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Insurance Notices.

PHCENIX Fire Assurance Company. -LO.IIIBABO STREET .t OBARING 080118



Joeepb W.m. Bueodala, J:Aq. ~ Briatow BoYill, Esq. 'fho Uoo. Jaaa~ Bllli. .lobo Cluuoo, Eaq. Occa~iua £. Coope, Eaq., !ll.P. Ueorp Arthur Fuller, ll.eq. · Cbarlea E. Goodhart, ~· n Rhod41 liawkioa. Eeq. tiirlolaal.abboc:k, Hart.., M.P., F.R.S. t.:harla~ Thomu Lueu, Eaq. Charlet Magoar, ~. l'he !loll. Edwio B. Portmu.

·n,.dta, Rober~ Smith, Eaq Wm • .lame• Tbompeoo. E.q.


'PitLU'II C. MACOOll.t.LD,l J•ial FllUCJS n. M.t.ODO~ULD,f &crttoriu.

Tlle oopgomeola of thia Office are ~ruar­aatoed bl a numerous aod w,•altby t'ro­P~C&rJ to addition to a lar~te io•e•loeld t.:ap1tal ; aod tho promptitude aod liberal. ity witll wbic:b claima hue alwaya beoo

.P~et.. are wall-koowo and ackoo•ledeed. Tho lluport.aGco of the traoaacuooa of


ma oetimat.ed Crow tho Cac l thal eiDco ito e•tab ut-uo" o•or Os& ll usnu.:u rr. ... u -tho (.Ia io aatiaf•cuon of <:laiwa for Luuea hue u cee l"otnrn: r,taLLIOSS SnuLJso

ln&unLDCU ~atoat Lo• by Fire a nd l.ightniog a re elr~ca...d by t.ho Co1upany upoo nery do.cr•vt•no of l'rol"'riJ, ou tllu moat fuorablo Lerwa.


W . & G R~:SUEI .L, S~ . • Ions's,

Agt~ t• f or Ntll.'{<lll.ntflc."•

GENERAL !ssuraaaoOaDlpaay

•• Fll{E AND LIFB.

F.STABLISHit> A D. 1 8 a 1

H ~:AD Of'F'ICE : 103 OA.~NO~ ~rlt t:;ET, Loll<ooY, EC

Capital: £1,000,000 Stg loturancee offec:Led oo almoat all k lndo

of prorertJ in Newfoundland at lowoet pouible rat.u.

Aaa' 11.


Agr11: /ttr Ntlt'fnWHJlot~tJ E. B. 1'110~1f'SON.

Sub·A!JU'l for //oroor G~ l'

QUEEN Insurance Cjmpa,ny




TWENTY-FIB.b'T ANNUAL JlEPORT fbo Re.,orta anJ Acoount.a for c.h"

year 1878, p..-nt.ed to t.lu! Bbaroholderw At the Annaallleeting,on Tueaday,27th May, 18i0, at whl.:h Beruanl Hr.II,Eeq., presided, abowotl, in 1.be Pi•it\OI'd and' &null at the Mt.o t.ogetber of lb ve;r ceot. wu declared, £U,OS5 beitlg car ireJ forward

FlRK BRANCH, That t.he Premiuma Cor 1878, &Iter

dedaotiD(J Re-ioeurancea., amou.nt.ed to U56,27!, beiq an iucroue of £3,3il over t.be Premium Inoome of 1877; and the Louee to £261,6611 being 63.16 per oeot.. on l.ho Premium• ol t.he Y•r.

IN THE LIFE DEPARTM.KNT. That Be• Policiea had been Umed

fk £222,'485 ; and U\a~ the We Hundt '-1 clte iaddit.iona made \o it u the reaut. ot the year'a operatiooe nqw repreeent. 67.9 per oent.. of Lbe eo tire net Preminm, reoei•ecl oa ••ery poliey ia fo~.

The 10rphaa b&laoee iA the l'ire Ao­ooau,.... elto•n to be .tl07.699, oat ot •hicb ~20,000 ,.. .. approprit.&ed to 8uapeue heocUI &, raiAnf Lb&t A.ooonnt 'io .tuo,ooo and aakiDf 'lri t.he Re-'lena J'ud ud .o.1aDoe fonrard .tU,OOO.

FOJJD8 c.r.u J'ald ., - ·~ .. . Ge....t a.."a Fu4 ... ... ... 17 008 .,-'" llaedf• ....,..d P,..n .. J:•OC!e ..... ..,.,.dfonrud ·- ... ... 1 We AeaaaalMiaa Fuel ... :.. • • .~ Aaaal&J •ud ... - ...... ,.. U,lll

8UIOJJ DOIIOVAII, Oaearal .._.,,or ~14

ln-Aeanl· A. T, DKdPAL& . ............ L O'IIIUIUJIA C.., .........

. . . . ,'r . . ~~: ~· ... ~ . .. '·' .. ,. ~ ·


,, .. ' .

• I


Advertisements. HOUSEHOL D WORDS l

ll(e]!(~l\f!\U Pills & Ointment

--o---P.a.rlty of Blood MMnU&l t.o BeaU.h1

8 t.renwth, &Ad Lona- Lilo.

aurpau all other ~{edioinea fo r Purilr ing tho Blood ; they a ro available for all aa a domeatio ami huu-obo!J remedy fur all ai110ro.lora of thu STOMAUH, LlVF.R, KIDN~:YS aut1 BOW~LS. ln Oong"stio•• a nil UhatruutioUII o f ovory kind tlwy quickly renJ0\'0 tho c.tu~tt~,llnll in constip~<tion a mi ri!HOI'dc•re~ condition o l tho Uowola, tboy act JU a clooouaing APf'rient.

l"or--Dohilit..tt.(>d Conati~utiona and all Female Co•lrfot.iul.ll tht'lle Pille are un •ur1WUM'.I-they c~,!llllJr;,g,.l .. rititlJI and We~.kn~ Cro w "'"--.t.o\'ur c..uatl uuing.

lltands unrivalled fo1 t iH• (..,;Jlity i t 011 playa in rolie,· lng , healin;.:, and t ho r uu~hly cu riu(l thu m oat in•l.'torate ~ ..... .. ud ulc.ml, o&llcl inCI\<ICROf UAU L~US, lBO BRF.ASTM, 0 1.- 1..> WO U I:\0.':1, Gout, Hboumati11m, and all Skin di~~-o l'.&ael, It acts &lol\ cloM rm . ~fu.ufactured onl • at Profi!'AIIOr HoLLO•

WA.T'I fl'..,;t ... IJiifthrut:nt,

533, OXFOtW ST HI:o:l!.'T, LONDON'

and &old at h . qd., 2•. 9d. , 4w. 6., II•. 12s., &l1d 33a, each & x And Pol, t\llol in Cr.niU!a at 36 con LA, !)0 ccmla, aml & i.~•O centa, and tho lar~e·· &il.()ll in propo rLiou.

c;rO.A.11TION - I bavt no Agent ill the United8t&t.ea, nor ar<tmy Medicine• aol4 then. Purohcuere aoould therefore ook \o tbeLabe1 on tboPote an4Boxee U the a4dreu Ia not~. Ox!or48treet, London, they are apurloua.

Tlie Trade ~{arke of my uid llfcdi· Jinoe are re~at.ored io Ott.uwa, and a.lllo &t Washington.

Sign61l TI~O~fAS HOLLOWAY 633, Oxford Stroot, Loudon . l

Dec. 18 :S80. (

.NORTHERN .A.ssurance C'm piny


F~El d3 LXPEl

CA.PITAL--£3,000,000 Stg




-4K1f4G POWDER Absolutely Pure.

Tbis po"dor Dover varlea. A marvel of pudtj, atreo~tth aDd wbolecomeoeas. More ocooomical tban the ordinary lduds aud eaooot boeold iu compctilioo with tho multitude of low tGa&. abort weight. alum o r photphalo powrlora. &IJ r•HI!I ;, cou~. ltOTAL UAIOSO P O\I'UI:K Co., 106 Wali·•L, !II. Y. Jau:S ly ·

RHEUMATISM, lt1111f'Glgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,

Backache, s,.ne, of tht Che"* Oout, ~it~~r.. Sore Throat, Swell· in;• "lnd Sprain1, Bur111 G.IJd

8cald1, G11nerti Bodifr Pain1,

Totlf!l, Eal' tllltf HtadaoA., TI'Orted Foot and EtJI'I, and all ot/Je1•

Pain1 and l cb111. Jro .,._,.u.. - - eq..Ja ... I••• On

.. • .. ,., ... ...., _.,. - ..... I:IIU<Mi a...o4r A. tNJ o..tlo llot Cbo .._o!•ol• trlllAtr ....... , ., .. C..ta,- .. .., - .......... ~- bn• cb-.p aDd pooWn proot ol llll Dt-IA- t-._-. IOLD BT .U DBUGGIBT!I UD DliJ.LBU

II XBDlOID.. A. VOGEIX B. A'. 00. ...,.,._.., .... u. ~ k


Marble & Freestone Wmks


Miscel],aneous. BRlTI8!l OOLOlirx.t~ .&lllUUO.A...

.. --~ -lllewfoo..ndJ&Dd.

Tbl.a ollleat of Brttlab Colooiet hu long eall'ored from lgnoraDce of ita rHOareoaiD· laod, attaDtloa bniog bee11 oolr directed to ita liaborioa h i• Dow eeeu to po ..... great aduntagea for tbo111 aookiog a brac­ioif, aad not too rlgoroue a climate.

Lyioa of!' tbe CaoadlaD Gulf of St. IAw­reoet!,botweeD latitudoa4&1 87. and 6 1° S!l, 1:\ ., ita leDptb ill S50 wilc6. aad ita area ia 40 ,200 aquare milea, t•o·t~irda t bo lilzo of EoglauJ. Lhtlo koowo 14 a couutry, ila celobrit.y Ia owiug to tho codllab eau~:bt upon ita dlllaot Ba.rb. Thfa aubm:uioo ialaod, to wbicb tbo 6th at a corte in aea. aoD reeo~ i1 GOO ruiloa loog by 200 broad. at a dcptb frow tbo aurfaco of (Tom 6fly to 860 feet.

Tbc biltory of tho ill and it V3r'J IDtereal· iog. J obo l.;abot, a Vcocti!Ll iD Henry tl.o Ei~tbth'a ee"ico, d•aco•cre:t that and Labrador In 1497. Tbe fiateriea were opeuod in 1600 by the t'ortoa.:ucse, tho beat oaYipton of tbt' al(e. l o lbOS. Ft euchmeo from Briuan7 named Cape Untoo, aod secured the fiah tude. l:iir Humphre y Gilbert, lUielgh'a half-brother, buiug a· graut of tho country from Qu.coo Eliubotb took out tbltbar 250 Oofooehiro wen In 1683. Hie gr&Dt took io " hat ie uow Non Scc tia , Noow Bruna,.ick, Prince Edward hlo, Cape Hretoo, aud part of Labrador. llo it wu who ..... huf\1 to aay, before hie httlo •-I went flown io a atorm, .. Cbuer up. lada. wo are u uear bc1VOU OD le4 aa ou laDd"

Tbie 1\llcDipt to colnuiu; W&4 a f .. :t ure. 'l'hu r'ruuch aftc rwaul• clai to~>~l t ho iJIIlnd •• bdun~IU~ 10 •h~•r f'11uada An l!;q:h8h Co•n(Jally,in 1610, "'"' I" au eiTorlto aeule it . 'I~~~ (JrojccL ,.. .. 1uJ ... d oy Lor() !lacon. wbG d~ciAred the fiaho·r lea to be" oaofd val aablo thau tl1e lllll•c& of l'cru " Thougb hhd • i1111 llt <.:uuc.,,.tiou BAy. the party 100 11

wllhdrew. l:a(Jtaiu W hilbouroe, sent iu Hi I~ to kcup orMr :tmong •the fiaber~usu. warwly •row iu f&\'or of a colony there. l..ord llaltlmorr, ... rurwarda the louorl.r of :ll.uylaud, elll\blialoe1l a l<>c:AIIon at Vuru­lt.lll, curruptcrl iu to 1-'errylaDd, ou 1bo caaL cout. Sir l>a•id Kirko, a Rnu>loM uaJer (.;horlra 1., dioC: at V crulaco, 16:>5.

Troublu lu l rol•od iuduced tuany l riah­IDcu to 110 to Ncwlouudlaud. But lbOIO rouueet..d with the fiaberi .. did DOt ":tul

.aett lera tbcra. u thq wu11hl the aole oe· Cllllfotiuu ol thd thure lur fi•hing purpO~CI iu the lld.IIO D It wu therefo re orderad.1 1u 1660, t~at eaptaiue talw1g out •uen to the /Ja•b ahouiJ r"turo witl1 tboDl wheo fiobiu11 wu ov~. W illiam lll.'a law alao diiiC<Inraged aell leoumt. Frenchmen a\ l'laceotia wcru a aoru plague to Eaghahwo:u a\ St. Johu'"- in tho .,.mo lalaod.

A colony wu .. utburiud, aDd a Go~erDor &ppoiuled, io 1728, though oo perm•oallt dowolliPgt wore porwitt.eJ for DI&DJ yuara after. ·

Tho origiPal e:~:ilea from IrelaDd 'll'ero rNgbly treated. To roatraio aucb emigra­tion, aa o~der of 1765 rtquired eaptaioa to bring back to Europe aoy l riah taltou out The celel..rati\'1\-Alf-. mau wM a pooal of­fence. No pricat co\.td atay on tho hland till 1784. Numbera of lrieh fted t bitbor aft.er tho nbolliou of · 1708. On riog tbo distreae followiD!r the Napoloooie wtr, it wu gra~cly propoacd to move tbo wbolo ialaod populat.Ioo to other ooloaiea.

A court o f law wu firat oveolld ID 170!?. Rut., u late at 1790, theeo~eruor would uot allow lud _, be uaed for boildiog o r agri­culture; aad Lieuteoaot-Go~croor Elford, io 1783, deomiDe tho ladlu a Dulaauce, re· commended to tbo Eai!lilh Parliament tbat "all womon loc:~~a.ed OD tho ialaod abould be remo•ed, and tba& ID futuro no womao abould be allowed to laad." E1'oD io 1811 DO bouao oould bl.' oroc a...d but by ezt>rcaa permlaaioo of tbe autboritioa Yet.. ia 181-l t be Dritieh GoverDmeot paid for tho paa· "'f• thither of SOOO poor Eogliah.

206-l feet. Tho Humber rinr Ia II' mil~ loDtc aDd the E:~:ploila Ia 200. Tba Gander. Lllo Gambo, aod tho weat.eru Codro1 are ftaoetre~ '

The IDterior •waa aeYW tra•eraed by & white man till 1822. Ioe~d of Now­fuuadlaDd being aimply a foff baok, witlt a repelleDt landacapcs, tbo intenor ie foo Dd I.e b&Yo ploaaut nlea, fertile plaioa, ooble woodt, bordoriDg lak~ and cllmbiag billa. while aport iJ abuudaat in water or oo lud.

'fbo population are almoat confined to tho euLero aod eoutbero coaat·lioea. Tbougb only about :!00.000, tlaey aro oow (avour~on~omforta ol ci~Uiutioa, aod \{uo •t lut g<>t a railway. Hy oo moaDa hoa•ily t.&xed. 1 !116.9:18,' oa' or a ruvc-uo of S 1,003,808. aro (rom cuaW)IOI' tlut(.w~. Tho colonial debt ia more oo&alo· :U tbau real.

Tho Go,.ornor baa .,.(. Exoutiye Council. Tbo Lcgi•la&i•o t.:ouocil eooai.U of fifteen mom bora and the Auombly bu lbirty-throe, wbo 11ro duly paid by tbo l:!tato for their parliauJcotry aervicCOJ.

I:AucatioD aDd roligioo h&Ye go~orDmeDt auppert, on tho d~Domiulltiooal priociplo. Tt.u Homan Ca1bolica were :15,671, wboo tho t.:burcb of Eoglaatl bad :12,1«. tho W ctloyao Cburcb 20,!\50, aod t he t'reabJ· teriao 8!18. Tbeacbool grtot eh&H<iiWlnllg them ie $90,000.

In 18tH tbe o:~:porta wero \,S68,1bOL; t iJo importa 1,68'..!.4:>71. Two-&b1rda of \be uporta "oDt to EoLllaod and bor coloDioa. Tho tonU&$!0 of nuole altogether came to 726. 7:.!-l Tho A llan liDO of aa.eamen iaaub­eidized for tho maila.

Land RoiOIU'CM.

UDtll quito reeeotly, tbue were quite diaf'l!gardod, t bo tieberlet alooo boioa deom­cd wortby of allontioo. Uut tiJo ruouroee iu t oil. foi'Cllta. aud ruck• aro now aeeD Lo be cou~idcraiJie.

Agriculture baa been almost wholly neg­Icc~. tOIJf'liec of food bciug brought from other i:ouotrioa. A ~trowing du•otiou to farruinJl, ~:eoorally coDfiood to eut.eru aet.­tlod diJtricla, bu ra.iaed tbo cuhi uloeld area to :JG.OOO acrea, wiJic:b would be ODe·ctgbt­icth part of t he ialaad.

Tbo wGatero aio.lo pr-ola moat adnn­tagu to tt.o tiller ,from tbe greater aeroago of lllt>ertor aoil, aorl a far bettor cliwato. Tho nllll.)'t of tho t1 u10ber aud otller weatcro atr....ua bavo ouormout dc~tta of tilt baa or farwiog ground... Uy St. Oeorge'• Uay, aplcudld laoda, euily clcarod, oau bavo the aupply of I!JpiUD:I lor wauure. Tho nlloy of abe Codroy. forty miloa by twelv.,, yielda rict. bay frow wonderful uati•o clover . !::YeO of tbo uorthent uialricL, Mr. l!Jlorray, tho gceloaiKI, reporUd ou "a 6oo agricul­t ural country, equml lO 10,2\.0 acrea •• Of tba loDg-ueglooted wea& be writ.ea, " h it uow occupied by a fow buadrede of Nltlera, whilo tboo.aaude of emigraota are eoDataotly paaaiog witbio ai11bt of it, to eottlcmeola iu lc111 promiliDg regiooa, thouaaada of milea furtber well • .''

The reuou wby that UeiL part of lhe coloDJ baa bc)oD eo loog uubeedod bu beoa tbe cooduc~ of the FreDch. lJy treaty, tbey bad urlalo liablng rigbta, ID~oiYIDg thu use of tbo beach for dryiog parpoes Maklog tbil a pretext for mooopoly of the we~~tero ab.oro. t heJ cooatADtly opposed tho iatrutioD of Uritialt aottlora, theD prepared to cul11vato tile aoil. Alter lo~lbooed ud ~cxlltiOUI oegotiatioDa, tho Uriueh Go~ero· •ocot "cro 'ble to throw open, lo 1888, lbo wbolo region to HttlowoDt betweeD tho woateru Capo Ray to tho oorth-outero CapoJobo.

Tho .t)-oDcb ttill rot.&lu tho iai&Dd of St. P ierro ,lnd MiquuluD, at. tho eotraoco of Fortuoo Hay, wbiclltbey bno, coDtrary to treaty, fo rliUed aod garriaoloed,

--- ALE.U..'IDEii SmTrr, PnoPniETOR. FIRE PREMIUMS ... ..... ........ £-40:1,(00

fbo firat oowapftper app~ared io 1807. Tho 6raL road ....., 01adc 1825 A repreeoo­tativa go•eroooeot wu crno in 18:!2, aad a rearooai!Jie ooo ID 1855. With ci~il aod "hginua freedom, & population o( 2()0,000, aad well den loped IDt.troal roeoarcetl, No•­fouodleod of tho prea.Dt Is nry uuliko the o"• or tbo put.

:Sotro lJamo aod Coocaptioa Haya buo eome good farmt io their Dcl~hbourbood. llarbor Grace town I• Ia \be m1dot of col· tivauon. H11J cau re:~lixo 8J ~r too. Good "iotor wheat ia g rowu. Polatooa are tho fuourit.e erop,epecim.-na be log koowo three pound• in weight. ..-lbo GaDder, the Gam­b:o, and &he EJ:ploiuo •ill be attneti~o to futoro &l(ricuhnnlilta. A railwar up tbo f.,rtilo Gaoder nlloy will forward the aet­llucoeotof tho laD d. At leut three millioDII or acr~ a re fit for tillage. 'fbe iuterlor abouoda with auilablo placoa fo r bo01ea with the adnntAgo of 1\ bunt after relodoter aud o tbor g&mo, to "'Y nothing of tho coUootioo o f valuable (ura.

Ll n. do ...... ........... 157,1 oo 1N'l'£lt!!.$T .............. ............ llO,O<X

Ht:AO OFFfCES: Lo110011-1 .Moorgate Street AIIIDZZN-S Klng St.reU.

or---In1uraooe eJfi'Ct.ed on P~pert.y in

Newloandland at ourren~ Rat--a of Pro­mi•tm.

Paoerzoruaa-P'orma of Application for Fire and Lire Inauranc:e, and all oc.ber lnlonoaU.on can be obt&i.oed af c.he o!Boe of

J A. 0. HA YW .\.RD,

ST. J ou11'1, .4gmt (()f" lfetD(ouftd!arul


.A.ssumn~e Comp'ny Olf J .. ONDON.

EST..U3Ll8HED 1821.

ALILXANDIR SllrTU de.irtt to tbaok thoee who ban favored biro in tbo paat with their ordera. and would intimate at tbe aame limo that be bu facilitiea for performing work lo hie lloe witb aooqualled dcapaLeh aod oeatnoaa. aod at prlo.:a tbat eaaoo& be com­pettrl with. P•racDe reg_ulrloR MANTEL PIECES,MONO~IENTS.Hl!.AOSTOSES TOMBS, CURBS, HEARTHS and COP­INGS, would do well to call on blm. '1 hoy cao' 9btaio ardat.ic, thorougb aod cbute worll'alaoablp a' prieea lower than tho low­ut olaewbore.

..OIIORC H -WORK- Foot., Alt&n, Tab· lo Ia. &c.-a apeoiAl "7.

The Sabllcriber ba•log ahooat forty yeara nperloDee ID tbl.a Coloo1l.a tboroforo ID 1 poaltloo to pro•lde Material &ad \V orkwan­ablp beal calenlated to eod01o the aeYeriLiu or our climate.

276 Gower Street, St. John's, April18


For One lllonth Only J


SING E R S EWING MACHINES Looll:m&A Band. K&ohillea

Biokford ltxdUintr K&olWI .. :&ureka Olcnll.. Wri.Dpra ~· lulalo~r X&cJWa ..

O.Woluu&l Plai\ula Jhchlne~ .. liea• Haobl~!: Ol...!,_!!eediH aod AUach• DtDia foull ~J!w .1.1'10 kAOHINES, aU •qoad &o bo~ prioll,for oae moaU OoiJ.

n. s..._ MGJU41t~etllri1ll CWIJIO"'I· H. F. SMY'rB, .Aor:IIT,

17» Water 8l ac. Joba r. I£ WIN I MAcQ[Mf.S .IU.l'Allll:D

The climate bu been the bugbeAr to nw- fr110 lrumlgration. The ~i11tor to Awerloa wu bouod to encounter tbe fogt of Newfouudlaod. 'lQ.e ""no GuU rtream mot there tbe oold Arctic oanent , aDd the npoor aroae aad apread. Fe•, bo"ner, were awuo \bat tbouj~b, for mauy dar- in the year tbo aontb and euL c:Oalta were ob­ICorod, the we•t aDd oort.b wero clear. Ex­Lremea of temperature ulaloeld oot u in Caa11la and tho Northern and Weateru Sea~. Tho bCil\t waa nner high. and tho oold wu not eo ~ory bitter and ooociuual. Occupying a poeltlon Ia lath ada correapood­lolf to eoutberu Eajrl&Dd and oorthtJo FTIDee, tho lalaDd ought ao• to havu beeo aopopalar. The aammer 18 "arrue r aad drier tbao lo Eoetaad, wbne the cold Ia atead7 and dry.

The raw aoutb-oaat would be nolded by IDnllda. Tho aorth ud welt are brr.clog aud buhhfal, u well u eoJor-blo. 'J'ho ralo I• moderate, the alr1ia pure, the aky ie bright. For the dtlloata tbe lalaud hu been called the 1• Norwar of Awerloa." After all, the aplencJH f)II!Jiifl"• of tho ln­babltaulf it tbe ben ad•drt.iJcuueot fo r tho climate. ' ,

Oo the eoatb Ia tbe pai11aala ol Anion.

Tht ~Dd Lawe are liberal. Aoy ooo caD ob1aio a J(raot of fifty acree. Faro11 of from 2611 to 1000 acru CAD ba bad u free· bold, ou fulfilrueot of tbceo torma :-tho cleari~e of tlYo per coot. of the laod witbiu li~o yeara. aod co"tinuinr: to roaido on the bom-.'ILead for otbur tea yeara.

Putul"d-laod il open to aeleet.ioo . A count ry eo fnorablo to oaribou aad otber door would aot be bad for atoek. A Ji • ceDce for doputuilDe o~ec til~ equaro milea luta teo yoara. If ao noraao ol 60U abeop eball buo beeu kept daring the per· iod tllo hceuee btcotoee a froo gran~. Sboep and cattle do well io thot wea~ .Ud oonb. !:)pare uwo, oa(lltCially to wioter, II dnoted by ... u.lora to tlo• waking ol bttrala for 6th.

(.To be ((!rtl;,ottd.~

Thoa. Sabiu. of ~ulioatoa, •r-: "1 ba~e r.~wo•~d teo corua from D:IJ feet wiUa Hol­lowafe Corn Cure. Keador, 110 thoo ud do likowlae.

Ooe trial of 1\toLhor Grant' Worm EJ:· terminator will OODYIDeo pou that it bu no equal u wonn medicine. Uuy & boule, IUid "'0 if it UOCI DOt plcue you.

The P t tit 1:\ord le the projactioo OD tbe other aide. St.. J obll'a, tba capitAl, flrat Por t b11 curoof Colle, Collar Boile, Galle, peopled ID 1672,11 at the aouth-OMt ooruer. Spmoa, cu&a, brulua, cootraetloo of tbot Notra Dame Day, eaaward, oootaiaa fort1 muaeta, J.>lt\ealper. apavloa IWd riuabooe lalaoda aDd 1111 oopper utlo• on Ita aborea. ")llo.ard'• .LialmeDt" Ia &be ca.re-all. 1.'riolt1 Ba1 bu lbe Heart'a Cont41Dl ter- ---mlooa of the eleetrio ~ble ' fro111 Earope Moat o~tiDg art the twioaea wblob oo 118 aoawera cou• ',1'111 w•mq Bay of rack tba m11aelea ud .jolola ot the rbea· l.elaodale famed fllr lumbol' eDd herrlo"L mario. Nonbrop & !..Jmao'• Vepgble St. Goorp'• u.,, 011 lhe ....... 11 bojllfUI J.)leoonry ud v,apeptlo Core., bJ piOIDO~­for coal. Tile paol•al& of Po,....aa-PorL llo11: loereued actlod of the kJdDeJ•, b7 hu proml.liDa ml.o.. !larbor G..- Ia Ia wblcb, t.lla blood Ia DIO~ etreetaaliJ de· Coooepdoa Bar. port~l.ld, ramo~n tllrot~~b &M aa&Gral ebaa·

Lak• 00011pJa t.lllrd of tba t..land'e nr- ue•• eerta!D acrid elameota lo lheoirc'tlalioo face. DMrlalail ,._.lla llllltocr. A wbtllb prod- rbe•-•lnl ud aoat. 1bo I'U(~ofiiiOUI ..... niiiiMrollh'oiiiN.N.S. medleloolaalto a Goo luall~euublUou to ti.8. W. Tile baA&lJGWenaao ~u• aaocllciat aod aeaeral oorrec:tln. •

Ba.oomlum of a lAa41JI.a' BDtrUah Kap • me 011. a lilewfoundlaza4 A.uthor­-.,. -.~.

