double page annotations

Post on 30-Jul-2015






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Double page annotations

One side consist just a image without text. This gives importance to this image and makes it seem like that this double page spread it dedicated to her.

It is a simple plain white background which contrast to the red stripes in the sheets and the blackness in the costume that this artist is wearing . This makes the artist stand out on the two pages, again emphasising that the article is all about her.

The title for this double page spread is ‘got the love’ and this is written in a fancy italic way. This makes it stand out on the page. Furthermore ‘got the love’ is one of the most famous songs by Florence and the machine.

Her expressions are quite edgy and aggressive, this makes her seem like she has an attitude and it also could suggest her confidence within herself.

The mise-en-scene is very simple, and not many props have been used. The artist is sitting on a table which is covered in red and white stripes, therefore it sticks to the colour scheme of the whole article.

The text is laid out neatly. It started with an enlarged ‘D’ which is written in the same font as the title of the article. This shows the consistency of the double page spread.

The image of this artist looks simple and natural. The audience will be able relate to this as they can relate to an average person rather than a celebrity.

The viewers are straight away attracted to this quote as it is bold and has black background behind it. This title is disjointed and uneven, this makes it stand out on the page and attract the readers towards it and makes them want to read ahead.

The white background for the double page spread is starting to become more common and this makes it easier to read the black text on the page.

The colour scheme of black, white and red is visible on the while page. This keeps a simple but eye-catching colour scheme which draws the readers in.

The layout of this double page spread s very effective as viewers are not overwhelmed by bright colours or too much text which would definitely take away their attention.

Her shirt is the only colourful element on the whole page. This attracts the viewers attention.

The important things are coloured in red such as the artists names ‘Lily Allen’ and the writers name ‘Anna McMillan’ . The red on this text, relates to her shirt which makes the whole double page spread more comfortable to look at due to the colours relating together rather than clashing.

The main image is of Lady Gaga and you can tell that it has some significance as it takes up half of this double page spread. The photo has been edited into black and white which makes it look quite old and classy at the same time.

The colour scheme is clear to tell on this DPS. The only colours that have been used is black, white and red. This is effective because it contributes is making this DPS look classy.

The photo of Lady Gaga is very sexual. You can argue that this aimed to attract males. All she is wearing is her neckless which is very sexual.

The very large L takes up the whole page. This letter links to the singer’s first name “Lady”.

I like this double page spread the most. This is because this can relate to my magazine the most as it consists of a black male rapper.

The background of this DPS is all black. This makes the content such as the image and text stand out.

The main article is written in formal language and is about the rappers success. I have decided to have a similar main article in my DPS.

I like of this DPS contains a quote. This attracts the viewers and could possibly inspire them. I will also have a quote on my DPS.

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