district no. 26 district headquarters inspector in …

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No. 9016/10



Corrnnission er Gen era l of Inmigration, Vashington, D. c.




August 19, 1924.

Not b eing familiar w ith the provisions of the Congressional Act establishing the Border Patrol and having received no def inite information :from the Bureau, considerable doubt and uncerta inty exists as to the authority ves tad in the border pa. tr ol officers and the scope of their dut ies. It would therefore seem that the work would be greatly facilitated,and mor e in conformity in the different Districts, if t Bureau would issue so me specific instruct ions reg ing same.

In this connection I am enclosing for the t-! inf ornation of the Bureau a copy o:f memorandum o

tlf1ns tru.ctions and Suggestions for the Assistanee 1

Guidance of Border Patrol Inspectors", which was e­pared by Inspector Thos.M.Fisher, �o bas been designated as representative of the Dis trict Director of this District in conpection With the border patrol work in t he eaat em pa.rt of this Di.stri ct. These instructions and suggestions are very CODJ>rehensi vely and intell igently prepared and will be ut ilized in this District for the guidance of the pa trol inspectors pending r eceipt of definite instructions from the Bureau.

AH-G ���· CC for Secon d Ass istan t



\ \

U. 8. DEPJ.R'.l'lit W LABOB latgraUon SerTioe.

1Da\1"1ot1on• and •t1on1 tor .laa1ataa • ad Gtdclrm.oe ot Bord.er Patrol lDl,P•Otora.

- - - -

u .

Patrol IBJpMtera •hOR14 r_.._. -� thq ue ao loag• prlw.te . c1t1H•, Oat thg &N ..., eft't .. IW et tile Va!.ht tetl �. !hat it Will be in th• a.p•19 of a nJ.')na .. w.tlw ot b Gcnvwt tlat th97 will oo• in o•taot wt th the s-aal pabUo. J>tftoera Will 1l!ldo11.)teC1.7 notice i.1aat th• pubUo, with w:boa theJ oo• in aontaot 1ll m otftoial �' Will tell• 1•\notleu, look 'al> to th-. t•O:r '1lea more re1pect, eta., tlaD tM.r llan bea MCnU1t•e4 to prior to cterhlg tl• Ser't"loe. fhb 1• oooaa1 ou4 '7 nap ot tu lmowl.edge tbat tu o1'ftoe 1• aniDg ln bebalt of the l1a1 tell Stat••• Let all Oftlo•n bear tbia in lld.n4 1lba halbc w1 th the publio. Do not 'b7 wo:rt. _. aotlon 'b.U.tU• 7our otftoe, n.thv d1caUJ' it. !T•t the publlo with oCllU'\•87 u4 tail'll.•• ad. ue a lltUe ti:pl� ancl o__,. Hme at all U.11••

w:m ll GPPAI.·

Th• Sen:loe whloh 7011. lan mt_..A 1• n•• llu;r p•tiou and. cletalla will &1"1•• t.roa t!M to tS.111 *1oh laT• ut,acl aamt 'H ooT.-.4 'b7 mpeo1t1o 1utzia.ot1- at '111• ts.. l>o aot h•tttat• to ult ter apeolt1o lubutl ..

tr• '1• to t1M u ftl"iou -tt•n csen1"at 7ft nvlllll tile !uV.cUou 7oa Jan l"Me1""4 do ut anJ.7• It 18 -..n'bl• to , ..... t1lll � ciu••t1cma aa4 c1Ut1Gal U • 1111da.ll are ,._. to Ria• l.1D'lllg � oova• et 70IU' work. Jut re.... t1lla nlo at all tS..1 "U YOO' aft !O DOW SOM wtum, � s�•ooow ...

It will )• tll• -� ot Patr ol lupeoten � qa.• Uoa pernm Whoa \htr Jlaft nun to 'b.Uew IIlll 'M 1Ja the l7alte4 Stat•• 1n nolatioa et la, penou tlllr law nua • )el.left ¥WB! Jlaw no•tq veue4 tm 1Dt eru.t1ml b01Dldar7 troa C.ada, pen .. *- the,J Jayo i.ao11 t;o 'b.Uen HJt!!T be� 1a brl•ll• Dt W &8a11tiq 1Ja \be br1J181ng Of a ll - to the l1lll teA S tatea 1:a nolaUen et law. l'hlle Patrol lmpeotera lllalll.A •ftl.r the Im1gratloa law, --14 obta1a u goo& a wl1dq lmoWl.q• of tu la1' u pou1\le, at \119 ... u.. '1196 •lsml.4 � 1ll 1lllM u..' t. t 1• •' � tia. • Uaiu u to ..UDa • ••t a all• l• ...._.•1bl• to tll• 11Jd. teA sw.wa. It 1• ut tor thm to .... \ha �l• _. A.,_.tau.ea, et a all• tna '1lo Uldted SW.t•1 thNe '1al .. are te 'be ta.km ear• et )7 nun. !Un an•- 'ftZ'7 119••• .-•Ua• tor •• Patnl Ia1peot•• te Aeolte, ...-u- wbieb 1D � oa••• he, aaA !ae al•• wil l !aft t• Mt .. , tlle ••t 119•'8at et Whloll are u toll-•



