draft service contract conditions - hb festival

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  • 7/30/2019 Draft Service Contract Conditions - HB Festival









  • 7/30/2019 Draft Service Contract Conditions - HB Festival




    1. Interpretation ................................................................. 4

    2. Commencement and duration ........................................... 6

    3. Project Plan [and Project Specification] .............................. 7

    4. Delivery Partner's responsibilities ....................................... 7

    5. Council's obligations ......................................................... 9

    6. Change control .............................................................. 10

    7. Charges and payment .................................................... 10

    8. Quality of Services ......................................................... 11

    9. Intellectual property rights .............................................. 12

    10. Indemnity ..................................................................... 12

    11. Confidentiality and the Council's property ......................... 13

    12. Anti-bribery .................................................................. 14

    13. Termination .................................................................. 15

    14. Remedies ..................................................................... 17

    15. Force majeure ............................................................... 17

    16. Variation ...................................................................... 18

    17. Waiver ......................................................................... 18

    18. Severance .................................................................... 18

    19. Entire agreement ........................................................... 19

    20. Assignment ................................................................... 19

    21. No partnership or agency ............................................... 1922. Rights of third parties ..................................................... 20

    23. Notices ......................................................................... 20

    24. Dispute resolution .......................................................... 21

    25. Governing law and jurisdiction ......................................... 22

    26. Freedom of Information. 21

    27. Data Protection. 21

    28. Corporate Requirements 22


    SCHEDULE 1 SERVICES ............................................................... 22


    SCHEDULE 3 PRICING ................................................................. 24

    Part 1. ............................................................................... Price 26

    Part 2. .......................................................................... Payment 26

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    ANNEX 1PROPOSAL .................................................................... 28

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    014346 / 095883 Page 4

    THIS AGREEMENT is dated [DATE]


    (1) [FULL COMPANY NAME] incorporated and registered in England and Waleswith company number [NUMBER] whose registered office is at [REGISTERED


    (2) CANTERBURY CITY of Military Road, Canterbury, Kent CT1 1YW. (Council).BACKGROUND

    1. The Council wishes to appoint a delivery partner to co-ordinate, manageand deliver the 9 day Herne Bay Festival to include a range of a rangeof family, celebratory, community and educational events, starting onSaturday 17th August (starting no later than midday) andfinishing on Sunday 25th August 2013 (finishing no earlier than4pm) in accordance with the Project Specification.


    1. INTERPRETATION1.1 The definitions and rules of interpretation in this clause apply in this


    Council's Equipment: any equipment, systems, cabling or facilities provided

    by the Council and used directly or indirectly in the supply of the Services.

    Council's Manager: the Council's manager for the Project, appointed inaccordance with clause 5.

    Deliverables: the events specified in the Project Plan.

    Document: includes, in addition to any document in writing, any drawing,

    map, plan, diagram, design, picture or other image, tape, disk or other device

    or record embodying information in any form.

    [holding company and subsidiary: mean a "holding company" and

    "subsidiary" as defined in section 1159 of the Companies Act 2006 [and a

    company shall be treated, for the purposes only of the membership

    requirement contained in subsections 1159(1)(b) and (c), as a member ofanother company even if its shares in that other company are registered in the

    name of (a) another person (or its nominee), whether by way of security or in

    connection with the taking of security, or (b) its nominee]. In the case of a

    limited liability partnership which is a subsidiary of a company or another

    limited liability partnership, section 1159 of the Companies Act 2006 shall be

    amended so that: (a) references in sub sections 1159(1)(a) and (c) to voting

    rights are to the members' rights to vote on all or substantially all matters

    which are decided by a vote of the members of the limited liability partnership;

    and (b) the reference in section 1159(1)(b) to the right to appoint or remove a

    majority of its board of directors is to the right to appoint or remove membersholding a majority of the voting rights.]

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    In-put Material: all Documents, information and materials provided by the

    Council relating to the Project.

    Intellectual Property Rights: all patents, rights to inventions, utility models,

    copyright and related rights, trade marks, service marks, trade, business and

    domain names, rights in trade dress or get-up, rights in goodwill or to sue for

    passing off, unfair competition rights, rights in designs, rights in computer

    software, database right, topography rights, rights in confidential information

    (including know-how and trade secrets) and any other intellectual property

    rights, in each case whether registered or unregistered and including all

    applications for, and renewals or extensions of, such rights, and all similar or

    equivalent rights or forms of protection in any part of the world.

    Key Personnel: any member of the Delivery Partner's Team who is identified

    as being key in the Project Plan and who is appointed under clause 4.3.

    Pre-existing Materials: all Documents, information and materials provided

    by the Delivery Partner relating to the Services which existed prior to the

    commencement of this agreement, including the pre-existing materials

    specified in the Project Plan.

    Project: the project as described in the Project Plan.

    Project Milestones: a date by which a part of the Project is to be completed,

    as set out in the Project Plan.

