drrj bleached buown blankets..-m · 200 do.bio.6-'j 100 do.at-6i, 100 do.bjo.63 100...

Post on 14-Mar-2020






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. .- a- Ti.fcTto Mise Hen e-t A., young-

Kl!;!',.IW7u'..s.. v <;r*nr A* Behalt, unawareCoimty, N.J.,ed. n^nmg, fiept. 17 h, the Rev. Mr/fobsfo,

.(John k. (Irani I the f<>.¦ I **"''.

WirKXViRK -BAK:n<»u»MKu -At 8 »WHr,d«» s>m 1». °J **. K*" 1 u*.P .> Mr. M il

\\ ick*» !*. to Mim P- A. IOTUWMW«, both ni H iii

DIKD.f-ltsHINO.On Eridav. Sei.«. |». M«rv C ».hing, laughterolJinx* end Euphemia ( uami.g, Sflsd 2u year*.

Tbe rVVni.I ol 'in' fn illy »:. >'.!.. stti net her funeral,Suudav. Sept .'I at 2 p. in., from her late r. iid. n. e, No. 190Heater Meat, wttb it lurther invita'ioii.

CflRHF.TT-(Hi rbir.dav.S. pt I», St p.V hi.ee. GakWhM C r

bett, In bit tVid year.

DONK.LLON-On Wednesday, left. 17, af.r a abort il!n.-*e,Peter Donellnn, in the IIel J ar of i.l. «» ,,| Mulüugai,Coun'v Wrelniceth, Ireland.

FRKEBORN.On Thursday, September 18, < f ..i a nnption,P.... i t"< born, *g.d Jb y-ar«.

Tbe relative* ami friend* are le.pectfully Invited to at'end herfuneral ot Saturday, September 20, at it a. ui., froan tin' r. .1d. in. of b« r mother, N... 1J Thoinpaon .tr. st,

POOARTY.On W cdnredav. Sept. 17, Mra. Margaret F..-arty.JABRELL.On Thuradav, Kept. 1«, in the 29th year of hi. age,

Patrick Kartell, a ualn ot tbe Pariah of KHsgaot, Countytealway. Ireland.

GRIFFITHS.On Thureday, Sept. IR, Sarah Francli. daughteraf lleorge W. and Catherine S. Urimthe, aged lb moota* and15 day a.

OREEN.On Thuradav evening, Sept. 1?. a* their n SMaSMM hifing Bing, Kdward, youngeat aon of Dr. Horace an i Harnntre8. Ilreen, aged 6 montiia and 23 days.

HARRIS.At F.lizabeth, Kentucky, on Monday, Sept. in, theHon Hylvrtter Harria.

HOWELL.At Patchofiie, L. I on Thurolay, Sept. 11, Wi!.-.am C. How. ll, aged 45 years.

BAVENS.At Shelter laland, oi. Wednesday, Sept. 17, Henryf. Havens, formerly a merchant oi this city, in tbe 7ua yearof bis age.

Hia remain* were taken to Shrewsbury, N. J., ..u Friday m»ru¬

ing, for interuni.:

J08LINO.On Thur*dav, Sept. IB. (fsoffs W. Jolling-, ton ofUeorge W. and Mary J.nlin, aged 1 year, 11 montii* and I"day*.

LAMB.At Williamiburgh, L. I., on Friday, S.-pt. 19, Benjamin8. Lamb, in the 74th w ar of hi* age.

The relative* and friend* are request.-.) lo att.-ud thi funeral.without further uotic from the leeldence >.t bis aoa-io-law|T. D. Crane, No. 8» South Secoud street, Wilinjn.buigh oiiSaturday, Sept. 3", at tVetseB p. m.

The remain* will be taken t.i Mount Oliv, t Cemetery.MOMBEROER.At M'.rriiiauia, WsstohestSI County, N. Y.on Friday morning, Sept. 19, of pulmonary DOBSaaptioa, Mr*Catharine Momberger, wif-of William Momberger. Ml IByear*.

Tbe funeral will take place frrtm her late rtsHsnou, M irriaianiaon Sunday neit. at 2 o'clock p. m. Tbe friend* of the familyere requested to attend, wuln.ut further notice,

McNERNEY.In Brooklyn, on Thur.dav, Sept. IR, MawMcNerney, wife of John MiNerucy, ol consumption.

MORTON.In Plalnvii:.-. I\mi.., on TnsaSay, Bspt, 2, of bron-chiti*. Richard C. Norton, aged 21 year*.

O'NEILL.On Thuriday, Sept. 18, nuddenly, Ann O'Neill,aged It year*.

8HEPARD.On Friday morning, Sept. 19, mddrnlj, at hia rawidence in thia city, LoSSaSO II Shepurd, Counsel "to the Cor¬poration, aged .16 years.

His tnueral will take place from Dr. Adam'* Church, corner ofTwenty-fourth street and Madiami avenue, on Sunday. Sept.21, at 1| oVl.K k p. m. Hi* reUtiv. a and frienda ure invitedto attend, without turtle r ¦slauS.

SHANNON.On Thnr-day, Bspt 18, Mr*. Elua JaDe, wife ofJohn Shannon, aged 46 year*.

vVATERBl'RY.At Fayetteville, N. C, on Sunday, Sept. 7,Stephen Mead Waterbury, aged 17 years, sou of the iat'phen Waterbury, jr., of thia city.

WEBB.At Tarrytown, on Tliurclay night, Sept. 18. by theaccidental diacharge of a uniaket. Thomas, youngeat ton ofRobert and Ann Webb, aged 19 year*. 9 mouth* and 1!! .!.,>-.

The relatives and friend* of the family are respectfolly Invitedto attend his funeral, Irom the reairi. BSS of bis father, No. BMW/eat Twenty sixth »troet, on Sunday, Sept. 21, at 2 o'clock.

HU remain* will be taken to Oreeuwood for inte.-c;.-nt.

TATES.In Providence, R. I., on Wednesday, Sept. IT, SethYatei, aged luO yean and C nionthi.

COMMERCIAL MATTEUs.Kalee at the NiavcW Exchange..Seit. 19.

S.oOflTenii. Stale 6s,'90... »I |22S0N. Y. CstttislRsllrosd 87Jl.AOO Virginia 6s.92}1,1100 do.925,000 .Missouri Statena.bJO 87HMAl do.bU 87}l,OnOCalifomlaState7s,'75 744.IW0 Cht« 5s, 1870. 96500 City 5s, 1876. 94

5,000 Erie RR Con.Bds.^l 8M3,000 Krie RH. Bonds. 1875 96"1,000 11. R. RK. 1st Mtg... 981

10.000 111. « en. RR. Bond*. »411,000 r. U. * Alton 2d Mg. 7*1LBM Harlem RR. I.i v.. tuIbOcesvn Bank.9410 Park Bank.10010 do.991CO Peno. Coal Co.tOO Cumberland Coal Co300 do.M0 do.100 Erie Railroad4M do

.... rej,

»'.'.'. 1«|.a60 181

1450 do. 6-WUO') do.10.110lOnAtt\kaa ... .1.......b'JO ftllj100 do

300 do500 do.hill 6.J100 do.*60 63

*2 f>.>r«v6i>JTZ do.b90. 65,'1400 do.o«*200 do.bio. 6-'j100 do.at- 6i,100 do.bJO. 63100 do.sSO. «21

JOO do.b7 87 J100 do.but 87j*Vl do.«60 87{100 Reading Railroad.. .M. 864100 do.hi. m1400 do.86i400 do.bt>0. 86}350 do.ab'u. ftfil1200 do. 8fij2i"0 do.s6J 86loo Michigan Ceniral R. R. 92t10 do.921

263 Mleb.Be. 4 N. Ia, R. R. 9150 do .stio 9-1,loo Panama Railroad....bOO 91}150 do.Mi200 111. Ceii. Railroad. .bl0.1l7J«7 do.1171100 do.117,10«» do.bSH.11810) Cleve. Kl Pittn. R.R,b60 b'h86 0aleiiaaud Chi.-.R R.. 110'

l i.:>.ItBido.«flo.loSi13IBM Clav, i To!. E.B..MB

100 do.1000 do. 78i100 do.b30 7k200 do.bll Tl]22,iCiiic. A Rock L R.K.,' K}\M do.mm 93'70 Mil. and La Crosse RR. 71M do.711

ir.c-OND IOaHD.

"1100 CuuiWilaod Coal Co.toO 18100 do.15 Ohio Life k Truat Co

100 Erie Railroad.300 do.100 do.aJ300 do. 6.,300 do.btt'l 63200 do.MO 62i100 do.b^l 6.'l

a 100 do.S50 62J200 do.b3 62}100 lo.BM 624100 do.eJ 62(|

200 Erie Ri.ilroad.MO 62,J50 do. BBJ100 Reading Railroad....bi 86(100 do.*30*5l100 do.*3 £if50 do. 851100 111. Centra! Railroad.In.' lit30 Galena and Chicago RR lh100 do.hl'i HotM CMe. fc Book lilsad RJL 97*160 Milwaukee and Mi.dRK 78IOS Cleve, and Toledo RR.al 7818 New-Jeraey Railroad....UB

FklUaY, Sept. I'.l.P. M.

TV) businerH nf the lioiiril is less SBllllSllwl thun it

mmyBSBStdkvy, tmi priei-m wi re InsgBBW, SasnrBBJ BIailvni.ee in Home eaceii and a decline in otln-r». Tin-resroK no marked feature at the Hoard, excepting the in-

Creased braSMOtkSM in Central, of which ;i,(MMJ sharesWere uold. The market in steady at 8?J. The sales«f Erie were S^'dX) to t'.OOO shares, the prim ipal buyerOf tbe jmst few days not llf IIIWlBag The marki-t openedat tm] and fell off lo BShj, at which it rjkvjed. Th«

Strei t ia a little mystified by the movement of to-dayand looking with interest to SOS what is to happennext. The earnings of the Koad coutinue verylarge, fully equal to the highest estimate.Tbe question of Sunday trains has been mootedbetween this road and the Central and referredto a speeial Committee. It will probably resultin an arrangement by which no trains will arrivedurinn- Sunday. No Sunday trains have been sent ogttfrom the city for some time. hVadhag was heavy andwent toS.,j. lu Cumberland tin-re appear* to be a

new movemeut, and tbe stock bus advanced 1 \f cent

Selling to-day at ISj, seller sixty. 1'anama was uteadyat91J. Use business in Western Shares wars not large,but pcteta are much MSN tinnlv supported, as a gen¬eral thing, than for the other stocks on the list. Thedividend period of most of them is approaching, andthe earnings give tbe assurance that these dividendsWill be as large, if not larger, than at thename period last year. Kock Island will

pay at lear-t ."> lv cent cash II October; Toledo, Irent in October; Michigan Southern, /i |k cent in Jan-

Bary; 1'ittsburgh tr cent, LsaCroooe8 9 cent, and

perhaps more, aleo in January; (lalena, probably ISf cent in February. Thejinpendeiicy of these divi¬dends is bringing in out-ide buyers to considerableextent. Galena was 110« HUj. Michigan Southern91,Central W,, Toledo-8, La Crosse ?1|, au impnm-inent of i V cent, Koek Island 97j, Aic. There was

an unproved demand for Illinois Central, ot which

1,400 ahares were mid at 1174 IBfBsBr, and LU buyer-option sixty days. Kadroad laiuds an- finn. but no

aetive; Illinois Central. *»4j. «ith some purchase- tor

Europe; Krie, 1875, HO, 18*1,8i|t sVs. State st s ksare not aa tive, and s<-aieelv as MTCbSJ; a sale ef Cnli-fornia 7s wan made at 74, which i* better..Tmt haMBSSa SI haaahtags for the Fulton to-morrowhas been very light, and tbe market is weak. Thesupply of outeide Kxcbange is Uu-g.-r. Hank signa¬tures rterliuu were offered at '.»| «* cent.