f •

J'il"I'• Ia tbe part, question 4 Ueaa l:t ao, of wbat na vi ad Ut.emblp?

eo 41 lt. llD &11 , Wh• an where 41 he te4 tea d by 1l!B t meau t

'1'h1r 1 aa he rlJ' in� cte4 and adml tte4 to the Unit Stat•• thr • Port t17 t r &lie T

It it 1a •hoa, or you ha:n r-• to bellne, that the alla queat1one4 waa ot ngular� a4Jd.tt•4.a• an forD. &bon, '11• th• qu•Uoa JiUt ari•• aa to w».t at .. 7ou w.lll tallll Ia tM1dhs Dll p19t1 aneal Wnp mat e taDn l11to oou t1 , ve h ollOtringa

The o1ti•••h1p o� tu alien. • Ommt17 b'ca whence be •t•Md. the tlm.te4 State• Whet_. or 11ot he admlt• laT!ag bea retuecl &4Jll1a1cm to the Ural •4 Stat• trom Canada. !he :pari101llar lfJCS&tio:a ln ldlloh the alien 11 apprehmded. 11114 queattont4 b7 70u.

It 7ou i.,q appre1Umle4 Jd.m With:lll • reuo•l>l• 41atao• fl'oa a port t •b'i tor alleu, - 50 to 71 Jd1•, 1t 11• hU laa' •••• th• Uni-.,

Sta.tu fro• a .... , then m •hnl.4 'be '8lta, aent or i-•"1:t.ui to 1&14 port et •b7 ttr t� 1mpeot1a. !lie w..U "tak•"• "•at" r �ed." ai-e ued. fOl' ti1e r•••• ._, 4lfterat olu•• ot ca•• will rlq'11zt• d!tftre.t -• ot hlmfllJrs• !hared.a tu PaU.1 Impeo,•n _., u • �11clgmat. 1or lutaa.Mt


Ja all• 1f':tJ.e l:aa wallce4 onr •• lbe, or llQOU who baa apratl.7 plu4 illegal etr, tmenUemll.7, GI'�· 70ll Jaw,... to doubt u t• w!lnhv or aot JM ..it :p:rooeet t• a ,_.. t •'17 -0•11 •s .... a1lnli 'ff t•r- tt alt :pon fir 1Jdp tS..L

a aganatq lePU..u at Jll&Rft JUt7 pen 1dlo .ia.a JR eoml'Ul.bl7 '12&' h• la a wspoutlal• peraon a lf81ti.atl 'ba•la••• no Jiu at1"4 tb.e 1Ja1tK Stat• at a place ttber � a Jeri of •VJ, • t.ba � laa et Jmowledge ot the r�-t• ot J.aw, GI' laok et llllawl.•dc• ot tu h1glmqe, peree• no 00Jlt11i.o1 7• b.,...., all ,_.-.bl• C..M tm.t thtl la4 ao latat ti ....U o.e lD DA o .. e:nd11C 1dla JV1Q' .faclpat '•11• 1• will beJ ur ._..._, _., wltll vm llaolil.4 b• .§81. to the •nst pwt of •h7 t r toral lu.t•Un.. ot ocnara• lt tM Jtn 1• •' far a.atan, •4 J'01l Jian •• °'her 11.am u.4 '1•• ll'llftlcd. et to 4• ••• 70R ..... .,..., th• w tile :p� !hi• u a atter tor JO• .,.... O&N .nl4 I taka la ""• JOU ieolal a •t •bemmtamt1 be taJC• !JI.to ... 1 .. auea .,, al•P reqt.as .ur.q on all nat tbe all••..,.•••• !1w bllmq _, hel.J to tllu•V.'•