    Project Plan: the detailed plan to be prepared by the Delivery Partner

    describing the Project and setting out the Project timetable (including Project

    Milestones) and responsibilities for the provision of the Services agreed in

    accordance with clause 3.

    Project Specification: the specification for the Project agreed in accordancewith clause 3 and, on such agreement, to be attached to this agreement and

    to form Schedule 2.

    Proposal: the materials set out in Annex 1 handed to the Council supporting

    the Delivery Partner's presentation to the Council and describing how the

    Delivery Partner proposes to carry out the Project.

    Services: the services to be provided by the Delivery Partner under this

    agreement in order to deliver the Project as set out in the brief and the Project

    Plan and the Delivery Partner's obligations under this agreement, together

    with any other services which the Council agrees to take from the DeliveryPartner.

    Delivery Partner's Equipment: any equipment, including tools, systems,

    cabling or facilities, provided by the Delivery Partner or its subcontractors and

    used directly or indirectly in the supply of the Services which are not the

    subject of a separate agreement between the parties under which title passes

    to the Council.

    Delivery Partner's Manager: the Delivery Partner's manager for the Project

    appointed under clause 4.3.

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    Delivery Partner's Team: the Delivery Partner's Manager and all employees,

    consultants, agents and subcontractors which it engages in relation to the

    Project and who are appointed under clause 4.3.

    VAT: value added tax chargeable under English law for the time being and any

    similar, additional tax.

    1.2 Clause, schedule and paragraph headings shall not affect the interpretation ofthis agreement.

    1.3 A person includes a natural person, corporate or unincorporated body(whether or not having separate legal personality) [and that person's legal

    and personal representatives, successors and permitted assigns].

    1.4 The schedules and annex form part of this agreement and shall have effectas if set out in full in the body of this agreement. Any reference to this

    agreement includes the schedules and annex.

    1.5 Words in the singular shall include the plural and vice versa.

    1.6 A reference to a statute or statutory provision is a reference to it as it is inforce for the time being, taking account of any amendment, extension, or re-

    enactment and includes any subordinate legislation for the time being in

    force made under it.


    A reference to writing or written includes faxes but not e-mail.

    1.8 Where the words include(s), including or in particular are used in thisagreement, they are deemed to have the words without limitation

    following them. Where the context permits, the words other and otherwise

    are illustrative and shall not limit the sense of the words preceding them.

    1.9 Any obligation in this agreement on a person not to do something includes anobligation not to agree, allow, permit or acquiesce to that thing being done.

    1.10 References to clauses, and schedules are to the clauses and schedules of thisagreement.

    2. COMMENCEMENT AND DURATION2.1 The Delivery Partner shall provide the Services to the Council on the terms

    and conditions of this agreement.

    2.2The Delivery Partner shall provide the Services from the date specified in theProject Plan.

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    2.3 The Services supplied under this agreement shall continue to be supplieduntil the Project is completed in accordance with the Project Plan, unless this

    agreement is terminated in accordance with clause 13.

    3. PROJECT PLAN AND PROJECT SPECIFICATION3.1 The Project Plan and Project Specification shall be agreed in the following


    (a) the Council shall provide the Delivery Partner with a request for aProject Plan and Project Specification, setting out the requirements and

    specifications of the Services which it is requesting from the Delivery

    Partner, including a description of what work is to be done, dates by

    which the various parts of the work are to be started and delivered,

    Deliverables, In-put Materials and any additional information requested

    by the Delivery Partner from the Council to determine the Project Plan;

    (b) the Delivery Partner shall, within 56? days of receipt of a request for aProject Plan and Project Specification, provide the Council, at no cost,

    with a draft Project Plan and Project Specification; and

    (c) the Delivery Partner and the Council shall discuss and agree the draftProject Plan and Project Specification. When they have been agreed,

    they shall both sign a copy of them and they shall become Schedule 2,

    and subject to this agreement.

    3.2 Once the Project Plan and Project Specification have been agreed and signedin accordance with clause 3.1(c), no amendment shall be made to them

    except in accordance with clause 6 and clause 16.

    4. DELIVERY PARTNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES4.1 The Delivery Partner shall manage and complete the Services, and deliver

    the Project to the Council and to any Authorised Service Recipients, in

    accordance with the Plan and Project Specification, and shall allocate

    sufficient resources to the Project to enable it to comply with this obligation.

    4.2 The Delivery Partner shall meet, and time is of the essence as to, anyperformance dates and, in any case where clause 3.1 applies, the time

    stipulated for the delivery of a draft Project Plan and Project Specification. If

    the Delivery Partner fails to do so, the Council may (without prejudice to any

    other rights it may have):

    (a) terminate this agreement in whole or in part without liability to theDelivery Partner;

    (b) refuse to accept any subsequent performance of the Services whichthe Delivery Partner attempts to make;

    (c) purchase substitute services from elsewhere;

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    (d) hold the Delivery Partner accountable for any loss and additional costsincurred; and

    (e) have all sums previously paid by the Council to the Delivery Partnerunder this agreement refunded by the Delivery Partner.