FreighU Ui Liverpool are a shade firmer: .sO.HOObnah. Grain were taken at 8} BM. in bulk ami bags.Fk.ur at -'s-. OOMOB at Jd. To |iTsiSB, 100 bbls. OfFlour at Bs. 16V, 4,000 bushels Wheut at spi., un.i (»ii

Cake at MmThe business of the Sub-Treasury was: Receipts,

.194,838 3H; payments, |l.il,t;i9 ii tmlanee, $|:i,.742,391 ">7. The payments iiiclude ^1,000 ou account

of the California war debt.The interest coupons on tbejfbonds of the La< ka-

wanna Itailroad and Coal Company, due October

1, will be paid on and after that date on presentationat tbe office- of the Company.Tbe Import of Pry Goods for the week axe $1,-

>*. 171 afBtail $1, (71,10-1 «um.- wmek last year, a

alight deenase. Th«- details an-:ran.an> ron , ..v-i Mi-rrou.

M.nnf. of Pk»a ValuVl Manul ot Pk»a Vetan.U.h.I. (Al * I*.7»Cettea.i,nr« w,eaiSilk. 4* 374.»MHal. 774 17*70'

blkellaaeoee.. A. ? I *«.'»">n

Total.3.en 1.20,410|,IM .3,1)1« 1, 1R8,72H

WIIHDa.w'.l >.

M.mf. of Pkr.. Veie'e-lafennCof VU» Wlu'n.w. m tUMflCotton. IM 38,825Milk. M 53,31»;Kt,i. Ill K*M

Mlicel'.aiieoua. 148 *|iV»»i

Total . »>.'4.'i'ii11855. 8*1 171,100

»¦(»»m ii iibM.nuf of Pkia. V.l.i-n .iMenuC (-f PkM. Vtlu'n.Wool . IIS *.«« 521 Mia< ellaii.-nin. .

t ottoL. ui m\um--Ml . « n,1» To»«1. IM *>|v..Ä.iFlax. IM .T6.W9I1M6. ||7 ejfjjBjWe printed »eaterday the earning! of the Central

Railroad for August, showing a trnin of $1 I J.'.Ji'.. W.

annex the comparative earnings for eleven month-* ofthe ruilroad jear:

INM-Atf. 'ffdW*! iN.vi-iti. »M-M«Oetoker..nfaa,4X1 **.t9,42o April.*7iw.!»ii a*-iN,.\.ii>b'r 67).Ml .581,2271May. «96.9IJ bdl.Kll

ione. 654.842 4»iJuly. t.ii.o.,7 too 17 JAuguat... 81W,5i4 4i M

I).r. ml.'r. 66«.».» 412.651January.. 4GI.8II7 tWklMFebruary. 378,;)* I 816.274Marek.... 518,81.: 538,257

Total.. 06,727.262 tAMITllIner.-aao.01.064am

Tlie earnings of the Chicago ami R>ek Hand Roadh r the current six months, ahow a gaiu of about 33jP cent on the name month* of last year, while for thelust three moarlhl the gain ha* been much larger, equalto aeerty00 ?/ rent. The Bureau VaOej Rad h.mnow become a valuable tributary, and the extetuioa ofthe Missouri and Mississippi Road area! from RockIsland, through the most fertile and thickly lettledportions of Iowa to Iowa City and Muscatine, 00a>

nreting with the Rock Island Road by the only bridgeyet erected BOOM the Min-iin.-ij.ilii River, opens a

feeder which in being lenalbly felt in tlie receipts ofthe Rook Island Road. The earnings for the nixmonth-1 of the fiscal year hare beea:

IKS3. is,0.April.«.118,114 »UJ.244

Mav.12«,4-2 leirtoaJune.121.330 142.41«

July.».71i 1V7.67HAiiKuat. 108,^7 176 774Beanaakai (eotfcaaBei).. 141.758 BanjOM

Total"..»712.6J1 *iMl.715Increase in nix inouths, $305,08f, of irhieb $190,808

Iibh been in three months. Thai the estimate of Sep¬tember at $300,000 in Irdfratt is ihowa by the re¬

ceipt* of the first two week* whirh have been |98.1fJ0.Tlie road ban no floating debt and the ooaf ih reprt-m-tited by 11,971,000 Firft Mortgage bonds, and$l,(fl!9,0fiÖ Capital Stock, divided among 7tW ntock-holdt-rH. Ofthe etoek aome $130,000 haa aot beaw in-sued. The length of the road in 18x! nriktlt and of theBureau Valley, which in undei leaee to the R.ickIsland, 46 mil. muking a totnl length of338 miles represented by $,7000,000 of fepttelThe earnings for the nix months have boew aluiut

$4,300 f mile The result- of the six monthn opera¬tions in as follows:

Ones TfiTahrpi.$958,715Ope rating eipenaei. ali,PII

Leaving.*5*>,7I5Intereit on debt.070,1100Leaae ot B. V. Bx.fcd. 8',5O0 .112,500

Neteaminiii.»>J9l,2l5.Equal, within a fraction, tn 10 ¦ <«-iit on the oapitalKtiKk, for nix months. This is within 'JJ t' cent of thiannual earnings of the New-Haven and HurtfirdRoad, the stork of which is selling at. 199. The de¬velopment of the local business of this Road by th«filling up of the country along the line and the ex¬

tension westward of the Iowa tributary will give tIiisRoad a large increase of traffic next year.Tbc Bank of the Repablie. we learn, in about to in

ereeee its capital to $v?,0(t(J,000 from 11,300,000, anddtlore an extm dividend. Thin in one of the !.. -.-

managed and, consequently, tn. >-«t laoceaafld iaatita*tionninthe htrect. It eunicd 8 pet cent for the laatsix months.Tbc business of the Clearing HoDM wa* 133,103,000,Wo heal of about hall a million engaged for tin-

steamer to-morrow, and $50,000 weut ob lo BoetOB fora steamer sailing from that pon. The shippers are

BaObi <V Baader, Monroe, BchaohaitU \ Qebhard,Hoffman, ic. The gold ihlpBMBtl of the week, al¬though lure.-, have had as \et bo poreopttbte influenceupon the Money market. The supply of inouey inabundant, but the demand to-day ha.- been rather more

active.There is better feeling in Flourof good and medium

grades, with sales 8,000 bbl*. Wheat is lower for th.-

poorerdeecriptioae,batfinn for choice parcel-, sahnabout 00,000 bushels. Corn is lower and more active.The demand in huge for Sugar at full prices; sales1,800 bbde, Cohn, See. port for Baltimore and Phila¬delphia. Coffee is firmly sustained with a good de¬mand. Mess I'm k is a^ain heiter, selling at $) :¦> o7J a

$..() 60. Lord has also advunccd and sold at 1 IJ 814{c. Beef is steady. Cotton, with sales 1,.'>00 bales,has improved |0»; Middling sells at I1J e>L3|.Mr. Edwin Ladlow of thia city has beeaekoted a

Director of the Norwich and Worcester Road, to fill a

vacancy. There was to have heen a meeting of thin

Company on the 1Kb, to make arrangements for run¬

ning in connection with the Boston Central und LongIsland Rondo- but it in postponed.The following in an extract ftoin au official letter,

dated Indianapolis, Sept. IHjtV, relative to the businessof the Belli fontainc Railroad line''No tenncctions have been uiineed davfahj the Sum¬

mer. The roud and rollingetock wen n. vi r in a bettercondition for a heavy Kali business. An minims,

amount of freight that used to go via Chicago f.» St.l^mis and the Went, now goes over thin line, on accniiitof the greater dispatch and regularity with w hich it i-hurriedthrough. Freight has gone through from New-York to St. Loins in eight days, by this line, and some¬

times to i ven l»«s* time."Tbe Stati n Island Kailroad il completed for about 7

miles from the wool end. The whole length of theroad is 14 miles,The deposits at the Philadelphia Miut in Auguit

were fMfjySOO, nearly all silver. The coinage was

$313,7381There is little or no decrease in the activity of trade

among the Jobbers, an welll an many of the Commissionmen, from that of last week, and thin active demand is

fast reducing the stock of Foreign as well as DOanectJofabrics at almost fully the opening prices of the season.

