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Post on 19-May-2020






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Summer 2015


Dear Friends

Since I became your Interim Moderator early in February, I have become a familiar face to the Kirk Session and Congregational Board. To the congregation I am less familiar, having only been with you on two Sunday mornings and on the Sunday evening when we held the final service in Carstairs Junction Church.

Let me tell you something about myself. I am married to Annette, and we have two children and five grand-children. I served as a parish minister for 26 years – at Drongan in Ayrshire, at Elie, Kilconquhar and Colinsburgh in the East Neuk of Fife, and at Barnhill in Broughty Ferry. After that I was Head of Stewardship for over 12 years. Having ‘retired’ in September 2012, I have occupied pulpits most Sundays.

It is not ideal that your Interim Moderator lives twenty miles away in Livingston. I would much prefer to be more ‘hands on’ and more visible in Carnwath and Carstairs. From a distance I shall do my best to lead a willing team of office-bearers, supported by Alan Grant and Richard Beattie.

The congregation faces a number of challenges: maintaining a faithful worshipping community adapting the church building for more flexible use developing a visible presence in Carstairs Junction working more closely with the folk at Carnwath finding a new minister for the linked charge

The presence and power of God’s Spirit will help us to meet these challenges and truly be God’s people in this place.

Gordon D Jamieson

Joint Summer Services with Carnwath

To be held at Carstairs Church, 10am on 5th, 12th & 19th

July To be held at Carnwath Town Hall, 10am on 26th July,

2nd & 9th AugustCommunion Services

Please note Communion Services from September 2015

onwards will be held on the second Sunday of the relevant month.

The United Parish of Carstairs & Carstairs Junction

Warmly invites you to join our church family on

Sunday, 1st June 201510am Carstairs Village Church

When the Sacrament of the Lords Supper will be celebrated

There will be a retiring offering following the service for the work of Loaves & Fishes

If you are entertaining visitors that day please share this invitation with them. We look forward to welcoming you


We held our “At Home” evening in April. Our Guild Link ladies from Springburn joined us and some members from the local area Guilds. 70 people attended altogether. The entertainment was by “Trilogy plus One” which every

one enjoyed. Alex Nelson attended and took photographs for the church web site.

Sandra, Nanette, Alice, Valerie and Violet from the Senior Citizens Committee came along and were a great help serving the tea and washing all the dishes. A huge thank you to them all. The last evening for this Session will be the Summer Rally to be held on Friday, 5th June at 7.30pm in St John’s Church, Carluke.

Our new Session will start after a summer break. Details will be intimated in the Sunday order of service and Gazette.

Roberta Finlayson has given up her position as Guild Secretary and we would like to thank her very much for all her hard work over the years. She did a great job. The new contact is Mabel Morris



A service of Closure was held on Sunday, 19th April 2015. This service finally marked the end of Carstairs Junction church as a place of worship.

I took part in the service by reading a potted history of the church and by serving at the communion, which closed the service. The service proved to be both emotional and moving.

The small, simple and multipurpose building had served its community well. A community that is now considerably changed from the one that paid and built it over 136 years ago.

Those who gathered for the service would have mixed emotions as they remembered both personal times and larger community services ranging from Drama group pantomimes, African Children’s Choir school room to Jazz concerts and Lesmahagow Male Voice Choir.

The service ended with the chance to remember and reflect over coffee and cake. The chance to catch up with former ministers who attended and had each helped shape worship within our community.

Now the heart of Christian worship within our community is the building at Carstairs Village and a new chapter in our church journey begins. A journey with the challenge of bonding and growing our link with Carnwath, the challenge of providing opportunities for fellowship and worship within Carstairs Junction, the challenge of finding a minister for the parish and perhaps the biggest of all will be the challenge of changing and growing together to ensure the future of the Church within our area.

Ruth Campbell


Carstairs Junction Church was built in 1879 to serve the village which had grown up around the railway. The Caledonian Railway Company built the school, the schoolhouse and the church. Money was collected from the railwaymen, and local labour built the church.

Carstairs Junction Church was originally a Chapel of Ease to Carstairs Parish Church. Church House was built as a manse and occupied by the first two ministers. Since then it was occupied by the Church Officer, and then used for church activities. During an outreach programme it was used as a clinic for mothers and toddlers in conjunction with the local health visitor.

