e-commerce promotion 101: how to use non-intrusive popups to generate more sales in less time

Post on 23-Jan-2018






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E-Commerce Promotion 101:

How to Use Non-Intrusive Popups to

Generate More Sales in Less Time





Thue is the Kissmetrics Webinar Wizard and Marketing Ops Manager. Before joining forces with Kissmetrics, he

was a Lyft driver in SF, which is also how he ended up as a Kissmetrics marketer. Whenever Thue is not trying to

automate everything around him, you can find him hiking in the Sierras.

THUE MADSENMarketing Operations Manager, Kissmetrics


Emil Kristensen is CMO and Co-founder at Sleeknote, a lead generation tool for e-commerce.

When he’s not busy writing awesome content and building the Sleeknote brand, he spends his time reading

and watching vlogs on YouTube.

EMIL KRISTENSENCMO & Co-founder, Sleeknote





1 Introduction

Personalize your popups by making them page-specific

Use popups as virtual employees to guide your visitors

Promote your products with promotion popups

Catch abandoning visitors with popups

Improve your website by using popups as surveys

2 5 Ways of Using Popups for Your E-Commerce to Increase Sales

3 How to Increase the Conversion Rate for a Popup



The importance of using popups the right way

How one e-commerce site increased their optin rate by 512.5%

Increase the conversion rate for your popups by A/B testing

What to NEVER do when using popups

Popup best practices


The importance of using popups the right way


● Intrusive vs. non-intrusive

● Personalized vs. not personalized

● → Improving the user experience vs. hurting the user experience


1. Personalize your popups by making them page-specific


● Why personalization is important - also when it comes to popups

● What is a page-specific popup?


B&O Play, a Danish consumer electronics company, uses the product their visitor is

looking at as a prize in the competition they can join by signing up for their newsletter.



Martin Vad JespersenE-Commerce Coordinator, ILVA

Our experience is that the conversion rate of our popups increase

significantly when we show relevant content on relevant sites.

“ “


● You are running a campaign on Facebook.

● You want to show a specific popup on your site only to visitors coming

from your Facebook campaign.

● Use UTM rule to make sure the popup is only shown to these visitors.

● This way, you’re personalizing these visitors’ experience on your site by

connecting your Facebook campaign with your site.


2. Use popups as virtual employees to guide your visitors


● Use popups as guides for complex products to help your visitors choose the right one.

● Example:

○ You’re selling refrigerators.

○ Use a popup to give your visitors a guide to help them understand the different specifications.


Matas, a Danish drugstore chain, shows this popup on their product

pages for facial products to help their visitors choose the right foundation.



Travel agency, South America Tours, uses this popup as a virtual

employee offering their visitors a tailored trip along with a customized

quote. This popup helps visitors overcome the obstacle of not being able

to find just the right vacation for them.



Pixizoo, a Danish e-commerce selling children’s equipment, uses this

popup to deliver a service notification to their visitors because they’re

experiencing some trouble with payment.



Nicolai MeldgaardE-Commerce & SoMe Manager, Pixizoo

The service message creates a much better understanding from our

customers than if we didn’t have anything on our site.

“ “

3. Promote your products with promotion popups


● Use popups for more than collecting emails - promotion:

○ Promote new products

○ Promote discounts during sales

○ Promote physical stores (opening events)


Potomac Riverboat Company, uses this popup to promote specific

products, in this case their Mount Vernon Cruises.



Spirit Cruises, uses this popup to promote discounted products during a



4. Catch abandoning visitors with popups


● According to Shopify, 67.45% of people leave items in their online shopping cart - why not try to win them back?

● Sending abandoned cart emails is one option - but that requires you have their email (and can be illegal in some countries).

● Instead - show an exit-intent popup with a discount code.

● Remember the power of urgency - “This discount is only valid for X minuts/hours/days”.

● Make the offer unique - show only one time per session.


Burrow, a furniture company specializing in sofas, uses this exit-intent

popup in their checkout to catch their abandoning visitors and convert

them into customers with a discount code.


5. Improve your website by using popups as surveys


● You can use feedback from your visitors to:

○ Improve your product or service

○ Measure customer satisfaction

○ Gain valuable insight into their goals and challenges

● Survey with email:

○ Not always the most effective way

○ Requires email addresses


B&O Play uses this popup to find out more about their visitors’ taste while

promoting their new product.



Falck, the world’s largest international rescue company, uses this popup

to gain more insight into why their visitors are leaving the site.



LivingShop uses this popup to get feedback from visitors who just made a purchase to use for

improving the shopping experience on their site.

More than one-third of visitors that saw the popup answered the survey → 3675 responses so



How to Increase the Conversion Rate for a Popup

How one e-commerce site increased their optin rate by 512.5%


● LivingShop wanted more email signups

● They created a popup to achieve that goal

● They used A/B testing to increase their optin rate

LivingShop A/B test:

● By A/B testing these two popups, LivingShop figured out they needed to give

their visitors a stronger incentive to sign up for their newsletter.

● The popup to the right converted 512.5% more visitors than the one to the left.


Increase the conversion rate for your popups by A/B testing


● Even the smallest of changes can drive your conversion rate through the roof.

● Use A/B testing to figure out what changes.

● These are just some of the elements you can A/B test:

○ Images○ Headlines○ Lead magnets○ Calls-to-action (CTAs)○ Copy○ Color○ Input fields○ Close method○ Position

EXAMPLE #1 - Image:

● By A/B testing these two popups, LivingShop figured out they needed to add an

image to their popup to make it more eyecatching.

● The popup to the right converted 64.5% more visitors than the one to the left.


EXAMPLE #2 - Lead magnet:

● This A/B test showed Organic Basics, a Danish organic clothing company, that their

visitors preferred a freebie over a discount.

● Improvement of optin rate: 97.6%


EXAMPLE #3 - Headline:

● The only difference between these two popups is the headline.

● However, the A/B test showed an improvement of the optin rate of 59.1%

● Conclusion: B&O Play needed to expand more on the benefit in their headline.


What to NEVER do when using popups


● Show a popup in the checkout flow.

● Create a popup that doesn’t follow Google


● Use “Sign up” as a CTA.

● Make them fill the whole screen.

● Show it to your visitors the second they enter your


● Show sign-up popups to existing subscribers.

Popup best practices


● When offering a discount, give your visitors a specific amount as $20 instead of a

percentage as 10%.

● Use cookie settings to:

○ Only show a popup once per session.

○ Remove the popup after it’s been closed 4 times.

● Personalize your popups.

● Use A/B testing to find the optimal trigger for your popup.

● Use images.

● Don’t write too much text.


Get, keep and grow more customers with Kissmetrics Customer Engagement Automation

THUE MADSENMarketing Operations Manager, Kissmetrics



EMIL KRISTENSENCMO & Co-founder, Sleeknote


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