The Jobbers whose business is with the West are

actively engaged, and there is a fair prospect of a con¬

tinuance of trade till a late period. The increasedgrowth of cereal and other products m thil section, andthe large prices, furnishes the jKipulace with an unusualsupply of inouey early in the season. They are uow

scouring very remunerative prices for their cereal pro¬ductions, consequent on the large demand for exportfrom Europe; and this, a.s a natural consequence, fur¬nishes the means for a large consumptive demand forall descriptions of merchandise. It is a gratifying fea¬ture to observe in our national prosperity that tin-Cotton crop of the present year exceeds that of anyprevious one in the hintory of our country, and yet thewhole bos beeu l-ought up at pnees that must materi¬ally stimulate the production of this very importantstaple. The annexed table exhibits the growth, ex¬

port and consumptive result of this year s crop, com¬

pared with that of last vear:

,. , .IS5S. 1KJ6. I

totton rrop I nited State*, bait-... 2,847,349 3.527,84.i 6S0.508Eaeeftt d to For. t'ouuteii-a, balea.. 2,244. J0» 2.95-1.61« 710.J97Taken I- i n. in.- u»e bv Northern

BpiMiera, balea. 583,5*4 842.739 5H.155Taki-u fo: home uao by Southern

Spinnera, bale*. 15.000 H7,5t«i *%*%%It will be seen fn»m these figures thai a very large

amount baa been taken for home use, especially bvSouthern producers who now, to a great extent, man¬

ufacture bagging, osnaburgs, <k.c. sufficient to supplytheir require.) wants. I'ntil within late years theSouth and West had to rely on the New-Englaud pro¬ducers ft l the neceeeary compliment of this class ofgooda, hut Ihkwji mom bagia f... hange, nn.l the Southare waking up by pstablishing Luims for UM manufac¬ture of the coarser kinds of cotton, on the oottOflplantations, while the inaiitilacturern of the North BIB

making rapid strides to omp. te with loiupeaB pro-ilueers in the prtMluction of the finer fabrics of cotton

undja ooli-n goods.There is little or no charge to notice in the price af

dotutstic Cotton or Winden Goods to call for an) ex¬

tended remarks.In tbe toicign Dry Owils tnarktt a laffe'c buaait^a

etatfefJM t<> b« tninsnitcd, and all de*nrable styles ofwell-manufactured articles continue to n aJ.xo satis¬factory, prices. r*rrarh rtrsaa falirka aia hfkfc of sale.and iBTfO ijumtities of shawls mid drens fOOSM anOt it'C rold iBIMBgi ÜM iiiii tnui |MM A few failureshart recently taken place, but aoM of any fjn 11

magnitude; the moat exb nnve one is that of a tir*f-claaaBroadway, carpet jMahiathmtint. » huh Mopeealed.The Lobditiis amount to II-tO.OOO. and they offer to

pay iM Maas M the dollar. The fJltiaWon wdl proliablyin i. jit tili» off. r and pocket tin- Iota, and the house, an

on a pr«rtiOM OOOaaaVM, will pro-eed with buain.saam w.

A Convention of Railroad men met at the BunMBowVM, Ctieiiinati. on Thursday. HflMCff Knms-b il.I'li sd. id of the N< w-Vork and trie Kailroad. waa *e-

leeted tO plerlde o\er its deliberations, and IletiryC.Lord of.Um ('in, innati and Indianapolis Railroad. M.

I.. gyhes of the Hudson Riv. r Kailmad and A. Wil¬kinson of the Michigan Southern and Northern IndianaRailroad as Secretaries.On motion of Mr. Sloan of the Hudson River Roa-1. a Com

¦ktca of "iir toihiwing named gentlemen, tu.. Messrs. Mc-

Callum of the New York and Ene Railroad. Vibbard of MsRew-TottCamtiaL Williamaof the Michigan Central. Lambertof the PrnniTlTania Central. Cole of the B. aad O., Brouth of.he BeBetataiM Lu e. Boyd 0f -be lastaa and Worcester,

VVyrnaa of the O. and M.. and Marihall of the C. C. and C.R.R.. were appointed to confer and report upon the tubjeet ofpaaacnier tar.tla.A resclutim, to appoir t a dmilar Committee on Freight* a-.o

prevailed, and the following gentlemen were appointed, vir t

M<»«ra (>, rd-.n, B k O.; Drunard. N. V. C.; Houaton, Pa.C. Phillip.. C A T Hiiia, C.C.k C. Williams, Mich. (.;Blaii. bard. N. Y. k E. SsTgent. Boaton A Worcester, Clement,Little Miami; Brouab. BeDefeBtaia* B I».Mr. Hou-ton of Philadelphia -ubniitted that a* tbe Western

tbrouah hue to Ike L.ke- (the C H. a D. R R- net M. R k L.E R. R.) ia ael repr. aeated in thia Convention, it may be we.Ifor the ('..mention toi ..cider whether their deliberation* mayr.tult advantageooalv to Railroad mterests. He though: it Urn

portant that all through lines ahoii.d bind thenneive* to tfte

STUaaSSBI of tk« Coaveatloa hi order to make it «erricesble.John Brtugh, .»q.. moved the following, whi. h was adopted,

Hetiited, That a Committee of Five be appointed to d'^i*'and r. port up. u means of civics IbftC to the Sgttetl and proce. dinn ei t a:* I avtatisa.The follow in« Committee was then appointed, vir: Dean

Ri. hrncDd ol tbe N. Y C. K R D. C hi Call tm B, Y andE. A.Stei.e, C. C. and C., M. Lambert, Pa. Central. Perkins.C. 0.; Spencer, Al'ou and St. Louis, and W. H. Clement oflbs U M It ItThe Convention here adjourned until 5 p. m.

Under the telegraphic head it will lie seen that a

email increaca in paootBfW fans'and freight ohtlgMhas been agreed ujton.

Tlnr be Im .CtBEFBI I Y KE PORT E Ii POR TllE TRIBVME.Fsiimv. Sept. 19. 1RS8.

ASHES.The market ia ateady for both kind-. Pearls are

quiet at +7 75. Pot* are firm; aa.ea ol JO bbls. at *7 BbSalt rati.a firm at 7c.ITATBJiaaT or asms iv the sot aso pearl issrEcrio*

or LESTI.s, palmi.h 4 co., scpt. 19, 1*56.Pot*, bbla. Pearls, bbla.

First aort.462 141Second aort. 2370Third »ort. 3 ^

Condemned.'.. 2

Total. 4942*1Total Pot» and Pearl*.711

COTTON.A moderatebeataeedoiaf al an improvement ot

ic., lalei of 1,500 bales at our levistd quotation*:SLW-VUSS CLA«»II K ATloS.

L'planda. Florida. Mobile. N.O. k T-t.Ordinary.lo! loj 10| MlMiddling.Ill HI 12UiMiddling fair.12* 121 11 13

Fair.12| 12| 131 13JCOFFEE.Java has been quite active at full prWa; 4,000

mata of the Ellen NVjee'a < ar*o, ju.t arrived via Beetoa, havebeen well dlsttibatt d among the trads at t lie, Rio ia firm, b.itnot so active; aale* of 660 bag* at lOidll^e. In otber km.laonly a Btodetata demand preiail*. Sales of 150 man Java at

141«., si-d >>u *.»». Lasuayra at 12:. The stock of Rio i* 56.'SO

CANDLES.AdaaaaattoaOetBtoaa la brisk demand. Thscauaehi the pieaei.t l.iiSi pri<-e* are the enhanced rates of Lard andTallow, togethi r w Ith the tuet that the atock of Caiidlea ia light;¦ales of good City bram'.a at 25« 28c. aa to quality. Plain Baefaaare inquired for at dbe.; Pjtixt Jo. at 50c. Mold Tallow haveadvanced 10 14017c. ?> tfi.DBI (..-' AND DYES. -\W Dotlec iddltliaal sales of LBM

tb Angoeinra Beans al d>l i - 45, 10 easts Cream oiTartarat 294c.; lOcana Oil Lemon a- +2 12+ 20 do. nf BlIgjBanl Svatelerun; 1,000 kec» Newcastle Bi Carb. Soda at * I 25ti $4oil: 500 ,.. French Quirine at +2 12' I *2 ».FLOUR AND MEAL.There ia mini Inas tu iiai aaniit fin

W entern Caual Hour, with mo.-e utiitormity iu price*. Ooodbrand, of State, ground from i.ew Wheat, are not plenty andcommand lath, r huh. r figure.. The inquiry 1* mainly con

fined to the borne trade and the Ea*t. Extra brand* or B >

ein ale hardly so arm and iloe fsata. The sebst are 8,'ioobbUat «5 7.;ff*6 JO for interior to good State; »6 Ma>t6 K0 for eatra State) *« 10</ f4J 25 for auperfiueIndiana aud I'pper Lake; Oh' Min t>6 vi for commonto good superfine Ohio; e'i'~'"u a!>6 95 lor common to faireitia Ohio; S>6!i5«»>a for fair to very go.»l eiiraOhio, B'MwBtforSt. Loiiia branda, and 447a 48 75 for extraOeaesee. Csnadisa Floar is lower i wies et IM bMs. at BOB46 eJ lor auperhne und 06 jöu 07 ä" for ixtra brands. Sau'heru Flour i* firm, especially lor Iba low grades; theee an aol

flenty, sales ef MB bMs. at *>7<. f 7 M for aslasd to goo.Irauoi Baltimore, be., and BT' bbu *7 a<i for fancy and ei'ra

brand*. Rye Flour i* in moderate mque«t and i* !.¦«« firm;aal.* of Ka'i bid*, at *J25at5. Corn Meal i* inactive at

*}H 70»ts 75 for Jersey, tl l-'j fur Braaajwbxe, and ti7 50for r*nrieh,*n*.

1 BI ITS. Further «ale* have been made of 100 ea*. . SardinesIt Ms. SOdltr. lor halve* and quarter. 10 caaea Citron at I'n115 I.I.!.. Baraeea i)r»i.ge* at a>7; 9J bbi.. do. (ir.-. i. i.inj. r.

which Is srareet and higher, at 012: BIMO doi CiwaiaaillS alBM; Westers jkpplis are satBaas at #1 asMtttai Has crop efw .tern promise* lo b. Bsssnsfly .tn.rt, Eastera FsB Plppiaseon,ii,ai d *>»75; Bell Flower* al*o B^75. Dri.-l Fruit* arew itboot biovi Meat.FISH.Drj Codi- in moderate .leniand at the reduction;

isles&Mfjtbt, at t^75 for Bank, lieorr.-'* lab ia worth tl.Ma. k. r. I are in lair n quesi -,ile« Ml bbi-. at e 12 for mediumNo. I. which is lower, «8 for No. 2, th for No. I| Pickl-d andSeal, d Herring* are iinchanted.QRATs".XarrsIsaaetsdotnaia Wheat, but at lower price*

tot the lew ana medium qualities: Prime i* aaistehaed with a

gtssi inqnrv the .alep are 7.600 btuh. Southern red attltointl 50 4,500 btieh. white do. at §1MMB1 B9|, and I0,ia»l buah.to. ba trsnsitii from CBy Fatel la Liverpool at 11 62, freightit Ud. ( t,90U badh. fair'white Mieliigan at tl M; 12,200 buih.Whit- Canadian at #1 6Ha-*>l 6"); tjX* bash, mixed lllinoiaat el M; 1,401 buah. Red nUaatt at 4-1 M; RAM bin... CM-ago Sf riug at 4-1 92, and IS,tMb«sh. Wlseonsta Club at 41 JS.

Rye i* l*iter and in g.1 demand -ale. 1,1'sai buah. at 12» »Sc.tor .Id. U '. UBoao, tor new. data are plentv and lower,at Statt :.t Hi 0> W e.tern at kM »;... and Jersey at toa t-U:

Barlev I* SUtllSliged. the demand immoderate; sale* of 4.000bush, prime Four-tewed at 41 Mj and 2.50" hash. Miae.1 at

+ 1 2b. l orn i« again lower, with a fair inquiry for export,ilo.k.d. :u ;aif. hv tl.i . Ir.-ig..t» the trade are not

buying freelv *a!e* of 33,«n bu»h. at Air/eS,-. for We.ternn.i'xed, MSCBi f. r Southern and Northeni yellow, and 7'iu7e-.

