dozier presentation

Post on 12-Jan-2015






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Linda Dozier Presentation


When an Artist paints an oil painting, it takes energy and takes place over a period of time. The Artist is manipulating sub-atomic

particles. This illustrates the Quantum Atom Theory.The

mathematic formula for this is ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π

The Artist is never sure how the painting will turn out and ∆ ラ∆ p ラ≥ h/4π is the mathematical formula of the position of lines and

curves on the π canvas. This could be a good illustration of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle because the future is uncertain.

Every movement the Artist makes will start at the quantum level and will have an uncertainty of momentum and position. The Artist is exercising their free will. Each moment passing is a new moment

therefore, we are always living in the present tense. The old moment is passing away into the past.

Heisenberg formulated the principle that says that it is impossible to measure a sub-atomic particle without disturbing it. Any attempt to measure a particle’s position must randomly change its speed.

Recently, this principle is being challenged by two grad students at he University of Toronto. They have figured out a way.

Soon powerful quantum computers will overturn other principles like Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principles as far as measuring sub-

atomic particles and yes possibly read our minds.

Time is continuously formed by the emission and absorption of light (EMR) from one atom to another forming the broken symmetry and

geometry of space time.

In this theory we have wave-particle duality because light is a wave moving through space and a particle when it comes in contact with

an electron on the surface of an atom. It then forms a photon of quantized energy representing a moment in time. This will form a future wave function of probability as part of the continuum of time

forming the geometry or curvature of space-time.

There are two parts to quantum physics where time is relative to a point and position in space. One part is the General Theory of Relativity and the other part is what Einstein called “Spooky

Actions from a Distance” where weird things happen that baffles scientists.

Both theories approximate to Newtonian physics on an everyday scale. Only a hidden variable could explain the probability of

quantum mechanics uniting physics. No one knows how these two theories work together to form reality.

This hidden variable would have to affect all matter of the Universe from the point of its creation to the present day. In the Quantum

Atom Theory that variable is Time itself.

Scientist know that time is a variable because we have time dilation when an object accelerates towards the speed of light around

objects of great mass like the earth.

The earth spins at a high rate of speed and this forces light waves to bend as the sun shines on the earth. In doing so it forms it’s own space

time geometry. This means that light is slowing down as it moves around the earth. Space is being bent therefore, time is slowing down

because the greater the mass or energy of an object the slower time will run for that object. The greater the energy, the shorter the time period.

So far this is all explained by General Relativity.

Spooky effects is caused by Quantum Entanglement when light has spherical symmetry and the polarization of a photon remains the same for the whole surface of the sphere. When the spherical waves come in

contact with electrons on the surface of an atom it will form photons. Each photon will have a unique position in space and time that will be

part of the time continuum. This is the formula for quantum entanglement.

Einstein didn’t like the spooky effects of quantum theory and thought it was unstable. He discovered it first and called it the EPR Paradox. He said that God didn’t roll dice when He created the Universe. Scientist have been pouring over his notes for decades. Entanglement occurs

when two particles are so deeply linked that they share the same existence. They are described by the same mathematical relation

known as a wave function. Einstein thought this would be too unstable.

This spooky effect that could in theory connect particles at the opposite ends of the universe has been measured and found to exert its

unsettling influence more than 10,000 times faster than the speed of light. Einstein said nothing can go past the speed of light but CERN has

clocked a neutrino going faster than the 186,282 miles per second.

Quantum entanglement is what will someday allow quantum teleportation, a Star Trek like ability, and the next generation of

encryption methods and super fast quantum computers as well. One computer could be at two different locations and yet be the very same computer. What is put into one computer instantaneously show up in

the other in a different location.

Because of quantum entanglement, scientists reported that they are now able to “teleport” information 9.9 miles. This is the longest reported distance over which photonic teleportation has been achieved to date,

more than 20 times longer before.

Because of quantum entanglement, scientists reported that they are now able to “teleport” information 9.9 miles. This is the longest reported distance over which photonic teleportation has been achieved to date,

more than 20 times longer before.

Entangled particles can become widely separated in space. But even so, the mathematics implies that a measurement on one immediately

influences the other, regardless of the distance between them.

Scientists theorize that entanglement can make a “quantum phone-line” that could “teleport” the details of one particle to another over an arbitrary distance without knowing its state. This opens up the possibility that a transporter could transmit atomic data - even people and would also open up new opportunities for computing.

In the mean time, Einstein’s ban on faster than light communication remains because the photons compare notes instantaneously, but the contents of those notes are beyond our control, and so can’t be used to transmit any useful messages until more is discovered about the hidden things.

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