(Fro .. 1M C.rdlll ~-> The hoDor of aettiog a& rCOJt all doobt

aa to tho ltT~t equid cert.iDIJ beloo~ to tbe Ito~. M. Rt"OJ, the learned aad ac­curate Nowfouadlaod o!Uurallat. Ia 1873, two ftabermea ware catebiog cod lu Cua· ceptioo HaJ, when they aay a abapelc11 a~~a~doatiugoD tho wateratalittlo di.lllloco. "Wreck, ao doubt," tboy aid to tbom· •ohoa ; aod u fiabtrntea are not above aalngo tbe1 approacbed cloao to It, and atrack it wltb a boat.-boolr. In a 1oeood. l;be aappoeod wreck de•eloped euddeuly lato a feaf'IIOIIIO mODator, opeaed Ita bu11o elarlor ayoa forocioualy wi th a ahutly roll, aodaoapped at tho boat-hoolt wltb ila b~ bill or (&wa. fbo meo wore 10 fuciDated whb terror that tho) could not move ; aud before tbay bad reeoYered their eolf-poa­~oa the creature waa fall apoo them, ehootlog out from bit bud aenral lou~t Oub'y arwr, and aroplug at the boat with them lo ita bidooua fury. ODIJ the two loDg \eDtaclu aue~ded iD grappliDg it., aod ooo of tho meD, aelziDg hie bat.cbot, cut otr both of tbom with a well deli~orod blow. l'bo cuu .. o-fl.lb tbou &beeondod prompt11, which ,_ I.e profit that t.llo raoo, thou€b IIJ.tempored aod aango, i1 cowardlr whoa woaoded. UufortuuateiJ, one of tho arm• waa deatroyed betoro ita acieutiftc lalarott wu koowD ; b.at t he other wu brought to St. J ob'l'l aad u­amioed br Mr. Haney. wbo :ouod tAA1 the fraa moot alooo mouure\1: 19 feet. Pror. Vcrril cooeidora tbat tho t.etl\1 length of tht aaimal muet ban bcou aboat 1isty feeL A YOrJ g• aoeomo moo11tur iodoed, oo doubt., but eUll b1 oo meftDA u~ &o .,.mplo aa a full growl> aea·aerpont. Soruo moatha later, Mr. Ha"eJ camo acroae yut aootber big CII.Uio-llab. Thil time be wu I ucky coougb lo aocuru tbo eutlro aoimal. aod aot iL propedy mouured, pllotograjlbed a nd pr-r•od ia briDe. 'fbe body ia 8 f~t loug and 6 feet roaDd; tho long teo· tacloa are 2t feet ia loogtb, aDd the abort ume 6 apieeo. Eaeb of them hill ooarly a hundred. aackert1, aod nory eucltor is pro­vided "ith a hYIDg piaton. by moaua of wblcb the creature can ere• to • Y1C.CUW tbc momaDt. it touchet ila prey, aud eo reiD· force Ita own powerflll mueclee by all tho wcigbt o f th• atmoapbore and tho ocoau above tbo 1pot It tbue faalao• upon. ''No fate could bo more horrible.''.,.,. Mr. Har­TOJ, "thaa to be ootwiaed io the e111brace of t hoee elgbt clammy, corJ?IO·Iiko anne;aod to fool tboir lolda creep10g aod ghdiog aroood you and the eight haDdrod dieca, wllb their cold adhoaiYO toucb, Jflooiog tbemeel•ea to you with a l!rt.SP wbich no­thing could relu, aod fooling like eo many m911tbe dnoorio~r 10u at tho aamo tiwo. Slo"IY tho horrible arma. aupplo u leather ltroue u ateol, aDd cold u doatb. draw their prey aooer the awful beak, aDd prou It ajtaloat. the glut1oou1 mua wblcb fora-a tbo body. I'ho cold tJim7 graap paralyr.ee tho ~lclliD wltb terror, ud tho powerful maodlblea rwDd aod duoar him al1ve.•• E•erybody hu read tho woodorfullr dra­au.tio accouDt of a ooDftict with a bugo cuulo-fteh ID the "Traf10diturl .U lc. Mer;'' bat o.eo Victor H ago't J'Wure would bo buL a pigmy beaido Mr. l:laneJ't aigv.otic oalamarie11. Aoo&bor NowlonDdi&Dd clergy­mao, Mr. Gabriel, meuured two etilllargor aquida, cut ubon at Lamalluo In 1870, in ooo of wbicb the body wu 40 feet long, aDd lo uother 47 feet.. And oao of Mr • Ha~•l 'a luform&Dia mouored a apeelmou wbicb wu w&.'>bed up by tbo waYOCI a little earlier, and fot1od It to be 80 foot iP leDgtb . Altogether, tho ~ collected by U.la able ud ~ory Lruat"oUhy oaturaliat ooDcluairely prou that cuttlo liab of perfectly coloaaal eize do rcall7 e:rilt ID co011idcrablo aum­bera Ia the Nottb Atlautia.

I tems. -A wealthy Eogliab lady bu died ia

(;bicago from blootl poieon•Dil cauaed by tho prick of a pia lo Wubiogtoo.

-• Good luck tapa at oou'4 door once iu a Utao'e hfetimo,' &Dtl woat men loan juat jiOnO OYOr to the ae~bbor'a when tbe kDOCk com ea.

- A New York wown who ie fond of ootoriaty bu bad the boofa of bor horae• aildod aad they create a eonaatioD wbon drivuu io CoDt.ral Pr.rk.

-Ouriol! tho lwei YO .)'O&fl following tho death of Cbarlea Dickooa no IMI tbao 4.2:10.000 ~olumaa of bilworka wor• eold in Koelaud alaoa.

-Of the 77 port1ooa DOW In Ute Ulab l'eolteuliarJ, for ~lygamr 36 are Eualhlh, 2:1 Amoncaoa, 10 Soou:b, ll Swedlah, l! (rleb, ud 1 eaoh from Nor••1, lleamarlt aod bouth Wald,

-AL the diOCM&o eooferoneo t ho other day & wtll ·kaowo Loudon clerttymaD atat­ed tlaat tho lowoat atratum of aoclety waa Pf0180ted bJa a weep; ·• 1 allot roakoa it a rule &o n•b my f•oe ~uace a not, vetbor U ~ta tL or DOl."

'The borrora of war are nothloq to the borrora of Neuralgia. 1nnne<lilltO reli~f way be bad by bathln~t tbe head •hb Joh· llJn'l At~odyrte Li11iate11t aDd euutriug It up &be uoetrlle.

.A. Sure Oure for .Dipht.heria. Sb0t1ld you or any of your famil1 be at­

tac\ed 1ritb dipbtberia. do ooL be alarmed• u iL Ia euily ' ad apoedily cored wi&booL a doctor. Wboo I~ waa rarlolf In Eoataad • few 1eara ago, I aecompuled Or. Field on bia rooada to wltotSI tbo ao-ealled "woDderful corea" ho performed while tho patient.a of othera wero droppio~: on all ejdu. 'l'ho remodJ to be ao napid muat be 11mplo. All be too.c with bim wu a pow­der of eulpbnr aod a q uill. and with theao he cured ovarr patient without uc..ption. He put a teupoooful of ftour of brimatono ioto a wioo·glua of walor aDJ atirred it witb bia 11ogcr ioe .. ad of a apoon, u tbo aulpbur dou not readily amalgamate with water. Whoa tbo eulphur wu well mixed bo gne h u a garglo aod io c..n miuut ... tho pa t:eoL W&4 out of dans.oer. Brimatono kil la e~ery epeciea of fuogua io mao, lleut and plant iu a fow miuotca. Joatead of

. epittiog out tbo gar11lo be rt'COIIlmeoda tho awallowiosr of it. lu e:~:treme c::t.SOI in wbicb lao bad been callell juat ia tbc oiclt ol lime, whoa t he fa ugo.a wu too nearly cloaiug to allo" tbe wargliDg. bo blow tllo eulpbur through a quill Into tho t broat, aod after tho fuogns bad Abruok to allow of it, then tho garjllin(C. Uo neve r !oat 11

patient frora diphtheria. If a pMienl eaouot ga~~lo. tako a livo coat, r•u~ It on a abo•ol aoil aptiollo & t.e.upooDful o r Lwo of ftour of brl.,aLeoe •pou it a~ a timw ; k:t tbe aull'erer itlbalo ~. t.oldiog tho boad our it, aad tho faora will d•e. If pleutifully o.ed t h• wbolo f'OOm mt\) bo ~il l eel almoet to eulroeatioo:; tile paticn eao walt about iu Jt iolaal ing the fu me with doora and "iDdowa abut.. Tho ruo<lt of fumi1111tiog a room "ith sulphur ba ofteo cured mou violoot 1\ttackA of ct> lt. iu bead, ehl'et, otc, A~ any timo it is ro· COIDftlCodeu i u cuoa of cvueuwptiou • •·• aatbwa.

1 fouod a elrong gargle of ult aut! wate. a t.'1>od th ing for eoro lbro.lt io ila carl 1111gea, but after tbo dia.:uo ROta a tiw grip there il ootblog 1 ba•o beard of t h 1 will compare with tbo aulpbur c ure, bu t " all CMea the cbaocea of recovery are vast' • imprO<rcd be prompt applieatioas of zuw dial lllCUuree.

I bno doriYod mucb beoolit from u•i•· Fdlon' Hypopboapbltea tD cluooic co. etlpalioD.

JouH 8 Moour:. Foreet City, Moauna

For eprt.ho1 aod bruill!'a. rob Perry Uaria' Paia-Killer W'ltll ioto tho woJWded part& taking tbo modicitte iuteroally at tho IIUDe t ime.

ThoDIU ll)'Ora, Brr.cebridj:e, write. • J.>r. 'l'bomaa' Bc:lectrlo Oil iJ tbo IJu, medicioo·laell It alwaye gi~e• Mliafftct.ion, and in cuea of cougha, colda, eoro. tbrrut &c., immediate rohof baa beea f'Cleeind b:· tbot10 "bo 1180 it..

By tbe oat of Lackingbam't Uyo, the. w1oial:era m~J be eaeily 01ado & pcrm,u~ol browo, or blaok, u deeired.

Mr. l:f. F. MacCarthy. Cberuiat, Otlaw• writ.ea : • I bne b~u ditpeueing aDd jc bing Northrop & Lycoaa'• Ewullioa Cod Li•..., Oil aDd llyvopbotphitoa Lhno a ud Soda for the paat two yeal'f,"ao coDtidor that t here Ia oo better prepar tiuo of tbo aawo klod io tao .. arket. It ,. ~ery palatal.llu, aDd for ciJrooic coagba : bu DO equl.'

Parron'1 P•l"ffal~ Pilu are a pricol< boo a to t.bo peoplu of the South a nd Sot.~ • wett.. Tbey oaec:tually prenut fevor • ·· • "i'UO aod all malarioue uileuet , and co. ouly 25 coot& a bo~;.

Almoat o~ery peraoo bas eome form ... ecrofuloua poiaoD lat.oot in bia v~ioa. \\'b.­tbla develops In acrofulous aorce, nlct •

.or eruptiooe, or takea tho form of rl•on•, tims, or orgaoic rliaeue, tho eulforio~: t • '· oitauoa ia t.orriblo boyoud deac:rlpti . Ueoeo tho gratitude of thoae who diKo\c , u tho11a&uda yearly do, t hat Aycr'a Sa,..., arilla will thoroughly eradicate thil c,·,. from tho e,.-tem.

Thero are eo maoy oongh me<licioe the market, that It 11 eometiwea difficu1: t, tell which to 6uy; but if wo had a co·• • 11 cold c r any affoc:tion of &be throut u' lua~a, "tl would try llicklo'• Aoti·l '· aoonptu•o S7rup. Tbo&<t wbo hue ua-: I thiuk it is f11r ahead of 1111 other prup .1 .. t.loue rrcooomeodod for MilCh oompln 1lco lillie folk• !ito It u it Ia u plua-. at ayrup.

-DZATII or AN E.'IOLISII L•or AT st . PhilaulpAi'I,JMHe lb.- WbeD tbo &lear ·•• Lord Go.gll, from UYerpool, ren.,betl wharf to·d&y, Mr. Geo. W. Childa 4>111:•rllf ecanead tho fae.~tor\be ~n~:erain ccp. • tatioo of aeolng " lady wloo owu to be : llu 1 111101~ of Mr. Cbdoie a& l'f' oouotry IWI Captain llullbte ioformed buo that toe laJy. &Jiu Mafltarat JoatA, of Loodoo, bad (h .. ac ll6fo ou the 9tb laeL., and t ba' ber b ody It~~ be.ln oool14tued I.e the ootan. Miaa Jo•·• . wu a prominent and wealtbJ lady of t ; ... Enaliab capital aud wu a Pear mlati~., •t the late Lord CallhD~ who died aLoo; I\ year ago ID New York. 'l'bo uaexre~ld ao•• wu quito a Ahook I.e Mr. C..blllb , u preparation. bad boca atade bJ blm ro r a rouud of aDjoymon' for tho dlaunt:unht:tl lady.

JlolJOMHJy'• f'ilu a•d Ooitlllll•t.-lt •• stn· -It Ia aaltl that a ayadleate of En.:lleh poeaiblo entirely to p·e~ent t llo oo..~oJ!

caphaliue It oonalderio~ tho fculbility of vapoura wblcb are gi•t~D oil' lo u.lud. aud a aew abort lloo of railway• botweoo Ctl · tuouo11, aad t hoae wbo, Ute mmes •tt• caao aad New York. wltb braocbea from railway operah~ea. bare to work .by a.!JAr Cloolooatllto Baltimore. Tbe eotetpri••• dar Ia thoee vltlated at111011phorM, suaor s to be eopporlad by & eapical of 1100,000.- hc!filtb ud etrao1tb Ia oou.cqueo,..,_ T t: .. 000 ud &o loclude a oaw lloe .,1 ataamtra chaa& and ll~o~r oftou be omt~ cloqllJ wi l froiD Litarpoo1 to Balllmorw. &be produola of_, oombut.loo, otot.llitat•

Inc 11reat aueolloa &o ~bealth. ~o ~~~~· -A. Pdaloe Lady beiag adYiaed to take &o edy le more niMble for I&IIN!ra AOJ Uul

ooeao voyare for her health, blred atate- like t l1ao Hullo••J'I Pill1. u tbt!)' c.nry .room• for berletl and maid on one of tloe ol all etrela Rl-ller from t.Lo:- blu.W, ...._,ra wb""' ply between Portlud aud aDll bealtbily l~wlllate tbe IIYff. 'fbey BoMoo took aJoo1 all ·u_..ry coneol· are alao ie.,.luable for e.lltl" b)wel• """ •- ~od mall)' lu&unoa. and n~e lofty for alL bilio• ........... 1-.e O••tUhlll, tripe wllhoo& lue•iute tbe ~-1. l:llat wu Ia a ptleeltaa ....., fw pit•, ..,f&i.a, u muob bndued l.ly the • OJfAilll , eeto aod all -oltlr'ol.._

ocge ~tanbarb -A1(1)-


Jamea Monaoe, E.q, or Rt. J ohne, ac:co '"l>'•llll'tt by Uou'll" Hui.Chan~, F.eq , 1\1 II A WM m tol4'n on a •bort bnaa­lleee vunt dutmg the potat week \Ve learned frow blr M onroe " re .... fACtA relfleCtang the new Xoi"'"'"lk Bmldtog n ow ra1mlly a pproaebmg compleu on at the C.J.1tiAI-tacta wbach we hne plot. au re tn placang before the readere uf the ST4liD.LaD.

The former cordage worlce, It wall be rememoo•'fl<i, were deetroyod by fire on thu 23nl December luc.. Notwatbat.&nd aug tho carotllllstllnce that heavy 1088 hMd Leon occasaoned to the propuetora Ly the well rugb total deetructaon of t bo old bualdang, tboy, n o thmg daunted t:y •he nade check thereby ~~:aven to lboar OJlOr&tiOnl, aud With In enlerpn10 UOo ... rvmg o f .-very commendataon, aet ruo lutuly to work, aud, Phmmx lake, from the ubu of tbe Io rmor eda6ce soon aroee tl o ft.uni.latlona o( tbe handaorwo, com modaoua atauctuli! whacb 11 now fut nMrang COillpletton 'lhe labor o f re oonatruct.lon was commenced on the 24tb May-no fewer than 1l!O penoona heang employed on dafTerent parts of the wor~ The reault nf all lbaa 11 aeen to-o day m t ho IMge odafico now ocoupynlg tho s aL& of the one so recontl~ de.atroy ed

Tho new Rope Walk 18 12110 ftet tn lenst.h It 11 bault., not hke the former Ane of wood, but or more ondurmg and leas destructible material--of bnok a11d atone The roof11 compoaed of a aub• et.anttal woode n frame covered wath gra,ol, whacb, at 111 beheTed, wall be far beHcr and m ore laatmg than ala to, and n ot 110 liable to be affeotod by tho b tgK wmua.

In connection wttb the Walle are two commodtoull ereotaona. The o ne ' " t be Spannaog room, wbach 11 180 x 50 feet the othP.r tho Twmo-ma lcang room 180 x 30 feet T ho dafTorent hualdmga have been provaded wath all the latt>Rt and moat amprovod macbmes •nd R('­

p lumc!lft UIOO an th• mannf11ctnre o f r ope11, conl11t:O Lwane e:.o tho wholu o f whach wall I.e e • e n o f a R aper1o r qnllht]' t o th11t tnrrNI out befnro

new wAlk wall IJ6 In opert\llon m tho cou "' eek o r t en dn Y'' It "II g a• e m uch badl)·~n;ec;Uii(JI!'l'!l1trtUTn,.,>4-l~ th tce 01 fuu r hundred pert\On• 1 ( 18 h ud to estlw.tte tho 'slue of "uch Bn Cl!tllb. hebmeut to t ho oily or S t J ohn 8 nny In darcctly to tbc I. land at large Not on I v doe• It auppl} our t r .. de w1th cordage of tbe !lest c~rnotl' r 1\nd moreo•er on

that aom~J" would ~o ,.a pea ablo be taken to hue It abated "\V e polottd Ol!jy&IIO l.bat tbe work Of fencing ID tbe hoo would tt.lford employment to a aeclloo or oor people wbo ttood in u"'leot need of It, and wbo for the waM of at are many of them reduoed to r.enury aud d11treaa. L'hla labor qoeaboo • a nry importaot one-here aa well &A In other parta of the world, and aoy mode of employment for our people wblcb wall 11!ord good retnrna for tbe outlay of oapatal tame, aud lAbor ahould be gladly &'filled or at tbo preaeo\ time. 'lbo work to wbacb we are alladaog wtll we behen enpplya little or that em ploymeo\, tbe good ao.srnaog from It would bo lelt by aa iodu1t.rloua claaa who are worthy or nny aupporc. We are plel\lod to uotioe that our contemporary t bo \Jtr­o.ry 11 taking tl 11 matte r up A• b~ cor rectly obaerves -If Any pe,..ons aro to bo emplo1ed by tho Gn.ernment dunng tloe fall o f next yeAr they co al<l bo employed ao oo better work tbAn to fcncaog tho hoe of Raal ny bet w~en lSC. Jobo e and llnl!ll8 J unct1oo I'he uluo of t he CAll It lollod along tho hne from l"lno StAtion to Holy rood would fcnoo tbo wbole hoe of raalway h 11 wor10 lbau n~ele11 to eooou~li agri culture a( the cattle of the agncaltumt are to bo ahuastbtcred by pawung tra1o1 aad 10 proof o f th11 we po1nt to the fl\ct that a moat pro.pero 18 <halnct hl\8 h.len elm01t pauper~aed by tho to .. of ata cowa horae• and labe"p kllle<l lo thla w11y We under 11Aod that the people would jlladly maan taan tbe fenoo 1f at wuro onoo put up Let \he line bo fenced by all mDI\111 whoo• or doe.a tbo work

A r~:w months ago, as onr readers may remAmber, " number o f persona hvtnf( lor a l ong hmo an lhaa country loft St. J oh n a en routo to Bnuah <.Jol umbaa, watb the l11udable ob;oct of eo deavormg • to bettor then fo rtunes ' Thou chaef mtentaon wu we under­eland, to engage tn the bahertM of that oountry whtoh t hey bad been oonfidontly llMUred ~<ffordotl a. good fiold (or the pro6t.Mble outlay of labor and capt­tal No~ long aftor thetr de parture tho followmg P'regroph appeared an the Cannd1an J 1'81111

A fe w daya ago IIX delclrl\1118 from Now foundlaod repreaeotlol( somo :100 IIeber meo and rarmera 10 tbst aalaod arnTed 10 Montreal and h&TO had an lntorvaow w1tb the Amencao Consul Ciane111l wbo ad••.­ed that tboy ebould aettlo 10 Wa.sb1ngtoo tom tory llefo ro acting upoo tbo auggee lion tbey communacated wllh Ottawa and ,.ero rocommendod to como hero and 10tor ~1e• the M1o1s1er of \ gracnlture l'bey ftQCOrdlul(ly arra .. od hero 10 company wllh t\1 r SbAkeBt>e&ro M P 1\Dd had 110 anter \lew wttb lho aocrc1nry of tho do1 ~rtmeot abe res ult bo1ng that the d~lejln loa docaded lo proceed to Ur llol Columba whore lh~y w1ll iu~pect ~ueon (;h•rlo tto l alt~od wl cb M r !';hak e•pc:>ro ~comn.ended M adm11'1\hly adarled for eeul~oue t. It coo lftcnS excolleol fumwg lanc.l an I fi~b1n~ 111

"buJJ..dnoco. If tile report of the clel< t~nl tlil 18 '"~'--lho cnuro pr~rty of :,oo w II ro ove to !If~ beforo tho clo10 o( ahe 1 reacnt ReMon ....._

Tlus pRnogmph "e obsw' o "as mndo ( II u•o o f I y 11ome o f tl o nnll confed onto JOU rnals o f tho Do t u a on , o~e of

favorable 1cra)1e hu t what 11 even het ~hem r"mnr ltang tl 1t tho ~~~ ~~-ter h111 so e~pn1 ded t ;a operntlo nu rue to fo •nd land 1 ~ not CUI'Sell With Confe 1 embl'l<ce tho mak1ng ol Ianoe And '" 10•• or• aon \et the J4'0p lo do not llPi tf' 1r to

and not ouiku t; an a ll lUI b1'!<ncbes It I bo co nr .. nt..d "ath the ar 1 >t S umo of thus p rovtdes eu tt.ablo omploym(!tlt (or th.-m 0, en look l ow >rdl Camula fo r 1\

wo~neu ,..,d g1rla as woll All men uuJ a nmr boya- om ploJ mont whach g l .. ddcna We r~•grol to lMrn l hat tho food nn r •any homes wlulo at tho aa.ne 11mo It I tlclpallonR an<in lt;~~t an by at le!!&t 1\

an• trucu. tho people an akalloo and con j fl' ., o f tho'pRrL~ r4 •pectang the tishn &e<J•~:o tly mo ro valuable labor wa of t l o P o.cafic cullllt ha•o not boon

1 h1a, then 11 ono of tho wetttuttonl wholly r61lhtotl It HIM'IllS t h At Lbrco o f .,.hacb t 111 wown up uodor tho foatenng tho yonn~r moo bolo ngu g to ~t.. J nhn" Cftro of the lato And pr!'IOnL Oo• ero- ,. ho R aho1 t tlmt' ago left for llntaab m enta , and truly tt 11 ooo w baclo a ny V<llum~aa Rro a bout to rf'tu n Tbev y oung count ry hke Newfo undla nd 11 tn , .. 1 o r t thnt 11111 fi MhCrJ bnsancas t horo the ml\ttor o f JUGnulactonlll ma~.:ht " ell 1111n a hllckwanl and unprofi table at.ato fool p ro ud In rcgud to machan ory " " I and thnt t.he ~Almon auduatry of t ho all other mode rn and a:npro• eo.l a ppla f'I'Kller H1 v"r aa not the mant of money 11ncea 1t is unaurpaued on t lua ~a.Jo of wluch at wu r E>p•eAenc.ed to 00 t ho Atlflntac. 1be manuf1ct orl"e of \Vc nrn eorry fo r our yo 111g country lbiJI Coml>"ny It wall he r~> rnernh<lretl r o- mt-n 'lbo cld colony ts ho"ovor al. cetv1..-d medals at tho l nternauoo"l ~ 1ah .,.nn r e:tdy to recel\e thorn back o n M F..xln\,ataoo held nt Lond 111 m tho a~am She only regri.' IA that tJ1oy year 1883 • The Coanpcmy tho 1Gh t bcn ahould h .&vo loft bor hosptl.llblo abor65 only tha:c.i mor.t.b• In exast.enct!, !!CUt The y know now that at aa n ot oaay to ruany I ("!Cimons o f the ir conlago t o 6nd fiHhenftll hlco to h era tn tbll reapoct t ho E :r:haLataon, 1\nd althoug h these camo abo • tan Ia unrava.llod thn h road world an act(Te com poulton wath tba nu rner over aho has no com peer he r paacatora oua proaucta of tbe R opo \Valka of al NlJ!OuroDS t>re aeooud to nono-tt.re 88 Oreat Bntam and Amcnca nnd ma n) boundlel!llaa thoy are valuable parta of Europe they ne1orthe le111 H 11 a paty wo t.hmk tbatourfnendl! barely came below tho \)(>st ~am;,Jee bad no~ befo re loavtng the country ' aat e11bab\l.ed- two tmly l>etng tudg~td to •lo wn And coun ted well the coet bear oe above tb~m Tb11 snre lv as aome ang fu ll 10 mand t.he born~ly m~Xlm•-tbtog lo r tho Coloma! CordAge Cuaopany a b1rd an tho hand 18 w:>rth two 10 the to oo proud of l'he rA can be nn doubt b ush ftlt o fT cows h ... o long bo rWI bnt that tho Company wtll ""'e t l1e _ keopang thllll& pllby, praaoant, best "'"bee of our people for I lA contmu trut hlul axaoma an rumombrance, have E'd onccea ,anal underthel"xrertonce-:1 and endeavo Ired to aallafy tbemeohee bow • lle roanaga~ment of thf' .Mt111r1 ~!onrM (ar and to what ex tent the re~t.a a bout t here te unqneetlnuahly a tngbt and Dnbah Colnmbaa 8 piJICatonal wealth hope ful futlll'8 before the anteqm11og could be rehed 00 But e:rpertlllltJG Curdago C..wpany of New(oaQdl•nd. clout Let our fneoda learn lobe Jeuon

CoLiliiiST! AT 1111t MA!ISJO!f Rntl!!l ~At London OD the ~'fCDID2 Of tbe 90th ult t he Lord •t•Jor eolllrtalncd the Pnooe of \Val"• and a number of dlatl"guuthed (;ol ®l.ut l'he Pnnee of \~a lea made a 41p~eeb In .. b1cb be UJd tbat no bCCA11on .bad I(IYen btm 11reate1 pleuure I bAl. d1c. tbe prtunt one 1'be C..:Oiomal .lo:dnb1llon would oltl\Tk an epoch lu tho Q oeeu a ret jill J hu l{!'e&tt>lt pnde of haa hfe wu to ko1t ~,.tb;,r 10 bol'dl of frleod1bop tbe ( olon )U and Enstlud Ue boped to fo rm a p~r .,.•nent Cnlomal Mo~eom to Lontlon He •l..clan:d that all had 01111 ar~at <lt*rl> a' aturt llllillle ly to preaerve the u• It)' and Al treojlth of tl!e Empire (Cb..e,..) Gen tilt • red. Middleton I"'O'P.Ooded to a he I.CMl 1b11 (.AuadiiCI .Mlliua, and the ~Lorqula o1 .L..I'II• to t.haC' or tho Colooia.l Emp~re

Nm ttery lour •110 we called tbo atten tloo o f our reader~ to lhe rae~ of t he large deltruetloa ol e&We wb1ch taltel place OD <Qer t.alo pal'l& of &M railway hoe betweeo Ha.rbM ,,,_ .. d .SL J obu -pnaelpally ~IWeH that place aod Kelllcn~•a. L'hle <te.trnct1o11 we aho•ed bJ~gorea "" beeo «t••* ~an 111oet people awa.re. WhAt "'ade &<•• ll&atler all II o ore.-eorloua, 10 tAr at 1811 aa Ole 1-edl•U! ere wera oou--t ••• the f~~:t l.hat ~ aoiruala lulled by the lftln were 10 Marly Yery lo ac..nca Ule PfO~Y ol Pfoplo- r torlu• trlou people-who eould Ill &lord aotrar 10 llta9}' a IOM aa bad re111l them frOUJ &be ct.lruGtioa of~r caUla &.tau ef &~»Me l"fllln• were • &o ca n fii'IDIII.If o• a .WI-lt, ~ eVI lu OU4ljauGI.IOII wltb &b1 pr~utfon of th• 8elterkte,!>lbel'l..olao 1 aod dHt h•jury whieh W '"'-• lmlileed apoa u.- - .., ani "' dloa& 11 .. f..,... they -•lcl ne961' be ............... Ia , ......... pamrita. wl* ~1M.-., ........ _'"' were

....... -~· ......... "' friehde. ..... d ..... .; ~nt6oa or Uorr rtw dle.,W•Illllll, ••• IN II~

Rero howo,er let u' g aTe tbe Opamone on tbaa liUhJcct or a Newfoundlander DOW re~~1dmg an tho Oanadaan D omtruon HI', at w1ll bo notaced ad•oeat.ee " the " dea•rahahty1 of the emtgrataon of tho ' N e w fnu ndlandor to the great Nort h"'

" W est Tor rttoty fhe epeod1 c..le velo tr ' anent o f C11uada WI'SL wo uld gave " •teady work for be r (Newfonnd liaod a) • utlon atnd b.er Rhlplii\Ucl a good mar

1' kilt fnr he r fish H ere as t~ lttter l

NewfouncUtn4, Nova Scotia and Can ada WeaL.