I -in ra white.HIDE? -The aetbritysad boovancy continue. The month

has, ss Mr, beea tM saoel active sat yaars, Th«- large mm pr.-viou.lv ,tn e.t. to uirive, c..m| ri.e. | carg... . African, embrac-ing 40,00t's50,000, u term uot tranaptred; lbs <alea b«*ide

mprise .i.iaai Oria. the Lal&nce of the Bants Maria'* cargo,including all here, at 25r<\. w Inch ia an advance , 500 Chagr.-s atSSe.) l.ino Perasmbaeo at Ma., 6 aaos., uosslwass, and3,590Buinia Avrea aad Montevideo at Me., 6 mo*. Als... 1577Porto Cabeiio and Bar. el. ua, to arrive coustwiae, at 2Jc., 6u., ... .It livi led ht re, a* they ma,HOPS.The markt t i* nn.re act.\. pri. e« are withou*

change: the sales to day are 2i*J bales a* LeaVltJ (M ao'unionto choice HSU'S. Old DSSJttoaS d» pnased sales* of 28 bait a at

7c.. the rang*, of prhsss i« 5a7c.IRON.TLe market :. Bnn, with a fair Jemand at tJI -Vor

t J2, 6 mo. English Sheet I* iu good requeat at Mailer 6 mo*.

INDIA Rl'BBER.Since the large tran«actiou. in Fine Para,re. . nrly obaerved. no further *ale. have trantpired, aiiJ themarket* for the moment, ia quiet.LEATHER.The demand ront.nue* good for all kinds of

Sbo-at full price.. ThtsBnov. inent for th- week is a* follows:H.m.k. Oik

Rt.eipf*.«1.21*1 1,500.59,5<gl 8.800

Stock.23,300 3,000LIME.Comm.,:i Ris klatid ia in fair demand, with iale* of

2,nu> bbls. at 85r. Lump ia quiet: laat aale* at 01 121.LEAD.We Both S furtht r sale* of 9M tun* Spanith at about

gtxvioss pfb e>

LATHS.Eastera »re fairlv inquired f r at BI 37J f M.MOLASSES is steady j *ale* of 2O0hh.l- Cub* Muacovado

at tod"45c.NAVAL STORES.The market for Spirit* TurpeLtiue uud. r

liberal rei elpt*. and the lauding of *om«- ".."On bbi*. on osr dockawithin tbe past two dara. ia weak at *'Ja43».\, with buyer* Barshipping lots *t th. inaide rate hut bold, ra an- firmly demandingixtr'Uic r.-ea. wtich materia.'y ebsi k* tran*aetn ii. -ale ot3»»i 11.1*. at the »t*,ve riguica. CeäsV ii -r.-ady at t> MB t'i 56Jt,.r MO fh CeSBBtSn Ro*in continue* aettvs tales nf ,1, loo bbi-.al 4-1 10 per jIu fb delisered from yard. Th» medium and ane

qualitie. ale in ateady r.-quett, and pre -n rem»(n firm we no¬

tice sales ol 4MSM0 bbia a; a>4.> 4-5. a id 25u bbi.. Pale Waneat #5 25 per 210 lb tb.- latter is « ar.. u J wanted. Tar is

.feady and in moderat. d. u.and at 9)S9t 25, the bsttel rat-- totW Ua ii |V i.

(MLS.I ii seed is better, and tie -, . be tran*a. teja g.s d bii.u.e** from store, at 98c. a tl 4> gallon, iu bhd*. audM . ( .u.:i- W t., . active: sale* 1,300 bbi* at Stoning-t. n. (cot strictly) inferior, at 79c BsBassl Whiter Bieaciied is

in »teadv reqtn"»t at 90«f92c., the latter ra> ir. bbls. ( ride

Sp. rm lain moderate demand; aalet Sen l.bls. at New Bedford,luppotcd for exp. rt. at tl M & gain. Manufa. tured is

w ithout variable hang. Lard Oil is tirii..y held at the advance.Olive Oil is in moderate demand at BI 2S1t$)3 fit for quarts,a I tHMMBI M|aseptats. Red Oil >. rinn at 67i70e, casha d 4 ni.s.. Campheii. is ateady at 46.-., c«*h.PRO\ ISIONS.The upward "tendency in Pork continue-,

and the demand i< good, mainiy for consumption; the tales are- il SS oj^ BM M for Me.., the la'ter prii-e for amall

let., and tl7 75a 118 for Prime other kind, are nominal. Bert'i- in fair demand aud i. «teadv .ales of uOn bbls. at #6 0-07 forPrime, t8<f t9 25 for Country Mess, and tl 50at)|| for re-

mm ked Mess Prim.- Me.. U quiet at Bit a 17. Bacon i. inactiveat lOid I'Hc. Col Meat, are in fair demand -ale* ,,f IJP.iaiO 16 at

7ja8< for Shoulder* and 8|u9r< for Ham- and 20,000 A RoughSide, at He. Lard ia again better and ii. gtenl request, in part t.-

arri\e; aaie-ot BMbbls and tc- at II. a 14|. anj 2O0 k.-g-*.16|c. Butler i- in fair rt-que-t and i« n. t abuudact at III V.tn Ohio, SSd lsVa>Mt t r State CM. b pleurv at 7. MEig- art in demand at lh<- per d.uten for State.RICE has filled q-:et but it firm at tbe advance tales of 110

ICS. st ttatl MMRSVOABJ i-octinue aitive and bnoyant. The rjiiet of Phila¬

delphia and Bal'imore have be.:. repssastted iu the . tre.t to¬

day, ai J for tl..- latter place nanierabi, has been taken.Bab . ot 1.C0U hhJ... m.aitly t ub*, al Itr* .., and suoabox,., ,t |{a 1Mb,SALT.Tlie demand ra pood bn? pr. e. are hardly a* tins

... . rtjM *¦! I* .rh» l.-lai.dat >i M .ack*J.-9rey*'and Darre»at II A


SKINS-C :'i" 'i rial d. mai.d, Mt] w. i.

further *ale» of a50 bales of light and heavy weight* at 50d54c,with a few at 55c.. laud 8 tun. Deer are atradi. but we harenot lean . J i f any further itnpirtant transai'tlon. We notice *

cargo of 1'tj bait* Sisal 'part afloat and in alore) on the market,ansaht . . .

SEEDS.Calcutta Llt.aeed it firmer, aalet of 20,noo ba«< atBoston, to in t., -'¦ *2 20at>2 2S. Ch.Teraeed i* dull andrath, r nominal at l3S)134c Tlmothf aellt at tJ87jatt4 121

>1"EI.TI K .The demand it limited, but price*are'ruaiuuined.SHOT.A m<td. rate business doiag only at uachanged rate*SOAP.We bear ol sales of 100 boxes Castile atK InvarTIN-Pig istteady and In moderate demand at t^c.'tor Banca

and St. for Strait., cash, mi tbe .p. t and to arrive The re

ceiptt tn prwprct us iaife, solus 13,009 liabi are on tbe way,

u>tt!B*4 for thi* market, within the, orxt two rn i. »*. Ousreeeel, the Ocean Home, with a cargo "f 2.7fa) to t wo slabsBsi.< » Tin. foundered at »ea. and the whole cargo, with th* mm*. eg.rt. found a wan ry grave. I'lltf' or KlTi* 1111 in ac'.v«

riqiett. tnd pnr<-« trud upwird, Bale* 500 base* 1.1 \ »t

? I» <*; extra ine« are ¦ arte, and command extreme rate«.I C l ke havr been it. artive demand, "ii the <p<it and t > ar¬

rive, and the ainrk mi all kind* ta r.ow tnu- n tmiw e.|, najea 5 «)b. im at 09 J4i/ 09 r,\, now held at 0 * VI, 6 aioa. Coke TinPlates are in tteadv rcqueat, -a>- 4'*» b-.ge. a' 09 25, I in

flare. »I Tern* ceutinoe in <oi«f demand, and pri.'e. are ft.- ner.

aakn '*> boiei ... grade at #10 )a\ IMi Fr.rne bran.la art-held at OI0 62)</ 0 1" T'i. f m .¦

TOBACCO.The d. mand 1a eaeii further .alee have beenmade of 140 hhd». Kentucky at «ä I4r. 443 bale* Havana at 28n'JUr 29 Ulr. Yora at 30.-. 163 rates Seedleai at 10« Ale., a:. 1410 bell Banco* Yoyan ot. private term».TALLOW ha* Main improved «alt . of 40.0)10 1ft at 121c.\t HISK Y.I be market ia quit.- rirni. with a poo*] urrnand ;

.ale* of 5L0 bbl*. Ohio ai d Priauii at MMffe., rJo* »: .at-

.r» to .

Zl.Vt.Tliere i* a good stock offering, but the demarid 1*lin it. <i. Holder*. howev«-r, r.-maiu tirm, owing to the improve¬ment in price* t*j the u'her *id--.

Albany I.amber Ylarttet,rot thk on («Dia« srrr. 17,

R'P- rte : specially for Tue Naw-Yoaa Tiiiwik.ALIAJT, Wedneaday, Sept. 17, 18.56.

The buaice*. in the District the p»*t week ha* been quitebriak. and nalea to a fair extent tor the opening of th* Pall trvleo»t- been made, vv learn of ao new feature* in the. .

to note. The finni.eaa ia the better detcription* noted laet» k it maintained.In Chicago the receipt* for the week anding Sept. 6 were

ogtt, owing to the detention ef T«**el« by uVad winds, r -

aiarket wa* aetiv, and BHJ the better qualitie* a more bntk de¬mand. The receipt* Kir the two »ea*ou* to Sept. 6 wem

IM«. KWLumber, ft.321.4*4,941 304.931.(UMShingle*,No. 40,149.200 47 '71.7s..Timber, cu.ft. 1.832.000 738.094

The rerrlpr* by the i-anala for the 2d week In September, athe year* named below, have been aa follow*:

Bd*. A ScantUna. .-.. » .. Timber. SUveaPt. M. C. ft. D.

IM1.9.873.120 »90 - 4.802,000MM.8.rA,n*6 4.« 9.434 2,Ri.481

1843.W.0m,403 I.IOO 1,307.6001444. 1.909,70» 273 490 4.003.«»

1844.7.171.4k» 1.91« - 3,387, llie1648. 7.001.443 711 -l"».«r)

The total receipt* bv the canal*, from the opening, of naviga¬tion, op n> and including the 2d week In September, in tb*year*named beiow, were a* follow*:

Bd*. A Siaxtiinf. Shingle*. Timber. Stare*.Ft. M. C Ft. B.

