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    Controlling the false positive results of the Hodge and Masuda assays for class A 1

    carbapenemase detection in species of Enterobacteriaceae 2

    Running Title: Hodge and Masuda tests for class A carbapenemases 3

    Authors: Fernando Pasteran, Tania Mendez, Melina Rapoport, Leonor Guerriero and 4

    Alejandra Corso 5

    Author’s affiliation: Servicio Antimicrobianos, Departamento Bacteriología, Instituto 6

    Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas (INEI)- ANLIS “Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán”, 7

    Ministerio de Salud y Ambiente, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. 8

    Address of the Institution at which the work was performed: Servicio 9

    Antimicrobianos, INEI-ANLIS “Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán”, Av. Velez Sarsfield 563 10

    (C1282AFF), Buenos Aires, Argentina. 11

    Corresponding author: Alejandra Corso 12

    Address: Servicio Antimicrobianos, INEI - ANLIS “Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán”, Velez 13

    Sarsfield 563 Ave. (C1282AFF), Buenos Aires, Argentina. 14

    E-mail: 15

    Phone/FAX: 54-11-4303-2812. 16

    Copyright © 2010, American Society for Microbiology and/or the Listed Authors/Institutions. All Rights Reserved.J. Clin. Microbiol. doi:10.1128/JCM.01771-09 JCM Accepts, published online ahead of print on 24 February 2010

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    The modified Hodge method (MHT) has been recommended by the CLSI for the 1

    confirmation of suspected class A carbapenemase production in species of 2

    Enterobacteriaceae. This test and the Masuda method (MAS), have advantages over 3

    traditional phenotypic methods by directly analyzing the carbapenemase activity. In 4

    order to identify the potential interferences of these tests, we designed a panel composed 5

    by diverse bacterial genera with distinct carbapenem susceptibility patterns (42 6

    carbapenemase producers and 48 nonproducers). About 25% of false positives results 7

    among carbapenemase nonproducers, mainly strains harboring CTX-M and AmpC 8

    hyperproducers, could be observed. Subsequently, we developed an optimized approach 9

    for a more accurate detection of suspicious isolates of carbapenemase by the addition of 10

    boronic acid (BA) derivatives (reversible inhibitor of Class A carbapenemases and 11

    AmpC cephalosporinases) and oxacillin (inhibitor of AmpCs enzymes). The modified 12

    BA- and oxacilin-based MHT and MAS resulted highly sensitive (>90%) and specific 13

    (100%) for class A carbapenemase detection. By using these methodologies, isolates 14

    producing, KPC, GES, Sme, IMI, NMC-A carbapenemases, were successfully 15

    distinguished from those producing other classes of ß-lactamases (ESBLs, AmpCs, 16

    MBLs, etc). These methods will provide fast and useful information needed for 17

    targeting antimicrobial therapy and appropriate infection control. 18

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    Class A carbapenemases (KPCs Sme, NMC-A, IMI and some allelic variants of 1

    GES/IBC) have become more prevalent within the Enterobacteriaceae family (23, 25). 2

    Early recognition of carbapenemase producers has become mandatory as clinical failure 3

    associated with these enzymes had been described (8). Therefore, different strategies are 4

    needed for their detection in any attempt aimed for their control and eradication. An 5

    accurate identification of Class A carbapenemases will therefore rely on the availability 6

    of specific, sensitive and simple assays able to differentiate carbapenemase producers 7

    from nonproducers. The modified Hodge test (MHT) (5), and similar ones, as the 8

    Masuda assay (MAS) (11), directly analyzes the carbapenemase activity in unbroken 9

    cells and enzyme crude extracts, respectively. These tests preformed better than routine 10

    phenotypic methods for the detection of carbapenemase producing bacteria, especially 11

    when combined mechanisms are present. Additionally, a practical and fast approach that 12

    efficiently disrupts bacteria cells has become available to the routine clinical 13

    microbiological laboratory, making MAS even easier to perform (13). Thus, given these 14

    features, these methods started to gain more adherents among microbiologists. 15

    Moreover, CLSI has issued recommendations for the phenotypic screening of 16

    carbapenemase producers among species of Enterobacteriaceae and included the MHT 17

    as a confirmatory assay (5). Thus, MICs of ertapenem (ETP), meropenem (MEM), and 18

    imipenem (IPM) of 2, 2 to 4, and 2 to 4 µg/ml, respectively (or a zone of inhibition by 19

    ETP or MEM of ≤21 mm in diameter in the disk diffusion assay), may indicate isolates 20

    with carbapenemase production, and this phenotype should be confirmed by the MHT 21

    (5). However, we have reported up to a quarter of false positive MHT results 22

    (carbapenemase-like pattern) among carbapenemase nonproducers (as defined by 23

    spectrophometric assays and molecular methods) (21). These unexpected outcomes 24

    were observed among both, CTX-M producing bacteria with a uniformly decreased 25

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    susceptibility to ETP and AmpC hyperproducers. Recent reports has also questioned the 1

    specificity of the MHT, being AmpC hyperproducers and several members of the CTX-2

    M ESBL family (mostly CTX-M-2, but also CTX-M-15 and CTX-M-59) the main 3

    cause of the unexpected performance (1, 4, 18). 4

    Cloxacillin, oxacillin (OXA) and boronic acids (BA) have long been known as 5

    reversible inhibitors of Class C enzymes (2, 3, 26). More recently, it has been shown an 6

    additional property of the BA derivatives, but not of OXA, which includes their ability 7

    to inhibit KPC enzymes (6, 21, 24) and the remaining members of the class A 8

    carbapenemase family (GES, Sme, IMI, NMC-A) (21). Using a panel composed by 9

    diverse bacterial genera with distinct carbapenem susceptibility patterns we design 10

    strategies to improve the efficiency of the MHT and MAS for the phenotypic 11

    confirmation of carbapenemase producers among species of Enterobacteriaceae by the 12

    addition of BA and OXA as inhibitors. The proposed procedures designated boronic-13

    based modified Hodge test (BA-MHT) plus the oxacillin-based modified Hodge test 14

