double page spread research blog

Post on 07-Nov-2014






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Research On Double Page Spread

Codes & Conventions

Headline:Usually used for the main story and draws the attention of the target audience into reading the article.

I found that most magazines has this and it did, in actual fact, drew me to read it.

Stand-first:Gives information about the main article, but not a lot of words are used as it will give away to much info that will be used in the main body of the article.

Byline:States the name of the writer, but sometimes it comes along with an image of the writer.

Drop Caps:I found in my research of double pages spreads, that in all the magazines I saw they used this. It shows where the article begins.

Quotes:It’s usually something that comes from what someone has said.

In magazine articles that I have read, this is usually used when the writer is having an interview with someone, and the quotes are used in this case.

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