domingo de pascua - greenpoint...domingo de pascua saturday, april 11: - for the people of the...

Post on 05-Jun-2020






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April 12th, 2020 Easter Sunday

Domingo de Pascua

Saturday, April 11: - FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH Easter Sunday, April 12: + Anna & Ralph Tarantino by Family + Oscar Osorio by Marlene Osorio + Mary Duffy by The Laden Family Monday, April 13: + In memory of Patrick McManus by Family Tuesday, April 14: + Gilberto Valiente by Parish Wednesday, April 15: + Willam Killip by Nephew Thursday, April 16: + John McCambridge by Azelia & Michael McCambridge Friday, April 17: + Secundino Teran (Death Anniv.) by Daughter, Elizabeth Teran Saturday, April 18: - FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH + Christine Bianculli by The Martinez Family Sunday, April 19: + Nancy Moley by Joan Moley + Marisol Palma by Sister, Manuela Velez + George Kavungal (20th Death Anniv.) by Brother, Fr. Kavungal Davy, CMI

Bread & Wine

The bread and wine at all the Masses from April 12th to April 18th will be offered in

memory of Francis Dunne by Tatiana Dunne.

Please remember those on our sick list in your prayers: Michael Anobile, Lottie Wojciechowicz, Maria Petrona Paiz Turcios, Catherine McClung, Valerie Bruno, Martha Banfield, Allen Ryczek, Levieva Svetiana, Molly Tyburczy, John Tyburczy, Julissa Garcia, Caro-lyn Lattanzio, Joan Dobkin, Laurie Rueckheim, Judith Ballaster, Steve Belus, Janice L. Whe-lan, James Cunniff, Donald Buddenhagen, Mat-thew Colasanti, Joseph Anthony D’Avino, Laura Borruso, Amy Pisarki, John Slattery, Josep Lauron, Patricia Riordan, Carmelo Reyes, Marylou Ryan, Patricia Taranovich, Eugene Stonebreaker, Zofia Orlowska, Mary Sanz, Robert Keenan, Ryan Marshall, Anne Marie Stampf, Edward Pertell, Genowefa Biernaca, Elizabeth Malenik, Kataryna Gierczynska, Caitlyn Geer, James Buddenhagen, Bill Wisniewski, Gary Normandia, Brian Francis Campion, Gemma Ferrara, Frank Sarlie, Peggy Mae, Edwin Soto, Lawrence O’Donnell, Julia Silva, Theresa Good, Mary Knapp, Eliza-beth “Betty” Gifford, Baby Jozef Ban, Oliver Jayme Lopez, Carol Wood, Mary Barreta. Please pray for deceased: Gilberto Valiente, Robert Kenney.

Parish Updates

The Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn, has made the decision to close all

churches and parish offices on March 20th, until further notice. The decision was made to prevent the ever-present possibility of the virus


Our churches are remaining closed for the time being in order to help ensure everyone’s safety.

Although there is no public celebration of the Mass, our priests are celebrating the Mass

each day privately. Your intentions are being remembered at Mass and we are praying for

everyone’s health and well-being.

For spiritual guidance please call the parish office to speak with Fr. Jossy.

A Message from Fr. Davy:

Dear friends, Jesus is risen Alleluia! I wish you all a peaceful and blessed Easter! We probably may not be in high spirit this year to celebrate Easter. As the whole world is going through such a critical situation due to the spread of corona virus. We join all who are infected and thousands who lost their near and dear ones. Let the presence of the risen Lord be with them! In fact thousands of people were preparing to receive the sacraments of initiation during the Easter vigil ceremony. I am sure though we are disappointed, as soon as possible, probably on Pentecost Sunday they will be able to receive the sacraments. The Holy Week is concluded with the celebration of Easter. I am sure you might have spiritually joined and watched on television the Easter Vigil ceremony of blessing of fire, Easter candle and water. Let the Easter this year help us to be the messengers of peace. After the resurrection, when Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene she went in haste to inform the disciples. When the disciples heard about it Peter and John went running to the tomb to see the risen Lord. Yes, resurrection of Jesus wipes away our tears and fills us with joy and enthusiasm. Soon filled with the Holy Spirit they started preaching the risen Lord. Our mission today also is the same. When Jesus appeared to the disciples and Mary he always greeted them, “peace be with you”. Of course we need peace, especially during this time of fear, stress and anxieties. The disciples, after the crucifixion of Jesus were afraid. They stayed in their closed room. Many of us do the same. We are not afraid of people or wild animals but a virus that can’t be seen by our naked eyes. The gifts of the Holy Spirit will empower us and remove the fear from us. When we get rid of fear we will be filled with courage and peace. Let us be the messengers of peace. Let the peace from me flow to others. May the peace of the risen be with you, Alleluia! Fr. Kavungal Davy, CMI Pastor

