ducey roadmap print

Post on 28-Apr-2017






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Dear Fellow Arizonan:

It’s the question I get asked the most. “As governor, what will your agenda be?”

Here it is. This “Roadmap to Opportunity and Freedom” is designed to give voters a clear explanation of what the state’s priorities are; how a Ducey administration would approach these key issues; and what you could expect in my term as governor.

At Cold Stone Creamery I learned how to set priorities and get results. Running a government is different than growing a business, but many of the same principles apply. Our next governor needs to:

Promote policies – such as lowering taxes and spending less – that spur private sector job creation and restore economic growth to our state.

Improve education. It’s a moral imperative. Every day that our kids spend in under-performing schools is limiting their future. This isn’t about money – it’s about quality choices and accountability, and I address those in detail in this booklet.

Help Arizona chart its own path by getting out from under the thumb of the federal government. From Obamacare to the IRS to all the new regulations on small businesses, the level of control that’s coming from the Obama administration is unprecedented, and we need to push back on it at every opportunity.

Safeguard the lives and liberties of our citizens. We must defend against infringements on the constitutional right to keep and bear arms; fully enforce the rights of crime victims; and make the protection of Arizona children from criminal abuse and neglect the first priority of our laws.

Promote a just and compassionate society. We need to encourage across our state a culture of life in which the most vulnerable and needy are not viewed as a problem, but as a priority.

All these issues and more are addressed in the following pages. Please take time to read this, and visit the campaign website at www.dougducey.com

And if this is the path you’d like Arizona to follow, I hope I can count on your vote in the Republican primary on August 26!


From the desk of


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Reform the tax code. Arizona’s tax code needs to be simpler and taxes need to be lower. There are too many rates, too many exceptions, and over the years there’s been too much tinkering with the tax code. The tax climate is a primary consideration when companies choose where to locate. We will have an environment that creates more jobs – both from local businesses that grow and new businesses that come here – if we reform the tax code.

I will submit legislation to reduce taxes every year, with the goal of pushing income tax rates as close to zero as possible.

Change laws that are anti-Arizona. For example, the requirements we impose on banks that do business with the state favor “Too-Big-To-Fail” banks, none of which are located here in Arizona. We have many fi ne local banks that would be capable of managing large state accounts. Let’s give them the chance to compete and grow in Arizona!

Recruit from California and Illinois. The 8th-largest economy in the world is right next door in California, and it’s busy taxing and regulating employers and small businesses to death. Illinois is so bad that we’re practically already Chicago’s favorite suburb! Given my background growing Cold Stone Creamery, I can help persuade employers they should be expanding and creating jobs here instead of enduring the headaches of high-tax states such as these.

Eliminate unnecessary regulation. Ask small businesspeople what makes their lives diffi cult, and – after taxes – they inevitably say it’s the cost and uncertainty of complying with so many regulations. Regulatory compliance almost always requires hiring a lawyer or some other specialist, and it costs money and takes time. We need a government-wide review of regulations, including strengthening and better publicizing the regulatory review mechanism that quantifi es the costs of new rules on Arizona employers. By executive action I will eliminate bureaucratic regulations that are unreasonable and unfair to business owners and employees.

Stop lawsuit abuses. I will send to our legislature a civil-justice reform bill designed to end frivolous litigation, harassment, and excessive fee collection by trial lawyers.


The Issue: Arizona’s economy has only recovered a little more than half of the jobs it’s lost since the Great Recession.

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The Issue: We’re spending way too much. Our state’s general fund budget is marching past $9 billion, and that’s bigger than Arizona needs or can afford for what we’re getting in return.


Agency audits. Our state government needs a top-down review. There are over 80 separate agency budgets that all report directly to the governor. We need a task force that conducts internal reviews, researches other states’ best practices, and then delivers a report on proposed cuts and effi ciencies. This would include a review of state assets, including vehicles, aircraft, and repair shops. Real savings can be achieved and passed on to taxpayers.

Reduce duplication and overlap. It’s not intentional – state employees don’t look for ways to waste money. But here’s one example: Arizona has at least fi ve agencies that issue debt without any coordination between them. They each hire their own bond counsel and fi nancial advisor instead of consolidating that function in one place. Past efforts to streamline this have gone nowhere because no agency wants to give up control. There are many examples like this where costs can be cut and taxpayers will benefi t.

Look for technology-driven savings. Some parts of Arizona’s state government are modernized – for instance, our safety net programs that distribute tax dollars – but far too many offi ces and programs are stuck in the 20th century. Over the long haul, technology can save substantial amounts of money for the state.

Private sector solutions. Wherever possible, government services should be outsourced to give local Arizona businesses the chance to provide the service more effi ciently. Government can pay for things, but it shouldn’t attempt to do everything when the private sector can do it cheaper and better.

