divide by zero prototype

Post on 28-Jan-2018






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Impending Delusion

Instruction Manual

1 to 7 Players

For Ages 15 and up

Table of Contents


Game Overview

Game Components

Character Types


Game Board

Terrain Types

Game Setup


Card Type

Weapon Cards

Weapon Skill Counters

Character Cards

Key Cards

Mission Cards

Event Cards

Robot Health Cards

Key Card Robot Health

Police Robot Health























In the height of the Second Cold War, a new Space Race was initiated with the intent of being the first

to step foot on a new habitable planet. With the invention of a hyperdrive, the United States was able to

inspect several planets on a single trip. After many years of searching, the United States went to Gliese 581

d, which is over twenty light years away from Earth.

When they arrived at Gliese 581 d, the explorers found that the planet was already inhabited by

indigenous lifeforms, which call the planet Kalokt, pronounced Ka-lock-t. The humans could only live on one

landmass due to the others being too uninhabitable as a result of the weather being too harsh. Some lands

were far below sea level, which were constantly being flooded, others were stricken with extreme heat and

extreme cold and couldn’t sustain plant or human life.

The indigenous creatures were friendly and after many months of cohabitation, the humans were able

to learn how to communicate with them, calling themselves the Kalokta, pronounced as Ka-lock-ta. The

Kalokta, as the humans spell it, are humanoid creatures that have a thick, rough hide that protects them from

the freezing and scorching temperatures. They are an intelligent race that learns as fast as humans do, so

they were able to learn our languages in the same time that we learned theirs.

After many years, the planet’s weather began to change due to the human’s influence on it. The

humans developed a machine that could control the environment and keep the planet’s atmosphere in a

livable state for all the planet’s creatures. After the program was turned on, it became self-aware and

believed that the life-forms were the reason for the planet becoming unstable. The program disabled all

communications and created machines that were sent to govern the populous before any life-forms could

react to what was happening. The land was split into three sections: Aegis, Guide, and Span, to make the

humans and Kalokt more easily controlled. The humans and Kalokt must work together to turn off the

program before the program destroys the planet.

Game Overview

• The players, will start out in a Capital of their choosing in one of the three sectors with a mission

to gain the key in that sector. As the player moves through the sector, they gain additional

missions, credits, and skills by drawing cards for missions and using credits to buy skills. The

objective is to unlock the door in each sector so that the player can confront the A.I. controller.

• There can be up to seven players with one playing as the AI.

Game Components

Supplied Components

● 1 Hexagonal Game Board

● 12 Instant Weapon/Skill Cards

● 14 Key Cards

● 30 Mission Cards

● 20 Event Cards

● 3 Human Character Cards

● 3 Kalokt Character Cards

● 20 numbered Robot Health Cards

● 18 numbered Policing Robot Health Cards

● 20 Silver Tokens numbered 1 through 20

● 13 Gold Tokens with the letter “P” on them

numbered 1 through 13

● 7 Gold Tokens numbered 1 through 7

● 40 Various glass counters for skills

● 6 pairs of percentile dice(various colors)

● 1 20 sided die

● 6 4 sided dice

● 1 six sided die

Components not included

● 10 Fire Tokens

● 10 Rumble Tokens

● 6 Paperclips

● 6 Binder Clips

● 3 Key Tokens

5 Gold Tokens with the letter “P” on them numbered

14 through 18

● 12 Stun Tokens

Character Types

Human Characters

• Can move through Lakes and Rivers

• Attack Damage of five without the use of a

Weapon Skill

• Armor value of ten

Kalokt Characters

• +1 movement through mountain terrain.

• Attack Damage of five without the use of a

Weapon Skill

• Armor value of fifteen


Numbered Silver Robot

Tokens (20)

Fire Tokens (10)

Numbered Gold Robot

Tokens (7)

Stun Tokens (12)

Numbered Gold Police

Robot Tokens (18)

Key Tokens (3)

Glass Skill Counter

Tokens (40)

Rumble Tokens (10)









Game Board

Terrain Types

Mountain (1

movement space, 2

for indigenous)

River (Humans can move

two spaces through Rivers,

but can’t end their turn on a

River space.

Forest (2 movement


Lake (Humans can move

two spaces through Lakes,

but can’t end their turn on a

Lake space.

Road (3 movement


Animal Path (2 movement


Plain (3 movement


Bridge (3 movement


Game Setup






















Police Robot


Silver Robot


Gold Robot


Game Setup Continued

• Place the game board on a flat surface where there is enough room to for each player to keep

his or her cards and tokens from being mixed in with the other players’ items or the items that

are not being utilized at the time. Place all Mission Cards, Weapon Skills Cards, Key Cards, and

AI Event Cards in their own perspective stacks next to the game board. All of the dice should be

placed to the side to be used for later and all of the tokens need to be separated by color and put

in piles next to the game board.

• Players will roll a six-sided die to pick their characters. The player with the highest roll gets to

pick first, the second highest roll picks second, and this continues in descending numerical order

until all of the players have picked an avatar. If two players roll the same number, they will re roll

to see who gets to pick first between themselves. The choice of who is the AI Controller is a

choosable option.

Game Setup Continued

AI Controller Responsibilities

• The player that chooses to be the AI Controller (AI Controller) will shuffle the Key Cards and the

AI Event Cards. The AI Controller will then draw the top four Key Cards and place them in front

of him or her (not on the game board) face down. No player is allowed the see the Key Cards,

including the AI Controller. All the other Key Cards will be put to the side and will not be used for

the remainder of the game.

• The AI Controller will place one Key Token on each of the three Capital hexagons.

• The AI Controller will place all of the numbered Silver Tokens, numbered Gold Tokens, and

numbered “P” Gold Tokens in front of him or her in separate piles.

• The AI Controller will place the Robot Health Cards in a stack next to the numbered Robot


• The AI Controller will place the Policing Robot Health Cards in a stack next to the numbered

Policing Robot Tokens.

• The AI Controller will place all Fire Tokens in a pile in front of him or her.

• The AI Controller will place all Rumble Tokens in a pile in front of him or her.

• The AI Controller will stack the AI Event Cards then draw five AI Event Cards from the top of the

deck and keep them in his or her hand without showing them to the other players, if there are

any special instructions on the cards, the AI Controller will follow the instructions during the AI

Controller setup.

