dynamic data displays: experiences from usda’s economic research service

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Dynamic Data Displays: Experiences from USDA’s Economic Research Service. Vince Breneman GIS Coordinator USDA-Economic Research Service March 5, 2007. Economic Research Service Overview. 400 employees (300 social scientists) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Dynamic Data Displays: Experiences from USDA’s Economic Research


Vince BrenemanGIS Coordinator

USDA-Economic Research ServiceMarch 5, 2007

Economic Research Service Overview

400 employees (300 social scientists) ERS conducts a research program to inform public and private decision-making on economic and policy issues involving:



food markets

food safety, nutrition, and assistance

natural resources

rural America

Data visualization objectives

ClientsPolicy/legislative gatekeepersPress/Media Commodity industry/AgribusinessResearch communityPublic

Goal is to provide our clients with robust data products that will allow them to find, explore, extract data and build custom presentation products with some level of consistency


Lots of products often in the wrong format to create dynamic displays

100 data products that in include 1000’s of datasetsMost products are file based with meta data in the file

A variety of users wanting different things from the dataSome want a number a relationship a table or database graphics

Finding data How do we expose data and information that are contained in our automated data delivery systemsHow do users find cross tabulations and geographic subsets etc.


Departmental guidelines limited screen real-estate: 767 pixel width,140 pixel header, ¼ left nav box, ¼ right nav box 508 compliance – must provide reasonable access to the visually impairedPopups not advised because of popup blockersDepartmental guidelines have and will change so building applications with a level of flexibility becomes part of our requirements

Commercial packages we use for developing Web data visualization applications

Corda’s PopChart – graphing toolGenerates flash files as well as jpgs, eps, pdf …Provides some standard graph types but we have done a bit of customizationTo reduce development time and provide some consistency we have been building graphing web servicesProvides a d-link for visually impaired

ESRI’s ArcIMS 9.1 for mapping of detailed geographies generally county level of lowerUtilizes our SQL Server and spatial data repositoryAble to incorporate a host of spatial reference layers

ERS data sets page

Lots of productsDepartmental guidelinesFinding data

ERS food consumption applicationProvides food availability estimates of food supplies moving from production through marketing channels for domestic consumption.U.S. national level annual time series 1909 - 2005 Includes hundreds of commodities from beef and pork to coffee and tea to potato chips

Total domestic population

Food Consumption data selection page

- Application instructions- User defined graph-able subset-Output options

Challenge:Wanted to show over 100variables creating a LIL (Long Intimidating List)

Solution: Break list into categories

Challenge: Application description and data query component takes up lots of screen real-estate

Solution: Jump return page to data selection and results

Challenge:Want to illustrate the group total and commodity shares - this can create scaling issues

Solution:Allow user to add or delete items from selected group

PopChart features: - Graph dynamically scales Y-axis for a given set of data

- PopCharts generates flash files with rollovers to get actual values

-PopCharts provides d-link for visually impaired

Challenge:Wanted graph to standalone and be clear about what it was representing

Solution:Include extensive footnotes

Challenge:How do we handle to many variables?

Solution: Panel plots?

Profiles of America mapping applicationspatial data

Purpose: Help users visualize over 100 important US county level demographic and socio-economic indicators and a number of ERS rural indicators/geographiesSummarize demographic data by rural geographies and by StateAllow the application to be extended with new indicators of regional geographies

Outputs include maps, graphs and tablesThis is one of our first highly interactive data visualization products

Regional geographies/typologiesRural-Urban Continuum Code, 2003 County Typology Codes, 2004 Metro-Nonmetro status, 2003 Metro-Micro-Noncore status, 2003 Urban Influence Code, 2003

Unemployment rate, 2003

Example Demographic and Socio-economic data

Population and Migration Age and Sex Race and Ethnicity Educational Attainment Households and Families Journey to Work Employment and Unemployment Income and Poverty

How do unemployment rates compare between metro and nonmetro regions?

State selection – US default

Topic groupings

Rural indicators

Challenge:How to map 3000+ counties quickly…under 2 seconds?

Solution:Currently we use ESRI ArcIMS - thin client

Regions view

Standard map navigation


Do you just show the state or surrounding states?

Challenge:Where to display identity tool results?


Used pop-ups - Now posting table results below the map

Challenge:How to link map regions and chart regions

Solution:Used color linkages

Same population change variable aggregated to a different geography

How to aggregate data?

Make sure all variables were using the same county base geographyDevelop a data sturcture to handle regional aggregations

Identified variables as totals, ratio or categoricalRatio data (rates, percentages) need to know the numerator and the denominator by regionTotals sum variable by region

Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) application

ARMS is USDA's primary source of information on the financial condition, production practices, resource use, and the economic well-being of America's farm households It’s a large and complicated dataset with over 650 variables before you start summarizing the data with various categorical variables

It’s a large complicated dataset with over 650 variables before you start slicing and dicing

All these variable are embedded in an application and it’s quit difficult to wrap a search engine around it


How do you search this variable list and provide useful result to the user?

Solution: ???

Commercial farms:Very large family farms, non-family farms

Intermediate farms:farming occupation/high sales farms, large family farms

Rural residence farms:limited-resource, retirement, residential/lifestyle, farming occupation/low sales

2005 view of farm assets per farm

2005 view of farm assets


Challenge:How do we show farm assets by farm typology over time?How do we provide statistical significance to the estimates?


Panel plots

Provide confidence bounds


We had to calculate confidence bounds in the application….Would prefer the graphing software to handle it.


How do we show farm assets by region?


Charts on a map

Farm assets over time by region – with confidence bound

Challenge:There are several ways to show the same data each with different users in mind

Solution:Display data in multiple formats

Challenge:How to provide an easy way for comparison of multiple graphs?

Solution: Here grabbed jpgs and lined up in PowerPoint

Farm household income from farming and from off farm sources

Useful approaches for developing Web data visualization applications

Identifying a few graphing products to concentrate development…Corda’s PopChart and ESRI ArcIMSDeveloping data exploration apps for in house use – provides utility to research staff and a test bed for external applicationsIn house usability testing – really helps you identify the common information people are looking for from a dataset/application

Concluding thoughts

Building dynamic data displays helps ERS and its clients in a number of ways

Makes data products more accessible and usableProvides ways of turning data into informationProvides better ways to find informationProvides incentives to organize and manage our data in better ways supporting both our research and data dissemination missions

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