    4.3 The Delivery Partner shall:(a) co-operate with the Council in all matters relating to the Project;(b) subject to the prior written approval of the Council, appoint or, at the

    written request of the Council, replace without delay:

    (i) the Delivery Partner's Manager in respect of the Project, whoshall have authority under this agreement contractually to bind

    the Delivery Partner on all matters relating to the Project; and

    (ii) Key Personnel, who shall be suitably skilled, experienced andqualified to carry out the Services.

    (c) subject to clause 4.3(b), ensure that the same person acts as theDelivery Partner's Manager throughout the term of the Project;

    (d) procure the availability of the Delivery Partner's Manager and KeyPersonnel to provide the Services during the term of this Project;

    (e) promptly inform the Council of the absence (or anticipated absence) ofthe Delivery Partner's Manager, or any Key Personnel. If the Council

    requires, the Delivery Partner shall provide a suitably qualified


    (f) not make any changes to the Delivery Partner's Manager or the KeyPersonnel without the prior written approval of the Council (suchapproval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed); and

    (g) ensure that the Delivery Partner's Team use reasonable skill and carein the performance of the Services.

    4.4 The Delivery Partner shall:(a) observe, and ensure that the Delivery Partner's Team observe, all

    health and safety rules and regulations and any other security

    requirements that apply during the Project and at any of the Council's

    premises. The Council reserves the right to refuse the Delivery

    Partner's Team access to the Council's premises, which shall only be

    given to the extent necessary for the performance of the Services;

    (b) notify the Council as soon as it becomes aware of any health andsafety hazards or issues which arise in relation to the Services; and

    (c) before the date on which the Services are to start, obtain, and at alltimes maintain, all necessary licences and consents and comply with all

    relevant legislation in relation to:


    the Services;(ii) the installation of the Delivery Partner's Equipment;

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    (iii) the use of In-put Material;(iv) the use of all Documents, information and materials provided by

    the Delivery Partner [or its agents, subcontractors, consultants

    or employees] relating to the Services which existed prior to the

    commencement of this agreement, including the pre-existing

    materials specified in the Project Plan; and

    (v) the use of the Council's Equipment in relation to the DeliveryPartner's Equipment.

    4.5 The Delivery Partner acknowledges and agrees that:(a) the Council is entering into this agreement on the basis of the Proposal

    and Project Plan, the Proposal and Project Plan are accurate and

    complete in all material respects, and are not misleading; and

    (b) if it considers that the Council is not, or may not, be complying withany of the Council's obligations, it shall only be entitled to rely on this

    as relieving the Delivery Partner's performance under this agreement:

    (i) to the extent that it restricts or precludes performance of theServices by the Delivery Partner; and

    (ii) if the Delivery Partner, promptly after the actual or potentialnon-compliance has come to its attention, has notified details to

    the Council in writing.


    5. COUNCIL'S OBLIGATIONSThe Council shall:

    (a) co-operate with the Delivery Partner in all matters relating to theServices and appoint (and, as it thinks fit, replace) the Council's

    Manager in relation to the Project, who shall have the authority

    contractually to bind the Council on matters relating to the Project;

    (b) provide such access to the Council's premises and data, as mayreasonably be requested by the Delivery Partner and agreed with the

    Council in writing in advance, for the purposes of the Project;

    (c) provide the In-put Material OR such information as the DeliveryPartner may reasonably request and the Council considers reasonably

    necessary, in order to carry out the Project, in a timely manner, and

    ensure that it is accurate in all material respects;

    (d) inform the Delivery Partner of all health and safety rules andregulations and any other reasonable security requirements that apply

    at any of the Council's premises; and


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    6. CHANGE CONTROL6.1 The Council's Manager and the Delivery Partner's Manager shall meet at least

    once every 14 days to discuss matters relating to the Project. If either party

    wishes to change the scope or execution of the Services, it shall submit

    details of the requested change to the other in writing.

    6.2 If either party requests a change to the scope or execution of the Services,the Delivery Partner shall, within a reasonable time (and in any event not

    more than 10 working days after receipt of the Council's request), provide a

    written estimate to the Council of:

    (a) the likely time required to implement the change;(b) any necessary variations to the Delivery Partner's charges arising from

    the change;

    (c) the likely effect of the change on the Project Plan; and(d) any other impact of the change on this agreement.

    6.3 Unless both parties consent to a proposed change, there shall be no changeto the Project Plan or this agreement.

    6.4 If both parties consent to a proposed change, the change shall be made, onlyafter agreement of the necessary variations to the Delivery Partner's

    charges, the Services, the Project Plan and any other relevant terms of this

    agreement to take account of the change that has been reached and this

    agreement has been varied in accordance with clause 16.

    6.5 If the Delivery Partner requests a change to the scope or execution of theServices, in order to comply with any applicable safety or statutory

    requirements, and such changes do not materially affect the nature, scope

    of, or charges for the Services, the Council shall not unreasonably withhold or

    delay consent to it. Unless the Delivery Partner's request was attributable to

    the Council's non-compliance with the Council's obligations, neither the

    Delivery Partner's charges, the Project Plan or any other terms of this

    agreement shall vary as a result of such change.

