doon public school, paschim vihar … · 2 a) name the poem and the poet. b) why did the...

Post on 13-Sep-2018






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1. Read the novel, The Diary of a Young Girl

2. Do the exercises of Work Book Unit 1 to 4.

3. Do the Literature assignments.

4. Revise the syllabus done in the class.

5. Learn all MEEP words done in the class.

Prose: Two Gentlemen of Verona

Q1. The following afternoon we drove to the tiny village set high upon the hill side.


a) Who went on a trip to the tiny village?

b) Which village had they driven to?

c) Why was the narrator surprised when Jacopo directed him as to where he should stop?

Q2.He smiled uncomfortably. ‘Just plans sir’, he answered in a low voice.

a. Who is ‘he’ in the above lines?

b. Why did he smile uncomfortably?

c. Which word in the extract is the antonym of ‘cried’?

Q3.The two boys were seated at the bedside of a girl of about twenty-two, propped up on pillows, wearing a

pretty lace jacket, who was listening to their chatter, her eyes soft and tender.


a) Who are the two boys?

b) Why are they sitting at the bedside of a girl?

c) What does the phrase, ‘propped up’ mean?

Q4.Although Nicola and Jacopo were young boys, the author refers to them as two gentlemen. Why do you

think that he do so? 2012 Set 38

Q5. What did the nurse tell about the two boys to the narrator? 2011 set 29

Q6. ‘When you live for a strong purpose, then hard work isn’t an option. It is a necessity.’ Both Nicola and

Jacopo were hard working and uncomplaining. You too realized the importance of hard work after reading their

story. Write an article in 120-150 words on the ‘Virtues of Hard Work’.

Poem: The Frog and the Nightingale

Q1. Now the nightingale inspired,

Flushed with confidence, and fired

With both art and adoration,

Sang - and was a huge sensation. 2010


a) Name the poem and the poet.

b) Why did the nightingale flush with ‘confidence’?

c) How did she become a sensation?

Q2. Now the frog puffed with rage.

‘Brainless bird- you’re on the stage-

Use your wits and follow fashion.

Puff your lungs out with your passion.’ 2015

a. Why was the frog puffed up with rage?

b. Give the antonym of ‘Brainless’?

c. What happened when the nightingale puffed up her lungs?

Q3. And the crass cacophony

Blared out from the sumac tree

At whose foot the frog each night

Minstrelled on till morning light. 2013

a) The singing of the frog is ____________.

b) The other creatures of Bingle Bog ______ the frog’s croaking sound.

c) ‘Cacophony’ in the first line means ________.

Q4. How did the frog satisfy his greed through the nightingale’s song? 2009

Q5. The nightingale’s death was caused by her foolishness.comment 2016

Q6.The poem, The Frog and the Nightingale exposes the role of critics towards fresh talent.


Long reading Text -The diary of a young girl by Anne Frank

Q.Give a character sketchof the following:

a)Anne Frank

b)Otto Frank

c)Mrs.Van Daan

d)Peter Van Daan

e)Margot Frank


Le devoir de vacances d’été

Sujet : Français

I. Mettez l’article qui convient :

1. ________________ roi avait besoin d’________________ belle résidence pour recevoir ses


2. Marie a mis ________________ chocolats dans le réfrigérateur.

3. Lucine est ________________ femme de Pascal. Elle est ________________ femme très coquette.

4. Mon père aime lire ________________ journal et regarder ________________ télévision.

5. J’ai trouvé ________________ travail intéressant. ________________ travail me demande de

rencontrer des acteurs tous les jours.

6. Sophie est journaliste pour ________________ quotidien italien.

7. ________________ ami vrai donne toujours ________________ bons conseils.

8. ________________ homme soupçonné du meurtre du Premier ministre a avoué son crime.

9. ________________ France est________________ grand exportateur d’automobiles.

10. Les étudiants trouvent ________________ mathématiques le plus difficile de tous les sujets.

11. ________________ anglais boivent ________________ thé blanc.