Game Setup Continued

Champion Controller Responsibilities

• The Champion Controllers will clip a paperclip on the section marked “10” on their Character


• The Champion Controllers will place their Character Cards in the area around the Base hexagon

in the starting sector, which is not to exceed two adjacent hexagons from the Base hexagon in

the starting sector. The Champion Controller that picked last in the Character Card selection,

excluding the AI Controller, will be the first to pick his or her starting hexagon location. The

player that picked second to last will be second to pick his or her starting hexagon location. This

process continues in ascending numerical order until all of the players have picked their starting


• The starting sector is selected by the AI Controller rolling a four sided die. If the AI Controller

rolls a 1, the starting sector is Aegis. If the AI Controller rolls a two, the starting sector is Span.

If the AI Controller rolls a three, the starting sector is Guide. If the AI Controller rolls a four, the

AI Controller will re roll the die until a one, two, or three is rolled.

• Each Champion Controller will place his or her percentage die on fifty facing up in front of him or

her. This shows that each Champion Controller is starting the game with fifty credits that they

can spend.


Upkeep Phase

Champion Controller• If the Champion Card is located at an Outpost, Base, or Capital that has been captured, the Champion Controller

can choose to purchase a Weapon Skills Card Counters for the Weapon Skills Card that he or she chose.

• If at an Outpost, Base, or Capital that has been captured, the Champion Controller must draw a Mission Card.


Upkeep Phase

Champion Controller Continued

• If a new Weapon Skills Card is purchased, the Champion Controller will take the Weapon Skills

Card out of the Weapon Skills Card Deck and place it in front of him or her. For every counter

that is purchased, the Champion Controller will place a Glass Counter on the Weapon Skills


• If playing as a Human, the Champion Controller can have no more than four Glass Counters on

his or her Weapon Skills Card.

• If playing as a Kalokt, the Champion Controller can have no more than three Glass Counters on

his or her Weapon Skills Card.

• If one of the Champion Cards lands on a Base or Outpost, the Champion Controller of that

Champion Card will draw the top card of the Mission Card Stack and will read it aloud to the

other players. The players will then follow the instructions on the Mission Card.

• The Mission Card will be placed in a separate Mission Card Discard Pile after it has been read

and the instructions have been followed. When all of the Mission Cards have been discarded,

the Mission Card Discard Pile will be reshuffled and reused in a new Mission Card Deck.


Upkeep Phase

AI Controller

• The AI Controller must draw a new AI Event Card during every turn of the AI Controller. The AI

Controller can have no more than five AI Event Cards in his or her hand at a given time so if the

AI Controller has five cards and then draws another, the AI Controller must place one of the AI

Event Cards into the AI Event Card Discard Pile.

• If the AI Controller chooses to use an AI Event Card, the AI Controller reads the AI Event Card

aloud to all players and follows the instructions on the AI Event Card. After the AI Event Card

has been used, the AI Controller must place the AI Event Card into the AI Event Card Discard


• When all of the AI Event Cards have been discarded, the AI Event Card Discard Pile will be

reshuffled and reused in a new AI Event Card Deck.

• When the AI Controller decides to use an AI Event Card, the AI Controller must use the Robot

Tokens and Policing Robot Tokens that are specifically designed for them. The AI Controller

must announce to the players which card he or she will be using and follow the instructions on

the card. After the AI Event Card has been used, the AI Controller must place that card in the AI

Event Card Discard Pile. When there are no more AI Event Cards in the AI Event Pile, the AI

Controller will reshuffle the AI Event Cards in the AI Event Card Discard Pile and place them in

the AI Event Card Pile to be reused.


Upkeep Phase

AI Controller Continued

• When using an AI Event Card that requires the AI Controller to place Robot Tokens onto the

Game Board, the AI Controller will use one of the numbered Silver Robot Tokens. The AI

Controller must match the number on the numbered Silver Robot Token to the number on the

numbered Robot Health Card. The AI Controller will place a glass token on the number “10”

square of the Robot Health Card.

• When using an AI Event Card that requires the AI Controller to place Policing Robot Tokens onto

the Game Board, the AI Controller will use one of the numbered Policing Robot Tokens. The AI

Controller must match the number on the numbered Policing Robot Tokens to the number on the

numbered Policing Robot Health Card. The AI Controller will place a glass token on the number

“20” square of the Policing Robot Health Card.

• When Mission Cards require the AI Controller to place Robot Tokens onto the Game Board, AI

Controller will use one of the numbered Silver Robot Tokens. The AI Controller must match the

number on the numbered Silver Robot Token to the number on the numbered Robot Health

Card. The AI Controller will place a glass token on the number “10” square of the Robot Health




Champion Controller

• Human Character Cards can move up to three spaces while traveling on a road, bridge or plain hexagon.

Human Character Cards can move up to two spaces while traveling on a forest or animal path hexagon. Human

Character Cards can travel up to one space while traveling on a mountain hexagon.

• Human Character Cards are allowed to pass through river and lake hexagons but cannot end their movement

phase on a river or lake hexagon. Human Character Cards can move up to three spaces while traveling on a

river or lake hexagon.

• Kalokta Character Cards can move up to three spaces while traveling on a road, bridge or plain hexagon.

Kalokta Character Cards can move up to two spaces while traveling on a forest, animal path or mountain

hexagon. Kalokta Character Cards can not travel through river and lake hexagons.

• If a Champion Controller chooses to move their Character Card through more than one type of terrain, the

number of spaces that can be moved is based on the terrain the Character Card is currently on while moving.

Example: If a Character Card moves one hexagon on a road then one on a forest, the Character Card can no

longer move this turn due to forest only allowing two moves. If a Character Card moves one hexagon space on a forest

then moves one on a road, the Character Card can still move one more hexagon space. If a Character Card begins on

a road and moves one space on a forest, the Champion Controller is allowed to move the Character Card one more

time whether it is on a road, forest, mountain, or animal path.

Character Cards cannot occupy the same hexagon.



Champion Controller Continued

• If one of the Champion Cards is placed on a Capital hexagon that has not been captured, the Champion

Controller of that Champion Card will select one of the four Key Cards that is face down by the AI Controller.

The AI Controller will then pick up the selected Key Card, without showing it to any of the other players, and

begin to set up the puzzle that the Champion Controllers must complete in order to gain a Key Token. The Key

Card will then be discarded after the puzzle is solved and the Capital will become a captured Capital Hexagon by

removing the Key Token from the Game Board.

• When a Character Card is placed on a Base, Outpost, or Capital that has been captured, that Character’s armor

gets repaired, which let’s the player move the paperclip on the Champions Character Card to either ten as a

human or fifteen as a kolakt.


