drupal 8 mobile initiative

Post on 15-Jun-2015






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Presented the Drupal 8 mobile initiative at the Singapore Drupal Camp!


By Shyamala RajaramUnimitySolutions


Presentation path1. Needs of today's internet technology2. Drupal 8 Mobile Initiative3. Drupal 7 Mobile guide4. Drupal 8 ships with Responsive themes5. Breakpoints built into it6. Picture element & responsive images7. Responsive admin interface8. Front end performance

Drupal 8 mobile initiative

In Chicago Keynote, Dries said,

If I were to start Drupal from scratch today, I'd build it for mobile experiences first, and desktop experience second.

Drupal 8 mobile initiative

Lead by JohnAlbin, the Mobile Initiative lead, we are today 2 years from then with all mobile features Dries would have dreamt of and more!

Drupal 8 ships All Responsive themes

Breakpoints built into it!A typical example (yml file for Bartik theme)


- theme.bartik.mobile

- theme.bartik.narrow

- theme.bartik.wide

id: bartik

label: Bartik

Refer documentation page at: http://drupal.org/node/1803874

Picture element & Responsive images

Breakpoint, Picture, Responsive images: CONTRIBUTORS

Credits: attiks, Jelle_S

Responsive admin interface

Responsive admin interfaceCONTRIBUTORS

Credits: jessebeach

Improve CSS standards■ All new CSS formatting guidelines

■ CSS Architecture to make the CSS code more reusable,

predictable, Maintainable & Scalable, based on SMACSS

■ Reorganised CSS File structure with logical structuring

that supports efficient aggregation & easy updates by


Work along with John, implementing them at:http:


JS Enhancements & Front-end performance■ Modernizr is in core and brings with it support for

HTML5 and Responsive Design in Drupal 8. Committed to

core on November 27, 2012, NODE:1252178

■ https://drupal.org/node/1737148 - Explicitly declare all

JS dependencies, don't use drupal_add_js. This issue

ensure js is loaded on where necessary.

■ #JSHint configuration in core https://drupal.


■ Drupal 8 udated to #jQuery 1.9 !


Thank yous:JohnAlbin, ry5n, carwin, Lewis Nyman, nod_, rupl, Jacine, sdboyer, attiks, Jelle_S, mjohnq3, Manuel Garcia, effulgentsia, sun, jessebeach , moshe, alanburke, jrbeeman, jefflinwood, tyler.frankenstein, dcmouyard, echoz, rteijeiro, vijay.cgs, David_Rothstein, Kevin O'Leary, Chris Weber, John Ferris, YesCT, Gábor Hojtsy, Bojhan, & all of you in the mobile issue queues.

Join the Mobile team!Want to get started with the mobile initiative checkout our initiative page for an update on what's up: http://drupal.org/node/1941432& link to my blog on an updateon the initiative at: http://www.unimitysolutions.com/blog/understand-drupal-8-mobile-initiative

Thank you!

twitter handle: shyam_rajdo id: Shyamala

email: rajaram(dot)shyamala(at)gmail(dot)com

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