    (OXA-MHT), and the boronic-based Masuda assay (BA-MAS) plus the oxacillin-based 15

    Masuda assay (OXA-MAS) could be suitable as confirmatory tests as they displayed 16

    high sensitivity (SN) and specificity (SP) for detection of class A carbapenemase 17

    producers in addition to be relatively simple and inexpensive. 18

    Materials and Methods. 19

    Bacterial strains: 20

    Tests were performed with a panel consisting of diverse bacterial genera with distinct 21

    carbapenem susceptibility patterns. A total of 42 carbapenemase-producing isolates 22

    (including 38 producing class A carbapenemases) and 48 non-carbapenemase-producing 23

    isolates of Enterobacteriaceae were included in the panel (Table 1). The resistance 24

    mechanisms of the strains employed in this work, carbapenem MICs for the strains, and 25

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    the sources of the strains are described in detail in Table 1. All isolates were 1

    nonduplicates (molecular typing to ensure that they were genetically unrelated was 2

    performed previously), and except for ATCC isolates and Salmonella species 3

    transconjugants, all were isolated from clinical specimens. All isolates were previously 4

    identified by conventional techniques (19) and by use of an API 20E system 5

    (bioMérieux, Marcy l’Etoile, France). The genotypes of the isolates were characterized 6

    previously by molecular techniques (21). In addition, to exclude the possible presence 7

    of other, not-yet-described carbapenemases in the negative control panel, the 8

    imipenemase activities of cell extracts from overnight broth cultures were previously 9

    determined by spectrophotometric assays (21). 10

    Microbiological assay: 11

    MHT, BA-MHT and OXA-MHT: The MHT was performed as described previously 12

    (5). Briefly, a 1/10 dilution of an inoculum of the indicator organism E. coli ATCC 13

    25922, adjusted to a 0.5 McFarland turbidity standard, was used to inoculate the surface 14

    of plates (diameter, 145 mm; Greiner Laboratory, Germany) of Mueller-Hinton agar 15

    (Difco, BBL) by swabbing. After the plates were allowed to stand for 10 min at room 16

    temperature, disks (Difco, BBL), one with IPM (10 µg), MEM (10 µg) and ETP (10 µg) 17

    (MHT) and one of each carbapenem disks supplemented with either 10 µl of a 3-18

    aminophenyl-boronic acid (APB) solution (BA-MHT) or 10 µl of OXA solution (OXA-19

    MHT) were placed onto the agar plates. We evaluated two APB formulations: a 20

    monohydrate, soluble in DMSO (Sigma Chemicals, St. Louis, MO) and the hemisulfate 21

    salt, water soluble (Boron Molecular Inc., Research Triangle Park, NC). Several APB 22

    concentrations of both formulations were tested: 0.3, 3, 30, 100, 200 and 300 mg/ml, 23

    rendering 3, 30, 300, 1000, 2000 and 3000 µg/disk of APB, respectively. As well, 24

    several OXA concentrations (Oxacillin sodium salt, Sigma Chemicals, St. Louis, MO) 25

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    were tested: 10, 30, 50 and 100 mg/ml, rendering 100, 300, 500 and 1000 µg/disk of 1

    OXA, respectively. Subsequently, by using a 10-µl loop, three to five colonies of the 2

    test organisms, grown overnight on an agar plate, were inoculated onto the plate in a 3

    straight line from the edge of one disk to another, containing the same carbapenem 4

    (Figure 1). The presence of growth of the indicator strain towards the carbapenem disks 5

    was interpreted as a positive result for carbapenem hydrolysis screening 6

    (carbapenemase-like pattern). A BA-inhibited or an OXA-inhibited carbapenemase- 7

    pattern was distinguished due to the absence of growth of the indicator strain towards 8

    the carbapenem plus APB or OXA disks, respectively, when compared to the 9

    corresponding disk without inhibitor. More information for the interpretation for a BA 10

    and/or OXA-inhibited carbapenemase pattern is described in the result section. 11

    Blank disks containing less than 1000 µg of APB and 500 µg of OXA per disks did not 12

    inhibit or distort E. coli ATCC 25922 growth in preliminary assays. Higher 13

    concentrations of APB and OXA produced an inhibition of the growth of the indicator 14

    (inhibition zone less than 10 mm). This effect did not interfere with the MHT because 15

    the inhibition zones produced by the inhibitors were by far within the zone of inhibition 16

    expected for the carbapenems. As APB monohydrate was dissolved in DMSO (Sigma 17

    Chemicals, St. Louis, MO), we tested also the effect of DMSO by itself and had no 18

    effect on the growth of the indicator. 19

    MAS, BA-MAS and OXA-MAS: the procedure described here was based on an 20

    adaptation of the assay originally developed by Masuda et al. and ulterior modifications 21

    (11, 13). Crude extracts were prepared by subjecting the cell suspension to mechanic 22

    rupture as described previously (13). Briefly, bacteria were grown overnight at 35°C in 23

    a blood agar plate. Two complete 10 µl loops of the test strain were harvested and then 24

    suspended in 300 µl of 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8) supplemented with 0.01 mM ZnSO4 25

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    (ICN Biochemicals Ltd, Thame, Berks, UK). Next, 300 mg of 0.1 mm zirconia/silica 1

    beads (Biospect Products, Bartlesville, OK) were added. Crude extracts were prepared 2

    by subjecting the cell suspension to mechanic rupture by 3 minutes vortex at maximal 3

    speed in a Maxi-Mix II mixer processor (Barnstead/Thermolyne, Inc., Waltham, MA). 4

    The cell extracts were clarified by centrifugation at 15,000 rpm for 15 min at 4°C and 5

    supernatants stored at -20°C until processing. Before used, crude extracts were thawed 6

    at room temperature. A set of two filter disks were loaded with 5 µl and l5 µl of crude 7

    extract of a test strain. The same volumes of extract were loaded on each of two blank 8

    disks previously supplemented with either 10 µl of an APB or OXA solutions. Several 9