    7. CHARGES AND PAYMENT7.1 In consideration of the provision of the Services by the Delivery Partner, the

    Council shall pay the charges as set out in Schedule 3, on a fixed price basis.

    7.2 Where Services are provided for a fixed price, the total price for the Servicesshall be the amount set out in Part 1 ofSchedule 3. The total price shall be

    paid to the Delivery Partner in instalments, as set out in Part 2 ofSchedule 3,

    with each instalment being conditional on the Delivery Partner achieving thecorresponding Project Milestone. [On achieving a Project Milestone OR At the

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    end of a period specified in Part 2 of Schedule 3 OR the Project Plan] in

    respect of which an instalment is due, the Delivery Partner shall invoice the

    Council for the charges that are then payable, together with expenses, the

    costs of materials (and VAT, where appropriate) calculated as provided in

    clause 7.3.

    7.3 Any fixed price and daily rate contained in [Part 1 of Schedule 3 OR theProject Plan] includes:

    (a) the cost of hotel, subsistence, travelling and any other ancillaryexpenses reasonably and properly incurred by members of the Delivery

    Partner's Team in connection with the Services, the cost of any

    materials and the cost of services reasonably and properly provided by

    third parties and required by the Delivery Partner for the supply of the

    Services.; but excludes:

    (b) VAT, which the Delivery Partner shall add to its invoices at theappropriate rate.

    7.4 The Council shall pay each invoice which is properly due and submitted to itby the Delivery Partner, within 30 days of receipt, to a bank account

    nominated in writing by the Delivery Partner.

    7.5 If the Council fails to pay any amount payable by it under this agreement,the Delivery Partner may charge the Council interest on the overdue amount

    from the due date up to the date of actual payment, after as well as before

    judgment, at the rate of 1% per annum above the base rate for the time

    being of Nat West Bank. Such interest shall accrue on a daily basis and becompounded quarterly and the Council shall pay the interest immediately on


    7.6 The Delivery Partner shall maintain complete and accurate records of thetime spent and materials used by the Delivery Partner in providing the

    Services in such form as the Council shall approve. The Delivery Partner shall

    allow the Council to inspect such records at all reasonable times on request.

    7.7 Each party may, without limiting any other rights or remedies it may have,set off any amounts owed to it by the other party under this agreement

    against any amounts payable by it to the other party under this agreement.

    8. QUALITY OF SERVICES8.1 The Delivery Partner warrants to the Council that:

    (a) the Delivery Partner will perform the Services with reasonable care andskill and in accordance with generally recognised commercial practices

    and standards for similar services];

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    (b) the Services will conform with all descriptions and specificationsprovided to the Council by the Delivery Partner, including the Proposal

    and Project Plan; and

    (c) the Services and Deliverables will be provided in accordance with allapplicable legislation from time to time in force, and the Delivery

    Partner will inform the Council as soon as it becomes aware of any

    changes in that legislation.

    8.2 The Council's rights under this agreement are in addition to the statutoryterms implied in favour of the Council by the Supply of Goods and Services

    Act 1982 and any other statute.

    8.3 The provisions of this clause 8 shall survive any performance, acceptance orpayment pursuant to this agreement and shall extend to any substituted or

    remedial services provided by the Delivery Partner.

    9. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS9.1 The Delivery Partner assigns to the Council, with full title guarantee and free

    from all third party rights, the Intellectual Property Rights and all other rights

    in the products of the Services (including the Deliverables).

    9.2 The Delivery Partner shall, promptly at the Council's request, do (or procureto be done) all such further acts and things and the execution of all such

    other documents as the Council may from time to time require for the

    purpose of securing for the Council the full benefit of this agreement,including all right, title and interest in and to the Intellectual Property Rights

    and all other rights assigned to the Council in accordance with clause 9.1.

    9.3 The Delivery Partner shall obtain waivers of any moral rights in the productsof the Services (including the Deliverables) to which any individual is now or

    may be at any future time entitled under Chapter IV of Part I of the

    Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 or any similar provisions of law in

    any jurisdiction.

    10. INDEMNITY10.1 The Delivery Partner shall indemnify and hold the Council harmless from all

    claims and all direct, indirect or consequential liabilities (including loss of

    profits, loss of business, depletion of goodwill and similar losses), costs,

    proceedings, damages and expenses (including legal and other professional

    fees and expenses) awarded against, or incurred or paid by, the Council as a

    result of or in connection with:

    (a) any alleged or actual infringement, whether or not under English law,of any third party's Intellectual Property Rights or other rights arising

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    out of the use or supply of the products of the Services (including the

    Deliverables); or

    (b) any claim made against the Council in respect of any liability, loss,damage, injury, cost or expense sustained by the Council's employees

    or agents or by any Council or third party to the extent that such

    liability, loss, damage, injury, cost or expense was caused by, relates

    to or arises from the provision of the Services or the Deliverables as a

    consequence of a breach or negligent performance or failure or delay

    in performance of this agreement by the Delivery Partner.

