dozo for direct selling - mlm

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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The perfect tool for Research, Reward and Retention

Designed for the Direct Selling Companies


The way people connect with each other and with products has dramatically changed over the past few years.

The potential of e-commerce has enabled the growth of online retail giants who have leap-frogged traditional players with the help of huge investments .

This has resulted in a major shift in consumer expectation and permission, from “wait for it” to “I want it now!”

The smart way of doing business Why use a mobile App

• Fastest growing market place

• Simple

• Easy to set up

• Interactive

• Cost Effective

• Dynamic

• Real Time

• Quick and easy to navigate and designed attractively

• Easy go-to-market access

• Wider coverage: From necessity to luxury


At the heart of dozo! is the most important ‘real estate' in today’s market: The Smart Phone.

The dozo! app is fun and easy to use. dozo! might well turn out as the ultimate key driver for your companies growth due to the platform’s seamless applicability, customization possibilities, wide-ranging scalability and unprecedented access to the market and user data .

Taking its cue from TripAdvisor, AirBnB, Uber, Instagram and similar applications, dozo! completely by-passes cards, vouchers, reminder e-mails and browser promotions and engages with the user where it matters, in their hand near the point of experience or point of sale.

And unlike these time dependent materials, dozo! is constantly updated to sync with the phone’s GPS and so the information it provides is location and time specific.


An exciting combination of today’s most disruptive eco-systems, Mobile, Beacon and O2O technology.

Mobile Apps offering a great ‘customer journey’ through Beacon Technology

A user friendly, proprietary CRM with the option to have your promotions translated into 15 languages overnight.

Members will become your brand ambassadors and will carry your promotions

Available on the

App Store


Google play



existing marketing tools dozo!

Time consuming process of designing & producing promotion material

All it takes are a few clicks

Time-consuming distribution of hard-copy promotions Instant distribution of digital promotions

Promotions pose a heavy marketing burden on companies Offers maximum cost and operation-efficiency

Costly 3rd party e-commerce and marketing software (plus updates and system maintenance, especially when done in-house)

Easy turn-key solution

Consumers end-up with dozens of plastic discount cards, vouchers, point systems, and last but not least, complicated redemption processes

Paperless, plastic-less and green

existing marketing tools dozo!

Common loyalty programs offer more of the same Dynamic mobile approach makes promotions stand out, and offers much more than just your product

Omnipresent advertisement campaigns lead to ad blindness

Provides dynamic platform so you can advertise products based on real market data

No access to reliable consumer data and analytics Provides comprehensive User Analytics

Promotions are limited in reach Promotions are locally, regionally and internationally available

Redemption processes are complicated Instant rewards, no more points or stringent terms and conditions


Combine the CRM, GPS with proximity-based beacon technology, and dozo! is able to allow maximum targeted use of consumer purchase behavior without having to reveal user identity or details.

Direct Sales Solutions Offered by dozo!. dozo! is meant as an add-on sales incentive, to support and increase your regular product sales. For example;

1. Buy a ‘facial rejuvenation’ package today for only $199.00 2. Download the dozo! app via the link we will send you by email 3. Access 10 super promotions for you and your friends offered by local top-end

restaurants, exclusive to ‘ABC Direct Sales’ customers, for the next 3 months! (show them the 10 restaurants’ brands and promotions and list the savings)

4. Save $1,000 with these exclusive restaurant deals - JUST FOR YOU!!!! 5. Oh, and feel free to invite your friends to download the app for free! 6. Of course only if they become your client they will gain access to your exclusive

promotions 7. This is a triple win, the customer, the merchants, and last but not least, you.

dozo! is the ideal sales solution by providing dynamic, fast, uncomplicated go-to-market access without hefty marketing and promotion budgets.

How does it work?

dozo! dynamic benefits

• Tools to support existing Sales and Marketing activities

• Instant and Seamless Integration

• Easy to use Technology Platform

• Most importantly, promote different products all the time.

• Receive extensive User Analytics

• How many people looked at your promotions ?

• How many people redeemed ?

• With how many people did they share the promotion ?

• How did they share your promotions (social media platforms) ?

• How many members do you have in your program this month ?

• Did they use it, how many times did they use it ?

• Where did they go ?

• How many times did they redeem promotions this month from our merchants ?

• How many times did they redeem yours ?

• What are their favorite categories ?

• How many people did they invite to download the App ?

• Which language are they using ?

• How much money have they spend this month ?