    APB concentrations of both, the monohydrate and the hemisulfate salt, were tested: 3, 10

    30, 100 and 300 mg/ml, rendering 30, 300, 1000 and 3000 µg/disk of APB, 11

    respectively. As well, several OXA concentrations were tested: 10, 30 and 50 mg/ml, 12

    rendering 100, 300 and 500 µg/disk of OXA, respectively. APB and OXA disks were 13

    prepared previously and stored at -20°C. Disks were allowed to dry at room temperature 14

    for 15 minutes. Then, an inoculum of the indicator organism E. coli ATCC 25922, 15

    adjusted to a 0.5 McFarland turbidity standard, was used to inoculate the surface of a 16

    plate of Mueller-Hinton agar by swabbing. After the plate was allowed to stand for 10 17

    min at room temperature, disks (Difco, BBL) with IPM (10 µg), MEM (10 µg) and ETP 18

    (10 µg) were placed onto the agar plate. Subsequently, each carbapenem disk was 19

    surrounded by extracted-loaded disks that were applied within the expected 20

    susceptibility zone of the carbapenem tested (Figure 2). The plates were incubated 21

    overnight at 35°C, and the growth patterns of the indicator E. coli ATCC 25922 strain 22

    were evaluated. The presence in the extract of any ß-lactamase that could hydrolyze 23

    carbapenems (carbapenemase-like pattern) was revealed by the growth of the indicator 24

    E. coli cells around the blank disks loaded with the crude extract (with one or both of 25

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    the volumes used). The interpretation for a BA-inhibited and/or OXA-inhibited 1

    carbapenemase-like pattern is described in detail in the result section. 2

    Characterization of the mechanisms of resistance. i) PCR amplification and DNA 3

    sequencing. PCR analyses of all isolates were performed to confirm the presence of 4

    known carbapenemase genes. The isolation of total DNA was performed as described 5

    previously (21). Strains were analyzed for blaVIM, blaIMP, blaSPM, blaKPC, blaSme, blaIMI, 6

    blaNMC-A, blaCTX-M, blaTEM, blaPER, blaSHV, blaAmpC and blaOXA genes (subgroups I, II, 7

    and III) as described previously (21). ii) Outer membrane protein (OMP): OMPs 8

    analysis was performed by SDS-PAGE as previously reported (15, 17). iii) AmpC 9

    production: First, suspected isolates were screening by isolectric focusing (IEF) using a 10

    substrate-base development method as published previously (17). Those crude extracts 11

    with IEF bands that displayed in situ inhibition with OXA (1 mM) were subjected to 12

    spectrophotometrically analysis. The ß-lactamase activities (nanomoles of cephalotin –13

    Laboratorios Richet, Argentina- hydrolyzed per minute per milligram of protein) were 14

    measured spectrophotometrically (SmartSpec 3000, Bio-Rad, US) on selected crude 15

    extracts previously incubated for 15 min in 5 µg/ml of clavulanate (Laboratorios 16

    Roemmers, Argentina) as described previously (10). A >95% reduction of cephalotin


    hydrolysis after OXA treatment (by incubation of crude extracts for 15 min in 50 µM


    OXA) was considered a positive result for class C ß-lactamases (10). Acinetobacter 19

    baumannii 5277 (blaOXA-58) and A. baumannii FAV-1 (blaOXA-58 plus blaPER-2) were 20

    used as control strains (22). Increments of AmpC ß -lactamase activity > 10 fold when 21

    compared with the baseline activity derived from ceftazidme suscepitible of the panel, 22

    was considered as an AmpC hyperproduction. 23

    SN and SP. Sensitivity (SN) and specificity (SP) calculations were done essentially as 24

    described in reference 9. The SN value is based on the ratio a/(a + c), where a represents 25

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    the number of strains that were correctly identified as producers of group class A 1

    carbapenemases by the tested assay and c represents the number of true class A 2

    carbapenemase producers incorrectly identified as nonproducing strains. The SP value 3

    is based on the ratio d/(b + d), where d is the number of isolates correctly identified by 4

    the tested assay as nonproducers of group class A carbapenemases and b is the number 5

    of strains that were incorrectly identified as class A carbapenemase producers. The 6

    positive (PPV) and negative predictive (NPV) values are represented by a/(a + b) and 7

    d/(c + d), respectively. 8

    Results and discussion. 9

    MHT, BA-MHT and OXA-MHT 10

    The MHT detects the activity of carbapenem-hydrolyzing enzyme in the unbroken cells 11

    of the analyzed bacteria. Besides the substrates recommended by CLSI (ETP and MEM) 12

    we also tested IPM on basis of the promising performance obtained previously (21). For 13

    standardization purposes, all strains (except two with an indeterminate MHT results due 14

    to the inhibition of growth of the indicator strain) were subjected to APB and OXA 15

    inhibition regardless they exhibited a positive or a negative MHT (Table 1). For clinical 16

    detection will be adequate to test these inhibitors only in strains with a positive MHT. 17

    The optimal inhibitor concentrations for this assay (highest SN and SP) were 300 mg/ml 18

    of APB (or 3000 µg APB/disk) and 100 mg/ml of OXA (or 1000 µg OXA/disk). As 19

    mentioned previously, these APB and OXA concentrations affected the growth of the 20

    indicator strain only by few millimeters being overtaken by the inhibition zone of the 21

    carbapenems, thus, not affecting the performance of the method. Both APB 22

    formulations performed equivalent. 23

    The MHT displayed high efficiency for the detection of Class A carbapenemase-24

    producing strains (Table 1) with a SN of 0.95, regardless of the substrate used (Table 2), 25

