dream god’s dream just peace is possible · rainbow fish tree the rainbow fish tree is an...

Post on 09-Mar-2020






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PRELUDE 11:00 “Make Me A Channel of Your Peace” Handchimes arr. Jeffery Hope WELCOME

OPENING WORDS adapted Psalm 85

One: God will speak peace to God’s people.

Many: We yearn for that day. One: Steadfast love and faithfulness will meet; righteousness and peace will

kiss each other.

Many: We yearn for that day. One: Faithfulness will spring up from the ground and righteousness will look

down from the sky.

Many: We yearn for that day. One: God will give what is good.

Many: We gather in the hope of God’s dream.

January 20, 2019

Dream God’s Dream Just Peace is Possible

*OPENING HYMN NCH#436 “God of Grace and God of Glory” Tune: CWM Rhondda

*LITANY FOR PEACE Christine Rohloff One: In a country where neighborhoods struggle for equity

Many: We will work to realize God’s Dream. One: In a country where health is dependent upon zip code

Many: We will work to realize God’s Dream. One: In a country where education is for some and not for all

Many: We will work to realize God’s Dream. One: In a world where nations war against nations and neighbors fight with neighbors

Many: We will work to realize God’s Dream. One: In a country where crossing the border is met with tear gas, separation and detention

Many: We will work to realize God’s Dream. One: In a world where not everyone has clean air to breathe or clean water to drink

Many: We will work to realize God’s Dream. One: In a world where God’s creation cries out in despair

Many: We will work to realize God’s Dream. One: For the dream God dreams – a dream of shalom – where pruning hooks and plowshares are created from swords and spears and everyone sits under their own vine and fig tree

Many: We give thanks and commit to work to realize God’s dream.

*RESPONSE NCH #526 “Siyahamba” Tune: Siyahamba

CHILDREN’S TIME Following the story, young children are encouraged to remain in worship or they may go to the nursery (birth-3). At-tendance pads will be passed out at this time; please sign in so that we may celebrate that you were here.


8:30 “Peace” Joshua Kramer


11:00 “Look All Around” J. Bert Carlson

Chancel Choir John Panhorst, Clarinet; Jim McKee, Percussion


Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for stars to change the world. Harriet Tubman

A few really dedicated people can offset the masses of our harmony people, so we who work for peace must not falter, we must continue to pray for peace and to act for peace in whatever way we can. We must continue to speak for peace and to live the way of peace; to inspire others, we must continue to think of peace and know that peace is possible. What we dwell upon we help bring to manifestation. One little person giving all of her time to peace makes news. Many people giving some of their time can make history. The Peace Pilgrim


Therefore, I will give their wives to others and their fields to conquerors, because from the least to the greatest everyone is greedy for unjust gain; from prophet to priest everyone deals falsely. They have treated the wound of my people carelessly, saying "Peace, peace," when there is no peace. They acted shamefully, they committed abomination; yet they were not at all ashamed, they did not know how to blush. Therefore, they shall fall among those who fall; at the time when I punish them, they shall be overthrown, says the Lord.


Freedom is indivisible; the chains on any one of my people were the chains on all of my people were the chains on me. Nelson Mandala One: For the marvelous blend of fact, myth, poetry, and story that is in scripture, we give thanks.

Many: May the Spirit open us to the wisdom we most need to hear.

SERMON Rev. Wendy Bruner

*HYMN NCH #151 “Dream God’s Dream” Bryan Sirchio

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Believing that each joy and/or concern expressed is indeed a prayer, after each expression, the worship leader will say: Loving God. And the people may respond: Hear our prayer.

PRAYER This is a time for quiet reflection.


Creator, who encompasses the universes…

May your rule of peace and justice be upon this earth…

Give us just enough to eat…

Forgive us our sins, and deliver us from evil—

especially our own…

For power, honor, and glory does not belong to us...

INVITATION AND COMMUNION PRAYER based on our Theological Assumptions

Minister: Come, Holy Spirit, and move among these elements assembled at this Table.

Many: Through this sacrament, transform our hurt into healing, our fear into faith, and death into life.

Minister: As the grain, sown in hills and valleys, is harvested, and now becomes one in the loaf,

Many: so we, scattered, diverse, separated and isolated from one another, hear your in-vitation to become one body around this Table, the center of our life together.

