMs

Item Details Attachments

Change Log Assoc. Workflow

Bill Of Materials Where Used

Change Management: Change Order

Item Details Attachments

Change Log Grid

Managed Items Workflow

Change Management: Change Order

Grid Workflow

• Manage all the Items & BOMs in a single repository

• Find where all Items are used

• Track Inventory of Items across different facilities

• Manage the Suppliers, and quotes provided for Items & BOMs

• Interconnect Product BOMs with the PLM process

• Tie BOM, and document data together

Items BOMs & Change Management

Building It: Integration

Build It


• Items & BOMs

• Customers

• Suppliers

• Products

Product Management Integration:

Lessons Learned

Use ItBuild ItMap itFusion

Lifecycle & NPI

Session Agenda

Use it: Process to Successful Adoption

Core Team

Focus Groups



Fusion Lifecycle used to manage training

• Dedicated training tenant

• Workspaces

• Training Courses (agenda, training material)

• Training (track who attended training)

• Training Item (create items, add attachments, move through workflow)

Training sessions

• Initial Roll-out: Multiple large sessions held at every site

• On-going: Self-paced training workspace for PLM basics

• Prerequisite for production tenant access

Use it: Training

Lessons Learned

Use ItBuild ItMap itFusion

Lifecycle & NPI

Session Agenda

Requirements for Mapping Phase

• Core Team + Subject Matter Experts

• PLM Software Matter Expert

The Know and No

• “Know” the scope of what you are building

• Don’t be afraid to say “No”

Have a third party document the requirements

• All parties confirm the requirements

• Avoid the “I said A, you heard B, then built C” scenario

Lessons Learned: Map It

Have an agreed upon plan

• Document the foundation

Workspace architecture and workflow first

• Automate later. Moving targets are hard to hit.

Integrate last when the workflow is static

• Moving targets get even harder to hit when integration is involved

Limit changes as you near the end

• Only minor changes past core team acceptance

• Stand by what you built

Lessons Learned: Build It

Find capable, enthusiastic adopters for training

• Likely to give good, constructive feedback

• Likely to play in the system and find things you may have missed

• Likely to stay positive and spread the word

Have a wingman in your early training sessions

• Allows you to focus on the adopters while they document changes

Lessons Learned: Use It

• What are some of the advantages of Fusion

Lifecycle over traditional PLM?

• What is NPI, and what does it mean to you?

• What are three of the common business apps

that part of or connected to NPI?

Gift Cards!

Any Questions?


Contact Information

Feel free to follow up:

Rodney Coffey Manager - PLM


Office: 330.676.0022 x7124

Cell: 937.241.9177

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