    10.2 During the term of this agreement and for a period of 12 months thereafter,the Delivery Partner shall maintain in force, with a reputable insurance

    company, public indemnity insurance in an amount not less that 10 million

    for one event or series of events, employers liability insurance in the sum of

    10 million and professional indemnity insurance in an amount not less than

    5 million and shall, on the Council's request, produce both the insurance

    certificates giving details of cover and the receipt for the current year'spremium.

    10.3 The provisions of this clause 10 shall survive termination of this agreement,however arising.

    11. CONFIDENTIALITY AND THE COUNCIL'S PROPERTY11.1 The Delivery Partner shall keep in strict confidence all In-put Material and all

    technical or commercial know-how, specifications, inventions, processes orinitiatives which are of a confidential nature and have been disclosed to the

    Delivery Partner by the Council, its employees, agents, consultants or

    subcontractors, and any other confidential information concerning the

    Council's business or its products which the Delivery Partner may obtain. The

    Delivery Partner shall restrict disclosure of such confidential material to the

    Delivery Partner's Team and to such of its other employees, agents,

    consultants or subcontractors as need to know it for the purpose of

    discharging the Delivery Partner's obligations to the Council, and shall ensure

    that the Delivery Partner's Team and all other employees, agents or

    subcontractors are subject to obligations of confidentiality corresponding tothose which bind the Delivery Partner.

    11.2 All In-put Materials, Council's Equipment and all other materials, equipmentand tools, drawings, specifications and data supplied by the Council to the

    Delivery Partner shall, at all times, be and remain [as between the Council

    and the Delivery Partner] the exclusive property of the Council, but shall be

    held by the Delivery Partner in safe custody at its own risk and maintained

    and kept in good condition by the Delivery Partner until returned to the

    Council. They shall not be disposed of or used other than in accordance with

    the Council's written instructions or authorisation.

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    12. ANTI-BRIBERY12.1 The Delivery Partner shall:

    (a) comply with all applicable laws, statutes, regulations [and codes]relating to anti-bribery and anti-corruption including but not limited to

    the Bribery Act 2010 (Relevant Requirements);

    (b) [not engage in any activity, practice or conduct which would constitutean offence under sections 1, 2 or 6 of the Bribery Act 2010 if such

    activity, practice or conduct had been carried out in the UK;]

    (c) comply with the Council's Ethics and Anti-bribery Policy annexed to thisagreement at Error! Reference source not found. [and [INSERT

    RELEVANT INDUSTRY CODE ON ANTI-BRIBERY]], [in each case] as the

    Council [or the relevant industry body] may update them from time to

    time (Relevant Policies);

    (d) have and shall maintain in place throughout the term of this agreementits own policies and procedures, including adequate procedures underthe Bribery Act 2010, to ensure compliance with the Relevant

    Requirements, the Relevant Policies [and clause 12.1(b)], and will

    enforce them where appropriate;

    (e) promptly report to the Council any request or demand for any unduefinancial or other advantage of any kind received by the Delivery

    Partner in connection with the performance of this agreement;

    (f) [immediately notify the Council (in writing) if a foreign public officialbecomes an officer or employee of the Delivery Partner[ or acquires a

    direct or indirect interest in the Delivery Partner], and the Delivery

    Partner warrants that it has no foreign public officials as [direct or

    indirect owners], officers or employees at the date of this agreement;]

    (g) within [INSERT] months of the date of this agreement, and annuallythereafter, certify to the Council in writing signed by an officer of the

    Delivery Partner, compliance with this clause 12 by the Delivery

    Partner and all persons associated with it under clause 12.2. The

    Delivery Partner shall provide such supporting evidence of compliance

    as the Council may reasonably request.

    12.2 The Delivery Partner shall ensure that any person associated with theDelivery Partner who is performing services [or providing goods] in

    connection with this agreement does so only on the basis of a written

    contract which imposes on and secures from such person terms equivalent to

    those imposed on the Delivery Partner in this clause 12 (Relevant Terms).

    The Delivery Partner shall be responsible for the observance and

    performance by such persons of the Relevant Terms, and shall be directly

    liable to the Council for any breach by such persons of any of the Relevant


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    12.3 [Breach of this clause 12 shall be deemed a material breach under clause13.2(b)).]

    13. TERMINATION13.1 Subject to clause 13.4, clause 13.5 and clause 13.6, this agreement shall

    terminate automatically on completion of the Services in accordance with the

    Project Plan.

