
Post on 23-Mar-2016






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dog magazine


DogsToday Interesting Dog facts Dog Saves His Crippled Owner

From Burning Car.

New Dog Coupons!! Importance of Dogs Today

Dog Hero

Kathie Vaughan was driving her truck when suddenly her truck began to fishtail. She was finally able to get the car to a stop with a loud screech, but things were about to get very serious. The cabin interior was filling fast with noxious fumes and black smoke. You may think to yourself how this woman needs to clearly get out as quickly of the car as she can, but Kathie is a paraplegic–paralyzed from the waist down by multiple sclerosis. Her truck was on fire and she knew she the car could catch on fire at any moment. Kathie pushed her Rottweiler Eve out the door, along with her wheelchair. The black smoke was so thick she could not find the wheelchair. She began to panic tremendously and was at a loss of what to do, this is when her dog Eve stepped in and became a hero. In danger of blacking out, Kathie suddenly felt Eve, refusing to leave her side, grab her leg with her jaws. Eve grasped Kathie by the ankle and dragged her ten feet to a safe place. Then the truck burst into flames. Ignoring the terrifying fire, Eve then dragged Kathie to a nearby ditch. A police car arrived on the scene. “You’ve got to get further away!” the policeman shouted to Kathie. The truck

was on fire, the flames were approaching the gas tank; there was danger of a huge explosion. Kathie struggled to pull herself away from the truck and toward the police car. Her head and body ached with pain and she could barely move. Eve bent down closer to Kathie, offering her collar for her to grab on to. Then Kathie held tight as the determined dog dragged her forty feet to safety. The firemen eventually extinguished the blaze. And Eve was awarded the prestigious Stillman Award for bravery. (

Interesting Facts

· A dog’s heart beats between 70 and

120 times a minute, compared with

a human heart which beats 70 to

80 times a minute.

· A dog’s normal body temperature is

100.5 to 102.5 degrees


· A female carries her young about 60

days before the puppies are born.

· According to the Guinness Book of

World Records, the smallest dog on

record was a Yorkshire Terrier in

Great Britain who, at the age of 2,

weighed just 4 ounces.

· The longest lived dog, according to the

Guinness Book of World Records,

was an Australian Cattle Dog,

named Bluey, who lived to be 29.

· An adult dog has 42 teeth.

· It is a myth that dogs are color blind.

They can actually see in color, just

not as vividly as humans. It is akin to

our vision at dusk.

· If never spayed or neutered, a female

dog, her mate, and their puppies

could produce over 66,000 dogs in

6 years!

· The only sweat glands a dog has are

between the paw pads.

· In 1957, Laika became the first living

being in space via an earth satellite

· The world’s smartest dogs are

thought to be (1) the border collie,

(2) the poodle, and (3) the golden


· A dog’s smell is more than 100,000

times stronger than that of a


· Chocolate contains a substance known

as theobromine (similar to caffeine)

which can kill dogs or at the very

least make them violently ill.

· Dogs’ sense of hearing is more than

ten times more acute than a


· More than 1 in 3 American families

own a dog.

· Dogs don’t like rain because the sound

is amplified and hurts their very

sensitive ears.

· The ten most popular dogs (AKC,

2007) are in order:

Labrador Retriever, Yorkshire

Terrier, German Shepherd,

Golden Retriever, Beagle, Boxer,

Dachshund, Poodle,

Shih Tzu, and Bulldog.

· Dogs were the first animals

domesticated by people.

· A greyhound can run as fast as 45

miles an hour.

· Spaying/neutering your dog before the

age of 6 months can help prevent

cancer in your dog.

· Puppies acquire a full mouth of

permanent teeth between four and

seven months old.

· Small dogs live the longest. Toy breeds

live up to 16 years or more. Larger

dogs average is 7 - 12 years.

Veterinary medicine have extended

this estimate by about three years.

However, some breeds, such as

Tibetan terrier live as long as

twenty years.

· Eighty percent of dog owners buy their

dog a present for holidays and

birthdays. More than half of them

sign letters and cards from

themselves and their pets.

· The dog name “Fido” is from Latin and

means “fidelity.”

· The U.S.has the highest dog population

in the world.

· Most pet owners (94 percent) say

their pet makes them smile more

than once a day.

· Dogs are mentioned 14 times in the


· It has been established that people

who own pets live longer, have less

stress, and have fewer heart


· All dogs can be traced back 40 million

years ago to a weasel-like animal

called the Miacis which dwelled in

trees and dens. The Miacis later

evolved into the Tomarctus,a direct

forbearer of the genus Canis, which

includes the wolf and jackal as well

as the dog.

· Seventy percent of people sign their

pet’s name on greeting cards and

58 percent include their pets in

family and holiday portraits,

according to a survey done by the

American Animal Hospital


· A dog’s whiskers are touch-sensitive

hairs called vibrissae. They are

found on the muzzle, above the eyes

and below the jaws, and can actually

sense tiny changes in


· Dogs can smell about 1,000 times

better than humans. While humans

have 5 million smell-detecting cells,

dogs have more than 220 million.

The part of the brain that

interprets smell is also four times

larger in dogs than in humans.

(The origin of amputating a dog’s tail

may go back to the Roman writer

Lucius Columella’s (A.D. 4-70)

assertion that tail docking

prevented rabies.

funnyfiddos) ·

Important Roles Dogs

Have Had Throughout

History. Now a day it is rare to find

family homes without dogs.

Since ancient times, dogs have

played a big role in human

society. They have been

consistent companions giving

love to families all over the world

for a very long time. They have

assisted cultures migrations

throughout history such. When

North America was first

becoming populated, dogs were

used as sled animals for


They can be found engraved on

statues or pottery that is dated

back to the Ancient Greeks and

Romans. Dogs are unique in their

acute sense of smell and hearing,

which has given them significant

roles in detecting smells,

evidence, people or whatever is

set out for them to find for the

service of police and FBI. They

have been a protector as well

over the years, and have a

natural instinct to guard their



homes. As annoying as it can be

being awaked from the yelp of

your dog, there have been many

stories of dogs saving lives by

alerting danger. Dogs give

security to families, and they are

our companions. Dogs are also

great hunters, and today’s sport

of hunting would not be

successful without the dog. They

have been such a huge role in

society and have so many skills,

and all they ask for in return is

love. They can give comfort and

even take away feelings of

loneliness. They are loyal and

deserving of good homes. “Dogs

are not our whole life, but they

make our lives whole.” ~Roger


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