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    corroborating our previous results (21). However, the major limitation of the MHT was 1

    the presence of discernible carbapenemase-like patterns among carbapenemase 2

    nonproducers, as was previously noticed (1, 4, 18, 21) (Table 1 and Figure 1). These 3

    false-positive results corresponded mainly to strains producing CTX-M-2 (n=5) and 4

    those with hyperproduction of AmpC (3, 4, and 5 strains with MEM, ETP and IPM, 5

    respectively) (Table 1). Thus, SP showed slight differences according the substrate 6

    used, being as low as 0.73, 0.77 and 0.75 for IPM, ETP and MEM, respectively (Table 7

    2). 8

    Thus, we designed the BA-MHT and the OXA-MHT to improve the performance of the 9

    MHT. Typical results observed of the proposed inhibitor-based MHT assay are shown 10

    in Figure 1: a growth of the indicator E. coli strain towards the carbapenem disk, 11

    indicative of carbapenem hydrolysis (carbapenemase-like pattern), was observed in four 12

    representative strains. Class A carbapenemases were identified by comparing the growth 13

    of the indicator E. coli cells towards the disk containing the carbapenem alone, with that 14

    observed towards the disks supplemented with the inhibitors. The figure shows the 15

    results with the ETP disk, as representative of the carbapenems, since the results of BA-16

    MHT and OXA-MHT were identical regardless of carbapenem tested. 17

    The typical situation found for a class A carbapenemase is shown for a representative 18

    KPC producing strain (M9171), which was revealed by APB inhibition, as inferred 19

    from the absence of growth of the indicator E. coli strain toward the ETP plus APB disk 20

    only (Figure 1). OXA failed to inhibit the carbapenemase-pattern as inferred from the 21

    growth of the indicator E. coli strain toward the ETP plus OXA disk. This pattern 22

    (inhibition by APB and refractory action with OXA) corresponded unequivocally to a 23

    Class A carbapenemases. 24

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    The typical pattern for class A carbapenemease nonproducers is shown for a VIM 1

    (M7527) and CTX-M (M9391) representative strains where the indicator strain grew 2

    towards the ETP, ETP plus APB and ETP plus OXA disks as well (Figure 1). This 3

    revealed the presence of a non-class A carbapenemase enzyme due to the lack of APB 4

    inhibition. As no APB effect was observed, OXA results became irrelevant. Strains 5

    showing these carbapenemase-patterns (no inhibition by OXA and APB) should be 6

    screening for Class B carbapenemases by using appropriate methodologies, as those 7

    previously published (14, 16). 8

    Finally, several AmpC hyperproducer strains included in the panel displayed a 9

    carbapenemase-like pattern (Table 1), as shown for M9251, a representative strain, 10

    where the growth of the indicator strain observed towards the ETP but not the ETP plus 11

    APB disk could indicate the presence of class A carbapenemase. However, the strain 12

    also exhibited OXA inhibition as revealed by the lack of growth of indicator strain 13

    toward the ETP plus OXA disk (Figure 1). This unique pattern (inhibition by both, APB 14

    and OXA) corresponded unequivocally to AmpC strains. 15

    When analyzing the whole the panel, all KPCs, Sme, IMI and NMC-A, but only half of 16

    the GES-producing strains displayed a MHT inhibited only by APB (Table 1). Thus, the 17

    SN of the BA-MHT was of 0.92 (Table 2). The low performance for GES was observed 18

    only among strains of clinical origin but not among the respective tranconjugant strains, 19

    indicating that these enzymes were not refractory to APB inhibition. Probably the 20

    mucoid phenotype observed for the parental strains (no other carbapenemase producing 21

    strain of the panel had this phenotype) that might interfere with the enzyme or/and APB 22

    diffusion from the unbroken cells, could be responsible for these results for GES-23

    producing strains. Among the 14 strains of the control group with a positive MHT 24

    result, 9 of them (CTX-M and MBL producers) remained with a positive 25

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    carbapenemase pattern after the addition of APB, being properly classified as class A 1

    carbapenemases nonproducers (Table 1). The remaining 5 strains (AmpC 2

    hyperproducer) were finally resolved as class A carbapenemases nonproducers with the 3

    incorporation of OXA as inhibitor (Table 1). Thus, with the simultaneous use of both 4

    inhibitors, a major increase in the SP of the MHT was observed (from 0.70s to 1.0) 5

    (Table 2). 6

    MAS, BA-MAS and OXA-MAS. This procedure tested the presence of carbapenem 7

    hydrolyzing activities using cells-free crude extracts of the analyzed bacteria. We 8

    evaluated the behavior of the identified enzymes towards the inhibitors by addition of 9

    the crude extract onto APB or OXA disks. We found some limitations for the 10

    development of this technique: i) it was not possible to use disks with ≥ 1,000 µg or 500 11

    µg of APB and OXA, respectively, because the zone of inhibition produced around 12

    these disks became relevant for the interpretation of the MAS. Therefore, we had to use 13

    disks with 300 µg of either, APB and OXA for the standardization of the BA-MAS and 14

    OXA-MAS, respectively, a significantly lower concentration of that required by the 15

    MHT to achieve its best performance. ii) A high variability in the crude extract protein 16

    content was observed (data not shown). Thus, due to the competitive, mass-dependent 17

    nature of APB/OXA inhibition, and with the restriction to increase the disk load, we 18

    were forced to analyze simultaneously two volumes of the crude extract (5 and 15 µl) to 19

    try to achieve adequate inhibition. The different APB formulations performed identical. 20

    Characteristic results observed of the proposed assay are shown in Figure. 2: the 21

    observation of the typical carbapenemase pattern is indicated by the growth of the 22

    indicator E. coli strain around a blank disk charged with either 5 or 15 µl of extract, as 23

    showed for representative isolates (highly-loaded crude extract disks tends to produce 24

    carbapenemase-like patterns more frequently than disks with 5 µl). Class A 25

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    carbapenemase were identified by comparing growth of the indicator E. coli cells 1

    around blank and OXA disks but not around those with APB (comparison should be 2

    done between disks loaded with the same volume of crude extract and if inhibition of 3

    the carbapenemase-like pattern was observed with at least one of the volumes of crude 4

    extract used, the test was considered positive for that inhibitor). The Figure 2 shows the 5

    results with the ETP disk, as representative of the carbapenem, since the results of BA-6