• laat -UoJiK ,.s.ta

!hen aJtl ...,. Out ... P..U Of ., '1Jat UI ut J81"ta ot at17 wi� P•d'lt:q o. ,an, 7111 a:re , .. unSJw

. -

will ola.t..• to be.ft entered throu3h • ot • Ca•tCIU Port. ret•l'1"•4 w. Poee1bl.7 the,y will olaia to ban regul&rl.1' terecl iD 10 a:r •• outcm law a:r• omoe:rne4. It th97 law den• •o and are trawling la a 0-41aa OU'

tbe7 wlll T• 1n their poHeH10D a C.to• ent17 oe:rttt1cate app� to their r. It t ba'ff PJ"ORW'q ol e4. tbro b. a Cana41a.n Ouato• ottlov ihe.J Will also haft a c cllon CWsto oert1t1 u. OOJ1Pl1anoe w1 th Ouatom lawa do• not 1l9D t t� mft oo:mpllecl with th• InalgratioJl lane Th'IV my enter heir oar through a Cuatam Part ot ent17, but the OaatOM lan appq to the oar, mt to the penou. !henton proof that th97 laT• 'b•• pua e4 b7 Cua•• Otti o•• at a Ca.atem P rt oan OJllT be o•u14eet aa a otn.ataaoe to ut11'11lm *9Ul• er .n Due aa _, lahat a *Mir i-n to •w.d.e the la ot tb9 ted s te • aleo to ueiat bl 4etermlnlJll' wlle�v or not the partJ' waul4. re.port at a llllder&tion itm't tor lnQeoUoll l:C th"1' •re mil rather t.ban be nm. lt at17 bu b•h •de w1tbo1lt :rtportbrg to •ithel' an ladgl"&Umi or Cus toma port � 4mt17. that ahoul.4 al•o 'be can.ai4ered u a oircamatac• to be u• 1Jl Ut81"111.Ding Wbat aoUcm yoa IGlaald take. ID. the la.at mentioned posatb111V, the otrcmmtaace that '1Le :par'7 failed. to r9.1>ort 110 et.th_. CUtom or I-1grat101l ahoa..14, p_.ll8Jt•• be '9.lc• u an 1n41oa111on tbat tha-• _. r••cmable ctmbt ae $e 111hetlla or

aot the;J ...ulcl reper' 'for !.1111peotion 11' th41,7' were .!!EB. te a port flt •h7•

Q*f"B8 BA!Wc!p QI !BB '411UT PRQQD])t!lH •

If • alla Juam ctere4 th• Ualt14 State. 1119111', lf h• 1a apprehm ... a at a 41ataoe tra. a»_., 01' •'17• or llaa mt J•t •tuecl ht bu 'b- 1Jl the Unlt ... Stawe _.. the a tw 97•• h• 9lunll4 be 1ak• into out•., ucl helt tv Wanallt JHG•Mlirga. ft• Impeo tor 1B Clazse o1' th• 811)..Gatri.n •hnli be a4�•4 •'ace o1' all •HJ1.al faote, nam and. age ot aUa, :polat an4 tat• ot •'17• m.UnaU.tf' d al.la. •'*• fld.• ena be Ur&• 'bJ' tel...,i..cm. WhenTel' :pasalbl.e, otheftl •• 'b7 tel.•81'11Pll• .A. tel11phca• -..

UUll.J' 'be aecntl'e4 bJ' Patnl lalpeot .. • wt then trawUas 'Yflq h.r ft'• it•Sat ot &JP'u9"11oa. ..,.....,na• mtaoU- w at tu 1.u.n..i ... wlll ·-" SlTm ... hta1 ....... .. - ... , .. z.i,., .. la �· 4-11"• 4oD.e 1». ecmsect1cm w.lth utent1cm . ... . et ,. al1e1le ti• ..._not man that yn rrm '11e olmlo• of loabg la1m 'lddl• -1-ttlB lutziu­ttom . Koat ot t:.u twm in tb.1• l>J.atrin law a Jail or loalc up, et ... avt. If ;you are • ••tted. 'Oat \he .. . 1• •• 1'or aapanauoa, ftr -.znat •noetc11Z1B•• tbeD. 7m are atbel'be4 w llolt the au-. P•• Otft.Ms, eoa• U4 !om, al•• &l.-.p WS.l.UJlg to -..aw aacl oaa wa4m.bteel7 hml•� a »lac• t• 41'8Dtioa lmtil teftmt• lanno1dou aaa be nod"' 1>7 J'01l tNa 10• n;p..S.•·