Two ministers, John Bell and William Duncanson McGill, served Carstairs Junction from 1879 to 1952. It was in 1952 that Carstairs Junction and Carstairs were united by the Presbytery to form one parish with two places of worship. In 1965 the union was dissolved, and there were once again two separate congregations linked together under one minister. From 1965 to 2006, six ministers, some of whom are here tonight, served the linked charge. As part of the centenary celebrations in 1979, the oak pews were removed and replaced with chairs. This made it possible for the church to be used in a flexible way for a variety of church activities.

It was in 2006 that the linked charge once again became a united charge, with both the churches at Carstairs Junction and Carstairs Village continuing to be used for worship.

The inability of the congregation at Carstairs and Carstairs Junction to continue to maintain two buildings has now led to the decision that Carstairs Junction Church be closed and sold. Many people have their own memories of the place – a place they worshipped Sunday by Sunday, a place where they were married, a place where they brought children for baptism, a place where a family funeral was held, a place of Christian fellowship, a witness to the Christian faith at the heart of this community.

Above is our history but we have a future and as a congregation we must work together with our community and with the use of other premises maintain a presence and continue our mission and service in Carstairs Junction.

(The full history is on our website: or hard copies are available from Lorna Bruce)


In any list of favourite hymns, “Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah”, sung to Cwm Rhonnda, usually makes an appearance. It is a popular, moving, rousing and uplifting hymn which has its origins in the experiences of the Israelites, led by Moses, as they journeyed through the wilderness, following their escape from captivity in Egypt.

During their years of desert travels they were fed by God who provided 'manna', a bread-like substance which fell from Heaven each day. To guide them to safety, God gave them a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night to follow.

It was also a hymn that came to mind one day several years ago when out hill-walking. My wife and I had decided on the Cairngorms. We had a good weather forecast and started the walk early on a fine summer's morning. Hours later, we reached the top where we sat down at the large summit cairn and had a leisurely lunch.

Unfortunately, not long after leaving to begin the return back down, the good weather unexpectedly disappeared. Instead of sun shining from a blue sky, dark clouds were appearing. The pleasant, light breeze was replaced by a strengthening wind that blew in wind, rain and mist. With visibility deteriorating we had to depend more on using the map, compass and a check of the G.P.S. to give reassurance we were still heading in the right direction.

As we strained our eyes looking for any sign of the path that would lead us back down, it came as a great relief when we eventually met up with it. Whilst the spell of poor weather didn't really last too long before the sun made a welcome return and we could again see where we were going, for that short time we were far from happy.

Once at the car and thinking back when the bad weather hit us at the top and as we plodded slowly and carefully along, peering into the gloom, the words of, “Guide me, O Though great Jehovah” came to mind, especially the line, “pilgrim through this barren land”. In the mist, we would have been more than happy if we could have had someone to guide us though the bleak, misty and windswept Cairngorm plateau.

There are times in life when everything is going well, but, quickly and unexpectedly, things can change. Sometimes, for reasons completely outwith our control, things happen that upset our settled life. As we struggle to deal with our situation, we can easily forget that God is

always with us; giving us His strength and supporting us at all times, “I am weak, but Thou art mighty; hold me with Thy powerful hand”.

Although an old hymn, its message is always relevant and a reminder of God's faithfulness. No matter how you may be feeling at this time, why not get out a hymn book and have a read at the words.

Every BlessingAlan



The company would like to thankseveryone who supported the ‘smartie tube challenge’ fundraiser; we raised the fabulous sum of £215.22.

If you wish to continue collecting please hand in your tubes filled with 20 pence coins to Elizabeth Brown (870787) or why not visit the boys and bring it along.

They boys are now on Summer break but will resume again on 1st September 2015 at the usual times.