    MAS and OXA-MAS were identical regardless of carbapenem tested. 7

    The most typical situation found for a class A carbapenemase is shown for M9171, a 8

    representative KPC producing strain: hydrolysis of ETP was revealed by the growth of 9

    the indicator E. coli strain around disks loaded with both, 5 or 15 µl of extract. The 10

    presence of a class A carbapenemase was exposed by the presence of the characteristic 11

    profile that included both, APB inhibition, as inferred from the absence of growth of the 12

    indicator E. coli strain around APB disks loaded with either 5 or 15 µl of extract, 13

    respectively, and, the absence of OXA inhibition as observed by the growth of the 14

    indicator E. coli strain around the OXA disks. This major pattern was observed for all 15

    the Sme, most of the KPCs (13/20 strains) and GES (5/6 strains), and, one IMI-1. 16

    Other situation for class A carbapenemase was observed among 7 of the 20 KPCs, as 17

    shown for M11270, other representative KPC strain: hydrolysis of ETP was revealed


    again around blank disks with either 5 or 15 µl of extract, but in this case, the presence 19

    of the class A carbapenemase characteristic pattern was deduced only around disks 20

    loaded with 5 µl of extract, as indicated by the absence of growth of the indicator strain 21

    around the corresponding APB disk but not around that with OXA. Appreciable growth 22

    around the 15 µl supplemented APB disk, similar to that of the corresponding control 23

    (15 µl of bacterial extract alone) was observed, probably indicating an excess of ß-24

    lactamase over the APB load. Finally, another situation was found for one GES and one 25

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    NMC-A, as shown for M5476 representative strain (Figure 1B): null hydrolytic activity 1

    towards ETP was obtained using 5 µl of extract, as an absence of growth of the indicator 2

    E. coli strain was observed around the disk. But ETP hydrolysis was visible when disks 3

    loaded with 15 µl of extract were used, suggesting a weak or poorly extracted ß-4

    lactamase. Class A carbapenemase was therefore revealed only among disks loaded 5

    with 15 µl of crude extract by the typical profile of absence zone of E. coli around APB 6

    disk (APB inhibition) together with the growth of the indicator strains toward de OXA 7

    disk. Because of these two situations, a potential excess of beta lactamase over the APB 8

    load or the presence of a weak or poorly extracted ß-lactamase, we strongly 9

    recommended the simultaneously use of two volumes (5 and 15 µl) of extract in the 10

    tests. 11

    Among the control group, the typical pattern for MBLs producers is shown for M7527, 12

    a representative strain: the growth of the indicator E. coli strain was observed around 13

    both blank disks (5 and 15 µl) and the similar growth for the reference strain was 14

    maintained around both, APB and OXA disks. These reveal the lack of APB and OXA 15

    inhibition due to the presence of a non-class A carbapenemase enzyme. Other 16

    representative pattern for class A carbapenemase nonproducers was observed for several 17

    CTX-M- producers (Table 1), as shown in Figure 2 for M9391, a representative strain: 18

    it showed null hydrolytic activity towards

    imipenem using 5 µl of extract but a 19

    significant imipenem hydrolysis was observed with 15 µl. However, growth of the 20

    indicator strain was also observed around the corresponding APB and OXA disks (15 21

    µl), revealing the lack of APB and OXA inhibition due to the presence of a non-class A 22

    carbapenemase enzyme. As this lack of inhibition with APB and OXA of CTX-M 23

    producers is share with MBLs, strains with this typical profile should be screened for 24

    class B carbapenemases (14, 16). Several AmpC hyperproducer strains (Table 1) 25

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    showed a carbapenemase-like pattern but only with 15 µl extract disks, as showed for 1

    M9251 representative strain (Figure 2). In parallel, a significantly reduced growth of the 2

    indicator strain occurred around the corresponding 15 µl APB disk, initially suggesting 3

    the presence of a class A carbapenemase. However, the lack of growth of indicator 4

    strain toward the OXA disk revealed the presence of a dual inhibited (OXA and APB) 5

    enzyme, a feature that rules out class A carbapenemases. 6

    After assessing the panel, we obtained a SN of 1.0 for the MAS together with a 7

    noticeably improvement of the SP of the classic assay from 0.67 and 0.69 for IPM and 8

    MEM/ETP, respectively, up to 1.0 for the three substrates when the combined 9

    BA/OXA-MAS was used (Table 2). 10

    Although in the present study, the MAS combo performed with slightly greater SN 11

    values than the MHT one, for a voluminous work burden, we find the MHT more 12

    practical because both, fewer disks are required and there is no need to prepare crude 13

    extracts. However, MAS becomes mandatory for strains with indeterminate MHT 14

    results and for strains with marked mucoid phenotype that might have difficult to 15

    achieve APB inhibition on the MHT. 16

    Finally, it should be noted that the MHT an MAS did not included a strict 17

    standardization of the size of the inoculum or the enzymes concentration used, 18

    respectively. Although, this seemingly appears as a major design flaw of these tests as it 19

    may be one of the factors causing false positive results with the original techniques, it 20

    not resulted critical when using the BA/OXA-MHT/MAS under the methodological 21

    standardization described in this work. 22

    Concluding remark. 23

    Given the clinical and public health impact involved in the discovery of a strain carrying 24

    carbapenemase, screening and confirmation in clinical microbiology laboratories of 25

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  • 16

    carbapenemases producers should include efficient and inexpensive methods that cover 1

    the different needs and complexities of the local and regional epidemiology. The MHT 2

    and MAS, as are able to expose easily the carbapenemase activity of suspected isolates, 3

    have gained adherents throughout the world. Moreover, the MHT has been included in 4

    the last CLSI edition for phenotypic confirmation of suspected carbapenemase 5

    producing strains (5). However, these methods, as known to date, should be used with 6

    caution because of the presence of false positives results, especially in those scenarios 7

    with high proportions of strains expressing non-carbapenemase- mediated carbapenem 8

    non-suceptibility (such as that generated by endemic CTX-M or AmpC 9

    hyperproduction) (1, 4, 18, 20). Thus, for improvement of their performances for 10

    carbapenemase confirmation, we standardized several strategies, with the addition of 11

