dzhokhar tsarneav

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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Dzhokhar Tsarneav. Background. Born near Chechnya, Russia Been in U.S. since 2001 19 years old Student at University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth Accomplished medical student Very skilled wrestler on scholarship in college Two sisters named Bella and Amina - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Born near Chechnya, RussiaBeen in U.S. since 200119 years oldStudent at University of Massachusetts-DartmouthAccomplished medical studentVery skilled wrestler on scholarship in collegeTwo sisters named Bella and AminaBrother, Tamerlan, was accomplice and shot in shoot

out with police


Boston bombings were Dzhokhar’s first offense

Tamerlan was apprehended in 2009 for domestic violence against his girlfriend


Tamerlan Dzhokhar

Dzhokhar and Tamerlan committed the act of bombing the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013

Tamerlan died in a police shootout while Dzhokhar ranAfter 24 hours of police looking for Dzhokhar, he was

finally found in Watertown, Massachusetts and captured

May face state and federal charges, including terroristic and murder charges


Boston Marathon bombing on April 15, 2013


Surveillance cameras showed the two brothers dropping backpacks full of bombs at the finish line of the marathon

Later in the night, the two brothers carjacked a car and left the driver inside—driver said that the two men were bragging about being Boston Bombers

Dzhokhar ran—why would he if he wasn’t guilty?


Dzhokhar is still in the hospital awaiting his charges and court dates. He suffered a serious throat injury that has prevented him from answering any questions. He has not been charged/sentenced yet.


Tweeted just hours after bombing, “Ain’t no love in the heart of the city, stay safe people” which is a quote from the rapper Jay-Z


The nickname of Dzhokhar Tsarneav is the Boston Bomber.


I bel ieve that the reason that the Tsarneav brothers committed the Boston bombings di rect ly correlate with the differential-association theory . The two brothers were raised near Chechnya, Russia. This area is known for producing seasoned terrorists. I bel ieve that the brothers were raised this way. Many people bel ieve that Tamerlan Tsarneav left the United States for six months and returned to Russia with his family. When he returned back to the US, he had the whole act planned out and shared i t with his brother, who agreed. I t is bel ieved that whi le in Russia, Tamerlan was trained on how to bui ld bombs much l ike the ones that were used in the Boston Marathon bombings. Through Tamerlan’s terrorist ic interact ion with the people around him, even i f not direct ly in his family, i t can be concluded that this is how he learned/decided to be a deviant cr iminal . He shared those lessons with his brother, Dzhokhar. Dzhokhar probably wouldn’t have became a cr iminal , especial ly in this cr ime, i f i t wasn’t for his interact ion and associat ion with his brother. Although we cannot conclude how frequent, long, or intense Tamerlan and Dzhokhar’s cr iminal associat ions were, we can draw out that each aspect of their interact ions with each other and others made an impact on their l ives. I f these interact ions never took p lace, we are forced to quest ion whether the brothers would have committed these deviant acts or not. Because these acts were committed, though, there are many quest ions that our country st i l l has for Dzhokhar and the people back in Chechnya.


I believe that Dzhokhar Tsarneav does not deserve rehabilitation. He deserves to be punished for the crime he and his brother committed. Although he needs to be thoroughly questioned, he deserves to go to jail for the rest of his life. He needs to be questioned about if his acts were terroristic and if he is in a terrorist group that is going to continue attacking the United States or other countries. His motives need to be questioned, as well. He deserves nothing more than a life in jail for the Boston Marathon bombings.


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