    13.2 Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies which the parties mayhave, either party may terminate this agreement immediately on giving

    written notice to the other if:

    (a) the other party fails to pay any amount due under this agreement onthe due date for payment and remains in default at least 14 days afterbeing notified in writing to make such payment; or

    (b) the other party commits a material breach of any of the terms of thisagreement and (if such a breach is remediable) fails to remedy that

    breach within 14 days of that party being notified in writing of the

    breach; or

    (c) the other party repeatedly breaches any of the terms of thisagreement in such a manner as to reasonably justify the opinion that

    its conduct is inconsistent with it having the intention or ability to give

    effect to the terms of this agreement;

    (d) the other party suspends, or threatens to suspend, payment of itsdebts, is unable to pay its debts as they fall due, admits inability to pay

    its debts or [(being a company) is deemed unable to pay its debts

    within the meaning of section 123 of the Insolvency Act 1986 OR

    (being a natural person) is deemed either unable to pay its debts or as

    having no reasonable prospect of so doing, in either case, within the

    meaning of section 268 of the Insolvency Act 1986] or (being a

    partnership) has any partner to whom any of the foregoing apply;

    (e) the other party commences negotiations with all, or any class of, itscreditors with a view to rescheduling any of its debts, or makes a

    proposal for, or enters into any compromise or arrangement with, its

    creditors other than for the sole purpose of a scheme for a solvent

    amalgamation of that other party with one or more other companies,

    or the solvent reconstruction of that other party; or

    (f) a petition is filed, a notice is given, a resolution is passed, or an orderis made, for or on connection with the winding up of that other party

    (other than for the sole purpose of a scheme for a solvent

    amalgamation of that other party with one or more other companies,

    or the solvent reconstruction of that other party); or

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    (g) an application is made to court, or an order is made, for theappointment of an administrator, a notice of intention to appoint an

    administrator is given, or an administrator is appointed over the other

    party; or

    (h) a floating charge holder over the assets of that other party has becomeentitled to appoint, or has appointed, an administrative receiver; or

    (i) a person becomes entitled to appoint a receiver over the assets of theother party, or a receiver is appointed over the assets of the other

    party; or

    (j) a creditor or encumbrancer of the other party attaches or takespossession of, or a distress, execution, sequestration or other such

    process is levied or enforced on or sued against, the whole or any part

    of its assets and such attachment or process is not discharged within

    14 days; or

    (k) any event occurs, or proceeding is taken, with respect to the otherparty in any jurisdiction to which it is subject that has an effectequivalent or similar to any of the events mentioned in clause 13.2(d)

    to clause 13.2(j) (inclusive); or

    (l) the other party suspends or ceases, or threatens to suspend or cease,to carry on all or a substantial part of its business; or

    (m) there is a change of control of the other party (as defined in [section574 of the Capital Allowances Act 2001]).

    13.3 The parties acknowledge and agree that any breach of clauses 8, 4.4, 10.2shall constitute a material breach of this agreement for the purposes of thisclause 13.

    13.4 On termination of this agreement for any reason, the Delivery Partner shallimmediately deliver to the Council:

    (a) all In-put Material and all copies of information and data provided bythe Council to the Delivery Partner for the purposes of this agreement.

    The Delivery Partner shall certify to the Council that it has not retained

    any copies of In-put Material or other information or data, except for

    one copy which the Delivery Partner may use for audit purposes onlyand subject to the confidentiality obligations in clause 11; and

    (b) all specifications, programs (including source codes) and otherdocumentation comprised in the Deliverables and existing at the date

    of such termination, whether or not then complete. All Intellectual

    Property Rights in such materials shall automatically pass to the

    Council (to the extent that they have not already done so by virtue of

    clause 9.1), who shall be entitled to enter the premises of the Delivery

    Partner to take possession of them.

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    13.5 If the Delivery Partner fails to fulfil its obligations under clause 13.4, then theCouncil may enter the Delivery Partner's premises and take possession of

    any items which should have been returned under it. Until they have been

    returned or repossessed, the Delivery Partner shall be solely responsible for

    their safe keeping.

    13.6 On termination of this agreement (however arising) the accrued rights andliabilities of the parties as at termination, and the following clauses, shall

    survive and continue in full force and effect:

    (a) Clause 9;(b) Clause 10;(c) Clause 11;(d) Clause 13; and(e) Clause 25.

    14. REMEDIESIf any Services are not supplied in accordance with, or the Delivery Partner

    fails to comply with, any terms of this agreement, the Council shall be entitled

    (without prejudice to any other right or remedy) to exercise any one or more

    of the following rights or remedies:

    (a) to rescind this agreement; or(b) to refuse to accept the provision of any further Services by the

    Delivery Partner and to require the immediate repayment by theDelivery Partner of all sums previously paid by the Council to the

    Delivery Partner under this agreement; or

    (c) to require the Delivery Partner, without charge to the Council, to carryout such additional work as is necessary to correct the Delivery

    Partner's failure; and

    (d) in any case, to claim such damages as it may have sustained inconnection with the Delivery Partner's breach (or breaches) of this

    agreement not otherwise covered by the provisions of this clause 14.