    BA and OXA as inhibitors, to circumvent these main interferences. On basis of the 12

    results in this work, the revised inhibitor-based methods (BA/OXA-MHT and 13

    BA/OXA-MAS) resulted in a significant reduction of the false positive results in 14

    addition to distinguished class A from those strains producing other classes of 15

    carbapenemases. Thus, with these modifications, these methods can be used by routine 16

    clinical laboratories as confirmatory tests with performances comparable to the 17

    reference (molecular) methods. The proposed methodology will provide fast and useful 18

    information needed for targeting antimicrobial therapy and appropriate infection 19

    control, especially for regions where carbapenem resistance mediated by carbapenemase 20

    nonproducers is high or is increasing. 21

    Acknowledgements. 22

    We are indebted to the valuable collaboration of Monica Piedrabuena and the 23

    cooperation of WHONET-Argentina Network for their proficiency to detect bacteria 24

    with unusual resistance mechanism, Laboratorios Britania, Argentina for gently 25

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  • 17

    providing APB hemisulfate and Dr. R. Melano, Dr. A. Medeiros, Dr. D. Marcano, Dr. 1

    L. Martinez-Martinez and Dr. L. Fernandez Canigia, for providing reference strains for 2

    this study. 3

    on April 3, 2021 by guest



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  • 18

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  • 22

    Table 1. Resistance mechanisms, MICs and microbiological methods results of the 1

    panel of strains used in this study as positive and negative controls. 2


    groups /

    Strain No. a


    Specie b


    porins c

    MIC (µg/ml) d

    Microbiological assays

    (carbapenemase activity) e
















    (n = 20)

    9169 Cfr KPC-2; TEM-1 1 1 2 + - + + - + 21

    9171 Kpn

    KPC-2; PER; TEM-1;


    64 32 128 + - + + - + 21

    D05/07 Kpn KPC-2 2 2 16 + - + + - +

    CAP QC


    9885 Kpn KPC-2 16 16 16 + - + + - + 21



    Sal f

    KPC-2 1 1 1 + - + + - + 21



    Sal f

    KPC-2 1 0.5 1 + - + + - + 21

    9847 Ecl KPC-2 ; Hyper. AmpC 8 16 32 + - + + - + 21

    9884 Eco KPC-2 2 2 2 + - + + - + 21

    9988 Cfr KPC-2 ; Ind. AmpC 1 2 1 + - + + - + 21

    10007 Eco KPC-2 ; TEM-1 2 1 2 + - + + - + 21

    10154 Pmi KPC-2 ; TEM-1 4 2 4 + - + + - + 21

    10155 Pmi KPC-2 ; TEM-1 4 2 4 + - + + - + 21

    11180 Ecl KPC-2 ; CTX-M 2 2 16 + - + + - + 21

    11181 Sma KPC-2 8 8 16 + - + + - + 21

    11213 Kpn KPC-2 ; CTX-M 8 64 128 + - + + - + 21

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  • 23

    11245 Kpn KPC-2 , PER-2 1 1 4 + - + + - + 21

    11268 Kpn KPC-3 8 32 128 + - + + - +



    11269 Kpn KPC-2 4 4 16 + - + + - +



    11270 Kpn KPC-3 4 8 16 + - + + - +



    11271 Kpn KPC-2 4 8 16 + - + + - +





    (n = 10)

    3981 Sma Sme-1b 128 0.5 4 ND g ND ND + - + 21

    3989 Sma

    Sme-1b; CTX-M-


    4 2 0.5 ND ND ND + - + 21

    3991 Sma Sme-1b;OXA-2 256 2 2 + - + + - + 21

    5050 Sma

    Sme-1b; CTX-M-2;

    OXA-2; SHV-1

    16 0,15 4 + - + + - + 21

    5061 Sma Sme-1b 1 0.5 0.5 + - + + - + 21

    5634 Sma Sme-1b 16 4 4 + - + + - + 21

    5635 Sme Sme 16 8 4 + - + + - + 21

    5636 Sma Sme 16 8 4 + - + + - + 21

    7596 Sma Sme 16 8 4 + - + + - + 21

    9247 Sma Sme 64 2 4 + - + + - + 21

    IMI or NMC-

    A producers

    (n = 2)

    3202 Ecl IMI-1 4 8 1 + - + + - +



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  • 24

    9967 Ecl NMC-A 4 4 0.25 + - + + - + 21



    (n = 4)

    5401 Ent GES-5 32 8 8 + + + + - + 21

    5825 Kpn GES-3; CTX-M-2; 32 64 128 + + + + - + 21

    5476 Kpn GES-5 16 16 4 + + + + - + 21


    (TC 5825)

    Sal f

    GES-3 32 32 8 + - + + - + 21


    (TC 5401)

    Sal f

    GES-5 8 8 8 + - + + - + This work


    (TC 5476)

    Sal f

    GES-5 4 8 4 + - + + - + This work



    (n = 4)

    7647 Kpn



    0.5 1 4 + + + + + + 12

    7527 Kpn VIM; TEM-1, SHV-1 32 8 32 + + + + + + 12

    9921 Ecl IMP-8, PER-2 4 1 2 + + + + + + 7

    9959 Pre

    VIM-2, PER-2,

    hyperproduced AmpC

    256 256 256 + + + + + + 7

    Producers of



    or plasmid


    (n = 21)