12. Dianna a emprunté ________________ argent à son père pour acheter ________________ livres.

13. Mon ami m’a joué ________________ disque de Patricia Kaas.

14. Sarah a 18 ans mais elle joue encore ________________ poupée.

15. Hélène a mis trop ________________ sucre dans mon café.

16. On produit ________________ roquefort à Larzac.

17. ________________ vins de bordeaux sont exportés dans ________________ monde entier.

18. Voici ________________ livre que j’ai perdu il y a deux jours.

19. ________________ année dernière, mon père a reçu ________________ prime de 500 Euros.

20. Pauline enterra ________________ université après avoir obtenu le baccalauréat.

21. Est-ce qu’il y a ________________ bon professeur de français dans votre quartier pour

________________ leçon particulaires ?

22. ________________ professeur a pris ________________ pastilles parce qu’il a eu mal

________________ gorge.

23. Pour préparer ________________ kheer, il faut ________________ lait.

24. Je vais dîner ________________ restaurant que mon ami m’a recommandé.

25. Dans la grotte, Alibaba a trouvé ________________ pot plein ________________ bijoux.

26. ________________ films d’épouvantes font peur ________________ enfants

27. Le Premier ministre a offert ________________ bouquet ________________ roses

________________ Président.

28. ________________ dimanche, les chrétiens vont ________________ église.

29. Michel aime beaucoup ________________ fruits ________________ mer.

30. Ma fille cherche ________________ travail pendant ses vacances.

31. François me bat toujours ________________ football.

32. ________________ histoire ________________ film Lord of the Rings est très intéressante.

33. J’ai accroché________________ photo de ma famille au mur.

II. Mettez au négatif :

(Ne…….pas/ne…….plus/ne…..jamais/ne…….pas encore/ ne…..rien/ ne…….ni/

ne…..personne/ ne…..nulle part/ ne…..aucune)

1. Sylvie aime jouer le tennis et le football.


2. Elle rate toujours son autobus.

3. J’économise quelquefois mon argent de poche.

4. Il y a quelques chose délicieux dans le frigo.

5. Ma fille a vu quelqu’un derrière le rideau.

6. Sa camarade achète des cerises au marché.

7. Je vais apprendre tout à la leçon particulaire.

8. Le journaliste a déjà fait le sondage.

9. On se trouve quelques industries de soie au nord de l’Inde .

10. Denis est un garçon sportif.

11. Sylvie a mis son cartable quelque part.

12. Nous venons d’en venir tôt .

13. Ya-t-il des taille – crayons dans la trousse ?

14. Épelle son nom correctement.

15. Les passagers vont descendre à l’arrêt prochain.

III. Complétez avec les adjectifs possessifs :

1. Pour recevoir ________________ clients. Henri et Patrick ont employé une belle fille comme


2. Il a deux sœurs. ________________ Sœurs sont méchantes.

3. Si, tu n’as pas de règle, prends ________________ règle.

4. Ces garçons sont très sportifs. Ils appellent________________ ami pour Jouer.

5. Manoel et Sébastien vont chez ________________ collègues.

6. LesLangchamps vont manger ________________ repas.

7. Vous et vos parents ! Sortez de ________________maison.

8. Un de ________________ œil a beaucoup de peine.

9. La mère de Manuel avait disparu. ________________ disparition était très mystérieuse.

10. Lui ! ________________ cigarettes viennent de Lyon .

11. Notre chien n’aime pas jouer avec les chiens de________________ voisine.

12. Ces filles sont intelligents.________________ professeurs parlent souvent d’elles.

13. Demain, _______________ expert – comptable part pour Dakar.

14. Si tu travailles dur, ________________ parents seront contents.

15. Ils nous conseillent de faire ________________ devoirs.

16. Harish et Ramesh ! Venez avec ________________ enfants.

17. Sarita est allé à Paris avec ________________ beaux-frères.

18. Ce garçon qui portait un sac est ________________ cousin.

19. Ma tante et mon oncle viennent à Delhi avec ________________ enfants.

20. « Monsieur,________________ monnaie » dit le Marchand.

