doc pcrf rules.docx

Post on 16-Jan-2016






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PCRF Rules & Attributes summary

Table des matièresI. PCS project used for 3G Launch (used in PCRF SOS)...............................................................................................................................................................2

1. List of Attributes................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2

2. Acces Rules......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2

II. Modification to correct Roaming issue for Subscriber Not Provisoined.................................................................................................................................4

III. MiFi Use Case PCS Project.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5

1. Attributes added for MiFi U.C.............................................................................................................................................................................................5

2. Acces Rules added for MiFi U.C.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

IV. Gy Optimization Access Rules............................................................................................................................................................................................. 6

1. Attributes for Gy Optimization Use Case............................................................................................................................................................................7

V. OTT Use Case PCS Project....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7

1. Attributes added for OTT U.C............................................................................................................................................................................................7

2. Acces Rules added for OTT U.C........................................................................................................................................................................................... 7

3. SMSC client implementation.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 8

VI. Appendix A: NSR Data Display............................................................................................................................................................................................8

I. PCS project used for 3G Launch (used in PCRF SOS) 

1. List of Attributes The table1 below presents details of different attributes used for 3G Launch in PCS Project.Table1

Attribute-name IdInterface Access

mode Datatype(Attribute value source)

CC-Request-Type CC-Request-Type Gx RESET integer

RuleFailureCode Charging-Rule-Report_Rule-Failure-Code Gx RESET integer

PrePaid prepaidFlag LDAP-Interface/PROFILE READ string


pcsEventTrigger Event-Trigger Gx RESET integer

GAPN_NAME Called-Station-Id Gx NOT_APPLICABLE string

GIMSI Subscription-Id_Subscription-Id-Data_1 Gx NOT_APPLICABLE string

GMSISDN Subscription-Id_Subscription-Id-Data_0 Gx NOT_APPLICABLE string

LocationAreaIdentity LAI Gx NOT_APPLICABLE string

CellGlobalIdentity CGI Gx NOT_APPLICABLE string

SGSNAddress 3GPP-SGSN-Address-Value Gx NOT_APPLICABLE string


LPricingPlan pcsPricingPlan LDAP-Interface/PROFILE READ string

LCategory pcsSubscriberCategory LDAP-Interface/PROFILE READ string

HomeLocation pcsHomeLocation LDAP-Interface/PROFILE READ string

pcsServiceId_102 pcsServiceId LDAP-Interface/PROFILE READ integer

pcsServiceId_103 pcsServiceId LDAP-Interface/PROFILE READ integer

pcsServiceId_104 pcsServiceId LDAP-Interface/PROFILE READ integer

2. Acces Rules Below the details of Acces Rules used Table2Acces Rule Name Target/Subject Rule Condition Obligations Comment

Rule_Failure_NoReply Attribute RuleFailureCode = 1& CC-Request-Type = 2

DenyIf PCRF receives Gx Error UNKNOWN_RULE_NAME in the AVP Rule-Failure-Code during a CCR Update then PCRF Will deny the service

2G_Local_Data_PAYG Attribute CurrenPLMN=60503& CCR-Type>= 2

PricingPlan=2g Install PCCRB_DEFAULTIf PCRF receives CCR Update or Terminate for a subscriber having Pricing Plan 2g thenPCRF installs PCCRB_DEFAULT to GGSN


Attribute CurrenPLMN=60503& CCR-Type = 0 or 2

PricingPlan=2g& Current_Time > Midnight & Lcategory in [gold, bronze, silver]


After midnight, when receiving a CCR Initial Request,PCRF will remove PCCRB related to P2P

P2P_ToD_AnyCategory_Schedule Attribute CurrenPLMN=60503& CCR-Type = 1

PricingPlan=2g& Current_Time < 8AM& Lcategory in [gold, bronze, silver]

Revalidation at 8AMremove PCCRB_P2P_GOLDremove PCCRB_P2P_SILVERremove PCCRB_P2P_BRONZE

After midnight, when receiving a CCR Initial Request for a local subscriber,PCRF will remove PCCRB related to P2P


Attribute CurrenPLMN=60503& CCR-Type>= 2& Lcategory = Bronze

PricingPlan=2g& 8:00<Current_Time < 23:59

Revalidation at 23:59Install PCCRB_P2P_BronzeRemove PCCRB_P2P_SilverRemove PCCRB_P2P_Gold

