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Distant Learning, ITI ExperienceMohamed Abdel Kader Salem, Ph. D.

Director, Information Technology InstituteGiza, Egypt

Email: msalem@idsc.net.eg

ABSTRACT:Within the context of technology advances, our activities are being affected and reacting to it. Education is

an important part of our life. To satisfy the diversified needs of all students, traditional education systems

are no longer sufficient. New forms of learning are needed to fill the gap developed by technology

progress. Distant learning is the technique utilizing many delivery systems and ultimately, the Internet.

With the vast expansion and very rapid growth of the Internet, distant learning appears to become the

most common feature of learning in the years to come.

1. INTRODUCTION Conforming to rapid changes of technology, education systems are confronted with the demand of new

educational tracks. Many educational institutions are adapting to this challenge by developing distance

education programs. This industry, which barely existed six years ago, is now an extremely successful


Basically, distance education takes place when a teacher and student(s) are separated by physical

distance, and technology (voice, video, data, and print). (1)

History of distance education can be traced back as far as the 1830s with the advent of commercial

correspondence courses. But with the emergence of advanced information technologies specifically the

Internet, it has strongly altered the character of distance education. (2)

Distant Learning is another term indicating the same process. Many definitions described both terms, as

far as we are concerned we believe that, Distance Education: Is the process of providing instruction

when students and instructors are separated by physical distance and technology. Where as Distance

Learning: Is the desired outcome of distance education. Both terms will be used in this paper

interchangeably but will indicate the same meaning.

The Egyptian Cabinet’s Information Technology Institute (ITI) is an excellence training center for IT

professional training. The prestigious Institute pioneered the efforts of distant learning in Egypt and the

Arab Region. The Site, (http://www.viti.gov.eg/), is a distance learning portal aiming at enhancing and

integrating the Institute training programs. Our potential customers are students in Egypt, learners from all

over the World specially the Arab World.

2. SWITCHING TO DISTANT LEARNINGBeing constrained to physical place; traditional methods of education are no longer an affordable routine.

Delivering of the same subjects in a different way can be acceptable providing no compromise on quality

is maintained. Distant learning is becoming the dominant method in the era of the Internet and World Wide

Web. Currently many contributors in the field think that the opportunities offered by distance education

outweigh the obstacles. Distance learning main objectives are to:

Reach a wider student audience.

Meet the needs of students who are unable to attend on-campus classes.

Involve outside lecturers who would otherwise be unavailable.

Link students from different social, cultural, economic, and experiential backgrounds (3).

3. ITI DELIVERY SYSTEMSThe Information Technology Institute is delivering distance learning systems in four major categories:

Print, Video, CD, and Web Based Applications.

Print: is a foundational element of distance education programs and the basis from which all other

delivery systems have evolved. Various print formats are available including: textbooks, study handouts,

course syllabi, and case studies. Print continues to be a significant component of all distance education


Print is Spontaneous, instructionally transparent, easy to use, reviewed, edited, revised and referenced. It is as well cost and time effective. Still, it takes more motivation to read a book or work

through a written exercise than it does to watch a television program or participate in an audioconference.

It lacks as well feedback and interaction. (4)

Video: Video tools include still images such as slides, pre-produced films and videotapes, and real-time

moving images combined with audioconferencing (one-way or two-way video with two-way audio).

Instructional television (ITV) is an effective distance education delivery system, which may be either

passive or interactive. Passive ITV typically involves pre-produced programs, which are distributed by

videocassette or by video-based technologies such as broadcast, cable, or satellite. ITV is a familiar

medium, but broadcast quality ITV is expensive to create. (5)

CD: In recent years, developments in the information technology market have made the computers a

prime factor in distance learning. Computer Based Training (CBT), Using CD’s is becoming the most

popular method for distance learning. It is cheap, fast, and easy disseminated and handled delivery


While computer technology is rapidly advancing, innovations are constantly emerging, and related costs

drop. Computers are a major element for connecting users to networks whether it is local, regional, or

national. But while computers have been widely used since the 1960's, computer illiteracy still exists

especially in our Arab region.


