distributor self promotion

Post on 25-May-2015






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•Joined Bluegrass Promotional Marketing as a Senior Account Executive and the Vice President of Business Development in December of 2008…•Goldman Promotions, VP of SE Region from 2004 thru 2008. •The Wentworth Company, President and CEO, 1992 thru 2003. VP of Sales, 1989 thru 1992. Outside Sales 1986 thru 1988.•Professional Golfer, 1983 thru 1986 •Industry Passions: Selling – Have sold over $1MM every year since 1992. Distributor Self Promotion, Business Development, Sales Achievement, Building Sales Teams•Father of three children. Two daughters - Kaitlin age 18, Hallie age 16; and a son, Billy age 5. Married to April Reynolds in December of 1987.•Personal Interests: Musician, Youth Group Leader, love Golf, Basketball, Football, Scuba Diving, Wine, Gourmet Cooking, a Social Media Geek…

So, who is Billy Booe?



- staying top of mind or driving more frequency with existing customers

- up selling, cross selling and changing perception of existing customers

- getting your foot in the door, engagement with new prospects (get out of voicemail HELL)

> Look at it from THE CUSTOMER’S point of view

- be direct, creative and promote your strengths

- don’t send trash, think about what will be useful and valuable to the recipient

- make it personal, do your research and customize when possible

> Have a Plan, HAVE A LIST

- self-promotion is an attitude, you must plan, commit and invest

- self-promotion is never truly finished – what are the short term and long term objectives

- effective self promotion requires a written plan focused on a specific market

Let’s Focus on OPENING DOORS

> Self promotion BUILDS AWARENEESS with prospects and CREATES NEW

OPPORTUNITIES with existing customers.

- new accounts, new contacts, new deals, NEW ENERGY

- you are ON THE OFFENSE, you are directing the timing

- a PROACTIVE APPROACH can create separation from the competition

> Be selective WITH YOUR TARGETS

- do your homework: KNOW your targets by investing time in research

- keep a manageable number: QUALITY not Quantity

- don’t be afraid or discouraged by NO: it’s the second best answer

> Once is NOT enough and one size DOES NOT fit all

- multiple channels with a CONSISTENT message

- 3 to 5 touches at MINIMUM, not a ONE AND DONE

- make a connection with CREATIVE PERSONALIZATION

Start with the MESSAGE (It’s always about the message…)

> Define the objective: CREATE SOMETHING THAT ALIGNS

- service?

- value?

- separation from the “other guys”?

> Make sure your message is creative and EMPATHETIC with your target

- break through the clutter and BE REALLY DIFFERENT

- give your target CHOICES for connecting with you (remember Social Media)

- be friendly, knowledgeable and most of all BRIEF

> Get some PROFESSIONAL messaging help

- copywriting and messaging quality can DRAMATICALLY affect response and results

- use agencies or freelancers that have BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT experience

- VERSION THE MESSAGE for the medium: direct mail, email, custom packaging?

Create the perfect PACKAGE (Most Important Slide)

> HOW IT ARRIVES is critical for engagement

- shipping carriers (FedEx, UPS, priority mail) can help connect with the decision maker

- remember, the arrival is the first part of the presentation

- get tracking and leverage arrival notification within your next message

> Think about creative presentation PACKAGING

- use CUSTOM PACKAGING as the vehicle for your messaging, again, get PROFESSIONAL help

- well packaged product becomes MUCH MORE VALUABLE and memorable

- your well packaged item may become your first order: CAN YOU DO THIS FOR US$$$$$$

> Add PERSONAL ELEMENTS to really connect

- consider VARIABLE DATA on a letter or gift card within the package

- sign and add your card with EVERY touch

- look at timing that may INCREASE the response urgency

Make the product PAY OFF

> WHAT REALLY FITS with your message and your packaging?

- may not be traditional promo items

- may have innovative non-traditional branding

- may (probably will) cost less than the messaging and the packaging

> Use SMART, SUPER self-promotion items as

- Holiday gifts

- Anniversary gifts

- Thank-you gifts (cross sell after a large order?)

> Get SUPPORT from your suppliers

- items that have application to the target are a plus

- keep key suppliers in the loop and aware of your strategy

- specials and co-op funds may also be available

Bluegrass Communication Pieces

> We created core messaging that fits the needs of our sales people which can be

distributed via email or printed on demand and distributed via snail mail

Bluegrass Case Studies> Thru our ad agency, we’ve created case studies of a number of our higher profile project

which our sales people can send via a web link or we can provide a case study book

which feature case studies applicable to a particular client.

The result? U.S. Bank got a custom-designed recognition award that they proudly presented to Warren Buffet

that exceeded their expectations without exceeding their timeline. And we got to demonstrate our reliability as a

go-to source when others couldn't seem to come through.