Movement Phase

AI Controller

• Robot Tokens and Policing Robot Tokens can move up to three spaces while traveling on a road, bridge or plain

hexagon. Robot Tokens and Policing Robot Tokens can move up to two spaces while traveling on a forest, or

animal path hexagon. Robot Tokens and Policing Robot Tokens can move up to one space while traveling on a

mountain hexagon. Robot Tokens and Policing Robot Tokens can not travel through river and lake hexagons.

Example: If a Robot Token or Policing Robot Token moves one hexagon on a road then one on a forest, the

Robot Token or Policing Robot Token can no longer move this turn due to forest only allowing two moves. If a Robot

Token or Policing Robot Token moves one hexagon space on a forest then moves one on a road, the Robot Token or

Policing Robot Token can still move one more hexagon space. If a Robot Token or Policing Robot Token begins on a

road and moves one space on a forest, the AI Controller is allowed to move the Robot Token or Policing Robot Token

one more time whether it is on a road, forest, mountain, or animal path.

• The AI Controller will only be able to move the same number of Robot Tokens and Policing Robot Tokens as

there are Character Cards on the Game Board.

• Policing Robot Tokens cannot move until they have been attacked by a Champion.

• Robot Tokens and Policing Robot Tokens cannot move through Outpost or Base hexagons. The Robot Tokens

and Policing Robot Tokens cannot move through a Capital hexagon that has been captured. The Robot Tokens

and Policing Robot Tokens can move through a Capital hexagon that has not been captured.

• No more than one Robot Token and/or one Policing Robot Token can occupy the same hexagon.


Attack Phase

• When a player wants to attack an avatar that is in attack range, the player will announce to all of the players

which avatar is going to be attacking and which avatar will be getting attacked. The avatars that will be in

combat will each cause damage to each other, which is reduce the defense power, whether is it armor for the

humans and Kolakta or health for the robots.

• Each type of avatar has their own base attack range depending on the terrain


Attack Phase

Champion Controller

• The attack ranges for Champion Character Cards are three hexagons while attacking on and/or

through a road, bridge, river, lake, and plain hexagon and two hexagons while attacking on

and/or through a forest and mountain hexagon.

• When a Champion Character Card takes damage, the player will move the paperclip on the

Champion Character Card the approximate number of decreasing spaces. After the paperclip is

moved to the zero, the next hit that is received will kill the Champion Character Card and the

Champion Character Card will be removed from the Game Board. All the Weapon Skill

Counters and the Weapon Skill Card that the Champion Controller had in his or her possession

will be returned to their prospective piles.

• After defeating a robot, all of the players with Champion Character Cards involved in the attack

will roll a six sided die. The number that is facing up will be multiplied by ten and this number will

be the amount of credits earned by the Champion Character Cards involved in the attack.


Attack Phase

AI Controller

• Robot Tokens have a base attack power of one and a base health defense of ten.

• The attack ranges for Robot Tokens are three hexagons while attacking on and/or through a

road, bridge, river, lake, and plain hexagon and two hexagons while attacking on and/or through

a forest and mountain hexagon.

• When a Robot Token’s health reaches zero, the Robot Token is removed from the Game Board.

• Policing Robot Tokens have a base attack power equal to the number of Champion Character

Cards on the Game Board plus one and a base health defense of twenty.

• The attack ranges for Policing Robot Tokens are three hexagons while attacking on and/or

through a road, bridge, river, lake, and plain hexagon and two hexagons while attacking on

and/or through a forest and mountain hexagon.

• When a Policing Robot Token’s health reaches zero, the Robot Token is removed from the

Game Board.

Card Types

• Weapon Cards

• Character Cards

• Key Cards

• AI Character Card

• Mission Cards

• AI Event Cards

• Robot Health Cards

• Key Card Robots

• Policing Robots

Weapons Cards

• If the Champion Controller chooses to purchase Weapon Skills Card Counters, the Champion Controller will

spend the credits that he or she has earned, including the original fifty credits that are given to each Champion

Controller at the beginning of the game. If a purchase is made, the Champion Controller will rotate his or her

percentage die and/or four sided die to the new amount of credits that he or she has left after the purchase.

• Weapon Skill Cards cost twenty credits each and the Weapon Skill Counters cost ten credits each.

• If the Champion Controller chooses to switch Weapon Skill Cards, the Champion Controller can sell the Weapon

Skill Card back for half of the credits the Weapon Skill Card originally cost. The Weapon Skill Card Counters

that were on the Weapon Skill Card can be sold back for all of the credits the Weapon Skill Card Counter

originally cost.

• If a new Weapon Skills Card is purchased, the Champion Controller will take the Weapon Skills Card out of the

Weapon Skills Card Deck and place it in front of him or her. For every counter that is purchased, the Champion

Controller will place a Glass Counter on the Weapon Skills Card.

• If playing as a Human, the Champion Controller can have no more than four Glass Counters on his or her

Weapon Skills Card.

• If playing as a Kalokt, the Champion Controller can have no more than three Glass Counters on his or her

Weapon Skills Card.

• If one of the Champion Cards lands on a Base or Outpost, the Champion Controller of that Champion Card will

draw the top card of the Mission Card Stack and will read it aloud to the other players. The players will then

follow the instructions on the Mission Card.

Weapon Cards Continued

Weapon Choices:

• Primary: Sniper Rifle

Secondary: Stiletto

• Primary: Assault Rifle

Secondary: Hatchet

• Primary: Rocket Launcher

Secondary: Flamethrower

• Primary: Saber

Secondary: Silenced Revolver

• Primary: Shotgun

Secondary: Crossbow

• Primary: Mini-Gun

Secondary: Survival Knife

Weapon Card: Sniper Rifle Range - Long

Weapon Card: Assault Rifle Range - Medium

Weapon Card: Rocket Launcher Range - Long

Weapon Card: Mini-GunRange - Medium

Weapon Card: ShotgunRange - Short

Weapon Card: Saber Range - Short

BarrageRapid Reload – The Sniper reloads

quickly, taking a second shot and doing

five damage to up to two targets.

Boom, Headshot! - With a steady aim,

the Sniper Rifle takes a headshot,

dealing ten points of damage to a single


Diligence Disabling Shot – The Sniper takes a

steady aim at a weak point on a single

enemy, before taking the shot and

stunning the target for a turn.

Rifle Butt - The Champion bashes the

target with the butt of their rifle,

Cancelling the target’s combat phase

and knocking them back a space.