21. Je dois arriver au bureau à l’heure sinon ________________ patron se fâchera.

22. « Voudriez-vous de la salade de fruits ? C’est la spécialité de ________________ restaurant » dit le


23. Si tu veux, je pourrais te donner ________________ voiture mais viens vite car mon mari doit aller

au bureau.

24. Lilias va à l’aéroport ________________ beaux- parents viennent de Londres .

25. Va te promener ou reste dans ________________ chambre.




Chemical reactions and equations

Q1 A metal nitrate A on heating gives a yellowish brown metal oxide along with a brown gas B and a colorless

gas C.aqueous solution of A on reaction with potassium iodide forms a yellow precipitate of compound D

.identify A,B,C and D

Q2. Ferrous sulphate crystals decomposes with the evolution of a gas with a characteristic smell of burning

sulphur. Write the chemical reaction involved and the type of reaction.

Q3.A solution of potassium chloride when mixed with silver nitrate solution ,an insoluble white substance is

formed. Write the type of chemical reaction and the corresponding balanced chemical equation.

Q4.In a solution of copper sulphate , a strip of metal M was inserted. After sometime, the colour of copper

sulphate solution faded away. Which metal is more reactive and which one is less? Give equation .Also

mention the type of reaction.

Q5. Name one metal which can displace zinc from its salt solution and one metal which cannot displace zinc

from its salt solution.

Q6.What happens when limestone is heated strongly?What type of reaction is this?

Q7.What happens when an aqueous solution of barium chloride is mixed with an aqueous solution of sodium

sulphate?Write the equation also.

Q8.Give an example of a reaction which is both an exothermic and combination reaction.

Q9. Why does milkiness disappear when carbon dioxide is passed through lime water in excess?

Q10. Suggest any two observations in an activity which may suggest that a chemical reaction has taken place.

Give example in support of your answer.

Q11. What is wrong with the following equation-

N + 3H NH3

Q12. Solid calcium oxide was taken in a container and water was added to it slowly.

(i) State any two observations made in the experiment.

(ii) Write the name and chemical formula of the product.


1. What change will you observe if white silver c chloride is placed in sunlight? Write an equation for the

reaction and the type of reaction.

2. A,B and C are three elements which undergo chemical reactions according to the following equations

i) A2O3 + 2 B B2O3 + 2A

ii) 3CSO4 + 2B B2(SO4)3 + 3C

iii) 3CO + 2A A2O3 +3C

Answer the following questions with reasons

a) Which element is the most reactive?

b) Which element is the least reactive?

c) What is the type of reactions listed above?


3. What is a redox reaction? Identify the substance oxidized and substance reduced in the following reactions


i) MnO2 + 4HCl MnCl2 + 2H2O + Cl2

ii) Cu O + H2 Cu + H2O

4. Write a balanced chemical equation to represent the following reaction

Carbon Monoxide reacts with hydrogen gas at 340 atm. To form methyl alcohol.

5. Write the observation with reaction for the following

Granulated zinc reacts with dilute sulphuric acid.

6. Name two salts that are used for black and white photography. Give reactions when they are exposed to


7. What happens when an iron nail is put inside copper sulphate solution? Write reaction with observation.

8. (a) What do you see when a magnesium ribbon is burnt? Is magnesium oxidized or reduced in the reaction?

(b)Define corrosion.

9. Asolution of potassium chloride when mixed with silver nitrate solution, an insoluble white substance is

formed. Write the chemical reactions involved and also mention t5he type of reaction.

10.A substance X, which is an oxide of a metal, is used extensively in the cement industry. This element is

present in bones also. On treatment with water, it forms a mixture which turns red litmus blue. Identify X and

also write the chemical reaction involved.

11. Why do we store silver chloride in dark colored bottles?

12. Oxidation and reduction processes occur simultaneously. Justify the statement.


Q1: Mention the raw materials required for photosynthesis.

