don't let the republican drive the bus press release

Post on 18-Apr-2015






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From the satirical masterminds behind the New York Times bestseller Goodnight Bush (more than 100,000 copies sold) comes a scathingly funny political parody of Mo Willems’s contemporary children’s classic, Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! These days it seems like the Republican Party is taking its tactical and ideological cues from an irrational, mid-tantrum toddler. Authors Erich Origen and Gan Golan feel it’s time to put the GOP to bed with their humor-driven left-wing wake-up call: Don’t Let the Republican Drive the Bus!


Publicity Contact: Kara Van de Water — 510-285-2966 •

From the satirical masterminds behind the New York Times bestseller Goodnight Bush (more than 100,000 copies sold) comes a scathingly funny political parody of Mo Willems’s contemporary children’s classic, Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! These days it seems like the Republican Party is taking its tactical and ideological cues from an irrational, mid-tantrum toddler. Authors Erich Origen and Gan Golan feel it’s time to put the GOP to bed with their humor-driven left-wing wake-up call: Don’t Let the Republican Drive the Bus! In this wildly funny (and uncannily spot-on) spoof dedicated to the 99%, Origen and Golan take on the Republican political machine, represented by a cartoonish, hyper-conservative vulture named Birdbrain, who wants nothing more than to drive the bus (even though he hates public transit and promises to run over a few liberals occupying main street on his way to Pennsylvania Avenue). Throughout the book, he tries everything in his political power—loving people (especially now that corporations are people); shifting the blame; firing a gun; and threatening that we’re all going straight to hell—in a desperate attempt to cajole the reader into believing that it isn’t such a bird-brained idea to let him drive the bus…after all, it’s just a government job! Timed to coincide with the 2012 presidential election, this witty and hilarious satire turns over-the-top Republican antics into fun-loving political child’s play. But, like most children’s books and their parodies, it also comes with a liberal dose of warning if we, the reader (…and the people), don’t heed the call: If you don’t want to get thrown under it, then please . . .

Don’t Let the Republican Drive the Bus!

On-Sale Date: August 7, 2012

Don’t Let the Republican

Drive the Bus!

A PARODY FOR VOTERS Erich Origen & Gan Golan

Humorist and human being ERICH ORIGEN was the first person in his family to graduate from high school, and went on to graduate with honors from college, for which he is forever indebted to the U.S. Treasury Department. Origen partnered with Gan Golan on the New York Times bestseller Goodnight Bush and The Adventures of Unemployed Man, which was an international bestseller and something of a calling for Origen. As a parent, he has a deep understanding of limb-flailing tantrums, whether avian or human. He is also the son of a bus driver. He lives in Oakland, California. GAN GOLAN was born in Los Angeles to a family who worked as janitors by day and political artists at night. His teens were spent creating art with a social conscience and getting arrested for civil disobedience, after which he was sentenced to many years hard time at educational facilities like UC Berkeley, Harvard, and MIT. After completing his Master’s degree, he was released back into the wild to embrace his true nature as a political humorist, author, artist, and activist. He has created award-winning rock music posters for musicians like Willie Nelson, Erykah Badu, and Nick Cave. He is co-author and illustrator of the New York Times bestseller Goodnight Bush and the critically-acclaimed graphic novel, The Adventures of Unemployed Man. An ex-pat of Oakland and Los Angeles, he now has a steady job on Wall Street, occupying it. Both authors are available for interviews: as BIRDBRAIN and UNCLE SAM Website: Facebook: Don’t Let the Republican Drive the Bus Twitter: @birdbrain4usa Don’t Let the Republican Drive the Bus! A Parody for Voters By Erich Origen & Gan Golan $14.99 paper over board, 44 pages, 9" x 9" ISBN: 978-1-60774-392-7 eBook ISBN: 978-1-60774-393-4 TEN SPEED PRESS | Crown Publishing Group |

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