Mensaje del Padre Davy, Queridos amigos, ¡Jesús ha resucitado Aleluya! ¡Les deseo a todos una Pascua pacífica y bendita! Probablemen-te no este estmos de animo para celebrar la Pascua. Como el mundo entero está pasando por una situación tan crítica debido a la propagación del virus corona. Nos unimos a todos los que están infectados y a miles de personas que perdieron a sus seres queridos. ¡Que la presencia del Señor resucitado esté con ellos! De hecho, miles de personas se preparaban para recibir los sacramentos de la iniciación durante la ceremonia de la vigilia pascual. Estoy seguro de que, aunque estamos decepciona-dos, tan pronto como sea posible, probablemente el domingo de Pentecostés podrán recibir los sacramentos. La Semana Santa concluye con la celebración de la Pascua. Estoy seguro de que podrían haberse unido espiritualmente y visto por televisión la ceremonia de la Vigilia Pascual de bendición de fuego, vela de Pascua y agua. Que la Pascua de este año nos ayude a ser los mensajeros de la paz. Después de la resurrección, cuando Jesús se apareció a María Magdalena fue a toda prisa a informar a los discípulos. Cuando los discípulos se enteraron de ello, Pedro y Juan corrió a la tumba para ver al Señor resucitado. Sí, la resurrección de Jesús borra nuestras lágrimas y nos llena de alegría y entusiasmo. Pronto se llenaron del Espíritu Santo, comenzaron a predicar al Señor resucitado. Nuestra misión de hoy también es la misma. Cuando Jesús se apareció a los discípulos y a María siempre los saludó, "la paz esté con vosotros". Por supuesto que necesitamos paz, especialmente durante este tiempo de miedo, estrés y ansiedades. Los discípulos, después de la crucifixión de Jesús tuvieron miedo. Se que-daron en su habitación cerrada. Muchos de nosotros hacemos lo mismo. No tenemos miedo de las personas o los animales salvajes, sino un virus que no puede ser visto por nuestros ojos desnudos. Los dones del Espíritu Santo nos empoderarán y nos quitarán el miedo. Cuando nos des hagamos del miedo estaremos llenos de valor y paz. Seamos los mensajeros de la paz. Que la paz de mí fluya a los demás. ¡Que la paz de los resucitados esté contigo, Alleluia! Padre Kavungal Davy, CMI Pastor


All parishioners and/or families who wish to continue to support the parish may do

so by mailing in their weekly contributions to their parish office until

further notice.

We appreciate your support during these challenging times.

Happy Birthday

April 12: Juliette Sanchez April 16: Paul Sheehan

Televised & Online Mass

The faithful are urged to watch the celebration of the Eucharist on TV or


The celebrations are scheduled as follows:

Saturdays at 6 pm: Vigil pre-recorded from Immaculate Conception in Jamaica

(English) Sundays at 11 am: Live from St. James

Cathedral in Downtown Brooklyn (English)

Sundays at 1:30 pm: Pre-recorded from Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph in Prospect

Heights (Spanish)

NET-TV can be seen in the New York City are on Spectrum (Channel 97), Optimum (Channel 30) and FIOS

(Channel 48).

Viewers can also tune in online at

Annual Catholic Appeal

Parish Goal: $38,453.00 Pledged: $9,375.00

Paid: $8,5955.00

Easter Prayer

Lord we lift our hearts to you. As the dawn breaks, may we carry the unity we share into every moment knowing that

we are one with the risen Christ.

Lord, we lift our eyes to you. As the sun-rises, may this moment stay with us, re-minding us to look for the beautiful co-

lours of promise in your word.

Lord, we lift our prayers to you. As the dew air falls, may we breathe this mor-ning in and know that like the earth, you sustain us, keep us and work within us


And so, we lift our voices to you. We ce-lebrate the greatest day in history, when Jesus rose from death, defeated dark-ness and bathed the world in stunning resurrection light. May we ever live to

praise you!



El Obispo de Brooklyn, Nicholas DiMarzio, ha tomado la decisión de cerrar todas las iglesias y oficinas

parroquiales el 20 de marzo, hasta Nuevo aviso. Se tomó la decisión de

evitar la posibilidad siempre presente de que el virus se propague.

Nuestras iglesias permanecen cerradas por el momento con el fin de ayudar a

garantizar la seguridad de todos. Aunque no hay celebración pública de la

Misa, nuestros sacerdotes celebran la Misa cada día en privado. Sus intencio-nes están siendo recordadas en la misa

y estamos orando por la salud y el bienestar de todos.

Para consejería espiritual por favor llame al numero de la oficina.


Todos los feligreses y/o familias que deseen seguir apoyando a la parroquia

pueden hacerlo via correo. Pueden mandar sus contribuciones a la oficina

parroquial hasta nuevo aviso.

Agradecemos su apoyo durante estos tiempos difíciles.

¿Necesita ayuda en Greenpoint? Sus Vecinos Están Aquí

¿Estas en alto riesgo de contraer el vi-

rus Corona? ¿Tienes algún síntoma de COVID?

Quédate en casa, con gusto podemos ayudarte con tus mandados y llamadas:

• Compras domicilios y provisiones • Comida para bebe, panales

• Donaciones de comida preparada • Recursos para el cuidado de niños y

personas mayores • Asistencia económica

• Medicina sin receta

Por favor, póngase en contacto con no-sotros: O llámenos al 646-389-6019

¡Estamos aquí para ayudar!

¡Llavéese las manos y cuídense!

Lenten Offering

Our parish poor box offering during Lent and the CCD Lenten special collection

will be sent to support: Seminarian: Joel Chiramel, CMI

First year Theology in Bangalore, India.

St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry

Our food pantry is in need of the following items:

Coffee (Instant & regular) Tea

Pasta Peanut butter & jelly

Rice Cereal Spam

and any kind of canned vegetables.

Need Help In Greenpoint? Your Neighbors are Here

Hello Neighbors

Are you at higher risk for Coronavirus? Do you have COVID symptoms?

You can stay at home- we can help you

with errands and phone calls. • Groceries & supplies • Baby food & diapers

• Prepared meal donations • Child and elder care resources

• Over the counter medicine

Please contact us:

Or 646-389-6019

We’re here to help!

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