'fOhuE WCTO~ 01' T~CAS4DUH COLONIST S t ll -

0\e fnad...qoAr.J of the Newfoundland fiahenea to meo~ abo wan til of a rapadly Ia oreuan2 vopnlauon bu been for many Jel,.. put 1 matter o f jlrft&t cooeern and an:~uoty o n tbo part o f t boae who bne tbo loter~t or thta, lbe mollaucleot or Eog land • Colontal poesna•ona, at heart(

At tile loeeptloo o f We !UIIway JO 1881 publlo e&pectauoo ran 'lory bll!b Hopeful plolliN'I were drawn or the booeflcial re­aulta •b•oh would follow thla pioneer er p rnareaa. l'be Interior or tbe l• land would beopeaod up •~trloultu1111 lndoatrfea would be proaoeute<i more uten•l•oly and our • ~rpl11e population would bo dr~wn from tba leila of the deep Alld the precariooa lllblritkince whaob I~ a6ord., to the anora peacefa l calllna or aariculture Tbe aoit ebloa,._ ol the land for agrlenltnnl por poeott U. lliwaye ~eo a moob dlaputtd queation, aod die uri 'loa au"o,. that hue beeo !JiadO. from tu11o to time are ao con lletlnr -. tl' leafe 111 al1noet. aa l«nol'llot aa tU we re bt>fore of Ute ual nature of the 10n The faOart ol the lWiway Company to C11rrJ oat the ~"" ol I Ia 'Conti'IICt h•a l t ft 01 ~U IIO&eqa&IDted 40 a 01 Iii able way, •hb tb41 laterier of Use I'D Y tt tbl! _popolatlon Ia l~lllf •7 willie the faalare of lbe flaberiea a 11ie ooutqa.uc lodlaeot eca'- of _., ,_,, &rt


appareot from a ooraory glance at tbe Country More than ball tbe popolatlon poraoe tbe ilabarlea aa a oalho11 wblle on' more than f5,000 acree or land aro a odor any coodauoo of caltlvattoo 'l'h11 11 a (;o"oc..ry witb ao area or 42 000 eqaare mal ea. Under \1111 oondaUoo of t!unga at Ia Indeed g raLafyiog to me aa h moat be to all 1001 of oor • falaad Home' to ootlce that a tor. are beillll: takeo to remedy thtt atllte o altair~. I refer to the 11\tlo band Of paooee,.. WhO bne WllhiO the laat few daya left their own eborea to make for tbtiiiiO)yel aod for thoee who wallabortly foll01f"' tbem a bome In our great Wen or Bnt11b C..:Oiambla I ball thla ruonmeot aa tbe Initiatory etep or a f:le&l work- a work wbacb If euergetacaly earned oo w1ll I feel COOVloCOd reault in Incalculable jlOod to Newfoundland and Nowfoundlande,.. I do not want to do aoytbiDjl &o bander tbe do .. elopmeM of Newfoondlaod but 1 do want tboee wbo leue bor to ttay under the old Bag aod 1 thank morooTOr tl 1\1 at 11 both to their Ia to rut and tbelr duty 10 to do

I be TM\ and fenale laods)known qnder t he genen o oame of tho ~oad•an North Well offer 1uob adtaotagce "to eotorpm11111 and insJuatnoue men that tbe only wonder to my'mlnd Ia that tt baa hatberto r~ol'od anob li ttle attoot10o Now bowOTor tho <ranoua colonbiog agooCJea are lioao~e a rreat work 10 thll re•peet I oformauon on all couceaTable aubjeola lo cooooct.ion wllb oruijlr&IIOD 11 1preadao~r hko wald 6re aud I bope aooo to koow th~t th11 Now(ouud land of oura w11l not bo backward 10 gtv1n1: to tho mo•emunt a warm auppo rt

Aod why not ? fbo fiabernlln hu ruha ed long 11nce tbQt tbo rlllD IC jtooeralaoo muet not t rual fo r a hvehbood ouly to t ho w111ora of tho womt doop Hero tboo, 11 a cbaoco wb1oh, I believe ho caan) t 1\C ford to throw away wttbout g reAt losa to bamaelf and tbo eucctod~ng geue,.,.Lions. 1bo Ianda ID Mauatoba tbo N W and Bnt11lt c..;olumb•• are capable of produc10g ucelloot croP' a.od nery l~e~lnJ aufforded by tbe Colon1aauoo Compaay .!64 lSt. Jamu Sc. Montreal 10 tbo way of om•11rat lUi aeeunng Ianda &o fhua tbo way 11 opeo for extoad1og tbo dom1o1oo aud pro..

follt1 or our &ior~oo• old l::nglllh Em pare. t 11 uow 1\ taugablo fact koowo and r01rod

o ( all woo t bat tbe {;t~oad•an Nortl \\ eo c.. ••II become no moau o r unaNportaot lac lo r an the futuro deeUuf of tbat Emp11o

1bo patnotiam o f tbo Nowfoundlandor ae fam1har to e'tory one and b11 IArl(o heartodneta and boap•t.Ahty ba•o becoooo

bou1chold worda H~ro arc tho pr1nc1 plea wh1cb ••II C.'\UIO tbo new country 10 proapor nod Ooonah among11 tho couo~nea of tbo Cont10cnt And 10 no tbo plel\ of pa\no t11m M well 1\11 o( self nd , nncc ent I advoet\to the dca1rnb•hty of the en llll'll 11oo of tbo ~ewfoundlaudor to tho ~ru11t No rth Wut ferntory Ou "futnre OCC3

11011 an opportnniLJ mll1 bo offered t • ap~ak of t ho n.any ad«u LAIICI wb1ch Wu teru (;olo mzauuu wo uld 11ffonl to :-JcwJoun I land Nova :SCo11n 1\0cl New Uru1 ow1ek ~tohku and the wtorell whach e.11cb ou~ht to ''"'" 111 tl u matter lSnflico 1t to u nhou tb ad•~ot,.geath!\t woulcl ni'Cr 1efra 11bo llnush Amer CMI By~tcm nf I(,.IWI\JW by tl 0 I I or~Mil nf '"'fli '" I m~rlluno lcru t• 1 1 t l o (, u ( 1 redo As f:\r M :-J e.,fou ll<>n I ia conc•ruod lbe lp<Jcdy du velo111 nt of (;Bnl\da 'Voet would g~to ateacly wurk for her aa lo ra and her ab.lps aod a good n 11r kot for t cr tlsh

Inn word lhu d~velopmo t of the W c•t mnll ftdd lar11ety 10 t ho proaporHy of the ~ula11on of abo f ~~t. 1no doYclopmont o f tlo11 W~aero Sa,.tesmcrc&~ed tho pro•r•enty of tl oao ol Ul.o & ... ~t 1\ud yet t he MID& 1 r~ J athce, ex •t ed lh~ro ~ 1\rO or were to he fouud tn aoruo of tho Tlrlt~tb &utero Pro

Ggaaoat the \~ cswr 1 Youn1 tru ly

J F KI~G foonntri!J of ~I John 1 Nfld

W o pubh11h fo r Ollf>OCl"lly tho bone lit of our local tea~ lors tho appro pnatao ne for the conatructaon and rep•<~rmg of t hn roads refe rred to 10 ~ho aul>JOined h11C.

fbo aum of F1ro fboueaod Uno li androd and F•fl] fo ur Uollara 1\Dd Forty 61'e Cool& for tho Road S cr•1eu of tbo Daatnct of liar bor (, 111co ae followa -

For Uoa4a 10 and Gl!out HArbor G11.ce 1ncludoog lt•Te r H o11d to South S1do UnC!(:o under the Harbor Graco Board lYO thou aand ono hundred and tlnrty oaght doll&ra aod fi fteen centL

Yor ltoada In and about Sooth Sade aod l.lryant a Co•o unde r tho Soutb Stde Board Four buudrcd and 6fty aoveo d oll11,.. And teo cents.

For road• to and about hlt~ntl Co•e aod Spoon Oo• e andc r tllo l tlaod Co Yo Board Four boodred and tour dolla,.. and tweot1 li•e coata

For ~d· ID and abont n .abop I CoTe under tho B~ebop a Co• o OoA<d One boo dred aod ooo dolla111 aqd filtaoo cedta

F or roads ao and about Spa01ard a Bay and filtoo under tho l:ipaoaard 1 Bay Board F1•e hundred aod eagbty o aoo dollare aod eil(bt:J ft•e centa.

For roada lead1og froru Goaa a to Sooth Side Spantard 1 Hoy U•st Pond under tbe Spaniard 1 Bay Board Tbarty l>olla,..

For roada In aod about Bay Reberta 10clodaog Spaniard a Bay Bridge aad l'ond under tho Day Roberta Board li10e hun drud aod 1111y aneo dollara aod 6n eeota

For roads au and ahout ~oley 1 l'oaol and Country Path onder Coley• Poaot Board Fol:lr bl:lodrod and 1r11y lllt dollare and nloety conta.

Oo the road from Upper J1laod Con to Tiii.Co Tbroa louodreda.od ah:ty fwe dollara and aeTeoty conta.

Oo road from Til too to Bra&~ I a Hall, Set eo huodr(d and forty eovaa dolla,.. and <fort1 liTe oeoll

/Oo the road from Tilton to Spaniard • Bl.y One hundred and tbirtoeo dollare nd twenty 6n eeota

On tbe road lrQ.m Tal.too to Station F1ft1 elgbt dollare and &fteen ceota

On the rolld from Ungu11 to <.:arboooar, One thoo..and 4lollarl

Oo tlte branch road from Drigu1 mean read to Nlae 1alaod Pond, One boodrod aod fifty dollar~.

Oo tbe road from Halle '1 own to Snow 1 Pood 1 wo hundred tlollar1.

On tbo read from Gould 1 aod oo Long llarbM road, Oao hllodred and &fty dol I an

On the road fro111 Spaolard • Bay to New Harbor Three buodred ADd tblny dollar~

Ou tbe road fro~ New liarbor &o South Dildo One buudrod dollara.

On tlap road from Dildo to Cbaoee Con i:!nea bundred dollara.

OD tbe road from ~~- II arbor to Hearl'• Collteot, Six hundred dollara.

Oo the road from Green 1 Harbor to Barbor Once and coooeotiOif Spaolard'• ba1 roM! Eaglt& huadted dollar~.

Oo the road from Carboooar to New PerUao, One tlaouaod two bttndred dol lara

On Ute C'OM fro• Oarbo- to Hean'a Deligb~ .t:.o haadred dollara

Oo &be CoonLrJ i'a~b road from Spall lard • llaJ Pond OM tbo~d dollara.

V u the C'OM be&WMa 8pulard a Ba1 ud Blabop'a CoYe Two laaadNd doll.ua.

SoBioJifn a a abort memorial not100 o£ tho lat.& Rn W K. \Vbtt.e, tbe re apoct.ed Rural Dean of Fortune Bay For the 1-..dang faote connected wath Mr Wbtt.&e acUTe and arduoua D&IDll

teru.l hie we are andobt.d to a fnend who know hun Intimately, reapocted bun grw.tly, and now mourns ha loea wtth affected regret..


Died d Harbor Drlloo oo the tad of Jaoel .. t 1illl B~:n&a!to WILU.UC KuPUI Waura Rttr&l De&~~ of f'urtuue Ba1

Ju1t tblrty nloe yeara ago Mr Wntn waa 0011 o f IIX young men wbo re1pooded to the call of t.be late B11hop Field to come our aod belp bim aa a Ma11iooary 10 New­foundland He bad I'OOII•ed a jlood traao aug io Para1b work under l>r Hook 'flcar o f Leed1 and aherwarda B•ebop of ~ol umbiL lle arrand In tbe cborcb eblp Hawk m tbo year 1847 aod an September or the aamo year waa appoaoted. MIIIIOD ary to llarbor ll11fret an Plaoeaua Bay whore bo Wl\l in Ob&rjtllfof t.l.Je ttboJe Of tbat exteo11ve Bay from Plaoeoha on tbe eut to Oderto oa the weat. Hero be La bored with ~ereat zoal and aadOI'DIIAble eaer fl1 for IIX y-arw! From tboaoe be wu ap pointed to tbP exteDIIfO rulatoo or Fortuoe n., A!Sd at tho aamo time Rural t>oan of tbe •outh COMl from Uuno to Cbanoel

W beu Mr W itte arravod 10 Harbor Brl~ oo abo bradqucartons of b11 oataioo th~rly th roo yeara a~eo, be found a taak befnre ham that n11gh t hue dauo~d tbo brave&t epmt. Fro o Gar111ab oo tho eoutb ebore followm~: tho coast hoe around tbe Bay to Groat Hl\rbor on tile oorth wu a daetanco of nut lcaa than ono huldted and fifty mal.,. w1th fifty ooo aottlemfnte--all of wh1cb had t o bu 'fill Led at laul lbreo tnu.,. dunng tho a 1111 •or-nd ocly t~reo male• q ( road to true! on' Much or tho wo rk bad to be doou b1 open bo•t. wltb bard1h1p aod penl-ruany a tame abe .wu upoeed all o1ght 10 the prcnaloi loga-w1thout food or aholtor Oo tho no tb ahoro frr•o II ar bor Dnaoa to Dellomm a d11tanco or t •enty-two m1los. bo couatantl1 tra•elled by land. both wa•ter and aummer Tiattnlg ~IOYOO IOUieOlOII. and bol i10g aentCU In oacb Uur~og tol JOa,.. b~t Journep were OYer wouotams tome 1000 feet bagb and t hrough ltOif and brushwOod w1thout a road to eMe htJ labor Aftor tb1a, 1010e lneoda 1\MIItod ham w11h " yacht 1o wl11ch be d d Ina work with te8ll labour and compnrat1ve comfort-If t l oro be comfort oo boANI a boAt of al l! or M> Yeo to nL And 10 ho wont on d o1ng Ina " 1\t!Ltlr ~ wnrk for lblfly three lou~o: yoar~-unoomplammg watbout ~at or hol1day

Mr IV 11 £ wM o f a moat geo1al and hill py tc mpe trtmunt-luiJ Of Wll llOd h rouur llr wu o 1u of 11 o mo•l compl\nlou Bhlo of 10eo "' cl 1 c beller I e w:u k no wo tho noro ho "'"" lo v•ti. Ito wM 1\1110 ono of tbu 111e•• and atnunche•t of !nun le \s " l'ansh 1 r "'L ho '\6 mo•l •y up~~otl e uc With hts fto. t'lu o l.<lr,J In to tl•~• J >)• n J oorrn or• "'" 1\ w•ys "'" ly u 1~ hl or d •Y to 1\tt.o.: 1J tb r c"II• "T1, a"""'"" o r Ia d eMll If • me llc11 p ch~at wolh a box c"nl31nln~ lhbh:a 1\1 I I rayer lloo~a ho •I wAy• c rno I 1 tl o ) 1\CI I nod lhtl coo lcn ll wur• freely d1atnbutcd to tl e poor lias a h ICc "1J uaoalllnce o fte n rehorcc.l m aoh ou(tonu~; lu placel far away frouo all ID4 I cnl1111

\\ h at hohlo o ne of Ius ou•tom• • M •o tl •k no•t "tnnNhle Ou :Su d~y c Yt iiiDl(• a(lur (.;I orcb ~en1ce1 And ~ 111

lay :SChool• I :>I be~ > allended to I 18 ht\hlt Wl\1 lo hnvu the ) O WJ.: moo and tho cap 1a1ns of Vc!-iolft 111 1 ort all l(lthuro I at Ius houoo for &lore I oong I le wu fJI\tll on 1\lely fond of 1 u• c • ul pl•yed II o flohn wh1l1t a mo nhor o f h1a fAmily • ccompMll Od II 0 81UI(ID$r W tb tbe OfjfAD 11 ~•e oven o~a ended Allen o clock w1th praye~­aod so closed a well ~pet ot Jay

Mr Wurrc had a ..:ood oo Ullllut on and atroug bod1 a nd waa CApaule of uo lergomg ~:rMt hordablp watbout corupla1111n~ But o"entuall1 h11 wo rk proved too ~~~'"' for b11u or mdeod fo r aoyman--:\od aooo the ond W&l not far off Ho fitted o ut thu l1~ llo yacht for tho last hmo 11nd at.a.rtod out on baa ll\lt fiiii.Alloo •ulleo~~~t mooh pa1n but not aware bo w daneeroutly all bo was. llo waa obhl(ed to ~rve up and re turn homo-to d1e W ntaug throe da.J11 before h11 death to a mucb loved JOUIIg c..;Ler~Jwan an bis l>il&Dery be a1d -

I can lrl1di). bold my pen I have boon at work early aod late aod ban tued my etreog1b too much" • • • • 1 !.no long fol t and expeneoced all t he tnala and ahfficolt•u o r our oiBce an acattered place• Porbapa bad I kaown befor. I left ~n~:land 1 m1gl! t hue beattated to accept tl.te pCIItion bot called ~1 tbe PRO\'IDIUIOC or ooo L bue borctoforo done wbu 1 could and bavlleh IOJiolf ani my work 1o 1111 b•nda wbo will JUdge na accordiOfC to wbat we have and aro aad He wtll 'lOt bo 01treme to mark our laahog.. • • • •

1 got awa1 IIUit week ud bue had to rolurc and now I am to torture from OTer uertioa aod " cooaequently dl10rder e•l aJ11Lem I fool thAt m1 work 11 rut com log to ao oud."

From tb11 tlmo forward he •ulfered 10 tt~oae agooy-oftcomplaaoiug aod w1tbou~ a murmur He WN lbougbtrul kaod aod gentle to tboae around bim and perfectl1 unaablo to tbe uod Aad 10 paued away to hi• reel one of ~he no bleat, trueu hearted and moat faithful Mlaaonarita tbat liTer graced the C borob of Eoglaud to ~ewfouodlaod

...... wn&lng on tbla mournful ltlbJc:Ct, oor weetern ehore eorreapondeat 11\¥1 -Oo tba 2ud J 11oe the RoT W K Wmn Rural Dean of Fortuno Bay wbo for 32 yoal'll bad labore<t watboot cuaaog an the Uubor Briton P.lau1oo waa l11d 10 bla lu~ reiiiDll: place near tbo chancel of the Cburob In wbloh he had 10 taltbfully and foar­letflJ maolslered to tlae • ptnlual wanta of btl ~opla Tba church waa full to onrflow mg for be wu r ... pe~ aud bolo•11d by all deoomioauooa Tbo uowa of hla death came like a tbuuder olap u pon 1111 llock wbo ooold hardl7 realau that tb.e •eterao aoldatr bad laid down bla armaaod ootered an to re1t. G roupe of people eo old be aeon oo Ute followaog day talklog oror the aad eTODl, and dowo many a weather beateo cbeek rolled tbe tear~ aa they talked of tbe bolond Putor wbo bad beeo 10 al:ld­dealy called away Eno Yheo L!ae palo• O( deatb 'lfere li~D b(aa be WU tboUJblfal of othar~. 8ucJdeo aa Ilia da~b .,pear. ed to 10me '' wu ooa 10~ to him, f<W lo the , .. , leU.r wbleb be _peaood be apok,e or betar 1• io 110rture lAd 4f feeling tb¥ hla laboura weald aooo be a& u end

E Teo In death be appeared unchanged , thU pleaaan~ amilo, 10 ••U ho•n to bla frieoda, atlll II& tap ~ eounl,tpan46, ud., life like ia aU ~ dtd lie Jook Usa' many of 1M older lolita beUnod 11.t ., .. i.o a t.rance.

lD aclda&loa &o U.. JDOGm6I'IIUid frleoda o f U.e d8f01Md, tbore wert pr_, aad took pan i.o &be •"loe tbt Ke9da G Blaha.,, W JlaJOM, T .P ~am&la ~ J:l Oooi.oi­bam

'l'hlacall &owpw aadDobltr worit 1-.,• 11 Yaoaaey wkleb It will bt ~ •111 ....., &o IlL l'bt AU·wlta Wtpioetr ol ~~~ alalra ltaowa wiiU II'*' lecl did 110t ..U Hillaenao' bo-. &PI lie W ~~~ ftrk lit w " ....... do,

Tn11: LoNDOlf Cot.nKr.u. ExmotTIOll, atatee Tueeda1'• pubho deepai.Ch, w11l be oontmued permauentiJ An tt.&W m a lato exchange aaya that tl•o gl'OI\t auter eat taken In the Colonaal Exlubnaon baa euggesled the deetrabthty of eetablllb.idg tn London a peran•neot muae:.m, con t.&tnmg artacloe cbaractcns~10 ol each colony Indaa baa conaeot.ed to oontnb­ute to ant~h a pro;eot, and 1t 11 pDISible that the oolon1es m•y ; om. &wetbmg m the nat ure of a permanent exhabatton woulrl populomce tho colonaoa 10 :Rng land and wouldtond todm:cttbt'alt.entlou of anttmdmg emagt~~nta t o Cntl¥b lielda o f IOttlomCIDC..

ON& or TUJ( oauT II:V&!!T!I In the lue tory o f Montreal wae tha~ whtcb took placo on tho 28th of laa~ month On tbll~ day the Can1>.d1an Pacalic Raalway-" tho lon~' the deai'OIIt ~tnd tho moat rap ad· ly bualt hno of raalro~~od an t ho world" ­.,..., fo rmally t pcnoo Ta.,.ffic on the hne corumenoetl on ruoed .. y IIUI"l: The 6ut through tnun to Vano mver Brattah Columh111., Wl\8 compoeed o f two lugg •ge c.ors, ono maal car~two lira~·claaa aloopmg cars and one dnnng car l'lle po•uen­gera were verv uuruerouft,

Tho work o £ tho construouon of th11 hno .>I I'Oild hu IJeen a Htu penc.lo 11 one \vo learn fr..1m t ho M ontreal ll'atnu• that tt wa.s 111 1880 thl\t the Uovorn ment decadc d to transfer tho t.allk o r bualrllng tho road to a ayndtCille Tho aync..lacate subsequently a-eaol vod ataelt

~-Yemnpnrry Tho ro.'\d WIUI to bo Jllot('() b] !\lay JKt 1891 AllU W&JI

ded tnto fo111 ~taonK 1, Calhm dar P ort Arth ~r, 657 mtlea, to be bmlt

by tbe company, 2 P ort Artl ur to R ed Raver 421:1 nul .-'. to be bualt by the Govetnn cnt, 3 Hcd ltavcr to Savona Ferry I 252 males, to bo uualt by the Oo~ornmeot makmll a totAl of 2 1155 males, Crow Call1lndllr t o tho Pao•fic ocean

T i o London Stmvlard 1111ya • Tho c .. nad a .. n Pacalie nulrond as a polmcal trluruph and acllltl\ emont the U0381blh ~ lt8 of whtch no ono cnn forcMoo, and t ho nuht.Ary 11d• nnt• gl!ll or "bacll may yet bo t he Kl ' ang o f tho emp1r~ h as a coutniJ ILJOa o l our C ou •d a .. n broth ron t o t he orgo~mz~llon fo r tho defmoo of the .11nop re Onr duty •~ W sho w the world lluat " u fu lly uudon~taud ll.a 1411-port.anco

I ho f:ap< ilo 11 1/otrluu wn tu ~: a ahort u n e • 1 rc on 11 e tisbery q cftiiOI tbu•~:•ua 11• 011 • ou of II c h•luu~ and u r) l111a 111 I'"" y 1t " ') " 1 ruvou~: Ill! II Las 11 VA»t loot!