IM1.1*0.722,333 27.117 104.130 74.tBH, 1911*42.219.2(3.004 24.717 179.811 M.401.ttt)

1»43.279,128,979 f4,AS4 13.912 7S,7»i.4«tIAV4 . 220,049,104 17.413 25,284 T4.I7H 22S

1844.149.3B4.410 32,371 8.731 104.l«2.r£IA**t.147,878,727 08.831 ».1»* 78.1*...*-Tb* total rerelnt* up to tb* preaent time, it will be oboervej,

(all ihnrt in board* and f-anrlinf, in eompariaon with tbe lightrreeip'i of la*t year, *om* IJ.iam.OOn feet. The falling off 1* fargreater tu i-ompanae.n with former yeara.Thi re brüi| no rhang. a in prVea* we omit our table of pricea

eurrent.Heferrlnito tbe Lumber trade, the (iuehee Chrooi'-le »ay*:" A alight improvement in the itaplt- commerce of the --ountry

will he hailt-d wj.h Mlitfaetiun aa an indication of better time*.8everal braneht-* of tbe Timbe« trade had reacht-d *o low au ebbthat aLy lymptoma Of* a reflax were anxiooaly looked for.itbeing a generally aeknowledged axiom iu commerce, a* well a*In niatbrmatb a and philosophy, that aetion and reaction are

equal ai.u aMttary. It i* tnai.ileat fr.-m the Liverpool circular*r- rleed by tbe leaf n.ail, that the rrhri* if put, that the tide i*tuno .1. It i* unwi»e to encourage r**b «pevulatiou, but it iftoliah not to leir* th.- opp. rtniety and to any ad-racce* to an improved itate of circuinttance*.''

Tfarkete_A't/.tr/e./ by Telegraph..Ni.w-OgLEtkS. Belt. 18..1 0TT0« unchanged tale* to day

of 4.000 bale.. Cob» Ti>(t75t-. Laan tirm. Faci<;nrs dull.B NkwOiLcaxr. Sept. 19..Cottov unchanged aalea to-dav2,^40 bale*. Salea for the w.-ek 15.400 bale jeBatata tat theWiek. 17,000 hale*, t'orrra.Sale, for the werk 9.000 bag*.Imjv rt* for the week 41,001) bag*. Stock(0,000 kac*, llMM .ame tune ia.t year. Sale* ot fair at 11 a lit'-. LtaullOiler trte It* uucliaiiged.CHaitrsroN, S.-pt. ML.Cotf01 Salti f r the w--. k DO

bale., piteee a*rVaaee*1 le. Weaaate g.~>d middling and mid¬dling lair at Ilia 12c. \Y nr.ar I« »eerce and advancing led I*.tiling at 01 40<2'OI *.'): white at #1 atVBI *"ewRici. the tint of the ».*». n. *old at 4|<*.Bim.lo, S.pt. 1 1.6 r. v..Flulb 12c. lower; ia'r. 80

bbl«. at 06 So* 0« M f..r Extra Ohio aa4 Mlchlaan. tt'Ktirdull and qniet. Cobm in good demiuid, at un. haiigcd pri ...ale* 4.000 bu*h. at Me., afloat and from «tore. Oars 2c. lower,.ale* 14.1*10 bu.fcel* at Übe., afloat. YVhKKV I.'*.-. Cav*LFar.icHTs firm, IRc. f< r Corn .nd 22Jc for Wheat to N--w-York. RrcriPT» for the 24 boor* ending at noon to-.iav.8.13«bhhV Flour, 41,213 buah. Wheat, 63.957 bu»h. Com. 25.7»') bu«h.Oat». ( anal LxroBTS.l2,l'/7 buih. Wheat au l 4ii>»lhu.h.Corn.

OaWK4>e, Beft. 19..> p m. FlOOB dull; the sale* of *xtr\Oiweg., wrre at +7. Wiir at dull vmi dr.m.piug .ale* of 110,000bu.h.. iiieluding a aniall parcel of White Ohio, afloat, at #1 474.COBB qi.iet. FarrciiT» to New Y-.rk.Wbrat, 13c. Corn, 10J.-.Lak t. IImpobt. in Ike twearj four hour* up to noon to alay,93, 70>,,lib. \\ h. at. ai d66,000'bu.h l orn. Casai. Kxpobt-..934 bkla Fh.ur. ÜrfM bu»ii. Wheat, 21,270 bu«h. Com, and4,400 bu.h. Barley.

Receiptn of Produce..Sn'r. 1".* II* Sörth Huer BrBIT IT TIT bbl*. Floor, 40.280 bu.h. Wheat,58,6V) d". Corn. 7,000 do. Oat*, 5 pkc. A«he», 694 do. Wbuky.By Krie H ,ur .. bbl*. Flour. S2 pkg*. Whiiky, 60

do. Previaioui, 10 ekS. ilBir, mo hag* Wbrat.

Occnn »icmtiem,10 lihl'ART.

Pulton.From New-Y irk .Sept. M..For Bane.Bar. clone.Fr. m Ni * i -rk St-pt. 20. .For Havre.Qaoraje Law.From Bew-Tork..B*pt.M..ForAaftuwall

Texa*.From Nrw Y-.rk. ..S. | t N..F0I Ni araat ia.

Arabia.Fr..ai B"*teu.Srpt. N..F0I Liverpool.Atlantic. From New-York. .Sept. 27.. For Llverp.*il.gfeW-Teik.Fron» New Y* ,rk..S..pt, JO..For Ulaagow.

TO ARRIVF.TVaaklaatiiB Balle«! fr..m Bnatkeaaetna for Ware.Taajx.Bap4.10t'»n»<l».Sailrd fr..m Liverpool for B'.»t..n.Sept. 11Balte.BaAUA naaa U»«ep*«l Bar New- Torfc ...S.-pt. nAt....Sail, from Liverpool lor New-York.St, t. 20


BlU llBIB 5 46 Set*.6:00 "toos-Rije*. 9 5H*hi6h wATab.THIS OAV.

Sar.Jy Hook...11 Ml Oov. Wand. .11:52m Hell Oat*.... ItM


Cleaared.Sleannhip. F. ton, Wotton, Havre M Living*!.. l

Ship*.Onward. Lunt, Liverpool, Walah, Caxv. r k ( haae[ravia Crockett, S[-« ::cer, Liverpool, Ev.-rett it Brown LizryHatwar.i. BöhlaBoll. Liverpool, J. O. Bakrr 4t Cm\ ; Kear.arge,Ferklae, St. J..hn, N. B., W. II. BieeaeaaUk, Caatariea, Caulkit.a, Littraoot, /erega k Co.Bark.Henry, Wueoa, Savannali, Sturgeak Clearman.Hiia*.Billow, V...nig, Bo*toii, tai.atrr; Curlew (Br ), Card,

PlBialaia. .1.8. Whitney k CO.| Maria Pa«-aliua (Fr ), Bar¬th, liny, Port-au-Prince, A. C. Roaaiere, Kmnit, Pitta, Para,Condug. Brnto It Co.; F.uropa (Br ), Franc!*, St. Kitt*, D. R.Dr Wölfl. H. M.thew*, Cheaey.Bl Theaaaa. H -¦¦ k Cot-akafi Alhioa I i* \*-t. Smith, CaiaeBaa, Ru«.eii k Vlalag.

Schooi.t r..Com. Kraru.-v. llaa«-tt, Boston. S. W. LtWAi.,Sylvia F., Kteiir, Portland, uiaetrr; Clba, Taylor, Savannah, E.L. Powtll. Otenroy,Fletcher, Jacksonville, J»nhri.-r it Thomp-.on: ktarvlai.d. Cbaao, (leorgetown, .laa. Hand. i. K. Potta,Mark, Hartford. m**t.-r; Mary Jane, Harris. Fllaaketk City, II.C. I'.-rk M. Van Name, Van Name, Baltimore, Diraolid k

FWBfa Rio, Harris, Lakf'a Landing, Bateman A Rudder-.vvM.ry and Alice. Swanberry, Ponce, St.irgrs A Cm. | PnlwgaRule, Van I'leat. Rn hmoud, C II. Pierson; Oeo. Kiuily.Stun.r«. Bootoa, L. Keaay j Loaeon (Br.), Dtaaaala, St. John'*,N i Vkllat.ee at Bulley; Le.<«.l.» Brauchamp. B*Jtbaaora,Kibbefc.Mi h.ee Marsaret, H. ..on, City Point, J. llaBtef kCo.

AirlTeeJ.Steamabip Black Wtrhor, J. W. Smith, Commander, fr-.in

New-Orleans, to Liviua*t«n, Cr.<heron k C«. Left South-we*tPas*6p. in 12th in*t., paa*ed the H.ok at 11 p. m. 18tli inst., 4days 5 hours. All the way frooi S.W. Pa*, to the Tort ugaa.paa.ed large quantitiea of .hip tirohrr, kuee*, broken «pars,mtiti, planks, door pannel*. bbl*. and boxre, rviden'ly fromvessel* di**bled ai d lo«t during the laat hurricane in the Oulf.Sept. 15, 5 am., bat, 24 48, Ion. 38 18 paaae.1 a vraael btittom up,apparently new, could not discover nar uaxue probably a sehr,or Leroi. ^>rig, about 300 tuna, not coppered bottom, paintedgrr- a, biigbt mas'* floating along side; same day. 1:30 p. m..lat. 26 24, lou. 79 46, paaaed another veaael bottom up, of ab-mt400 tnn*. bottom painted green, hull black, her bow* *tov>- i:.and rudder torn off, probably had beeu iu rnllaakra with »ig»

other vrsarl. On tbe outward pa..*ge, 40 mite* north of CapeFlorida, pa**ed a vessel bottom up. coppered, and new masts,.pars and sails along aide, supposed to be a herm. brig. Sept.18, at 11 am., 134 miles to *outliward of Sandy Hook, exchanged.igu*ls w ith .tt an.ship Empirr City, ht-n.-e for Havana.

St. aa .1 j- Km avilio. Ludl .w, 44 hour, 'rum Savannah, m.lse.. nd passe gt-rs to Samf. L. Mitchill. 18th lueC, 9 p. bb., 74 BallaBnorth .'f Hattrr**, exchanged signals with steamship* FlortiaibABoetheraer, >»ii bsat., otT the D> :.warr. p«.~..i a *.-hr.ahowisg red and white .ier.als. wtth letti r* I). B a-.d R.. booadnorth.Bark E.u*b«'th J. of Philadelphia. Bix'rr, King.ton. Jam.