Elizabeth would like to pass on her thanks to all the volunteers who help with the Anchor Boys and Juniors every Tuesday. As always more volunteers are required and if you could spare and hour or two per week please speak to Elizabeth or if you have a hobby or skill that would be of interest to the boys please consider coming along on a Tuesday to speak with the boys. As you will read in Jacob Hall’s article the boys really do enjoy it and the experience carries on with them throughout their lives.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Congratulations to

Janis Orr & Peter Colquhounwho were married on Saturday, 11th April

at Carstairs Village Church"A cord of three strands is not quickly

broken." - Ecclesiastes 4:12

ANOTHER PASSAGE FROM GOD'S PROMISESGod’s presence (when you are having a bad day)…

 God's presence: God has said "Never shall I leave you, never will I forsake you”. So we say with confidence "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid, what can man do to me “- Hebrews 13 God's Protection:  He will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart - Psalm 91. The Bible affirms that Believers are strong. The strength does not come from steroids or any fanatical exercise programme.  God gives strength to each of his children enabling them to stand firm. There is nothing nicer and more comforting than having a special place that you can call your own. My place, somewhere that makes us feel good, a place which warms my heart a place that belongs to me and where I feel totally at home, especially after a really bad day. Fear not for I have redeemed you, I have summoned you by name; you are mine - Isaiah 43.

AmenChristine Dunn

There are many Religious TV channels available to view both on Free View and Sky TV. Christine recommends SonLife TV with Jimmie Swaggart for preaching & music and Revelation TV for bible study and discussion. Preachers to look out for are John Hagee, Jesse Duplantis, Bayless Conley and Joyce Meyer.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONGREGATIONAL REGISTER

Please remember in your prayers the families and friends of:

John Frame, CleghornAlex Marshall, West End, CarnwathJames Lothian, CarnwathJanet Bradie, CleghornJanet Prentice, RavenstrutherJohn Moffat, CarnwathJenny Latimer, CarnwathJanet King, Carstairs JunctionCatherine Cox, CarstairsHelen Hamill, Westend, Carnwath

Thomas Thomson, Carstairs Junction


I started boy’s brigade when I was 5 years old. My Grandpa and Papa were in the Boy’s Brigade, so was my Dad and my two uncles.

My Papa was in Glasgow’s 21st Company Boy’s Brigade. My Uncle and my Dad were in 1st Saffron Walden Boy’s Brigade. So I had to see what all of the fuss was about.

When I started 1st Carstairs Boy’s Brigade Company in 2008 my two best friends were going as well. We always played games, the games were usually racing type games and we were always competitive. We had a Bible reading and that usually seemed to take forever!

In my second year in the Junior Section one of my friends left but my other friend and I stayed. The leaders still kept us entertained and it was just as fun.

We did a lot of targets in the Anchor Boy’s and the Junior Section. They were always fun activities like baking and races and word searches so I was never bored.

When I moved up to the Junior Section we did a lot of marching, we didn’t do it for very long though and if we behaved Mr Brown would be happy and wouldn’t make us do it again.

My first badge in the Junior Section was my Target Badge and I did that with Connor, I think we gave him a hard time at first, but he got us to calm down eventually.

As I moved up I started to get more and more badges like my Bronze, Silver and Gold Badges. My Gold Badge was my most interesting badge because we got to do more things than usual and got to bake more complex things.

I really enjoyed my time at Boy’s Brigade, my little brother is coming up behind me and I hope more boys join.

Jacob Hall


There is a story told that there once lived two knights. Their job was to keep the king’s land free from dragons, witches and evil doers of every description. In order to do that they dressed in armour and both carried a shield and a sword.

Now keeping a land safe from all evil doers fifty two weeks of the year was hard work. The knights used to stagger in at the end of each day exhausted. The queen noticed this and one day she said to her husband, “I think both Cedric and Cuthbert need a holiday.”

So the king called for the knights and told them they were going to the seaside for a week’s holiday.

The queen explained, “I want you to fish, play ball and make sand castles and after a week you will come back new men.”

So the knights went down to the village store and bought all that the queen advised, towels, swimming trunks, balls, fishing rods and of course buckets and spades.

Their family and friends were delighted to hear their news and told them it would do them the world of good.

The next morning the knights set off for the seaside. After riding in silence for a while Cedric asked Cuthbert, “Do you really think this holiday will do the trick. Do you really think it will turn us into new men? The queen is expecting us to come back with loads of energy. I hope she is right.”

“So do I”, said Cuthbert.

A short while later they rode round the bend and there was a wonderful sight before them of blue sea and golden sand.

“That must be the beach”, said Cuthbert. “I suppose we had better build a couple of sand castles before lunch.”