1 r d tel ve mlcrcst 1a 01 clu wluch 11 o .. hoi ol lhc lj 11e J Sa••u• 18 11 tcrctle I 1\11 I n ty loll l~lallo • on lhe &UbJ~Ut shun I I Lo bro• I cMl A d uf I be t().ll t liberal onl 1r0 f r il pr .. auctluu an I advanct' u 1 II 1• c•t I Ated thQ~ 11 u ~""' ~ u;l I h•l un ea 1\luo <

l a• e an 1nvcat w 1t o f oMiy S ill OUl U<'I(J an I acc.>rtlaug to tl e ll\lu ••aueuca tbo pro d ocuon 1\ nouoted to S1 I &tG 9~ K'" 111 c ploymtut to I H 4 ~1i por•ons \YIIIo ()•:, 7l-l peraoua a u dupouJco t upoll the b 1~1 eu

Our (.;•po An<~ contem porary than I:IYI!A tl e ri.'A 1lt of A COl f Cr&'\IIOU winch be lo~d •lib c .. ,. ll•h•oo onu or II 0 .. "()Ill lllloC

wbo we t to \\ Mhloftton 10 abo 1 ••~rea~ o f II II lisl eneL c,;liJ>t IIU ll" b.•oo ftlaled I hot 1 e wu AOrJ rutd a1 I he total I •ck of p raclt enl lrfonoAUOn rtgAr<h · ~ abo hal or es o n tl o part of thl U :S oflletl\11 He wao • •P p1111d w11b maps a o d olall•toca 1\ <1 nnd~ It a I" lnt to 1nt~"1ow ftcVutrtl of these ofli col\tt who {rankly lt.'\led aha\ th~y wcro not acq uauowd w1tb tho fiahc n ca 111 de C..1l b 11 wero well plell&<ld w I(AIU lllform,uon winch pia o I tho JDI\tlcr lo an aii.Cgethcr d1ffereo t h..:hc. Will the go• oromeut at WMhmgton full y poatod on 1 ho fulborlus and toe continued """''' or the Amer~CAn F•ohery Umou lbe Unned l:itatea F1ab Cowmi8110o thu Ne• England Preaa and others wtercstod we (aaya our A.10encan oooternnorarJ) bi\YO no le.>.ra but tbat 1& w1ll be lt gtall\ted upon from a etr;ctly Amencau a11udpo10t.. I t 11 an lmportant'injJ.Jn.try one wh1cb can be mad& enttroly ~poodeut upon our owo reaourcu fo r tho aupplu:t of ball ace pro YIIIOM, eta w1tbout troubhog our Pro vtuCII\I neagbbora Ia tho leut, 1f tbey 10 ••II It asd t.bo gororumcot Will oaaAt IUob pn ·~·eg~• by dobarnog the•o from naaog our 1uarketa

It ae fullumo (conhnues the Adcmuer) tho hahory queauoo wu thorough!' umler atood 11nd settled It CAnnot be aoppoaed for a momeot that wo are to gave up our own market ftH to a competito r The compouuon wlucb naturally ar11ea •moog thoae ongajled 10 the hua1oeu 1a aufllc•eot to keep the pnc~t wuhan duo bound• 10 t bo question of ckap .foh wb1eh baa boe11 10uaded ae aaruply nonaona~cal Gave tl\0 Pro••ncee tba opportuon.r to dn'te tl e AmeflcAn fleet oot of tbe bua1ncea wluch t bey would gladly do and thu1 lll'fO them 1 mooopol1 -Uld if t be bua10~•• once ~:eta broken up lo lbll country at wall be almoa• amp0111blo to ro-eatablllb 1t.-aod you wall t beo aee tbe O'fll fruita reeult.ing from not et.aod10g by tbe liehtriea. !\ow aa tbe tame to carry tbe queauoo to a aocoeuful au oe Malta a\ tborou~rhiJ Amencao by ganug it tbe protection oeoeaaar1 for at to be IUCb A fOld all OOrDIDIIIIODI With thtlt cb1caoery aod o•er reaclaog Hl'fe It thoroughly under~tood tbaa ?ur naaela cannot be lnterfdred wllh noleaa clearl1 proTed watha a tbe tbreo mile hm1t w1tbout retahattoo If tbe l'roviucl&l Jfnrta wall not aall oa baa\ aod 1upplaoa. aud are d111poaed to carry thing. wul.t a high band cloee up our porta to tbem and they wtll soon be upon w ear ben bobl9aour '~ o can get aloog wathout any tnd1og if they oan aod tbe beuellt of getlloga bait aupply here ac home ••ll 10oo IJe denloped toto a pro6t able audu1Lry All tbat 11 oeceeeary at tb11 time Is fo r our Gonrameot to be eqoal to &ba emergeoe1 r

BuT AND I c c 111 Nt:wro oMOLAND -The following letter from SL Paerre wu latt!ly publlabed bytbe Cape All11 Adwrtutr

IXtu Sar -For 10aae time peal 1 wu deairoua of dropi'IDI you a few llaee whb rep'rd to the bait qaeartoo now 10 mucb talked about i.o Non &otia papera debar ring oor 6abermoo from proounog either bait or leo anywhere iu the Dominion Lookllr Newfoundland bt DOt. part or t be Doasloloo, aod 1oor _,, can obtain all l.ho bal• wantt!tl, eltber bore or In Fortnne Bai rill Oil& aDJ di11calty A boot a !oat.. o.Jab• 1(0 l me$ ooe of our capta1111 bert oap\alo or ~,_a Rod, wbo enquired pani0111arft aboo' Ntwfooodl.aod La we etc., aad ll'-r a fllll explanatloa abonl matS.I'I aad thi.oge oooeenlllf \bt bah bulo-, be ~ for t.be Bay I baYe read from Bot&oo papert a foil r.ponof tho mee&ioga fo t~bla& r•u 1fPMt to take 110 aotiYe part, and wlab &o ear &o JOD Lha* aboald JOIIr 'ftiMII ~alrt baJ&, r oar bettar •'! will bt to ~ ~ aloor be,. Freeeb lab ere MIUDC latft a' i fn1101 per qalot.al. ~. wla4.a Jilt,_., ~ ,.._ waa ap 10

l$i frent ud 19 and 20 In 1884. Mar kou in Fr~noe are mucb dep.-ed, whb a large atock leh oter aloca laa& year Tbo fact 11 there ara too mtoy v-1• oaklbtor fiab for the Freoeb lllll'ke~ aod ~ Bor­deaux buyer~ are deS.nnln•d to break up tbe bualoeaa and aot bAn asore tbao half tbe naela c:at~bang dab

Youra troly, R M Fanu.r.. ~


Bay .RDM-u 6tA Jwlf, 1886 (TO TUE E.DITOR OF TOE S't.liCDAilD)

DuRtiiR.-You uy In yoor cdatonal of tbt Srd lust. Furtber fbat part of the malo line ol

road 111 from (;oorago • lleaoh to Bay Roberta 11 now In a wretohed ooodittoo beaog ao aeTeaal placoa, almoel laap-ble for wheeled nbtclea."

All tbaa bemg true aa goapel, I aboold call it FACT !CO 1

FACT No :2 11 thla, "''-• that up to tbe J88r 187-:l thll read wu part or t bo malo hoo uodor my care (for four yeara) u auperaoteodeoL Ir t hat year tbe hoe lrom Norah Riter &o Con rage 1 tsoa.oh near Mr Mark Walab • ..... au ao excelleol cond1 11on as the treYelhog (\Dhho ••II and drd teet1fy

FACT ~o ~ lo 1874 1 •aa 1npuaedod Tho h oe was piGoed 110der otl ~r lUtter • iaon aod-aa the colnooua of tba STAND ARO wall pro•e-ao 1879 wu u bad •• t\ Ia oo.,-ooly a lntlu wor'l\l

i"ACT No 4 In 1879 J 0 5'NUI8r Eaq ukcd me to undertake 1bo repat,.. of tl •• roAd A a tbo mean& w~re om all 1 wu to do thu beat I could~l 11lou" lint year-no p.. t1cular place

FACT No 6 1 acccptod the trust Y O.'\r

afte r yoar tbe road aonprov~d I bo nottll ltde or Spanl•rd. ""Y ltadge (whaoh WI\A

oo an &Yerngo 16 anchea cooca•e ) was naco 18 1ochcs 10 t be ceotrr I h1e '""" not aecood to a ny paec:e of road ao Coo­ceptaoo Hay D1etnct.. Jo 1881 a ~~~ollemau rode 110 l:larbor Grace on Ius tncJcle wllh an two bour1 O'for t bo formerly ampauaule road

FACT No 6 In 1882 tbe road from Spa01ard a lla1 to Uarbor Uraoe t!U.,er hu&d) wu 10 excellent order

fACT l'fo 7 S aoco 188.! th~e r oad hM been 10 tbo caro of olhor part101 You lru tbfully gtYO ate ciJndouoo io your uc 11oroal 1111 I bavc abo vu q IOitd

fACT No 8 I he bollt ht2cks n1th an the coumry •• oo t co mpeleot to repa1r l lJu \&'Orka o f yo or Wl\lch l FACT ~" 9 l hcro aro pononacmpl oy

cd to '"Y 0111 buald and ••t"' r our rol\/11 whoae I{;IIOtaUCO Of lbCir bUOIDCIId II auupiy aubhme

F \CT ~o 10 ft wo aid bo moro JliOil t able for tbe pc wera to 1 ny tbcfto rn•n II e1r lawful pcrconiiii!C Bnd a l111lc e xirA 1f occct.'ll\ry aud 1mlucc lbem to ..:o 10 •lcep-or a t "" cvuutA 10 l~t rO<>d rep•uronc a lo o I heu will tho r 111d ue o f bo 1 ouCJ '" JIO!I co "fl<'' I t <n to '"I"'" and Aller ou r roatla I Lc prOJII wou lc.l bo to tl o poy 11 I! publ1o.

Jo ACr No II W l en at 1• Mlfl tha• the

o r 1 owt r ~ACT ~o IS Mak1oR' up a bokor e dozen

\\ ro g 11 not n~:ht nor n .l L wroo~ \\ l1cl •• It I luAve ao lbo IJUbhc to say wLctbur wy fi\<WI bo (1\Ct.S.

H .. peotfully J Onra (, W R lll~ltLIIIY

Buaband Thy Poaae&llona

Mn. EDITOR -\\ c bue been 1\nd even no .. ArO cmlot'otly

a fieh1ng people Uue Wllbuabandeda.o I are we I uabt\odaog the lleb aod other reeourcea of tho oea ? Hue "'e nunded and do we m10d the cure: of 61b ? I>o we ttody a nd IDYelltll(lll• 1he berr~ng fi•hery ? Do we pr~aorve our fiah oft. lao u to OOD\pOat wllb earth lor maoure l l>o wo luok altn ~he fiah be nca to pruerve al)e m a h lle for aame compost '1 W by do we aell hall to tbo Freuob end Amerlcaoa-.,.hl\t to do ? l o cut our owu •I roata. Aro wo b~odfol to tbe ... tued tCACbllll!l Of the STASnAIID on all tbaa II If a ot tboo we don t luuband our posumoq1

lo t hta llahang colon1 tho lnod cnllltl\ hon haa beon mn&t awf clly oe~elected Scarcity of fi&h 1111&11 pnCOII tto have ro 11~d tile ~ople up 10 buoband the land reeourcea a nd poMeteooua 'J ,/1 IN. ~n•l 11 1mpreaaod on lbo peoplo. hl uclt land bu been takoo 10 lb~ aumme r Look at tho comfort whore people mmd and cult1ute tbcir land Awake artae yo peoplo • etrakt out for the laod to Mtnll your flsh •oJC 10 teroac., a nd thtlAI do bettor t ban you do at preeena

Husband the poueaa1oo oli'Dtod a nd 1oul &II the ~~:rand attnbutoa ol men and wom .. o aad altboogb on> p roapecta may appear dark now supreme power 11 able &o braa1: 1 1p1 erne bleMJil(C for ahla troubled year of 1886--troubltd far ruore b1 tbe ~ or 111\lllllldoG moo tban the DiviDe Will W e know all lb11 too Aod tla ooh ooaa­ruon log~o to keep it Ia miod. 11 wo dou a., where ahall tho end be

Yo on, PA.TRIA. Joly 188&. ~~~~

The Piahery at the Woet.ward Fo r sometime put tbell.aberytn the oetgh

bNbood or t b11 Bay and friolt1 Bay u well aa at St J ohn a and &o tbo NortbwarJ baa boon yery poor At tile Weatward howoTer tbe nry re•e,..e baa btel\ ahe eaae-to many quartere Jerger eetohee aro reported tbaa for aome year~ paat 1M fiab. too I~ of a l~r roo than 111oal Donna tba paat week or tea daya more thao ltO boata am fed 11 Femlenae aod Re newa from tbe W ... tward ,..1tb catobn of flab nryaog from 00 &o 100 qtl1 M any of tbe LreJ" tad codaetll aboo~ J'repa,~e_.r~ Sl. MarT• and otber plecee ban dooo 100!1 worlr lAta l&U week foun..a tr1p1 a\ 1 repa&~eyl'foraged I rom 60 ~ 100 QUIIJLila. Codoeca aecured flooiD 10 to 80 qiJ:L eaob A good 1111117 trape. aofom11&S.I7, bow e"er were lojared by t.bo boa'f)' bflltle of Tborlda1 week "Two da,. more good ftahing ud Trep111107 will be a.fo aooogb for tbe winter

At PonQpi Con. ~~~~ trap~ are ICI"­tlar aa mneb lab al U,.y Oll1l etow • ....., Tbe trape there n e...,. (rom SO to 100 qtle Oo Tueaclat one took '100 qtl• More lhb WM 1618 on Mooda)t 1.aat ba&weoo Trep&~My aDd Oape Plot 4bao Jew tbt Ju& tblrtyyean, and oo' a aeiot or trap to take it.

At &.. lbry'e leb 14 alan pleaUfol , ba• ow lila to bea•y - at that RJaot trape line not been able to eaoare faH O.tcbee ao far A IJrl&& 1111111 IIepa laan bHa l.ajared bl tba laea9J- np l.be Bay, ud dowo tbo Sbo~ ~

Tbt pao' lllllery fler., ia ....tl u u 81 Jobne ud thteot to~&. Fraooll, bu beta nry poor-alJDOta a CIC*~ fallue,

By Telegraph. ' ---o---

HAur.u.. Jal1 6 -Cardioal Manoaag deolarea that the Pope guo oo lllatrueuooe to the Irlab olera:y bow to Tote.

Tbt eleetloo retui"DDop to S.."1rday olgh' atoOO Cooael'T&I..,U. 144, Gladatoalaoa 66 • !Uai~~~·, Paroelllaoe 1~ i 'be final .re1111t 11 upocted to be nry cloae

Gladttooo baa been eleetad ror Le1th wl&!ioat opporttiQO, and tlie Gladatooiana ~ are coa6deo• of their ablll~y to carry Soot land Hia lllljontiea are foer.alog

Tbe Canadlao crutaar Ttr"'I"'O' baa ae~ted three American fltluog echoooere u Sbel­barne

G loo008ter ilaberroen complaan tbaC t.l.to m•clterel 6ahery 11 nearly a total f••lore

Juu 6 - Up to mad night th11 total re­tnro• were aa follow• -Unlonllt. 207 , Gladatonlaoa 1~ Glaaeow retnroed J.<tor Unloolala a ud three Liberal• Loo:lo,P. r'~ turneJ ye1terda.1 21 membenel6 _JnlOII· 11ta and 11x Gladatonlloa. bet• are d11cou raQeo.l.

I..ord ftoiobery 111 pre11daoi at tho m per lal , Federatloa banquet London aaad tbe Hlue Boob abo• lbat tllo J mpenal GoTerumena will 1upport eolooaal tatereatJI, u far u tho fiebery q neauoo 11 concer ned, with etreojlth and d1gott1

In .. tbreo Aruencan acboone,.. aeized Gt Shulborno NoYa Scot11 wero 6ucd four hn tdr~d dollar~ each for broakiog t bo cua to m• 1 . .. ,

fbo I..ondon Colon1a l Exbabatloa wall be continued pcrmaocntly

Tho Canadian Pac•fic train wh1ch left Montreal on Monda) 1 1ght reached Van conYer on Suodl\y

J ut.r 7- \ not hu occurred 1n D ubho 11 o auonstea of'tho (;oneenau ve W o1 ktog oooo a (;lu b I ouae were lllll\ckod by o R o 1uao Calhohc p rocess1ou aud IOYcml per 80DB we re UIJUred

Londonderry hu returned I..!'WII ovor l11atm ~l oCarthy by a maJo rlly of t hree 1 bo rc•ult ><u fol ow~d by a n ot

\\ allnce Gl3d••o •~n l aa dufeAted Goa chen 1n Ed ... uur~h (.;b1lle111 hM bee' elect od for :SO ath Ed1obu rgb but D llkc baa been <Ideated

Tbo totnls nro aa followa -Coneerv11 ta"o• .! IIJ tinaooiKta IS U ladetonmu$,

I Arnellltce ~ S lrftlh on lhe lnol\lhao r .. c.oc rtulway

COlO I ICUC II .)'tsterdi\J \1 CXj reM llillll bCt\'l'f Cn l.nn<lo n a nu

f .rlu b rc:l colhd~d '' F til •ooJ I uucu uu a d I • pcrMOI ~ woro 1 Jllr~ I

J Lr 8. - '1: cAlcrda) t bc t t ser<l\ll•c• I ndu UfMI~IIJ:II08 Jhc J n / 1/t // ((1 til~ Ill\) • II u L hr ral dd nl •• I <CO u 11~ n rout :Scstuo " Oil lbc weAl d v••• n uf ll~lf•• t 11 c l::u~:llol t 0 111 uc• arc 1;0 11 1; Uu1on1ftt ScotlAnd I'll 1111 1ca Gl o l• ao 1 n J bo Conso,.auvcs '"' I l I cr .. l U con ' " expect 11 mnJOrll)' o f •u.cnt) 111 11 o fu ll hOII th:

Oro ocl t Ill th. LDnntune r ro • IIICU Ill I Cf

ere ~ nrcftl fi r • trnn I (.;rnp pr. •t eel~ L unc I "t.Atea nrc re

ported ~:uo I J ~ LT 0 - \11 e ltCIIOn riOt h~S OCC lrr Prf 1\t

C•r<l IT \\ •lc• l bu po t c~ .. ound~ I Ulhl

Guabctt of

II o l ortr' arc CArt} 1ng t l n F..n_ll-.h .. ouutae_, I ) l t r~o uuqurlll .,. \ t tn t I u1;:ht tl10 Umom•t~ I \ I rl'lun td 3 19 ~ho t~lol•ao u,.us !!10 l hn to l11l \ Ot 11

"t • • o clock ) ust~nl y stood U monast.'l I 016 _,q Gl .. ·~lOll'""' !)49 'l92

T hu P trll rlhtO!f eleele I j (l

I I 11 Uuun hnn s o v rnmon• l"rdons 1\ll 1 hns c 1 ~ d 111 tho .oelellarm CXC<'J t puoso1 N gndLy o f mur le r an cold \,IO<J<l A co nmas.,aun h '" Lccu apptlanltl<l to 111

VI'<!.IJ;UIO 00Ulp l tlllt8 Of Ill treat!IIUU• of IndaMn8

Bt AtJTHOAtTY-H u• Excellency tho Gov ernor 111 Connetl haa bt:cn piCAaed to ap poml \ J \\ Me~ e11y F.aqu ~ro to bo Aclml( \tto roey GeneraL dunnl( tho a ll 110nce o f lion J :S \\ 11 tor Mt>~rl \V II l'l\yne J l'llul U Y111U8 11 Reddy J 0 Br e o li B•st op Samuel Uarb1 t o bo " II >nrd o ( Hood l.,;omoa•u •oncra fnr l.l mu Meura I Kt cc h ( nbncl ( oddllrd Join W e1r U L J:innn•l (Luue e Co• e ) J B agdco to bo 1\ lloard of a{ol\d Comma• 1 01 oro for weol •1 I" nf llunn lift)' l<.;t r ho • to Lnoc & (.;vv< mc luou c) Mcaar11 \\i P Lake II llnull II I lladdou r \\ Lt<llc Goorgo Fort e) Lhomu Uogen J !!: Lnke to be 1\ llnar I of Kond (;ommi,..IOnel'8 for Fo rl unc \l c•.an P Coonora J l!:c.l Vftl'd~ I ( o n or MaohAel Sln\n~ ftnd P J 11rran1 to b., a Board of Road ( omm1 .. 1onc1"1 for La"u bdor~::e R L•lly E •q J l' to he " a 01ember of abe Hn~d 841a•d o n tho So ath atc.IO of U•y of IalAnde IU thO pi!ICO 0£ Alcu nder Mc Keuz•o EAq dcceaacd tho V ory Rev l>hcheal F Ho•rl~y D I) In bo a member of the :iatuly l'o1ut Sl Uoorgo ~ ll•y Road Uoard 10 the p lace of ROT R P P b1ppard rea1gor tl Re v Doo ali Mclou•a. to be " member o f t he C od roy ltoad Uoard 10 lbe plaoe of Hov Jo8~ph 1 alruer lcl t the Colony

Sucrotary a Uffico Gtb J nly 1889 -Go tiU..

fuE l'li6LIO PnESI!~ATIOll or P nlli!S to t bo pup1l1 or tbo l:it John a \\ eat .. yau Acndotoy took pll\ce (we luru from t1 0 1 t ltgram) oo M<1nd~y oweou•lf ao t he bilk meot of Go wor atreet hletbod .. t C hurol i11 the pre1oneu o f • crowded audio• co o f chald ren parcnaa 11nd fr1onds lle ~ G ........_ Boyd occnp1ed tbe cbatr abd Re• J Dove o!Jorcd prayer at t he opcnang ReT ( a _.......{ Bond 111d lteT Dr Mllhgan apoko at aorue l eo~ttb ou ~be paat yt'ar • "ork 1\nd t lt,_o futu ro proa~eota or t ue lnamuuou lu u . COW buald10g The HonoraWea C R Avre and J J Rogeraon al1o madt • few oharnct~r hltlo rem11~a. W o are glad to learn thu tbe loautuuoa hn held 111 own i n apate o f d1lneul taea a.uaod hy tbo ill bulth or ~lr Hglloway durlnll the pa.at 1tar and that af tbe moana ouly are tortbcomloa sreater­...-ea may yet be oxpeoted. ~he Hooonblet J Syme and M . Monroe a) 10 made a few appropnate tmpromptn re· m1ru from their pi 110M amoogli,t lbe aud•-eoce by- epecla) w1th of the Cbaarmau Tbe prVOeedioga were ooh• eood .. ~ aotervale by lOme coodtoup from tht obaldre u under Mr Walker We wea. pleuecho lind thaUn tWa doD&km .. , too, theAoademy kHpl up ita wolf-41tablilbed rtpotalloo Af~t &be apeecbee til\~ pri.lat were deliYered aod a.beo the !Jrea&u pan of t.H aodiaooe lt'f• jlle ~bcueb ud weot to tht.Acadtm1-•hero a lara- anmber of dn•aau dono by tbe papUa aadllri \be luetructlou of Profeaaor­Niehola were oa uhlbitton. ., --......

t60 00 A. Yua B•-nD.-A waahby fa,... aer writee 01 "•ttfCt ~~ ll111lly ian be· come ~uiJQ;.d 'In lit t6t&t i"alaablt • Ilia. ard • Liareeol., PUI~ • l:f~p·~ &lam, •• •• ~em, tllrlr •JU ear. •ttrrtdWu. 111e7 ate -eastaC!acJ ~. ud •• ba•• npt lh Doctor oat or U.e booea, .~ ......... , . u abo•& 160.00 &Jear. ,


Local and other Items. \..-- . I

BmTH Advertisement&.

• -l!:xcuutoll- Tbo Coaeeptioo Ray Bri­tiah Society intend payioa a •irit to the capital Oil Woducaday. 2bt ioet.

-RilLIOl0111.-Tbo pol~· o£ tbe Pt:e.byteriara Churoh ot &.Ina to.u wa1 loat ~bbat.b aooopt&blr filled. by &.he Rn. Ft.dorick U, Simpaon.

A YoONo JoouAUST'& Scooas,-So~no throe yean ago A. U. Morino, • rouag mao from Non Scotia. who bad beet. tbo editor of the ADII!'poll. Sp«latm wont to .ltlowfouudlaod. Shortly after bia arri.,.l he bK&Dio ~o editor of the MtrCVry, ahen tbo DrJ!&D or tbo Whitoway goYornmoot. At tho late general election be wae a oaudi· daLe for tbo Pro~laut rarty io one or ~~ ooaat di!(ricll. N.r. Morine wae beaten. He bu liooo beou returned at a bJ·Oieelioo b7 a two-third.r Wljority.-Norlh S!Jdnty HtraW..

Oa tile lth la.L, at tbe W....e, 81. JobD'•, lhe Jrift of the S.Y. L. G. lfACIMil, oft tou. AYER'S

-On oat fire' ~· appears a cbapter oo Na'wfoundlaod from a 'now book jul& ~'lbllabe!t ill conoecuoo with tho Colonial .. d Indian Exhibition, London. h will bue ao lot~eat for tbo reader.

• -Puaont..-Tho Pot~~ Muter Gen .• eral, J, O . .Fruer, Eeq, wu in toWD lu~ enning. Hs wu acoompaoied by Mr. G. LoMoeenrier, or tho General Pot& Office , St. Jobo'a. and Mr. Hawketl, of the Oeneral P01t Office OttawL Theao

Tbc Hon. M. Mooroe'a aeboonor /kW gentlemen wore! Oil a via it of inapec,lon to ~lod for Burin oo Weduoada_y, to take a I the Pott Ollcu throughout the Bay. u010 of dry 6th (thia y .. ar·a caleb) for a They lef' c.own again Lhie morniog­~lelliterraneao port. Lot oa hoi!~ that a Mr Frater !Uld 1\[r, Hawken, for St. good warket may await tho lkW• cargo, J oho'a, Mr. LoM-urier for Heart.e

ContcDt • •




. /

Cherry Pectoral. No other Cllmplatnr. are to h~tldi0111 tn their

au.aolr aub- alf~ttnr tho throat llDd lunp: 110 00 to trlded wllb br tboiW\(oriiJ or .wr .... u.. Tho ol\llna17 I!O"Ch or cold, reout\IIIC tJOtbapo from a trltllna or uucoDKio,.. ... J~ure, Ia or teo bul \bo bectr>o~ ot a raw olckncoo. AYI:a•e Orttt1Ul1' l'&crOIUL baa Yell pronn tr. ellle.&c)' Ia a rort11...,..• ~ wl\b tbroal and lan11 d.._, aod lboukff laltou lll aU .,.... wit boot delay.