Web Based ApplicationsThe term Web-based is often used to describe applications that run on the Web or on Internet-

based and can be accessed by a web browser. (6) Web-based applications is used to deliver

distance learning that can be accessed via the web manipulating all its facilities and tools.

4. MAJOR PARTICIPANTS IN DISTANT LEARNINGa. Students: Regardless of the educational context, the primary role of the student is to learn. To function

effectively, students must quickly become comfortable with the nature of teaching and learning at a

distance. When instruction is delivered at a distance, additional challenges result because students are

often separated from their colleagues, have few, if any, opportunities to interact with teachers outside the

class, and must rely on technical linkages to bridge the gap separating class participants. In a distance

education setting, the process of student learning is more complex for several reasons (7):

Many distance-education students are older, have jobs and families.

Distant students have a variety of reasons for taking courses. Some students are interested in

obtaining a degree to qualify for a better job; others take courses to broaden their education and

are not really interested in completing a degree.

In distance education, the learner is usually isolated. The motivational factors arising from the

contact or competition with other students are absent. The student also lacks the immediate

support of a teacher who is not present.

Distant students and their teachers often have little in common in terms of background and day-to-

day experiences and therefore, it takes longer for student-teacher relationship to develop.

b. Organization: The success of any distance learning conduct depends primarily on the standards and

effectiveness of the educational institution.

c. Staff: Whether they are members of the institution or part-timers participating in the program.

d. Administrators: Working for student registration, materials duplication and distribution, textbook

ordering, securing of copyright clearances, facilities scheduling, processing grade reports, managing

technical resources, etc. Effective distance education administrators, work closely with technical and

support service personnel, to ensure that technological resources are effectively deployed.

e. Development Team:

Distant learning development is quite different, it needs qualified developer not only mastering the

state-of-art technologies; but they should be fully aware of the concept of remote teaching as well.

Development main mission is actually mastering Information Technology to produce a simulation of the

direct teaching with all its advantages and of superior quality.


5. THE INTERNET AS THE MOST INFLUENTIAL DELIVERY SYSTEMThe Internet is the world’s largest, most powerful computer network connecting personal computers,

sophisticated mainframes, and high-speed supercomputers around the globe. Current estimates suggest

that over 100 million Website Servers are part of the Internet addresses that are used by up to 400 million

people around the world (8). As more and more colleges, universities, schools, companies, and private

citizens connect to the Internet more possibilities are opened for distance learners to overcome time and

distance impediments. Using the Internet as a delivery system for distant learning added another major

player in the process, the Programmers who conduct the job of designing and implementing the system

software necessary for building and running the site.

Being all of that, the Internet has multiple instructional capabilities, which include:

Using e-mail for correspondence. Feedback from the instructor can be received more quickly than

messages sent by mail. Students can read messages at their convenience and easily store them

for later reference.

Establishing a classroom bulletin board, and chat groups. Distant students often work in isolation

without the assistance and support of fellow students. Setting up a class bulletin board can

encourage student-to-student interaction. With a class computer conference and a chat group,

individual students can post their comments or questions to the class, and every other individual is

free to respond. The bulletin board can also be used to post all modifications to class schedule,

curriculum, assignments, tests, and answers to assignments/tests.

Developing a classroom homepage. The homepage can cover information about the class

including the syllabus, exercises, literature references, and the instructor's biography. The

instructor can also provide links to information on the WWW that would be useful to students in

the class. Other links could access library catalogs or each student's individual home page.

6. USING WWW FOR DISTANT LEARNINGThe WWW browsers have made the Internet a user-friendlier environment. The ability to integrate

graphics, text, and sound into a single tool means that beginners do not have to struggle to simply

understand. All the traditional delivery systems can be integrated and communicated via the WWW.

Although incorporating the Internet into a distance delivered courses is very much recommended, some

considerations has to be taken into account (9):

All students in a course must have Internet and WWW access to ensure equal

opportunities for computer interaction and feedback.