    15. FORCE MAJEUREThe Council reserves the right to defer the date for performance of, or

    payment for, the Services, or to terminate this agreement, if it is prevented

    from, or delayed in, carrying on its business by acts, events, omissions or

    accidents beyond its reasonable control, including strikes, lockouts or other

    industrial disputes (whether involving the workforce of the Council or any

    other party), failure of a utility service or transport network, act of God, war,

    riot, civil commotion, malicious damage, compliance with any law or

    governmental order, rule, regulation or direction, accident, breakdown of plant

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    or machinery, fire, flood, storm or default of Delivery Partners or


    16. VARIATIONSubject to clause 3 and clause 6, no variation of this agreement or of any of

    the documents referred to in it shall be valid unless it is in writing and signed

    by, or on behalf of, each of the parties.

    17. WAIVER17.1 Failure to exercise, or any delay in exercising, any right or remedy provided

    under this agreement or by law shall not constitute a waiver of that (or any

    other) right or remedy, nor shall it preclude or restrict any further exercise of

    that (or any other) right or remedy.

    17.2 No single or partial exercise of any right or remedy provided under thisagreement or by law shall preclude or restrict the further exercise of that

    right or remedy.

    17.3 A waiver (which may be given subject to conditions) of any right or remedyprovided under this agreement or by law shall only be effective if it is in

    writing. It shall apply only to the party to whom it is addressed and for the

    specific circumstances for which it is given. It shall not prevent the party who

    has given the waiver from subsequently relying on the right or remedy in

    other circumstances.

    17.4 A party that waives a right or remedy provided under this agreement or bylaw in relation to another party, or takes or fails to take any action against

    that party, does not affect its rights in relation to any other party.

    17.5 Unless specifically provided otherwise, rights arising under this agreementare cumulative and do not exclude rights provided by law.

    18. SEVERANCE18.1 If any court or competent authority finds that any provision of this

    agreement (or part of any provision) is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that

    provision or part-provision shall, to the extent required, be deemed to be

    deleted, and the validity and enforceability of the other provisions of this

    agreement shall not be affected.

    18.2 If any invalid, unenforceable or illegal provision of this agreement would bevalid, enforceable and legal if some part of it were deleted, [the provision

    shall apply with the minimum modification necessary to make it legal, validand enforceable ORthe parties shall negotiate in good faith to amend such

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    provision such that, as amended, it is legal, valid and enforceable, and, to

    the greatest extent possible, achieves the parties' original commercial


    19. ENTIRE AGREEMENT19.1 This agreement and any documents referred to in it OR annexed to it

    constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes and

    extinguishes all previous drafts, arrangements, understandings or

    agreements between them, whether written or oral, relating to the subject

    matter of this agreement.

    19.2 Each party acknowledges that, in entering into this agreement, it does notrely on, and shall have no remedies in respect of, any representation

    warranty (whether made innocently or negligently) that is not set out in this

    agreement. Each party agrees that its only remedies in respect of those

    representations and warranties that are set out in this agreement (whethermade innocently or negligently) shall be for breach of contract.

    19.3 Nothing in this clause shall limit or exclude any liability for fraud.

    20. ASSIGNMENT20.1 The Delivery Partner shall not, without the prior written consent of the

    Council, assign, transfer, charge, mortgage, subcontract or deal in any other

    manner with all or any of its rights or obligations under this agreement.

    20.2 The Council may, at any time, assign, transfer, charge, mortgage,subcontract or deal in any other manner with all or any of its rights or

    obligations under this agreement.

    20.3 Each party that has rights under this agreement is acting on its own behalfand not for the benefit of another person.

    21. NO PARTNERSHIP OR AGENCYNothing in this agreement is intended to, or shall operate to, create a

    partnership between the parties, or to authorise either party to act as agent

    for the other, and neither party shall have authority to act in the name or on

    behalf of or otherwise to bind the other in any way (including the making of

    any representation or warranty, the assumption of any obligation or liability

    and the exercise of any right or power).

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    22. RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIESA person who is not a party to this agreement shall not have any rights under

    or in connection with it.

    23. NOTICES23.1 A notice or other communication given to a party under or in connection with

    this agreement:

    (a) shall be in writing in English (or accompanied by a properly preparedtranslation into English);

    (b) shall be signed by or on behalf of the party giving it;(c) shall be sent for the attention of the person, at the address or fax

    number specified in this clause (or to such other address, fax number

    or person as that party may notify to the other, in accordance with the

    provisions of this clause); and

    (d) shall be:(i) delivered personally; or(ii) sent by commercial courier; or(iii) sent by fax; or(iv) sent by pre-paid first-class post or recorded delivery; or(v) sent by airmail requiring signature on delivery.

    23.2 The addresses for service of a notice or other communication are as follows:(a) Delivery Partner:

    (i) address: [ADDRESS](ii) for the attention of: [CONTACT](iii) fax number: [FAX NUMBER];

    (b) Council:(i) address: Military Road Canterbury Kent CT13 9LA(ii) for the attention of: The Head of Culture and Enterprise(iii) fax number: [FAX NUMBER].