Q2: Name the green dot like structures in some cells observed by a student when a leaf peal was viewed under a

microscope. What is this green color due to?

Q3: What is saliva? State its role in digestion of food.

Q4: What are the final products after digestion of carbohydrates and proteins?

Q5: Why do herbivores have longer, small intestine than carnivores?

Q6: State the role of the following in human digestive system

a) Digestive enzymes b) hydrochloric acid c) villi

Q7: i) Draw a diagram to show open stomatal pore and label on it:

a) guard cells b) chloroplast

ii) State two functions of stomata.

iii) How do guard cells regulate the opening and closing of stomatal pore?

Q8: i) Leaves of a healthy potted plant were coated with Vaseline to block the stomata. Will this plant remain

healthy for long time? State three reasons for your answer.

ii) State any two differences between autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition.

Q9: State the three events that occur during the process of photosynthesis. Explain the role of stomata in the


ii) Describe an experiment to show that “sunlight is essential for photosynthesis”.


Q10: i) Draw a diagram depicting human alimentary canal and label on it: gall bladder, liver and pancreas.

ii) State the role of liver and pancreas

iii) Name the organ which performs the following function in humans:

- absorption of digested food

- absorption of water

Q11: Explain the process of digestion in mouth, stomach and small intestine in human body.

Q12: Draw a diagram to show nutrition in Amoeba and label the parts used for this purpose. Mention any other

purpose served by this part other than nutrition.

Q13: a) Name the glands associated with digestion of starch in human digestive system and mention its role.

b) How is pH maintained in stomach and small intestine?

Q14: a) Name the enzyme present in saliva?

b) What is emulsification?



1. Define the term “electric current.

2. Define the term ‘resistivity’ of a material.

3. How is a Voltmeter connected in the circuit to measure the potential difference between two points .

4. You have two metallic wires of resistances 6 ohm and 3 ohm. How will you connect these wires to get the

effective resistance of 2 ohm?

5. State Ohm’s law. “The resistance of a conductor is 1Ω.” What is meant by this statement?

6. Why are coils of electric toaster made of an alloy rather than a pure metal?

7. Why is the series arrangement not used for domestic circuits?

8. A wire of resistivity ‘r’ is stretched to double its length. How does it affect the (a) resistance (b) resistivity?

9. Derive the equation for resultant resistance of Resistors in series

10. How much work is done in moving a charge of 3 coulumb from a point at the volts 115 to a point at 125

volts?[ 30j]

11. Study the following data and write which set of value should be rejected so that ohm’s law holds good for

the remaining set of values. Draw the graph and find out the mean resistance (3)

V(volts) 2.5 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0

I(A) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.8 1.0

12 A wire of resistance 20 ohm is bent in the form of a closed circle. What is the effective resistance between

the two points at the end of any diameter of the circle?


13 Two wires A and B are of equal lengths, different cross-sectional areas and made of the same metal.

(i) Name the property which is same for both the wires.

(ii) Name the property which is different for both the wires.

(iii) If the resistance of wire A is four times the resistance of wire B, calculate

(a)the ratio of the cross-sectional areas of the wires.

(b)the ratio of the radii of the wires.

14.. A resistor of 8ohm is connected in parallel with another resistor X. The resultant resistance of the

combination is 4.8 ohm . What is the value of X?

15 How will you connect three resistors of 2 ohm , 3 ohm , 5 ohm respectively so as to obtain a resultant

resistance of 2.5 ohm ? Draw the diagram to show arrangement.

16. A wire of resistance 5 ohm is bent in form of closed circle. What is the effective resistance between the two

points at ends of any diameter of circle?

17 Why electrons flow in a wire when connected to a battery ?

Q2 Define

1) Electric current

2) Potential difference

18 Find new resistance of wire if it is stretched to twice its original length. Original resistance was 20 ohm.

Also how its resistivity will change .

19 Which combination we prefer for domestic circuit, parallel or series? Give reason

20 Find the total resistance in the diagram below.

Q21Why we use fuse in domestic circuit?


