doing it for the girls in marbella 2014

Post on 28-Jul-2015






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It seems the right thing to introduce you all to my working world at Engel & Völkers, as we are a magnificent team of

ladies! I’m doing this for the girls! Myléne Giglio

We don’t just look for answers, to problems, we look for solutions continually.

Have you tried your hand at being an Estate Agent in a hungry Cosmopolitan City?

Marbella may not be a city, we don’t have a cathedral! That may be the only thing that classifies Marbella as a town.

This place is immense, the people, the cultures, the see what I’m saying.

So to compete in today’s driven marketplace in such a sought after area of the world means your team really need to measure up!

With my team of ladies I’m looking to help place Spain on the leader board of economic growth.

What I love about women is the way they look out for one another. They are here to lift one another up and will never put one another down.

How inspiring and empowering is this?

Walking into your office everyday that radiates positivity is the path to success.









We are empowered women that have the positivity to empower others, we don’t undervalue ourselves. We are always confident about delivering a service with positive results, as we are experienced in the art of buying and selling.


“The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.” – Author Unknown 


Our strength overcomes what they have been calling the ‘la crisis’. The ‘Credit Crunch’. What we lack in muscle strength we can make up with our strong conviction. Strong and resilient. Don’t fall for the stereotypes we are all emotional and weak, we are formidable and assertive! 

“A WOMAN who walks in PURPOSE doesn’t have to chase PEOPLE or OPPORTUNITIES. Her LIGHT causes PEOPLE and OPPORTUNITIES to PURSUE her.”


We are resourceful because we display an inner strength, our inner strength is what gives us perseverance. Looking at the dictionary definition of resourceful it’s defined as ingenious, capable and full of initiative, especially in dealing with difficult situations.

 “We are capable of infinitely more than we believe. We are stronger and more resourceful than we know, and we can endure much more than we think we can.” David Blane


It’s more than words or just talk, we are able to express sensitively with feeling. Be aware of others thoughts and be more understanding. The business world is changing rapidly and we need to work as a team, coping with these changes seamlessly, for this we need empathy.

‘What is a business? - At its heat, a business is the beauty of bringing together people and things to make the community better off – these are the businesses we admire. Empathy is the one tool that makes it all happen.”

Angel Cabrera – President of George Mason University


“Empathy is a skill like any other skill. If you get a chance to practice, you can get better at it.”

University of Cambridge, Professor Simon Baron Cohen 


This is vital, open communication in your team is empowering. We deliver all information necessary to our clients and ensure a continuing relationship is maintained. It’s of upmost importance to us.

Yes, a woman has been stereotyped as someone who talks a lot. That’s fine, take your talk and network! We can build relationships quickly and this builds you a strong network that stands up now and in the future. The art of communicating effectively will get you what you want without compromising your own values.

“There has never been a better time for people in business to reconnect through meaningful COMMUNICATION to what matters most to them and to each other for the greater good.”

Miti Ampoma


The success of one person is the work of many, so I attribute this as our success, without a team collaborating extensively there would be no creative production. Innovation is the source of our passion and vision.

 “Don’t resort to imitation, but rather look for inspiration to further your own creation in pursuit of innovation.”


As women we should support one another. There is a growth of female entrepreneurs happening right now.

 SPAIN is 9th on the list out of 17 countries, so they are pushing forward.The pilot survey was produced by the Global Entrepreneurship and Development Institute. 

“Two of the traits where women outscored men to the highest degree — taking initiative and driving for results — have long been thought of as particularly male strengths.” Zenger and Folkman

We learn best from one another and we aim to be as transparent with our business goals.

Here on the coast you have access to a fantastic community for Women. COSTA WOMEN, imagineer Ali Meehan has inspired and continues to grow this group and it has now reached 3,000 members. What does this say for women? Growing stronger everyday and standing side by side.

Not to miss a social media opportunity you will find them on Facebook.

If you have a business idea or looking to network connect with the group, or if you are just looking for some new friends you’ll find them here!

Global Entrepreneurship and Development Institute.

There are many successful business women. Look towards a mentor and follow the paths of other successful women, it can only serve to motivate you and inspire you. Yes, you will find the road a little rocky at times, but you have the strength to conquer this.

Never feel undervalued, be confident of your own abilities, projecting this gives others confidence in you. We know we don’t know everything and this is again our strength. Nobody knows everything! Just be willing to learn. You will be rewarded for your efforts.

Just keep on repeating positive affirmations and the voice in your head will be on repeat... “I AM...”

“Everyone has inside of her a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!” Anne Frank.

Author: Jennifer Stroud

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