Liturgist: As this juice, grown in vineyards under the sun, fills the cup, may we be filled and refreshed by this meal,

Many: and strengthened to respond to your call to reach out in compassion to all living things.

Minister: In sharing this meal we remember.

Many: We remember meals Jesus shared with friends and enemies, outcasts and mar-ginalized, fearful and earnest.

Minister: He took the bread and, giving thanks, blessed it and broke it and shared it.

Many: As we share the bread today, we eat it as those who seek to follow Jesus. Liturgist: After the meal, Jesus took the cup. Giving thanks, he shared it, symbolizing a new relationship

with God, a relationship of partnership founded on grace.

Many: As we share the cup, we seek to experience that grace in which Jesus lived fully. All: Come, Holy Spirit, come. Bless this bread and bless this fruit of the vine. Bless all of us in our eating and drinking that our eyes might be opened,

that we might recognize the risen Christ in our midst, indeed, in one another. Come, Holy Spirit, come.

The Congregation is invited to come forward by the center aisle, partake of the gluten-free bread and juice, and light a candle in prayer. Catch the eye of a table host if you would prefer to be served at your seat.


PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING unknown Gracious God, you have once again shown us your love by bringing us to this meal. We go from here renewed in faith, renewed in courage, and strengthened by your presence. Thank you for loving us so tenderly. Thank you for challenging us to know you better and to receive you more fully. Amen

HOW SHALL WE DO GOD’S WORK IN THE WORLD? We will open our ‘How Shall We Do God’s Work In The World’ time with an opportunity to give. The ushers will pass an offering plate to you as you remain in your seats. We invite you to sing along to “This Little Light of Mine”. 1.This little light of mine… 2. Ev’-ry-where I go… 3. All through the night…

PRAYER OF DEDICATION adapted from Glen E. Rainsley

O God, through the offering of these gifts may we become a more open people… open-minded in hearing your Word and wisdom, open-hearted in healing a broken world, open-handed in heeding your call for enacted love. With thanks for all good gifts, we present a portion of our substance and the whole of ourselves. Amen.

RAINBOW FISH TREE The Rainbow Fish Tree is an Epiphany tradition for our congregation. After Christmas, the tree in our sanctu-ary is decorated with a bright rainbow fish. We process to the front during the closing hymn and place orna-ments on the Rainbow Fish Tree in symbolic commitment to a new world. This year as we hang our fish on the Rainbow Fish Tree we will be praying for peace knowing that it is God’s dream that we will live in peace, knowing that peace with justice is possible.


8:30 RESPONSE “Open My Eyes” Manibusan and Zaragoza

*HYMN “We Are Called” David Haas


To families of young children at Peace UCC

When God made children, they were made with a little giggle, a little squirm, and a whole lot of love. When you wor-ship with us your children are invited to sit at the front of the sanctuary. That way they can see what is going on in church and interact better with what Peace UCC has to offer. When your children are here, our building is filled with a joyful noise. This is something for which we rejoice and praise God. If your children start to get restless please don’t leave. Stay and continue worship because when you do you show them that worship is something important and that their presence is im-portant to us. At times we know this can be a struggle, but thank you for making the effort. 1. There are activity bags for the young

children. They are available near the sanctuary doors.

2. There is a rocking chair at the back of the sanctuary that you can use. We also have a nursery just outside of the sanctuary. Ask someone and they will give you directions.

3. We have changing tables in the nurse-ry and downstairs in the bathroom by the fellowship hall.

We understand the difficulty of worship-ping with a little one. We hope that you feel we are a Child-Loving church. Please know that when your child gets fussy that we are honored to have you with us to-day. Thank you for joining us in worship today and I hope that you will join us again. Peace to you, Pastor Wendy

The deadline for submissions to our weekly pub-lications, How Will We Do God’s Work in the World and News & Notes, is Thursday morn-ing at 10 a.m. If you are not receiving our week-ly e-newsletter “News and Notes” and would like to, please contact the church office.

Notes: Sources for words, images, and music are noted where available. Permission to reprint music and words from sources other than The New Century Hymnal is granted under OneLicense.net, license no. A-704973, and/or LicenSing.org.

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