For the next three days the knights did everything the queen had told them to do. When the sun came up they kicked the beach ball up and down the shore. They built a few sand castles. They kicked the beach ball around some more and then when the sun went down they wrote post cards telling their friends how hard they were trying to enjoy themselves.

“How long have we been here Cuthbert?”, asked Cedric after breakfast on the fourth day. Cuthbert did some calculations and said, “Three days, ten hours forty minutes and twenty five seconds. Are you feeling like a new man yet?”

Cedric shook his head and said, “I feel worse than I did three days ago.”

“Me too” sighed Cuthbert.

Gloomily Cuthbert looked at the sea and said, “Maybe we haven’t done enough swimming.”

“The last time we tried swimming I nearly drowned” Cedric pointed out.

“Maybe we need to build more sand castles.” If I have to fill my bucket with sand one more time I think I will collapse”, said Cedric. Sadly the knights looked at each other and then from somewhere a really daring thought popped into Cedric’s mind.

“Cuthbert”, he said, “Do you think the holiday might work better if we took off our armour? I mean if we weren’t wearing armour running around would be so much easier. We could feel the sun on our backs and the sand between our toes. We would be cooler and more comfortable. We might even be able to swim without sinking.”

“But we are knights”, said Cuthbert. “No one ever sees knights without their armour on.”

Cedric dived behind a rock and came out a few minutes late wearing a swimming costume.

“Are you mad?” gasped Cuthbert. “Maybe I am”, said Cedric but I don’t care. “I am not weighed down anymore I am like a new man” and away he went racing across the beach. Next thing he was splashing around in the sea.

“Come on and join me Cedric”, called to his friend who was sitting and sweating it out under 25 kilos of chain mail but Cuthbert wouldn’t. He couldn’t bear anyone seeing him without his armour and so at the end of the week Cedric went home refreshed and healthy but Cuthbert returned wearier than ever.

By the time you read this we will be fast approaching the summer holidays. Most of the church organisations will have finished up for the summer and hopefully we will be enjoying some summer sunshine and warm weather. It is a time to relax, a time to enjoy and a time to recharge our batteries. It is worthwhile to remember that we are strengthened not only by our holidays and the good weather of the summer but also by our worship and fellowship each Sunday. So when you are home I look forward to seeing you each Sunday and when you go on holiday remember to follow Cedric’s example by relaxing and enjoying your holiday so that you come back healthy, refreshed and energised for the new session.

Kind regardsRichard

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UNITED PARISH OF CARSTAIRS & CARSTAIRS JUNCTION


We may be a small rural congregation and our average age is probably more ‘middle-aged’ but we are holding our own when it comes to the world of information technology and computers!

We produce a printed order of service each Sunday, a PowerPoint presentation is prepared each week which allows the hymns and order of service to be colourfully displayed via projector onto a large screen as well as monitors around the church. We have a state of the art sound system which encompasses sound for hearing aid wearers. All this enhances our weekly worship.

It takes a lot of hard work behind the scenes to achieve this each week and many thanks go to the volunteers who give freely of their time for this and all the roles within our church.

We also reach the wider world via our website: The website is full of colourful pictures, up to date information on all our groups, special events, fund raisers and worship. Take time and check it out.

If you would like to be involved please speak to the team: Alex Nelson, Liz Warnock or Lorna Bruce.

The Girls' Brigade is a worldwide Christian organisation for girls and young women. At Girls' Brigade Scotland our aim is to help the young girls of today becomes capable, confident citizens of the 21st century. We are committed to offering girls a safe, secure environment where they are supervised by adult leaders who have undertaken an Enhanced Disclosure check and use a framework based on Christian principles and values.

This year was our second year in business and on 28th April we celebrated with our parents by performing a short sketch and singing a few songs. At the parents evening the girls were presented with their badges which they had worked hard over the year to achieve.

We were glad to see a lot of returning faces to Girls Brigade and also welcome new girls along, our numbers did drop slightly but that is only to be expected with the girls having other competing interests. We had a regular attendance of about 30 girls each Thursday night and hopefully over time this will grow.