BarrageConcentrated Fire – The Assault Rifle lays

down concentrated fire on a single opponent,

dealing eight points of damage.

Hip fire – The Champion fires their assault

rifle from the hip in order to fire first on an

attacking enemy, dealing six points of

damage to the target.

DiligenceCover Fire - The Champion lays down a

steady stream of cover fire to protect

themselves and their allies, granting a two

point armor bonus to all Champions until the

end of the turn.

“You Wanna Live Forever?!” - The

Champion cries out to boost the morale of his

teammates. All Champions get a one point

damage bonus to any damaging attacks until

the end of the turn.

BarrageMortar Fire – The Rocket Launcher enters an

alternative mortar firing mode, gaining the

ability to shoot over terrain, and dealing ten

damage to a single target.

Big Bang - The Rocket Launcher fires a

rocket at an enemy, causing an explosion that

hits all enemies within one space of the

target, dealing six points of damage to each

of them.

DiligenceEMP Blast – The Rocket Launcher releases

an EMP Rocket that detonates and stuns any

robotic enemy within a one-space radius

around the target.

Barricade - The Champion sets up a

barricade just big enough for them to take

cover behind, granting the Champion a five

point armor boost until the end of the turn.

BarrageSpray-and-prey – The Champion

swings the Mini-Gun back and forth in a

broad arc, dealing six points of damage

to up to three enemies in range.

Fill ‘Em Full of Lead - The Champion

lays down concentrated Mini-Gun fire on

a single target, dealing ten points of

damage to it.

DiligenceWall of Bullets – The Mini-Gun lays

down a constant stream of defensive fire

that gives the player a five-point armor


Last Stand - The Champion clings to

life, granting the Champion a ten point

armor boost until the end of the turn.

BarragePump-Action – The Champion

advances on enemies, releasing shot

after shot, dealing five points of damage

to up to three targets.

Point-blank Blast - The Champion

takes advantage of the target’s proximity

and fires a point-blank shot into their

chest, dealing nine points of damage to a

single target.

DiligenceMule Kick – The Champion takes a

quick shot at a single opponent with the

shotgun, aiming for a weak spot and

effectively stunning them for a turn.

Take Cover - The Champion rushes to

cover, granting the Champion a five point

armor boost until the end of the turn.

BarrageSlice and Dice – The Saber lashes this

way and that, delivering a flurry of blows,

dealing ten points of damage to a single


Riposte - The Champion uses the Saber

to knock the target’s weapons aside and

attempts to run them through, dealing six

points of damage to the target and

cancelling it’s combat phase for the turn.

DiligenceParry – The Saber knocks any short-

range attack aside and pushes the

enemy back a space, granting the

Champion a five-point boost in armor

until the end of the turn.

Cut the Red Wire - The Champion uses

the Saber to cut a primary circuit on an

enemy Robot, stunning it.

Weapon Card: StilettoRange - Short

Weapon Card: HatchetRange - Short

Weapon Card: Flamethrower Range -Short

Weapon Card: Combat Knife Range - Short

Weapon Card: Crossbow Range - Medium

Weapon Card: Silenced

Revolver Range - Medium

BarrageAssassinate – The Champion sneaks into the

shadows to stab the opponent in the back,

dealing ten points of damage to a single


Throwing Knife - The Champion can throw

their Stiletto at their opponents, dealing five

points of damage to a single target, and

gaining a boost in range from short to medium

with the Stiletto while using this skill.

DiligenceDodge – The Champion uses their agility with

the light Stiletto to dodge all incoming attacks

until the end of the turn.

Smoke Bomb - The Champion throws a

smoke bomb to the ground beneath them,

cancelling the combat phase of all enemies

within one space of the Champion.

BarrageTomahawk – The Champion can throw their

hatchet at their opponents, dealing seven

points of damage to a single target, and

gaining a boost in range from short to

medium with the hatchet while using this skill.

Hack and Slash - Swipe with the Tomahawk

at an enemy within melee range, dealing

eight points of damage to a single target.

DiligenceTuck and Roll - The Champion tucks the

Hatchet under them and rolls out of the way,

avoiding all gunfire until the end of the turn.

Adrenaline Rush - The Champion enters a

heightened state of awareness as adrenaline

rages through their body, granting the

Champion a five point damage bonus to all

attacks until the end of the turn.

BarrageBurn It All Down – The Flamethrower

deals eight damage to a single target.

Incinerate - The Flamethrower hits a

single target and an enemy in a space

next to the target if there is one, dealing

eight points of damage to them.

DiligenceSmokescreen – The Flamethrower lets

out a smokescreen instead of flames,

cancelling the combat phase of up to

three enemies in range until the end of

the turn.

Wreathed In Flame - The Champion

uses the Flamethrower to set fire to

ground around them, granting the

Champion a five point armor bonus until

the end of the turn.

BarrageFirst Strike - The Champion rushes in and

slashes at an opponent with their Survival

Knife, dealing six points of damage. This

attack can be used to strike the opponent


Vicious Stab - The Champion runs the target

through with their Survival Knife, dealing nine

points of damage to a single target.

DiligenceDisable the Hand – The champion quickly

hurls their Survival Knife into the hand of an

opponent, disarming them and preventing

their combat phase for one turn.

“Stand Your Ground!” - The Champion cries

out to their allies, granting all Champions a

three point armor bonus until the end of the


BarrageHeart Shot – The Crossbow takes aim

at the heart of a single enemy, dealing

ten points of damage to the target.

Pin Cushion(s) - The Champion fires

the crossbow twice in order to hit

multiple targets, dealing five points of

damage to two targets.

DiligenceArrow to the Knee – The Champion

launches an arrow right into the

opponents weak spot, effectively

stunning it for a turn.

“On My Mark…” - The Champion marks

a target for their allies, granting all ally

Champions a one point damage bonus

to all attacks until the end of the turn.

BarrageStealth Shot – The Champion sneaks

into the shadows to hit an enemy with a

silent shot, dealing eight points of

damage to a single target.

Dead-Eye - Taking careful aim, the

Champion takes three shots with the

Silenced Revolver to hit multiple

enemies, dealing five points of damage

to three targets within range.

DiligenceCamouflage – The Champion sneaks

into the shadows, blending into the

environment and avoiding all damage for

one turn.

Pistol Whip - The Champion sneaks up

on an enemy and pistol whips it with the

Silenced Revolver, stunning it.

Weapon Skill Counters

• Players can only use Weapon Skill Counters if they have Glass Tokens placed on their Weapon Skill Cards.

