dr. shataha s. jumaah/lecturer

Post on 21-Dec-2021






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Dr. Shataha S. Jumaah/Lecturer _____________________________________________ Genetics – 2nd /2nd Semester

shatha.saadi@tiu.edu.iq https://tiu.edu.iq/

2020 - 2021

TIU - Faculty of Science Medical Analysis Department

The term has evolved to include any process that alters gene activity without

changing the DNA sequence, and leads to modifications that can be transmitted to

daughter cells.

Study of heritable phenotype changes that do not involve alterations in the DNA


The Greek prefix epi "over, outside of, around“ in epigenetics means features that are

"on top of" or "in addition to" the traditional genetic basis for inheritance.

Describe any heritable phenotypic change.

•In eukaryotes, epigenetic control can determine whether a gene is switched on

or off -i.e. whether the gene is expressed (transeribed and translated) or not.

•Epigenetic changes to gene expression play a role in lots of normal cellular

processes and can also occur in response to changes in the environment – e.g.

pollution and availability of food.

•Organisms inherit their DNA base sequence from their parents.

•This means that the expressions of some genes in offspring can be affected by environmental

changes that affected their parents or grandparents.

Epigenetic changes in some plants in response to drought (deficiency) have been shown to be

passed on the later generations

• There are sevral epigenetic mechanisms used to control gene expressions.

1. DNA Methylation

2. Histone modification

3. Non-coding RNA

• Increased methylation of DNA Methylation is when a methyl group (an

example of an epigenetic mark) is attached to the DNA coding for a gene.

The group always attaches at a CpG site, which is where a cytosine and

guanine base are next to each other in the DNA (linked by a

phosphodiester bond). Increased methylation changes the DNA structure

so that the transcriptional machinery (enzymes, etc,) can't interact with

the gene - so the gene is not expressed (i.e. it's switched of), pho acer

• Histones are proteins that DNA wraps around to form chromatin, which makes up

chromosomes. Chromatin can be highly condensed or less condensed. How condensed

it is affects the accessibility of the DNA and whether or not it can be transcribed.

• When histones are acegylated, the chromatin is less condensed.

• This means that the transcriptional machinery can access the DNA, allowing genes to

he transcribed. When acetyl groups are removed from the histones, the chromatin

becomes highly condensed and genes in the DNA can't be transcribed because the

transcriptional machinery can't physically access them. Histone deacetylase (HDAC )

enzymes are responsible for removing of Acetyl groups.

Your DNA is used as instructions for making coding and non-coding RNA.

Coding RNA is used to make proteins. Non-coding RNA helps control gene

expression by attaching to coding RNA, along with certain proteins, to break

down the coding RNA so that it cannot be used to make proteins. Non-

coding RNA may also recruit proteins to modify histones to turn genes “on”

or “off.”

• Epigenetics can play a role in the development of disease, with the fact that

abnormal methylation of tumour suppressor genes and oncogenes can cause

cancer. However, the role of epigenetics in disease doesn't stop there. It can

play a role in the development of many other dliseases, including Fragile-X

syndrome, Angelman syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome.

Epigenetic changes are reversible, which makes them good targets for new drugs to combat diseases they cause. These drugs are designed

to counteract the epigenetic changes that cause the diseases.

For example, increased methylation is an epigenetic change that can lead to a gene being switched off. Drugs that stop DNA methyłation

can sometimes be used treat diseases caused in this way.

The drug azacitidine is used in chemotherapy for types of cancer that are caused by inereased methylation of tumour suppressor

genes. Tumour suppressor genes usualiy slow cell division, so if they are switched off by methylation, cells are able to divide uncontrollably and can form a tumour. Azacitidine inhibits the methylation of these genes by physically blocking the enzymes involved in the process.

Decreased acetylation of histones can also lead to genes being switched off. HDAC inhibitor drugs, e.g. romidepsin, can be used to treat

diseases that are caused in this way including some types of cancer. These drugs work by inhibiting the activity of histone acetylase

(HDAC) enzyme which are responsible about removing acetyl group from the histone without the activity of HDAC, the genes remain

acetylated & the protein they code for can be transcribed.


An experimental technique for correcting defective genes that are responsible

for disease development

The most common form of gene therapy involves inserting a normal gene to

replace an abnormal gene

Replacing a mutated gene that causes disease with a healthy copy of the


Inactivating, or “knocking out,” a mutated gene that is functioning improperly.

Introducing a new gene into the body to help fight a disease.

The concepts of Gene Therapy was introduced in 1960. Gene therapy involves how you altering the

defective genes (mutated alleles) inside cells to treat genetic disorders and cancer do this depends

on whether the disorder is caused by a mutated dominant allele or two mutated recessive alleles.