A T<>mbto Coach eo~. -DoN't oo TO BosToN.-Snoral of tho Nvu Scotiac. paj>frt baYo publiabod lottera from Uoaton, ebowiog tbat S ,OOO girla are out of work there, or worklufit oo ew•a· tioo wagca, aotl ar11 ou tbe brio It: of aoolal ruiu,

-TUB REY, L. G. MAO!'fEILL, M.A., tho popular p1111t.or of St. Androw'a, St J o ho'a. arrived hero br t o d•y'a tNin. Be will oocupy tllo pulpit of tho K.ir~ on t.o·morro• (SabbatiJ) both ro~noou and enning. In hia a b.enoc the aep•icee at St. Andn~w'a will be c<'ndnct.ed by R ot'. Mr. Simpaoo, who, wo lcuo from M r. llacntill, vreachod in t hat Churoh with much aCCI'ptl\nco on Jut \Vednoe• day evening.

Mialag opel'1ltiooe oo PiUoy'• leland are belog puabed • igoroualy by C•P'•In An­drewe, an American gentlumao reprucaliog a company of C8pilaliell, .. bo will dOYolope the property for ita atoro o f aulphur. A limited number o f haoda 'ro now on~:~~tod makiog tbo oeceaary prep~ration& ; bu~ wboo 01ioiog proper is r~11dy, 10010 forty or 6fty adllitiou11l m"o will hft takco on. Mr. Aod~·• woot dowa io tho Plol.lt.r on bor lul trip and round an American acbooo­er laden with pro•iaio'l& aud aJorea awt~itio&

A\ Oolllu, oo tbo ~itb niL, •Iter a lnng aud pelnful llloe&J, Tb0111u Clucy.ln I be ~nd re.or ol ht. "1!'1• . oatl•o or tbe Ooaoty Cork, Ireland.

"In 1~1 1 took aaeureoold, wbteb aiTtetccl my'""~ l bad & lon lblo eouab •nd ~ nlgb$ alter DliJbl without aloep. 'l1le d"octon R"va roo up. l t ried A\' &k'l Onauun· PKc~ 1'011AL, 'O'bleh mlloYed my luup, lbduttd oloap1 and atfonlod me lbe '"' .__17 for UlO rcoo\'•17 or mr. ltretogth. lJy lhO eontlnutr(t ..._.. o f lbe 'ECTO.M..AL a perrna­U()ut cur• wu ettec'-Olt. J am now tl yea.-.

A late oumber o f the Halifax C'71ffl•~f4 etAtea that Brideet Murphy, a oatin of St. J oho'e ~tld.. aud wife of an OX ·tolditr named L.udridge, waa r~utly foood dO&Ii io a draiu io ouo o f tho ttr.~ell o f tbu lOWD,

bla arrinl. -Tckgram I ·

.S~tr N&wa ••



f:~::~• ~~Y'o!~ ":c~U&4ed JOllr

lloalo&bam, ,!L~~~~; 1:. ~llOTD.ltltl' Croap.-A H oU.•r'• Trlbate..

- A s rF.CIAL TIIAIS am'ted bore from St. Jnhn'~ on W otlneaday moroiog lalt. 'll101 obj~ct or the •iait ""' i o con nect ion wi th t he payment or tl.to l.nborera alon!C the rai l­\fAY lht~. Amoug tho pMSCn~;era \11Crc

~h~no. 'uillc, Uu~hell and C. Pinacnt, T!lc traia ~turned afte r a abort dolay.

-A \'ERT GOOD CATCII OF TROUT WU mad,• one tiny thia week at DoJ!brll r o od by ~lr. J'l Uadcock Jr. F l"e largo trout " ere •eeurcd. Tbeee meMured 18. 16. 14, 1:1. :.uti II lnchee rtt!!"'CLinly, anti weigh' <·tl :l t. 1 i. I!. 1\nd two 1 lb eacl.t. Winch of our no glen~ CII.D ben that ?

Mr. M acneill, wo untlen~tllnd, h11a lately roceivod 11 Cllll to tho ltoatling Pre.byterian Church of St. J o hn, N .B. Ho, it ie uid, will be lilcely t.o Accept iL There can be nu doubt but that St. J ohn's will pt~rt witb .Mr. M Rcoeill with regrt~t.. llia place will not be 038ily supplied.

-LAn:sr F RO)l Tll lt ~ORTIIIVARO.- Tho 6aho~(.'1otollil!euco broulll.tt by the /'lorcr on 'lloundoy laat from tho ~orthward couanot be rejlardt-d M gooJ. ll~r re....,rt fo that thorc i~ acar~bly anything d oiniC in flah_, 10100 plnces thcro is ool 11 fish to bo ecoo. I n t;reeu Ul\y up to ,.itbiu lbo put (uw days DO fi&h hDd ht:cu ClltttlhL

Tho TwillinlllllO Suu o r St\tttrdl\y Alates thl\t nothing llad bea n Ilona in thl\t o r tho aurrouodiog localities with tho fishing tho put week. !)cveral Ctl\h, hcu·iu11 been awa1 a few weoka 10 1011rch of Gsh, re­turned within tho paat eh;bt or tea tlaye, meeting with very poor euccaa aud ba\'o bceo 6t!A!d out for Labrodor

July6-Annobella, Sopor. IJrlrfR • •Aler, G do)'t. ~.7&1 foellotobor, I ~ ll. !!blugi .. -J & llau­doclt.

9-Cb•r lee Jamt"~, J obnaoo, C1JI1, 2i, '2~ tone Sah-Jobn )I uno .t Oo.

July6-l~l•en, Cvlo, llarbati~W~S, C'!Ocub, 63 box• codlloh. I>J brlt oapliu-<1~.

8 -Aooabell~tlopar,Syuuay,lallut-J .tit llad · dock.


"\\,tile Jn lbo roanlzylatl winter mylltllo bny, lbreo yH<no old, 't'AI l&hn Ill wllb croul>' lc •eemo.l ... If be woukl ..s .. from llnU.Ip: fallon. One at \he family ""UNICcl tloo t»e of A VIII<' I CIIKIIK\' Pr.CfOitAI ... a bou.Jo of whl<b waa alwa,.. kept In th• 110000. not• wu ttlod lo 11ualf and frequent d<»ta., and 10 our do IIebl In 1- tluw baH an hour tho l!ltlo patlttolWU b,_t.bllllfM.IIIy. Tho~ Lor 1ald t..bM tbe Cnr.nxv l,&l."'TOJLAL b&d .,, ... , "'f da.rlln'$• lifo. Can JOU vou.ler u our ~rot tuJo? lo':~.JJ:..,"'::•oKl>RT."

'"' 'll'eol 1:8\b SL, .s- York, May til, t~ 11 I b •ne u.J«t A Y&R."• CtrE:IIl&T .Pa(:T()IU L

tn my family for .. ,.er•l yean, a.od do oot b•~-llJl<O It tbe ruoat elfectual r¢e.Jj for ooupa ......t eollla ..-,. IIA<o •=

.-Tho S S l'anguard., Capt Curlia, ar. nre•l he ro on Tuesday lnot from t .Jobo'•, wl.crc ehe hAll bee n docked fo r the purpoeo o ( r~pairint: tbe dama~:t-~ received at IMt fl•n n.:'a seal fis hery. A nurubor o f ponooa ~we paueot;ero by l.ter.

- t'., rus.-h is eotimatcd that tlurin~: . tf.e .. c"phn school" of the pre•eut eeMoo no

f ,.,.~r thnn four lhot:tt\ml bMrtde of l h~t v •• l•t~ l ·lc lo!tit f;..l> wer~> onltl frtr the llurpoao c.f h .. 1nlt Uth.'d in th O 1111lUUfl1Ctnrc Of IIIRU­

t.n• .,, thu fMmera nhont liot8 town. T ho rr~cc l•• •d JW'' I~Arr.•l r~n.:c<l frotu IJG to GJ.

-fill Fl•mt R\'-\',•rl' h ttlu ti•h ha.•l>eeu !lll:,•u tn tiH• h•t:"lny ti.u pa• t w.:ek Tl,c ("AJ ou f'C wl i,. tu .. w nt.· M ly o ver, Ao t hat t l t lttlh' lit ft:l.lit .tur n• a.: ~ J 1cl1 lh o l h t·r )'t~l\t l d.t h· lt• rtl •·II ~f'l"·rn ih l"t4 C"urt••l rhu L: '-'"ter 1• .rt, I tL< tr c.otch . I t i• tun•h tn btl ho p­' : •t .c th,. fi ... h "'til yt•t oa'\kc tta Appear.

:u ul thAt our li•heo till> II u10y l.to aiJ iu fa~r •ol'a~e.

-:-A. KISDLY Duo.-A gentleman fr om St. J oho•s, IJeing oo a v1ait to H"rhor Grace tho nthor dl\y, though~ it a pity tha~ tho 11re0t water tanln ebo,eld not be 11uppliod with drioking·citt(lll, more upeci .. lly the one on C.rl>onear Road whore eo mAn)' p.!Ople aro cOMt.ant· ly p1111sing on thoir way to Md from that to•n. He voty kindyl vol unteered to supply t he til'llt one, with the hope that one IOCHI authoritiUOI would du t.ho oce<l· ful for thtJ o~hur pl~ce•; nnd aocordingly 0 11 ltis roturn to tho mutropolis, bo 8Unt a tin <lrinldn~ .:nblet. attached to • chain. to llo piMcod on thot pum1• above named. It iR to Lu lu•peJ thott tho pnblic will llf!O t lu\l tho c up is no~ interfered with, "" it iK 8111 e tu bo " ~:reaL boon 10 t bu thin~ty WM~'IMrt• o·. Tlltoy woultl thu• whow th<>ir apprt'Cintion o f the kiuduu~ o f our wo tthy fri••n•l. . Com.

-Ot·n RA-<~r~o FLr.t: Arf' otill cuntinuinsz to du .. ~11 ~JUCf' 11\1~ rcpor' t l;e followin~:

h .. o "'"''"'I : Tlte ./. IV R olwrl1 to lt. Pro w8o & '011111 "'Hh 27.~, qluOLI\Ie Bah, l:-~ k,•n

1n th't' rl .. ,.,. : p \~ r ... 'J'~·""if"r'• acboou~r

11• 1, G ~:r.t s Vt-ul'lli:t-:.l-;-L-;:1:-;;It<<--~'""'T"'~-l s,orrr.Y and L tl~ Dnl•. wtrh 350 an•l 1 ~1 r:: , ·•) uud,· r•t"n'l th•• ~:r.·eu rl.h •h·~IN• orp 'J'llffittl• rr•pt•ct~<••ly: S o\larch &: Soo'o ·, )'I L!' a:rr,·u tbl· fro m t bc b.'llikt·u• Atul u .. ..,,,, r;Ntt.1......._ with 4UO qninc.ala t.akeo ou

CHpho I .~Jt . r'!iiJ-:J.:d•J·h""~· o wned oy A . ,l'lu r .. "' tl1c r&t4• of atw,ut S" f"Ml r 'lUIUtft.l. (,uoetrad..:o , , 'ons. ~ .jt}O q••iotall ; thtJ ,\,., It ,,.,,.~ .,., ....... , In~ h L ,, cl~rt"c '1 ' II II tAl• En•"9 ltu' . bctlougan.: C• James Uyau & .._,.,.n t•> Il l & o OtJ~ q nmtnt dry fi th aud ( ' o . J\11 1~·· t ·u,•e, wath StJO qtriqta ll; t htJ

:.11•1 r,t.~ul !i4 fHr au"\t.;u,.: . tlu flil lA t-rtna1 to /)u/yAw . "" llul)"fllOrl , wuh t'lJ'"'' .!O ~00 .. :. .. ·11 l :i • I"" q ·~t lltnl l ui<JU&I for dry fi•b. 1 ·

- .\ 'i•trnrR n ( our Y" ""lr l~11• l St J nhn'6 f• • I t-.'- ,\lr. n ~I llr·•" 111 111: ~I A .­\\ , .• , .. · I 'haul,! (, r 1 •t.' II\"' lit ,, ~ nlfiru or I · J I •u, , ; , \\' \ " \\ h1h·~' ,,. 1\ l )1 (; , t~.,. "'• t• t ,...-r r c-, l i \' t•n ll'Uil'r '' '\t f,e "'OUitf "' •l,,.. la• tl J• .... , I nnluf\1 ~ltl11• .!11 u ( lhe ' t r. ,,,~ t uurt t\f•l ty l t ' ~ " 'hruued an \1 ••ttrV l l( I {" ..;q,,rr rlW (\)ur:, s .. ~ .. Wt•

~ '' th~t· 'A u a·1~h .\lr. Bru w nl llfrr: u\•u•y auc· c-........ ,..

T ur. TW•' Fllt•T rrsu vr.~S!:UI-thr J:•llt• h '·I ll•llo l ' l ' l.vr.J .1/nrrlt •lid S110w t'ul.• -•• tlt·<l lu r tLt• L. .. uottllur CUClJit

·,·"""1! tlo~ Wt't'k : tloe o no I•Otllttl tn \\'111•ur H otrlout·, tht• otltt'r to ('11pe llar-11 •11 11 , Tlot'...-· .,., .~,..·1~ ''·" '" ht•t•n tlo.•too•tch r l loy :\l t'ltlt'll. J ohn -'I nun & C.•. \Ve vi•h tho·tu i.ltfe RnJ sp<.>t.Jy pn.Vlgat'l all v~ll ~u tloe cuaaL L o; to tlou fo"''S" utarlc· tt&.

A ~\1'1 ACCtlll"l-'T. wr l•arn from the (', •,.,c..r.~ fdllt'lne of th e crow of tlt" Odorin hnktnt.: ocluoo'uer Clarn .lnnt, tho d ay after 1., r ~rrenl tbcre a short tune ago. \\' ltillt tro,:a~etl at oomc ncgtn~ work tho po.>r (, tlow in AOOJ<; UUaCCottntablo way, foil f r IH t h.- t"romt· trec.S uf the 'liAiUIIIA.Al tn t he <l·~k. fifty.fi•e f~et, IIUJ f<'<'CtVell Mme fvar. f•tl tttt•·rnal tnjun~•. , . ur:r ltttlo hoi .. to

et .tcrtal r.~tl of bia reco verJ. Fewer •• " :..• rrtl'•l tnau. about :J!I )drA of a~:<~. IIi. ~ r ,.,,re ••·•I fl\mtly ""' gra,ly dinre~a~~d t.r :I.e ""d a ccttlcnL

- Til£ l ASS "' Tl\'0 croft.\ lA rc~>Drled­tlw hr~r for the seuou. One, the achoouer 1'. 1 •. /'ao.d, belonlltnJ! t.0 llwcn & ~rlu, • ao ,,.,.cntly wr~ked oo tho Freuel• ~ltorl'. ' I he crew bArely P.e~pr<l with their lt•u . 'J h~ otlocr-tho IK.booucr (.,'/tu/o.,lo-wu loll on WLu .. J>otut, nel\r Jodtlln Tteklt, Lab­nulor. Sbt wu ow nell bl. Capllin S t Jobo o( ConcetHtOD Harbor. fbero are no par t trnlu1 of be r loaa. ::,be wu ioeund io the !::I t Jt~ltn's Club. W hat a eoutr&a' to t he )(.,..,. th11 time lut 1~'"-6 \ craft: l6b from tbe M . , J nhn'~ aouf li from t be Coocoptioo tl..y C lub! Of t ho latwr 4 were total a nd 2 vsttial loeeee. ---

- Tru: II CJ V ·r lltuou,&.-On r.toadar ~'' tntng laat t be 8rijl11tle tor ned out fo r tbetr u•oal monthly pracuce. A now feature io the aprfa noco of t.lo •olooteen wu the lnncy b~,..l -drti' worn by them ou that oo­ca.•on (or tlttJ lint tlm'l, ' l'bi1 CODIIItOd of ft •try ~~ervieeablo aod uaefu l helmet. wbieh wtll Alford a cunt!Jit'te proU.utiou to tho blll\11 (rom t.h~ eiJeoll o f blowe which may be r~ceh·ed at6rea. Tloiao-ry t.djuuct •"' receut ly lmporttd hy tbe H. G· Water Ctlrnpaoy for tho Jluplle. .

\\' e uuderatand tha.t at tbo lut ntoeLlnr or tho Bripde a 1um o f moooy ... YO ted b! tho meD'II.Jen towanl8 tbe reulng op or a rtf(lltla dortDIC tit a prNeliL month. h fa, we lt'ILin, lbeir inteutloo to appeel to oar ettiuoa for a little peouni_uy • a.uiet&o~. h 11 to b• h opood that lbeir appeal will meet with a favorr.t.le IWpooee.

qcl•. oi ry : 1!-r Clarn . " nr nt U•lcrin, ~h u •..-r !'((IU r1tl" : thu ,\''"'1•1 at l..ittlo Plae--u ~o..

''" "••h :.~ !• qtls lmngm~ her carch to dot• "'' to I:./:!.~ qtlo (olry); Cruko • bnnk l• r ttl f\•rq ll\ucl with :,tkl f)tl 4 dry ; au• I r;, .. ,!l' .~ 1 u~~·. 1\t Forluue wit.h 7\XI qtlo (tAk ,•n 111 ' '""' Wt•ck•). ,.·hich with thu 4t~l nlren·lv lnuhutl onakca thu tut.U catch I IW qtla ..

- Lo.~T t..; Tilt: \\' O<>US.- 11~t,.·een ~ix antlsu, .•n v'clo. k on l .... t S.ttunJ .. y e''"" tug. a IHtl noutj>•f \ V tl li11•t1 Lamb {(.lft hiM ho uol' " ' F .-"lt \V o\lt•r ~tnd p roCPcol•'<l tn tltu " oo,ltt in "t'atch o f lli • fat!of'r'l cnw. ~lmng•· tntl .,.,1 to A.t \', n ut htng loa• ~inc'-' 1><'('11 rtllt t' r s~•·n o r Itt) trtl o f h tnt. l!:..rly tlurin~; the pro•••·n~ "OCk, lnwds of ··~gr·r ~oe>~tclti!rtt IICOUr<'<l the wOO<!~ Ill all dir,•o tio tLs in tl•e neic:hborhood, but all t.u no purpose-not. tho 1 -:~txt trnco WIUI to bo found o l tho Ind. I IIAp<'Cto r H olt sent. a ll~tJocbowut of tlot:' Furl'.& from tll ia plaOt< to a1111ia~ in r<'C()venu~-t tho lod or bia re­milina. • Up tu tLl' ti rue of going to prcllll no tidin.:s hnd been r• ceivod- t ho IRtl'~ di811p1H>•.ranoo yet. rctnHius eMhrouded in my11t.ory. It is enpjlOKt>d by aoroe tbat IJo h1111 fi\IJ I'n 0Yt•r A cliff HboUtl\ quarter nf" milu ft otu htll (1\Lhe r'll house, 1\nd his boJy luuo t.een "'""h~-d away l,y the aea. Other~ there ate who think thttt ho hax liLt uyc<l in tbo wooJK, and lleing talcl'n in n fjl (the IKd it ~l't'IIIH was sut.ject to lhiM ailmen~) loaa falllcu down anJ bu since eXI'IIf'<l.

Tho lod i~ About 12 years of llgl'. n ie fKtltt·r, Mr. Willi.un Lumb iaachooltr.Ae· t.t:r o l tloe ahovo Jtl•ce. The family do­tll'rVA nnd recei,•e tho do;op aympat.by ol t heir f raends a mi nci,;hbort1.

-WI!ATIIF.R 1\0TU.-At 11.45 1\ m . to­day ( l'bnradAy) tho wind 11 :;. W., ln:1h breeze~, dark ben1 cloud 10 S. And S W. to W. Sundry clap• o( thunder beard, ~robaoly bonier a~ Railway Ju.Dctio o. J'bo woatber Ia oloeo. 2 \ 6 p.m , atill cloudy and threatening. Muob fne~liaatlou for rain. Berome!A!r 29. 76. '11•er-e Ia a etroog reodency to and probabilit1 of more wiod. Tbf' atmoephore Ia ODI'Ittlod Late do•eloptuooll or nor~ wlod would lu.d ua to expect bruahea from ~.~. at tim01. Tbo uew moon nood at aoglo of 80 tlegreoa. W e 111a)' oapeot 11ne weather on tho moon'e ii'ICI'OILM iuto lull, with INS cloud. We may al10 pronounce for hea'- iocteaeod beu. Of late tho IIArl ~"•o 1aemed thick io 1~ aud tho br liAr Ye11a i1 overhead i• Ot'er ead. Late Acconnll (rout 1\0gltra ro­por l\lon.il'lg 1:>111r (Venua) u MOD io tHoroiost like u If blnin~t 6re. Jt'• tbo a ttooephoro dlkl rbie. The re ia ooJreator eign of }l(l<'ilt~~e rain thAD a mo ttle rlark laden oolourod cloud a nd a dull beuy muddJ lookiug red aky lo morning ouL Tbere are ItO jll'Uter lfl(ll Of a ~:&10 ~han I coolaaed minuro of Jtllow, red. aod green cloud, ebreddt. broll:oo, dark cload, or ant'il-eba~ aloud, or dark coloared, leadeo coloured aloud lloed with yellow. 'l'bo oaromoter 1hould be watched at 9 LID. 2

A V'lftf lAD CAll Or DaOWifliiO toolr: pJaoe p .m. and 9 p.tD. Ot'OI')' day, &I low fall 1a­a aborl tio,. a~~:o •t Gall Pon , near Will- dicate1 t.ad weather-to oontloae.. A alow &y-eo etatu U.o JltrefUJ. ' 'bre• yoaor rille, 1('10<1 weothor to ooa&i.DIMo. A llllddea 01ea oa~ood Maniu, Sou• aod , w~oro fall, ~uall1, atonoy wf>Mbar ofllo wllll ae we can loan1 .-!11g tho Pond In email thnoder. A ..J<h• ri• ~ b lvb riot Ia do')' when eome bow or otbor boat allo a warniog of a plo uear t.faln capaiz.od aod ill oeoopuua rere tb wn io- war11 the people ~ plaoe ao laplich reh. 1o the -*· M&rtla .,_ Mboro a Seow ,_ oo .. ltllio• ~ of *»f1118o lio., lOt oa the boa& aod baolod op C' loe OT on tho wild coacblor of Aatrol017. bat ... JUI&b .. ao llold bf• tJ~ero, lite fell Balbor Dllod .,.,.,., tbo clotldl, tho krclaN-o! tbo ~lrd U- aod d DOl Jiee to fU, llllrf- ...u. lfnow lien wha Ae rqanhaor aUraotko for of tho mooo aabore. l:bo llllfonanaa. - - bol ao 011 tbe ataiOepboro. &lao r-11• or obllrya. , .. ,.. old, a....m.d aod ll•ad a& tlllo b...t - ol lAPlace ••ro u,,, at Pari• ,,.. of Looa'• HUL n. ill-fllwcl pel'tJ' - auncdoa did uo& loeue- t.bo •:::: on a 1r0111'-~. A& Ult nqo_•& or raial a tide &bat"o 10 ao ~ -be blo of t.bo Kn.ll. 8othe. 1111 people of Wit• oe baroeeW. Wlui• wri&al oo l.be •p­I• U.r Md -~ witJI ....... aacl p.ac1 ponrfel llibeooe of •oo• aod dorioe.. -..a~ .a J II• 11- 1o plao.... o,p aa.oopllloro. We IieSe wltll lrJ to~ ef ... DDfortD.... J.l'IMI ...... W.,.U. .-ci of OfllrM *'"• ... ,.._ Ide U PI I'IJ• - wiU OOIM iD fOr &rial OD ., ..... " . j ~::7 .... ,_ .

I o Uonuiata aod Triutty Bar• tbo caleb Wall wretcbed~ouldn't IJQ much worae.

llot tor oowa howner comea (rout t bo Serait..o. Tho book And line 1\nd trap mon (wo learo from the Ttltf]rOnt) had "all th~y could do." CapL Blandford'a bMIA, at S:\1· moo R iYcr, loadin~t twicu a day Alrendy large lare1 IJAYO beeo ~~ecured tbero, aod a corroepoodeot writu tbl\t "11 s:rood ll\'Ct1ljlO •·oyalfo 11 certaio." From L.~bratlor, nortb o ( ( 'lll\teau &y. no~in1.1 ve ry del!ni!A! hu yet bteo received. It wu rep.:~rted at Twillio~ft!O whe n tho Plvrot:r Cllll"d theru that floh hl\d struck iu plentifully on parta or tho Labrador coast. but nobody ~em ed to kno w cuctly how this iotclli~.teuco hnd been ~ceived. On tho •· French Sbor11," PYA tho .lltrcllr !J, th~ro arc o uly I !) roome occupiotl where other years the re •ere 30

Ltow 111l•icts I rom Fn~o. howcvN, ""'" thu on \\' etluead~v IMI tha~ WM "Lcu~r fiiiD o f fiah t lonU for I OtiiO 111110 r ro \'IUUSIJ.

N£WFOUSilLASit \'Ill' SO ~A DIU r nnl>l lfo\l>lf

\Ve ArC szlatl 10 Obllt.l t\ u b)'. the IJ•It(~l Chronirlt that quit11a uumberof younJC ll<dic~ tX'Io ru . .,'lUI.! co this country. uow pur,.ut o-.= ehcirstudi~A •l :\luout Sr. Vtncpnt Acath·tur. IIAhfu , ~ S. h~•c h~cu 11\,ely "'"'"~.: " lanrol~ of .. •ell-nr ned di11inc11un." l'ru · miurnL 1\IU' tn.: t h\.'" OIUUt'l OU th~ prilt" lh~ ­trihutanu h '' npp• 'r tlu ( u iiO\Ytns,r -

OuJd a nd t--tl"'"' M~· '"'· ~rf..c1 ut "' ' r\.lDf'e f•t r uiN - )1 hl!l \\ttmif" Jl\r•lllu•.

Q,.J,J ll ,.. tal , r~r t;o~;haiJ Lllontar.•, tu lh .. )I lnn•o T obin

"" .. " )I t imlo f-~onn havfn~ "'tnl'l .. t ..-.l l h~ C'HUUt• O( ).J u ._ lc-al • tulfit..,., ' "' toiLtJI!, .. IIo a ( j uhl \I ,. Itt

IJo:r-uH • - )1 1"'4l4 11tuet~ 1111U.f rt l•t .. •u• lur ul...,t•f\' • a uc-• ,,f &Ia•' rult"""' ••f t lh• l u•lll . tivn, l.lj•• lt1r•tle Wf.~!Jih:-' a ml li Jnnt• f,• r' •l. lJ~tt••u.luiAtlt t•rsz.t'. fur l.n.:w • nd l'hi \••t1ttl

tt t .. turv lt.l"'-" )1 Totllll H l'llli(•K 0 t'tt~ -- l li'r ~~~Ot.hll C ~J_\.,.-. - t.•C p r11n lu J' Jdlott••t•h)"t~. priz.•• lu \ • lrdii•MII.) •unl .U) tl•4"l~t..:1. Ml"'$. llamie )HdJ••c

] ,, fll('o("ol •n·l F.··~h,h r l .. , .. I' ' """' w vre" AWUtll• I cu 11 1"'-Hff llinnaa Cat.t •• ·l, )lap:jo;ICJ l'r-t t H•.)~ J'_ ( "oo l11n au I 1 bt>rr ... , t;.uu!vtJ.