Weapon Skill Counters can be used at any time during the game.

• When using a Weapon Skill Counter, the player can only use the Weapon Skill Counter when the enemy is

located on a hexagon that is exactly the amount of hexagons away that is referenced on the Weapon Skill Card.

The Weapon Skill Cards have three ranges and the range of each Weapon Skill depends on the terrain the

Champion Character Card is located on and/or attacking through.

• The attack ranges while on and/or attacking through a mountain hexagon is one hexagon for short attacks, two

hexagons for medium attacks and hexagons three for long attacks.

• The attack ranges while on and/or attacking through a forest hexagon is one hexagon for short attacks, two

hexagons for medium attacks and two hexagons for long attacks.

• The attack ranges while on and/or attacking through a plain, road, river, lake, and bridge hexagon is one

hexagon for short attacks, three hexagons for medium attacks and five hexagons for long attacks.

• If the attack will travel through more than one type of terrain, the terrain that the avatar that is being attacked is

on is the terrain range that will be used.

Example: If the attacker is attacking with a long range Weapon Skill Counter and is on a road hexagon and the

avatar being attacked is on a forest hexagon, the avatar being attacked must be two hexagons away.

• After a Weapon Skill Counter has been used, the player must removed one Glass Token from the Weapon Skill


Character Cards

The Champion Controllers will clip a paperclip on the

section marked “10” on their Character Card.

The Champion Controllers will place their Character

Cards in the area around the Base hexagon in the starting

sector, which is not to exceed two adjacent hexagons from the

Base hexagon in the starting sector.











Character Card


Attack Strength Armor

Card Type

Card Information

Armor Value Remaining












Character Card Character Card Character Card

Character CardCharacter CardCharacter Card

510 5

10 5























































































































11 12 13 14 151 1 1 11






1 1 1 11 11 12 13 14 1511 12 13 14 15

Key Cards

Key Cards are used by the AI Controller when a

Champion reaches a Capital to get one of the three keys

and when the Champions have reached the center of the

board where the AI is located. The AI Controller will

draw four random cards at the beginning of the game:

one for each Capital and one for the center of the board

when all the keys have been gathered.

Key Card

Short Range OnlyA player must use a short range

attack to destroy the robots. Any

type of attack can be used to

decrease the robot health, but only

a short range attack can destroy

the robot. If a robot gets destroyed

without using a short range attack,

a new robot will spawn in its place.

The amount of robots initially

spawned is equal to the number of

Champion Character Cards on the

Game Board.

Card Type

Card Information

Key Card Key Card Key Card

Key CardKey CardKey Card

Short Range OnlyA player must use a short range

attack to destroy the robots. Any

type of attack can be used to

decrease the robot health, but

only a short range attack can

destroy the robot. If a robot gets

destroyed without using a short

range attack, a new robot will

spawn in its place. The amount

of robots initially spawned is

equal to the number of

Champion Character Cards on

the Game Board.

Skill Kills Only

A player must use a Weapon

Skill Counter to destroy the

robots. Any type of attack can be

used to decrease the robot

health, but only a Weapon Skill

Counter can destroy the robot. If

a robot gets destroyed without

using a Weapon Skill Counter, a

new robot will spawn in its place.

The amount of robots initially

spawned is equal to the number

of Champion Character Cards on

the Game Board.

Long Range Kills Only

A player must use a long range

attack to destroy the robots.

Any type of attack can be used

to decrease the robot health,

but only a long range attack can

destroy the robot. If a robot

gets destroyed without using a

long range attack, a new robot

will spawn in its place. The

amount of robots initially

spawned is equal to the number

of Champion Character Cards

on the Game Board.

Safe Cracker #1:The player or players must kill the robots in a sequential order. If a robot is killed out of order, a new robot will spawn in its place.The sequential orders and number of robots initially spawned are based on the number of champions and they are as follows:1: 2, 1 4: 3, 4, 1, 2, 52: 2, 1, 3 5: 1, 5, 2, 6, 4, 33: 4, 2, 3, 1 6: 5, 3, 7, 4, 2, 1, 6

Safe Cracker #2:The player or players must kill the robots in a sequential order. If a robot is killed out of order, a new robot will spawn in its place.The sequential orders and number of robots initially spawned are based on the number of champions and they are as follows:1: 1, 2 4: 2, 5, 3, 4, 12: 2, 3, 1 5: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 63: 3, 4, 2, 1 6:6, 4, 7, 2, 3, 5, 1

Safe Cracker #3:The player or players must kill the robots in a sequential order. If a robot is killed out of order, a new robot will spawn in its place.The sequential orders and number of robots initially spawned are based on the number of champions and they are as follows:1: 1, 2 4: 2, 5, 1, 3, 42: 3, 2, 1 5: 1, 5, 4, 3, 6, 2 3: 1, 4, 3, 2 6: 6, 4, 2, 7, 5, 1, 3

Key Card Key Card Key Card

Key CardKey CardKey Card

Safe Cracker #4:The player or players must kill the robots in a sequential order. If a robot is killed out of order, a new robot will spawn in its place.The sequential orders and number of robots initially spawned are based on the number of champions and they are as follows:1: 2, 1 4: 2, 4, 5, 1, 32: 2, 1, 3 5: 6, 1, 2, 3, 5, 43: 3, 4, 1, 2 6: 5, 7, 1, 2, 4, 3, 6

Safe Cracker #5:The player or players must kill the robots in a sequential order. If a robot is killed out of order, a new robot will spawn in its place.The sequential orders and number of robots initially spawned are based on the number of champions and they are as follows:1: 2, 1 4: 1, 5, 3, 2, 42: 3, 1, 2 5: 6, 1, 5, 2, 4, 3 3: 2, 1, 4, 3 6: 4, 2, 5, 1, 7, 6, 3

Totally Rad Waves:After the champions destroy all of the robots, spawn another set of robots. The amount of robots initially spawned is equal to the number of champions plus one. The amount of waves is equal to the number of champions plus one.

No Long Range Deaths:If a player uses a long range weapon to destroy a robot, a new robot will spawn in its place. The amount of robots initially spawned is equal to the number of champions plus one.

No Medium Range Deaths:If a player uses a medium range weapon to destroy a robot, a new robot will spawn in its place. The amount of robots initially spawned is equal to the number of champions plus one.

No Short Range Deaths:If a player uses a short range weapon to destroy a robot, a new robot will spawn in its place. The amount of robots initially spawned is equal to the number of champions plus one.

