
Post on 20-Aug-2015






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As I have said numerous times, Nabilla J is a quirky, vintage artist who introduces new elements in the music industry that no other artist has done. She is not afraid to try new things or to mock other genres as she knows her target audience will understand her creative and controversial ways in music videos and ancillary products.

Striking mise-en-scene/ location

She familiarises her target audience with her strong visual settings/imagery so therefore instantly creates an image on herself that is bold, daring and quirky. This is part of banding image. These bold settings relate to the genre of the music video and song genre.

The font for Nabilla J is elegant and simple so that it can allow any strong/bold imagery she will have in her album cover to overtake it, but work in harmony with the background.

The handwritten font design originally came from Kate Nash who also used handwritten fonts for her album cover because her lyrics were like a diary. The font will represent the lyrics and remind the audience that once they are listing to her songs, they have permission to look ‘inside her diary’.

Consistency of fonts on advert and digipak, fonts will become recognisable towards the target audience.

From DigipakFrom Music video

As well as consistency in fonts, we thought the costume of Nabilla J is very important as first impressions count. Her iconic hairstyle is striking and therefore remains the same/similar throughout her music video and in the digipak and advertisement. Our target audience like to experiment with hairstyles and will therefore be able to relate with Nabilla J. This hairstyle idea was taken from our mood board because believe it adds to the vintage dress-sense. The leather jacket also does the same purpose.

Although we didn’t directly take a photo from the music video for the album cover, but we did uses the same location (Paget Street) to take the photos for the album photos. This was beneficial as Paget Street is a vintage street so by using the same location would instantly encounter the quirky Indie pop genre.

In our music video, Nabilla J is presented with a lot of close ups, mediums shots and tracking shots. This is used frequently to allow Nabilla J’s face to be familiar with her target audience so that they will be able to recognise her; this is very important seeing as this is her very first music video and album.

Our target audience are ‘Filthy Angels’, they are unique, original and live for the extraordinary. They never take things for granted and always mock people who have lost their trust with them. Fashion, Music and Art are what their key interests are and they are creative individuals. They wish for peace and harmony in the world, in the meantime, its all about living life like every day is your last. They live by the motto “you only live once”

Age: 16-24Gender: Girls 90% boys 10%

As you may have known, Nabilla J is a big user of social networking sites so that she can connect with her fans regularly, as they too are a constant user of social networking sites. Most of her updates on her album will be done via the three shown here and this is a cheaper, more effective way to do so rather than wasting thousands on TV adverts.

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