    C2 Kpn FOX-5 0.12 0.06 0.06 - - - - - -



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  • 25


    9234 Eco AAC-1 0.12 0.03 0.03 - - - - - -




    9235 Eco CMY-2 0.06 0.06 0.03 - - - + (I) - -




    9236 Kpn DHA 0.03 0.03 0.5 - - - - - -




    7896 Sfl CMY-2 0.06 0.03 0.06 - - - - - - 21

    9324 Pmi CMY 0.12 0.03 0.06 - - - - - - 21

    9140 Kpn CMY 0.12 0.03 1 - - - - - - 21

    POS 9 Mmo Hyperproduced AmpC 2 0.12 0.12 - - - - - - 21

    POS15 Cfr Hyperproduced AmpC 0.12 0.06 0.12 - - - + - - 21

    3986 Cfr Hyperproduced AmpC 0.25 0.03 0.03 - - - - - - 21

    9251 Ecl Hyperproduced AmpC 2 2 4 + - - + - - 21

    5485 Ecl

    Hyperproduced AmpC/

    decreased porins

    4 16 64 + - - + - - 21

    P99 Ecl Hyperproduced AmpC 0.25 0.12 2 + - - + - - 20

    1769 Eco MIR-1 0.5 0.25 2 + (I) - - + - - 20

    9808 Ecl Hyperproduced AmpC 0.5 0.25 4 + (I, E) - - + - - This work

    9954 Ecl Hyperproduced AmpC 0.25 0.25 4 - - - + (I) - - This work

    11294 Ecl

    Hyperproduced AmpC/

    decreased porins

    8 16 64 - - - + - - This work

    11397 Eae

    Hyperproduced AmpC/

    decreased porins

    16 8 64 - - - - - - This work

    11151 Eco CMY/ decreased porins 32 16 128 - - - - - - This work

    11146 Sal CMY 0.5 0.25 4 - - - - - - This work

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  • 26

    (TC 1151)

    11154 Ecl CMY; inducible AmpC 0.25 0.12 0.5 - - - - - - This work


    producers (n =


    1803 Kpn

    PER-2; CTX-M-2;

    SHV-1; TEM-1;

    0.5 0.5 2 - - - - - - 21

    9375 Kpn

    CTX-M-2; SHV-1


    0.06 0.06 0.12 - + h - - - - 21

    9163 Kpn

    CTX-M-2; SHV-1

    TEM-1/ decreased


    1 2 16 + + + + + + 21

    9391 Kpn

    CTXM-2; SHV-1


    0.25 8 16 + + + + + + 21

    9310 Kpn

    CTX-M-2; SHV-1;

    TEM-1/ decreased


    0.12 8 16 + + + + + + 21

    29/C8 Eco CTX-M-13 0.06 0.03 0.015 - - - - - -



    31/C10 Kpn CTX-M-15 0.12 0.06 0.03 - - - - - -



    H3 Kpn CTX-M-15 0.12 0.03 0.03 - - - - - -



    700603 Kpn

    SHV-18/ decreased


    0.06 0.12 0.12 - - - - - - ATCC

    Cos15 Eco PER; TEM 0.03 0.03 0.12 - - - - - - 21



    strain 35218

    Eco TEM-1 0.12 0.015 0.015 - - - - - - ATCC

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  • 27

    Producers of

    low levels of

    K1 or




    (n = 3)

    7522 Cko Penicilinase



    0.015 0.008 - - - - - - 21

    HMC22 Ppe Cefuroximase 0.06 0.06 0.015 - - - - - - 21

    FLE17 Kox Low K1 0.12 0.03 0.008 - - - - - - 21

    Producers of

    low basal

    levels of


    (inducible) (n

    = 5)

    GUT 8 Cfr Inducible AmpC 0.25 0.03 0.015 - - - - - - 21

    CEN31 Sma Inducible AmpC 0.12 0.03 0.06 - - - - - - 21

    HMI23 Ecl Inducible AmpC 0.5 0.25 0.5 - - - - - - 21

    POS B Mmo Inducible AmpC 1 0.12 0.015 - - - - - - 21

    9113 Pst Inducible AmpC 0.06 0.06 0.03 - - - - - - 21

    Producers of

    ESBL(s) plus


    AmpC (n = 4)

    9291 Sma


    1;inducible AmpC/

    decreased porins

    2 4 64 + + + + + + 21

    9383 Sma CTX-M-2; inducible 2 1 32 + + + + + + 21

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  • 28

    AmpC/ decreased


    109339 Ecl

    PER-2; inducible


    0.12 0.25 0.5 - - - - - - 21

    3972 Pst

    CTX-M-2; inducible


    0.03 0.06 0.015 - - - - - - 21

    Strains with



    marginal or

    low-level ß-


    activities (n =


    1744 Sal h None 0.12 0.015 0.008 - - - - - - 21

    27508 Ecl None (AmpC- mutant) 0.06 0.03 0.015 - - - - - - ATCC

    HMI13 Pmi None 0.25 0.06 0.008 - - - - - - 21

    25922 Eco Basal AmpC 0.06 0.015 0.015 - - - - - - ATCC


    a ESBL, extended-spectrum ß-lactamase; OSBL, “older-spectrum” ß -lactamase. 2

    b Cfr, Citrobacter freundii; Kpn, K. pneumoniae; Sal, Salmonella sp.; Eco, E. coli; Pmi, 3

    Proteus mirabilis; Sma, S. marcescens; Ecl, E. cloacae; Ent, Enterobacter sp.; Sfl, 4

    Shigella flexneri; Mmo, Morganella morganii; Cko, Citrobacter koseri; Ppe, Proteus 5

    penneri; Kox, Klebsiella oxytoca; Pst, Providencia stuartii. 6

    c indicates decreased amount of the evaluated OMP as depicted in the references 7

    d MICs determined by agar dilution following CLSI recommendations; IPM: imipenem; 8

