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Post on 12-Feb-2017






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Jay-T, a recent discovery within the new album “Nemesis” released last month, took upon generating havoc within the media in just a couple of hours. It reveals a teenage life full of raging hormones, dreams and a 10 million dollar success as it became the No.1 Album within a week of its release in the US alone. This collaboration of grittiness and silkiness of his soulful phrasing is an intoxicating 45 minutes of Smokey pleasure, and it is hard to believe that, until he uploaded his self-made video of the sensational “you” on YouTube last summer, Josh Taylor A.K.A Jay-T was ‘virtually’ unheard of.

His wonderfully cheeky personality didn’t take us by surprise when Muso had the pleasure of interviewing him in his hometown, Manchester, one afternoon. As we began chatting, it become clear that no wonder the once equivocal adolescent has turned out to be a global sensation, winning the hearts of his fans and landing himself two Grammy’s for his previous album- “no wind without rain”.

We are sheltered from the screaming fans in one of the festival tents behind the main stage, and almost instantly begin discussing the success his album has brought and the current artists that helped him “make it big”.

It is clear that you made a big impact with your last album-“no wind without rain”- and no one thought anyone, let alone someone who has not been in the spot light for what seems like only 2 minutes, could reach the success you have gotten within a week’s release date. How have you taken to the success “Nemesis” has gotten within just a couple of hours?

It’s all happened so quickly! I’m so grateful for all my fans that have supported me through, what it felt like a never ending process… but, I don’t know, I’m just really overwhelmed by it all. Like as you just said my last album went to No.1 within a week, but this time it went to the top within couple of hours. I think everyone who worked on the album with me would agree on me saying that, I and my team put a lot of effort in to the lyrics, the compositions, and just the overall workings of the album, and we’re are so happy that it has been an even bigger success than last time.He then adds “hard work really does pay off” with an echo of laughter that followed.

I heard that Drake actually saw your video on YouTube of the very first song that you released –“you”- and asked if ‘you’ wanted to do a collaboration. Is that true?

It is and I was quite surprised. I actually thought someone was prank calling me (laughter filled the tent), but no it was him and he said how much he liked the song and how he felt like I was what was missing from the music industry. Before I could thank him he asked if I wanted to come down next week and record it. It was such an amazing experience that I’ll never forget. If it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing with the amount of success I have now: My life has changed for most probably forever and I still can’t grasp that it’s reality.

“Everything is so new to me and I still haven’t processed the fact that I have 1 million followers on twitter!”

It is amazing how big of a fan base you have got across Social-networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook. But do you think there’s a point in which the fame can be too much?

Yes, of course. I’m starting to feel the pressure from the music industry about deadlines for albums or when and where I should tour, or even have my next interview. I don’t know much about it as I have only been doing what I’m doing professionally for a couple of years now, but I think it can get to people’s heads and can change them in a way that effects the way they look at the world; fame is a kind of lifestyle you can easily get caught up in, it can either make you or break you. I don’t know what it’ll do to me, hopefully something for the best.

I know that “jump start” from “No Wind without Rain”, particularly, was about the success you got from YouTube that I heard you mention in an interview awhile back. Did it influence “Nemesis” as well? And is there anything else that influenced your new album?

Kind of, I can’t say it didn’t because my life has changed since then because of the media

In a good or bad way?

Oh definitely for good, but it has had a negative effect on my relationship with my friends. But you win some you lose some. I could say that has influenced my album in a way, there’s a lot more violent songs than my last album. I also think that Drake has had a massive impact on the genre of my music. He really helped me find my own style and that’s where the sort of ‘rapiness’ in some of my songs comes from.

Within mid conversation a swarm of screaming fans surrounded us- a sign we soon would have to leave. After a quick refreshment of diet coke and the disappointment of not being to have a bear to shake off the bitter cold of February, we got straight back in to talk about his plans for the future.

It is only predictable whether your future albums or singles will make No.1- it most likely will though judging by your recent successes, but where do you see yourself in the future?

Oh…errm… I really haven’t thought about it. I have just been focusing on one day at a time. I don’t like to think it as a whole because it feels like I’m wishing my life away… but I guess I would like to see myself playing at the O2 arena and performing at the Grammy’s. But if we’re talking just about me, I see myself in a huge mansion in America with a couple of Ferrari’s and Lamborghinis… and, of course, a pool.

After a walk-through of his childhood memories, the day came to an end, and Jay-T made his way to his next big gig at the MEN Arena for his worldwide “Nemesis” Tour.

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