Students may face the challenges of learning basic computer skills, new software, and

appropriate online communication skills.

Some students might hesitate to contribute to computer conferences or to send e-mail

because of a lack of familiarity with the proper protocols.

Becoming familiar with the resources available on the Internet and learning effective ways

to use them will be part of the instructional challenge.



According to new research from International Data Corp. (IDC), distance learning will become a

"viable option to traditional teaching methods," and is "poised for major growth over the next

several years."

Worldwide revenues in the corporate e-learning market will surpass $23 billion by 2004, according

to IDC. Not too bad when you consider the market was less than $2 billion at the end of 1999. (10)

The growth in the e-learning market is attributed to increased Internet use, faster and cheaper

access to the Internet, and improvements in the quality of e-learning products.

North America is expected to maintain its dominance of the market, accounting for two-thirds of

worldwide revenues by 2004.

IDC identified Western Europe as the fastest-growing market, predicting that corporate e-learning

revenues would increase by a compound annual growth rate of 97 percent from 1999 to 2004.

A shift in content demand is expected, with non-IT courseware replacing IT training content as the

largest market in e-learning. By 2004, non-IT content will account for 54 percent of worldwide

demand, up from 28 percent in 2000. (10)

Market researcher Gartner estimates that e-learning is on track to become a $33.6 billion market

by 2005, up from $2.1 billion in 2000. (11)

The number of colleges and universities offering e-learning will more than double, from 1,500 in

1999 to more than 3,300 in 2004, according to IDC, and student enrollment in these courses will

increase 33 percent annually during this time. (11)

Association Management reports that e-learning is the fastest growing Web application since e-

mail. More than 75 percent of colleges and 90 percent of Global 2000 companies have invested in

online learning. More than 2 million courses are now online and accessible to learners of all

occupations and interests. Millions of people have taken online courses, and the number is

growing exponentially. Some estimate that 50 percent of all continuing education will be delivered

via the Internet by 2004. (11)

IDC concludes; due to the anticipated distant learning prevailing expansion "enormous opportunities" will

present themselves to software developers, telecommunications companies, hardware makers,

publishers, and Internet and Web service providers.

8. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE EXPERIENCE:Formal launching of the project as a product was in October 1999; first delivery was 6 months later. The

Site not only serves the students, but also provides services to instructors to enhance and update their



For the first time on the Web, courses are delivered in Arabic Language. Other courses as well are

delivered in English language for the rest of the world.

a. Phases of VITIVITI lifecycle started three years ago, if we look at it as annual achievements we can summarize its route as follows:

Year One:o 3 months of Surveying existing experiences

o 3 months of Development

Customizing a ready made tool to meet our requirements

o 6 months of Implementation

Delivering 10 Courses on the Internet

Year Two:o 3 months of Restructuring

Developing our own tool

Introducing the CDs as a new deliverable

Adding Courses in Arabic Language

o 9 months of Development & Implementation

Applying the new system on the old courses

Adding 8 new courses on the Internet

Delivering the Office package in Arabic Language on

another 7CDs

o This adds up to a Total of 38 CDs in June 2002

This Year:o Implementing online E-payment in cooperation with National Bank of


o Three ITI tracks are Now on the Web as from July 1st 2003.


b. Program Objectives: The program after being a commitment rather than a project has been structured as a separate

department within the ITI. With the number of Internet users in Arab Countries already approaching two

million (12), the mission and objectives of the program were redefined to be:

Skipping the physical constraints that prohibit the ITI from reaching a wider society of


Open new channels for ITI course delivery.

Initiating the distant learning technology for the Arabic-speaking students in the region.

Building a solid base for learning at distance ready for further enhancement and

integration when it is needed.


A Site encompasses wide band of tools that can suit most of the student requirements, we can summarize them in the following:

Lecture notes: Lecture text is available on the site.

The virtual Lecture (passive video): Courses are delivered in both PowerPoint slides

and narrated video by the instructor explaining those slides. Lectures are divided into

sections to decrease the time needed for downloading and to assure high quality.