)J lAJC - f rr,.t praz-·• t-~r \'(lli'al mu•lr. ).J I<t~~" llanue J .. r.twe ~•·'I Jiard1 .. 1t urvt ,, . .!u l prtt... lJ iw.:-• ll i11• h• t \•r"" •n• l l l iUI•It" \ 'ls,.:Ut·r•,

IM,.Tk\1111&ST• L au:"'10.-f1r.t \lh 1aluo, bl pn• .... )II• • lll r\li•· \I DrJthY ' Arru~AT10 "f - li t.._..". lllutde ToLin a o\J

)h ou .. J..rtllu~· l"lll"tTI:-tO.- ht )' riz.o ' " ' o t1 p~ lnuug. l.liu

)11rrflllf Fur"'" •• , vrll.o 1u water rnbur•, lila• llawl~o~ Jar­

din• ~~h·er me Ia I "war J,.. t to 111• llft~ni4'11 t \ ,nn

fo r ox~ll•fleft iu nhathcnr~... )lfu StP•IO U.th.ou .... ••ard•d a olf•n medal ror ulll&e"""-

-Aoon£.\5 Tl> llr-; t::xcELLJ:SCT TilE Go ,· . FIINOK.-AI II 1\.tU. o n Tuead~y l'l.llt 1\ rleputatton from tho o\lctho<liet Courercnc;• of t hi- Colony, w11iterl upou IIi! Excel­lency at Cjo•~wmont HouAo, end pr~acot­ed the follo wiu..: All•lr~u which Willi road hy t ho He•. Goor~::o Uoyd, l'ruideot o r the Con(crenc.~ ·-To IliA Ezcd/,.cy ,'Ji• Gaoaoa IVILUAII Das

Vatux. K. C. Jl. G. GO«f'WWJt' ood c....,.,... <-C4i4fia nM Vl'ff t4c lllaad of .\'arf. ..... JJw.J a•d iu Drpootkw~ ..

liA • IT Pu••• \'oua Exv~.Pit01',-'t'be mtruboro of tbo Newraundlao!l Conltreoe.

or the Alotbodlat Uburcb, awembl...t In annuAl titu1alon Ia t bo to,Yb nf Uarbor Orace . dNiro to coh'oyto Your F:x.cl'il•ncr and l.a•lr 0•• \'Q)Cir, a hearty welcoote 10 tilt. onl>tll aodont aud l"yal Colouy.

l'boy r•lled '"''h pl~uuro upon tho IOI't tlult You• t:x.,..lleo:y rotn~• .to lUI I ram a land r...,u...t from tbo •bamln~~ tlaao ol t~o moot re•ohlo~e con­nll.olll1<m mainly tbrongt. the laboun or llolbt\dl•t Wlaalooori,..,ILild oo•,cbrlolfaolud aod chlllud, add...t u tbe latclll gem to t.bo crown of llrilaln,

h alford• tbom mu~h aatlofoetlon tbal ller lohf•••Y lao been p~...,d ID appoint to tb• ro. oponoobl• p.l'fltloo of Uournor ona wbou pat! roeorcl ol dt.r1ngulabod ••nkt, lllld wboto ro-

r.uutloa for deep, • t;Utouo, aod pbllontbroplc oter•l le acbom .. of morol • ad ooclol rdorm, ~ye aagury of ll1l admlclelra\loo lbol will bo lnugbl with I[OOd to the people ollbt. laod,

It lo lbelr (8nent pnyor thal Your F.xcell•nq and your I[OOd lodJ ~a&y bo p1'tltltlr>...t lu bealtb darl'llg yoor el&y ~~ u•, aod t luot Ia tbt> "dlo­c.bar~to of Y0t1r RxC!Ollnooy'a exoii<MI fa neiiOflt , tbo bl611iog aud guhhnce of Almlg~ly God may bo abuoti.Aotly aod <e>ntlounuely YOacboaf...t 10 J OU.

Sf&DOII, by order md oo hebalf ol I be Conf~r-ellco, Oao~toa DoYo. l'ruidnu.

P. G. Wru.n, &cnlary. REPLY.

lfa ras Jma:<T .t.lfD G1'li'TLJIII8't,-Jo my wire·• bOtGe u well .. myQW1l, f beartlly

reclprooare <bo r .. nog wbleh baa l'"'mpr..S the membton ol the NewfouodloGd CooforonC!O of I be )fetbodlol Oburch 10 utood ID u tba kindly gr...Uog CIIUo)'od In lhlo addrNa.

ll Ia ao .. pec~al ple111ure that ohio w•leomo pi'OCIMd• from a body whk h nol only buobl•lned, and au dnubl well d_,.od, to mach adbereoc-o IUld euppurt !rem the penple of tblo colnny. bal fa lbe aome branch or tw Cb..Utlao Cborcll wblch I"CIICUed from barbari•m th• a.tl•• nl FIJI, tho -u• or 1117 rao.~nt, .Sfl*lea. Tour r8lolocal'ltola tlat oonatrJ' b'lif,Jo ~b,llw priDI.I,..t a)uo Ill tb• DOble worlr, to wblch '"" roror whb juol prfdt, eud to wblcb It Ito ahnre • pl-ure ID me te bear teer1mooJ.

Wblle 1 wfab 1_.• eble 10 t..Ue,e tbat yoor klodl7 •Jmpatl_ty bu not load )'OD w lorm far too blab on .. uma~ of the ... tao of my put ,.,.,_, II w}llatl ... t be oM!ul ID mo •• an, l~nll•e to d-n• It u f.r u poulble In tbt future,; and lboat~b Ute ,.ow~~: for aoccl to a ooiOoJ udcr Ooa­"ltudoual OonrDmflll retlle malGly will> lbo ,,..: p,......tatl•• of tile people, lllld t..loap 10 the Ooveroor Ia a for 1 ... dtifl' .. thllll ap,...riiD bo cMIIDODiy Rppoeed be.._ I ClaD DIYtlrtbof ... AI• ear• , ... of 1117 ..aneet codoa .. oore to joutUy, Ia to lu •• lo me lid, you fnoarable eq-utT o.f Uaa raeoll& ol m1 adl»>aiatf'alloo, aad I lodala• lbe hOpe, lbent.or., tiM& 1101 ,..ld_ hero ~Y al lou& Ia aotM _,. be, u 10'1 u~ fnap& wftb ad no.._.~ l.be -llals,.

p..,. S S Po~rti" from Now l'ork-llro Flobortl, Mro Vall, llro Oolll~r, lin lla1hou, lllfl•• . \·all, I.olleuurlorl Kolli~;ruw, 1\'o.rd. lla,\ •lou , llrllr• fr .. l , v.t . Lel1~'41lrtOr , J t' lfwrln,v. J H v ·o...,nurl, M•vlten, T J lito"" : 8 In ••.-<>•ttl d an. t"rom Hollfu-llro Chit. fl•v I Cllfl !:apt. Joy. llrJ SaudiOAon ;0 In ........... cl .... r'or llalifu -l.l re Lo&-u. aud lbNO chll~roo , lira )le Kt'h&fo. )I ll,~~• Ca.r"Dell, Dahllu , l 'rtJWttJ. S C"•n. no .. R Lo.,.o, Meura li: R l"rQw••. ~: l . J~n­olo~; el~:bt""a In oeoond oaboa . ••01 Now YNk -ll ... n JamH Guu, J B Smith, W U Ob-­nuo, J \V Nl~hnl•j rnor Itt k'OlDJ cabta.

Par S S Cartloa!Ji'tiu lrom llaHI>x-llrt Ar~bl· bald aod ':! cblldr<n llro f'ono. \I,. F'ay. ll ro &wen, lllu .. An:blbt.ld, t 'oru. llurt>by, Oooi(). •an. llackott. l O<llf f'<'lllln, H--•,1 W J Thompoon, O.pC.Io (..'onb. )I N•ro U \l S••oud, Arcblb. ld, Cun:h, 0 fl opo. llooJ•noll •• \\' Sotltb : 2 lotor­mrollla, I~ h otoora1..,.. }' or Llvcrpaol- ltot G<><> . .. und, Hu J l.oal.r, H .. •v \I' Jrnoin~o . lio• )lr !-:rttMI. }fr• (;•<t IJ"'YI'iDII!'• ~J ro l •• sl.r and rJuht, .\1 n Urernnor. Mr• Jeur..l~. )If• • n r,•mnrr, llt··~r• 0 E l\owrtn~ l!lt!\• . llt•wrfu.:. \\r 1-•r"w, }lrUo• t U. ltuJK:•·r. J! J!r.-m·1er , \\. Uray, J ohu O·O'"ter. R \Vr1~ht; ~ ln lc rtner.ll'lto.

New Ad verti.semen ts.

CARD! Tho ~ul••crihcr be~.:M to acqnAiut tlt o pub·

he tl •al Ill" i• pr...•l,.~rt.: I ro r~paar all k iuds •1f Jf,,,;rul J•,. frmu .. , l1, l·wl,.·tlluc n~trl /~f"UU• ,,r,

l~udrr tnL·;J,!} IUH 1 1'"/,;.,, '-rrnr!· promptly All t"li•l , rl l ••. J •u tHT"S lh' 'th• fn.ll1t' • f

O r.l,·r• lo•ft nt tl .. • '''''I'· nl .\1 r .lt:nr• tf u tcluu;.:" \VI II r t•ccave uurw• . l i.,·,~ ltt t• uetu n .


SAMJ?LE ROOMS fnr l. tru ut ~" 1'-i, \\'ocer ~tre('l. ffn tlltlr l ;rAcu

,\l•o. A 1'110 I oc; It A I'I IIC ( ; \l.LI:It\' lO l,•t

. l lrlrnJ-)ol eL~ 'fll<l)l\~ Hns.'l J otl ~ 10

----fU~DIEilllU llHK OF HWt

NOTI('E I'; lli·: HE IIY t; I\·E~. t hl\t n n .... ,, .. ,d on tit~ Cnpitol :Stock of thi•

loo;tirnuun . 1.\1 thu 1'1\ltl o f Eiuht per cent. p~r 1\nnum, h•• hreu de<'l•tl'<l for tb~ hn lf ,.~M cudtnlf :iOth June, l lll:!tl, and" llo nu• ;,, l'••u Srullin.:x pe r Share, 1'~)'1\blo nt it, 1\nul:inc: llo:tc<>, line!: "'nrth ' trel'l. in thi• citJ, on llnrl llfter 'l'llllft,.,,,,., the lh ln&l, duri::<t the 11 ..... 1 hnun~ or buotnt ....

Traoder Uo..tkl clnaed tho itb and tb iw11.

(Ry order or th~ R • .,.rd,) .~ IIE~HY L:OU KF:

.Maoagcr . St. ,J,.hn'l. J uly 6.


Racrrvt R GHl'tnAL's On·tcv.. { ·, Jolon'e, .J uly. 18'1(1 5

I n EREB\' GIV~ NO I'IC E. t hol n ntlcr the p ro•ieione of ftD Act pi\SAC<I iu tho

lutSe .. ion of tbo Legi1latu re, e ntitl ••ll .. An Ae l to make pro vunon for tho Lrquu.htiou o l cert.aio exiatog L inbilitiea of thu Colony . and for otber purposee'' ; I 1101 authonzad to raieo by Lo11o tho Sum of

ONEIJUNUREDTliOUSAND DOU~RS upon Deboutu.r6a, ch~r~:eable upon And ro­P•Jable out o f tho Public Funds of tho Colon1 after lho expiration of Twenty-five Ynn, when It eball bo optional with tbo Governmeot to P"1 oiJ the L\mo on p••ln~: Twel"o montl.to' pruioua notico of eueb in­taotioo.

Teodera for the lllboYe Amo unt will bo re­ceived at my office until noon o o TuuasoAT, the Ntl-'Tft dAy or SEI'TfliBin next.

Tho Tcodera muet eJ:j'lress bow mnny do!lara will be s:riven for ner;r (,)no llun· d rcd Oollaro Stock, which Stock will bear inrerea' a t the rt\le or four per cent, per aooum, pay~blo half-yearly.

JA~ES L NOONA~. Reach•or C:oueral.

July 10


T O DE SOLD by Pablio A uct ion in f- theOommArcial Rooms, St.. Jolin'•,

o o tb& T"flth dar of J.uly, at one o'cJoolc, c.o satiafr a M ortgage, all that

V UUABLB LANo~un PROPERTY con.iating of 110uth end of DW ELLlNG HOUSE wit h FunriUue tbertin, and aleo Store, Whatf and l'rem'-, St.Qck· in·Lra.de and Boolc· Dobt.e, a~ prel!Ont in the pooMaionof WILL£.Ul HOLDEN A SON, llituato at Rubor Main.


ltf•ol. A •• 1. Ctu.t<L" / l.ah C1711.01, ~li nn., :'>lard> 13,'1&!:1.

