eactivities v1.2

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eActivities training


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Contents 2

Introduction 3

Logging-in to the eActivities 4

Changing Roles 5

Club & Society Details 6

Minibus Hire 10

Equipment & JCR Bookings 12

Club & Society Documentation 13

Version 1.2 - 20 October 2010

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What is eActivities?

eActivities is an online system for facilitating the management of Clubs, Societies & Projects within the Union.

Who and what is eActivities for?

eActivities is accessible by any Officer of a Club, Society or Project within the Union.

Senior Officers, such as Chairs and Treasurers, can use eActivities to manage their group. For example, eActivities contains information on your group’s membership numbers; how much money your group has and what that money has been spent on; who your group’s members actually are; and much more.

Senior Officers edit this information so that the Union – and your group itself –

are aware of the details of their activities and so that there is a permanent record of their activities for future members’ reference.

What is this booklet for?

The eActivities booklet is a guide to navigating and using the system. It contains numerous screenshots of the various eActivities pages telling you what you can do in each section and how to do it. You will find this booklet most useful if you use it as a companion piece while using eActivities.

Further inquirires

If you have any difficulties with eActivities, or there is a problem with the system you should contact the Student Activities Centre by emailing activities.centre@imperial.ac.uk. Alternatively, you can call: 0207 594 8066, extension 48066.

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Logging-in to the eActivities

To login to eActivities, first head to https://eactivities.union.ic.ac.uk/. You should come to the page pictured below, where you will see a red box at the top of the screen labelled Log in.

Click on the Log in box and a window will pop up requesting you to enter your College Username and Password.

Click on the red Log in box to enter the eActivities site

Enter your College Username and Password

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Changing Roles

If you are an Officer of more than one Club, Society or Project within the Union, you may want to view the eActivities area of each group. This is easy to do on the eActivities site as all the groups you are a member of are tied to your College username.

The first page you see when you log in to eActivities is pictured below. At the top of the screen is another red button labelled Change Role.

Clicking on the Change Role button will make a drop down list appear, where you can choose which Club, Society or Project’s eActivities pages you wish to look at.

Click the Change Role button to switch between the

groups you are a member of

A small drop down list appears

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Club & Society Details

Document Notifications

Union Clubs, Societies and Projects must complete a number of different documents so that the Union can keep a record of their activity, contacts and various other pieces of information. With eActivities, completing all the necessary forms and documents is easy because it can be done online, wherever you can get access to a computer. To view the information about your club’s documentation, first click on the Club & Society Details button on the submenu. Then, click the Documents tab.

Upcoming DocumentseActivities notifies you of exactly which forms your Club, Society or Project needs to fill out. These Upcoming Documents are shaded orange.

Outstanding DocumentsIn the event that you don’t finish a document by the deadline, they will be highlighted in red in the Oustanding Documents section.

Upcoming Documents that need to be completed

Outstanding Documents that still need to be completed

Training Quizzes and the titles of the Officers who need to complete them

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Naughty OfficersIf any members of your Club, Society or Project group have registered for a position but not joined the club, they will be listed on the Document page as a Naughty Officer.

Incomplete Training QuizzesThe final heading highlights which Officers haven’t completed and passed a mandatory Training Quiz.

You can take these quizzes by first clicking on the Club & Society Admin link on the submenu, then clicking Training Quizzes. Next, enter your College Username and Password – you will be taken to the website where you can complete the quizzes.

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A list of messages will appear here


From time to time the Union may need to get in contact with your Club, Society or Project. One way of doing this will be to send messages to you through eActivities. You can view them by clicking on the Messages tab.

Membership Numbers

Under the Members tab, you can view how many members belong to your Club, Society or Project. Here, you can also see how many are Life or Associate members, beyond your regular student members.

The shaded bar on the Members page is particularly important as it tells you how close your Club, Society or Project is to reaching its membership quota for the year. The amount of money your Club, Society or Project receives from the Union each year depends on how many members your club has and whether or not you have reached your projected membership quota. If you don’t reach this figure, the amount of funding your group receives may be cut. So, keep a close eye on this page!

Club & Society Details cont...

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The shaded bar shows how close your club is to fulfilling its membership quota


The final tab, Status, shows whether your club is active, inactive (closed down) or dormant (if your club is labelled dormant for a year, it may subsequently be made inactive).

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Minibus Hire

Follow the links to book a minibus or view the hire charges.

The Union has a fleet of minibuses available for Clubs, Societies and Projects to hire. Through eActivities, you can view when and which minibuses have already been booked for hire.