!'MD" la••oMJi 1Ji ..... 1d.ll att•• te 11ppl71Bs tv a 'al'l'Ut et &l'"8 t after 1n. lla w hnl*et Jdll wt tll tu partinlt.8 et tbe aaae. Be Will al .. att•• '' ti.. twal � te )• ow• tu all• 11114• n14 W&J1nat, tm p.-at of 'b•J't ffll' the all.a 'llld.l• utalJl.H, •'-• It la »IUil»l• uat f&Jllll•• Will h appr*n4e& 111l•d11 -.nut � lhn1t. 1te 1Ut1htet. �··at.•11' .... . u .... u »la• . , ... u ... mlt&'bl• to tM otrnmtu••• a-1].a)le w t:bl pla• d •nr•-1•· It� lt• w�


• •

to lmep tilem 1 a hotel or lodging hOUa• aUl J.natruotecl 11h•r• to take them. la 8a.Qb oaaea reoe1�• to their l"oom ana. .ala •boulcl be UltlD. amt \be apa.41�• 1'111 be nfad.e.. In auoh cu•• n•'lf7 •WJ J••1bl• \e preTent .. cape lhoal.4 b e 1lM4, lh• ••111U"•• uae4 cltrpendi cm the Jl&ril .. , the plaoe Where t'he7 are held., the �• ot h'an&,POl''6t1on trom aa14 plaoe, ••••

Sholll.4 7011 apprehend a p.ri7 at alieua wboin you ha'ft reason to 'Dellen are belJIS, llJ' 3Ut h&Te been amgl.._, or brough\ 1nto the Unite4 Statea "71 aq a clriTer ot an au.tca>blle, all im-ttea, 1nolu41Dg the i>art1 •-.liJIC, or br1J1Cblc tu. ill, 9hnl• Mull aa• ti. •tire •tter npwted. lamMt•t.q to your supers.or ott1oer bJ telephone er hl•raph, tho ftrat 1f po 111ble.

UA4-P. 10 OlliCOJl3 OES ahOlild. the � be take to port tor CVy tor 1 speoUon, bat ahaUJ.4 be ba1Mlled. ima.r wan\lllt proceed1_.. You ahOtll.4. b•r 1• llin.4 tm.t the nan obJeot in a oaae ot the k1.!ld oui11ne4., 1• th• pJ'Oaeoutau a4 ocm�•Uo• ot the -.ier "2' .P&J'Q' b:rbWtns ti.. allma 1.Ato the t1ll1 t .. Sta'"•

In a m.a e Of 1:ha ld.114 U.oi'lbe,, 1-.z' in Jd:a4 t:bat eutania ada both � ti. allea' and th• iarty bl't.iagiJIS 'ha in, ar• -vc7 •'.-1&1. Care lbculi. be .-. te o'btata &11 4"&111 )'99•11>1•• JfeJllDl'SD6m abnl4 be au OOJLa!Dhlg tet&ila of aat.-ta m4•• ':/ban »•111.bl• &Lie. 1b0ul4 be q'Ult1mie4 nt et h•riJlc ot aob o9ulr &114 •u tri wr or JG.r9 brtngtna tJsa ha. !bi• :probab:q cnl4 at 'be 4o•• aUl u..- W1'• a\••• pomt, a pl&o• of Aetntl• n1 a"Mllable or ••1•tlmoe at hall, witbelli tha ohau• ot • ••oai-. !lie atatell9Dt. ot the all- 1»1'011111* la are •wt.al aa 8hmling what nldelloe WOllld. b• ••1:lal>l• 1Jl tT•' ot a pnaenti.•• Sattlntnt• flt "h• parQ' bnaslJW th• 1n an •ter1al nid.aee apina \ him 1Ji a i-roMoutta. Ia ortllr to bt altle W 't•ttf:J U to Wllat 1lle m&ii, MMl"&aCm Dt 8Zf3 8\a\....t ... V h1a l• lnp>riaS. � �- lt:rlql.JIS 1• _. avggl� aliaa l•to tu tlaltH Stat.a, wlll el.ala ftill 8PJD>tMMM. th&\ tl197 llat •• iutmt of 4o1Jtc

