drawing conclusions what does that mean?. lesson plan read reading detective- galileo’ s vision...

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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Drawing ConclusionsDrawing ConclusionsDrawing ConclusionsDrawing Conclusions

What does that mean?What does that mean?

Lesson Plan• Read Reading Detective- Galileo’ s Vision• Look at a question that require you draw a

conclusion• Use student samples to learn how to draw

conclusions– Look at the scoring guide for that question– Look at student sample responses to the question– Score them– Compare those to teacher scores, did you match?

Definition of a conclusion– The closing or last part; the end

or finish, the “wrap up”– The result or outcome of an act

or process– A judgment or decision reached

after deliberation– A final arrangement or

settlement, as of a treaty

Definition of drawing a conclusion

To draw a conclusion is to take all the evidence from a text or situation, combine that with your background knowledge and then make an overall statement or judgment about a text, person, or situation

Strategy for drawing a conclusion

Take all the bits of information (evidence gathered in a text) you know about a character, situation, or event and come up with one word or phrase that judges the character, situation, or event

What conclusion do you draw?

• Example: You know a lady who-• graduated from high school at age 16• applied for and was accepted to attend a prestigious

college• received an “A” in all honors classes in college• attended medical school and became a brain surgeon

• Example: You know a man who-• gives one of his kidneys to his dying sister• volunteers at the local food bank every Tuesday• has two foster kids• gives 5% of his income to charity

What conclusion would you probably draw about both examples?

“Galileo’s Vision” by David White

It was a clear night in 1610 when Galileo Galilei looked through his telescope and saw the four closest moons of Jupiter. They were only dots in the sky, but they were there.It was quite a discovery. In fact, the moons Galileo saw were the first moons other than our own Moon that anyone had ever seen.

Now, Galileo didn’t invent the telescope. Hans Lippershey of Holland did in 1608. He designed it so people could look at things far away. But Galileo was the first to use a telescope to look at stars and planets.

Using the telescope, Galileo also discovered that our Moon was not the perfect, mysterious sphere everyone thought it was. He proved that the Moon was filled with craters. He also proved that the light that seemed to be coming from the Moon was actually a reflection of

light coming from the Sun.

Galileo was also the first scientist to prove a theory by testing it and recording results. Until that time, scientists would prove their theories by making arguments without giving evidence. Galileo was the first to provide visual evidence in support of the theory that the Earth revolves around the sun.

A man named Copernicus of Poland had written in 1543 that Earth was not the center of the universe. He had said the Sun was the center what we call the solar system and the that Earth circled the Sun. Not many people believed him. Teachings until that time had placed Earth firmly at the center of the universe, with everything else revolving around it. Galileo, night after night, saw the moons of Jupiter at different points in the sky. It was clear

That they were circling Jupiter, not Earth. What Galileo saw helped prove Copernicus’s theory.Astronomy has come a long way since 1610. We now know that Jupiter has at least 16 moons. We know that our own solar system has nine planets. We know that seven of those planets have moons. We know that the universe contains other solar systems like ours.

We have telescopes searching the night sky for signs of life. Thousands of people now do what one man started on a hill in Italy almost 400 year ago.


Key points of Galileo’s Vision

• Galileo saw four moons around Jupiter, he was the first to see moons other than our own Moon

• First to use a telescope to look at stars and planets

• He discovered Moon wasn’t a perfect sphere

• Proved the Moon was filled with craters

Key points of Galileo’s Vision

• He proved light coming off the Moon was actually the reflection of light coming from the Sun

• First to prove a theory by testing it and recording results

• First to provide visual evidence that the Earth revolved around the Sun

• Galileo kept on working night after night

Conclusion question

What conclusion conclusion can the reader draw about Galileo? Provide information from the selection to support the conclusion.

What are some conclusions we can draw about

Galileo from what we read?

Now to understand more about how to draw a

conclusion, let’s score student responses


Scoring guide for drawing a conclusion question

2 A 2-point response states a reasonable conclusion and provides two pieces of text-based evidence to support the conclusion



A 1-point response states a reasonable conclusionOR Provides two pieces of text-based evidence to

support a reasonable conclusion

No conclusion and no evidence OR wrong conclusion and wrong evidence

What conclusion can you draw about Galileo? Use information from the selection to support your answer.

Example of student response

I can conclude that Galileo was very smart. The article let me know he was smart because it said he was the first to discover moons other than the Earth’s moon. It also said he discovered the Moon wasn’t a perfect sphere.