1) Resistivity

2) Electric circuit

Q23 Find new resistance of wire which is doubled on itself. If Original resistance of wire is 50 ohm .

Q24 Write factors affecting resistance of a wire .

Q25 Explain working of bulb and fuse ?


Important questions of cbse papers

Q26 Calculate the potential difference between two terminals of a battery if 100 joules of work is done to

transfer 20 coulomb from one terminal to another.(CBSE ALL INDIA 2009 , 2013 )

Q27 Calculate the current in a circuit if 500 C of charge pass on through it in 10 minutes . CBSE ALL INDIA

2009 , 2013 )

Q 28 Calculate the amount of charge that would flow in 2 hours through an element of an electric bulb drawing

a current of 0.25 A ( CBSE 2004 )

Q29 Define electric circuit . Distinguish between open and closed electric circuits . ( CBSE 2010 )

Q30 A piece of wire of resistance 20 ohm is drawn out so that its length is increased to twice its original length .

Calculate the resistance of the wire in the new situation . ( CBSE (DELHI ) 2009, 2012 )

Q31 Resistance of a metal wire of length 1m is 26 ohm at 20 degree Celsius . If the diameter of the wire is 0.3

mm , what will be the resistivity of the metal at that temperature ? (CBSE 2011 , 2013 )

Q32 A toaster of resistance 100 ohm is connected to 220 V line . Calculate the current drawn by the toaster .

(CBSE 2012 ) Q33 State the factors on which resistance of a conductor depends . ( CBSE 2012 )

Q34 Define resistance of a material . Write its SI unit . (CBSE 2012 )

Q35 State ohms law . write mathematical form of ohm’s law . (CBSE 2010 )

Q 36 Four resistors of 2 ohm each are joined end to end to form a square ABCD . Calculate the equivalent

resistance of the combination between any two adjacent corners . ( CBSE 2011 )

Q37 A wire of resistance 20 ohm is bent in the form of a circle . What is the effective resistance between two

points at the end of any diameter of the circle ? ( CBSE foreign 2005 )

Q38 An electric heater of resistance 500 ohm is connected to a main supply for 30 min . if 5 A current flows

through the filament of the heater . calculate the heat energy produced in the heater . ( CBSE 2010 )

Q39 An electric heater is rated 1 KW , 220 V . Calculate resistance of the heating element . ( CBSE 2011, 2012


Q40 Calculate the amount of heat produced in an electric heater of resistance 1000 ohms if 6A current is passed

through it for 10 min . ( CBSE 2011 )

Q41 Two lamps, one rated 100W at 220 V and other 40 W at 220 V are coonected in parallel to 220 V main

supply . Calculate the current drawn from the supply line . (CBSE 2006 , 2011)

Q42 An electric heater is rated at 2 KW . Calculate the cost of using it for 2 hr daily for the month of

September, if each unit cost 4rs . (CBSE 2012 )

Q43 Will current flow easily through a thick wire or thin wire of the same material , when connected to the

same source . Why ? (CBSE 2013 )

Q45 Judge the equivalent resistance when the following are connected in parallel : (CBSE 2013)

a) 1 ohm and 106 b) 1ohm and 1000 ohm

Q 46 How can three resistors of resistances 2ohm , 3ohm and 6 ohm be connected to give a total resistance of a)

4 ohm b) 1 ohm ? (CBSE 2012)

Q47 Why does the connecting cord of an electric heater not glow while the heating element does ? (CBSE

2008 )

Q49 An electric motor takes 5 A from a 220 V line . Determine the power of the motor and energy consumed in

2 h . (CBSE 2008 )

Q50 Mention the factors that maintain the flow of charge through a conductor . (CBSE 2013 )




zeros. remaining

thefind ,2 and 2- are 2 -6x 3x-3x - 2x polynomial theof zeros twoIf 234

2. Prove the following identities

3. Prove the following identities

(cosec A - sin ) (sec A + tan A) (tan A + cot A) = 1

4. Prove the following identities

5. Evaluate without using trigonometric tables.

6. Prove the following identities

(tan A + cot A)² - (tan A - cot A)² = 4.