The explorer section had an overall theme of “journeys” looking at different places, cultures and different forms of worship. The Juniors divided their badge into different themes such as Gods Heroes – Fanny

Crosby (the blind hymn writer), Eric Liddell (he Scottish Olympian who wouldn’t race on a Sunday), Mary Slessor (A Scottish Missionary) and last but not least my favourite Florence Nightingale.

How to be a good friend and what this means and we also learned some basic marching. Some of us old timers or should I say more traditionalists found this an interesting experience……I’ll say no more on that subject. I think we could give the BBs a run for their money….watch out Elizabeth!!!

We also learned about healthy eating, how to keep healthy and the importance to keep active in order to keep both mentally and physically healthy. We made exotic smoothies using dragon fruits, passion fruit, and Sharon fruit to name a few. They were actually quite delicious.

Girls tell us that they come to Girls’ Brigade for fun, and friendship and we try our best to ensure this happens…… We look forward to welcoming old faces back and hopefully new girls into Girls Brigade so that they too may enjoy the Girls Brigade experience.

I would also like to thank all the ladies who make 1st Carstairs Girls Brigade a success - Sharon, Gayle, Katie, Linda, Linzi, Pam and Barbara your help and support during the last year is very much appreciated and I look forward to seeing you back Thursday, 3rd September.

Karen Burnett------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

To reward their hard work with the Girls Brigade Sharon and

Karen have been invited to the Royal Garden party at

Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh on 1st July.

Have a great day!

Unwanted clothes FundraiserUplift Monday, 15 June 2015

(All bags to be delivered to Ian Brown Funeral Parlour, Carstairs Village by Sunday, 14th June)

There is still time to have a clear out and help raise funds for the church.

Wanted: men’s, ladies & children clothing, paired shoes/boots, bags, belts, hats, soft toys

Not wanted: bedding, towels, cushions, curtains or towels

For collection bags or to arrange an uplift please contact:Elizabeth (07774135255)

Lorna (01555 870426)


Carstairs Junction Church had its closing service on Sunday, 19th April. It was said that night that “The closing of a building, is not the closing of a church” And as much as buildings play a great part in the life of a community or congregation, it must be remembered that the first church had no buildings, so that people’s emotions were directed towards God.

Buildings are of the world, churches are of God. We cannot serve the world and God at the same time. If we put buildings first, then God will be second. If we serve God first, then everything else will fall into place. But to serve God, we must first know what God want us to do.

In Billy Graham’s book ‘Peace with God’ it says that “Some people find it easier to draw closer to God in magnificent buildings and with some form of ritual. Others find they can seek God only in stark simplicity. Some people find themselves more comfortable with formality; others feel more at home with informality. The important thing is not how we do it, but the sincerity and depth of purpose with which we do it.” He carries on by saying,” Do not make the mistake of attaching yourself to a particular minister rather than to the body of the church itself” cont. “A stable church is built up when the members of the congregation recognize that it is their mutual love of Jesus Christ and the sincere desire to follow in His steps that hold them together.”

We go to the church not only for what we can get out of it, but also for what we can put into it. We have seen what has happened in these desperate times, when people have drifted away from the church, or when people come to the service on a Sunday, sit for an hour, then go home. I know that in the past some of those people have worked very hard in the life of the church, and through their faith have accomplished great things for the Lord. But I appeal to you, if you don’t want another building to close in our area, we must all look into our hearts and ask the question, “Can I do more for the Lord.” Can You?

Alex Nelson------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


We are a small friendly group that meets fortnightly in Carstairs Community Centre at 7pm. You will find our meetings comfortable & relaxed with no pressure put on anyone. This session we continue looking at the book of Revelation. For details please contact Alex Nelson (840459).

Joining ingrowthsharingandworship

Hi, my name is Bradley Stokes and I live in Carstairs Village. You will all know my gran more than you will know me...Grace Stokes!

I am 21yrs old and living the dream of a professional cyclist, with the hope of one day racing in the Tour De France.

Cycling has always been something my family has done for pleasure. I have been cycling since I was months old albeit in a

bike seat on the back of my dads bike.

During primary age I did a bit of mountain biking racing in the kid’s races. It was in my late teenage years that I became really interested in road cycling. Following in my brother footsteps I realised this was the sport for me. With the race bike purchased I started to train hard and take part in races. Racing for the Pedal Power Racing Team.