.... *' tiur wn J•t uqiag .a au-, •'-•• J. ...-. that tM al!•• nr• pqblg tor V&upCll'tat10Zl 'o the 'O'Jdtet Stat•, tbat per�• th• et ftl' ot the car )lad i014 -- bat•• th• nazoted. tibat h• ooalcl c•t ,1-acro .. '11• line witobou vaabl• to •h� w aoae ssh atate t, la ft17 -terlale lt �Of the Jda4 \oClk plaoe, Ut&ila lhould be 4nelope4 1'7 qa•t1••• !h• llllOllll\ ot the -.UT :paid. 'bJ" the &lieu, Jmt 111:aat �· tzotwr alt abn.t gntiq th-. aarosa, 111uttber he aid, or tihtF lm• cf bl• W1rtwc :prnlcru Rt»•• eto. All th•• tl:d.11£8 ab.o1114 be _._ Of :nc•J't ao tbtlr oaal• be late 1UM u nld.e�. !he a ta.bile 1Jl w'hich allaa being a-.let te tu Va1tH 8tia'9• are 'bl'CNCllt b., abcnilt be he.14 f9r a later U1poal tta, J••tlti. •eisv• ad. a&l.• 1-7 '1l• Gncrw\ .... Cutw lm.

htnl ZU,ecten -t 1mn -.t Tlola,_. ef tbe l•, 11111118!1•1'9 •• '1l• Uk•• do 110t laT• a tral-. !Mr ue •' ltOIUld. b7 rlpl&Un bOal'a of 1fOJ'k. !JaV ••n.'• •'_,at &11 i..n. •w•• 9'• lltaN 1'h• tl197 a..,pre the OttJ...a 11111 1-t _.., ,.._ ..... *•"Mir tlpN tM •f.ftoen 1'111 Mtlaen��··•


• •

ID ord.• to ba•• aiv 4.tgree ot auoo ... 1D apprwndJllg tlW•• people, ott101n mat be When th4111 are leaat ezpectecl, 11ha thtr are leaat -.peo tet., and in taot mut out-p•• th• other part)'. Th• Patrol s .. noe 11 4eo1utl7 11mlte4 Wh• th• l'J"e&t 1--'h et the BOl'dtr 1• taken into oona14en.tton. fhere are aot eaoagh men in the Brti oe to place th• a' all th• polDt• 6.at ihou.11. be oonred, w1'1iout tr,ing to Jake 1h 1tu, eo ottio•n oOulct work cmq Hg1l].a t1 OIL houn •

It you e:.p eot to -.ice a 1 ll30111 � 7our work, t17 to wol'k with the 14.­that 70• are cm ta. Q' a& hOlU'a OR t ot ne17 8' !'lat 11bnn-• there 11 worlc to dp, rtgar41•• ot 1dat ti. hov Wllq be, 7oa are there te ti lt. Do not pl.a to ba'Ye a rlgUl&r Patrol or b t wh1 ch 70u conr ne17 da:t at the •ame hftr. Pla to be here toa&7, then t wrow. ark 1Jl the cla7UJm toda7, 1n '119 -.rl.7 iaight uothv tq, ill tb• la te night and .:rq morntng a.other•• etc. 'h7 to lmOY 10lat 1• go1nc OJt 1D 10v puot1aalu territo17. mat the tratn.o 1• bf 411¥ a4 What l t 11 b7 a1ght. fhM• atten, u well aa ._,,, .. ta1h ocmoernlng 70v wo?k mot be left to 7oa.. R-.ber 7012 are woJt:iag OD ,-our hcmOJ'e Wlatner 7ou l.o, u ut repair' tlat 7oa. hi.Te don• •o•W!tg or bem aom i>lao• we iov. Jaw aot. Do aot heaitat• w a4llll t l t 7ou Jan -... a

Jdataa d J11dpet, lt 7aa. lan fall• 4.aa on ... ,lllDC• It take• a.perlaoe •4 paUenoe &Jl4 lot1 •flt, to 1-.m the_. ad. a-. goot. Ra!9mbv all 7ou •'W•rlor ottloen an 49pad!Jlfr cm J'OU• !la\ witknl' ••all pall togetbR aie Sentoe oaa mt ab goo4. Gift th• Gonr-t a •taz>• 4ale


Wllere all- are to be ocmTtp4 to w.rt.ou po!ata 'bJ' vala �'1• reqa.•tll an to 'be ...... !hdr ue Jaaa )- npla1ne4 Terlalq. a..-.r that the lou ot •• sr be oo•t4' 'o i:he otftoer to 11'.boa it wu 1ane4 u be Will 'be hel.4 rupm1'1• tor 11r1wwrLl•t1r7 the Gnvm.at b7 •••atbon•H •• ota�. ·

•'-"11• Jltaw ,_ f'lrlllllllel to aom1 l)Olata. JJ.1 tor which oara lla"N 'b ... allwet. !h•• car• are to be ud b7 the P avel IU,peotar1 a1 '1111• Jv1c t tella th• tu.r abo1114 )• ••d. bwber the oan are••• Br-.Jc tha 1• oanfllll1' 10th• will gift 1 .. Tloe •4 oa 'be tepcclet •fer ••mo• later •• PelBtll ldle:re •• autmo'bll• are u1lpel mat 49»•4 oa ualu to -.111>1rt alleu 8ppl'U.t.e4.

