draft sactaf presentation pp v3(1)

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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The School Bus Problem

Issues and Options

Tuesday 18 March



The Cause

… bus sizes and numbers have grown with the School's success… bus sizes and numbers have grown with the School's success


School Bus Network

… the bus service underpins the School's success by extending its catchment area

… the bus service underpins the School's success by extending its catchment area


Bus Flow Density

… heaviest bus traffic in narrowest streets of Cathedral quarter

… heaviest bus traffic in narrowest streets of Cathedral quarter


The School Bus Effect

Danger to pedestrians, including children Damage to parked cars and buildings Frequent traffic conflicts and congestion Resident parking restrictions Increased pollution Negative impact on Cathedral area character

… local residents and businesses are the victims of the School's success


The Current Situation

Danger and nuisance from buses is unacceptable

Agreed by Council and School last March Romeland Traffic Scheme solution proposed Many residents objected to obvious dangers HCC Safety Audit agreed, too risky, essentially because ...

... the buses are too large for the narrow streets of the Cathedral quarter


Safety Audit Findings

Buses turning out of George St increase risk of collisions between vehicles and or pedestrians

… but what about buses turning into George St? Insufficient road width (<5.6m) in Romeland to allow

two-way traffic increases the risk of conflict

… but what about George St, Romeland Hill and Fishpool St?

... the risks are the same, the dangers remain


Dual-use bay the Solution?

For students: no pavement, tight squeeze, single file access, easily obstructed ...

For students: no pavement, tight squeeze, single file access, easily obstructed ...


Dual-use bay the Solution?

For buses:too large for the bays, road obstruction ...

For buses:too large for the bays, road obstruction ...

For all: it's anaccident waiting to happen, unfit for purpose

For all: it's anaccident waiting to happen, unfit for purpose


Alternative Solutions


… bus stand space outside the Cathedral area with an easy walk to School ...

… bus stand space outside the Cathedral area with an easy walk to School ...


Romeland Hill Advantage – proximity to School front gate Bus access – very poor, narrowest streets Suitability for:

Buses - very poor Drop-off and pick-up - very poor

Issues: Dangers remain Dual-use bay will not help

Conclusion – unfit for purpose … with reasonably foreseeable dangers


Westminster Lodge and Museum

Advantages – not Romeland Hill, sustainable Bus access – very good, avoids Cathedral

area Suitability for:

Buses – excellent Drop-off and pick-up – excellent

Issues – other users and lighting Conclusion – much more suitable, at a cost

… potential for Section 106 funds?


Recap – Cause and Effects

Danger to pedestriansDamage to cars and buildingsFrequent traffic congestion Increased pollutionAdverse impact on Cathedral area

Danger to pedestriansDamage to cars and buildingsFrequent traffic congestion Increased pollutionAdverse impact on Cathedral area


More Sustainable Solutions

… adds about 5 mins to the journey or nothing with a new Park entrance to the School

… adds about 5 mins to the journey or nothing with a new Park entrance to the School



The present arrangements for School buses are unsafe and unfit for purpose

There is a duty of care to the local community and a bus ban is possible

Options are available to dilute and distribute their impact outside the Cathedral quarter

Residents expect the Council to take the lead to provide the much needed solution

… in short, a compelling case for action


The Way Forward

Council to work with the School and others to: plan, fund and implement a sustainable solution over

the next 12 months, starting asap confirm Section 106 powers will be used in respect of

any future School developments initiate bus stand safety audit in advance of changes

to Romeland Hill dual-use bay parking restrictions introduce “school keep clear markings” at the Abbey

Gateway produce good practice guide for school bus schemes


School Bus Prohibition

An order prohibiting buses is likely to be made where country lanes are narrow and inappropriate for buses or where buses are likely to cause a nuisance to residents

Limited exceptions are possible, for example “Except for access to off-street premises”… specifically designed

to solve our problem… specifically designed to solve our problem


Non Nobis Natior

‘Born not for ourselves’

The School motto which, as its website states:

“embodies the School’s ideal of social responsibility and service to the community and a recognition that privilege must be balanced by obligation”.

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