Between 8AM and 11:59 PM, when receiving a CCR Update Request for a Bronze Category local subscriber, PCRF will install PCCRB_P2P_Bronze and Remove PCCRB_P2P_Silver/Gold


Attribute CurrenPLMN=60503& CCR-Type>= 2& Lcategory = Silver

PricingPlan=2g& 8:00<Current_Time < 23:59

Revalidation at 23:59Install PCCRB_P2P_SilverRemove PCCRB_P2P_BronzeRemove PCCRB_P2P_Gold

Between 8AM and 11:59 PM, when receiving a CCR Update Request for a Silver Category local subscriber, PCRF will install PCCRB_P2P_Silver and Remove PCCRB_P2P_Bronze/Gold


Attribute CurrenPLMN=60503& CCR-Type>= 2& Lcategory = Gold

PricingPlan=2g& 8:00<Current_Time < 23:59

Revalidation at 23:59Install PCCRB_P2P_GoldRemove PCCRB_P2P_BronzeRemove PCCRB_P2P_Silver

Between 8AM and 11:59 PM, when receiving a CCR Update Request for a Gold Category local subscriber, PCRF will install PCCRB_P2P_Gold and Remove PCCRB_P2P_Silver/Bronze


Attribute CurrenPLMN=60503& CCR-Type>= 2& Lcategory = Bronze

PricingPlan=2gQoSCass=2MbpsBronze(NSR Data in OneNDS)

PCRF Apply QoS Bronze when receiving CCR Update for a local subscriver having a pricing plan 2g and Bronze Category


Attribute CurrenPLMN=60503& CCR-Type>= 2& Lcategory = Gold

PricingPlan=2g QoSClass=3MbpsGoldPCRF Apply QoS Gold when receiving CCR Update for a local subscriver having a pricing plan 2g and Gold Category

QoS_Silver_Category Attribute CurrenPLMN=60503

PricingPlan=2g QoSClass=2MbpsSilverPCRF Apply QoS Gold when receiving CCR Update for a local subscriver having a pricing plan 2g and Bronze

& CCR-Type>= 2& Lcategory = Silver



Not CurrenPLMN = 60503& (PCSResultCode = 5030 or PricingPlan = 2g )


PCRF will remove PCCRB_DEFAULT and install PCCRB_ROAM_2G_Default when a CCR is recieved for a Roaming Subscriber having pricingPlan 2g or the user is not provisioned

Service_FB_Premium_Expired Attribute CurrenPLMN=60503& CCR-Type = 0 or 2

pcsServiceId_104 = 0& PricngPlan=2g or 3g


PCRF will remove PCCRB_WAP_UP_PREMIUM and PCCRB_WAP_UP_FB when a CCR update is recieved for a local Subscriber having pricingPlan 2g or 3g and doesn't have valid service 104

Service_FB_Premium_Valid Attribute CurrenPLMN=60503& CCR-Type = 0 or 2

pcsServiceId_104 = 104& PricngPlan=2g or 3g


PCRF will install PCCRB_WAP_UP_PREMIUM and PCCRB_WAP_UP_FB when a CCR update is recieved for a local Subscriber a valid having pricingPlan (2g or 3g) and valid service 104

Service_WAPUP_Chat_Expired Attribute CurrenPLMN=60503& CCR-Type = 0 or 2

pcsServiceId_103 = 0& PricngPlan=2g or 3g


PCRF will remove PCCRB_WAP_UP_CHAT when a CCR update is recieved for a local Subscriber having pricingPlan 2g or 3g and doesn't have valid service 103

Service_WAPUP_Chat_Valid Attribute CurrenPLMN=60503& CCR-Type = 0 or 2

pcsServiceId_103 = 103& PricngPlan=2g or 3g


PCRF will install PCCRB_WAP_UP_CHAT when a CCR update is recieved for a local Subscriber having pricingPlan (2g or 3g) and valid service 103

Service_WAPUP_FB_Expired Attribute CurrenPLMN=60503& CCR-Type = 0 or 2

pcsServiceId_102 = 0& PricngPlan=2g or 3g


PCRF will remove PCCRB_WAP_UP_FB when a CCR update is recieved for a local Subscriber having pricingPlan 2g or 3g and doesn't have valid service 102