8. Prove the following identities

9. Prove the following identities

10. Prove the following identities

sec² A = tan² A + 1.



sincos1 2

eccos. sectan

1 tan


















31 eccos59cos23sin











)40cos()50sin()v( o o

cot of value thefind ), - (90 cos 2 cos sin If o



sin - cos1 2

cosec 2



1 - sec



11. If tan θ + cot θ = 2, show that tan² θ + cot² θ= 2.

12. Find sin 75 by using the result sin (A + B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B.

13 Without using trigonometric tables prove the following:

(i) tan 20 tan 25 tan 45 tan 65 tan 70 = 1

(ii) sin 48 sec 42 + cos 48 cosec 42 = 2

14. If cosec A - sin A = a³, sec A - cos A = b³, prove that a²b² (a² + b²) = 1.

15. Find the value of Sin 30⁰ 16

ly.respective 14- 7,- 2, as zeros its ofproduct theand timeaat taken two

zeros its ofproduct theof sum thezeros, of sum with thepolynomial cubic a Find


g(x). Find ly.respective 31 and 10 4x xareremainder

andquotient theg(x),by 5 3x - 3x x- polynomial thedividingOn




. 1. and 1- are zeros twoif 2, - x - 2x xof zero third theFind 23

19. Solve the following system of linear equations graphically:

x + 2y = 1, x - 2y = -7.

Find the points where the lines meet x-axis.

20. Solve the following system of equations graphically.

3x + 2y = 8

2x - 3y = 1

21. Solve the following system of equations by eliminating y (by substitution).

3x + 4y - 7 = 0

2x + y + 2 = 0

22. Determine the vertices of the triangle formed by the lines representing the equations

x + y = 3

2x + 5y = 12

23. Solve the following system of equations by any method.

2x - y = 11

5x + 4y = 1

24. The sum of the numerator and denominator of a fraction is 4 more than twice the numerator. If the

numerator and denominator are increased by 3, they are in the ratio 2 : 3. Determine the fraction.


25. The ratio of the incomes of two persons is 9 : 7 and the ratio of their expenditures is 4 : 3. If each of them

saves Rs.200 per month, find their monthly incomes.

26. Solve the following system of equations by the method of cross-multiplication.

12 3y -2x

0 1 2y x

27. A bag contains 150 coins of 50-paise and 25-paise denominations. The total worth of these coins is Rs.55.

Find the number of each type.

28. A fraction becomes 9/11 if 2 is added to both numerator and denominator. If 3 is added to both the

numerator and denominator, it becomes 5/6. Find the fraction.

29. A two digit number is 4 times the sum of its digits. If 18 is added to the number, the number; the digits are

reversed. Find the number.

30.. 2 men and 7 boys can do a piece of work in 4 days. The same work is done in 3 days by 4 men and 4 boys.

How long respectively would it take one man and one boy to do it?

31. A part of monthly hostel charges in a college are fixed and the remaining depend on the number of days one

has taken food in the mess. When a student A takes food for 20 days, he has to pay Rs.1000 as hostel charges,

whereas a student B, who takes food for 26 days, pays Rs.1180 as hostel charges. Find the fixed charge and the

cost of food per day.


5 -24x - 5x (vi)4 4x - x(v)

3 - x - 4x (iv)4 -11x 3x (iii)16 - y (ii)1 - x 2x (i)

ts.coefficien theand zeros ebetween th

iprelationsh e verify thand spolynomial quadratic following theof zeros theFind



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Objectives Students will be able to:

a. Compare cash to plastic money

b. Know the technical features of a credit card

c. Analyse the scope of plastic money in Indian economy.



Students will design a credit card of “Egg Bank” of size

2”x3.5” and paste it on an A-4 sized sheet.

Also, they will prepare a document on the scope of plastic

money in India. Word limit is 300 words.

top related