Aug.2y.sugsrt0PawK.il AC. left FMtBeyal Aae, H kkSept la'. 23 20, It n. 83 16, pas*ed bri^ Elira Jan- of N- w York.tterrltieW, N W. Sept. 17, Paul Crteg, tbe ttoward, dir 1

rjy. Sept. 18. lat. 39 17, let 711'.. .p.,kr brig M i

n in rhllaaVIl .* for Barbadoes. 24 houra out.Bark Wiandntr. of B -*t- n. Bryaut. Lou* Irland I Bahama.!)

Sept. 5, *ait to Tu. k-r k Lightb iri.f, eeaeal to ma.t. r

Brig Segniu of Baltimore, Kuiant, Aux Caro* Aug. 29. log.ari^wlto Barling, Kikhy It Co. Au«. II. let.WM, ha 74 4i.brig jhiahea Career, tor Jamaica. 3.1 Sept., iti r -ikrd |.

pa.sagr, (*w ddp J"hn N.Albert Btaarlaj aaatk DU» Sept.,»f. 34, Ion. 74 3«, spoke brig Sheet Anchor, for Ba'h.BrigMerevC. Couren*, of B...ton. Kills. Havana 16 day.

sugar fce tö Petant Bro* vea.rl t.. R. P. Buck It Co.Sehr. O. L. Lovell. Bo*ton, E. k W. Herriei.> . M M Taylor, Baltimore 7 da> s, coal to E. Cu

nard.Sehr. Yankee Doodle, Chare, Alexandria 4 days, coal toCum-

b< r!ar i Iron aiid Coal Co.Sehr. Potomac, Berrv, Alexandria, coal to Cumberland Iron

aaeCoalCo.Sehr. Lydia Ann. Morris, Richnmnd I dav*. coal to .,rder.Sehr. Joba Fonyth, Holme*, Alexandria 5 dais, wheat to

order.SYfcr. F. P. Ladd (Br.). Johnson, Dorch««tt-r 6 days, bail U .r

.tone, Kelly k Souther*.Sehr. Vs m. Pickeniuj. Mitchell, St. George, N. B., 10 day*,

lumber to Jed Fry.Sehr. J. W. Hale, Friend. Rio Ha ho 21 day*, fustic and

hide* to Thompeon fc Hur terSehr. M»jor Donaldson, Spe-J, Baltimorr 5 days, com 'o H.

Stulgrr a, Co.Seal Melbourne. Bix. Rockland.Sehr. Janr. Haakell, Baa ÜBIBBISehr Ju la, WejBBi Joneabi ro (Me. I, 6 davs, latiu to Z. May-

hew.Sehr Marv A:.: Sawr, Joneiport (Me.) 6 days, lath* and

taswfcae m I F kateaePropeller Peiirai.. Aul.lri.-b. Provldeoce-Propellrr Sarah Jone*. Philadelphia.P: p. Her Mar*. Nicbol*. Philadelphia.Propeller Tacony. Wilton, Philadelphia.SAILED.Shipa Shakespeare (Brem.). Deike. lor Baitimora;

Adler (Brem.). -; Maaot ic Bates, for S-h.idia. Onward.Lunt. for Liverpool, barka Lyra,-, Maria M r: ... i'.t. t. :.

fur Savanuab.\s INI»-Sunri»e, N. W , Mer'n., S. 8. W.; Souaet, M. W.

Wlutlere.A lett- r frumtbe first officer of bark Acorn, of Provincetown

rapirt» her. Aug. 14, lat. 38 N. Ion. 67 W with 120 bbl*. oil.'

AtFayal, JuljJO, barhr. BuatitUua, XucA, fioriatttowa,

oil mm before reported. 20th, Stafford, Francis, New Bednrd240 btli. »Perm «in . «au,« Fiyal.Touched at Kaval lulv P P' eavr ard. New H-.|

ford, 110 bbl. spoil.ll«t. Lwtitle. Tilton. d... i*l bbl* *p oil m

itt.il.d- An« 4. Columbu*. Ward, HtV Ln ion. ..:,d-d 72 bbl

-p K«;ah, Stewart. NBe.lf-rd, do. II «Ol (Vaips. Snow d<elraii-Atb. Mar* llardn.-r. NirboU, Sa* Harbur. J... Helen A i

gutta. Wor«b. liolrae't Hole, |5bbla laoded-eirb. K irons, Phin

ney. New Bedford. 50d., do.»th, |.ae<-Hi. k-, N ne. NLa I

elesn; Oip.ev. Smltb. n Iledf .rd, 65 bbl« landed.t'Wh. A

Fv.ns. Fairhaven, .Lau: Aitamaba Fiah. r. Sippi. « an de.

75 bbis sp.llth. Kann* B.adry. N Bedford, lean. lohn k Ellrabeth. b dnd*.. M. uaded4*bbl*mf Lafwi t.Ckey, d.» .0 do do.Uth, Matilda Sear a. W mg. Dartma alltu. f a*' report. Joacphme, Allen. New Bedford, .lean Solon

("bi:d.. W. .tp. rt. landed 25 bbl* .p.litb. Oean. Sm;t i NewBedford. r)eaj;_I«tb. ( nioii. Kill-, do. 1« bbl. »p oil not ,»i,de.|.¦fa keu.Aug 17, lar 38 M, b o SI, *cb Bienif. Karon, .,f Prov-

üireiown, with 150 bbl- ap nil.Aug 17, tat 3« 50, |.u H 40. bark N D (base, of Beverly.Arr. at New Bedford llth. «hip Omare.«, K

Ovesa.St. HeJeaa Jaly 2H. with i.»*>bbi*. sp.au.1 !...«> <!.. *>>¦

oil on board aent home on the vovag* S.Soaibs. hone. Repirti.poke. Apnl 7. lat. 2« S.. Ion. 10 uo E., barka Henry H. CrapoBaker, Dartmouth. 300 ap. ; A. H Hauahtou. Marble. KailRi'..r. 5i«l ap. 300 wb. 21 at. lat. 28 30 S. 10 OSE., ahipJohn foggeab.ll, Lambert. P. H.. 400 wh. Bth, at. 23 10 S..Ion. 10 K. h.rka Maaaaaoif. Hanrlr. Matfapu.e" |04(p.j Pa-

mega. I oggwLall. N. B BB ap. May I. lat. 23 40 S Ion !. "J

F.. Motimou'b. Eldrldge. Col Spring. 170 ap W wb. id. lat.24 8., Ion. 10 09K .Ve.per. Hempatead. N. L.. 500 wb. 5tb,Eli.ba Dunbar. Lincoln, N. B.. 400 .p. Heard from, km Ilat. 25 !on. 10 08 K Pa-iri. Sherman. N. B I»" ap, 8'» wh.

Twilight. Tompbin*. N. B., f« ap. .>> wh.; LlllnajtlB. Smith,1 wh. tin.aeaaxiii. S0»h. Pioneer, Lambert, do., 4<W*p., J00 wh. ;

Ionia, Randall, do., 100 ap. Mar L l»t- 25 kV lou. I" 08 K Stc-

phania. Fiaher, do., 1.2*« bBJ board John k Edward. Smith, do.,1.000 wh. J 1M 1°, lav 2« S loa. 48 E., Cherokee, Smith, do.,5 ap. llth Plover, Ski If. do.. <¦1-au

Sid. from below, 12th. ahip W m. Wirt, for the Pacific.A letter from on board .hipRoariut. Deiter. of New Bedford,

dated July h, rrporta her. no lat. he., hating taken 230 bW«. ap.oil airre leaving TV.ahuana in April.Spoken.May 1, lat 24 S.. long. 10 09 ha, bark C lurnb i«, Tay¬

lor, N. B.. rttfB, and b-uling.Aug. It, iat. BIO. baas, i4 pi, bark N. D. Cha.e. of Beverly.

¦ u .... BBt, wi-h 15 bbta. oil MOM date, hark K. Bunc-hu.ia. ofFrovincrtowu. homeward b»un.l.

Capt. BeBry P.a.e. 2d.and othera. of Edgartown, ar»aboot to

purchase a ve'.ael to be employed in the whaling bu.ine.a. un¬

der command of Capt. Magui're, late of «ehr. Win. P Doliivar,cfNantuck.-i.Arr. at New Bedford llth. ahipfHerald, Allen, Pacific Ocean.

Talcahuana Aprü 10, with 525 bbl.. ap. (t.«>k 70 on -he paa.vg-lat .i .t> do. blackfiab oil. Bold and aent home ou the voy.ge. 275bbla ap. oft, Haa on freight 27 ca«k« ap oil from bark A. It-Tucker et Dartmouth 21 do do. from ahip He.per of Fairhsven.Bag. I lal H >3N.. Ion 45J"). spoke bark Acoru of Province-tow n. 15 daya out. clean.

A.ao arr bark Sliver Cloud. Maxfield, Boatou. to fit for whal¬ing.

Cid. 13th. .hipCharlea W Morgan. Fiaher. Parifir Ocean.Arr. at Sippcan 19th, ach. Admiral Blake. Blankeiiahip. North

Atlantic, with . bbl* ap., do blackball II.Arrive.I at Angt. r July 4. Pamelia. CoggeshaJI. N. Bedford, from

a cruise. Monmouth. Eldridge, Coldspring do.; 5th, Pioneer,Lambert.-; 6th, Ionia. Randall, New Bedford.At Cap-town. C. O. H., July 25, brig Zoe, Roger«, of N-w-

London.A letter from Capt. Devoll of haik fJsMMS and Mary of Wert-

port, report« on the Coast of Africa in May. bark Mattapoitett,Soi.le, \Ve.tpcrt, 300 »p.; June 12, brig Leotnda», Urmtiell, d".127.(4 ti board) 15th barktOlobe. TriplNew Bedford. 40.n.,140 wh. I.reyhound, Wing.W'e.tport, nothing .ince leaving St.

Helena: 25th. Sacramento, Sm w, do.. 500 .p. and wh July 1,Mart p. Davis, New-Bedford. 210 .p Kathleen. Almy.d.... 280

.p 200 wh.: O.c.ola, Ho.in. r, .!..., 775 «p. and wh., brig K.x¦. \ Ian... Mattap<.iai-tt, 165 ap

Sales on '«Xocnoii.TOm Moaa.i l. AoetlBMsr.

4 TTR.UTIVE Al t TION SALK of KI'KXI-TI RE, Jewelry, Paintinga. Mirrora. Carpetiuga, Silver

Plated Ware, Chili«; he.THIS DAY (commencing at 10,o'clock with the moat de-irablel, at No. 79 Naaaau-at. Cata-1'gu.a with lull deacripfion, terma und condition, at atore.