Service_WAPUP_FB_Valid Attribute CurrenPLMN=60503& CCR-Type = 0 or 2

pcsServiceId_102 = 102& PricngPlan=2g or 3g

Install PCCRB_WAP_UP_FBPCRF will install PCCRB_WAP_UP_FB when a CCR update is recieved for a local Subscriber having pricingPlan 2g or 3g and valid service 102

Subs_Not_Provisioned PcsResultCode = 5030Block_3G_Access GRAT-Type = 1000 Authorize-Subscriber=TRUE Authorize subscriber to browse, without applying

specific PCCRB/QoSwhen a subscriber is not provisoined


GRAT-Type = 1001 Authorize-Subscriber=TRUE

II. Modification to correct Roaming issue for Subscriber Not ProvisoinedIn the 1st project that was deployed, the acces rule Subs_Not_Provisioned was used for both local and roaming subscriber. In cas of a roaming subscriber that is not provisioned with a PCS Profile, the rule Subs_Not_Provisioned will be applied and then the PCC Rule Base of Roaming will not be applied. This leads in charging issue for roaming.

We just added a condition CurrentPLMN=60503 in the rule Subs_Not_Provisioned to correct the issue.This correction is done in PCRF Manouba, but not yet is PCRF Sousse.


PcsResultCode = 5030

& CurrentPLMN =60503

Block_3G_AccessGRAT-Type = 1000

Authorize-Subscriber=TRUE Authorize subscriber to browse, without applying specific PCCRB/QoS

when a subscriber is not provisoined and is in not in roamingAllow_2G_Access

GRAT-Type = 1001


III. MiFi Use Case PCS ProjectA marketing need was expressed since Januray regarding the WiFi Router commercial Offer.This offer allow subscriber to usage unlimited 3G quota using a wifi router. The need was to permit subscriber to use up to 20Giga with QoS Gold and throttle QoS to 512Kbps once used quota exceeds 20Giga, without denying the service.Here we will detail the attributes and rule that were added to cope with that demand.

1. Attributes added for MiFi U.CId Attribute-name Interface Access-Mode Datatype Operation Reset-ConditionpcsServiceAccCharge pcsServiceAccCharge_300 LDAP-Interface/PROFILE READ integerpcsServiceId pcsServiceId_300 LDAP-Interface/PROFILE READ integer

pcsSrvTotUsedQuota pcsSrvTotUsedQuota_300 LDAP-Interface/PROFILE RESET integer$pcsSrvTotUsedQuota_300$+ ($TotOctUsed_300$)/1024


Validity Validity_300 LDAP-Interface/PROFILE READ stringpcsServiceBillingStartDate pcsServiceBillingStartDate_300 LDAP-Interface/PROFILE WRITE string '$pcsServiceId_300$'=='300',0pcsServiceBillResetType pcsServiceBillResetType_300 LDAP-Interface/PROFILE READ stringpcsServiceBillingResetDuration pcsServiceBillingResetDuration_300 LDAP-Interface/PROFILE READ integerpcsServiceElementName pcsServiceElementName_300 LDAP-Interface/PROFILE READ stringUsage-Monitoring-Information_Used-Service-Unit_CC-Total-Octets_300

TotOctUsed_300 Gx RESET integer

2. Acces Rules added for MiFi U.CAcces Rule Name Target/Subject Rule Condition Obligations Comment


CurrentPLMN=60503& pcsServiceId_300=300& Lcategory=Bronze


Install PCCRB_DEFAULT_MK300QoSClass 2MbpsBronzeRemove PCCRB_DEFAULT

PCRF will install PCCRB Default MK300 and QoS Class Bronze if a CCR is recieved for a local sub having Category Bronze, valid serivce300,pricing plan 3g and

& CCR Type =0, 1 or 2<99% * pcsServiceAccCharge_300& Not Validity_300=EXPIRED& LPricingPlan=3g

his usedquota is <99% of total quota


CurrentPLMN=60503& pcsServiceId_300=300& Lcategory=Gold& CCR Type =0, 1 or 2

(pcsSrvTotUsedQuota_300*1024+TotOctUsed_300)<99% * pcsServiceAccCharge_300& Not Validity_300=EXPIRED& LPricingPlan=3g