Minibuses Timetable

To view the live minibuses timetable, first click on the Vehicle Bookings button on the submenu. You should now see a grid similar to that pictured below.

The left hand column shows the names of the various minibuses. There are also a number of entries called Tarp 1, Tarp 2 and so on – these represent the Union’s tarpaulins, which you can also hire here should you need to do so. Dates are written along the top of the grid. The shaded areas represent when each bus is already out for hire. You can book the minibuses during the empty areas. To book one of the minibuses you can click on the link above the grid and follow the necessary instructions. There is also another link if you wish to view the charges for hiring a minibus.

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Minibuses User List

The Timetable will be the main page you’ll use when hiring a minibus, but the other two tabs contain some further information you may find useful. If you click the User List tab, you can view each Club, Society or Project’s previous minibus usage.

Individual Minibus List

Alternatively, by clicking on the Van List tab, you can view previous bookings by each individual minibus. Both tabs offer you a different way to look at who has recently used a minibus.

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Equipment & JCR Bookings

Using eActivities, you can also view when various items of equipment are out for hire from the Union, as well as when the JCR is available to be booked. Note: you cannot actually book Union equipment or the JCR through the eActivities website. You need to do this by contacting the Student Activities Centre or by emailing activities.centre@imperial.ac.uk.

To find out about equipment usage, click the Bookings button on the submenu, then click the Equipment Timetable tab.

For JCR bookings, click the JCR Timetable tab.

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Club & Society Documentation


Clicking on the Club & Society Documentation button on the submenu will bring you to the Budget page. This contains lots of information necessary for financing your Club, Society or Project. The first tab is Aims & Objectives. Here you need to fill out what your Club, Society or Project’s main objectives are. There is also a box to detail any planned activities that your group has decided upon.

The Club & Society Documentation button on the submenu is home to lots of important forms that your Club, Society or Project needs to fill out, to help the Union keep track of your activities.

By clicking on the Previous Aims & Objectives tab, you can view what your Club, Society or Project has set out to do in previous years.

Click here to edit the Aims & Objectives page, then click it again to submit your changes

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Club & Society Documentation cont...

Membership Details

The next tab in the Club & Society Documentation section is Membership Details. Here you need to set your Club, Society or Project’s membership target for the year, ie: the number of students (and non-students) that you aim to recruit to your group by the end of the year. The number of members you recruit will affect how much money your group receives from the Union so it is important that your target is a realistic figure. You can also set the cost of membership in this section too.

Sponsorship Details

If your Club, Society or Project receives sponsorship from any external companies, you need to fill them out in the Sponsorship Details section. You need to fill out the name of the company, the amount of money that the company has agreed to give your group and also the purpose of the funding: for example, it might be general sponsorship money, or it might be money towards an event, group trip or sports equipment.

By clicking on the Previous Sponsorship Details tab, you can view what your Club, Society or Project has received in other years.

By clicking on the Previous Membership Details tab, you can view what your Club, Society or Project’s targets were in other years.

Click here to edit the Membership Details page, then click it again to submit your changes

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Budget Submission

The final subtab under Budget is Budget Submission. The budget process is conducted around January every year. More details to help you fill out this page will be available around this time.

Click here to edit the Sponsorship Details page, then click it again to submit your changes

Click here to edit the Budget page, then click it again to submit your changes

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Club & Society Documentation cont...


By Law the Union must record all affiliations to external bodies which are made - this includes the affiliations of individual Clubs, Societies & Projects. You must record affiliations, or lack of them by clicking on the Affiliations tab. If your group is affiliated to an organisation outside of Imperial record this in the relevant boxes on the tab, as detailed below. If your group is not affiliated to anyone simply just click the submit affiliations button.

Next Year’s Committee & Contact Details

It is important that your Club, Society or Project tells the Union when they have elected or are going to elect the committee for the following year. If you click on the Contact Details tab, then the Elections subtab you should be presented with the first screen on the next page of this booklet. Here, you can enter the date when you held your committee election, and also the name of the Returning Officer. Your Club, Society or Project needs to hold its committee election before the Easter break. If your Club, Society or Project hasn’t held its election yet, please organise it and fill in the fields under the Elections tab with the date that you will be running your election.

Click on the Change/Add New Affiliate Bodies tab to edit those your group is associated with

Click on the Previous Affiliations tab to view which bodies your group has been associated with in previous years

Click here to edit the Affiliations page, then click it again to submit your changes

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The next tab, titled Next Year Contact Details, will give you a list of all your Club, Society or Project’s committee members for the following year, including their names, positions within the group and their mobile telephone numbers.

Fill in the date of your committee election here.