Restore spending discipline. We must hold state spending increases below the rates of infl ation and population growth except in real emergencies. I will sign into law – without new taxes – a balanced budget every year that I serve as governor, and veto any bill that violates either of these commitments.

Shrink government. By the end of the next governor’s fi rst term 27 percent of the state’s workforce will be eligible to retire. We can reduce the size and cost of government through technology and disciplined justifi cation of any new hires. A small savings today yields large savings tomorrow.

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The Issue: Too many Arizona schoolchildren are graduating without skills they need. For their sake and ours, Arizona’s schools need to do better.


More choices for parents. Parents need to make the choices that are best for their children, and should have the option to get their kids out of failing schools with consistently-poor track records. Arizona leads the nation in charter school excellence and they can be a great alternative. Unfortunately, many of them also have daunting waiting lists. As governor, I will submit legislation to eliminate waiting lists for excelling schools, while advancing broad and bipartisan reforms to apply the best practices of high-performing charter and district schools.

Money needs to be spent in the classroom. Each year since 2004, school districts have decreased the percentage of their resources they allocate to our classrooms. With almost 250 school districts and over 40 percent of the employment in district schools not being a teacher or a teacher’s aide, the amount of money being spent on ‘overhead’ is much too high. Money should go where it will do the most good – rewarding superior teachers, and to providing materials, supplies, and technology that will enhance learning for all students.

More accountability at all levels. Principals need to be allowed to run their schools and teachers need to be able to control their classrooms. Give them the authority they need and the results will be astounding. And if they don’t measure up, then someone else should take their place. Schools should be graded and parents should be informed about the quality of the schools their children are attending. It’s basic accountability, and it works.

Higher standards and higher expectations. Arizona has many great teachers and some of the highest-performing schools in the country. We need to take their successes and replicate them across the state. We also need to include more rigorous civics education standards. Arizona kids should graduate knowing the basics regarding American history and what it means to be a U.S. citizen.

State control, not federal. I will resist overreach from the federal government, including Common Core, and protect our schools from federal intrusion into the state and local responsibility of public education.

It’s not about the money. Between federal, state, and local money, Arizona spends more than $9 billion educating more than one million children. That’s around $8,700 per child. We need to make real reforms and get better results from the money we already spend, rather than simply throwing money into a system that’s under-performing.

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The Issue: The federal government doesn’t get it. Arizonans live with the consequences of a porous border every day. It has to stop.


It all starts with securing the border. Any progress on illegal immigration starts with controlling our border and stopping the flow of illegal immigrants here. It is government’s most basic responsibility, and yet it’s one the federal government has completely botched.

I will protect Arizona’s citizens. I will use every authority granted to the governor to hold the federal government accountable for its consistent failure to meet this urgent law-enforcement obligation. I will also commit significant new state resources to the prevention and prosecution of violent crimes by persons here illegally. Leadership is all about setting priorities, and ensuring our safety is at the top of the list.

Our immigration system is badly broken. The federal government must begin to do its job and get its priorities straight. Legal and thoughtful immigration is good for our country and part of what makes us different and exceptional. We are a nation of immigrants and we need this fixed.

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The Issue: Arizona must protect the liberty and safety of its citizens.


Child Protective Services. We need to commit ourselves to being the safest state in the country for children. We need to help and protect those who can’t protect themselves, and as governor I will ensure we have the tools and the resources to do the job right.

Defend the most fundamental right of any person – the right to life. We need to encourage across our state a culture of life in which the most vulnerable and needy are not viewed as a problem, but as a priority.

Emphasis on mental health. Arizona has solid protections for gun owners, hunters, and sportsmen. And yet whenever a violent act occurs, the knee-jerk reaction is to call for more controls on guns.

The tragedies that have recently occurred – Tucson, Aurora, Newtown – would not have been averted with stricter gun laws. The common thread in these tragedies is that many warning signs were overlooked or ignored. Ensuring better cooperation between mental health agencies and law enforcement is the right approach.

Protecting our fundamental freedoms and keeping our communities and children safe. I will defend the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. I will also fully protect the rights of crime victims, make the protection of Arizona children from criminal abuse and neglect the fi rst priority of our laws, and work with the federal government to ensure Arizona’s veterans and military heroes receive top-level care and services as thanks from a grateful nation.

Appropriate punishment for criminals who commit crimes with guns. The connection needs to be crystal clear: If you commit a violent act with a weapon, then you’re going to be severely punished for it.

Conservative judges who respect individual rights. In our legal system, the men and women with the gavel matter. Ensuring Arizona’s courts are populated with people who understand the impact their decisions have on our every-day lives and freedoms is essential.

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The Issue: Government hasn’t kept pace with the private sector, and there are many things government can do to better serve taxpayers.