VisitOff to the city will do well to attend, a. they will be.

Sleatt d with the oiidifioi a. not to take eicept aafi.tartory, no

epiait. n quired; aa for variety and attractions, a tuil descrip¬tion would sg(spy long apace, and then be ..nly imperfect.Kveiy article ongiuated from private cu.tom, and aeut to cloaebn>in.ts, raiae money, he. One of I'liiiipton'« great Be.l»teadaand Secretary will be told; also, at conclusion, a large aud veryde.llable atock of

HAVANA CIOARS.Giving conaumera a chance as well aa dealers, as they are wildwith the paivMsps mt loo ,,r l.iaai. N. B. Every article treofrom limitation u.utt be ...Id.

AT AUCTION.IKÖN SAFKS..Fiftwn newand ttrttlld band tup»-rior SAKES, of variout »irea, tuita-

ble for mcp haiita, SSetofj. or j.-weh rt. Will be told to eloSSth. concern, on SATI BOAT, Mtb intt., at it o'clock a. m., atNo. 248 Fnlton-at,

A. M. Mcawiv. Auctionesr.Y PANGS, BROTHER A Co..Trade-SaloNo. IS Park-row.13

A. J. Bi.r.k. kta A Co., AsirtoBMts,

I^XECOTORS' SAI.K of VALUABLE PROP-J KRTY on Sprrag and Third-.t..-Me..r«. ANTHONY J.

Bl BECKXI k Co will sell on WEDNESDAY, Oct. 1, at 12..k.a'the Matchsany Exchange, the valuable property

known ta N". 58 Spring-it being a Tot of ground »fcltt. wHathr. »¦ hnildtnga tbere. n.< ne frame and two with brick fr.mtt.Also, the pr. perty known as No. 270 3d at. The hrt ia 22.7xliaS,with ei.e tun k and two frame bOWSB tksfSSB. Thi. propertyrent, for s> l ido per annum. A p>>rti..ii of the pnri baae moneyc.n teu.aiu OB bond and mortgage. Kor map«, Ac, apply at theoffice of the Auction.-. r. No. 7 Broad-at. Bv srab r.

..Ii JAS. H At WM. PL'LLIS. Ex.-cators.

F. Colto«, Aaetl aassr.

?OENTEEL H0U8EH0LQ fcrmtcrk.VÄ Six rSSStt.I Piano-Körte«, Pramch plate Mirror., i'arper.and Oilcloths, 150 Cottage lliälgtlalilt. BW t'hsirsi HilTrrplitgdWare, Clm-ka, Pins, Chain., Jew.'ry, Ac. f. COLTOM will «e||

THIS DAY, ."aturdi.v, Sept. 20, at l"l o'clock, at the AuctionR nu a, N. A SO Bc limaii and 89 Ann its, tin- tilths t iruitureof a family breaking up, comprising in part two or three auitesof Parlor Purnttare, la ruSSWuod and br.^ atell. ; large KreucSpia». klrrrors, Oval d W'afdrobet md Booh ases, IfrsstiaaBur. .ii«. C. all r Thblss, Dinner and Batsmaioa d EsaaaeUdB.dn"i.. Baits, Brsassli. tbras-ply and tBaaabi Carpats,OB-cloths. Feather B.-.I.. Hair Mattreaasa, Oil ralatiaaa, B.awsaoiai d BsSSSBSal Partiil Its, Ae. A!..>, at 12 ..'. I.e k, «ix r....-w.ej.land Basbsfaaj Pi..Fort. ., by good maker, and in good order.Aim. 150 Cl'tag.- Brlttufl and 200 I'bair.. ¦sJtabiO for theT-. Is. Also, b) rOSI of the Admiulsttatora. V Chaika. one or

two Wat. has aad Qoid Cham.. PilU, Ac. H. B. Ail the ahov-geo.lt will be Mild without resSTVg and Without re.tri. tioti.Deal, rt ,.nd all in waut arc invit.-.l.

D. 8. Hoven, Au. tioneer.

HOUSEHOLD FUKNITUBE <-i tBa m»stmaai.iti. ent .lea. riptK.ii, russwosil 1'IANO FORTE, rose¬

wood BOOKCASES, roaewoo.1 SUITES, OIL PAIMTINUB,fine SEVRES, PORCELAIN and DRESDEN CHINA.-Par-tietilar attention ia directed to this aalo of gooda, being all nearlynew, in excellent (rder, and witba! warranted, which willtake place punctually THIS (Saturday) MORN I NO, Sept.20, at 10J o'cf.a k, at the private re.idence No. 248 West 23.1-at.,near the 8th av. In the catalogue will be tound two m.ui.ih-. nt rosewood Parlor Suite« of 7 and 14 pie. .-., with Eaay, Springand Laili.-i' Kancy Reception Chain, Paris impoetod Bookcase,and Se. retain with teeret drawer«, rosewood roiiud-cornersd? SCtSVS Piano Forte, elegantly caaed, and for volume and rich-ne.a of tone ia entirely uusurpasKd; a very great variety ofelegant and beautiful r....-w- .1. papier mache and inlaidTable«, Stauda DssBS, Workbaaketa, Ac. Also, splendid mar¬

ble top Center Tables, large, heavily framed Pier and Oval Mir¬rora and Slabs, heavily embroidered Lace Curtaiut, several verybeautiful rosswood Etagere, with afatuary marble top.. About200 yarda of Croaaley'a Kngliah Royal V elvet, and 300 yardsTape.try Bruaael., the importation ol R. W. Simsoii in Broad¬way a very tasteful vani ty of tine Sevres Viu» «, and Bisqueana Par:an representations, impirted by Rellinaud; splendidbr, BBS and marble Clot ka, maa.ive rosewood Extension Tables,mahogany Dining and Tea do.; French China, white and gold]complete Dinner Seta; 4 do Tea Sets; 2 splendid Silver Ser¬vile., stamped by Smith k Brot. hue rvttal and colored cutOla., ware, elegant Casters, Pitchera, Korka and Spo**na, ivoryCutlery, Ac.: roaewood and mahogany heavily carved Bed-ateada with Bureaua, Washatan l«, C.mmode«, Ac, in bothrosewiaMl and mahogany, for five aeta of room. ; Krench chin*Toi,et Seta; fine Mattreaaea, Blanket., Counterpanea, Pillows,maLogany Sofa*, Parlor and Eaay Chair*, Sofa aud other Table*!Mirror*, he. Alto, one of the fiueat collection* ol Painting*'in thit city. Sale positive. Ouods can be packed on thepremise*.

Joskpk Heckman, Auctioneer.

OIL MONDAY, Sept. at IA o'clock, p. m., attne -outhea-t corner ot 2d place and H.-i:ry-st.. S<iuth Brook¬

lyn, -uite. ol .pl. ndid Roaew.Kid Parlor FL RNITl.'re, incrim-sou hrocat. lie, with cover-, by Meeks, cost 41600, and as good asnew ; Secretary aud Qookease, oak Bxten-iou Table, 15 uak* 1 air». Pier Oia--, Lace Window Curtain-, Brus-el- Chamberand Siair C*rpet-, Bedstead-, Mattrea.es, Crib, Cradle, Chair«.Table-, A.c. Several valuable Oil Paintn.i-, Iron Safe,Holm. . k Butler'- Alum Patent. Catalog !.-- at the Sal.-.room..

By A. J. Bi.kf.cker k Co..A. j. Bleei keb, Auctioneer.


»eil at Public Auction on the 8th of Oct., ( U BDBEBDAT), at

12o'clock, at the Mercbaat«' Exchange, the valuable Lot ofOr. .i.,i ki,. wu as N" 60 SheriK-si., being on tl.e eaaterly sidedl.taut 22Ö fe. r from the n. E. OOftkSfOl Ikslsacsy-St.. and iu.lae BbxlM feet. Thi. property is iiLiu.'.iu.b. r. d, «nd a war-

rait, e Seed w ill be given ot the same.

For Map* and ether particulars apply at the office of the Auc¬tioneers, No. 7 Broad-st. ( »J7)

James Cole, AactioBear.

Positive sale, without rooorre, of 88 valuabl- BUILDINO LOTS, near Mount Prospect Square,

Brooklyn. JAMER (OLE A son will .... .... Tl'ris )AY.Sept. iy at 12O'clock, at the Merchant.' Exchange, New-York,62 Lota on Flatbush,9th and KHh-ava., aud on Uoioa, Pre*tdeot,Carroll, Montgomery and Mv ouib Its. Th.-*e Lot. are some Iof the b.-st that have been oil.-red Cm a 1-ug lime, ei-her for in-vestment or improvement. Klatbu.h and 9th ***. are paved,md are both leading thoroughfares. The gradea are about thehigh, at iu the city, commanding a fine view of the Bar, Ocean,and .urrounding ountry. 65 per ceu' can remain ou B md aadMortgage For Maps and full particular* apply to Me.tr.. WETMORE k BOW ne, No. 61 W all ,r., New York, or sf the An-tioiieers. No. :-m Fulton at.. Brieiklyu, and 45 BtsBBB Ii, N. Y.

If. DoliiHTV. Auctioneer,WILL SELL ou MONDAY, rVpfc %%. at I OA a.m.f f all the ri.h and elegant HOL'SEIIOLD FCRNfn RK

bin te four-story house No. 1J6 East 28th «t., near Hth-av., cou-

.latingul lieh rosswood Parlor Suite, in brocatell.- and pluth-,riMewood Piano-Forte, Stool, aad (>>ver; rosew.XM.' 8ecref»jryand Bcokcase. manogany d. French Secretary; Pier Ola. -,Pi. r and Ce'ter Table* Or-moiii Block (nu* twenty-onedayslEiruwan marble Vase.; Quarter aud Fancy.Tablet; Brocadeand Lace Curtaint, rich Oil Paintings, he. The Chamber* arefurnished with substantial walnut, mahogany, and rosewoodFurniture: belt Horsehair Mattreatea, Fea he'r-Bodt, B.latersand Phlowa, Blankets, Bedding, Kreuch Plat.- Oval M.rrora-4-ply ingrain Carpeta; Mantle Ornament. Wardrobea Dining-Room oak Exleuiion Table*. .: .«A DmingChair* SofasRo. ker. marble-top Sideboard Hall Stand; Engli-b Oilcloth'Library Bookcase and Table* Engravings ; velvet and taoestrvSuir < arpet« «od Rods; China, Crockery, and flhkfklS* Cjflerv PI.vt.-d W are Kitchen L'teuaila, he. Catalogue, at houseearly on morning of sale. Deposit* required.