Score 2 2




Student sample #1 In the selection Galileo’s vision by David

white I can draw from the story that gaileo was the first to use a microscope to look in the sky because it already says he’s a scientist who studyed the moon and proved someones theory and he would be the first because he was the one who discovered it.

Teacher score for #1- 0

Evidence to support the score• There is no conclusion stated- the first to

use a microscope is not correct • There is no information from selection to

support a possible conclusion, all vague• “Proved someone's theory” shows no

detail, is not specific

Student sample #2 A conclusion that the reader can draw

about Galileo is that he is intelligent. 1. I know that because he was the first smart person to look at the moons of Jupiter. 2. He also proved his theory of the moons. 3. Lastly, figured that the moon weren’t perfect spheres and the sun reflects the moon. 4. Last but not least the earth is not in the center of universe.

Teacher score for #2-2

Evidence to support the score• Gave a conclusion- intelligent• Information from the text- 1. First to see moons of Jupiter 2. Proved theory of moon that weren’t

perfect spheres - Sun reflects off moon??? Not

specific 3. Earth not center of universe

Student sample #3 One conclusion a reader can draw

about Galileo is that hes a science genious. He discovered things about the moon, and Jupiter moon! I would say he’s a genious.

Teacher score for #3-1

Evidence to support the score• Conclusion- he’s a science genius• Information from the selection- none• Discovered things about the moon and

Jupiter moon- What things? Need to be way more specific

Student sample #4 In the story “Galileo’s Vision” a

conclusion the reader can draw about Galileo is he is very smart because he proved lots of things like stuff about moons.

Teacher score for #4-1

Evidence to support the score• Conclusion- Galileo is very smart• Information from the selection- none• “Proved lots of things like stuff about

moons.” • Need to be specific, use exact

examples from text

Student sample #5 You can prove that he is a smart

scientist and loves to look through telescopes.

Teacher score for #5-1

Evidence to support the score• Conclusion- a smart scientist• Information from the selection- none• That Galileo loved to look through

telescopes does not support that he is a smart scientist

Student sample #6 That Galileo love to look at stars

because he was one of the first ones to look at the stars with a telescope.

Teacher score for #6-1-/0

Evidence to support the score• Conclusion- love to look at the stars• Information from the selection- “First

one to look at the stars (and planets) with a telescope”- this could support the conclusion that Galileo was curious or an inventor, but forgot to include “planets”

Student sample #7 A conclusion a reader can draw is that

Galileo was a great astronomer.

• Galileo found details that earth was not in the center of the solar system.

• Galileo found Jupiters 4 moons• Galileo also found the moons many


Teacher score for #7-2

Evidence to support the score• Conclusion- Great astronomer• Had three clear pieces of evidence

that supported his conclusion that Galileo was a great astronomer

Nice work!

Your Turn• New text- Susan B. Anthony

• Same question, different person- What conclusion can you draw about Susan B. Anthony? Use information from the selection to support your answer.

Susan B. Anthony question process…

• Write an answer to the drawing conclusion question with a partner

• Trade papers with a partnership and score each others, did the answer receive a 0,1, or 2?

• Share “2” papers with the class

• Finally, score more student samples

2 A 2-point response states a reasonable conclusion and provides two pieces of text-based evidence to support the conclusion



A 1-point response states a reasonable conclusionOR Provides two pieces of text-based evidence to

support a reasonable conclusion

No conclusion and no evidence OR wrong conclusion and wrong evidence

What conclusion can you draw about Susan B. Anthony? Use information from the selection to support your answer.

Conclusion question

What conclusion conclusion can the reader draw about Susan B. Anthony? Provide information from the selection to support the conclusion.

Example of student response

I can conclude that Susan B. Anthony was very determined. The article let me know she was determined because it said even when she got in trouble for voting she was not discouraged and she continued her campaign for equality by traveling the U.S. and speaking to women about them needing equal treatment.

Score 2 2



Student sample #1 In the selection The Fight for

Equality I can conclude from the story that susan b anthony was going to trial for fighting for women to vote and she was talking to many women about being against being treated badly.

Teacher score for #1 1

Evidence to support the score• There is no conclusion stated• There is evidence to support a possible

conclusion- “…going to trial for fighting for women to vote” -one point

• “…talking to many women about being against being treated badly.”- this seems too vague

Student sample #2 A conclusion that the reader can

draw about Anthony is that she doesn’t give up. 1. I know that because she fought for womens rights up to the day she died. 2. She also fought for slavery. 3. Lastly, she was willing to go to jail so that women could have the right to vote.