PCRF will install PCCRB Default MK300 and QoS Class Gold if a CCR is recieved for a local sub having Caregory Gold, valid serivce300,pricing plan 3g and his usedquota is <99% of total quota


CurrentPLMN=60503& pcsServiceId_300=300& Lcategory=Silver& CCR Type =0, 1 or 2

(pcsSrvTotUsedQuota_300*1024+TotOctUsed_300)<99% * pcsServiceAccCharge_300& Not Validity_300=EXPIRED& LPricingPlan=3g

Install PCCRB_DEFAULT_MK300QoSClass 2MbpsSilverRemove PCCRB_DEFAULT

PCRF will install PCCRB Default MK300 and QoS Class Silver if a CCR is recieved for a local sub having Caregory Silver, valid serivce300,pricing plan 3g and his usedquota is <99% of total quota

FUP_Install_TOT_Shaped_Qos CurrentPLMN=60503& pcsServiceId_300=300& CCR Type =0, 1 or 2

(pcsSrvTotUsedQuota_300*1024+TotOctUsed_300)>=99% * pcsServiceAccCharge_300& Not Validity_300=EXPIRED& LPricingPlan=3g


PCRF will throttle the QoS to 512Kbps for a local subscriber having valid service 300 and it's used quota is >99% of total quota

FUP_SPRUpdate_Quota300 CurrentPLMN=60503& pcsServiceId_300=300& CCR Type =2 or 3

Update pcsSrvTotUsedQuota_300

PCRF will update the value of the attribute total used quota if a CCR update ou a Terminate is recieved for a local subscribe ahving valid service 300 and pricing plan 3g

FUP_UMI_MK300_Bucket CurrentPLMN=60503& pcsServiceId_300=300& CCR Type =2 or 3

Not Validity_300=EXPIRED& LPricingPlan=3g

Usage-Monitoring-Info: 300::20971520::-::-::Enabled::Disabled::-

PCRF will allocate 20Mo in the Monitoring Key300 if CCR Update is coming for a local subscriber having valid service 300 and pricing plan 3g: obligation format:MonitoringKey::TotalOctets::InputOctets::OutputOctets::Support::Report::GrantedTime



NOT CurrentPLMN=60503& pcsResultCode=5030& LPricingPlan = 2g


PCRF will remove PCCRB_DEFAULT and install PCCRB_ROAM_2G_Default when a CCR is recieved for a Roaming Subscriber having pricingPlan 2g or the user is not provisioned


NOT CurrentPLMN=60503& LPricingPlan = 3g Authorize-Subscriber=FALSE

PCRF will prohibit browsing for a Roaming Subscriber having pricingPlan 3g

IV. Gy Optimization Access RulesThe goal of rules below is to reduce the load on the Gy interface caused by redirection to self-care portal for subscriber having no credit. Those redirections will be done statically by the Flexi NG.

Another important benefit is to stop charging loss of revenue for outbound roaming trafic. In fact, when a roaming subscriber is browsing and get quota exhausted, the PDP is not being closed. For sure there is no traffic forwarded from our GGSN to roaming Subscriber, but the UL requests that phone made are charged from the roaming partner. Unfortunately, such bills are actually paid by Tunisiana.

Details of new attributes and rules will be discussed in following paragraphs.

1. Attributes for Gy Optimization Use Case

V. OTT Use Case PCS ProjectA marketing need was expressed regarding the PAYG use case that will be applied to all subscribers with CARTA UNO offer.This need is as follows, when the subscriber is out of data credit, the subtraction of credit will be then directly from his monetary account. So when the subscriber has a monetary credit and finished his data credit, he will be able to navigate until he’s out of monetary credit.Here we will detail the attributes and rule that were added to cope with that demand.

1. Attributes added for OTT U.CId Attribute-name Interface Access-Mode Datatype Operation Reset-ConditionpcsServiceBillingStartDate pcsServiceBillingStartDate_600 LDAP-Interface/PROFILE WRITE string '$pcsServiceId_600$'=='600',0pcsServiceBillingResetDuration pcsServiceBillingResetDuration_600 LDAP-Interface/PROFILE READ integer

pcsServiceBillResetType pcsServiceBillResetType_600 LDAP-Interface/PROFILE READ string

Validity Validity_600 LDAP-Interface/PROFILE READ stringpcsServiceId pcsServiceId_600 LDAP-Interface/PROFILE READ Integer

