divorce and remarriage

Post on 05-Jul-2015






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Divorce and remarriage Unit 3- Relationships- WJEC Full Course RE. Year 9.



• What is going on in each of these pictures? Can you work out today's topic from them.

Recap- 8 Mins.

• Explain the important features of a marriage ceremony in two different religious traditions (A02)

• (You must state the religious traditions you are referring to) 8 marks

ForAgainstReligious viewMy viewEvaluate the Religious view

• Explain the important features of a marriage ceremony in two different religious traditions (A02) (You must state the religious traditions you are referring to) 8 marks

• In Islam Muslims

• Followers of Christianity believe

ForAgainstReligious viewMy viewEvaluate the Religious view

Go back over your notes.Look at your mind maps.What do Muslims/Christians have to do in order to get married?What specialist language are you going to use? (Look at your keyword list.)What evidence have you got? (Quotes?)

Divorce and remarriage.

Learning intentions:

• To examine Christian and Muslim attitudes to divorce

• To consider your own opinion about justifying divorce

Success criteria:

• To be able to apply religious attitudes to answer an exam style question.

Being considerate

• Divorces can be a very complicated issue, and there are a lot of factors which can contribute.

• There is a good chance that you might know someone who has been or is being affected by the issues in today’s lesson.

• So please be respectful and considerate of your classmates.

Key words


• The Roman Catholic practice of stating that a marriage was never really valid .If for example one partner lied in their vows.


• When a couple try to resolve their problems and stay together.

Silent debate

• All around the room are different thoughts and opinions on Divorce

• You are going to make your way around to each of them and add your own comments to the quote sheet, do you agree? Disagree? Would you add anything? How would you respond to each quote?

• But this must be done in silence if you want to reply to someone’s idea you have to write it down.

Write up...

• Have a look at the statement on your table, write a paragraph explaining what you think about it and why some one might disagree with you.

• Use some of the ideas written down to help you.

Why do people get divorced?

Religions and divorce.

• Many religions have differing attitudes towards divorce.

Task:• Read through the scenario in activity on page 28,

what advice would you give? • Create a mind map of all the people affected and

how. • List 5 you might consider to be unreasonable

behaviour that can led to divorce. • Use the information on page 28 to help you.

Divorce in Islam

• Families will help the couple to resolve their problems (reconciliation) Stage 1

• The couple live together for 3 more months. The Husband must announce in front of witnesses that he wants a divorce. Stage 2

• If there is no reconciliation then divorce is allowed.

• No one is blamed, both are encouraged to remarry.

Stage 3

Divorce is seen as a last resort. There are 3 stages to divorce in Islam.

Muslim couples need both a divorce from the courts and an Islamic divorce.

Task• You each have a sheet

filled with statements about divorce

• You need to colour code them into statements to support divorce and statements to oppose divorce.

Extension:‘Divorce should be easy’- Discuss, make sure to give reasons for your opinion.

Christianity and Divorce.

• Use the information on pages 30-31 to create and fill in this summary poster:


Other Christian views:

Roman Catholic:

Useful Quotes

The importance of

vows (use page 30 to help)

Extension:A promise is a promise. Christians should never

get divorced.

Christian Views on Divorce

Homework Question.

6 marks

To begin with, Christianity says...

Similarly/On the other hand, Islam says...




Conclusion: link back to the question – how would they respond?

Explain the attitude to divorce in two religious traditions (you must state the traditions you are referring to.) (6 marks)

Which of the wedding vows makes divorce difficult for



• From your Notes can you match quotes to the following points:

Why some Religious believers do not allow divorce:

Why some religious believers do allow divorce.

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