    23.3 If a notice or other communication has been properly sent or delivered inaccordance with this clause, it will be deemed to have been received as


    (a) if delivered personally, at the time of delivery; or(b) if delivered by commercial courier, at the time of signature of the

    courier's receipt; or

    (c) if sent by fax, at the time of transmission; or

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    (d) if sent by pre-paid first-class post or recorded delivery, at 10.00 am]on the second day after posting; or

    (e) if sent by airmail, five days from the date of posting.

    23.4 For the purposes of this clause:(a) all times are to be read as local time in the place of deemed receipt;


    (b) if deemed receipt under this clause is not within business hours(meaning 9.00 am to 5.30 pm Monday to Friday on a day that is not a

    public holiday in the place of receipt), the notice is deemed to have

    been received when business next starts in the place of receipt.

    23.5 To prove delivery, it is sufficient to prove that:(a) if sent by fax, the notice was transmitted by fax to the fax number of

    the party; or

    (b) if sent by pre-paid first-class post, the envelope containing the noticewas properly addressed and posted.

    23.6 The provisions of this clause 23 shall not apply to the service of any processin any legal action or proceedings.

    23.7 A notice required to be given under or in connection with this agreementshall not be validly served if sent by e-mail.

    24. DISPUTE RESOLUTION24.1 If any dispute arises in connection with this agreement, the Delivery

    Partner's Manager and the Council's Manager shall, within 7 days of a written

    request from one party to the other, meet in a good faith effort to resolve the


    24.2 If the Delivery Partner's Manager and the Council's Manager do not resolvethe dispute a senior representative of the Delivery Partner and the Councils

    Head of Culture and Enterprise shall meet within 7 days in to resolve the


    24.3 If the dispute is not resolved at that meeting, the parties will attempt tosettle it by mediation in accordance with the CEDR Model Mediation

    Procedure. Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, the mediator shall

    be nominated by CEDR. To initiate the mediation, a party must give notice in

    writing (ADR notice) to the other party requesting a mediation. A copy of

    the request shall be sent to CEDR Solve. The mediation shall start not later

    than 28 days after the date of the ADR notice.

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    24.4 The commencement of a mediation shall not prevent the parties commencingor continuing court proceedings.

    25. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION25.1 This agreement, and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with

    it or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or

    claims), shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the law of

    England and Wales.

    25.2 The parties irrevocably agree that the courts of England and Wales shall havenon-exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim that arises out of or

    in connection with this agreement or its subject matter or formation

    (including non-contractual disputes or claims).


    26.1 The Council is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the

    Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (the Acts). As part of the

    Council's duties under the Acts, it may be required to disclose information

    forming part of the Contract to anyone who makes a request. The Council

    has absolute discretion to apply or not to apply any exemptions under the


    26.2 The Contractor shall assist and cooperate with the Council (at the Contractorsexpense) to enable the Council to comply with the information disclosure

    requirements under the Acts and in so doing will comply with any timescale

    notified to it by the Council.

    26.3 The Contractor acknowledges that the Authority is committed to the

    Government's transparency agenda requiring the Authority to publish on-line

    items of spend over 500 (five hundred pounds), including actual paymentsmade to the Contractor, the Contractors tender and the terms of this

    Agreement (excluding Commercially Sensitive Information).

    26.4 The Contractor acknowledges that the Authority may, acting in accordance withthe Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs Code of Practice on the

    discharge of public authorities functions under Part 1 of FOIA (issued under

    section 45 of the FOIA, November 2004), be obliged under the FOIA or the

    Environmental Information Regulations to disclose Information:

    (a) without consulting with the Contractor, or(b) following consultation with the Contractor and having taken its views into


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    27.1 The Contractor shall (and shall procure that any of its staff involved in theprovision of the Services) comply with any requirements under the Data

    Protection Act 1998.


    28.1 The Contractor shall comply with all obligations under the Human Rights Act1998.

    28.2 The Contractor shall ensure that it has policies or codes of conduct in relation


    equality and diversity policies;


    information security rules;

    whistleblowing and/or confidential reporting policies;

    28.3 The Contractor shall not unlawfully discriminate within the meaning and scope

    of any law, enactment, order, or regulation relating to discrimination (whetherage, race, gender, religion, disability, sexual orientation or otherwise) in


    28.4 The Contractor shall comply with all relevant legislation relating to its staff

    however employed including (but not limited to) the compliance in law of theability of the staff to work in the United Kingdom.

    28.5 If the Contractor has a finding against it relating to its obligations under the

    Equality Act 2010 it will provide the Council with:

    28.5.1 details of the finding; and

    28.5.2 the steps the Contractor has taken to remedy the situation.

    This agreement has been entered into on the date stated at the beginning of it.

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    Schedule 3Pricing





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    Signed by [NAME OF


    for and on behalf of [NAME OF




    Signed by

    Head of Culture and Enterprise

    for and on behalf of

    Canterbury City Council



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    Annex Annex [1] Proposal

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