2. Acces Rules added for OTT U.CAcces Rule Name Target/Subject Rule Condition Obligations Comment

OTT CurrentPLMN=60503& CCR Type =1

pcsServiceId_600=600& LPricingPlan=2g

Install PCCRB_DEFAULT_MK300PCRF will install PCCRB Default MK300 if a CCR is recieved for a local sub having valid serivce600,pricing plan 2g

UC_OTT_EoQCurrentPLMN=60503& CCR Type =2

pcsServiceId_600=600& Validity_600=EXPIRED& PcsEventTrigger=15& pcsChargingReportRG=21& LPricingPlan=2g

Send sms “Your Quota is Over”Update pcsBillingDuration_600=1Update pcsBillingStartDate_600=$Date

if a CCR is recieved for a local sub having service 600, validity service 600 EXPIRED, pricing plan 2g, EoQ trigger (15) received on RG 21, the PCRF will send and sms to the subscriber telling his OTT quota is over. Then pcsBilling Start date (today) and duration (1 day) are updated in order to receive only one sms per day. Means that every time and end of quota is triggered the PCRF will check the parameters above in order to send only one sms per day.

3. SMSC client implementationOn the PCS_HostSpecificConfigParams.xml file, we have added the parameters of the SMSC as follows:

VI. Appendix A: NSR Data Display

# 201, pcsServiceNode, pcs, nss, services, OTT, C-NTDB

dn: pcsServiceId=201,o=pcsServiceNode,o=pcs,o=nss,o=services,o=OTT,DC=C-NTDB

pcsServiceId: 201

objectClass: pcsServiceNode

pcsServiceName: 201

pcsServicePriority: 21

pcsMinServiceUnit: 1

# 202, pcsServiceNode, pcs, nss, services, OTT, C-NTDB

dn: pcsServiceId=202,o=pcsServiceNode,o=pcs,o=nss,o=services,o=OTT,DC=C-NTDB

pcsServiceId: 202

objectClass: pcsServiceNode

pcsServiceName: 202

pcsServicePriority: 22

pcsMinServiceUnit: 1

# 203, pcsServiceNode, pcs, nss, services, OTT, C-NTDB

dn: pcsServiceId=203,o=pcsServiceNode,o=pcs,o=nss,o=services,o=OTT,DC=C-NTDB

pcsServiceId: 203

objectClass: pcsServiceNode

pcsServiceName: 203

pcsServicePriority: 23

pcsMinServiceUnit: 1

# 301, pcsServiceNode, pcs, nss, services, OTT, C-NTDB

dn: pcsServiceId=301,o=pcsServiceNode,o=pcs,o=nss,o=services,o=OTT,DC=C-NTDB

pcsServiceId: 301

objectClass: pcsServiceNode

pcsServiceName: 301

pcsServicePriority: 31

pcsMinServiceUnit: 1

# 104, pcsServiceNode, pcs, nss, services, OTT, C-NTDB

dn: pcsServiceId=104,o=pcsServiceNode,o=pcs,o=nss,o=services,o=OTT,DC=C-NTDB

pcsServiceId: 104

objectClass: pcsServiceNode

pcsServiceName: 104

pcsServicePriority: 14

pcsMinServiceUnit: 1

# pcsQos, pcs, nss, services, OTT, C-NTDB

dn: o=pcsQos,o=pcs,o=nss,o=services,o=OTT,DC=C-NTDB

o: pcsQos

objectClass: nssConfiguration

refSubscriber: pcsServiceNode_refPcsQosProfName

refSubscriber: pcsServiceProfile_refPcsQosProfName

# 128Kbps, pcsQos, pcs, nss, services, OTT, C-NTDB

dn: pcsQosProfName=128Kbps,o=pcsQos,o=pcs,o=nss,o=services,o=OTT,DC=C-NTDB