Examples: Collected examples for different parts of the lecture.

Question and answers.

Summary: Gathering main and important points in the lecture’s chapters.

Solved Assignments. Educational tools: Like glossary, student’s notes for each lecture, search facility in all

course content, and a navigation bar to facilitate navigating through the course content.

Interactive Tools Timed exams with real time evaluation, and instant grading system

Bulletin Board (English courses only).

Chatting (English courses only).

The Site VITI: http://www.viti.gov.egA newer advanced version of the web site, is planned to be available for VITI student starting from July

2003, this version will include all previous features and will include more e-learning facilities like student

profiles and on-line instructor sessions. In addition, the program is now integrating the site efficiency with

an e-payment service.

Now, three full ITI Tracks are available for VITI students: Java (45 Courses) Multimedia (45 Courses) System Development (40 Courses)


b. Computer Based Training:Another line of production for the program is the computer based training through Interactive CDs. For

each course on the Internet, there is a corresponding CD for this course with all features available for the

web student.

10. PROJECT LIMITATIONS:There are some difficulties that faced ITI during the implementation of the project; some of them are

classical ones while the others are affiliated to the program itself. We summarize them in the following


World shares of computer illiteracy applied in the Arab region


Potential needed to join such process has not been familiar yet.

The effort needed to setup course material and the delivery platforms is prohibitive.

Unfamiliarity of delivery systems.

Technical difficulties in infrastructure and in producing courses and other material.

Powerful resources needed for multimedia traffic over the Internet without losing the

clarity and synchronization at the client side.


a. Students’ Profile in 2002:


b. Foreign students’ Geographical Distribution

c. Top Foreign Countries


42% of Foreign Students are Arabs


The project was one of the 10-finalist in the Stockholm Challenge Award   2001.

13. VITI FUTURE PLANSITI main future target is to establish solid grounds for putting VITI on the International map. We hope to

become one of the certified International distance-learning sites for the quality of service we produce. The

plan to extend VITI services includes the following:

• Publishing all ITI Courseware on the Web in English and Arabic

• Be The Hub for Arab IT Academic and Training Universities and Institutions

• Enhancing the Delivered Menu by adding IT Courses in French Language

14. CONCLUSIONDistant learning is no longer an emerging technology. As a learning platform it attracts a reasonable sector

of students. But since using the Internet as a carrier and a media, concepts have changed. The number of

potential users has been increased dramatically, new tools have developed, and the barrier of entering the

process of distance learning has vanished. Slice of time of each Internet user is now expected to be

dedicated for exploring distant learning courses. According to latest statistics, this slice of time began and

will be a constant share. In our region with our modest Internet infrastructure and potential users, we are

no different. Our Pioneer Experience in Egypt Proved That the New Platform of Distant Learning Has a

Very Good Chance to Spread Over and Can Compete and May Replace the Other Conventional




1. http://www.uidaho.edu/evo/dist1.html

2. National Center for education statistics, Statistical Analysis Report, December 1999, Distance

Education at Postsecondary Education Institutions: 1997-98

3. http://www.uidaho.edu/evo/dist2.html

4. http://www.uidaho.edu/evo/dist7.html

5. http://www.uidaho.edu/evo/dist5.html

6. Kathleen S. Carr, January 17, 2002,” “ What is a Web-Enabled Application”

7. Schuemer, R. (1993). Some psychological aspects of distance education. Hagen, Germany:

Institute for Research into Distance Education. (ED 357 266).

8. http://www.netsizer.com/

9. http://www.uidaho.edu/evo/dist11.html

10. IDC Research : “Corporate e-learning market to skyrocket”, Mar 02 2001

11. Contributed by Bray J. Brockbank, July 27, 2001, “May e-Learning Work force be with you”,

www.osOpinion.com, Part of the News Factor Network.

12. http://www.ditnet.co.ae/itnews/newsmar2000/newsmar20table.html


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