dr. szvetelszky zsuzsanna

Post on 04-Aug-2015






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Szvetelszky Zsuzsa

Be adaptive!

It is not the strongest of the species that

survives, nor the most intelligent that

survives. It is the one that is most adaptable

to change.

Charles Darwin

Origin of Species

Be the change!

“Be the change that you wish to see in the


Mahatma Gandhi

Culture is like luggage we always carry

• Survival

• Information

• Prediction

• Maintenance of interpersonal relationships

and personal goals

A kaleidoscope

Culture influences communication: what we are

• How we act

• How we think

• How we talk

• How we listen

Everyone wants their story told

As Hamlet is dying, his last request to Horatio is his story to be told later on. He articulates the wish in all of us

We start learning to tell stories

and listen to stories at the age of 2,

and spend the rest of our lives

telling stories

We start our life as storytellers, and then we are taught at school to unlearn this technology, to use abstract language. We are taught that knowledge is abstract and storytelling is for children…

Spread and change of beliefs People don’t believe

what you tell them

They rarely believe

what you show them

They often believe

what their friends tell them

They always believe

what they tell themselves

Products that are remarkable

get talked about

We the People - We are searching for differences

- We are searching for causation

(cause-effect relation)

- We are trying to tell the future

- We deny things that don’t fit into

our worldview, and we tend to find

an explanation for this.

- We don’t like coincidences, we rather

lie to ourself: too much information means

that the consumer has to make immediate decisions

Our decisions are not based on facts,

but the stories shaping our lives

Good brands need good stories – better stories

make better brands

The story is the product itself: a keepsake which reminds us of how we have felt in that place

A good story is

• remarkable

• coherent

• original

Stories facilitate our perception

of the world

Your story doesn’t have to

change the consumers worldview,

it’s enough if you contribute to it


The networked communication technologies and social media exert at least three direct influences on spreading:

1. decrease the unavoidable and accidental modification of information in the course of spreading due to their technological perfection

2. speed up the process of dissemination

3. shorten or compact the messages

The Stalking Generation – the first global


• Readiness for change

• Transparency vs exhibitionism

• Proximal technology

• Foursquare? Instagram? Facebook, Youtube, Google!

Thank you for your attention!

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