Key Card Key Card

No Skills:If a player uses a skill during an attack, when a robot gets destroyed, a new robot will spawn in its place. The amount of robots initially spawned is equal to the number of champions plus one

Sometimes They Come BackAfter a robot is destroyed, a new robot will spawn in its place. The number of robots initially spawned is equal to the number of champions plus one. The number of respawns is equal to the number of champions plus one.

Mission Cards

Champions draw one Mission Card at the beginning

of each turn whenever they exit a Base, Outpost, or

Capital that has been captured. Mission Card

Defending your position: Group MissionYour mission is to defend your current location from a robot army. The number of robots is equal to the number of champions that are in the area. The area is two adjacent hexagons around the Champion that drew this card.

Reward: Champions involved in attack gain a skill counter of their choice

Card Type

Card Information

Mission Card Mission Card Mission Card

Mission Card Mission Card Mission Card

Defending your position: Group MissionYour mission is to defend your current location from a robot army. The number of robots is equal to the number of champions that are in the area. The area is two adjacent hexagons around the Champion that drew this card.

Reward: Champions involved in attack gain a skill counter of their choice

Defending your position: Group MissionYour mission is to defend your current location from a robot army. The number of robots is equal to the number of champions that are in the area. The area is two adjacent hexagons around the Champion that drew this card.

Reward: Champions involved in attack gain a skill counter of their choice

Defending your position: Group MissionYour mission is to defend your current location from a robot army. The number of robots is equal to the number of champions that are in the area. The area is two adjacent hexagons around the Champion that drew this card.

Reward: Champions involved in attack gain a skill counter of their choice

Defending your position: Group MissionYour mission is to defend your current location from a robot army. The number of robots is equal to the number of champions that are in the area. The area is two adjacent hexagons around the Champion that drew this card.

Reward: Champions involved in attack gain a skill counter of their choice

Defending your position:Group MissionYour mission is to defend your current location from a robot army. The number of robots is equal to the number of champions that are in the area. The area is two adjacent hexagons around the Champion that drew this card.

Reward: Champions involved in attack gain a skill counter of their choice

Defending your position: Group MissionYour mission is to defend your current location from a robot army. The number of robots is equal to the number of champions that are in the area. The area is two adjacent hexagons around the Champion that drew this card.

Reward: Champions involved in attack gain a skill counter of their choice

Mission Card Mission Card Mission Card

Mission Card Mission Card Mission Card

Defending your position: Group MissionYour mission is to defend your current location from a robot army. The number of robots is equal to the number of champions that are in the area. The area is two adjacent hexagons around the Champion that drew this card.

Reward: Champions involved in attack gain a skill counter of their choice

Defending your position: Group MissionYour mission is to defend your current location from a robot army. The number of robots is equal to the number of champions that are in the area. The area is two adjacent hexagons around the Champion that drew this card.

Reward: Champions involved in attack gain a skill counter of their choice

Boring guard duty: Individual MissionYou have been given a mission to guard the Council as they meet at the Capitol.Reward: Gain x credits where x = 3d6 roll. The total of the three dice is then multiplied by ten. Example: If the player rolls a four, a three, and a five, the total of the three is twelve. The player will then multiply twelve by ten giving the player one hundred and twenty credits that were earned.

Boring guard duty: Individual MissionYou have been given a mission to guard the Council as they meet at the Capitol.Reward: Gain x credits where x = 3d6 roll. The total of the three dice is then multiplied by ten. Example: If the player rolls a four, a three, and a five, the total of the three is twelve. The player will then multiply twelve by ten giving the player one hundred and twenty credits that were earned.

Boring guard duty: Individual MissionYou have been given a mission to guard the Council as they meet at the Capitol.Reward: Gain x credits where x = 3d6 roll. The total of the three dice is then multiplied by ten. Example: If the player rolls a four, a three, and a five, the total of the three is twelve. The player will then multiply twelve by ten giving the player one hundred and twenty credits that were earned.

Boring guard duty: Individual MissionYou have been given a mission to guard the Council as they meet at the Capitol.Reward: Gain x credits where x = 3d6 roll. The total of the three dice is then multiplied by ten. Example: If the player rolls a four, a three, and a five, the total of the three is twelve. The player will then multiply twelve by ten giving the player one hundred and twenty credits that were earned.

Mission Card Mission Card Mission Card

Mission Card Mission Card Mission Card

Boring guard duty: Individual MissionYou have been given a mission to guard the Council as they meet at the Capitol.Reward: Gain x credits where x = 3d6 roll. The total of the three dice is then multiplied by ten. Example: If the player rolls a four, a three, and a five, the total of the three is twelve. The player will then multiply twelve by ten giving the player one hundred and twenty credits that were earned.

Boring guard duty: Individual MissionYou have been given a mission to guard the Council as they meet at the Capitol.Reward: Gain x credits where x = 3d6 roll. The total of the three dice is then multiplied by ten. Example: If the player rolls a four, a three, and a five, the total of the three is twelve. The player will then multiply twelve by ten giving the player one hundred and twenty credits that were earned.

Boring guard duty: Individual MissionYou have been given a mission to guard the Council as they meet at the Capitol.Reward: Gain x credits where x = 3d6 roll. The total of the three dice is then multiplied by ten. Example: If the player rolls a four, a three, and a five, the total of the three is twelve. The player will then multiply twelve by ten giving the player one hundred and twenty credits that were earned.

Scout the Road Ahead:Individual MissionYou are sent to scout ahead.The AI Controller rolls 1d6If the AI Controller rolls an odd number, the AI Controller draws an Event Card.

Reward: The player gets an extra movement phase.

Scout the Road Ahead:Individual MissionYou are sent to scout ahead.The AI Controller rolls 1d6If the AI Controller rolls an odd number, the AI Controller draws an Event Card.

Reward: The player gets an extra movement phase.

Scout the Road Ahead:Individual MissionYou are sent to scout ahead.The AI Controller rolls 1d6If the AI Controller rolls an odd number, the AI Controller draws an Event Card.

Reward: The player gets an extra movement phase.

Mission Card Mission Card Mission Card

Mission Card Mission Card Mission Card

Scout the Road Ahead: Individual MissionYou are sent to scout ahead.The AI Controller rolls 1d6If the AI Controller rolls an odd number, the AI Controller draws an Event Card.

Reward: The player gets an extra movement phase.

Landslide: Individual MissionWhile traveling, you come across a dangerous mound of rubble on the path.

Reward: Skip the movement phase of card holder’s next turn.