). "l•alfore.J for •IRh\ JOAn from DronebL\Io, a114l "Iter tryluw: mad: rcmf!dlu1t1th no ew>

~~~ .. :~~~~:~~ bJ ·.;::.~:~!!..."J,~~· IIJb&lia, :'tllo&., A or(! 6, l blll.

.., CIUlMl uy enoaah In pralae or .A l'"l:ll'l C""""'' l'le•-roii.A&., l>eUe•ln& u I do lbU but fnr ILII Woo I .bould loo.a aln.ect ba•e C:Ued from Ju.n.c \l'"OU.b1ell 1-:.. U&A.OPO!II.''

l'a.k.llue, ToiL&I, April~. lllll2.

S o CAIO or lUI all't>CIIoa or l.bo lbroat 01'

lunp es latt whlc.b caooot bo &tUUJ rellencl by tbe .,... or A Tl:ll'l Onlu11' l'll:t'TOJU.J.,

-• It will nllt'Ott """' wbo.o lbo d'- te oot alrea.Jr boJOad tho control ot lllodlellle.

l'ttc:P.lll&D liT

Dr.J: C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Maaa, Sold by all Dnratata.

T. M':\I U 'WO «: Co. , Wbole"31o Agouu, St. Jobo's

lt io an invlllullble Hllir R enewer 1\Dd cloaueoa t ho IC81p o! lill D andru.ff.


Y Anllol!Tn. N.s. . lllcty 15, 1886. C . C. Hec ll,\llfl:! & t:o. :

11 1\\·iu~: usetl your ll inard'x Liniment for •e\•eml yenro in u.y e!Ablo, I Rttest to ita hcin~ t he bar thin(: for hurao Oe•h I know o ( . l o •he (1\mily, W I) hllVO U8ed it AUCCUII• f•tlly for r.early eYery pn rr oae thl\l A linl­tn<'nL ts ~dnpted for. it beio11 recommende\1 to " " b1 the late Ur. J . L . J'l Wobtt.er. l'rr• onolly I lind it tho best 1\llllyer or DCU· ml!;iC poiu th&t I hue ever mel.

II. TITUS. ?ropn'tlor }'a rmuuth Litxry Sfablt.

)11:\A!~O'S LINL\lEXT, il for r 'o n er,wbero. Price 25 ceoll



W~OlliLL'S. Til E following analy•~ (ntl\dO bJ tho

l>ommioo Aoalyet) of th ree UAidl'u l't)\\' Ul::lt.S told in tbi~ tn..rkcl should put a stop to the unjau e1Jo rl3 o r rho KoJalto rnieiCAd the publtc into SUJtpoainR lhat it ia t ho only pure P owder. T he•u itnparti•l teata ehow tloa' other l'owd~ra aro aa puro aou wholeaomo : W . SAU~Dr:K , Dom. Analyat, l ..oodon

Oot .. reporll : Royai-Conlaina Alkalioo Carbonate•­

rcixtnre consistla~t m11inly of Bi-Car­booa!A! of Sod" and Cre).m of Tartar-1\dulterated with aboat 20 per coot o f Starch.

W. F. UEST. Dom. AnalJtl, St.Joho, N. D., repor ll: •

Purt Gold-Uontains C!'f'llm of TArtar, Car­boul\to of Soda and Flour-frMh 11ud puro.


No ... IO, 18!!:!-NotAdaltor-

\lfOODJIL'S A;~~t ~~~NU:~:J~llor. •I II atod. ~~amo AI uaual.

• Ton .. <l, 1884.-Freeh and pure; umo compo1ition u

· c1o111.

)IAYN'ARD DO\Vl\lAN, Dom. Aoalyet, H alifax, N .S ., report.•:

nrOODILL'S {or ,ood ~"~'iL'; coouio• n uotbfug enjurioua.

WOO DILL'S German Baking Powder bM now bold a npulalioo for parity aud

tlbol-.oq~a- oow oearly 30 yeara. ..

STEWART. MUNN & Co., Ml.t wUo abnee 'lfldl - Uaa ct.tiW to utrMt

~be ,~lr'JI:rl~.::t:·~ • SoliGiLOr fOf Mortg•~·

S~J)ho'e, .Jul72 • .11 Shipping and Oommtaaton Mer-Mudl1 loU.. f•••l11r11er 1ba11ucb ~ u I •1 be p;redttltd 10 riDd« to .M•Iffooadtmd :;tj,::. _u .. uou11. atMIIr .... ~ .. alld

Ill die AUIJIMI. 0-• W'.ILLI.UI IJJII VCIID:l. _....._

D. M. JOHNSON; I. D., C.M. ~ . .......,. a .l.oooacUur.

Jlaaidlboe net &,~, boaeelatell OCCRRilll bJ ltlr Bdwjrcl Dtyfo. Uo~eolO..,..,Isotp.m.,7&oe pa1.


. • obante, 29 St. oJolm St., Montreal

Spocl¥attulloa rhea to tbuale of Fiel aed Fieh Oile. '

A 1110, to tbe baylna and eblppfllr of Flour aod Pro.WO. and ~oeral l'rodnce.

QrW. .,._: It• .. , J/OIItrrfiL l>ee~J


\ New Advertisements.

.... --.·· _r- --....:;.-.'._...--.._ ·.·· . .,,'.-

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"' .......

~-... .... . ....--



43 Commercial Street, Boston. ----0·---


F I S ·u N E T T I N G I!-< TilE U!>:IT£0 STATES.

---o---• t\wl\rded M eduls nt D011t.on, Philncle lphiR, 11n' l 11t the lnt.o J.o nclon :::niA'lma~

tron nl Ftsht•ry Ea:h ihitio n fo r Hll t•t·riority of T\\' liS E:i, N ETTl~GS, .~c. Only Mt~nttfKCLurcrs of Lhu Gold ::'olt.-dnl Sltoj•~trtlnnJ lhll C o t ton Twine" into

TltAP NET'l'INGR Al'\D COD SEINES, Standard Herring Nets-all sizc::s.

CAPLIN AND HERRING SEINES, Cotton Lines-white and tarred.

Our products nrc in no wuy oxvorimeotal. T boy aro 11cecptcd aa the Sla n-tlard tbu world o•-cr.

\Vo nrc alivo to tho dem11nd~ of the 6shermen, nnd the ... ·nola of tho time& \ Vo mnnufncturo in tho IKrgt•Nt qunntilies, ttlul clire•ctly from tho """'' m"torial. \Vo Onrt!M \'Cs Rpin the yKrn of which our Twin<'s nrc made. Th<>,...foro, wo

c.~n llftfdy gunrantcc to o nr fticnlla 1100 patrons no cnlarely 1111ti~factory urticlo both in quuli~y nod price.

T~S, SEIN:E:S, N'ETS, ~o mndo from any d csirod fi nc>neR~ of T winrs, look ing nt tlw sAme t imc> to •lurobi'it" und aon · ico; •tlw, nny 11izn ttnJ Rhnp<•, 11nJ nt t ho short.cH po!U!iblc notice. Or<lc 11J by wiro shoJI ll tt\'C irumcdiuto ttttcnliou.

F ub.IS

-RATTAN -· CHAIRS ... --[o]--

A splendid Assortment of these Chairs just opened and marked

At PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. • !@" Call and see them.

Nfld. Furniture & Moulding Co., G H. & C. E. A.ltCRIBALD, Managers,

Show Rooms, Duckworth St.; Fnctoi)", Forest Road, St. John's.


Mesars. Fcr~:uaon &. Co. , T~a hltrclollnH Dr. J. Gordon Bennett. . London

A. YOUNC MONTACUE. )otu.snr. l::rnelt l rrov, Wine :\Jercl.tant,


.lftdoro/ t ld•·un-fvr .Vcll'fuundlaml, Moura W iloo n. :\11\theAon &. Co., \\' aru­

huuAcOlt-n, (iiiUI~OW.

who hM jult ~otumcd from I ..on don, Entr· laod. with tho mo81 wootlorfu l 1\nd improved RpplillnCcl fo r trcatin~: euccc~~afully II,., most chr onic c:asea of tliaea•o uternlllly. and through which effec t tft viai l.t!o immellialely in tho moat etubboru caaea.

:\l eAllnr II ugh Jll\ru~tr & t:o , \\'arclto~SO· 1ueu, Gla~llOW.

MCMra A. llu•·eri<ll.(u & Co., Pickles nntl SRuru (; l• •1.1o•.

Mcs,rl!. A. Uavitl~on & Co., \ Voolcoa, Twceda, &o .. ~lAochcettr.

Comtr dt flurgoi" !J• ::?{) llut d':l llllrtJ. Pari1, Fronct.

/'r1ri.r, Frnn('(, !Vtt• 23. 1885. The r,o:ote rio llourc:oin~: io " INter to

Dr. Hen nett o f the abo ve <l&te, L'\YA : " I "n feeling well lro m yo ur 1\ppli~IICel lind am bnp('J to ~i•e t hem my mo•t dietinguah­od plllronago."

Ad•lee freo.

Junel!l fii

GE~ERAL POST OFfUE KOTif.r Aoldrees-Ur. J . (;ordon Denoott, 3081 Change. of Da.y for Salling

wj~:o ~lreel, SL Jobo'e. OOa.sta.l Stea.mers.

N &'. dl d R .1 o N 1\nd after In day or ,J UJ,f , MA • ew.oun an al way I will be de-pAtched to Northl'rn J __ & ' 1 tricta, por S. S. }'foe,., un TII U H ' 1> 1'

SUMMER ARRANGEMENT after th~. corrivl\l of All~tt ''~•mer f, United K tn~tdorn ~ anri per S. s. C'lff'/ro•

• West Coaat oo tho day fo ll11wing ( 1

ON ANDJ\FT~RJUt\E16th,at6p.m , OAY) Ttl\in8 •Ill be rua ae followe, dally, IF Shonld tho Allan eteamer be rl~'

(Sundaya excepted): At 11111 ttma. r>bil' will be rle,p&tohe mediately alter the UIIOrtin~ti'l com pier

Leav11 St J ohn'a for Kellfgrewe G a.m. and Geoeral Pot~r om~. St. John'•·f 6.16 P m. 17th June, I G •

Lea•o ' t J ohn'• for ll11rbnr Graeo 10 "-"' Lcl\t'e llt~rborGI'l\ce for t .fohn'ei2:2U pm Loue Kellig re"• forSt John'• 7•:16 am and

9:30. Exountlon T ichle will bo 10ld each

Thu...ctay from all rogul•r Stauon1 .!lOOn on All TMtuA the tame aod tollowm11 dAJ oniJ.

Oo ' I hursdaya tho nenln~t 'i't'llio for ' t. J oho'e wrll rut• tn llol1rood: rt'turnlng will leuo there at 8 6:, p.m.

On ' undaya a apeei~l Tntin willleue Sl John'• for lloiJrood at 2:SIIprn ; rotnl-uiur wlllartin Ill St John•a at 8 IU pm

~·or RAte11, Time-tablee or further lnfnr. matioo, •Pl-IY to St.atloo A11enta ott the Lint,

'fHOMA'S t.OUL~',

JIO Geu. Agoat. SI.Jobn'l.



Water Street, llr OTaoe

TO TIIOSE WHO VALUB GOODS !, ' Tho UtumiMona \ •erdlct of a u:

inating Puhliu l S th•~ Lh

SPECTACL aold anti fju4fd hT

W.H. THOMP" Mtditnl /loll, 1/orbt!r (,'rrz

'"" the ht~t in the W or "rhe• n .. ,•er 1 ir~~ 1 lu1 J " f

many 'yl'ara withom ohan~. '


,P'1r. T • A Z.A.R. Mnu•(CJtf•ri> !I tJ('Iorifl

J.oeulon .t , SOLD O~LT BT

-W. R. TBOMPSO; • Metlinal Hell, Uorkr Grote, .a.,u





LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ·--o--1\lc.liiiAY, MC1.117th.

The B.ail-7 OoDU&eL linn. A. IIA11Vt.'1'-(Coutiuut'd).-l'be

coul,...e} i8 <\Jtcd Avrill!ltlh. 1'181 au<t the I hue f6r QOtDplelloo triJiired AJ'ril:t0tb,l886. v--'- lc ia here po!rlectly clc>ar t.ht tho aub aitlyottachinK to eaeb II•• rulle. a..ctiou. COlD• fl<i!t..d au I opemtd. Ia depenolent ou " thu Jkrlonu•nco of alllllld .. iajlular tloo COYen· aula," &o.. the r"n~ipal CO!eu~ura being tloat twO onilu "lhall be complcte<l" by tloe l:.'yndicat., CoUipAUY bt. 20tb April, I~ 'fhreo :1~0 10ild belu~ aot cowplel<:\1 by t he abo•o date, the aubaidy altac'biU!l " to eaclo fiy., 111ila M"Clioa completed'' a baulute· 11 _.; neo aup~iult It could be ar: IJUed that. tloe entire violatioM ol the cou­tlact doea oot vitiaiO particular olaUka in 1&, wbicb cona«uctioo ala~J appeared to biw abt ord. A11aiu, lelo. a a look at. tbo aaatter iD ano&her way. Enu it there wuro ta· aouablo ~troaod for doubtiog the aouuduua of tbo fore~:oinl( alatuuteut of t loe cue, if tbo old axiom of law bo corn!et. that uo UlllQ IIIIIJ take advaa14VO Of hia OWD wroUIC, tloat principle would apply with equal fnrce t.o a c:oeopaay or bodr· of meu. II~ th01 ~topanJ cowplete!<l the road '0 llall'a Bar aa wllll aa to llarbor Graoo. aud rau " tniu eaeh way daiiJ t.o Hoarbor Grace, anc.l not t.o Hall'a Hay. it. wo:~ld be iwl'ouiblc then t.o couteud tlll\t. nuder tbo contract tb.,y would IJe e altitled to a.uy portico of tloo aubaidy. He held witboo~ f.,.r of COD• tradietiou ~ha~ they would have no claim '"haleYur , 'ad it ie ouly though at.d upou th.,ir own wrong and failure to tuild tba liuo to Hall'a Uay thAt they elaieu. uud.,r tlte live ooile clauao, to bu entitled t.o tho aubaioly on thll line w llarbor Grace. lie ehould be aatooiebed if any Court. of J ua. tic., iu tho world, the wbolo facta ~iul( elearly atatcd W it, could como to any btU ooe eoueluaiou upoa tho caac, aud that •ould be ia auateotatioo o( the n~bt of ~wfouudlaud t.o dL-claro th" contract at 110 eud. Wbcu tho railway polic7 ,..,. flrat Af(itated iu the colony, bo waa au anJeot auppotte r of it., aad aided t.o tho but uf bit abihtJ iu proanotia~r tbo contract under

.which it WN comweoceo.l. Tho boo. gca­t.Jemau bore quote•! from a apeocb made by biw wheo the 111atter wu dieciiUo!d IJy him lu 1881, cout.aiaiu~or hi8 opluiun tLat. the eubaid7 aloould be eutir•ly dcpeudoot upon the workio11 o f tbo whole hoo. lie further alated at. that timA, tbat it waa ioc»oopro· hcosiblo t.o bia u1ind bow auy comi'AnY <:auld expect to make tho line pay upon •hu terma cout ractod for, aad that it cuuld be o uly undertaken upon tloe vroepec t of fiud­iug upon tb" line nf tl:eir laud conceuioo1, valuable depo&ita of miuoral to rcwuoerate tlteon for tlouir outlay. He felt aure. he aaid. that it would ccue t.o work u a com­mercial apeculatioa buforo the OSJliratiun of al l JeAn, uul4'1111 mioea woro d iacoverrd 1 t~ir land grauta aloo11 abo road . ·n,ua 111 y were uot without WMU·

iug ~Jf abo reo · · · · the ,.ero 1\MUIIJ· ing. aud kuowioll full we e ' , they abouldor~·l all. tbo rioka of buildoug aad Op<'nti nt~ tho ~d. 'J he ae<Juel ~oct f&r w pro•·., tl•eJ would have tAken tl•o coat raot u pou aloooot auy tci'IDII. ;uumuch aa tbey fouud J::ol>lheb capitaliat.a 1w IAII b.ok upoa to bear them -out of tuo ditll­eultJ. At flrit it waa tbou11ht tbat one or two peraoW' behiad t ho eyadicaro lo11d abuu­daul meanL 011o at !cut (Mr. Uoud) wae a we.JtloJ m•n at oue time. and Ua<l tbu wealt.bu;a& coonecrinu excupt Vaoderbllt'a ioo t bo Uoited Stat..a. lie wu ctluoecred with Jay Gould. and it wu tboo11bt would be IU8taioed by him in rei>!ard 10 tb1a aut rer of t uo railroad. ll ow.,ver. the cou1p:uoy did not uudcraaJr,e tloia wo rk iu tho d•rlc auri w" abould not wroug th"an but our. HIYel, if we <lo uot at once put an end to • contract that b11 bo•6D violated by the coeu. pany in ita eueot.lol pa.rta. It i• uot ~uw­foullollacd'• oredot that i• ple<'~red to tho ~ugli•h buudboldero 1.<> whom abo A oncricao Syudicato Cooupauy. their repreacp1aoovc1 or aucceetore at a r~•J>Ou•iblc. Tlouy WUijt ahouldu tbu cunaequeuctJI of tbdr o• noll­edYiled aet.a, aud caonot expect tbi• oolory to bear them haumleu and etttno.~ae t!Hun fr ooo a difficully we bad no baud iu J>IBCiog tloeou 111. lli1 object io takt.oll tltu cour.., be prOJ>O&ed tbaa evoniDjC waa, 1hat it way l>e lroGwn 11eaocrally anJ by the IIOV•rn•orut eapeciAIIy, that in tbo ' iorcrt' llt of tloe ool· ooy tloU. ebatober ia o f opioiou that I be oe­ceiUry atepe •loculd be t.akca by thu uecu· ta•e t.o cauc;:,lla contract that it iu iu• prin­cipal noodiaion• dduucc.. To do rloio it '""Y be quite aulliciout t.o willobold auy furtb11r J»1mtut of aobllidJ. or perhai'A a n•ore "'¥UJ&r procodnrCl would be t.o j:i•e UOIICO t.o tbo rGJ1'donotar iv .. of rbe ooeup•uy tuat "'" contract lou c.eaaed un tbo t weutierle of April, ~~<~d rhat t ho colouy ia uo lun11er !Kound bJ auy of ita couditicna. lie bot>ed the boa. reJl-oU.tive of thl! gowerruu.,nt io thla cbawber will •~ that the r roper aaepot will be takeo without dei•J · h may 1A Do:OeMaiY 10 UO~Iy IOUJO or a! I of t l e vartiea whom Mr. ~vana i• auppouod to rt fHu..Cnt : rho i';tol!li.•h court#, thH bond­lto:d~n and tbe ru~ntntiv .. of the l:iyu­dicate Cot.llJlllliY: 0{ perba~• it wnuld auf. fico '0 refo1101 tbo eubaio1y when it COlliN to loa apvhcd ft~r. lie !Jelie"""' tho riJ..ct of r~fuaal to , .. , " ill out lead t.o a ceaa.'\lion of tho work oo the line imeu.,diately, uu . le .. the ac>utJ>any tbelllaelwee at ouocs ~­-oowledl9" rhat it WI at au eud. If o u the otb~r laaod they purpoM eueio11 for Jl•" au b. .Wy Sh.y ••lilt cornaouo to opoorat.a tbc l(oo w llarbur Gr- untii lbe queetioao of our liabality i4 d.todded by a court of law, wbiuh would baldly ia aJlf ""eol be arrived •• be­tose tho nut year. lu lloe mCIUI .. ~&W. iu ont.r c.o Cllltille them '0 tobaitly. auuruinlt lew IIIJl'*~"t that the point llllall bO deter. lllio.ed iu doeir fetor. IMJ cuUII oontinuu t.o •r~te Iiiii li01t daily betwreu hrre and H.wbor Grace. ll•roce wcs uo•cd not fear chat d oc cou""' h propo641rl if '"luplbtl will iur.en.-ro with tbe runnh111 of trai.J• durin11 IJ\at Otl~ut -~~. au<l """ y•ar the JIO"• cuun-c. ••1 4A..:I dtetn~~e!.ra in a l'<>.aidoc. w nuder du1 tm•-.out Iiiii! tnnr41 oeriAito iu ita ~iua a11tl ¥JOre Jlrolltal.llo to the colony eard '0 ,._ uoter,..trd in it.a aooceu. liM hJI¥rd CD .... th01 -Ill uf cJ.. CoiMOOi l Co tlee r..eoluti~. It haa beeu MIIIJI,.Ieil w Lio. that tb.-J would t. uoore -t•taiJI• t.o c.be pow.- IW Lie. rf errt.aWa aherauoaa wecc tuedciot 1loe .... tar pat't of llt.a ...oond

t>......U<*, He laatl eo objectillD to liMY _.,.. •104iac.tloa: tflo oalr olojrct loe bed ill ..... btt.~t tbe relltof ol 1b~ e.oi­~., f,_ i~•le u f'WIC&rda U.Wihy. _.,lch tl ... oucoduc:t of &!leffiW"fi'OI"t•••J 11-.,. •"'"1 .,rinc:ipleof j . lce..od equity, .. ...._.. ll h~ . ..... t.o trn~ fmw a vc*· '-• dW. w~d Olloerw!.. "u.obar, ...,., k if. • anr futnre 1iao01 W"i io u • ., • •••• tbirt)•ll"e , .... ,.. "" uroponnuil) oouloJ v•.r to lartt.er au•l esreeul rwilw OUU·

etn~C:J~ion. 11 .. Loeo..d w oOU¥e tbe p i lou. fll 1M ,_,tati- auol !ell ll 1'4· """' &o tak.e eueh ••!» • WAJ b. l.._..a. 11 __.,. &o _,.. &oa.r_ poeilioft wee tr ,_..r..., 1 hat e llloOjilirillt •r· -.1 IMIJ __ jf, ...... -. MOt ... , uf dill ........ IIUYIWtl-lll, loot• J .... - ..... _ .. ,, ilauc. ... ..,, .

...... c. a ... , .. ..,...,.nwc~ •• ~~~e.-.eo. ...,.__,..,..,.,_..__.,........._ 'fo .._. (llr A) Ia .. a ........ ,...,... .................. _ .... .,, ... M . . , ....................... ..,.._.., Jltillll ............................. ll ...

• manuer due to lbo colo;;. · Ioatead of ioali.!,.utinar m~uuru t.o aa~ert tbe riabta of t1.e-colou'1;tb11r bate prn.ided iu tbo Sup p ly Jljll IIIIIODiftl ita Ji11bilitie1 fOt a COli· t.iuuatiau of .,e.J•ueot of tho rallw•r eubo&ldy 1.1' a COUipaarthat hall failed iu tbo uader· takiu111 upou wloich tleo p&JIIIaut wu bued. tfnlt'lf aunla • eourae aa that propoted br bou. Mr. Haner bifollowt-d out, &he IOI(ia· lature would be helll&ll& t.o tho tupremtet obligali(loa of tbolr eacrotl truat. aa tJoatd­iaoa or tho public iot.ercata. Tbo Yorr fact of tbe legialature volia11 prcvilioD for tbe eobeidr io tho l)upplr Uill ·•ill bo au ac­kuowled.raaout ou Choir J»rt tba& t.ho col· ou7 Ia •till liable, aod Uaat tlio eubaidJ tnoat bf' paid. lo Ylew of thoae eircum­llaucea be tbouwht tlo., loaudt uf tbo CX4.'CU· tin would be Y01r7 ~reatly atreuact.loaued, if tbo courae pro~ed to thia bodJ by lbo boo. member be a1lopted, 11nd thai it will tet.d to combol and revorae tbct action of tho Jow01r boldO lo r111poct to it, Thia i8 a lll&tler or tho deopeat inaport.aooo t.o d ai8 colony, and ono upoa whhh eoano de6uito courae abould be arritcd at. I& waa loia opiaion that aa the coatract bu boeu de· faulted and no fulfilled , paywuat of tho-tub, aid7 ahoald be etopped ac once; and eYen lou~r 1\110 lbo ~eo•eruwoat of tho tlay wuuld hnos been juatitied ia wit.bholdial( it. lie ... well vleu~tl with lheao n:aolutiona, •nd hoped lmo. memllera of tbW! bnuch will fi_'CI ClJO t.o eyo with their hooorabl01 m~Jv11r.,. regards tbo provriety of adoptiu11 UICID,

lion .. 1'. 'fAL80T paid much attention to rew&rka of tbt bon. wovor of tho reaolu­tioue, who hila 110no p retty well 'bwu11b ob i~itw ad .foorm lloo biator1 of railway opentioua in thie eoiODJ. 'I be buo~eo­tlenoau hu eul a ~tood d~a l of li11ht upon tho aubjl!et, aod tho reaolutiona are of a kind that there could perhape be yery little ohjeclloa to. But. a ahort tiruo •1:0 io rlla­euaaint~ tbe 1'1\ilway matter ia lbi8 chamber, tha boo. gentleman ntbur ridiculed bia ( Mr. T.'e) ueertlon that. tho ehal'):ea in· volved in this undertaking would all hut:' to bo boruo by the eolt' uy. In tho calcul11tlvul of the cost ho (Mr. '1'.) bad thoo bro ught. forward, he took ioto accouo l tloe faet that tho au~id7 t.o tbo eod of tbo Oarbouoar liae had boea paid, and coobouea t.o be paid now, uotwitbataudiua that tloe a o .,eromeot. maet hne kotJwD all aloog that h wu ool t.be inteotion o f the com­pany to go further with tbe work. It 18 true tbe 6u yc:Ara, within wbicb lbey were bouod to fulfill their cootraet, bad not expired: but i t ie equally true th&t the IIOYerumen t onuat. have kaowu frow tbo action of tbo eompany t hat tbe road would out proc.oed beyond Harbor Grace. 'l bat wu a pre•umptioo that ruuat bn e forced i t110lf upon the mioda o f the go•eromeo' or any penooo cocu iuot o f tho oxiatia~e atate of affaira. Tho l::xocutiYo preoodin~t tbo preeeot ouo m uot ha•o bclio•ctd that tb01 company w~re entitled to that. eublidy, .,• eu rhou~rh t bey stopped •t ll"rbor Grace. \\' o utust credit tho>•e penoont wiln the po .. oNiou of oufficicut k nowled11• and c:>pa· ci ry to be aware of th~ oftect of tb.,ir au:­ti~od IU&Ueuo thl\t tbe1 couoult .. d out­aida jlnt' coutpotent 1.0 acr utiniz.a t ile cooarnot wit o '"' eye; aod t ho ni­doooo puluta t.o tho 'hat ti'"Y ouucl~d ­"" thot Lhe co lony wu ~d t.o pay tho anbaidJ M far a.a the liuu wat built aud overated. \\' o 'lllll&t romumber ti~Jo t tbe late go•o~rnmcot nutul.orctl io it.a · Ita oon.o o f tl.u hriKhluat liS~ht• nf our ba And very JJ rOhAilly they al1o conoultcfl with Eu11li•b l4wycn upon t he euattor ; IJut it ie not to be fo r a ntuouont ftUI>JlO&ud that they would oo....,n t w hoavy l'•ywe utoa oo tbu part of tlto colony if they dod uot coo1idor tt wu •~&ally liat.lo fo r 1bcu1, Tl.te fac t of lho lalu goveruoucot hM'Inl; rAid the I Ub• •idy ie preeuuopti•·c uvidruc.! that th•y IJo. ltcYcd the colo.ltoy wu liabl •. uotwitbotaod­iog tho.t lho general allrcewerot wu vio­l~oaed. aud that tt ~<lUI ionpouiblo fur tho compauy 10 lullil il8 ohlill"liono. ' l lou twent)' · ll,couil suctoou of tbu JWI•oy Act dtopular...-a .-

.. Tbe -.id t)yJHii.....,h• C'omp.ny, within threo n;ontlt• ahn lief!" "l l't.~ lu•o t•l I hi• tXtttt rac.&. • l.all dr•p·n•h wh h th., Uovert•runut of ~("wfountJiarul, • • l t'OCu r tl,v fo r lltd Prrfurnt.-nm 11f t Me QnDtnu.:L bvnd. of lb., r b1l.d IStalH of ·" ml"rlt-~ ur utllor aa, ..,roYIM'i a.oourh i,.., fr, amount f'llu"l lo ono buu­dr~l lhuu&•tul jlo ll•r• the aaDltt to t~U r alurued w tl1o .. ;.1 ~.vntHrato l~On1Ji-A111 upon rhu cnmplt:lloo of tbr~ Lunrlre-1 " '''I fnrtr mU ... nf n lf••J : tbe toler~~o•t . in thf't U1f1Anth.ao, •ball Le 1.a.id to u ld 6 )·ndlealu t:<>ru,..Py."

~ly thia olauto it will oetn that tho cow­paoy we re 1uhjllCt 10 a peaahy o f oae hue . dred thouaaud dollftra If they failed lo build aod eootinuoualy operate three buo­dretl aod forty milea o f railroad. T!Jor d id lail to carr7 nul that uodertakio~r, aud .:onseqnenrly forfolred tbat aum; and where. he ahooold uk, is tbat huutlrt d tbou .. ud dtti.Jara?

Hou. A . IIAIWEY- Ecl,o anewort, where·

lion. T. TALBOT-It certainly doe. ap . p .. r to ltave bllou a 100at l ooaely drawa up contract aho11e tber aod "'"' equally IOOHiy carried out. We h""o DOl tf1at buodr10d thouaaud dollara forfeited by tho COiliJlft'-Y· a otl thCJ are oot to bo fouud auywhor&t. Uno t ltin~r Ia cort.aW, tbia aecur . ity did not remain Yery loa!( oo depoait aod whau it wu forlllited tho eoanpanJ bad full free aweup to act u they liked wiLb tl1o r111t of t bo eonditionL Ho conaidored there wu oo obtcu riry uor uoeer1Aio17 u to tbe muuin~: o( tho rbiriOentb aad fourteeorb clau- ol t.hl!l contract quo t11d by tho Lo on. jloutlllMleu. h dooa uot uy t~eyauuat cou ­atrcct tlwl whole lioo of S.O ruiloa before boti.Jg paid 14Jr aubaidy, 'J hat miabt. ap· vear t.o Ue the lut.erp retatioa of t.be thir· l.MD&h c lauM; ~~ lbe terwa arc qua.li6ad in tho • eceedi;,ll one. It aaya-•• Such anuual auboi.ci r t.o au.uh iJI prop01tiouato .,...ca anri for1.1 part of tbe ... ata ol tho .aid COIIIJlllny, 1\1 aud wloeu uch ti'l'o mile •~tion ia cowpleud owol operated or 1~ lien tbucol at t.umiuoa Itt Jt.Jfa ,...,. ... ~ow •it ap~r..d Co bAaJ t.bK t, tlwt quali-6 .,.1 IIUJi"•lrll o f tlota elaoa. tb41 coruvao1 hvio~r built aod oponted ereo only 6u enil~ ~f tl.e road wouJd utitla Ll<eUJ.ao~Jroa l.w~ateS, to &llbaidJ wr tbat a .. o lllilee : n11 t at the t.anoiuatioo of II.~ yeara, bo~ aa IIGOtJ ... the llva uoilet wea~ eowvletod and rMn, tl .. au.blitly wuuld atraclo Uld t..conee , .. ,..w •. and bo • ., ..-L ol tl111 COUtpanr. ·n,ey lojla'e .,.uoplie4 w1th the coutraot. <IOU·

diri.tu.a ao lar aa w 1¥1ild aool operata e illbty­fl•e wilcoe of tb .. road. aad bow .nao we juatlr wlt hboM fr<*! tb.t.t &he pro 1>Drtlua h• bad eit.aof. W11, bf' .u- COllditiooe, &&roe LO ...., tloe .eo.aaparOf wboiWr I« ~~t¥11r1 Ire .U.. lo11ilt. aod o.,.ntad.

HC¥1. A Duru-lll-'duatJoa..ol the .ro..J bo.Jne Dtllnl'14!tod hd opa1aotecl

lloo. '1'. T&AA~>~-Ilad tber 4'WfP.Ced aod opoon&o•J tloe whole road oontnocted r~. they al•owtl ~ pajd aile hlaudttd ud ei~tb~ lJaou&~~d dollan a fMr ~ lie& II ther l.tollr uel op.raaad 411lJ ,a J*Uo•, •• a.e ...J-. tbttJar•-liiJ.., to blfllll.d~io11• If. 'Ilia ....-nod &o bWI LObe U.. MCliiO& iawrpn.Mtlo'n d die l4r_. oi&JI.e .a•t.Do&, utlt.r•t••e.l. Loul~atU..~cJWa. ~Jr. Jl etrDOk btm U.. _,... .,. ..Ut&.d LO ,.,_..... lie did 1101 .... LO ., ............... ._. tw.ll ...... .., .... ot1ld be f_. .,a-re If la-ere .,._.. tnorr. hoookl..-ao .. ....Weeo&iuiM· pnwe......_ ,._ ID ~. lrwlaad IIIMf Heotlaed. wloo 14111& ~-r.aa"'-WU. ul tit a eo~o.,·, ,.,..., Ill dw .- .c1 QMal•~- tvlan 011 their ha ....... L ..... ,.., ... lloecllloldert .., ... ,.,_ ....,...u..,.,... dae ...... llte.J ~ ...


