donna's festival guide - living waldorf...

Post on 26-Jul-2020






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Donna's Festival Guide

© Copyright The Waldorf Connection 2013, Living The Waldorf Life

Spring equinox - We are preparing and planting our spring garden. We also plant the wheat grass that will be ready for Easter (check dates as you will need about 10 days to get the grass really long for baskets) We take a trip to our local botanical gardens and enjoy the flowers poking up their heads.

May Day - This is so fun, I have the girls gather the morning dew and splash on their faces to keep them "fair maidens". We had a maypole one year and a cake with a maypole on it. I invited 2 other little girls over and we had a tea party outside. Years after we used a tall tree trunk in our yard that we decorate each year with ribbons and beads. The girls have a basket of silk flowers they carry and dance around the pole. One year I ordered some Mead wine online. There are many fun traditions for this day. The best part is our bouquets. We make a few up from fresh flowers in our yard and garden. Then we drop them off on neighbors/family doorsteps, ring the bell and hide. A favorite! You braid flowers with ribbons for bracelets or hair pieces.

Midsummer/summer solstice - we always have a bonfire and burn a small section of our Christmas tree or Yule log. We dance around the fire and sing the summer sun song (From Circle Round) (in years past the girls have danced clothe less!). We make sun cookies. Dark and light cookie roll representing the sun and the return of the darkness. We go to the beach to watch the sunrise and it is most magical!Also leave something out for the fairies and they always leave a small gift.

Winter Solstice Verse:

Solstice Sun, Shining bright!Shortest Day and Longest NightSolstice Wish of Hope and CheerPeace on Earth throughout the Year!

Poem for Advent Spiral:

The gift of light we thankfully take,But not shall it be alone for our sake,the more we give light, the one to the other,It shines and it spreads, growing still further;Until every spark by friends set aflame,Until every heart, the joy to proclaim;In the depths of our souls,A shining sun glows. - M. Tittman

Spring Blessing for Equinox:

For flowers that bloom about our feet,For tender grass so fresh and sweet,For song of bird and hum or beeFor all things fair that we seeWe thank thee. -Little Acorn learning

May Day:

The fair maid who, the first of MayGoes to the fields at the break of dayAnd washes in dew from the Hawthorne treeWill ever after handsome be- ?

(can also use ivy, oaks)

Summer Solstice:

I am the SunAnd I bear with my mightThe earth by day, the earth by nightI hold her fast and my gifts bestowTo everything on her so that it may growMan and stone, flower and beeAll receive their light from meOpen thy heart dear child to meThat we together one light may be-Ch. Morganstern

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