IrOim», (DUe, ®iaao,Ke B o 8 e }Te rTTlTsTl


Sperm Oil* Ut 00 " mach ",bt " ** 17 "f

KEROSENE LUBRICATING OIL.Bee eertitestet at the office of anderaigned.

KEROSENE BINNACLE OIL.Prepared iprc.ly for thip't use.74,000 i... ti ofthe above 0i Is for asis.

_ , _ AUSTENS, Agent.Atiesiaa Oil Co., Be. M Beevor .i, N. t.

CHA8. 8TAKR A Co., NV ||7 v-,,^.Man'.facrurer* an* Or.|,rt * A ..hoi t£i!25^L

it, riwd. rh..»f»ir»Mj_^jr^^I\\ i ka QÜÄTrrf kkpined laBttä-»

J \e. burr.. M d mm] . tm OlU.re**a tfa wirk. Ben., free fron, gum. U >.V7,?,J!"i>rut. Mi tv A .". '"p"*».COBlflVS PI RE TALLOW on, ,,lt)rrt., a..

.tend odder weather, u * b^t^LT!?1!*»«Barrel* 30 tu 40 gaii< n* Only Aren- ..pnerc«!"^


john Wm im. N«. tt Wii)m^1JAUNT, Iffotaft; Oil, M rent. wr^iu>

VaroUb for purely mllife pain; ffjL »¦¦"*¦, (j^D BlDWELL. No JMOr-enwich (V* .fV^_»M»W»»WW»M».¦»^»»¦MM^^J^H

Drrj <£ooös.

BLEACHED GOODS..1,000 ra*e«,every width -ud quality. For taie by



nesmith A Cm No, t: Ir^tw

BUOWN CKX)DH.rJOO bale^~r^.T~-rr-~and nee. For*aIeby NFSfcllTH »

Wo 11 Brotaaw

BLANKETS..-m cane-a rifcahafft a»a^BLANKETS, reo« cradle *i*e to It 4, snd of varkiTj

t*»a: together with N»«r< Indian and H >rse Blanket*^H?*RocAdal* and tfonie Mill*. WIN be (old low. ^

S r > M 11 A No T| Br»»4^OM>1ENCEMENT of tb.> KALI,

No. »1 ORAND STcfHAS. HEARD A Co h*re recm.) fy.)ln ta, ^

auction ule* and elaewbere, within th. la.twe,! ,,.MS3tHINDRED PACK AOES of NEW PALL DUf Ma>Soroi n«iu« acompietc onrtmol ..f SILKS, iHAW/.s Mel''NO* PARAMATTAS CASHMERES DELAINE* savmand MERINO PLAIDS. BLANKETS KI.ASHKljt aHtpiINGS SHIRTINGS, LINEN irOODS of all kiuA*. LAlni*( LOTHS REAL LYONS SILK VEH r TS lOwhktwlMANTILLAS and CLOAKS. HOSIERY. OLOVBA, k^"To give an idea of wha' we intern'to do, we will «Berta,

followiu* |.« of g«>dsat retail n.. MllNIMY S. p- .'23.70H yda. PLAID and STRIPED SI I.KS, at a «,rheaf«ft.4.600 yd* RU H and HEA > Y SILKS at 3 8, 8 .. «.*.»lo.koo yd*. BLACK GROS DK RHINE from 7/ up to tkth.impoited.

I- OBI ili.S WIDE DOOMS at I «.7 .... ENGLISH PRINTS at ».t* a y *.<«. usually «,;.l _,2*1- PRINTED DELAINES and I AMIMKRO a,

quality, at 1 6. CHARLES HEARD A Co ^

_No. 301 Oraaiai

CL A K K 8 KPOOL CÖTf OaTiIt* great «trength, perfect aanoothne** and freedoatrim.A

Inequalities that pr. v.-ut Um SM action of the ueedJe, raa**r|Strtaiea to *u. omra Spool Cottoi*

FOR BOTH HAND AND MACHINE SEWING.Sold by the principal Fancy and Dry Oood* House* is Bar

T>«k, andWHOLESALE by tic «ubacriber,

OEOBOE A. CLARK.No. S3-Dey *f., New Yeah

IttiEMIC and FANCY DRY CHMlDlUISAAC HADDOCK. No. 2*5 Grand at., middle of

betweeu Chiyitk ai d FiHiJth Ni (toroierly of Ni>. J09 0tm4.t., corner of*Allen.) wiahia to call the attention of hi* regjija;customer*, and the publn- in general, to his stock of

DKY HOODS,ahickjteha* liarilitiea lor *elUng ss cheap a* any atore 114,city. Hi* stock comprises alni»*t all description.,.fDOMK.<T!(and FANCY DRY MOODS, BLANKETS FLAN NEUDAMASKS CLOTHS sn i CASSIMi RES M>:RINllKS. «gPARAMATTAS. SHAW I.S RIBBONS. HOSIERY. LAC«SMALL WARES, fcc, a'l of which »lllbe*old low iW aaland being Nuight for cash, will he found as cjVari, if not bray,than at any atore in the citv. Remember. No. 26.* tfrai.il-at., aa>die of the "block between Cbryitie and Forsyth at*._


C LOTHS.The Stylee entirely new. Now on Sale, by

Or OROE BULPIN, No. SHI BrcaaSray.H. MdOlvp: "T Co., No. 5 B^»*lwia,

j a have in atore, at d aie daily receiving from A.ctt«awother sources, their Fall aopplr of

FANCY SILK OOOD9,Con sist in* In pi rt of an extenaivo aaoortmeat of


Engli*li, French and German blas-k and whiteBILK I RIMMING LACES,FbENCH CORSETS,

F. MbBOIDERIES.Millinenr Siiks. S tin*, Marcellinea and K'..r-r ..*,

STRAW BONNr.iaaiot IKIMMINGS.The attention of all c**h buyer* is invited to an 1 u ae *

of our atock, which ia marked plainly lu li«ure*, and is -ifswat fire per cent advance, and will be couatautly ivpl -aiaMthroughout the season.


Bl'LPIN'S No. 361 Broadway.


For many year* on the comet ot grand and Alh u sts bentmoved to

No 26.3 ORAND-STMiddle of the block, Utw.-.n Clir>.t|e and ForaythT E L L A 8* H A W ITT,STELLA SHAWLS.


BBS NEW STELLA BH AW LS, at very low price*.No. 72 Canal .t.


will open THIS MORNING new aad beautifulDE LA INES, WOOL PLAIDS,


No. 72 Canal *t


Milliners, Ä'c.


No. lot CHAMaaat aT.,New-York.

O I O. W. k J E H 1 A L READ,Manufacturer* tad Wboleaalo Dealora,

Factory No*. 3&S, 8») and 392 Broadway Albany, N. T.Are uow prepared to exiulat to pur. haaers from all part* ItsUniou an attractive, elegai t and complete* a**orttaeut of PAU<and WINTER GOODS, ailapted to the wanta of every seaaa

of the country, among wbicb mav be fouud many enutrlyavand original atyle* ol their own deeign.P...-.ai attention is requested to beir M'.'l.Kskl



ajpjaj BCDS, PIQCETS. fee.,At low price* for caah at

No*. «4 andM John .1.,Corner of William.



No. 384 Broadway, comer of Franklin-«t.Invite the attention of dealera to their large assortment o<



Clotf-ting.FALL FASHIONS.$3 HATS, elegant Frese)

Mob akin Hata, uiuallv told at mi; neat Hat« s2 ».

_BROWN. No. 409 Canal ax. (old No. ZtAj_

NOTICE TO FIKEMEN..Prices at wait- .


Noa. 122 aad I* F^ua*Drab F. lt Beaver, Coat and Panta.B[>Drab Pilot, Coat and Paufa. DDrab Kersey Beaver Coat and Pant*. 'JBlue Felt Beaver, Coat and Psuia. BBlue Pilot, Coat and Paula.*11W'3BHue Beaver. Ceal and Pant*. MtBlHavre Flaunel PIKE SHIRTS constaaüy oa bead.a)t*

1^T~ö c~~a h H B U f~E~B f.SOFT HATS. PLI SH and FUR CAF8, kc,

A: Manufacturer' Price*.W. H. MORRELL,

No. 41 Warrea-et., New York.


At.KEAT ami GOOD THING AtVOli*PLISHED .No more accldenta can occur, if IM aajFj

l-MON PATENT INDIA RUBBER ANTI-EXPLOSITjI'LL ID LAMP, o.anufactured by HAWXHCRST k MirTf.No. 60 Fultoii-at. Agenta wanted everywhere in tise (Jaia*NState*.

BKl'SHES, of every dfacriiition, at the) BrtjtFaef. rr, No. 117 Peai'-.l., Franklin Square. All artiaw

aold at the lowswt Paetorv pricee. Paiut Braabeeof a *up**arquality conatan'ly oa haul Maehine Brtuihee made to :er.


1} L A (1 8 »


No. I2S Htidaui. st.Lettered with Ibe name* of Preatdeotial CvMiiC*.

I>KÖF(»SALH. . SCHOOL FU^NITURE^"JL Proposal, will be re. eived at the office of the Clark eil»Board of Education, corner of Grand and Elm «ts.. <*.1st dayof October, at 3 oMoch p. m., for PCRNISHIM **FITTING CP the Primary Department ol Ward Sehaat PB *ia the Eleventh W ard with Furniture the .am* ai that a"* *

a»e In Ward School No. 12, Sevauth Ward, and in a»c«r.la*e»with Plari* and Speciflcation* mi the at *l e offleo of ths- <<*« *

the Board of Education. By order of the Board of S.ii*J law

cer* of the Eleventh W ard. OEO WHITE. CUirmttu^Sovereign* abroad,Sovereign* here,Men at renow ula every sphere,<Hve t.» Lvoa btinor dn*.And bis w ord* lud 'rse ss true.

PKINCE ALBERT aud half th.- nobility <»f

gland haiecert f ed ihu LYON S POWDER. *" ir"^^.in»ect*, i* imroedlale death to all the varieties of tke aelo^^icnl kingdom. Depot. No. 424 Broadway. .

IB HI CASKS JOHN LKE' BLEACHINGJ.IIII POW DERS now lauding, and for aale by . .

JAS. T. DERH1CKSON k Cn., No. JiBeekteavnetMj^..¦y C CASKS SODA ASH, ST, per S, * "*I Oby JAS. T. DKKRICKSON k Oat

No 30 Beektnan af¦¦ ^ J',

NEW-YOKK and ERIE RAILROAD Cpf-PANY-Gaaaaat Ortlct, No. 173 Broadway. fV-jto

The New York and Erie Railroad Cmpenv are now P''P"V.do a regular Etprea* buaiaaoa. U. D BH, Sap t Liar*'

D. C. McCallvm, Geaerri Suu^teaiesb

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