&hit lf*IDlation tor tbe ID(Ivo" ol &11-­teiY .. ud &belr famillee. Th•711'" &heir IOOoer ou &be fac& of our A~ uf ParUa, IOOU~ '

Hou. A. HAtcYn-Yot al all. lloa. '1', T.u.wr-·rnere Ia tho Act of

our ' local letc\lllltt:Ue coutaioinlt ~e coo­cea.io'oa made by the oolour He (lW, '1'.) waa iu Loudou wloeo tho loatr lllaodrtel Ulouaad JSouDCle •• ralaed ; be "'"'" tile proapectue t.ued bylbe fii'Dl ol tho oow­pa.ay. aud bo waa t!Jareb1 aware of tbe aeouritr that. waa oforotl t.o peopJ., to lend their.,..al'oDef oo 'l"'culatioa. 'l'be proe­poctua aet forth that. the coluor uud•rt.ook to pay fl80,000 a J~ar aubald1 for the whole lioe aod propottloaat.ely for tbo Harbor Graeo btaucb. Ia additioa t.o that, partlee willing t.o lead were uauretl br tbo proapectue tbal tbey "'ould .receiYO a cer­t.aiu auoual pro6t. of £8,(j(l0 at the nrJ •tan frow tbe operatiua of the Uarbor Grace branch. H., (Mr. T . l prceuo1ed Mr. Ulaekaoau, tbe ajf~ot. of tba eompauJ. wbo •u in Loudon, did aot cireula10 tbat in­funoatioD without reuoaabloj oalculatlou, aud 4 pretty oert.aio coa,.ichbo tha' · tba JlfCUlltU of tbe proapectua WOUld be fuJ­IUJtd. ' l)ao aatleivatod profttaol tloo Harbor Grace l{raucb were freely talked of br t~ .. ~aut, aat.l ovo:a b7 u.oaa1 ia tbla euauutuuitr t hey w11re tiiCUIJ{Di&cd u a prubablo J>O•cr­ful faetor ia eatiraatior t be adnolai"'l of tho railroad. Eno our newapapera epoko of tbe certaiat7 of iacreuo<l trallle aa tbe yo:ara weut oa. He L'Oold Dot. uudnataud bow Mr. Bla.ekouau impoaed upon t~»e aatuttl Hritieb capitaliat.a. That ..:o:atlemao -..eut amou~C~~t. t bam doubtleu recuwm.,o•lt:.J by the locael goverumeut or aou.o partica iu autboritv here.

llou. A. liAIIV&Y-No Jlou. T. TAUIUT-Uid he not co amonl:"t.

tb•m with tho ltailwaJ Act in bia poekot 'I Uoo. A fiA IIYI!\' -Not. frow o r in behalf

o ( Nowfuuodland. lion T. TALBoT-At. all ennta, oo tbo

faitb of tlaat Act be obtai11ed th11 mooeJ, and what ie wore rciUitrkt~ble, after bo n:ceiud it be did oot vi1it thie plaee Vllf)' often. Ho •cry trou thereafter left ua u if bla miasioa had bi!Do aecomJliNbed, anti all· that be waated wu obtained. He e&mo to N ewloundlaad, an ado bia bargaio, coo'fiacod a1 ta tbia oolon7 of tbo •aat ad.-.otal(el tbe railroad would coaoft1c upon it. and MCUrcU au Act of tbo lt'gielature b1 " irtuo of 'l'hleb be •aa ouabled t.o 110 iuw tl•c Dritiab woorr Ulllrlret. aad bon-ow £400,000. Huiol( aoeeeederl iu all haa l'laa1 be diaappeared. No ponoa belie•ed tbat Mr. Ulaekwau wu llert~JUI in o!Jeriug to build aod O}HiraiAI 340 uoiloa of railroad ia tbia country for a aubaidy of 8180,000 a Je&r fo r s~ ,eara with laud cou~aaioaa If tho aaou~l aubeidy were perpotual tlae matr.cr wo uld woar an eotiruly diiJercot upoct. Uu' oould tbo7 oow io cuolor womeota wbeu the c rai:b o f railway con­struction bu 110onewhat aobered elow11, ""· lio•u tbac ~ny ebruwd mao like Mr. lilack· man would build a ruad bel(iuain~r at St J ohn'e ac:d eocliut~ now !Jere: pruuoitiug on roturna, for t leo paltry aubaioly lfl•nted br our lraialaturo· Tllo id.,. ia ab.urd. lie thea cunoinl(ly !Mll.,ct.ed a portion o f the liao ruuuin11 tloruugb tloo W~Jat populu:lf pt~rl of \he lal11od froou l)l. Johu'a to llac. hor Greco, embracing, with iutorYenioll to. e&litiua, nearly o nu half •lou povnloaiooo uf the colouy I<> rai~~e mouey UjJOD, Jr.no,.ia( !hat tho remaioing two bundr...J auol fortJ mila- wuuld yi,.ld 110 raturuL lie tlout

-<ajltaiuod four buo<lred t bouMad J>OUO•I• wlil~aa auffici•ut fo r that (lllrpo~, •o•k, iug loarlJ'-.fQ! 1110 OODIJlllliY in NHbibMI, which hu prof.,..ea to ro:pre.uut. and uaet wi1h J'"nMlaa who fell e i'¥~ in'O hi• projecta

'loco bo 1101 t b., work don~ oloe•r•IJ bJ a eouple of cootraetora • ho came hero • .,1d. rho laborcra on the line woro paid in truek, and 1 ho purlloau o l thu oonrt-ltou•o wer .. .:onataotly b.loi.-ged by them aeck io~: to obtain their wa~to• fro1u the ~oniract.on. Ul courau tho lruck waa nry Yftluablo !4 them io default of cash ; aud rloor wort' ~lo'f~ot"d a hi11h price for it, and oftc>o had 141 carry it ou tlleir back• l<:D or t•ol•e miloe t.o their looroea So tbat tbo liabartnen ul tho eountry hboriolf o u the lioo aulrered dearly for the little temporarJ boae6l tbe7 derived frow tbe work. Ho doubted that. Mr. Blaokmaa ape at four hood red &bon­.. nd pouoda oa t bo road frow hero t.o !!arbor Gmoe, aad leh biraaelf ao<t hie lrieoda without aaytbing. At all ••.eot.a be 1\chie•ed bia object aad le ft na : aad we oxpro-d o ur aorrow at bia departure aad got op a graod demonatntion lllld compli· tntotar7 add reM t.o bio1, wbiob wo all his;:h aod low eigoed, deplorio,lf it. aod bo1•in~e that bo would 1000 coooe back "'!"'io ; but be oo•or returned becaueo be bad oo ia­tontioo o f oomplotiog that line t.o Hall'• u.,. ltegardin11 abt reaolotiout vropoaed by boa . Mr. HAnOJ, be ( Mr. T .) maet. ex, prOM bia doubt aa t.o their utili ty. We Uloat. remember that tbe eubaidy. the pay· moot of wbicb loa repudiated by t.bem, bu been jiRD&.!d bJ tbo fCf'rC'Mntativea Of tho poople wbo alo ne po&aoM the t.uin~e power aod appropriation of tho public fuude. We obould ooliiiPI'OM tbat the7 arc re­•pooaiblo t.o the country for Uaeir lerlaJa, rave aeta; and wo annat ... oeoo thal t.ho pueiog 'o f that •ote It a potitlye declara· tioo o f t heir opiuioa t.bat. it. ia duo a odor tho term• of tile contract. Whr did they YOlo that mooer? Aro we to aoppoeo that tho 11o•eromeac aDd aaaemblr are (alae t.o tbcir t ruat. u cuatodiaoe of the public loterca~ aud careloaa or tbe public purao ?

Hon. A. R411VI:T-VerJ. Hoa. T. TALOOT-Tho people bno tbo

o tmool coolideu:o in tbem. Hoa . A. Huvn-H .. r, be&f. lloo. T. Talbot-Tber - &hat lbe woe

are rodocod alld tna<fo to alt ae lillhtlr aa poaaib1e upoa tbe abouldera of tbo public, afld protect their loter oet.a ia OYory pooaai· b1ofr.'•7 · The gonramea.t 1od uearlr all t.bo lo'l'or bouao ba•o apprond of the vote for aubaidr, rollowiae rbereia tho action of tbolr pr"'-ra. , Wbal then, i.u tbOI D&DIO of COIDCIIOD MDIO, haa t lti8 ch11mber t.o do In tloo matter berood plaoirig our opiuioaa upon paper? AI a aaauer of Ia• he boilin~d it would be nry ditllculr~ evoa for leral raiada, t.o arriYe at e docia· ion aa t.o tho ioterpretatloa o f the contract, but aa a Ullltter of equity Ita thou~M a Court of Juttlce would aoppor& t.be optulon of lbe lower boa.ae; &lid &bat aocordiDJl t.o all vrlnolpiH ot equity ~ boudholdera. or cntdrton, or wbate"'r tiler mar be who IDued m.Jr moaer flw the work are eD­t.ltletl t.o tbe paycliea& of &he eubaidr. Ue oolf adYaacad lilt. ae ID ludlrldaal oplaloD ofblaowo, •I& Ia 110& for oe t.o ptOOOataoe upo11 tlie lepl lleariq ol abe ...... 'l'lle 4 u.atlon lbo1tld INI erw-.d beloN a eoon ol raw aod del4r,.laed ~ h.

Hoa. A. HAJtnr- T .. l& abotald be. IJ.oa. T. 'l'......,q-Well IIlla .o ... baa ~ LO do wl&!l thac, ud aboald plaee •utd.GM Ia! thll dellrt of die perameDl LO do ..... , Ia rfcll& Ia lbe ...uer. He bad tile..- •IIMala.d .. allele- Ia tWr .n.. d0111 eod jo_... ud ... ~ec, for &lie proe­pad\1 ...a .,.,_.ol..._ eoa..r ,...nrr1. hwODid .. u-.,tllenftiiW, u - · .we.s. •• U JA •- ,-w. f~W D1 LO do eo,~ ...., a.a bJ ao, pa111 flec ot ~ w..s-......,. bellfow.U..-• Mlc.tNIL He ..U.•ed dl., will .- paJ IIIII!AJ tJae .-oMf ol ... aofoeJ Ul .. lM law Jaelllea eod otltlpa ..._ to do ID ; aad •• _,.,, reiJ ·r.: t ... ...... .-nlllw lo &lie,... ......... I< 1M - lw-..r.-.h••• no ...... ..U.1 lv &lie ,_.aliQIII .aoli lUI •uald

laaplr Ul QDDIIrft.od relootloo upoD .tM,. Advertisements. eo.,orameo& by laaputlar t.o &hem a ufllllecl ,--.....~ ~----of a dotrlber &.be&DIOlt .. mota be beulr eooeible of aod moe& aosloua • t.o perlorw. Sucb · actio11 would -1-··"iooo!'rteoue t.o .. ,~~a, leaat apoa tbe pan of IIIIa llouorable bodJ. '. ~

Rev. Father WildS' EXPERIENCE. / ·

Ayer's Sarsaparilla at--, tnrleb•, ....S er.nn,U.eoe tloa •lood, ~~~·_,_-.c\loto ot u.. ll.ollUiell aD4 ljO••to. t.JI\I U..reb7 ellAbl .. U.. .,.._ to

1at and o .. ........,. Ute au.acu ot all ~ DIMJMr, Kn~P:"*' ~1 tu &tia, .....,_ ,.,_, Co~<on-..., o....,, DcWiu,, ....s au

.U.Onlore ,...ula.IQC rr- IJOOt or oonup&e.J ,.....,..a»ol• low ola~ U.. IJI I.eW..

rUI'AILCI) aY Dr. J.C.-Ayer&Co.,lowell, Mitt. SoW 1>7 all l>nla\&'": prioo fl, ala ~



PILLS. Medicine

T. M'MUtWU & Co • \\'bolcul., A~tent.a, H J olon'1

Hoa. .IIL•Mollao& faliJ~ Ia the rtaaarb ol lito taoo. &IN sa..tU &bat ebb i•

·a taaUer peoaUulr belauaiAI LO the ro•· en-ol lo Ileal wi&b,' ud &be adoptloa of &h- reeoludoaa would lmpl7 upoa oar part.a a waDi of coaftdauco lo their ~­lioD to ac& for t.bo beat Ia the inter-. of tho colour. We abo~tld be takl '\11',' t.o a oortalo uteat, out of tbcir ba11d1 tho di•· pcKAI of Lhe public mo,._;~~a which tba coo­atilutioo bu witbbuld froiD tloia chamber t.be pow11 t.o iat.arfcsre with. It will uot be douied that tho memben of thia cbaralwr han· a porr~t rl11bt t.o esvre .. their vi.,wa, aud be Jaubted uol tbeir oplDioaa would hiQI!i'fO tbe COUUdoua&iOII tberaro eutitJe4 tn. bnt he quoetiouad t"eir ri.rbt t.o reourd aar reaolu&ioa, act or proc:oodiar that mil(ht b••nl'dr th01 froo IICUOII ol tbe lrD""romant., and talro froca theaaa reepo~~~ibillty wbic:h ... poocially dnolvo:a upo11 th<i!•. 'Cbe boa.

' euo .. r of the• l'dOloliooe f- the digoity of &h• coloor w~ld b. lowered wer• •• to eond bOUle iO the old oouatry t.o ob­tAin a lint· ct... leg a& ptliaioa ae regard a t!Je liability o( t~i• eolou1 . tp p&J aub­ai•IJ. Ue (Mr· M.) w• uot iliapoeed t.o atr~e with Uoo boa.. gentleman that it would be uuwi~~o~ t.o obt.aiu t.bo b.:.t le11al OJliuoon upou t he point, 10 aa t.o be pre­p.-lrod for rraulta. Aa a peraou who eou, ttJmJllat.d building • bou.~~ abould llrat ei• du•n aad c.lculate tho ooat, ao lboee wbo meditate ~oio~e to law aloould 6nt

'Ulako quite auro of lhe ~:round upoa wbicb ll•u1 aro proc..ediur Uo coolidorrd, thl!u, if il be bald probable that tbaa col­ouJ ouay bu involved lo lili~atiou 'Witb the .. we-althy ayutlic:ate," it. wo uld bo •ell t.o kaow UJlOU what. rrouuda wo al.tould weet lb01au. Ho uade.ratood that the rntlttwau bere r~eutl7 rcpreaoutio!C tho c:ouopaoy llaa obtaiuad tlio opiuiou of tho lattl At· Wrooy Gan01nl of l::a.cWid )u eupport of hie tie•• ol t.he c:ato. Tbe aul.teraucu of th&l opiuioa i8, be (Mr lll) bdi01ved, tJ1at whatll'fer lbe obliacatiOUt of &hie coloay were '0 tho S)'O~Icato CowpotnJ, aod what­ncr the eorup&UJ'I ob~qpotiou. were, tliat tb" aaatter !Jaa, ~ out of thcu haoda into t.he banda of tlli.{il'pan~~ • . •ho h..,o claiuu opoo ua that are pOl eaail,y ~ot oYer. Ito (Mr. M.) a!Jould •Y at all n•lll4r t loal lo that Yiaw of tho Cl\4t, thoro i• room for aori­oua doub'- U01 blruaolf abould 110~ proaumo t.o olfur u opiuioa aa to t.be correal kgal iniAirpretalioa of the clalltO in the Act uolt of wbicb the uucertaio1r ar'-. aud be It oow there lo grut di"enitr of ol'iuiou awODICal uur own IAwycs'ra UJ>OU tloe mat- J US'l' RKCEfVEJ.) wr. He could aca1eoly, ahara iu the . hope of the lou a. the lhurilf. that tho I><.'OJ•Ios whu loaoool lheir mouuy ou Na•fouu•llaud rail ·

AT Tllll

•• y ,.,curitiua • ill b .. u.duoauili .. ..s by lhia Fancy and Toy BAZAAR rr lnn)'. If., llstl '"""' lllllriot.i•m &hau 10 f wi8b t.o - tlo01 culou7 -lollud witb tho VtCNRIA l:iTIIUT, pefu•oot uf a lar11e eu"'idy fur tbirtr· li•o Je&fl, if it ioo uot joully and '•quitab!J iahl" tloor01fu r. Althoua~h 1,., &t(ro.,. l wilh tbcs epirit of tbo reaolutloua he cuuld not eup­Jl<>rt t hrill. u be coawi~arotl 1loe1 wuuld tJ,; oatrcnrlulll{ DJ>OD tbu prorOio(&tiw., uf thcs r&llCUli•u of tho dar iu a uoo.llcsr Ullleld., the lll~thhnatu Jlroviu~ uf thi• cbao~b.,r.

CRATE- ORNAMENTS. c.v•-•t t>r.;go.,J

Tlo~ 1-'luwa r Vaae Shlelol l::ugl ielo l•ke ::kuucsrJ Shl~ld lri• lo Lak r Set:U~J SLielol I ior,Juu Star Shi.,J•I. Euel N:reoua ruur-fulel ::kreeoa. ::!ilk Gra•• ShiiVIU!fS Whitl! \\' illuw Sla•·iu~,...,, Sil vor aut! liuld lhniu11a Uruuu, ::iitYilr aud (iold !.caorea, &o .lc.

A .... & A. lHWNLEES.

T A.l LORI.NG. Juet rceuhe<l tbo



Uou. J o ll!f SUit- l1~ie qu.,.tiou h&a uo duullt bo.ln oli.cu...,. l hTJ fully .,,,Jably b! lh~ h un. nw•01r of th~ r,Niutiuua, and tbu I(OIIItleuollU •lou fnlluweflllhu. anol hos olw ut.l nut ear Yery much noooi>.-etour h. Tlo .. r<' •a~, bowa•er. nua o r two po;nt~ aUlll:.,.l· eol by the •lui>&~" which attoelt him u wurthy · of (ll'rticul•r ul>tiC~$ iu ~-onullCtluu •ialo Urtl f<'anlutiutat, flu belieu<l th• 4on. Mr. llarvuy • ..., a 1•11r tc. uei(Otiatiul( 1~1! t.rnoa of thoo rail••)' uuutnct arool ~· fnuutng ao•t .-.in.: tho act t.u.l up..n it. ~ow, Ill &.1101 htlll. o,:antlruuu .. ,.. o ne uf , .. ., ru~mbera uf the ..,,.,.,t eoenmitlue who no· a:otiatod and arra111(etl tloo lerona nf u,., COn• trau:t, a ool 00 <toubt. pl-.! u,., fullaat 0 ,11, . 8' Giv<t ua a call. Satial"'tiua " U..nt~ · fitleuo.o In tho l(l'ntltlllllll appoln&e<l by tha '""11

• COtumitiA!e W draft h, lit fwou bia cuuuec· J . A. WIUTlJA~ .

tion with it. eho11ld koo w what the inlttu- lla1 I.


Thompson's Modical Hall ---o---

Now in Stock all the leadjng Patent Medioines Di. Wilaon'1 Horloiuo Riu.ora Boudock .Blood Bitter• Johneon'a Anodyne L iuimf'ut. Kt·ppler'a Cod L i \•er Oilund Malt T&D~ar lodien (for cnsti~CIIeM) .Eescuce or ~priJce, Allen'll Lung .Bal&tm Euo'a M edicated Su11ar (for worms) J udsota'., (:;old Pain,, J udaou'10 Golu I nk Guard'• Hair D.""• Tricopheruua :::!heridan'• Cav.lry Powdtna Teaberry Tootb PuwJer, Citrutc of )laJ:UC!Ii:.~, Ca ·en no E oo'a Fruit. ~alt. P 6pporminL LozellJ;eta, Ginger Murr•.•'• lo'lutd Magnesia Suvoay nnJ Moore'• Food \Vy••Lh'a Beef Iron aud Wino &heel''~ P.repared Coco.tuut Nort.hrntH!t Lyman's Vegotuble Di~coTory C..tr., Foot. Jelly, Nca••e 's ~·ood

do uo Quiuiuo W ino Ctiuncli Pinoa~pplc, Liauc J uice KelloJ:8'• Asthma H unof(]y Cttnn.-el Oy11tora

1 C•nneJ P e,.clous

do IJ..t•rrh Snuff. Wuodill's Baking Powde r P•raoua' Purg .. tive Pills Y •<tk•hio" Htli•h I >..ffy'• Klixir , Hop Ritt4'ts \Yu.,tiHbloiru Sunco Dr. Wallr:o r'a Vinel(•r 1Jatt..J111 lJotcd S~vory, D ried Sas:o H olloway'• Com Curo DricJ M in t , l>o ied Thyeuo Putman's Corn Kxtnactor Vim gur iu Buttlew Uutt.a Purcb .. 'fonda Stopping P ickHtOtoe'a Wu~loiug Cry»tal K.,,.tiu~:'• ln~t Powtler Cvlft:u nud M ilk ?11stu Gutta P.,rcha 'l 'illtluo, Oiled Silk Cu.wa nnJ M i lk lin NorLLrop & Lyllll\ll0

d Eluulaio n Hu t lo & c .... n .. t Pt\l\IC Ayur,a S"r""V"rill~. Pntnur'a Euoul•ion 1 II ~rrop;• Li.nun Glu..w ~'l11.11ks .

.•lo , ? h.,rry f ~tor" I . l l "f"ooa~ 1.1."" Bru eloc~. (Jiot!ll'11 BrnNloes Ptrr·etu Uolden llo:da.,.l lhsC>'lv11ry Ntul ,..,,1 Iouth tlo. :SI11w a11g du.

tlo p,,~ .. ti \ " p.,u.,UI I H:\ir Ua """""· c.,.oueti•I'ID tlo NU!il l uject.or.• !h·l'tl.~illl( Cuml'"• F. T. Vumhs

\Vet•rproof Nunoill~t Al'roDll Wnx T .. ,,..,.,., ~out>lliux BoLtlt-;, d o :SJOOIIJ:U U.•11H llituauell'll Liuou J u ic.• .1: Gly~•·rino

f oll"w"' CotL liOIIDU ~yro• 1• Ju. 'l'uilet Viut:" nr l'•orri,.'• till tlo A.lshl•nJs .Pluto P owJr:' ~trr:dwau'• Tet:thiu~ PuwJera Vont'>'rofn•tc.•l Lyu, SccUI••d Soapa ltubln!r Tnl.tilljl for lo'ue!<lco'>l Mixo..l Pllilll14-ill I lt. T ins A'!r:r'• IIDir Vi~or, s .. :r Hum Uoul>tol', ::,icnmt, Bath P ipo "llt>n'a H .. ir H .. Atort'r, CloilJ'• Trlllllle8 He•u nntl y,,IJ,,w Oc hlll, o ... unr v '" uiHb .\~ult.-,•,·rr~Pt.Sc,.,. &li~nrJ'., ~•uiw,cu c., lfc:t_r.. Euglnd~ <:opnl Vr~ni,.Ja-1 t;ul T taa,

Cal\' l'rl M c .. rLohc So..p, F .. u.,, 8 &.rt lo S,,tmwnotl St..Hn , \Vnlaoul :::itaiao Wrif;l.~t':. Uuleruot!ntt:d Winu Mahogany tlu. Ollk. <lv. '

Always 011 hand a large Stock of

Toilet Requisites, Perfumes, Dyes, Cigars, and Cigarettes.

lS'r Pcrsonnl attention gi\·cu to Pt·escription~, and nc1 rc ntcly prepared with pure drug\; •

\V • H. trOD of "'e~~t~TOOOIDnt ..... , b.at aae fdiDit. -----------------

WI b .... ao Act wbieh, . hke IDoel other Harbor Grace Stove Depot s u B s ... I ::;a,:,uot::: r0Nola:,bu1b~~~ a,=.h,;~~~.,=.: -•No- •: .I. iiT u T E S :-fl!ela a deep iotei"Nt. in &hi. quedioo, but Ola .. , Tln & BU4ware .S.tabUehmea\ not oaoro iot.el\!ft lbaa doca any ... n whu P""'4'- •JI~ko In t ho C'Ountry. So (To lAc ead nf Mturo. Jollt IUtu~• t Co'1 far aa be (Mr, S.) 'laodua'Oad. l be rai lway ifur,u•tile prt 1NiMI.)

C. Le KENNEDY thankful for l'aat fa.-•on rooei•ed froru t.ho ~pie of ~bia to •n and outvorte, wi~hl){l t.o inlorw hi1 many frionds •ll11 JIIOttuD.I th•t ho hu now iu atook a large v .. r ioLy of


car Tho polLiic aro O.lltio ne<l llltllinRt " CIIHWill which ia growing quito .:oantotun of lat.fl alllur.g .. certaiao cllllUI of mNli"ino-deult•n! a nd which ia tbia : Whe n ukc.i for " (J(lttl tt u f PJ.INoK ILL~R, the; eauldamly diacoYor that tbo•y &l't' " anltl o ut," bu~ ht~vo anutloer a·uclo juot aa &OOt.i, if uot t. .. ttcr ." wlaicla tl.ey will .. uvply at Ulil 11u1ue price.­'fho ol~act of this de<'et•tion ia trun~paront. Thb80 KUIO!ILitutee ltl'tl ma•lu "I' w ~~all o n the grc:<t. l't'fJUiatioo ol tloc PA I N • K I LLEK ; atotl t.r•ieog OOIDJlOU.nal~el ol tho vtlrat 11nd chc,.pe~t dru~;s, otro ' ""'t:ht. lo.v t.loc de·ulur at about loalf what. loo I"'Yli lor Llw J;PIIuiuc PAIN· K l.LKH, •doido on•ltll'll bien, Lloe•••f,,ru, to l't'uliJo " luw eo•aots uaoa o p roli t tot:r bottle upuu t.I.Je imitation h r ticlu Lban ho cn n on th!l gl'nu iuu.

Aot eeaMd to ,llan d~ on tb., twao, tieth of April Jae-, aoCl,J· r tbe uocutiore did their dutJ ther woul &...,e boon Ia a pooltioo t.o infoua ·ue tb'aa U.er had ro­fwoed t.o par · .0,. ubai.dr after tbo u ­plratloa of tba& date He bi-lf beliowed tbo colonr ie uol liable for tloi8 oubeid7, but ho dw:l DO& eeo lbo reeaoa why thla bouao ahonlil pu1 reeolutioaa t.o atroogtbea &he baada of tho OlllCUtivo whoa it pot· aouoe auoh men .. booourabloe Meaara. Tborburo,' Winter. Goodridl(e, ~~<~d othera ; DliQ of worth aad a!Jilitt, aad aaia:aatacl. aa we know tber are. bra doaire to ophokl tbo right.a o f tho coloay 110il aol aulfar lt to be Ulidlod with ooe dollar of outlAy for which it ie uo& juatlr aod O?uitabl7 liable. lfe bad full conlldeoce 1n their probityat~d cap.airy to take au boa .. t 11n•l Jill& poaitiou on L11i8 qa11tloa oa behalf o f tho colony, whoee aonaat.a they &!'$. Dur­lQI the pro11reaa of tho rall••r work, ao amoul of outer7 waa too load .,ainU tho late n oootlu for ue11l~ of eiuty in oot lnalallng upoo tho d epoilit of 1100,000 be, ing kept ia tbo baok, aud for ot!Jer laebea. Ue hoped tho pr-!ll n~IJP"o woald not c~ l be .... lv• to eiroU .. cll"tVM Ia nt rard t.o tbe railway matter, a~:ll tl1at ther lln•lr rceiat aor fno1d or diaJionoetr beioo~e committed. A ruootb ball now elapaed alaco tbe tiDMt expired within which . tbo rail••r OOtDpaaywere boOlld t.o rntlll &heir contnoct, aod bo t.rutod &.lie ID"•mmeol hne talrea tbo proper etepe t.o reralod tho compa117 or Ita rtpr-ut•tlftl that, hatiug failed t.o carry out their oad.rtaklur, heuoo­fortb ao paymeata will be made bytbo col· our ualeaa foroed t.o do 10 t-r tbe p~ of law. Not. Jou-r 1110 oertalo ..-,lutlona nrxing railwar extonalo~: were ietrodaced In tbo lower Hooae, and the GoYemmea~­aotlaiC aa, oo doobt, ther beli .. ad beet oa­det all t.bo circu10a~fued Cit 1:1p• pontbem. Ue(Mr. 8 )todareedthtrircoo­duct Ia &hal -·· aa tbef dtelared tbtrir N>Joctl011 wu bMed upon a deeirt LO ..,.,.

of atll doocril'tioua with all iruvroYenaer.ts-oomvriaing.


tno !.ten For Sudden Ooids. Neu7algic, Rheumatic, and all other Pains in any pf\l't of the Body,

tala ud how w1th oertalnl7 ~•ba• &llelr euc& etatllt •• nuder the .. ~ nllwat •• , 000 t.nlc\. ll• ooiMi4ertcl &bell' prO. oedort 111 thai matter Pr~>tJiahacb eap· pan ae &a.- n.la&ione W. .be 111ppoatd t.o •fOld le 1101 ....Secl t.o -anwre the Oo""'_. to·-.t .. to )lara oor rilcbtfol poeilioftdellned. tie fel&llleJ •-aiM ... .-ry, thee ooeaoll ecilrilu waueeded &.a l111pelthe -e at &lie lind of 011rdalrt tc1do trba& It rip I ........ 18 &lie .. ..._ ot &1M! ooloeJ. •

<"' .. Cl08lilewrl)



toge ther with GRATES and FJT'riN~ of ell ..W.. ·

Al110, a fino Ulort.mont of the no•eet etyleo of

Gothic GRATES (Bri&iab and Aworican.)

IN THE SHOP ie a lerg11 1t.ook of the following arLiolee and o1hen1 too nniJieroua ~ •pocily­Paiute of all colon, Spirlla of f11rpeulioe 11111011 l'aiota ia 1, 2 aud :lib tioa • Lluwe:l Oil-boiled and raw, White Lead Ziaa Wbit.e. Pour. Wloitlor, Oebn. Glue Copal aod Furniture Vamiab, Maella&• · l(aroeeoe Oil, W indow Ulaae-all alua Haraete, Furui\orc aod Uraae l,'oli8b Bruuwlok Hlack, Cbuo'• Liquid Glue GIJeerioo Leather Ore .. lor.

HARDWARE o( e'er1 deecriptioo.

Onl Boilera, ~ellod aod nuod Boilert ~lia&a & Amerioao Rim ud Mortlle Loon 'YIIIdo~ Fonl&are, IMela u.aa.-Urilll l'ole r..csa, Hraclret.a ud BUlge A~- Aue ud l:Ja&obeta Eaalllll Hatebet.a Atoeri .. Col Nalluod Flolahtor Nail•. Q•w&re-lAmp Cbhnul" ud l:Suraora Ha&l aad Dialq Room Luapa ~~·~~·-:t ud s lfalata. SUa l 'allle ....... Toll .. tJete Bri&aaalt. Metal T• a11d CofH Pots 8Unr=:r.bl•,..,_" aod ·r~ .. 8lltW TMle aacl u.-n ron. ODTLBBY of all lDnda. a.,.,.~~..aa.~ ud ~a-Ina ,,., .......... 1 • .rom. TOOLS OJ' ALL DBIORIPl'IO~S G&oOEBIES.-CofW, Soapa. lbt.eb ..

ete. eco. · To all ofwlliala l~all laYited •

8'f• ll,le .. die fo.- f»CCIIIble ,.;. Q,4 lt~BDY.




N28 Price, 20o., ~!!c. arod 50o. argo bottlos cbl'Upcat.

Sold by all Medicine D~~Mlers.

F~HHBIES''8G Will ~~~~~t~e d~:::~ e~ovie-ta;:o of anr p«aon eolliag o r deallog in an1

I · bvstl14, cooa~rfelt. Of imitation H OP l:SIT· TEllS, oapeciallr Billera or preparation• • i~b the word HoP or floPe io their name or cou r.4Kted &here with, tba~ ia lal4rnded t.o oni8 le~d Alld e.beat IIII!>Oblic, Of for aar pr.,par. •lion pn\ Ill aur form, prcteudalllt k) be the L,uao aa lf~P UtnERS. 'floe i"'Duioe han cloller of G111111 Uors (ootleelhia) pria~ on tbo w~i!ll label, aad ue tilt. puree& awd best ruediCIDO on earth, etpeoiall, for Kirl ne,,, Liver a nd Nerroua DiMUel. Beware of all o thera aDd of all p~odcd (onuolu of recelpta or HoP BtTrtiiS publiebed In papera or Jor aall', 11 they are fraode Mud awiadlea. W boever dealt lo .,r bat the g.aoiuo will be proeoeated.

W E Bt::G TO SAY that •• aro Jul17 proJlared at our a ew M ill, to ou(l­

plr FISHING Ul!:AR ror &II~ N~W. FOUNI>LANl> FlliHI!:RI~. to/ tile b<.t 110ru "" on~ capahle of ~-~~. all oew aad fntab, ia ""Y quaotilJ, aa 'we bold a larae tit.oek, aad all or<tera will recei• e Mr. Srowt:'s care'ul alloatioa. with tb .. of Air. It tee, at the Mill, who baa made tloo laracer van ol Amerieaa Neta Mat t.o N••fouud­laud 'tbe paal e,.b&.Mo yean.. We off"'

HoP l:Smau !tiro. Co., aalS llocboatllr NY.,

"' 8•._ frau ~arb -••u -CONCEPTION BAY -ADVER7J8ER.

I S priaWd elld p11bliabed "~1'1 S.nva­ou IAOrular by J . r Muo a$ tbt'

• 81a0dard"04Deo, Wa~r Stree&, fear of M_,.._ Qaia&ia'e allop, Harbor Graoe NnfoctadlaatJ l'UQ-Twulr .ww'oaa per AIID1Uit-J*1· .w. balf· JIIlrly. . TlliUIIIOI AOVUTW•o-l'irdf.naortioa­

for &broe Uau (bnrier type) 11., for e••rJ addhioaal Gaa lei. I' or eaob coll­tblaMaoll Olle,&bi.M of tho &ret oharp.

..... AdYirtl ..... te NC!eiYed aUbe e llee 0 thl• paper wlthou' wriUea lltatrictiou lltaldar the aa•bn' of llllfttiou.'(A•o­tlou, Sal• aod Notloa wlalclb'cletemlae UtetaMlna ••oepted) •m be nptaiiiCl atll onlertcl fa ~rttl•r to lie .~~ cbawL

top related