With numerous races under my belt I knew I wanted to progress in this sport to become a top professional cyclist. I gave up full time work to work part time in my local cycling shop "Pedal Power" at West Calder. This allowed me the time to train harder and become stronger. Christmas presents become two weeks winter training in Lanzarote with my dad and brother who were now finding it hard to keep up.

This year I increased my winter training and racing experience with a further four weeks in Calpe, Spain. It was here that I was noticed by Achieve Skinnergate Cycling Team. I was offered to join their team which was a fantastic offer I could not refuse. This would provide me with the support of an elite racing team around me in races.

This season started and the team was off to Belgium. With around 200 to 300 elite pro cyclists on the start line this was the competition and challenge I needed. Coming across the finishing line in 13th place was a good start to the season for me. Back in Spain with a field of 180 elite pro cyclists crossed the finishing line in 8th place. Returning home from racing in Belgium I gained my first win of the season at the Dick Longdragon race in Aberdeen.

For the rest of the season I am now concentrating on racing at the highest level in Britain with the occasional trip abroad. Cycling is now my job in which I want to succeed, and my aim is to race in The Tour De France. You can keep up with my progress by liking my facebook athlete page.

Bradley Stokes


It hardly seems like yesterday since all our groups were starting a new session after the summer holidays and here we are once again either at the end of or drawing to a close of this year's sessions. On Palm Sunday all our young people attended the morning service. There was a great feeling of celebration and excitement which we hope helped our young people have a sense of what that very first Palm Sunday would have been like as the people lined the streets to welcome their King. Some knew Jesus and had heard his teachings and were keen for others to see him. Others probably joined the crowds curious to see what the fuss was about. After the service all the young folk from SClub, BB, GB and The Net boarded buses and headed off to the 10 Pin Bowling at Deer Park, Livingston. We shared lunch together and then enjoyed each others company on the bowling lane. I wonder how Jesus spent his day after his triumphal entry into Jerusalem - telling people more about his father, meeting with friends, eating with friends - being at church with friends!

On the last weekend in February I was very fortunate to attend one of the first conferences which the Church of Scotland has run looking solely at its ministry to young people. It was a busy weekend filled with facts, questions, information, talks, workshops and worship. I have to be honest it wasn't quite what I thought it would be. Firstly it wasn't quite the easy, relaxed weekend I thought it would be. I never knew 7am was a time that even existed on a Saturday and Sunday morning or that people would eat breakfast at 8am on those days either. Secondly I discovered that after school I should have taken up a course on short hand, I have never taken so many notes in such a short space of time. But …what a weekend! The whole scene was set at the opening worship on the Friday night by the Very Rev. Lorna Hood who spoke of the two main questions she was asked most often as she travelled the length and breadth of the country during her year as moderator. 'How do we get young people into our church?' and 'How do we keep them here?' She never did answer the question instead she set us on our journey for the weekend by asking us 'Why do we want children in our church?’, ‘How will our children have faith?' and 'Do we see our children as the church of today or the church of tomorrow?'The whole weekend was then based around these questions. It was exhausting, it was at times depressing and worrying but overall it was totally uplifting. In the future I do hope to be able to share more of the weekend with you but for now  I want to let you know how blessed we are as a congregation to be able to have 60 young people attend a Palm Sunday service. I know that very few are in church on a Sunday. I

know they all come to whatever group for different reasons and in most cases probably not to find Jesus but what a gift we have been given. So many churches that weekend had not one child connected to their church. No Sunday school, no youth groups and not even a school connection but we do. The question is what will we do with the gift we have been given.

The summer is often a time to reflect, relax and recharge and as we do that this summer maybe we could ask ourselves the three questions: 'Why do we want children in our church?’, ‘How will our children have faith?' and 'Do we see our children as the church of today or the church of tomorrow?

I hope everyone has a very enjoyable sunny summer and to all our youth leaders I would like to say a HUGE thank you for the dedication and commitment you give throughout the year and I hope you have a very relaxing and peaceful summer.

Linda (Youth Co-ordinator)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


A few months ago I met a friend I had not seen for some time; I remarked to her that I had just been thinking about her and her response was that when that happens I should say a wee prayer for the person. Since then I have used this as my ‘reminder’ to pray and when someone pops into my mind I offer up a prayer for them. Some days my mind goes like ‘fair’ and I can end up chatting to God all day!