    MEM: meropenem; ETP: ertapenem 9

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  • 29

    e Modified Hodge tests (MHT): “+”: if the tested strains produced carbapenemase 1

    activity; “-”: if the tested strains did not produced carbapenemase activity. Boronic-2

    based MHT (BA-MHT) or OXA-based MHT (OXA-MHT): “+”: when comparing with 3

    the corresponding control, if APB or OXA did not produced inhibition of the 4

    carbapenemase activity (i.e., carbapenemase activity persisted under the presence of the 5

    inhibitor); “-”: when comparing with the corresponding control, if APB or OXA 6

    produced inhibition of the carbapenemase activity (i.e., carbapenemase activity 7

    disappeared under the presence of the inhibitor). Masuda test (MAS): “+”: if one or both 8

    of the volumes of crude extract tested produced carbapenemase activity; “-”: if both 9

    volumes of crude extract tested did not produce carbapenemase activity. Boronic-based 10

    MAS (BA-MAS) or OXA-based MAS (OXA-MAS): “+”: when the strain displayed 11

    carbapenemase activity only with 15 µl disks and this carbapenemase activity was not 12

    reverted with APB/OXA, or, when both volumes of extract tested (5 µl and 15 µl) 13

    displayed carbapenemase activity and both carbapenemase activities were not inhibited 14

    by APB or OXA; “-”: if with one or both of the volumes of crude extract tested, 15

    carbapenemase activity was inhibited by APB/OXA when comparing with the 16

    corresponding blank disk. 17

    f Transconjugant strain; brackets referred to the parenteral strain 18

    g ND, not determined due to an indeterminate Hodge tests results due to the inhibition 19

    of growth of the indicator strain. 20

    h The hemisulfate salt but not the monohydrate APB could produced a partial hydrolysis 21

    of the imipenem load of the disk, reducing the expected inhibition zone in about 5mm 22

    (not shown). The reduction of the IPM load potentiated a false positive pattern for this 23

    on April 3, 2021 by guest



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  • 30

    carbapenemase nonproducer strain without interfering with the overall performance of 1

    the assay. 2

    i Recipient strain for the conjugation assays 3

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  • 31

    TABLE 2. Performances analysis of the confirmatory test a 1

    Assay (n) SN SP NPV PPV

    Modified Hodge test (MHT) (90)

    0.95 b 0.73 (IPM)

    0.77 (MEM)

    0.75 (ETP)

    0.95 0.72 (IPM)

    0.75 (MEM)

    0.73 (ETP)

    BA-MHT (88) c 0.92 0.90 (IPM)

    0.94 (MEM)

    0.92 (ETP)

    0.94 0.88 (IPM)

    0.92 (MEM)

    0.90 (ETP)

    BA-MHT + OXA-MHT (88) c 0.92 1.0 0.94 1.0

    Masuda test (MAS) (90) 1.0 0.67 (IPM)

    0.69 (MEM, ETP)

    1.0 0.69 (IPM)

    0.72 (MEM, ETP)

    BA-MAS (90) 1.0 0.85 (IPM)

    0.88 (MEM, ETP)

    1.0 0.83 (IPM)

    0.86 (MEM, ETP)

    BA-MAS b

    + OXA-MAS (90) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

    a The levels of performance of and the most favorable conditions for the phenotypic 2

    confirmatory tests described in this study for the detection of class A carbapenemases 3

    among species of Enterobacteriaceae are summarized.


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  • 32

    b When the substrate is not expressly stated, means that the 3 carbapenems (IPM, MEM 1

    and ETP) showed the same performance 2

    c A total of 36 of 38 carbapememase

    producer strains were analyzed (two strains with 3

    indeterminate Hodge tests results due to the inhibition of growth of the indicator strain 4

    were excluded) 5

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  • 33


    Figure 1. Results of the modified Hodge test (MHT), the boronic-based MHT (BA-2

    MHT) and the OXA-based MHT (OXA-MHT) with ETP plus OXA (1000 µg per disk; 3

    left disks), ETP (central disks) and ETP plus APB (3000 µg per disk; right disks) for 4

    representative isolates (K. pneumoniae M9171 [producing KPC-2], K. pneumoniae 5

    M7527 [producing VIM], Enterobacter cloacae M9251 [producing high levels of 6

    AmpC]), K. pneumoniae M9391 [producing CTX-M-2] and E. coli ATCC 35218 7

    [producing TEM-1]. Letter “p” indicates that ETP was hydrolyzed by the streaked cells; 8

    letter “n” indicates that ETP was not hydrolyzed by the streaked cells. Final 9

    interpretation of the MHT, BA- MHT and OXA- MHT are shown below each strain 10

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  • 34

    Figure 2. Results of the Masuda assay (MAS), the boronic-based MAS (BA-MAS) and 1

    OXA-based MAS (OXA-MAS) with ETP (central disks). The left part of each photo 2

    corresponded to the following disks loaded with 5 µl of the crude extract: a blank disk 3

    (5 µl, left disks), OXA disk (300 µg per disk, right disk) and APB disk (300 µg per disk, 4

    lower disk); and in the right part of each photo, to the following disks loaded with 15 µl 5

    of the crude extract: a blank disk (15 µl, left disks), OXA disk (300 µg per disk, right 6

    disk) and APB disk (300 µg per disk, lower disk). Representative isolates (K. 7

    pneumoniae M9171 [producing KPC-2], K. pneumoniae M11270 [producing KPC-2], 8

    Salmonella spp M5476 [producing GES-5], K. pneumoniae M7527 [producing VIM], 9

    K. pneumoniae M9391 [producing CTX-M-2], Enterobacter cloacae M9251 [producing 10

    high levels of AmpC]) and E. coli ATCC 35218 [producing TEM-1] are shown. Letter 11

    “p” indicates that ETP was hydrolyzed by the β-lactam content of the crude extract; 12

    letter “n” indicates that ETP was not hydrolyzed by the β-lactam content of the crude 13

    extract. NC: not correspond (the matching blank disk did not show carbapenemase 14

    activity). Final interpretation of the MAS, BA-MAS and OXA-MAS are shown below 15

    each strain. 16

    on April 3, 2021 by guest



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  • on April 3, 2021 by guest



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