So if you're tired of working with companies that only look good on paper, call Bluegrass Promotional Marketing.

We'll come through with flying colors.

When others can't get U.S. Bank's award off the ground, Bluegrass soars

U.S. Bank had launched an advertising campaign featuring a paper airplane.

Then they decided they wanted to use the plane's image to create a recognition

award to celebrate the contributions of a "high profile" individual who Bluegrass

later learned was Warren Buffet. The idea seemed simple enough, but because

it required a custom design, other promotional marketing companies either didn't

want to take on the project or didn't have the creativity to design the type of

award U.S. Bank was looking for.

That's when U.S. Bank brought Bluegrass Promotional Marketing into the fold.

Not only were we able to come up with a hot design for the award, by tapping

into our relationships with our Value Alliance partners, we were also able to

source the production and handle the shipping. Which came in handy since the

turnaround on the project was shorter than a commuter flight.


> We created core messaging that fits our CORE STRENGTHS

- Message: “Unleash The Power of Your Brand”

- Product: Custom Journalbook with corporate capabilities information.

- Presentation: Corporate Capabilities information and case studies

including Oprah, Carolina Panthers, Nintendo/Wii…

- Cost: We ran 250 units at a cost of $7.50

> We created super CUSTOM PACKAGING

- Message: “Want to make some beautiful music together ?”

- Product: CD Case with $25 iTunes Card

- Presentation: CD Case with $25 iTunes Card

- Cost: We ran 100 units with a cost of $35.00

Bluegrass DOOR BUSTERSMessage: Food For Thought / Green Focus

Product: Non-woven grocery tote with circle B logo.

Presentation: Marketing message printed on seed

paper, wrapped in twine.

Cost: We ran 100 units at a cost

of $7.50 each

Message: Looking for a BEST-IN-CLASS Promotional Products supplier ?

Product: Bluegrass is the Answer Magic Answer Ball

Presentation: Bluegrass is the Answer Magic Answer Ball packaged in a

box from the Platform Group with messaging printed on decal as

well as romance card.

Cost: We ran 200 units at a cost of $15.00 each


Message: Technology - Bluegrass is the Answer

Product: Circle B branded laptop sleeve

Presentation: Presentation box printed in full

color. Looks like a laptop on the outside.

Open the box to see the messaging, laptop sleeve

and computer keyboard on bottom of box.

Cost: We ran 50 units at a cost of $50.00

Bluegrass DOOR BUSTERSMessage: Looking for a promotional marketing team Instead of just a

specialty products rep - Bluegrass is the Answer!

Product: Circle B branded basketball

Presentation: Presentation box printed in full color graphics. Looks like a

basketball court.

Cost: We ran 250 units at a cost of $30.00

Message: Tired of Stale, Soggy, Leftover Promotional Concepts

Product: Circle B branded salad bowl

Presentation: Presentation box printed in full color graphics to look like

expired perishables. Open box to see product and more Bluegrass is

the Answer messaging. We also included favorite recipes from

various team members…

Cost: We ran 100 units at a cost of $40.00


Message: Looking for a Promotional Marketing

Company that goes the distance?

Product: SkyCaddie ™ GPS Range Finder

Presentation: SkyCaddie ™ Retail Box with custom

wrap sleeve. Open the box to see the Sky Caddie™

Range Finder as well as the Bluegrass is the

Answer messaging.

Cost: We ran 15 units at a cost of $275.00 each




And the winner is!


> 2010 Bronze Pyramid Award Winner for self-promotion

Again it was about the MESSAGING


- “rough” 2009 for business

- custom shipper with a literal rough 2009

- Snuggie® had a huge amount of consumer equity

Energized our sales team, and GOT RESULTS- 2 new accounts engaged

- award was leveraged across sales team

and other clients




SELF-PROMOTION: What’s In It For Me?

Establishes you a an EXPERT in the CREATION and EXECUTION of promotional programs.

Distinguishes you as a CEATIVE RESOURCE who can leverage the AGENCY ADVANTAGE.

POSITIVELY CHANGES THE PERCEPTION your clients have of your company.

INCREASES the PERCEIVED VALUE of products and services you sell.


Becoming a master of effective promotions can be LIFE CHANGING for a sales person. Mastering

this process will SEPARATE YOU from the COMPETITION. Mastering this process will

ESTABLISH you as a VALUED RESOURCE and consultant. You will then know what it is like to be


Building this process into your business model will introduce your company to a new world of

endless opportunities. “Can you do this for us?” will become an FAQ but one with a big pay off.

Don’t worry – we have a brand new class called BIZ DEV 101 ready and waiting – but that will have

to wait for the next ASI Show!

William M. Booe, M.A.S.


(704) 716-3196

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