.W.IIIG !Jiii POll 1 pp+UOJ•

· Bffell 'b au.t .. t at the flrat ot tbla, "IDI YOU an !Oum SCIDfl'HIID, .AS SWWWB lllO DOWS"• !lier• are_., anro• when 7oa .,,_, ob�n intormtlcm aa4 '1J• ot -1•· Gft upt.ate4 wltll i--oe efftoen, ral� ••• � ... , - at ,..ou.ae ftllbll ••Uem, betel ... , nlti•t• tbaa. Let thea lm.• 11h• 7911 an, llbat 7CJ11 are tollle, Where t� oaa reell �· .&.a thm 000» .. tla, ti...-. la tu oue ot •tun t:ba � offloer11, tell th•� the,

..:, 'be altle to Mll 7oa will be held. atrl� cedidmtial, a d. hell. it ...

• •

Eamlu• hotel reg1•tel'll and gang• 'Ir time to t1 , uk qv.•t1om cono rn1 paniea 1hon. to troa Cauada. Jblah ot th• you aow will IWuunt to notb1• lnlt it a • ll pari ot it brinp �uult1 ;you e po.!cl tor 1aur ti and bouble.

I' 1• 111> Bible at th11 �· to oonr enq point, to plau tor ne:q 11ha�1• �t 'JJl!q aria•• nner 1oa. are ot oerta111 wm.t ta 4o, uk. lf the •tter 11. ot lJll'orW.me a.114 Will no tad the d.elq, mBPH<mB the Iupector lza Clarp. Place 1our telephone call COLI.BC!. Haft 7ou '# faota before 70tl whc J'Oll pbOll8 10 7m oaa na41q plaoe '11• before ... lalla•tOr la Clm"s• a4 ••

he mq at oDOe graap thhl fo.ll;y and ac:b1•e you aocor41za q.

fhu e lu Vv.oUom au 8UBC•t1cma are given yoa. to uaiat you. 0th.en will 1Dldcni'bt•Ci' \1 gs.wa J'Oll froa ti• • tlm. Keep t 11th.ere you can tbW. tba 11hm70R ••4 �

ft.tll 101l amw ail tila ••tin i'o which 1'01l hi.Te bee aa1igm4., get leoatecl, &bi•• tile X.peoter 1D Olmg• ja t whee he 08D tm4 JOR 1t he loolm 7oa. VIP• Arr.,.... al>O'ID no•l"fS.JrC s.n Al'l'&JIB' w1'1l the !elepaJ1h aa4 T•l91>hme P•OJl• where tel...- am r•• 7Gll and Where ;yoo. cmn be b•t zw.ohlCl 1t called. 117 lcmg ti•••• plaae.

A t• 1d1T14Ul b.nl'lloUau 11111 be giftn eaoh of 1ou 1• addi ti.on to th•e .... l'&l ••• Iacl1Tibal. 1utn8'1eu aT!Jlg w clo with .,ov 1n41T1du&l 111& ti.a U4 tenl t.17.

It 1• aot � Sll'.ticm tio pw.t 7ft at a ataUoa and. l•v• 7011., lllm :plulJls 7• • the 11111» ot a U.. to ..., ett Ol" ha4 cm. a• 'be11t JOU au.

s... -11111 111.11 at 7ov 11atieu u aooa u poall)le u4aeehn10• an

c-"ias •• J.utat 7oa. lD 1hi11S,., lecal otdiUmu, no., al.ao oall cm

7n .... olllu'1lt &114 a4T11e wiU. J'Oll Ira tl• to 'Im• X.., •tlqaarien aasM& ., .,., J'R an WJis , ,..._ J'R Jin'• to ntreat, ._t 19• ••4. ••• Dern llaft �- Jda4 r11A_.. la '11• llft'lae. EMp liladquanu'll poaht.

111 oaolu loa ln u all pall t.s•tur.

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