End the reliance on special districts. The Arizona Republic did a study last year and found that Maricopa County alone has almost 1,500 special taxing districts. As a result, people in the same neighborhood can pay hundreds of dollars more in taxes depending on how many special districts their house is in. Government needs to be transparent and accountable to citizens, and the current system is neither. Reforming the proliferation of special taxing districts would be a good fi rst step.

Review existing practices. Here’s an example: At the Treasurer’s offi ce we found the formula for distributing money from the Permanent Land Endowment was fl awed. Some years schools received money, and some years they received nothing. We worked with the legislature, got voter approval, and changed the formula to ensure a steadier, more reliable stream of funding for education. There are many common-sense reforms that can be implemented, but they require conscious effort and a more business-like approach.

Changing government hours and making government more accessible via the Internet. Government generally works 9-5, Monday through Friday. That may have worked years ago, but with many Arizona families working more than one job, they may not have the ability to get to a government offi ce in those hours. Flexible hours, as well as making more information and services available over the Internet, are both ways we can be more responsive to taxpayers and better fi t their needs.

Repeal old, unnecessary laws. Arizona just turned 100 years old. Our statutes have 49 titles and 10,500 pages of laws. The governor and legislature should review how each title of our legal code could be simplifi ed. Being in government shouldn’t be just about adding new laws; it should be about repealing old and outdated ones as well.

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The Issue: Obamacare is a monumental failure and has made a royal mess of health care.


State Control. There’s no reason we need to be stuck with the policy options the feds want to impose on us. States such as Arkansas and Rhode Island have sought and received waivers to do things differently. In Indiana, then-Gov. Mitch Daniels enacted innovations like Health Savings Accounts into Healthy Indiana, the state’s Medicaid program, in a way that has not only promoted personal responsibility but also kept costs down – while having a 96% satisfaction rating among participants. It will be a top priority of the Ducey administration to learn from the best practices of other states and to get out from under the federal government’s thumb. I will lead the effort to negotiate a Medicaid waiver for Arizona and to protect our state from Obamacare, one of the worst laws ever signed by any American president.

Controlling the cost of Medicaid expansion. The expansion of Medicaid as part of Obamacare receives significant federal money… for the first three years. After that the rules will change, and Arizona taxpayers may need to pay considerably more. As governor I will prepare for all scenarios, and I will not allow a massive new entitlement to grow into a huge financial burden for future generations of Arizonans. We will keep a lid on healthcare costs, period.

Helping those who truly need it. We want to care for our most vulnerable and needy citizens, and we want our healthcare options in Arizona to be the best in the nation. Medicaid is a program originally designed to take care of the destitute and disabled, but it’s now being expanded as a middle class entitlement. We need to focus our efforts on people who genuinely need the help and can’t do without it.

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“Doug Ducey’s leadership style is to first ground himself in the substance of the critical issues facing our state. I respect that. His skills, his knowledge of business management, his conservative credentials, and his proven record as State Treasurer are precisely what are needed for Arizona.”


“I’m considered pretty much the most conservative Member of Congress, and I’m endorsing him because I know that he is committed to the conservative foundations of this party and the Constitution. I’ve concluded in my heart that Doug Ducey personifies everything that the Republican Party should be, not only on issues and the constitutional foundations, but the man has a great love for humanity.”


“Doug Ducey is a strong leader who has proven through both his business experience and time spent as State Treasurer that he holds the interest of Arizona citizens to the highest regard. His push to reduce government overreach and create jobs is exactly what our economy needs. He has earned my vote for governor.”


“As a franchisee of Cold Stone Creamery, I felt the support not only from Doug but his entire team. I believe that someone with the entrepreneur’s spirit understands small businesses and understands that small businesses are a big part of the state’s economy, and I think that Doug Ducey has been very supportive of small business people like myself to be able to be successful.”


“I’ve gotten to know Doug well over the past several years. Here’s what impresses me: Doug has a clear vision about where he wants to lead the state. His focus is the economy and making Arizona a magnet for job creation and economic opportunity. That has to be the number one priority for our next governor, and Doug has the right background, skills, and ideas to actually make a difference.”


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“I have endorsed State Treasurer Doug Ducey. He is a conservative, a successful businessman, and has run and won state-wide in 2010, and led the state’s anti-tax hike forces two years later in the defeat of a state wide initiative pushing a billion-dollar tax hike.”


“Arizona Right to Life has endorsed Doug Ducey’s candidacy because we believe he shares our values and will be a strong pro-life governor.”


“Doug stands with me in the fight against crime and the fight for the rights of crime victims. I am proud to support him.”


“If we are going to increase job opportunities for the people of our state and give everyone the opportunity for a better life, we will need lower taxes and fewer regulatory burdens on businesses. Doug will work hard to make this happen.”


“Ducey is a committed free market fiscal conservative who won’t shy away from making tough decisions or taking on big challenges… His leadership is what we need to craft free market, pro-growth oriented policies that make Arizona a great place to work and live.”

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