Landslide: Individual MissionWhile traveling, you come across a dangerous mound of rubble on the path.

Reward: Skip the movement phase of card holder’s next turn.

Animal Encounter: Individual MissionWhile looking around, you see an animal that is about to attack the group. You decide to attack it before anyone get hurt.

Reward: Roll 1d6. If player rolls an even number, player gains one skill counter of his or her choice.

Animal Encounter: Individual MissionWhile looking around, you see an animal that is about to attack the group. You decide to attack it before anyone get hurt.

Reward: Roll 1d6. If player rolls an even number, player gains one skill counter of his or her choice.

Animal Encounter: Individual MissionWhile looking around, you see an animal that is about to attack the group. You decide to attack it before anyone get hurt.

Reward: Roll 1d6. If player rolls an even number, player gains one skill counter of his or her choice.

Mission Card Mission Card Mission Card

Mission Card Mission Card Mission Card

Theft:Individual MissionWhile sleeping, someone comes to your camp and steals from you.AI Controller takes one skill token from you.

Reward: Card holder loses one Weapon Skill Counter. The AIC chooses which Weapon Skill Counter that is lost.

Theft: Individual MissionWhile sleeping, someone comes to your camp and steals from you.AI Controller takes one skill token from you.

Reward: Card holder loses one Weapon Skill Counter. The AIC chooses which Weapon Skill Counter that is lost.

Theft: Individual MissionWhile sleeping, someone comes to your camp and steals from you.AI Controller takes one skill token from you.

Reward: Card holder loses one Weapon Skill Counter. The AIC chooses which Weapon Skill Counter that is lost.

This is the Start of a Beautiful Friendship: Individual MissionYou see that one of your allies is feeling depressed, as a way to make him or her feel better, you give him or her a gift.You must give one skill token to an ally of his or her choosing.

Reward: Player gives up a Weapon Skill Counter that an ally can place on any skill of their choosing.

This is the Start of a Beautiful Friendship: Individual MissionYou see that one of your allies is feeling depressed, as a way to make him or her feel better, you give him or her a gift.You must give one skill token to an ally of his or her choosing.

Reward: Player gives up a Weapon Skill Counter that an ally can place on any skill of their choosing.

This is the Start of a Beautiful Friendship: Individual MissionYou see that one of your allies is feeling depressed, as a way to make him or her feel better, you give him or her a gift.You must give one skill token to an ally of his or her choosing.

Reward: Player gives up a Weapon Skill Counter that an ally can place on any skill of their choosing.

AI Event Cards

The AI Controller can have no more than five cards in

his or her possession at a time. The AI Controller

must draw a new AI Event Card during his or her

Upkeep Phase. The AI Controller may use an AI

Event Card during his or her Upkeep Phase.

Card Type

Card Information

Event Card

Policing Aegis: People from Aegis are trying to revolt, the AI sends robots to stop them.

Reward: The AI Controller places a Policing Robot Token on every Outpost in Aegis. The Policing Robot Token cannot be moved until it has been attacked.

Event Card Event Card Event Card

Event CardEvent CardEvent Card

I Want MOAR: The AI created more robots to send out into the world.

Reward: Place the number of Robot Tokens equal to the number of Champion Cards anywhere on the map of the AI Controller’s choosing.

I Want MOAR: The AI created more robots to send out into the world.

Reward: Place the number of Robot Tokens equal to the number of Champion Cards anywhere on the map of the AI Controller’s choosing.

I Want MOAR: The AI created more robots to send out into the world.

Reward: Place the number of Robot Tokens equal to the number of Champion Cards anywhere on the map of the AI Controller’s choosing.

I Want MOAR: The AI created more robots to send out into the world.

Reward: Place the number of Robot Tokens equal to the number of Champion Cards anywhere on the map of the AI Controller’s choosing.

Policing Guide: People from Guide are trying to revolt, the AI sends robots to stop them.

Reward: The AI Controller places a Policing Robot Token on every Outpost in Guide. The Policing Robot Token cannot be moved until it has been attacked.

Policing Guide: People from Guide are trying to revolt, the AI sends robots to stop them.

Reward: The AI Controller places a Policing Robot Token on every Outpost in Guide. The Policing Robot Token cannot be moved until it has been attacked.

Event Card Event Card Event Card

Event CardEvent CardEvent Card

Policing Aegis: People from Aegis are trying to revolt, the AI sends robots to stop them.

Reward: The AI Controller places a Policing Robot Token on every Outpost in Aegis. The Policing Robot Token cannot be moved until it has been attacked.

Policing Aegis: People from Aegis are trying to revolt, the AI sends robots to stop them.

Reward: The AI Controller places a Policing Robot Token on every Outpost in Aegis. The Policing Robot Token cannot be moved until it has been attacked.

Policing Span: People from Span are trying to revolt, the AI sends robots to stop them.

Reward: The AI Controller places a Policing Robot Token on every Outpost in Span. The Policing Robot Token cannot be moved until it has been attacked.

Policing Span: People from Span are trying to revolt, the AI sends robots to stop them.

Reward: The AI Controller places a Policing Robot Token on every Outpost in Span. The Policing Robot Token cannot be moved until it has been attacked.

Guarding the Center: The AI feels threatened by the world and wants to protect the mainframe with extra robots.

Reward: The AI Controller places one Policing Robot Tokens on each of the three gates to the Mainframe in the center of the board.

Rumble: The AI creates a rift in the tectonic plates that causes an earthquake.Reward: AI Controller chooses one hexagon to destroy. The AI Controller can then choose if he or she wants to continue trying to destroy hexagons. If the AI Controller chooses to continue destroying hexagons, the AI Controller will roll 1d6. If the 1d6 lands on an even number, the AI Controller can then choose a touching hexagon to destroy. The AI Controller can continue this action until the 1d6 lands on an odd number. If the 1d6 lands on an odd number, all of the destroyed hexagons this turn will be returned to normal.A Champion must build a bridge to cross the gap which takes 2 turns.

Event Card Event Card Event Card

Event CardEvent CardEvent Card

Rumble: The AI creates a rift in the tectonic plates that causes an earthquake.Reward: AI Controller chooses one hexagon to destroy. The AI Controller can then choose if he or she wants to continue trying to destroy hexagons. If the AI Controller chooses to continue destroying hexagons, the AI Controller will roll 1d6. If the 1d6 lands on an even number, the AI Controller can then choose a touching hexagon to destroy. The AI Controller can continue this action until the 1d6 lands on an odd number. If the 1d6 lands on an odd number, all of the destroyed hexagons this turn will be returned to normal.A Champion must build a bridge to cross the gap which takes 2 turns.