As many of you will know my husband works in the UAE which is predominately a Muslim country. I don’t know much about this religion and I don’t get involved with it when I visit but one aspect of it I do buy into is their call to prayer five times a day. In essence they use this as their ‘reminder’ to pray. I don’t think it really matters what the individual ‘reminder’ is just as long as we make prayer a part of our daily life. Prayer is our way of connecting with God in all life’s circumstances. God is always listening and we can talk to Him any time throughout the day; we don’t need to wait till church on a Sunday to do it.

In prayer God hears more than your words – He listens to your heart.

Lorna Bruce


07.06.15 Miss E Brown14.06.15 Mrs S Wilson21.06.15 Miss P Little & Mrs I Milne28.06.15 Mrs M Sterrick

05.07.15 Mrs M Jardine12.07.05 Mr W Smith19.07.15 Mrs F Cheeseman26.07.15 Mrs M Cowan

02.08.15 Mrs A Flockhart & Mrs K Jamieson

09.08.15 Mrs N Melvin & Mrs J Thomson

16.08.15 Mrs K Langton23.08.15 Mrs J Hamilton30.08.15 Mr &Mrs J Mitchell

06.09.15 Mrs M Morris13.09.15 Mrs M Jardine20.09.15 Mrs E Baxter27.09.15 Miss M Madill & Mrs A Bruce

Flower Convenor’s Wanted….

After many years of faithful service Mary Cowan and Hazel MacDonald are stepping down from their Flower Convenor roles. We thank them very much for their commitment and hard work over the years.

We are now looking for a few volunteers to continue this work.

Each week flowers are donated by members of the congregation & community to beautify the church. Following the service they are taken to people within our community to let them know the church is thinking of them.

If you are interested in volunteering to continue this work within the church please speak to Keith Whitton or Mabel Morris or have a chat with Mary (870580) or Hazel


Its vision is to end poverty and Christian Aid Scotland lives out this vision in the distinctive political and cultural context of our society.

This year Christian Aid week was 10th – 15th May. As a congregation we actively support Christian Aid each year by holding a fundraising activity and door to door collections.

On Sunday, 11th May a ‘Cake & Coffee’ morning was held following Sunday Service which raised £220. A big thank you to everyone who organised and supported this fundraiser.

If you wish to know more about Christian Aid please check out their website: or contact Christine Lothian, Christian Aid Co-odinator. (870031).------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

VE Day 2015 – Celebrations

On 24th April an invitation from Rt Hon Nicola Sturgeon MSP, First Minister of Scotland was received asking our church to participate in the commemoration of VE day. This involved ringing the church bell at 11am on Saturday, 9 May. Thank you to Ian Brown Snr who carried out this request.

On Sunday, 17th May members from the Nominating Committee attended the Heart & Soul event in Edinburgh loaded with goody bags to hand out and colourful banners made by SClub to promote our vacancy. A film crew was out filming on the day and Linda wearing her “Minister Wanted” t-shirt appeared on Sunday’s BBC Scotland news. Appearing on national TV was great exposure our church.

Heart & Soul is a large-scale celebratory event organised by the Church of Scotland. It coincides with the beginning of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland taking place. The event is designed to celebrate the life and work of the church in Scotland and in 2015 the Heart & Soul's theme was Living Stones.


Hello Friends

Recently I received the letter below from Liz Paton one of the super organisers at the helm of the wonderful Clydesdale Foodbank team.

She is my contact for my referrals and refill food-boxes. I asked her permission to share this heart-warming and uplifting example of God’s helping hand, when we least expect it.

Yours, Ruth

Hi All,

Must share this with you as I am a bit of a Doubting Thomas at times!

Today, a van pulled up at the door with "His Church Charity Huntingdon" written on it. In came the delightful Richard Humphrey saying he had a van load of cereal. Could we use some? He is going about Britain sharing food.

He told us a bit about their ministry. AMAZING!! Several years ago his minister, while praying, was told he must feed the hungry and clothe the naked. Twenty ship containers were bought and within a month they were full of food. Clothes were handed in and were recycled to clothe people. The ministry grew and new premises were needed. While befriending a nineteen year old lad with autism, and praying with and for him and his family, the lad at twenty one, for the first time ever, spontaneously hugged his mum. Mum was so grateful that she bought an aircraft hangar for the charity.