The committee members are listed here

Click here to edit the Affiliations page, then click it again to submit your changes

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Club & Society Documentation cont...


All Clubs, Societies & Projects need to record what instruction, if any, occurs within their group’s activities. This could be nothing, having external instructors who give group lessons, peer-to-peer training within the members, or attendance at external training centres. A combination of various options is also possible. You can view and record these details by clicking on the Instructors tab. The check boxes should be used used to record the type of instruction taking place, and for external instructors and training centres additional details are required.

By clicking on the Previous Instructors tab, you can view the details of any instructors

Click here to edit the details external instructors and their qualifications - then click it again to submit your changes

Click here to record if peer-to-peer instructions occurs

Click here to record if use is made of recognised centres - then click it again to submit your changes

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The Union also needs to know where the items in your inventory are stored. By editing the information under the Change/Add New Storage Locations tab, you can list the different locations where your group’s equipment is kept.


Every Club, Society & Project must submit an inventory of all their group’s belongings each year. This is important, in particular for insurance purposes, and also so that future members are aware of what the group owns. Clicking on the Inventory tab will bring you the the page below where you can edit your group’s inventory. Here, you need to give a description of each item, then fill out the corresponding boxes such as when the items were purchased, how much they cost and any other noteworthy points.

Click here to edit the Instructors page, then click it again to submit your changes

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Club & Society Documentation cont...

Profile Entry

Your Profile Entry is a brief 250-word description of your Club, Society or Project. This will be displayed on the Union website. You can edit it by clicking on the Profile Entry tab. You should use the it to describe what your group is about, what activities you get up to and why people should join you. It is important to make this entry clear as well as interesting as it is a good opportunity for you to advertise your Club, Society or Project. You also need to upload a profile picture – relevant to your group – and complete a shorter 30-word summary which may be used in future Union Club, Society & Project promotional materials.

If you click on the Previous Profile Entries tab, you can see how they read in previous years. This should be useful if you need some inspiration about what to write.

Click here view Profile Entries from previous years

Click here to edit your Profile Entry, then click again to submit your changes

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Risk Assessment

Also in the Club & Society Documentation section is Risk Assessment. Here you need to detail any potential hazards which may occur during your Club, Society or Project’s activities. You need to identify which hazards may occur, their likelihood and potential impact, who may be harmed, what you would do if they occur, as well as identifying further measures which could be taken to prevent them occuring and who will be responsible for carrying out those additional measures.

Each hazard should be detailed on a separate line on the online form. Write a short description of the hazard in the first box, followed by the details of who could be harmed in the next box if this hazard occured. Try to be as specific as possible, for example instead of saying a team member, say the goal keeper if the hazard only applies to the goal keeper. All hazards relating to all of your Club, Society & Project activities should be included, this should include things like travel (eg. by minibus), hazards associated with store rooms or equipment as well as any social activities your group undertakes.

For the likelihood of the hazard occuring and the severity of the hazard you need to select one of the three options from the drop down box - 1 being low, 3 being high. In the next box you must note down what members of the group will do if the hazard occurs - this could be to apply first aid, call 999 etc.. The information in this box should be specific to you group’s activities. The next box is where you should record what is currently being done to prevent the hazard occuring - this could be things like two people always carrying heavy items of equipment or members undergoing specific training.

The final three boxes are for you to record what additional measures could be in place to prevent the hazard occuring. The first box is where you should note what actually needs to be done - this could include additional training being organised or new equipment being purchased. The second is to identify who will be doing this - either by name or by position, and the final box is to record by when this should be done.

It is extremely important that the information provided is as accurate as possible, and that all possible hazards which apply to your Club, Society or Project are identified.

By clicking on the Previous Risk Assessments tab, you can view what your Club, Society or Project wrote in other years if they have recorded it within eActivities.

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Click here to edit each individual hazard, then click again to submit your changes

In this box record who could be harmed by the hazard - be as specific as possible

Select from 1 to 3 how likely the hazard is to occur

Select from 1 to 3 the severity of injuries or damage the hazard would cause if it occured

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Record here what members of the group would do if the hazard did occur

Record here what is currently being done to prevent the hazard from occuring

Record here what more could be done to prevent the hazard occuring

Identify who (by name or position) is responsible for ensuring that the additional items which could be done to prevent the hazard occuring are done. Add in a date when they will be completed by.

Imperial College UnionBeit QuadranglePrince Consort RoadLondon SW7 2BB

Tel: 020 7594 8060Fax: 020 7594 8065Email: union@imperial.ac.ukimperialcollegeunion.org

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