dmay sundberg positive org scholarship final

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  • 8/13/2019 DMay Sundberg Positive Org Scholarship Final


    Douglas May/Jonathan Sundberg

  • 8/13/2019 DMay Sundberg Positive Org Scholarship Final


    WHAT is Positive Organizational


  • 8/13/2019 DMay Sundberg Positive Org Scholarship Final


    A blend of theories Core of ideas developed in parallel to the Positive

    Psychology Movementinitiated in 1998 Shift focus from mental illness to mental health

    POS broadens focus Examines thriving and generative dynamics within


    Also provides theoretical grounding for organizationaldevelopment

    Appreciative Inquiry

    Tap into the existing strengths of an organization and tofigure out how to perpetuate them on a broader level

    Exploit employee strengths rather than dwell onlimitations

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  • 8/13/2019 DMay Sundberg Positive Org Scholarship Final


    Positive Seeks to understand positive states



    Gratitude Excellence



    Reflectedbest self

    the time when employees were attheir personal best

    Understand how to exploit strengths

  • 8/13/2019 DMay Sundberg Positive Org Scholarship Final



    Highlights how generative dynamics unfold withinand across organizations

    Understand, explain, and predict the occurrence,causes, and consequences of positivity Finding the positive example:

    Determining success through corporate downsizing asopposed to focusing on the negatives

    Fostering employeecalling

    instead of focusing solely onproductivity or morale

  • 8/13/2019 DMay Sundberg Positive Org Scholarship Final



    Emphasizes theoretically-informed conclusions,backed by data and analysis

    Results suggest implications for organizationalfunctioning, practice, and teaching

    Uncovers new ways of interpreting antecedents andoutcomes of career development

  • 8/13/2019 DMay Sundberg Positive Org Scholarship Final


    The POS Perspective First Same factors that create problem states arent

    necessarily same ones that create positively deviant

    state(above normal, extraordinary states that are

    good, honorable or virtuous)

    Promoting positive deviance may require new oraltered theoretical lens or explanation focus in

    different areas

  • 8/13/2019 DMay Sundberg Positive Org Scholarship Final


    The POS Perspective Second

    POS - re-emphasizes the importance of outcomes such aswell-being, citizenship, and health

    POS - focuses on the positive in analyzing organizationalconditions that account for valued human virtues andstrengths: Resilience Vitality Thriving Fulfillment Transcendence Courage Wisdom

  • 8/13/2019 DMay Sundberg Positive Org Scholarship Final


    The POS Perspective Third Organizational scholars benefit from considering how,

    why, and when positive states shape individual, group,

    and collective behavior

    POS lens considers how life-giving dynamics inorganizations (positive emotion, positive meaning, andpositive connections) can contribute to the overall

    well-being of individuals, groups, and leaders

  • 8/13/2019 DMay Sundberg Positive Org Scholarship Final


    The POS Perspective Fourth POS emphasis is on positive states and dynamics as a

    corrective way to offset the tendency to focus on the

    negative more than the positive

    We are more deeply concerned about losing$50 thangaining$50...RIGHT??

  • 8/13/2019 DMay Sundberg Positive Org Scholarship Final


    The POS Perspective

    Amplify the Positive!!

  • 8/13/2019 DMay Sundberg Positive Org Scholarship Final


    Domains of POS Inquiry

    One Involves virtuous processes, strengths, and positive

    organizing: Works on individual and organizational virtues,

    integrity, compassion, resilience, wisdom, strength,and positive identity

  • 8/13/2019 DMay Sundberg Positive Org Scholarship Final


    Domains of POS Inquiry

    Two The study of upward spiralsand patterns of positive

    change Includes work on appreciative inquiry, positive deviance,

    positive emotions, knowledge creation, and positiveleadership development

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    Domains of POS Inquiry

    Three Focus on positive meanings and connections

    Includes work on the dynamics of vitality and energy inorganizations, relationships, cooperation, and creativity

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    Domains of POS Inquiry

    Four Focus on institutional and structural aspect of POS

    Includes work on developing and reproducingorganizational designs that enable positive dynamics andoutcomes

  • 8/13/2019 DMay Sundberg Positive Org Scholarship Final


    New frontiers for Career Development

    Opens up possibilities for career research by posinginnovative questions that redirect and motivatestudies Invites researchers to consider dynamics of positively

    deviant career-relevant outcomes

    Redirects attention to focus on peoples capacity forgrowth and resiliency, discovering new or unexploredcareer possibilities