As Richard said, all Christians, from every denomination, must show the love of Jesus. I had tears in my eyes and sorrow in my heart that my faith is so small at times.

Another lovely, elderly gentleman walked in and handed me £200 and thanked us for the work we were doing.

Praise the Lord,




The following information was received from Rev Alan Gibson, Head of Stewardship to explain how congregation's Ministries and Mission Contribution is used to enable the work of the Church in 2015.

When you have read your magazine, please feel free to pass it on to someone else who may be interested.

Spare copies are available on the leaflet stand in the Church vestibule.

Carnwath £21,441United Parish Carstairs & Carstairs Junction £31,993Total Contribution to Ministries and Mission £53,434

Ministries (86%)

£45,953 of your total contribution will go towards the costs of providing over 1,000

ministers and other parish workers in communities throughout Scotland and in the

Presbytery of England. This contribution also assists with the costs of recruitment and


The 2015 cost of a parish minister at the top of the stipend scale is £41,048 (stipend plus

employer's national insurance and pension contributions).

If your contribution to Ministries is above this figure, then your church is meeting the full cost

of your ministry and supporting other congregations. If it is less than £41,048, your

congregation (or linked charge) is being supported by other congregations.

We continue to show a decrease in our quarterly offerings. .As Gift Aid Treasurer, I would like to encourage all members and friends to consider their level of giving, commit to regular giving and complete a Gift Aid Declaration.

‘Each one should give, then, as he has decided, not with regret or out of a sense of duty; for God loves the one who gives gladly.’

(2 Corinthians 9:6)

Gift Aid is a simple way to increase the value of your gift - at no extra cost to you. If you pay tax in the UK the Church can reclaim the basic rate tax (25%) on your gift. So, if you donate £10, it is worth £12.50 to the Church. Forms are available from the Gift Aid Treasurers, or pick one up from the church vestibule.

Methods of giving Standing Order/Direct Debit contact Lorna Bruce (870426) or email for details. Weekly Freewill Envelopes - anyone who would like to contribute in

this way can obtain envelopes from Jennifer Whitton (870642). Open Plate - direct giving each Sunday. Please Note all cheques

should be made payable to: The United Parish of Carstairs and Carstairs Junction.

Lorna Bruce, Gift Aid Treasurer------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Treasurers Quarterly Report on Offerings February - April

Feb 2015 F.W. 1884.00 Feb 2014 F.W. 2013.50Ordinary 89.00 Ordinary 128.00

Mar 2015 F.W. 2959.10 Mar 2014 F.W. 2892.20Ordinary 281.00 Ordinary 154.05

Apr 2015 F.W. 1907.00 Apr 2014 F.W. 2065.80Ordinary 144.00 Ordinary 236.90

Total £7264.10 Total £7490.45

The Offerings show a decrease of £226

Retiring Offerings:Clydesdale Food Bank: £77.00

Easter Week Donations: £175.00


Interim Moderator Rev Gordon D Jamieson

Pastoral Emergencies Rev Helen Jamieson Tel. 771218

Session Clerk Keith Whitton Tel. 870642

Congregational Board Mabel Morris Tel. 870676

Treasurer Barbara Kay Tel. 870043

Deputy/FWO Treasurer Jennifer Whitton Tel. 870642

Gift Aid Treasurers Lorna Bruce Tel. 870426Anne Stewart Tel. 660678

Presbytery Elder Mabel Morris Tel. 870676

Roll Keeper Barbara Kay Tel. 870043

Social Convenor VACANT

Child Protection Trevor Mee Tel. 870558Co-ordinators Kate Langton

Youth Co-ordinator Linda Brown Tel. 870028

Christian Aid Christine Lothian Tel. 870031

Magazine Lorna Bruce Tel. 870426Co-ordinator

Flower Convenor VACANT

CCL Licence Jennifer Whitton Tel. 870642

Organist Mrs Ann McMillan Tel. 771039

Web Site Liz Warnock Tel. 870243

Published by The United Parish of Carstairs & Carstairs JunctionRegistered Charity No SCO 28124.

Thank you to all contributors for their articles and photographs.

Printed by Riverside Printing

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