If it's caused by two mutated recessive alleles you can add a working dominant allele to make

up for them.

If it's caused by a mutated dominant allele you can 'silence' the dominant allele ( e.g. by sticking

a bit of DNA in the middle of the allele so it doesn't work any more).

Both of these processes involve inserting a DNA fragment into the person's original DNA just like in

recombinant DNA technology, you need a vector to get the DNA into the cell. A range of different

vectors can be used, eg, altered viruses, plasmids or liposomes ispheres made of lipid).

● A vector delivers the therapeutic gene into a patient’s target cell

● The target cells become infected with the viral vector

● The vector’s genetic material is inserted into the target cell

● Functional proteins are created from the therapeutic gene causing

the cell to return to a normal state

There are two types of gene therapy:-

1. Somatic therapy

This involves altering the alleles in body cells, particularly the cells that are mest affected by the disorder.


Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disorder That's very damaging, to the respiratory system, so somatic therapy for CT targets

the epithelial cells fining the lungs.

Somatic therapy doesn't affect the individual's sex cells (sperms or eggs) though, so any offspring could still inherit the


2. Germ line therapy

This involves altering the alleles in the sex cells. This means that every cell of any offspring produced from these cells will

be affected by the gene therapy and they won't suffer from the disease, Germ line therapy in humans is currently illegal


There are also many ethical Issues associated with gene therapy.


some people are worried that the technology could be used in ways

other than tor medical treatment, such as for treating the cosmetic

effects of aging, Other people worry that there's the potential to do

more harm than good by the technology e.g. risk of gene over

expression gene product is too much of missing protein

• Angiogenesis is the process which forms new blood vessels. Like

normal tissues in the body, tumors need to develop blood vessels

to supply oxygen and nutrients in order for them to grow and

spread. Angiogenesis inhibitors, which can be used to reduce or

slow down the spread and growth of some types of cancer by

suppressing the tumors ability to form new blood cells.

• https://youtu.be/Ep_nCSEDeAE

Angiogenesis can be a normal and healthy bodily process when new blood

vessels are needed. It occurs as part of growth in children, when the uterine

lining is shed each month in menstruating women, and when new blood

vessels are required in the process of wound healing. Researchers are actually

looking for ways to boost angiogenesis in the setting of tissue damage, such

as after a heart attack.

With cancer, this formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) is what

allows tumors to grow.

Intussusceptive angiogenesis

Sprouting angiogenesis

TYPE of angiogensis

Angiogenesis is of interest in cancer because cancers require

the formation of new blood vessels to grow and metastasize.

In order for cancers to grow to be larger than roughly one

millimeter (1 mm), angiogenesis needs to take place. Cancers

do this by secreting substances that stimulate angiogenesis,

and hence, the growth of cancer.

In addition to being a process needed for cancers to grow and

invade neighboring tissues, angiogenesis is necessary for

metastases to occur. In order for cancer cells to travel and set

up a new home somewhere beyond their origin, these cells

need to bring new blood vessels in to support their growth at

their new locations.

The process of angiogenesis involves several steps involving endothelial cells (the

cells that line the vessels). These include:

• Initiation: The process of angiogenesis must be activated by some signal (prior to

this, it's thought that the blood vessels must dilate and become more permeable)

• Sprouting and growth (proliferation)

• Migration

• Tube training

• Differentiation (maturation)

• We used the example of VEGF above, but there are actually dozens

of proteins that both activate and inhibit angiogenesis. While the

increased activity of activating factors is important, it's thought

that activation alone is not enough for angiogenesis to occur in

cancer. Factors that inhibit blood vessel growth also have to show

less activity than they otherwise would.

There are a number of different proteins that can stimulate (activate angiogenesis) through different signaling pathways.

1. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF): VEGF is "expressed" in roughly 50% of cancers

2. Platelet derived growth factor (PDGF)

3. Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF)

4. Transforming growth factor

5. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)

6. Epidermal growth factor

7. Hepatocyte growth factor

8. Granulocyte colony stimulating factor

9. Placental growth factor

10. Interleukin-8

11. Other substances including other cytokines, enzymes that break down blood vessels, and more

There are also a number of substances that play an inhibitory role to stop or prevent angiogenesis. Some of these include:

1. Angiostatin

2. Endostatin

3. Interferon

4. Platelet factor 4

5. Thrombospondin-1 protein (this protein appears to inhibit the growth

and migration of endothelial cells and activates enzymes that cause cell


6. Prolactin

7. Interleukin-12


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