dominican young adults

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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Here is an informational slideshow about Dominican Young Adults, USA, a member state of the International Dominican Youth Movement. Slideshow created by DYA Communications Chair Sean Mundy in May 2012.


  • 1. The fun continues

2. We are young adults (18-30ish) who cometogether to pray, be in community, preach,and study together. We integrate our spirituality in our daily lives,with an emphasis on the Dominicanspirituality. We like to have FUN! 3. Our MissionStatement Our mission as members of the Dominican Young Adults USA is to build theKingdom of God, which means to build a world where every person can realize theirfull potential and live in communion. This requires our presence in all those placeswhere life is universally denied, and our commitment is to work to restore dignity tothose who have lost it. DYA USA is a response to the desire to bring the message of Jesus Christto all men and women, therefore we are an inclusive organization open to all those whoseek Christ in their lives and desire to serve and pursue a closer relationship with Christand with one another. DYA USA is made up of young adults who are attracted by Jesus and Hismessage and by the way of living out the Gospel preached by Saint Dominic. Themission is to guide the formation of young adults interested in Dominican life, relying onthe knowledge, experience, and wisdom of Dominicans of all ages and dependant on theguidance of the Holy Spirit. The Word of God must be the central axis of Dominican life; for this reasonit is a priority in all our DYA USA chapters to study it. This study must lead us, not only toknow the Message to be proclaimed, but also to know those who are going to receive it.The fundamental guideline of our commitment is that of service. If anyone wishes tobuild the Kingdom, they must seek to serve those in need. It is more a question ofaccompanying than of leading, which requires offering opportunities for dialogue,coming together, and reflection.Friendship, the search for the truth through study and prayer, dialogue,service to others and our living according to the values of the Gospel define ourchapters and our method of preaching. We trust in the aid of the Holy Spirit, and ourfaith compels us to assist in the creation of a just and compassionate world, built onfaith, hope and love. 4. To journey together with other young adults who are attractedby Jesus and His message and by the way of living out theGospel preached by St. Dominic. The fundamentalguideline of our commitment is that of service. An inclusive organization open to all those who seek Christin their lives and desire to serve and pursue a closerrelationship with Christ and with one another. Friendship, the search for the truth through study andprayer, dialogue, service to others and our living according tothe values of the Gospel define our chapters and our methodof preaching. 5. Vision Statement DYA USA members are young adults who seek to share Christ with their peers. We are the newest child of the Dominican Family. We are Dominicans. DYA USA is governed by elected members who guide the organization. In addition to the formation of new members, this leadership helps to bond the unity of the whole, as the body of DYA USA is made up of many smaller organic chapter groups. Each chapter of DYA USA provides a different response to the needs of its location. Organized by young adults, with the help of experienced campus ministers, chaplains, religious, and other members of the Dominican Family, our basis is the four pillars of the Dominican Life: community, prayer, study, and preaching. Through prayer and reflection, the chapter searches to continue formation of the individual Dominican. Though unique in their walks of faith, these chapters seek the same goal through their Dominican lives: to live for Jesus Christ. Holding to the pillars, Dominics message has found a home within this generation in the United States of America. 6. Local DYA USA chapters design their own meeting structure. The onlyCommitment to therequirement is that some aspect of the four pillars be incorporated into each meeting! Local needs and cultures add a great deal ofFour Pillars diversity to the Dominican Young Adult USA experience!Four Pillars of DominicanSpiritualityPrayer: Developing anintimate relationship withGod through communalprayer. Community: Havingpeople who supportyou, challenge you, andknow how to have fun is whatDYAM community is allabout. Study: Gainingunderstanding of your faithhelps put it into perspective. Mission: Were called byJesus to share the GoodNews of the Gospel througha shared ministry to oneanother. 7. Preaching in Action College Conference Trip to Columbus, OH - 2007 Trip to Madison, WI - 2008 Trip to Portugal - 2009 Trip to Chicago, IL - 2010 8. 2008 NationalConferenceRepresentativesfrom nine collegesacross the nation,with previousPreaching inActionConferences incommon, cametogether atEdgewood Collegein Madison,Wisconsin toofficially form theDYA USA Chapter 9. FoundingGoverningBoard 2008-2010President Kevin Sullivan, Edgewood CollegeExecutive VP Kate Craig, Edgewood CollegeVP of Communications Michelle Schultz, Dominican UniversityVP of Finance Sean Mundy, St. Thomas Aquinas CollegeChair of Formation/New Membership Dan Breitfeller, ODUChair of Dominican Mission Rachel DeBruin, Edgewood CollegeChairperson of Social Justice Committee Amanda Zurface, OhioDominican UniversityAt Large Member AJ Vivian, Saint Louis UniversityAt Large Member Barry Reinholz, Ohio Dominican University 10. Location of Current DYA Chapters 2012 11. LocalChapterLocal Country Chapter LocalChapterIDYMEdgewood,DU WI CaliforniaRiverForest, ILUSANew YorkPuerto Rico 12. Kevin Sullivan Sean MundyAllie Jeffs Andrew VivianFormation Chair CommunicationsMissionNationalChairChairCoordinator 13. 1. Grab a friend or two form a group (chapter)2. Find a mentor (member of Dominican Order)3. Select a chairperson (young adult)4. Fill out a chapter application5. Sign a commitment statement (1 year)6. Pay your dues ($5 a year - $1 International/$4 National)7. Get sent a pin Youre official!8. You can vote at National Gatherings and attend all International Gatherings! 14. A Future of the Dominican Order 15. International Dominican YouthMovement (IDYM) Member States Bolivia Korea Cameroon Mexico Chile Nigeria Ecuador Pakistan Spain Peru Philippines Portugal Ghana Congo Guadalupe Dominican Ireland Republic Lithuania Taiwan Venezuela 16. In 2009, members of DYA, USA went to Portugal for the International Gathering of IDYMRecognized by the International Dominican Youth Movement as an official chapter! 17. Teams of three DYA Members Visit High Schools, Colleges, and Parishes Spread the word about Dominican spirituality Travel across the United States 18. Team members would share theresponsibility of writing a reflection onthe Dominican website Each team member would write onereflection a month depending on thenumber of people on the team. 19. Every once in a while we need to take a chance and trysomething new. This is especially true when it comes to our faithlives. There are many faith support programs for teenagers, andcollege students. However, very little is available for youngadults. The DYA USA is a response to this growing need in theChurch. Youre a busy person. Family, personal, professional and socialconcerns take up so much of your time. Now take some time foryourself and God. Continue to grow in your faith with others who experience thesame pressures, conflicts and questions. Join now! Check to see if there is a group that may be forming inyour area! The DYA, USA needs young adult leaders like you to helpestablish the Organization in North America. Do it for you and most importantly, do it because its needed! 20. Informative Website: Facebook page: Like Facebook Group: Join us Blog: IDYM Informational Website:

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