    Encourages ways to have positive rebounds aftercareer calamities and promotes creative careerredirections

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  • 8/13/2019 DMay Sundberg Positive Org Scholarship Final


    POS Approach

    Can shift our view of career development inorganizations

    Career choices of individuals are re-directed towardsbuilding humancapital

    Creates environment that encourages

    the best of the

    human condition

  • 8/13/2019 DMay Sundberg Positive Org Scholarship Final


  • 8/13/2019 DMay Sundberg Positive Org Scholarship Final


    Question What does the acronym POSstandfor (no not that!)

    Answer Positive Organizational Scholarship

  • 8/13/2019 DMay Sundberg Positive Org Scholarship Final


    Question Define Positive OrganizationalScholarship?

    Answer POS is concerned primarily with the studyof especially positive outcomes, processes, andattributes of organizations and their members. POS does not represent a single theory, but it focuses on

    dynamics such as: excellence, thriving, flourishing,abundance, resilience, or virtuousness.

  • 8/13/2019 DMay Sundberg Positive Org Scholarship Final


    True or False Positive Organizational Scholarshiprejects the view that organizations are typified bygreed, selfishness, manipulation, secrecy, and asingle-minded focus on winning.

    Answer False. It does not reject the view, ratherit chooses to emphasize positive deviance


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    Question: What concept does positiverepresentin the label PositiveOrganizational Scholarship(POS)?

    Answer The positiveconcept emphasizesaffirmation, resilience, excellence, gratitude, etc.

  • 8/13/2019 DMay Sundberg Positive Org Scholarship Final


    Question: What concept does organizationalrepresent in the label Positive OrganizationalScholarship (POS)?

    Answer The Organizationalconcept focuses onpositive processes that occur in anorganizational context.

    It highlights how these positive dynamics unfoldwithin organizations.

  • 8/13/2019 DMay Sundberg Positive Org Scholarship Final


    Question: What concept does scholarshiprepresent in the label Positive OrganizationalScholarship(POS)?

    Answer The scholarshipconcept focuses onempirical credibility and theoretical explanationsfor how and why the prescriptions work.

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    True or False Positive Organizational Scholarshipis distinguished from traditional organizationalstudies in that it seeks to understand what

    represents the best of the human condition.

    Answer True

  • 8/13/2019 DMay Sundberg Positive Org Scholarship Final


    Question What is one advantage to a PositiveOrganizational Scholarship Perspective?

    Answers Include: Fresh perspective

    Building the best self(instead of countering the worst)

    Developing capabilities rather than simplycompensating for shortcomings

  • 8/13/2019 DMay Sundberg Positive Org Scholarship Final


    Question An interest in positive phenomena is not uniquewithin social sciences. Name one other literature/traditionthat examines positive dynamics (example PositivePsychology).

    Answers Include Appreciative Inquiry

    Community Psychology

    Humanistic Organizational Behavior

    Organizational Development Prosocial Motivation

    Citizenship Behavior

    Corporate Social Responsibility

  • 8/13/2019 DMay Sundberg Positive Org Scholarship Final


    True of False The Positive OrganizationalScholarship perspective is a relatively newperspective.

    True: The POS perspective is relatively new,although its core ideas were seeded by the ideasof earlier scholars.

    POS origins developed in parallel though a few yearsbehind the Positive Psychology movement, initiated in1998.

  • 8/13/2019 DMay Sundberg Positive Org Scholarship Final


    Video Clip of Positive OrganizationalScholarship:
  • 8/13/2019 DMay Sundberg Positive Org Scholarship Final


    Positive Organizational Scholarship: Meet theMovement Susan D. Bernstein, Jane Dutton and Robert Quinn
  • 8/13/2019 DMay Sundberg Positive Org Scholarship Final


    Positive Organizational Scholarship


    Cameron, K., Dutton, J., Quinn, R., (2003) Positive OrganizationalScholarship: Foundations of a New Discipline, San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.

    Dutton, J., Glynn, M.A., Spreitzer, G., (2013) PositiveOrganizational Scholarship,Encyclopedia for Career Development,Sage Publications

    Robbins, S.P., Judge, T.A. (2013) Organizational Behavior(15thEdition)

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