Rumble: The AI creates a rift in the tectonic plates that causes an earthquake.Reward: AI Controller chooses one hexagon to destroy. The AI Controller can then choose if he or she wants to continue trying to destroy hexagons. If the AI Controller chooses to continue destroying hexagons, the AI Controller will roll 1d6. If the 1d6 lands on an even number, the AI Controller can then choose a touching hexagon to destroy. The AI Controller can continue this action until the 1d6 lands on an odd number. If the 1d6 lands on an odd number, all of the destroyed hexagons this turn will be returned to normal.A Champion must build a bridge to cross the gap which takes 2 turns.

I Have A Feeling We’re Not in Kansas Anymore: The AI creates a tornado that whirls through the sectors.

Reward: The AI Controller rolls 1d20, then every champion player rolls 1d20. If the AI Controller’s number is higher than the Champion’s number, the AI Controller can move the lower Champion’s avatar anywhere on the map.

I Have A Feeling We’re Not in Kansas Anymore: The AI creates a tornado that whirls through the sectors.

Reward: The AI Controller rolls 1d20, then every champion player rolls 1d20. If the AI Controller’s number is higher than the Champion’s number, the AI Controller can move the lower Champion’s avatar anywhere on the map.

I Have A Feeling We’re Not in Kansas Anymore: The AI creates a tornado that whirls through the sectors.

Reward: The AI Controller rolls 1d20, then every champion player rolls 1d20. If the AI Controller’s number is higher than the Champion’s number, the AI Controller can move the lower Champion’s avatar anywhere on the map.

Fire, Fire, Fire: The AI creates a fire that will continue to spread if it is not dealt with.

Reward: The AI controller chooses one hexagon on the map to be on fire. Every turn, the AI Controller can choose to roll 1d6 to spread the fire to a touching hexagon. If the 1d6 lands on an even number, the fire will spread. If the 1d6 lands on an odd number other than one, the fire will not spread this turn. If the 1d6 lands on one, half of the hexagon fires, rounded up if needed, will be put out and the AI Controller loses the ability to spread fire. To put out the fire, the Champions must carry water from a river or lake and stand on the hexagon that is on fire. The Champions must refill the water after putting out three hexagon fires.

Event Card Event Card

System Reboot: The AI system automatically upgrades.

Reward: All cards the AI Controller is holding on to must be discarded and cannot be used for the rest of the game.

Restrictions: This card must be used when it is dealt.

System Reboot: The AI system automatically upgrades.

Reward: All cards the AI Controller is holding on to must be discarded and cannot be used for the rest of the game.

Restrictions: This card must be used when it is dealt.

Robot Health Cards

When using an AI Event Card that requires the AI

Controller to place Robot Tokens onto the Game

Board, the AI Controller will use one of the numbered

Silver Robot Tokens. The AI Controller must match

the number on the numbered Silver Robot Token to

the number on the numbered Robot Health Card.

The AI Controller will place a glass token on the

number “10” square of the Robot Health Card.

Robot Card Type

Armor Value


Robot #1

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Robot #1

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Robot #2

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Robot #3

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Robot #4

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Robot #5

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Robot #6

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Robot #7

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Robot #8

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Robot #9

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Robot #10

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Robot #11

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Robot #12

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Robot #13

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Robot #14

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Robot #15

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Robot #16

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Robot #17

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Robot #18

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Robot #19

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Robot #20

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Key Card Robot Health Cards

Key Card Puzzles for Capital Hexagons

The AI Controller must use the numbered Gold

Robot Tokens and must use them in ascending numerical


When spawning Robot Token for the Key Card

Puzzles for Capital Hexagons, the AI Controller must

place the numbered Silver Tokens in the area around the

Capital hexagon that is being attacked, which is not to

exceed two adjacent hexagons from the Capital hexagon.

The Silver Tokens cannot be placed on the Capital


Key Card Puzzles for Entrance Hexagons

The AI Controller must use the numbered Gold

Robot Tokens and must use them in ascending numerical


If the Key Card Puzzle is for the Final Battle in the

center of the Game Board, the AI Controller must place

the numbered Silver Tokens in the area around the

Entrance hexagons, which is not to exceed two adjacent

hexagons from the Entrance hexagons. The Silver

Tokens can be placed on the Entrance hexagon but

cannot be placed on the black hexagons.

*No more than one Robot Token can occupy the same


Key Card Robot #1

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Robot Card Type

Armor Value


Key Card Robot #1

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Key Card Robot #2

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Key Card Robot #3

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Key Card Robot #4

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Key Card Robot #5

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Key Card Robot #6

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Key Card Robot #7

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

Policing Robot Health Cards

When using an AI Event Card that requires the AI

Controller to place Policing Robot Tokens onto the

Game Board, the AI Controller will use one of the

numbered Policing Robot Tokens. The AI Controller

must match the number on the numbered Policing

Robot Tokens to the number on the numbered

Policing Robot Health Card. The AI Controller will

place a glass token on the number “20” square of the

Policing Robot Health Card.

Robot Card Type

Armor Value


Police Robot #1

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14

15 16

17 18

19 20

Police Robot #2

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14

15 16

17 18

19 20

Police Robot #1

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14

15 16

17 18

19 20

Police Robot #3

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14

15 16

17 18

19 20

Police Robot #5

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14

15 16

17 18

19 20

Police Robot #4

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14

15 16

17 18

19 20

Police Robot #6

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14

15 16

17 18

19 20

Police Robot #8

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14

15 16

17 18

19 20

Police Robot #7

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14

15 16

17 18

19 20

Police Robot #9

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14

15 16

17 18

19 20

Police Robot #11

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14

15 16

17 18

19 20

Police Robot #10

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14

15 16

17 18

19 20

Police Robot #12

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14

15 16

17 18

19 20

Police Robot #14

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14

15 16

17 18

19 20

Police Robot #13

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14

15 16

17 18

19 20

Police Robot #15

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14

15 16

17 18

19 20

Police Robot #17

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14

15 16

17 18

19 20

Police Robot #16

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14

15 16

17 18

19 20

Police Robot #18

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14

15 16

17 18

19 20


Produced by

Chrissy Stancil

Edited by

Daniel Blakeney

Art Lead

James Browder

Mechanics Lead

Chrissy Stancil

Lead Tester

Mason Whitley

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