document analysis- leaflet 3

Post on 11-Apr-2015






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Document Analysis- Leaflet 3


The purpose of this leaflet is to once again, gain visitors to the attraction featured; the airkix centre in Milton Keynes. The leaflet looks professionally designed with a clear defined style set from the onset. It looks like it’s trying to attract the experienced sky divers, families and beginners, generally anyone who likes thrills.

The attraction looks like it is going me fun, interesting and unique. Text and images are well balanced to give eye catching appeal to the leaflet. The front cover is the most important aspect of a leaflet so is required to be interesting, fun and be an indication of what’s to come both at the even and further in the leaflet.




The front cover of the leaflet is eye catching, an essential for a leaflet, it has to first gain the audience’s attention. Which this leaflet successfully did; through use of bright colours that all compliment each other, the designers clever realised that the exclusive use of whites and blues would create a cold feel, so compensate with warm reds and oranges. The warm colours make the attraction seem warm and inviting, fun and energetic. Symbolically the shape behind the lone red skydiver is synonymous with energy and excitement like an explosion. The shapes and colours all contribute to a warm, fun impression. The target audience is individuals as apposed to corporations, therefore it is has to be really fun and interesting to attract an audience, you can see this in the text that border that is intentionally splattered creatively.1 Indoors highlights the USP that this attraction has to offer, skydiving inside a building, in the warm and dry. That is why they have chosen a warm red colour scheme, but kept to their sky diving roots with blue gradients, to emphasise that it’s indoors, warm and still fun.

The logo ads to a level of professionalism but is still also fun and adherent to the house style of the venue.2 Whites and blues symbolise clouds and skydiving, while the reds and oranges fun and warmth. Interestingly if you look at the uniforms the skydivers are wearing they are blue and red, both colours of the house-style making them fit in on the front cover. Using images of people allows the audience to represent themselves in the photos, attainable by them visiting the attraction. Everyone in the photo is happy, which gives a good vibe to the audience as they can pertain to be that happy, by just visiting. The front cover is cleverly constructed to give indication that the venue is open to novices and pros. Groups of skydivers are stereotypically pros tandem dives, where as novices are usually on their own like the guy in the red, the expressions on both tandem and lone skydiver are positive. No negative connotations can be gained from any photos on the front cover, no one looks scared and as a ploy of slight humour, one of the tandem sky divers has a monkey on his head showing skill and confidence. A tagline is used 3 to great effect, as it’s inclusive of everyone, all skill levels and ever age it also makes it sound effortless using; “it’s where skydivers can fly” would of not had the same effect, nor would “it’s where people can learn to fly” Instead “it’s where people fly” is short, snappy and memorable all the qualities of a good tagline.

Similarly the web address is featured on the front, much like the RAF museum leaflet but unlike the Kelvedon hatch leaflet. This is good as it allows the web address to stick in peoples mind and is repeated throughout the leaflet as a point of contact to further the selling process to the audience and allowing them to make a booking.

Perspective of the photo is key as all the photos are low angled shots, this emphasises height, making the characters on the cover seem powerful, dominant and confident. Relaying back to my point about projection, people will project them selves on to those people and see them selves subconsciously, this status is then attainable for them by visiting airkix. The a, in airkix is not capitalised to show a relaxed attitude, which people want for a day of R&R away from the officer, it also draws attention away from the a, onto the KIX part of the name which is a prominent feature the emphasis of the word kix as a pun on the euphemism for fun, kicks.

1 2 3

The emphasis on the ease of it all is continued on the inside of the leaflet, “it’s easy as 1 2 3” reads the heading, increasing the likely hood of gaining visitors as it explains clearly how you can fly in three easy stages. “Your kix: start here!” shows enthusiasm and sets the tone for the rest of the leaflet, the use of the word kix again as a spin on the word kicks. The description firsts is emotive, giving people the ideal of flying “where dreams of flight become reality” a “magical place” this appeals to the emotional side of the audience. Comforting any worries they may have “safe environment” is highlighted in orange to remove any concerns that the audience may have and make them feel at ease. Secondly a technical description is provided “it’s a vertical wind tunnel” etc. then you are sold the selling points of the event “perform an almost infinite variety of moves”. Like in the photos on the front cover mentioned the description continues to sell to the ego and self image of the audience “dazzle any onlookers” is highlighted in orange to act.

The slang is used to create a personal bond with the reader, making them feel relaxed and not as if they are being sold to so much and that all in all the event is fun and cool. Highlighted is the benefit to novice and experienced flyers and the recommendation of the “all top skydivers have to use on in training, just to stay in the game” suggests that top skydivers frequent the attraction which creates huge selling power. Once again the website link is repeated so it stays fresh in the readers mind. Continuation of the orange, red and blue to dark blue gradients and contrasts carries the corporate image and house style on through the inside of the leaflet. Along with images of people having fun and details on the packages on offer, emphasis is placed on the USP “£4 OFF when you buy online”, the reiteration of the website allows people to find the link easily go online, where they can be sold to and buy tickets online. Once again the all inclusive nature of the venue is made a feature “…for everyone aged 5-105! (no experience necessary)” this is defiantly a USP.

Once again there is the emphasis there on the USP it’s for everyone! The superlative “MK’s coolest attraction” appeals to teenagers and gives an overall relaxed approach, the font is also a cool white with a blue border followed by another white border. This really emphasises the relax attitude the venue has to offer. The map also allows those wanting to visit, without ample connection to the internet, to ring up book than follow the map to the attraction. The inclusion of a post code allows those using sat nav. to get there easily.

The superlative “The Best Gift money can buy” is a bold statement to show the audience that airkix is guaranteed to deliver on entertainment. On offer are various discounts that appeals to groups who can receive a discount on their visit, the gift vouchers look very professional, conforming to the house style and almost look like airline tickets, which add to the theme. Airkix always offers an alternative to the website, in form of a telephone # where people can book. This is excellent form of communication as it does not exclude anyone, seeing as most people have at least 1 telephone in their house.

Glossy paper gives the leaflet a professional print finish; it is also sturdier than the Kelvedon hatch leaflet but less so, than the RAF museum leaflet. All in all it makes a good promotional tool for the airkix centre and creates a positive image in the reader. The use of superlatives and other literary devices make this leaflet an excellent promotional tool, successfully completing all parts of the AIDA, the front cover drawing the attention and the first page building interest and desire; in the form of emotive text and other literary devices. Finally the back two pages and the centre two, inspire action as it tells people the price plans and gives directions to the attraction.This is a very strong leaflet which I can try to emulate some idea from and subsequently learn from.

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