e2 precipitation and water purity - university of michigan › ~chem125 › w08 ›...

Post on 30-Jan-2021






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    E2 Precipitation and Water Purity

    “E2 is a onesession lab!”

    “Will we dothe entireexperiment?”

    Experiment 2

    Pre-lab correction Question 3 refers to Part 2A (not Part 2)

    Goals for Experiment 2

    One session three hour lab Complete Parts 1 and 2A and 2B (all). Complete part 3 OR 4 as assigned. Omit part 5.

    Discussion: first hour of next session Prepare discussion abstract and presentation. Complete team report.

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    A solid comes out of solution

    Salt solutions before mixing After mixing

    Ionic compounds with cations (+) and anions (-).

    “I’m a cation.Note my eyes!”

    Background: SALTS

    Background: Water and Salt Solubility

    In the solid, the salt ions arefixed in a rigid lattice.

    The simplest ratio of theions in the solid is representedby the formula of the salt.

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    Cr+3 O-2

    Formula ?

    = Cr2O3

    Salt Formulas

    Background: Water and Salt Solubility

    In solution the ions are mixedwith water molecules and free tomove about in solution.

    Salt Solubility in Water

    Water (H2O) is polar.


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    Background: Water and Salt Solubility

    Polar water molecules reduce the effective charges of the ionsin the solid and thus salts dissociate and dissolve.

    NaCl(s) = Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq)BaCl2(s) = Ba2+(aq) + 2 Cl-(aq)

    Salt Solubility


    • Aqueous salt solutions are electrolytes.

    1. The positive ion of a dissolved salt combines withthe negative ion from a different dissolved salt.

    2. The recombined ions may stay in solution or come out of solution in the form of a solid called a “precipitate”.

    Hg2+(aq) + 2Cl-(aq) + K+(aq) + I-(aq)



    Precipitation reactions

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    Part 1. What is the precipitate?

    HgCl2 (aq) + KI (aq) → __?__ (s) clear and colorless salt solutions

    __? ppt.

    __?__ ↓



    Test mixture designed to identify reactants(forming the precipitate) and spectators (non-reactants).

    Test Mixture Omit a species (ion) from the reaction mixture. Substitute a known SPECTATOR ion for the

    omitted ion such as Na+ or K+ or NO3- Compare the products of the test and original

    reaction mixture

    Reference Blank Tests� Reaction: HgCl2 (aq) + KI (aq) → ? Clear and colorless


    Reference blank test:Hg(NO3)2 + KI → ___________Clear and colorless



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    Reference Blank Test Design

    �HgCl2 (aq) + KI (aq) → ? colorless solutions

    Valid Reference Blank Test produces the identical products or noreaction.

    Reference Blank Test Design

    �HgCl2 (aq) + KI (aq) →

    Invalid test:CuCl2 (aq) + KI (aq) →



    BaCl2 (aq) + AgF (aq) → white (s)?

    � 3. Ba(NO3)2 (aq) + AgF (aq) → no reaction

    Test Observations:1. FeCl3 (aq) + AgF (aq) → green (s)

    1. _____________________2. _____________________3. _____________________

    Q. What do you know about the white (s)?

    2. NaCl (aq) + AgF (aq) → white (s)

  • 7

    Part 2A. Precipitation Studies

    Discussion questions 1-3, p.67 Is the solubility of a metal ion predictable from theposition of its element in the Periodic Table? Is precipitate color predictable from the position ofthe metal ion’s element in the Periodic Table? Is there a relationship between ion charge andsolubility? Compare the solubility data of multiplycharged ions and….

    SO42-S2-C2O42-I- CrO42-Cl-Cations

    Part 2A. Table, page 44; Cation assignments, page 216


    Nitrate salts Sodium Salts

    Part 2B. Can I identify it?

    Identify an unknown metal ion based onprecipitation observations from part 2A:

    Caution: Save your acetate sheet results from Part2A for use in Part 2B

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    Part 3. Concentration and Precipitation.

    Laboratory Combine assigned ion combinations at different

    concentrations Observe and record the relative amounts of

    precipitate formed at different concentrations.

    Discussion (Question 4, page 67)Examine the relationship between concentration andamount of precipitate. Organize the class data…

    Concentration and Salt Precipitation

    Saturated solution = contains the maximum amount ofsalt that can be dissolved in a given solution volume.

    Concentration and Salt Precipitation


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    Concentration and Precipitation

    • Precipitation (ppt.) is dependent on concentrationand occurs only if the solubility limit of the salt isexceeded.

    DEMO 0.10 M KI(aq) + 0.10 M HgCl2 (aq) →

    10-3 M KI(aq) + 10- 4 M HgCl2 (aq) →



    • Precipitation reactions are equilibrium systems andthus there are always reactants and products presentwhen precipitation occurs

    Concentration and Precipitation

    DEMO:1.Remove the ppt. byfiltration2. Check for presence ofreactant ions in the filtrate.

    Precipitation reactions are equilibrium systems When precipitation occurs, some reactant ions

    remain in solution: Hg2+ and 2I- → HgI2(s)X

    Concentration and Precipitation

    “In reality, it is understood there isboth a forward and reverse arrow!”

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    Part 4. Solvent Pollution and Precipitation

    Laboratory Combine assigned salts in different solvents (water,

    acetone, hexane) Compare salt solubility and amount of precipitate

    formed by the salt mixtures in the different solvents.

    Discussion Question 5, page 67What is the relationship, if any, between salt solubility,precipitation, and solvent polarity?

    Solvent Polarity

    Water (H2O) is very polar. O / \ H H

    Hexane (C6H14) is nonpolar

    Acetone (CH3COCH3) is moderately polar. O


    / \ CH3 CH3


    Solvent Polarity

    Polar and non-polar solvents are immiscible

    Salts will not dissociate in non-polar solvents.


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    Salt solubility and solvent polarity

    Acetone is less polar than water.Acetone is added to a saturatedsolution of CuSO4(aq).


    Q1. Will the solubility of the CuSO4 Increase? Decrease? Remain the same?Q2. What will you observe?

    Solvent Polarity and Solubility

    The less polar the polar solvent environment, the__________ the solubility of the salt.

    B = Acetone is added to A = CuSO4(aq) After mixing ____________

    Any Questions?Contact nkerner@umich.edu

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