Teacher score for #22

Evidence to support the score• Gave a conclusion- doesn’t give up• Information from the text- - fought for womens rights up to the day

she died - willing to go to jail so that women could

have the right to vote- fought for slavery- this isn’t enough detail, how did she fight? She didn’t want slavery.

Student sample #3 One conclusion a reader can draw

about Susan B Anthony is that she is a fighter. She did many things and she wanted women to vote!

Teacher score for #31

Evidence to support the score• Conclusion- she’s a fighter• Information from the selection- none• She did many things and she wanted

women to vote! What things? How does women voting

prove she is a fighter?

Student sample #4 In the story “The Fight for

Equality” a conclusion the reader can draw about Susan Anthony is she is very smart because she did lots of things really good things for women like not paying a fine.

Teacher score for #41

Evidence to support the score• Conclusion- Susan Anthony is she is

very smart • Information from the selection- none “…she did lots of really good things for

women like not paying a fine.”• Need to be specific, use exact

examples from text, How was she smart when she didn’t pay a fine?

Student sample #5 You can prove that she is a

strong-willed woman and loves to talk about women’s rights.

Teacher score for #51

Evidence to support the score• Conclusion- strong-willed woman • Information from the selection- none“…loves to talk about women’s rights.” How does talking about women’s rights

make her a strong-willed woman? Need to give an example from the story that shows she is strong-willed

Student sample #6 Susan Anthony love to be the best

because she fight for women’s rights.

Teacher score for #60

Evidence to support the score• Conclusion- none- “…to be the best.”

The best at what?• “she fight for women’s rights.”

How did she fight for women’s rights? And how does this make her the best?

Student sample #7 A conclusion a reader can draw is that Susan B.

Anthony was a great fighter for women’s rights.

• Susan Anthony stood trial for voting when it was still against the law for women to vote.

• Susan Anthony protested her lower pay when she was a teacher and male teachers were being paid more.

• Susan Anthony founded the American Equal Rights Association.

I think it is obvious that by doing all of these things Susan Anthony really fought for women to have equal rights.

Teacher score for #72

Evidence to support the score• Conclusion- Great fighter for women’s

rights• Had three clear pieces of information

that supported his conclusion that Susan B. Anthony was a fighter for women’s rights

Nice work- Clear and has three things to support the conclusion!!

You Do-The Granite Worker

• Read the selection• Answer the attached conclusion


Possible sample answer for Giacomo conclusion question

Giacomo, the Italian granite worker, is very dedicated to his job. I know this because he continues to work in the granite shed even though granite dust has settled in his throat and lungs. Also, I think he is dedicated because even though his friend, Pietro, died of tuberculosis because of working in the granite shed he continued to work there.

You Show-

Your YOU SHOW article is entitled“Rescued! Teens Working Together to Find Homes for Stray Animals”

PURPOSE for reading: Read to draw a conclusion that extends beyond the text about Claire Blackwell.

Scoring guide for drawing a conclusion question

2 A 2-point response states a reasonable conclusion and provides two pieces of text-based evidence to support the conclusion



A 1-point response states a reasonable conclusionOR Provides two pieces of text-based evidence to

support a reasonable conclusion

No conclusion and no evidence OR wrong conclusion and wrong evidence

What conclusion can you draw about Claire Blackwell? Use information from the selection to support your answer.

Example of student response

I can conclude that Claire Blackwell is a very caring person. The article lets me know she is caring when it says she volunteered at a local animal shelter in an attempt to help with the overcrowded situation. She also creates a 20 state web site that helps to adopt out hundreds of the shelter's animals.

Score 2 2




Scoring guide for drawing a conclusion question

2 A 2-point response states a reasonable conclusion and provides two pieces of text-based evidence to support the conclusion



A 1-point response states a reasonable conclusionOR Provides two pieces of text-based evidence to

support a reasonable conclusion

No conclusion and no evidence OR wrong conclusion and wrong evidence

What conclusion can you draw about the animal shelter’s web site? Use information from the selection to support your answer.

Example of student response

I can conclude that the animal shelter’s web site was an inventive idea. The article lets me know that it is an inventive idea when several of Claire’s friends are enlisted to volunteer in the project. This is a good way to get the job done and not have to pay for help. Also, it eventually grew into a 20-state project called Rescue! This organization ended up adopting out hundreds of animals.

Score 2 2




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