dyhr webinar ppt v4

Post on 11-Jul-2015






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Revealed: My Super Simple System to Doubling (or Tripling) Your Hourly Rate, Yesterday!

(Hey! There’s still time to Tweet or FB out the link to this webinar. Cut and paste this link & tell friend!)



You are SO in the right place!

Now, let’s talk about my “McDonalds Moment”(and I love me my McDonald’s, but…)

In this webinar, you’re going to learn:

How to calculate your hourly rate (super fast because you’ve probably already done that).

How to finally charge what you’re worth. How to raise your prices without raising them.

How to get a looootttt more efficient, in like 5 seconds (hint: permission granted to bail on some of those emails).

How to cut your expenses.

Lots of other little nuggets I’m going to drop in to be sweet.

How to Get Your Hourly Rate:

Julia the Graphic Artist: Client - Stanley

Revenue: $10,000

Less Expenses (COGS):• Printing, Staff, Etc:


Less Forget Me Nots:

• Shipping, Couriers, Lattes, Etc: - $2, 000

Gross Profit, Right?: =$1,000 (BUT… YOU haven’t gotten paid!)

Time – Add it Up:(List in hours or fractions of hours)

• Phone• Texting• Emailing• Etc

= 200 Hours

Divide $1,000/ 200 Hours = $5/ Hour

Now:At the top of a blank sheet of paper, write your GOAL hourly rateBelow that, write your ACTUAL hourly rateSubtract to get the difference and determine how far we need to go

GOAL: $100/Hour

ACTUAL: $5/Hour


So how do you fix it??

This is how you fix it & finally charge what you’re worth!:

Know what you’re worth (we just did that) Determine your target audience Learn what keeps them up at night Figure out how you can uniquely solve the problem Determine what it’s WORTH to them for you to solve it Set your pricing Road test it Course correct

Some other ways to fix it:

“Raise” your prices without raising them Cut your expenses Get a lotttttt more efficient

Reality check!

Did I deliver what I promised?

Now, here’s what you need to do:1.Go back and recalculate your hourly rate 2 or 3 times.

2. Write out your goal hourly rate3.Create your target audience avatar – what keeps them up at night,

etc4. Determine how much they will pay

5. Start charging them6. Tweak your marketing messages

7.Fix your networking8. Go back and “raise” your prices without raising them

9. List all of the ways you can cut your expenses10. Get more efficient

If you figure it out, then you’ll get these results…

1.Confidence2. More free time

3.Clarity4.Reignited passion

5.Love for your business6.The ability to give back

7.Piece of mind that YOU made all of this happen!

I’m going to take questions in just a sec, but first…

If you DO want help, I can help and here’s how… meet your new best friend!

My brand new, never offered, 5-week program:

“The Super Secret System to Making More than Your Lawyer, No Matter How Expensive They Are!”

A Step by Step Guide to Doubling (or Tripling) Your Hourly Rate, So You Can Outcharge Your Attorney, or Any Other Bloodsucker on Your Team!

What You’ll Get In the Program!

The secret ways to finally charge what you’re worth

Actually KNOW what you’re worth, not just “think” you know

A strategic plan to go form what you’re currently making now to that GOAL you’ve got

Learn to save your marketing dollars by clearly identifying your target audience

Stop wasting time on networking that’s NEVER GOING TO WORK

Learn what keeps your clients “up at night” so you can actually solve their problems and they will GLADLY pay you what you’re worth

…What You’ll Get In the Program!

4 keys that MUST be in alignment for you to charge what you’re worth

System for determining your pricing based on YOUR specific market, YOUR actual customers and what YOU are super passionate about doing. No more GUESSING!!!

Plus easy steps to:- Raise your prices without raising them- Cut your expenses without even noticing- Get a lotttttt more efficient by getting out of the email jail

The secret to actually believe AND state with your NEW rate with confidence

Less work, higher self-esteem and a LOT more FREE TIME

QuickStart Call – As SOON as you sign up! As in, NOW!

Training Video 1 (Mon, 10/14) – Raising your prices without raising them!

Training Video 2 (Mon, 10/21) – Getting a LOT more efficient

Training Video 3 (Mon, 10/28) – Slashing those expenses

Training Video 4 (Mon, 11/4) – Putting it all together

Training Video 5 (Tues, 11/12) 9am PT) – Live Q/A

Bonus Strategy Session Week (Week of Mon, 11/18)

Here’s How The Program Shapes Up:


Bonus 1: One on One Strategy with me! (But while supplies last!) We’ll focus on whatever will help your business the most! ($350 Value)

Bonus 2: Making More Money by Getting the Celebrities of Your Town! Exactly how I got all of my A-List celebrities! ($350 Value/Priceless)

Bonus 3: Getting Your Hourly Rate Video Tutorial (Where we’ll go over exactly what you’re making so you can make more!)

Here’s How You Can Sign Up!



“The Super Secret System to Making More than your Lawyer, No Matter How Expensive They Are!”

A Step by Step Guide to Doubling (or Tripling) Your Hourly Rate, So You Can Outcharge Your Attorney, or Any Other Bloodsucker on Your Team

Starts this Monday, October 14, 2013

Go to: www.DoubleYourRateNow.com/Join to sign up today for only 2 Payments of just $147 Each OR

$257 (Regularly $497)

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