Dozo! benefits for Direct Selling Companies

• Know your Consumer – purchase patterns (not only the current product range offered by the company, but also the purchases made from other non-competing retail locations)

• Retain - Never lose a Consumer even if the direct seller catering the consumer discontinues

• Retain – Direct Sellers by offering them a loyalty program that ensures that they are always updated by new product launches/information and offers

• Support – Direct Sellers by offering them an accepted product/concept to approach more prospects

• Recruit – new privilege Consumers by promoting the product range on the application (which can be paid via the application)

• Upload your special product promotions and offer these to the members of other companies

Dozo! benefits for Direct Selling Companies

• You will be able to broaden your knowledge of your customer’s spending habits allowing richer and more actionable in-depth understanding of customer profiles.

• Unlike most other programs out there, your customers are free to share all promotions available with their family and as many friends as they want to.

• This sharing creates something not experienced today, a fantastic customer journey.

• Your customers become your ambassadors, and will share their journey with others.

• This sharing is an intrinsic part of our model, it represents a buzz, making your company stand out.

• Seriously increase their earnings potential with dozo!

• Integrate a loyalty program within your existing sales activities, gain more

insights into your customers’ preferences and become less dependent on your

direct selling network.

• Give ownership to your Direct Sellers by allowing them to add their favourite

merchants in non-competing industries such as restaurants

• Besides your products, this gives them a fantastic ice-breaker to get ‘in the

door’ (we all like a good deal for lunch or dinner)

• First hand access to unlimited promotions

Dozo! Direct Sellers benefitshow to support them with their efforts

• Unlimited promotions for family and friends, for free!

• Instant access to an ever growing selection of lifestyle benefits

• No more points, cards or vouchers, just an easy-to-use smartphone App

• Access to promotions in different cities, in the language of your choice

• Give ownership of their promotions and benefits by allowing them to

recommend their favorite restaurants

• dozo! will reward these merchants with a free loyalty program, merchants will

invite their customers who in turn will be able to find your promotions

• Don't lose a happy customer along with the direct seller

Dozo! Consumers benefitshow to increase sales and offer more benefits

• First Mover Advantage • Access to young crowd for better penetration to the market segment with maximum disposable income • Fast deployment -Uncomplicated system implementation • Minimal fees and Unmatched earnings potential • Optimisation of existing marketing and sales infrastructure • Multi Level( Direct Selling company + Merchants) promotions for customers • No blind distribution of vouchers or print materials. • Direct access to potential customers • No expensive IT infrastructure to maintain • Immediate integration of existing products • Backend support by state-of-the-art tech company with global reach • Know your consumer - Access to comprehensive consumer data provides solid consumer profiles and their

purchase patterns. • Provides dynamic, fast, uncomplicated go-to-market access without hefty marketing and promotion budgets • Once your customer – always your customer • User data analytics at fingertips • Insights for designing promotions and offers. • Inform customers about new launches directly

Dozo! benefits and counting….


Reason why Direct Sales Companies partner with dozo :

1. Increase sales, but as importantly increase the size of your database with your prospective customers

2. The App can be use as a marketing tool to support regular product sales (our recommendation)

3. This means we recommend, you see this as a marketing expense

4. The annual subscription is $3.99 until further notice (this is what you pay us)

5. The App can however be sold as a stand alone product for $9.99 (your sales price)

6. You can request premium promotions that only your customers will have access to

Bottom line

• Interact more and better with your customers

• Create customer profiles through user analytical reports

• Market your product through the app to non-customers and turn them into your customers

• Gain an exclusive for a city and become the only supplier for lifestyle products

• Draw traffic towards your website by sponsoring weekly lucky draws on the app

• You pay a small fee per user, per annum

• Your marketing team takes ownership of the local merchants

• Your marketing team request exclusive promotions for your customers on a monthly basis

• Your sales team takes ownership of the merchants involved by approaching their favourites

• Your customers take ownership by recommending their favourite merchants


Take advantage of being a first mover in your industry.

For those Direct Sales companies that would like to request a city or region exclusive

Dozo Rewards is open to a healthy, mutual beneficial discussion.



Many Peoples Said We Are Dreamer. But, Yes We are the Only One.

Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros.

Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.

Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper

Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.


Current Status

From its operations centre in Bangkok, Dozo Rewards is pushing an ambitious expansion roadmap with the formation of regional and satellite offices to offer our clients and consumers ever better choices.

Regional offices will open in Bangalore - India (November 2015), followed by Florence - Italy and many additional offices.

Get ready to

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