pcsQosProfName: 128Kbps

objectClass: pcsQos

pcsARPPrioLevel: 4

pcsPreEmptionCap: FALSE

pcsPreEmptionVuln: TRUE

pcsMaxReqBrUL: 128000

pcsMaxReqBrDL: 123000

pcsQosClassName: ClassB

# 2MbpsFUP, pcsQos, pcs, nss, services, OTT, C-NTDB

dn: pcsQosProfName=2MbpsFUP,o=pcsQos,o=pcs,o=nss,o=services,o=OTT,DC=C-NTDB

pcsQosProfName: 2MbpsFUP

objectClass: pcsQos

pcsARPPrioLevel: 2

pcsPreEmptionCap: FALSE

pcsPreEmptionVuln: TRUE

pcsMaxReqBrUL: 1000000

pcsMaxReqBrDL: 2000000

pcsQosClassName: ClassE

# 3MbpsGold, pcsQos, pcs, nss, services, OTT, C-NTDB

dn: pcsQosProfName=3MbpsGold,o=pcsQos,o=pcs,o=nss,o=services,o=OTT,DC=C-NTDB

pcsQosProfName: 3MbpsGold

objectClass: pcsQos

pcsARPPrioLevel: 2

pcsPreEmptionCap: FALSE

pcsPreEmptionVuln: TRUE

pcsMaxReqBrUL: 12000000

pcsMaxReqBrDL: 42000000

pcsQosClassName: E

# 2MbpsSilver, pcsQos, pcs, nss, services, OTT, C-NTDB

dn: pcsQosProfName=2MbpsSilver,o=pcsQos,o=pcs,o=nss,o=services,o=OTT,DC=C-NTDB

pcsQosProfName: 2MbpsSilver

objectClass: pcsQos

pcsARPPrioLevel: 2

pcsPreEmptionCap: FALSE

pcsPreEmptionVuln: TRUE

pcsMaxReqBrUL: 5800000

pcsMaxReqBrDL: 21000000

pcsQosClassName: ClassE

# 2MbpsBronze, pcsQos, pcs, nss, services, OTT, C-NTDB

dn: pcsQosProfName=2MbpsBronze,o=pcsQos,o=pcs,o=nss,o=services,o=OTT,DC=C-NTDB

pcsQosProfName: 2MbpsBronze

objectClass: pcsQos

pcsARPPrioLevel: 2

pcsPreEmptionCap: FALSE

pcsPreEmptionVuln: TRUE

pcsMaxReqBrUL: 2000000

pcsMaxReqBrDL: 3600000

pcsQosClassName: ClassE

# 1Mbps, pcsQos, pcs, nss, services, OTT, C-NTDB

dn: pcsQosProfName=1Mbps,o=pcsQos,o=pcs,o=nss,o=services,o=OTT,DC=C-NTDB

pcsQosProfName: 1Mbps

objectClass: pcsQos

pcsARPPrioLevel: 2

pcsPreEmptionCap: FALSE

pcsPreEmptionVuln: TRUE

pcsMaxReqBrUL: 512000

pcsMaxReqBrDL: 1000000

pcsQosClassName: F

# 256Kbps, pcsQos, pcs, nss, services, OTT, C-NTDB

dn: pcsQosProfName=256Kbps,o=pcsQos,o=pcs,o=nss,o=services,o=OTT,DC=C-NTDB

pcsQosProfName: 256Kbps

objectClass: pcsQos

pcsARPPrioLevel: 2

pcsPreEmptionCap: FALSE

pcsPreEmptionVuln: TRUE

pcsMaxReqBrUL: 256000

pcsMaxReqBrDL: 256000

pcsQosClassName: ClassE

# 3MbpsHZ, pcsQos, pcs, nss, services, OTT, C-NTDB

dn: pcsQosProfName=3MbpsHZ,o=pcsQos,o=pcs,o=nss,o=services,o=OTT,DC=C-NTDB

pcsQosProfName: 3MbpsHZ

objectClass: pcsQos

pcsARPPrioLevel: 2

pcsPreEmptionCap: FALSE

pcsPreEmptionVuln: TRUE

pcsMaxReqBrUL: 1500000

pcsMaxReqBrDL: 3000000

pcsQosClassName: ClassE

# 512Kbps, pcsQos, pcs, nss, services, OTT, C-NTDB

dn: pcsQosProfName=512Kbps,o=pcsQos,o=pcs,o=nss,o=services,o=OTT,DC=C-NTDB

pcsQosProfName: 512Kbps

objectClass: pcsQos

pcsARPPrioLevel: 2

pcsPreEmptionCap: FALSE

pcsPreEmptionVuln: TRUE

pcsMaxReqBrUL: 512000

pcsMaxReqBrDL: 512000

pcsQosClassName: ClassE

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