dolphin conservation and sustainable fisheries in the mahakam wetlands in indonesia project period:...

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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Dolphin Conservation and Sustainable Fisheries in the Mahakam Wetlands in Indonesia

Project period: 1 January 2009 – 31 July 2010

Project sponsored by

Presentation by Dr. Sumaryono, YK-RASI

Location: Mahakam River, Muara Pahu sub-districtWest Kutai district, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Protected dolphin Area

Objectives• Reduce the use of gillnets and other unsustainable techniques

(e.g., electro-fishing, poison). NB gillnets caused c. 66% of dolphin mortality in the last ten years

• Sustain natural fish resources by reducing fishing pressure• Reduce poverty and provide access to poor fishermen to

engage in more sustainable fisheries, i.e. aqua-culture by aiding in initial investment needs

• Establishing sustainable aqua-culture by using non-piscivorous fish that are fed on vegetables and pellets

• Supporting groups of women in fish chips production and enable them to buy this sustainable aqua-cultured fish for production and provide initial investment means

Project execution• Selection process of 60 fishermen based on poverty criteria and house visits/ interviews• Construction and distribution of 2 cages, 800 juvenile fish, 7 kg pellets per fishermen. 1st round = 36 fishermen. After 1 year return of 1 cage, 2nd year 2nd cage Help new round fishermen• 3-months monitoring and technical assistance

Sustainable Fish Species: 1) Nila (Sustainable Fish Species: 1) Nila (Oreochromis Oreochromis sp, Fam. Cichlidae), sp, Fam. Cichlidae), 2) Jelawat (2) Jelawat (Leptobarbus hoeveniiLeptobarbus hoevenii, Fam. , Fam. Cyprinidae, indigenousCyprinidae, indigenous), ), 3) Mas (3) Mas (Cyprinus carpio, Cyprinus carpio, Fam. Cyprinidae)Fam. Cyprinidae)

Lessons learned/ recommendations

Indigenous fish species (Jelawat) most resistant to changing water levels.

Juvenile fish should be put in the cage when water levels do not fluctuate much. Fluctuations especially during dry season, cause high juvenile mortality

Government should learn a) by providing non-pisciviorous fish in cages when providing help, b) they should check on the beneficiaries of government help, c) providing help with technical assistance

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